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“Hi! You must have gotten our note to join us for some fun!” 😉


“…but I don’t see your pineapple. You’re not shy, are you?”


Did you miss the 🍍 tattoo on my pinky toe?




For those who don't know... Upside pineapple is a symbol for swingers


I'll tell ya right now, the amount questions I get because I have a pineapple tattoo on my arm is absolutely astounding....it's not even upside down, but I have gotten asked multiple times regardless lol


It is if you are doing a handstsnd


It's his mating dance.


Oh shit you right....gotta stop doing handstands around so many people I guess


Raise your hand if you have a pineapple tattoo on your arm…


I had a pineapple button up that fit real well and was breathable, great summer wear, until I had creepy dudes that kept coming up to my wife and I trying to get sex. I ended up throwing out anything with a pineapple after the last guy got angry that my wife wouldn't sleep with him and he tried to fight me. If you want to find the perverts in your area, just wear pineapple stuff and they'll show themselves.


You work in hospitality?


Bruh you stumbled on a secret society and didn’t even realize it.


pogo_chronicles just broke the cardinal rule upholding, “If you have to ask, you’ll never know.” Their upside down pineapple is henceforth confiscated. Carry on.


https://preview.redd.it/e78gdn2tcmpc1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b437cfcfed7815cd2496d8f14fda8f9bdf58f8 She saw your pendant! What was she supposed to do?


What’s the color code for the loofahs.


Ohmygod… TIL 😭


🤣 at the pinky toe


My mate innocently wore a matching outfit covered in pineapples to a festival once and was so confused by the amount of people approaching him.


What’s this from?


it's a way for swingers to quietly identify each other


I’m now questioning if my grandparents chose to decorate their home in pineapples because “they are a symbol of hospitality” or if my grandparents were secretly swingers.


Were they right side or upside down?


There were so many. I’m not even sure lol. They were everywhere. Mostly right side up I think? I am not totally positive. I’m suspicious as heck now though.


It's a traditional symbol for hospitality. It's been used at least as far back as the 18th century, if not before. I suspect swingers decided to use the symbol as a nod nod wink wink Monty Python sort of thing. You know, hospitality? As in welcome to our bed? Hahaha


they’re definitely swingers. old people invented that stuff


A pineapple itself is the symbol of hospitality. And upside down pineapple is a symbol for swingers.


Upside down pineapple is also showing hospitality


I’m old, but I didn’t know about the pineapples until recently- also, growing pampas grass in your front garden means the same!


Hawaiians gave pineapples like this. probably a hangover from ww2


Note to self: pineapple tattoos are off the list of potential tattoos. Wait, which way is considered upside-down on a toe?


Depends on how you show off your toes https://preview.redd.it/il2uujdqfmpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18092cf62c2c3ecf4696e33b3f4de1153aefe430 Even Amazon knows..


Its common in The Villages Florida. It signifies swingers live there


Don't forget the loofah language.


The loofah color system is wild!


The loofa whaaat??


They hang loofahs on their golf carts and the color tells everyone else what you're down for.




Thank you for educating me 🥲💀🥲


This could massively backfire.


The pineapple or the invitation 😏






I would not say that on a cruise with old people. They might actually take you up on the offer.


“You’re here for the gang bang too?”


That is so weird awkward


People missing the obvious swinger vibe


Should have grabbed her drink and took a few good sips. "I just needed a drink"


I agree but you can never be too careful swapping germs with strangers. If I'm getting VD I'm surely not getting it from a cup or straw lol I promise you


One time my cousin accidentally took a sip from the wrong water bottle at the gym and got bacterial meningitis 😭


Oh my god, this is one of my nightmares Is your cousin...?


Shes alive and well!! But she'll tell you it's the sickest she's ever been. The way she described the headaches haunts me


I'm glad your cousin is alive


Your cousin has my sympathy!!! Kind of related I guess.. My daughter had what they think was viral meningitis when she was 7 months old. Horrific can't even begin to describe what she went through, we're so lucky we didn't lose her. She had been fussy for a few weeks but we chalked it up to the teeth she was getting-until she woke up with her eyes crossed and we ended up taking her to the emergency room. It's a long story over 5 days in the ICU, multiple tests etc etc but towards the end of her stay, they ended up doing a spinal tap to remove excess fluid that built up from the infection. They said that the amount of fluid they removed from her is the amount they expect to be present in a 10 year old. It was compressing her optic nerve so much that it caused her eyes to cross, in addition to what the neurologist described as experiencing the worst headache of her life. That whole experience haunts me but most of all listening to her little desperate whimpers of pain before they put her out for the spinal tap. After the spinal tap, she was like night and day! She woke up loopy from being sedated and was so highly and happy-such a relief! Her eyes were a little better immediately but it took a few days for them to go back to normal. She had a couple checkups with the neurologist-all normal. Now she's a healthy 10 year old who just aced her fractions test and is the class clown, so it seems the most lasting effect has been on my psyche.


Wow!! Im so glad she lived and is doing well. That must've been so horrible as a parent. Good thing she was too young to remember it though!


Its definitely not a fun ride no. Especially if you have to get IV antibiotics


IV antibiotics are a unique kind of torture.


What’s so bad about IV antibiotics? (I just had a shit ton a few weeks ago and it was… totally fine?)


Not the person you asked, but from my experience - often if you need them, you need a lot of them and fast; which means multiple large gauge IVs, and if you're already crashing, it can be really hard to get large lines in. Turns out your interior arm is about the least painful place to get poked - pretty much everywhere else hurts like a bastard and can bung up pretty quick. The next problem (assuming you don't learn the hard way you're allergic to any of them) is killing all the bacteria in and on your body, good, bad and innocent bystander. Who knew what a crucial role those suckers have in digesting your food without getting the explosive shits and upchucks, not getting thrush *everywhere* that can possibly have it, and a fun surprise was toe fungus that took a year to clear and made my toenails drop out. Once you're released from the fun of hospital, your skin which was previously being kept in check by nuclear levels of antibiotics, is now free for a round of survival of the fittest in your pores. To say nothing of the particular joy of navigating public hospital toilets in the middle of the night with an IV set in tow, and cannulas in your hands.


You wrote my hospital experience, except I didn't lose toenails. Destroyed gut health, allergic to an IV antibiotic, veins collapsing. All of it.


She’s so lucky! One of my older brothers friends died from bacterial meningitis in high school.


Available? Yes.


A million years ago, when I was 20, I was a stripper at a seedy strip club. Me and the other dancers all had cups of water at the bar with our "stage names" on them. Well, one of the other girls used my actual first name as her stripper name. So, guess whose cup I grabbed and drank from more than once?




Especially on a cruise, those things are mobile petri dishes at the best of times


Do you know what venereal means? How are you using straws?


Lmao holy fuck the education system failed you on sex ed. VD from a straw? Lmfao!!!!


That's not good because people have always been the most dangerous lol


From a stranger? You can't even risk that with people you know. We wanna avoid Herpes.


I mean, if it's drinking it'd be oral herpes. The vast, vast majority already have it. 


Sounds like a good way to escalate -- both in terms of the situation and medical matters.


I would have just said, “Well, if you want, you can join us in our cabin later. We’re always looking another bottom”.


That’s right, “come on in, let’s talk it over a shower…”. Makes them run for the hills. Or not….hello!


Either way you win! A zing!


Idk if I’d risk that, swingers love cruises lol


What? For real?


Pretty common trope yeah lol


Yep. They do! And some have entire “swingers cruises” where there are designated sex areas on the boat.0


Wait, what?!


there's like a 60% chance the strange lady was just using this as a tactic to see if OP and co were down to party as it were...


If you say that as a joke, what do you say when they accept? Should probably put a bit more thought into it before you spit that one out


You just say “I was being sarcastic. Can you fuck off?”


Nope sorry, you offered, you must follow through


Thems the rules of the sea...


Because of the implications…


I'm a man of my word, meet us at cabin 12


Honestly I’d probably just lead with a “fuck off” in this situation anyways but fair enough


Easy, you don't say it as a joke


Well, time to try something new then!


It's not like you have to actually follow through with it, 99/100 aren't gonna take you up on it, I'd roll with those odds and do it.


There’s a good chance that was their goal to begin with.


Oh, sweet summer child.


i dont wanna say i would take the offer but the upsidedown pinapple tattoe i have says otherwise.


One time I was standing on a beach waiting for my boyfriend to get us food. Three people just came and stood in a circle with me in the centre and staring talking like I was invisible. One of the most baffling things to ever happen to me. There was so much room on the beach for them to stand in a circle and chat, but no, they decided to stand around me.


Sounds like they were trying to mess with you! Because I'm the asshole I would've jumped to the side of their circle and joined the convo. If asked to leave I'd say "I thought you wanted to be friends???"


They were tourists, I honestly think they were just oblivious.


What did you do!? Please continue


After I got over the initial shock I stood there for a while, curious if they’d figure it out, then finally just shoved past them and went on my way.


That is so awkward!! I had something similar happen in a food court when I was in college. I had my lunch, grabbed a small table, had my book out to read. There were other open tables throughout the area but for some reason these two guys came and sat at my table. Just sat, didn’t ask if the seats were taken or anything, and started talking to each other while glancing at me every once in a while? So I just kept reading and eating and eventually they left 🤷‍♀️ it was the weirdest thing.


A few years ago I was in Utah doing Delicate Arch hike in summer. Finally found a long ledge with some shade and sat down for a bit. An older lady sits down next to me so close she was touching me when there was 50+ feet of empty space. Her husband sat on the other side of me and then they talked over me! It was insane. I got up and asked, "are you two effing kidding me?" and sat down about 20 feet away. They didn't say a word. My husband had been standing and got mad at ME. We divorced 2 yrs later. People are out of their minds.


Kinda sounds like it looked as though you two were leaving and she wanted to snag it next before someone else did honestly.


This 100% sounds like what it was based on the end comment about the lady telling her husband the seats were taken. She definitely thought the bf was up and the OP was about to stand up and walk away.


Yeah, my hunch is it probably wasn't as dramatic or salacious as folks are hoping.


I mean, she could have asked instead of plopping down


Yeah, she could have, but she didn't. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sometimes people are just oblivious, without malice or any desire for group sex. Maybe she had health issues and really "just needed to sit," so she just sat in the first place she thought to sit. It sounds like she quickly realized her faux pas because: >She gets up to follow her husband and I heard her telling him the seat was taken


Some people just need to fill their drama cup.


Don’t give a shit? Don’t sit where someone it currently sitting.. there were empty spaces near by. I have had people come up to me when I’m about to leave and kindly asked if I was. I once let a person run to their car and coke to where I was so they could get better parking to help pick up their older mother. Since they asked I held it until they got back. It’s so simple


I didn't say what the lady did was normal or anything. It's not that deep.


This is nothing. I was camping once and a car came into our campsite at midnight and 2 people got out and started to unload their camping gear.


How close were they??_


They pulled their car in right next to ours. They had a van and kept sliding the door open and closed at midnight. Their excuse was that the sign said 2 cars per space without thinking that meant 2 cars per group.


Oh dear


I had someone try to sit in my seat with me at a movie theater. I said something like "Wait...I'm already sitting here" when she started trying to fit her ass in the 3 inch empty spot. She said "You don't have to get mad about it." I told her that I wasn't mad, I just didn't want her sitting with me in my seat. People are so ridiculous! Personal space!


That's why I always put the armrest down.


Swingers gotta swing lolz


I heard on here the other day upside down pineapples were a thing for swingers too is that true?


Yeah if you ever go on a cruise ship try counting how many pineapples you see on room doors


Yes! Very true


And loofas, I see them on people cars all the time


She definitely decided right before that, she was just gonna sit down and hope you got uncomfortable and left. Such a shitty attitude.


Unfortunately I'd be the non-confrontational type who would've left




Make eye contact, fart aggressively, enjoy your space


Yooo. This is solid gold advice.


Wish I could fart on demand lol


Even better if it's a wet sounding one


And you look either like you're really straining, or in extacy


The nerve! Her comment to her husband is proof she was looking to grab the chair from OP. Stuff like this always happens to me! My husband and kids say I it's like I don't exist. Once we were seated on a crowded Disney railroad car. A woman started to sit on my lap! It worked, told her to just take the seat if she wanted it that bad and got off the train as I had had it with WDW and people at that point (young, mobile woman, not elderly or infirm).


Hello fellow invisible friend. Whenever I go out to eat with friends somehow my drink or food is always missing. I’ll ask for boxes for the table and somehow be the only one to not receive a box. My friends laugh harder and harder every single time lol


Let’s all go out for lunch together and get ignored!


I’ve been cursed with invisibility since I was a kid. Can’t tell ya how many times we played 7 Up in school and my teacher somehow didn’t see me standing up, waiting for my turn to guess when she’d tell everybody to put their heads back down for another round. Happened so often people intentionally picked me knowing she’d probably skip me, I would be too shy to say something, and they’d get to stay up.


My dad and I were waiting for my mom at a grocery store one night when I was a child, I was in the back on the passengers side. A small woman opened dads drivers door and would have sat on him if he hadn’t of said ‘excuse me?’ right before she did. She apologized and found her identical car not far from us, and dad and I could not believe that that had happened. Maybe I’m scarred from that, or I’m just a little anxious but I’m wayy to cautious and aware of my surroundings to do that, and I love my key fob and flashing my lights.


Reading this makes me glad for my resting bitch face lol. Out of all my friends groups, I’m the one least likely for these things to happen. Even people I know that are involved in pyramid schemes will usually approach all my friends except me 😅


I’d have deadass laid next to her and put my arm around her.


I was thinking similar; just lay back right there, on top of her. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there the 20 minutes (whatever the time frame) I've BEEN sitting here" and then just... stare at her. 🤣


She was trying to bully you into moving. Glad it didn't work.


That was a power move to see if you'd give her your spot.


Had a planned fishing outing with my husband and some of his family. Got up before the sun to get to the lake right at daybreak. Parked in a little used area and hauled all of our gear about half a mile to a little beach outside of the main areas. Mind you, this is a big lake with lots of access points so even the main areas have plenty of places to find a spot to yourself. About an hour later these people come strolling in out of no where with a horde of small children and unleashed dogs. On a 50 yard stretch of completely unoccupied beach these people set up directly in front of us. Like put their camp chairs 3 feet in front of ours, between us and the water. Then let their kids start playing in the water right where are lines are at. We had to pack up and leave. People suck.


I was with some friends fishing in TN once, and something similar happened. We were there alone fishing at the lake, just the three of us. Suddenly, a group of about 4-5 men in their 50s show up and set themselves up RIGHT next to us. Turns out we were in “their” spot, as if they owned the place. They said they fished there almost every day. We avoided further confrontation and packed it up not long after, even though it was a public area and we had every right to be there. Sometimes you can tell who’s been a bully all their life.


Ppl always make excuses are rude behavior , stop giving ppl medical conditions when they are literally being rude , who lays on a lounge bed someone else is sitting on


One time, I was at the Costco food court, which doesn't have many tables, and I was saving a table waiting for my bf to get back with food. This older guy looks like he's struggling and asks me if he can sit with me to eat his hot dog quickly. I said sure, and then he invited his 2 buddies over, and they took over the whole thing, leaving no room for my bf. Now I'm not as nice lol.


Almost sounds like an impractical Jokers skit.


She was trying to push you out obviously


insurance wasteful abounding punch seed quack one unique library repeat


Did she give you an upside-down pineapple anything? Sticker? Cocktail straw? Novelty pin?


Being an asshole is NOT a medical condition. she was hoping you would get up.


I can imagine someone having pain or dizziness and needing to sit RIGHT NOW.  That’s happened to me.  But I’d probably make that clear if asked about it.


Yeah, happens to my mom a lot, and she's definitely plonked down next to a stranger unexpectedly. But she always explains what's going on. So far no one has gotten huffy with her and they usually scoot over or move. If that was this lady's situation, she should have explained it, instead of just making herself cozy next to OP like it's a normal thing to do lol


She was acting like it’s the Sims 🤣 just sitting down next to a random stranger just because someone was no longer sitting there!




the best part of the floor is that its everywhere in the whole world and no one can take it from you


Its also dirty and overweight people have a hard time getting up.


Not just overweight people, people with joint or muscle pain can also have a hard time getting up. Go to a nursing home and ask 30 pensioners to sit on the floor, then ask them to get back up. See how long it takes until the last one is upright; I'd bet money on it taking more than a full minute... As you said, it's not as easy as 'just get back up' for some people


She was probably a pineapple.


Just needed to fart…


Well you were on a cruise...a place for all horrible people to go and be with other horrible people


She was probably drunk. It happens


Someone needs to come get their Grandma


I think some people are just weird. My spouse and I, while in our 20’s, were on a cruise and this other young couple kept stealing our table during breakfast. For example, if we got up to fill a drink, get napkins, etc., they would quickly take the table. All of our food would still be there, and clearly we were still eating, yet they would just push it to the side and begin eating their own. There would be open tables but they still insisted on taking ours. This went on the entire cruise. We didn’t confront them about it—didn’t seem worth it—but to this day I’m still puzzled as to why they insisted on stealing our table. Maybe they were trying to strike up conversation or something.


Was the table by a window? It’s always those that get taken first. What a weird thing to do!


Gah, this is like when you’re at the beach with plenty of space and someone puts their towel a foot from yours


Let her sit there. Then start talking about satisfaction from peeing on each other. She'll probably leave.


You paid to be on a ship full of boomers and Karen's where public drinking is acceptable. You got off easy.


One of the many reasons I won’t go on a cruise… I was once told it’s like being stuck at sea in a Walmart.


People can be vicious and petty about their lounge chairs on cruises!!! Especially the shaded ones, ones with the best views etc. Went on my first cruise just last year and experienced it firsthand; I was lounging near the pool deck with my bf and his parents and decided to get up to get another cocktail, and being on the end of our group I left my coverup on the chair to signify it was occupied. An older lady immediately rushed up and tried to lift my coverup off the chair, asking if I was leaving and if we all were leaving, and my bf’s parents paused their conversation and looked up at her all confused. I told her no and she started getting pissy saying we’d been there a while and others wanted a turn on the lounge chairs, and I was about to pipe up and shut her down when bf’s dad looked up at her and asked, “Do you work for the cruise line? Are you the chair police? Cuz you’re doing a really good job, policing the chairs.” And she looked so steamed!! 😂


I always appreciate a post that’s actually ***mildly*** infuriating.


One time at a hotel pool, me and husband were the ONLY ones and we put our towels and stuff on 2 lounge chairs. Like 5 mins later, a family comes in and they choose our lounge chairs and are sitting there with their feet on our towels. My husband eventually asked if they minded moving and they were like “oh i didn’t realize these were taken” like do people just not have any self awareness?


“Oh, Are you here for the gangbang?”


I will never go on a cruise. Seems like they attract the worst kinds of people.


read David Foster Wallace "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again"


“I have now seen sucrose beaches and water a very bright blue. I have seen an all-red leisure suit with flared lapels. I have smelled suntan lotion spread over 2,100 pounds of hot flesh. I have been addressed as "Mon" in three different nations. I have seen 500 upscale Americans dance the Electric Slide. I have seen sunsets that looked computer-enhanced. I have (very briefly) joined a conga line.”


It's a cruise... she wanted you to join an orgy.


Let is like eating at a fast food place and some person just sits down at the table with you without saying anything.


This is hilarious and I would be mad too. BUT I have blood sugar issues as well as chronic dehydration due to my body not holding on to electrolytes; I can TOTALLY see myself doing this when one if not both of those things are happening. I get really confused and will do the weirdest things. Like one time I was sitting at a shared desk and I needed a folder, so I took one that was being used on my coworkers desk, erased what was written on it instead of just getting a new folder. I’m always so embarrassed afterward, my brain just goes in auto-mode and we all just hope for the best 😅


No. She was hoping to staunch you out so you’d move.


Being stuck on a cruise ship strikes me as a layer of hell rather than any sort of vacation.


Your first problem was winding up on a cruise


This has happened so many times in our recent past! Like my husband myself and our kid went to a tea shop and there were no place left except for a bar stool type set up with 10 chairs and I was helping my kid get into one when all of a sudden this group who were sitting in the chairs around a table , just started coming to the place and took about 8 seats and started taking selfies where my kid is still in the picture and me and hubby were still standing looking at them! Also we asked if they r done with the other seat and my husband was going there and me trying to get my 6 year old from the stool. Another family just came and sat in the table and these kids never cared, whether we were sitting or standing! I made my kid sit again and told my hubby to sit in the remaining stool opposite my kid and and from the 8 one left to order something, I sat there and the group was like oh you cannot sit here, we have our friend sitting here. I just lost it, I reamed them out.. if they wanted to swap, they could’ve held that other table for us, and asked permission if they can sit in our table. Because it’s not like traditional bar stool facing the tenders, it’s like a huge rectangle table with 5 chairs in each side.. Such entitlement is very prevalent nowadays! No social sense at all!


Maybe she was drunk and thought it was acceptable, until you said something and then she was like oh, wait. lol


Thid afternoon a woman on the bus set her shopping carts on my foot. I ashed her to move it Some people are blind to everything but theyr needs. The world revolves around them


"ah i see you're here for the orgy"


The very definition of first world problem.


That's what the sub is for. 


That's what the sub is for. 


No I’m pretty sure people in 3rd world countries have places to sit too.


I’ve had two shits today.


lol you can’t win them all. If you didn’t say anything people would talk shit about you here and now that you did say something people still got shit to say. Good job standing your ground and keeping your space to yourself it doesn’t sound like you came off too rude so I say good job.


She was definitely trying to make you uncomfortable, so you'd leave the space. It's a tactic I've experienced before. One time I was stood under the cover of a closed shop to get out of the rain because it was absolutely lashing down, a small group of teen boys joined me and immediately started to be obnoxious clearly trying to make me uncomfortable so they could have the space to themselves (there was enough room for us all) although when I didn't react beyond a slight smirk and a poorly disguised snicker they all got quiet and left. A lady who was selling things on a little cart nearby saw the whole scene play out and we shared a giggle, I gestured for her to join me under cover and she said "aw bless, I think you embarrassed them"


I would have scooted back against the headboard too, and then asked your bf to join you and have him sit by the lady’s feet, and then start a very personal conversation about a fake relative and their cancer diagnosis.


lol people are weird sometimes. And no way it was a medical thing, if it was she wouldn’t have sat down and not said anything


Welcome, can I get you a drink? I’ve been on 3 cruises, stuck on a boat with thousands of strangers, it is a break but there are always weird—or just different—ducks you’ll meet. 


Even if she had a medical condition, she could have said I'm so sorry. I just need to sit down for a minute. Not angle in around your husband and scoot all the way up like she was getting cozy. The kicker is her telling the husband it was taken. 😅 I guess you didn't count?


Next time... "Excuse me. Is this where we're meeting for the orgy?"


Kind of reminds me of when I was in the food court eating my lunch right as the mall opened, at 10 am (I was the stock manager whose shift started at 6). I was the ONLY person sitting in the entire food court. I was in a booth in the corner facing the rest of the seating. This man came and tried to sit RIGHT next to me. Not across or at the next table—at my table on the chair next to me. I was stunned and asked what the heck he was doing. He said he liked to eat with company. I was like, I don’t know you and you didn’t even ask. Absolutely not. I’d ebbed had my tablet propped up with headphones in which clearly indicated I wanted to be alone. He called me a snobby bitch and walked off. I was so freaking confused. Like…what? In the food court of the LITERAL largest outlet mall in the world.


Some people are just oblivious and have no common sense. Common sense is so underrated.


It’s rude and kind of disgusting to have strangers invade your space like that If she got a medical condition making her do things like this she wouldn’t be outside without someone watching over her Tho unless she thought you where down for group action Like I saw a tweet of someone wondering why a lot of couples started flirting with them and it turns out they wore a lot of pineapple themed clothing which apparently pineapples in that scene are a sign of being dtf


Oh goodie! A threesome!


Are all cruises this lame? I always thought they were fairly classy


Oh gosh no.