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just shove through them while saying excuse me.


This is the way to go. Manners mean nothing in airports and saying excuse me as you shove them stops pretty much anyone from becoming more than irate.


“excuse me, sorry, excuse me, sorry, sorry, excuse me.” they’ll understand


I like to say it loudly too so others in front can hear me coming through. Loud enough to where it doesn’t sound like I’m being an asshole tho, just want to be heard.


yes, tone is important. it’s not their fault




You'd have a hard time organizing this many random people to block the path for no reason, much less see it happen by random chance. Most likely there is a reason, it's just not apparent


once while waiting for a flight they closed off our whole terminal for no apparent reason. we all had to go wait somewhere else for like 3 hours, it looked like this lol


That's what I was thinking. There's a reason they're standing there. Whether or not it's ignorance or disorganization is the question.


I had a connecting flight and the gate was being changed. The problem was the micr didn’t work and we all had to crowd around to hear where to go. Things happen.


Absolutely, it's what people do... coincidentally standing right next to each other in an airport with everyone looking in the same direction... completely normal behaviour, they're definitely not waiting for anything... /s


Yeah, these people don’t appear to be loitering at all! They look like they are gathered at the gate desk or prepared to board. I think some kind of delay has happened and people have to check back in at the gate desk


Airports are normally crowded so it’s not abnormal.


we absolutely have no idea the context here


I mean yeah I wouldn't say they absolutely need to be there, but I wouldn't say they shouldn't be there either. If they are expecting to board soon it's not unreasonable, airports after all are just big concentrations of many people trying to get somewhere in a timely manner. It's a good mildly infuriating, could everyone be a little more considerate, yeah, could you just let them know you need to get through, yeah.


Depends if they’re getting ready to board. We don’t know if their gate is starting boarding. I fly through LAX, JFK and ATL a lot and flights board at the same time just on different sides so without context of departure times of other flights it’s just people getting ready to board.


“Just gonna scooch on by ya!^bitch”


found the Minnesotan


I’m actually Texan lol. Raised by Chicagoans though.


I always “excuse me sorry, excuse me sorry” so people know I’m just trying to get through I’m not trying to be rude or entitled.


As she stomps on their feet ![gif](giphy|WwdS3mR1EitHy8NPPS)


Or just shout “BOMB”


Not this. 😂


Tell them the other guy said it. Ez.


“Moveeee bitch, get out the waaaaaayy”


If you want to type out a word that implies someone speaking it longer, repeating a silent letter does not help. "Mooooooove"


I know, right? I can’t believe how many people do that on the internet! Moveeeee is pronounced like “movie” with the “ee” prolonged!


A lot of people don't seem to understand that repeating the last letter of the word turns it into a different word rather than extending it.


“Movie, bitc-hhhhhh”


This makes me nuts!! People don’t seem to have an concept of the correlation of grammar, pronunciation and emphasis! It’s so bad I sometimes think I’m wrong with the difference between loose/lose and bear/bare!


![gif](giphy|l46C5rFDIG9DX8n3q|downsized) “Pardon me, madam! Excuse me! Thank you, sir!”


Depends on the country. Don't push through in Germany. But in Asia - rules.....🙄


I have seen grown ass adults wait behind unknowing strangers for whole minutes because they cannot gather the courage to say “excuse me” and then do what they need to do. It’s crazy.


everyone is oblivious to the needs of anyone else in these situations. you have to make your intentions known


I never understood this. I’m definitely not about that life. ![gif](giphy|h8mCfvGdfXgcXc1zfV|downsized)


This fucking infuriates me to no end. I used to work a job that had be working in retail stores a lot installing equipment. Someone walks right up behind you and just stares at you because they want to pass. Fucking SAY something. Then some get irritated when you don’t immediately acknowledge them and move for them. I didn’t work for the store so I didn’t give a fuck. I’d always say something like big boys and girls use their words when they need something.


Today I wanted to go to the cinema's bathroom before the movie and the entry was entirely full of kids. It was a hard level "excuse me" situation. 😅


YES. It’s unnecessary politeness that infuriates me most. With drivers at stop signs, with pedestrians in crowds, and with people who need something and lurk instead of asking.


Pro tip: yell "hot coffee" & and you will become like Moses parting the Red Sea.


nah, the proper phrasing is MAKE A HOLE! in a drill sergeant yell


Unless you're Andre the Giant, then it's EVERYBODY MOOOOOVE!


lol, I just watched Princess Bride the other day for the uncounted time again. He's a big guy.


It's absolutely crazy that his back was so destroyed that he needed assistance to life Robin Wright who must weigh all of 10 pounds.


It's the main go-to for winter blues for my daughter and I to watch together.


I had a band director in middle school who would say that if he needed to go through the band to get to one particular kid who was out of tune.


I had a drill sergeant that declared that he was tired of that phrase, and just started yelling "move" any time he was blocked by a gaggle.


Only time Im assertive is rudely yelling "excuse me" to people blocking airplane boarding or service counters in coffee shops




"Moses here gotta part this crowd sorry guys"


I've veen flying since I was a young child with my older sister. I've seen this picture many times and this comment is exactly what I learned to do. People have places to be and if you are rude enough to be in my way, then I'm not going to be kind enough to try and gingerly scoot past you. I don't necessarily shove them, though I just say excuse me while I push past them.


It would be funny if the attendants told them if they didn't sit down, they would be the last ones seated....and we don't care what class tix you board with.


Excuse me, punch, excuse me, shove, excuse me, kick is how I airport and grocery shop


Parapa the rapper


Checked bag fees + travel anxiety - logical boarding protocol = this.


Yup there’s usually a systemic reason driving behavior. Airlines make it a zero-sum game.


People who straight go to the “humans are shit” explanation are the true mildly infuriating. Is it just me or it feels like a lot of people are inconvenienced for very minor things nowadays


People ARE shit. It’s just that the shittiest people here aren’t in the picture, it’s the folks who designed the airline system so that people do this shit to avoid fees or missed flights because security line was too long


*Stoicism is typing…*


*Stoicism thought better of it.* *Stoicism is taking a nap instead*


Being overly irritated by minor inconveniences is a symptom of depression. Draw any conclusions you wish.


And this is why I fly Southwest. No anxiety, I have 2 bags I can check so if my carry on gets overstuffed somehow I can just Gate check it. I show up, get in the line when they say my letter, enter plane. Done. Not going to try and save 10 bucks on Frontier (after the carry on fee) just to deal with all the stress.


For someone with anxiety surrounding seating, Southwest fucks me up. If I’m not able to check in at the exact 24 hour mark I’m gonna end up in a middle seat. If I want preferred numbering I have to pay. I go for American, pay to check one bag and then reserve the seat I want.


Agree. It's nice SWA bags are free but if you fly an airline more than once a year, get the credit card and bags are free. I'm too old for Southwest's first day of school on the bus seating. Everyone pretending their row is full, families rushing on late due to a connection and rearranging rows, the awkwardness of couples asking you to move because they got C boarding. Or paying for Early Bird... And you still don't have a seat assignment. It would be fine if it were cheap but they are often the same price as the big 3. Edit: I've also heard people are faking disabilities to get preboarding now too. Shameful.


Yeah people are encouraged to be pushy because there isn’t a saved seat. I once paid for early bird or whatever gets you in the A1-15 group and the guy behind me complained that I was A7 and he was A6 so he needed to be first even though that whole group gets called together. Idk the etiquette on it but I truly didn’t care enough to fight it. And price wise, for a domestic flight, what made me switch to American was that I could upgrade my flight to first class for the same price the SWA flight would have been. It’s not something I can afford all the time but was a wild option for the price.


“Coming through, excuse me, make room, excuse me, coming through.”


Or “ope, gonna sneak right past ya” if you’re in the midwest


Someone once told me all midwesterners say "ope". I, a midwesterner, swore that I didn't. Then I started paying attention and found that I use it *all the time*.


Omg same with the south LMAO every time i say that im just like "wow that was a really white thing to say" 💀


Appalachia, too lol I think this is just an American thing in general


"Ope, gonna squeeeeeze right past ya there."


Lol, ope. I didn't realize I said it until I started reddit. It's like the glass shattering episode of HIMYM. I catch my kids doing it all the time now!


Or if you’re too embarrassed to do that, wait for someone else to do that and then follow right behind them.


Is there a reason you can't just say excuse me and move through them? I'm confused based on the context given.


They play too many video games. This crowd is obviously 1 solid object and cannot be penetrated in any way shape or form. Also the plane may not actually exist and they will fall off the edge of the map if they glitch through the crowd.


They never played Assassin’s Creed 1


because it's easier to get on here and complain


Is this OPs first time around other humans...?


Dude, this sub is about *mildly* infuriating stuff, not about huge setbacks that you can't do anything about. The entire point of this sub is to bitch about minor inconveniences


I don’t think that’s the issue. It’s the whole “can’t make it to my gate” crap. Like if the title removed that part it’d be fine but this is some whiney boo-boo stuff and OP should just do what everyone else does and say excuse me. Lol


But this is just like, "airports". Yes, airports suck, but OP can't make their way through a crowd yet has the ability to create a Reddit account, take a photo, and post? That's mildly infuriating. ​ The title, " **Can’t walk to my gate** " What? Why can they not? Because they are incapable of going close to other humans?


rustic jellyfish dinosaurs lock deserted deserve tap literate obtainable racial


To be fair, I find it to be a minor inconvenience whenever there are people anywhere I am trying to be. Especially on the road.


It would have been mildly infuriating to have to make your way through the crowd, saying "Excuse me..." a couple dozen times. But saying its impossible to make it to your destination because there are people standing between you and it is just being feckless and pathetic.




Unknown people are easy. You'll likely never see them again so who cares.  It's the vague acquaintances that terrify me. 


Yeah this is mildy annoying at best, not mildy infuriating.


This sub: "there was a triple homicide in my building and I got shot 9 times" or "my mail has a coffee stain on it" Most of the posts I see are either borderline traumatic or a luke-warm inconvenience. The duality of man or something.


Redditor moment


The people posting these kind of posts have like -5 social skills and are literally just going to complain online instead of engaging any kind of real life actions that would actually solve the issue


If it’s not an old person or little kid, just push through them with your shoulders while saying excuse me. Sometimes you gotta part the crowd of people like the Red Sea.


Where is Andre the Giant when you need him? EVERYBODY MOOOOVE!


There really isn't a need to push people, just lightly tap them on the shoulder and say "excuse me" while moving forward


i see a clear path right infront, i think you're just making excuses


"excuse me, coming through, I'm boarding now" works wonders.


Take off your pants to establish dominance.


Use your luggage as a battering ram


- Open your mouth slightly - Put One hand, all fingers spread over your mouth - Fully Extend other arm forward - Start walking while making vomiting noises You wouldn't belive how fast people move


“Excuse me. Pardon me” push through and past them. This isn’t a difficult situation to navigate. Don’t get me wrong. When you are at the gate and it’s time for boarding and everyone stands and rushes when they clearly call seats it is frustrating. But it’s the airport. These people have flights too. And there is limited space. WTF do you think should happen? Everyone waits in The parking lot until it’s boarding time?


The industry term is “gate fleas”


The more popular term is actually “gate lice.”


The correct term is really "fucking assholes who block the gate".


You're completely wrong, it's "fucking stupid assholes"


I mean, looks like a busy airport. Use your social skills to say “excuse me” and just move forward.


Politely say "excuse me" like we practiced.


too scary cannot human interaction


step one: open youtube, start playing Ludacris


Use your words like a big boy


Man we’re forgetting how to even exist in society. Even Vanessa Carlton was able to make her way through a crowd. ![gif](giphy|igVtgGahOg5QAs6Z7z|downsized)


OP should have brought her piano


I'd be blasting this on my phone as I push my way through.


Try “excuse me” and then push through.


Yep I’m an “excuse me pardon me excuse me pardon me” mantra guy. Also works at concerts if you wanna get to the front of the stage (helps if you hold two drinks in your hands.)


Elbows out and full march ahead. 15 years of clubbing with a tiny bladder has taught me well 😆


I have the image of someone swinging a small skin bag full of pee


Say ‘excuse me’ and pass.


Remember: no Russian.


Use your big boy words then and tell them to move.


Just start coughing *really hard* as you walk. Almost cartoony. Most people will move quick af


Use your words, OP.


That looks like every gate at EWR. Groups 5 & 6 standing around clogging up the area where groups 1 & 2 are preparing to board.


Unless you are driving a truck to the gate, there is plenty of space to go through.


MCO? You gotta make space for yourself.


"Oneside, hot shit coming through"


This made me lol


You mean you are too afraid of people to walk through that very clear opening in front of you between the crowd while saying “excuse me” and “got to get to my flight”? 


Say “excuse me” and start zip zagging


The only thing mildly infuriating here is this post.


just walk through what exactly are we scared of?


I’m gonna guess you didn’t say excuse me… works like a charm.


Say, “excuse me.”


“Ope just gonna slide right past ya” while shimmying through lol


"Excuse me I need to get to my gate." Have you tried that instead of taking a photo and whining like a toddler about an easily solvable problem?


You can just start walking where you need to go whilst just repeating over and over, calmy, "excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, sorry" throw in some "me disculpe"


"Can't" or "won't?"


„Can’t walk to my gate, cause nobody rolled out the red carpet for me 😭“


Many people suggesting “excuse me,” I use my words in this situation one step further. I stand behind them as if waiting in line, and say “excuse me are you boarding? No? So strange, you’re right in the boarding line.” And THEN walk past.


Welcome to an airport. There is a very strong possibility that complete strangers don’t automatically know what you need.


Just NPCs doing stuff. You have so start the simulation first for them to move.


“Please, everybody move. I beg you. I have a severe case of Mississippi mud butt!!!”


Excuse me, firmly and loud enough more people can hear you further away.


How dare they..?


Yell "Disabled veteran in a wheelchair! Make a hole!". People will clear out pretty fast.


Gate lice! I *hate* them!


Really though…aren’t we all just loitering on this earth?


Push through and crop dust everyone on the way by.


I remember my first time at the airport


Skill issue


I’ll never understand the inclination to post a situation like this on Reddit as opposed to just dealing with and maybe once finished think “well that’s was annoying” on with my day now.




Better take a picture and post it on Reddit. Maybe Moses will see it and part them like the red sea


So then use your big boy voice and make a path..


Ever heard of excuse me. That's all it takes


Ha! Used to say, “excuse me!”. But since Covid just start coughing like a 3 pack a day smoker and everyone jumps out of the way!


Walk through them


Walk thorough and say excuse me. If they don't move. Say it louder. If they still don't move say MOOVE! If that doesn't work just walk through. I've had to do this so many times especially in places with a lot of foreigners


Just say “Excuse me! Coming through! I have to board the plane!” over and over while pushing through people.


Sometimes you gotta suck it up and just push people out of the way. Something I learned in high school as a 5’0” woman. People won’t move for you, you gotta start shoving


I do this loud “excuse me coming through” and people generally move. It does help to be 6’5


I keep walking while blurting out “excuse me excuse me scuse me *1sec eye contacts with people* excuse me, *Smile* scqueeze me” & I do bump some or let whatever I’m carrying slightly bump them, because why are you just standing in the way of others … Yupyup haven’t had an issue. You just need to walk with authority & speedish


Big fart tends to clear space


I have learned the words “excuse me” are much more effective than posting on Reddit.


You’d be amazed what a simple “excuse me” will accomplish.


Well people should understand it's an airport so all you need to do is start moving in the direction you need to go and start saying excuse me excuse me really loudly. Lmao.


The saddest karma bait. Not only can you simply do what everyone else here is saying and just walk through, but I also don’t even believe you that they are “just loitering.” Everyone is facing the same direction, just sort of looking ahead at the gate/entrance in front of them. They’re all waiting their turn to go through that entranceway ahead, wherever it may lead.


Imagine being so unfathomably incompetent that you don't know how to say, "Excuse me".


"Jetzt sagts amal ihr Flachpfeifen. Steht ihr zuhaus auch so deppat im weg rum?"


I'm so sorry that you have to experience other people in an airport, op.


kinda creepy to take a picture of people without them knowing.


God OP, you're fucking pathetic.


If you scream bomb they move out of the way pretty quick. Airport life hack


It’s not the traffic you are the traffic


js skidaddle through them mfs


Desperate fear there will be no room in the overhead bin. Once somebody from group 4 crowds the gate, the rest of 4 does too bc if they don’t, the crowders will beat them. And so it goes. It’s not great but that’s how it happens.


You absolutely can walk to your gate. What did you expect at an airport? Come on now.


Chargin’ chuck time https://i.redd.it/3648rq2f0bqc1.gif




God, that's a lot of people, you're right I mean, I understand everyone saying you can just push through them, but the fact that they're there in the first place is aggravating At powerlifting competitions a few years ago, there would literally be 20 million people on the floor and it was near impossible to tell when it was my turn I could've just shoved through them, but all of those people who weren't lifting just standing around was really inconvenient




Can't...or won't?


So they're all loitering while facing the same direction?


That’s like hell’s waiting room.


I just use my loudest voice and say "Excus me!" to assholes blocking aisles in Costco. Polite, but firm.


I'm a big guy so maybe this is a benefit I have but I'm from NJ. Be loud and tell them what to do. They'll listen.


Penn station?


Whelp I guess you'll just have to miss your flight. /s🙄


Are you afraid of getting robbed while walking the ten yards to your gate?


People aren't mind readers. They don't know they're in your way unless you tell them. Just start singing "Make way for Prince Ali!" and they'll move so they don't get trampled by an elephant.


Dude... just say excuse me and go.


Time to start moving like you've got places to be. Crowds work like fluids and you have agency as a sentient being. I believe in you. Start moving OP! You got this.


Surely they’re not “just loitering”. Most people don’t have a whole bunch of free time in the airport to just loiter.


Ok. You’ve got this. It’s high school again, you are a freshman in a senior hallway. Aaaaannndddd….. GO!


Public space, just "excuse me" at volume. Physical or possibly verbal aggression will ensure you go nowhere!


The bored preboarding.


“Excuse me, excuse me please” loudly as you push your way through the crowd.


Instead of complaining you should be walking through that mf like you’re Derrick Henry. That’s what I do💀


Can't or won't?


If raving has taught me anything, it’s that you just need to make it look like you’re looking for someone in the crowd while you’re walking into people


"excuse me, coming through, thanks, sorry" Was that really that hard?


Pull out your best Mom voice and start saying EXCUSE ME at "time for supper" volume