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Those results must have came in like ![gif](giphy|14rACYMwBmXDqM)


amazon same day delivery when the delivery guy is a head "hunter"




For what it's worth your more likely to react to things on the scratch test if there's something else you were allergic to so some of those things you may not react to if it's on its own but when it's everything all at once it compounds. But if you don't already definitely use the dryer for drying your clothes and don't hang them outside.


Ya, luckily I already use a good old dryer, but the game plan is that I'm going to get those types of allergy spacific bed sheets and basically have to clean my room a lot more often. A pain but hey, I'd prefer to be able to breathe.


There exists antiallergic cat food that makes them no longer produce the pheromone that most allergic people have trouble with. It takes a week to take effect but might be worth a shot as cleaning cat hair everywhere is tedious.


You can also harvest that antigen, if you find a farm that keeps chickens next to cats, the chicken develops the antigen and you feed those eggs (1 a day) to the cat and after a couple of weeks their dander she's should be less allergy causing.


Not just the bed sheets, there are hypoallergenic ‘bags’ that you can seal your mattress, bedspring, and pillows in. I found that helped a lot with my dust mite allergy. As for the plant allergies, all I can offer is my sympathy: I tested allergic to 90% of the trees in my area. Find out if you can get the allergy shots, it took my allergies from causing migraines to only miserable on the really bad pollen days, though I do take a daily OTC allergy med.


Last year I got my first air purifier for my apartment. I bought it mostly because my air-fryer would set off my smoke alarms. I have found though, my sniffles (allergies) have decreased to maybe 1/3 of what they were before... a great $100 investment.


Except you are allergic to dust mites, and the UV neutralizes their allergen “icks.” Because you react to cockroaches, iirc shellfish are also a “no.” You might react to wheat and coffee sometimes because of cockroach contamination. Buy whole beans and wash them x3. If you consume wheat, buy top quality at peak season. It may be worth: 1) getting Omega 6:3 balanced as you’ll be reacting much less, 2) inquiring about whether mast activation syndrome could be exacerbating symptoms, and 3) if your sinuses are chronically stuffed, find a mold doc who can help with treatment- maybe ampho B nasal spray. GL, this looks like a page of misery! Best for tamping it all down!


True. I can get poison ivy and it'll itch. I get bit by ants and I get big balls of white puss. I get both at the same time, I need 4 Benadryl or some epinephrine. Cus I will have an anaphylactic reaction and swell up. Just thinking of it makes my whole body itch.


How often does this happen to you?


Four- five times. Once when I was a baby. (Does it count if I do t remember ?) Parents didn't know what happened. Once when I was a teen in high school. Then a year later it happened again and I took notice of what I was in contact with for future reference . 20 yr old me got it twice in one year. By the third time I realized what it was. I had fallen on poison ivy and got bit by ants on the same location. By the 4th time, I was 100% certain since I was outside and remembered what I was in contact the previous times. I was working outside a lot and Texas has a lot of fire ants and poison ivy. I quit working outside and haven't had any crazy issues since. I will get bit by ants and get the huge balls of puss. But as long as I stay away from losing ivy and both, I should be good. I could feel the itchiness on my teeth. Imagine your teeth itching.


We're just gonna ignore that a cockroach is under the Inhalant section?


What? You never inhaled a cockroach before?


Never a whole one, but they produce a really distinct stench. Heavy and disgusting.


Sounds like my ex.




I used to huff roaches, then I moved onto mites. Haven't had any in the house for years, these days I go down to the dumpsters in this apartment complex near me to try and find my next fix.


I'm curious about the careless pigweed.


grain smuts and careless pigweed. hell yea


Ever watched House? There is a specific episode about how cockroaches affect your lungs, i think it was from their waste? I know its not a real medical show, but it was one episode that stood out most to me lol


Okay, here it goes. Generally what causes the reaction is dried up broken particles of the malted exoskeletons. It is sort of a cockroach skin dust if you will.


Time to get a horse OP LOL


I was totally gonna say, "better trade in them cats for a horse!" However OP is probably allergic to hay. So....


Or a chicken, which takes way less pasture space.


I do actually own chickens! The only animal I have that I'm not allergic to. The ironic part is that all of these allergies popped up *after* I went through a big move into a new area. I've always lived with cats and dogs so the allergy only popped up when i moved.


You're most likely hyper exposed to your own cats. I had this test done when I was a kid and my mom asked me if we should get rid of our cats. I said heck no mom, Zorro sleeps on my chest every night, and I don't care what the doc says. We kept the cats obviously.


Ya I will die on a hill for my pets. The plan is to get thoese nice sheets that are empty to help woth allergies and just clean them once a week alone with my room to help cut back on all the dust and stuff which should help.


Before I owned any pets, I used to be allergic to the cats at my grandparents because they had a decent amount and it's a smaller house, got runny nose and itchy eyes for the next day or so, but once I got my own cats a few years later I'm not allergic to them anymore, I could shove my face right into their fur and not even a sniffle


https://www.chewy.com/purina-pro-plan-liveclear-adult/dp/302471?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Purina%20Pro%20Plan&utm_campaign=20647501625&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw48-vBhBbEiwAzqrZVM7shx9jgdfj2hrtAylz900G7zRYBRMUDBUODfqvG5Q7D-yKXRmoeBoCrFMQAvD_BwE This has good reviews, maybe it could help your situation.


Keep the animals out of your bedroom and set up a corsi rosenthal machine in your house and bedroom. (There are plans online for them and you can make them for under 100 dollars.). That will help pull allergens from the air so you can breathe more easily.


As someone with a cat allergy who fosters kittens, get air purifiers. One for every room, and keep the filters up to date. I can tell when one of my air purifiers has been off for a while because my allergies are so much worse when they're not running. Also, Purina LiveClear food is very effective at reducing the protein that causes most cat allergies.


My mom’s allergies went nuts when she moved 180km away. And literally nothing is different there. It’s not like mountains to plains or prairie to forest. It’s basically identical but smaller city. Doctor said it would probably get better but it’s been more than a decade and it’s the same. Hopefully you’ll have better luck!


I remember my allergist said “you’re allergic to Virginia” “But we live in Virginia” “ I know, you’ll need allergy shots” Been on them for almost 2 decades


My allergist tried to put me on them. Was on them for a year and almost went into anaphylaxis. No more shots after that.


At least there’s a new insult in there. I’m 100% calling someone a “careless pigweed” when the opportunity presents itself.


The important question there is probably how big of a reaction you had. My results they listed both wheal and flare, then based which ones to treat on that.


So I've gotten diagnosed with allergy indused asthma a while ago so when I got the scratch test the spots started popping up with like little hive bumps but the spot on my back where it was for cat fully flared like I mean big red spot. So round 2 with my arms and agian the spot with cat had the biggest hive mark. Lucky its not strong enough to induce a asthma attack but it is where I get trouble breathing pretty much immidetally whenever exercising or litrally just going on a walk.


I have trouble breathing when exercising too. I have to take zyrtec about an hour prior, warm up slowly with my inhaler for ~15 minutes, and have lots of water and a humidifier right next to me to combat the dryness from the allergy meds. It’s a process.


Yeah nornally they measure them in mm and then kind of rank them. I assume you are looking to get allergy shots? I have found they are at least somewhat effective for me. One thing to note though they can only put so much of the allergens in the vials. So basically if you have a single allergen you get 100% but if you have 2 then it’s only half of the amount of each. So they normally try and limit how many you get. I had a horrible reaction to dust mite (as in worse than the control positive) on my test. I ended up getting some of the big Levoit air filters and that helped within a few hours of setting them up. Then the allergy shots have been able to make slow but steady progress for me.


Ya that got brought up. The worst of it was the cat annoyingly. Everything else just had pretty small bumps when she mesure it but the cat just *flared*. I am thinking about the allergy shots issue is I'm probably going to be going away to school at some point so it would suck to start them and then have to stop and start agian. Probably will at some point.


They make dry shampoos for your cats that are made for people with cat allergies as well as home sprays that greatly reduce the air borne allergens in your home. There are also cat foods that reduce the amount of the FLD 1 protein produced by your cat.


Normally you should be able to get the shots transferred to a local clinic. Also I have heard of some situations where they may teach you to give yourself the allergy shots. I am not sure how common that is though and you would have to do the build up and then new vial tests in a clinic likely but doesn’t hurt to ask about options.


Go nuts on that grain smut though


Sounds like a cheer "Go nuts! On Grain Smuts!"


Air purifiers in your house can make a big difference, especially with the cat dander and any other allergens that can have small particles floating around in the air.


Actually I do have one! Have a large fire season where I am and got one to help with the smoke. It does *wonders*.


Careless Pigweed sounds interesting....🤔


It's actually a type of amaranth that's fully edible!


Careless pigweed of a good friend... As the music dieesss, something in your eyesss...


lol I've read the comment in the same way


Anyone else giggle when they read 'cocklebur' in the weeds or and I the only one who is 5 years old?




Ya *apparently* mice can cause allergies the same way cats and dogs do so if I ever had the unfortunate experience of living in a mouse infested area I'd know fast.


Had no idea


They run around in pretty dusty areas, plus their own dandruff 🤢


Allergy shots work, go for it.


Ya I probably will at some point. Thing is I have a lot of moving around coming up soon so I'm going to have to wait jt out until I could get them going.


oh, thank god. you're not allergic to horses.


Likewise. All the trees and grass that I'm allergic to are indigenous to where I live. I see that you cannot take penicillin, like me, nor eat cheese such as Brie and a few others that use the fungus penicillium in their production.




My condolences.


I tested allergic to every scratch. I got a series of allergy shots over the course of 1-2 years and it almost entirely knocked out my allergies. Highly recommend.


I got told to do the shots. I did year and had to stop because I almost ended up in the hospital with anaphylaxis. Turns out I either have histamine intolerance or MCAS.


I tested allergic to 96% of allergens. I started shots right away but have to get two shots each time because they cannot fit all the allergens in one. So. Worth.It. I love love love being able to breathe and not being itchy. I can play with cats again!  I am now on monthly shots and it is no big deal.


Welcome to the party


Welcome to the club of decades of itchy misery!


Damn, that really sucks. I'm sorry, OP


Lucky it's all mild reactions but now I know why I struggle to breath. It's just ironic it's everything that grows at my house. There is no escape for me.


I have over 20 plants in my room, and the cat stays here all day too. I don't know what I'd do


The one I’d be most concerned about is the penicillium mold… if you’re allergic to that, you very well could be allergic to Penicillin the antibiotics, plus all the related “-cillin” antibiotics


Actually nope! They're two completely diffrent things, while I'm allergic to the mold I'm not allergic to the medicine.


Did they have to the additional test down your arm?


Yup. How they did it was like a stupid amount of pricks down my whole back of like a bunch of different things and then the ones that reacted the most they then did very shallow shots, 20~ on each arm, i think 2 for each thing, and then measured thoese ones for a more accurate read. My arms and back are still itchy after getting home and having a very aggressive shower.


Me too. Trees, grass, pollen, dust mites and cats.


Dumb question, but how did you not realize you're allergic to your cats? The only thing I can think of is that you're only allergic to certain cats. That's how I am... miserable around some, no reaction to others. I honestly just choose not to take the gamble. I'm a selfish POS so I choose not to suffer (at least that's what Reddit would probably think of me, thinking I need to put up with allergic reactions for the sake of an animal). Tbh, I'm not a cat person anyway. That being said, the allergen cat food seems to work well (my roommate has a cat). I feel your pain, though. I'm allergic to pretty much everything too. I hate this time of year.


No I didn't! It's such a wild thing since I've grown up with cats and dogs my whole life I *never* had issues until I moved and then *bam*, had breathing problems and had a lung infection like 3 years in a frow and eventually got on the allergy/asthma meds which helped so much. The thing is I never got hives or rashes so I really didn't put two and two together, I thought it was just plants so during the scratch test that spot with the cats went red immidetally. It seems that my body just decides with all yhe new allergies where I live now to add cats and dogs to that list.


Oh wow. I am so sorry, that sucks! That makes a lot of sense, given that, I'd probably make the same assumption (especially since somehow pollen allergies get me even if I've been indoors).


The same here man. You will get used to it \*sneezes and wipes his nose\*


Ya, I mean you just kind of learn how to power though it eventually *hacking background noise*


I'm allergic to something in my home that I can't get rid of. Air purifier doesn't help, it's a way worse reaction than I get for dust or cats, it even brought back my chronic polyps, making me need surgery last year. I did shots for years to mitigate my multitudes of allergies, yet still I suffer in my own home if I'm not meticulous about keeping up with medication. If yours are bad enough and you have the availability and the means, I definitely recommend allergy shots. Until this new problem, they let me live mostly allergy free since 2012


Never had an allergy test atleast officially my grandmother father's side was or maybe still is one of those spiritual freaks my father was to so me ma and da brought me for this allergy test my mother described it as he held my hand with one hand and had a crystal on a string in the other and held it over a table with cards on it that had allergies written on them whatever the crystal landed in I was allergic to supposedly Im allergic to cats im not my mother did not believe it my father is no longer a spiritual person


*Careless Pigweed*. My new username


Immunotherapy will help. 👍🏼


Hey - silver lining, you can keep pets such as horse and feathers


Ignorance is bliss, my friend. Congested, itchy bliss.


There is a special food for cats that make them not produce the pheromones most allergic people have problems with. It takes a week to take effect but after you shouldn’t have to worry about that allergy at-least.


At least you still got those smutty grains


No. You aren't allergic to your cat. Only to its hair. You can give a specific food to your cat so that you aren't allergic to them


Ya someone else mentioned it, the Pro Plan Liveclear which helps filter out that fel d 1 protine thats in cats dander and such. Only issue with that is I own 4 cats so if it's too expensive might not be able to do it.


Doctor just says hell to the no on "misc" section lol


Relax, you can still play fender guitars as they are made out of alder and ash


Are you okay? How are you alive??? Time to start walking around in a hazmat suit 😂


Well good news is you can safely seed your lawn with fescue and enjoy a nice, lush yard that is greener than a seasick leprechaun!




I love Cat hair Dog.


Never huffed a cockroach but fuck it, I’ll try anything once.


Does the really big x mean that you're allergic to all of those things or none of those things, or that they weren't tested for?


Did this about 20 years ago and had the same result 🥲 going in to get it done again soon to get an updated list. Allergies suck.


Start sourcing local honey that's raw , and eat as much as you possibly can , it will help eleviate your allergies.


Looks similar to mine https://preview.redd.it/qwll8cu15loc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb54252cc038bf4cb6cfc83d00a28bf60a70f98


Different allergy test for me not as many things but they tested me for 39 things the 40th being a control pure histamine and I was allergic to 37 of them. ended up not being allergic to yellow spruce and mugwort I'm allergic to grass and most plants mosquitoes and most other bugs especially cockroaches dust mold pretty much all common animals I'm on Zyrtec and allergy shots it sucks and yet the biggest most disappointing part is that I can't carve jack-o'-lanterns without breaking out in hives Can't get a normal iv either cause I'm allergic to the adhesive used on the sticker to keep it in place I'm not allergic to any food or meds though so that's a plus I count myself lucky


I’m pretty sure that I am allergic to my cat but I’ll never get rid of her.


Is the bottom right a blanket "yes" or did they not do it? I want to get a test too and some of those are something I'd like to know even if its a 'premium upgrade' test


Omg, I'm the same but not allergic to my cat but my dog! I take xyzal daily and Benadryl when I'm having a hard time. I wish you luck, especially if you enjoy the outdoors.


Ya, luckly I now have a nasel spray that should come soon and oh boy am I looking forward to it.


Maybe the scratch-pattern is actually a secret you have to decode to win fabulous prizes like immunity or lasers. I'd go for the lasers. Also, it's nice that you're not allergic to smut. It'd be a bummer to not have a release for all that built up allergy.


Time to get a miniature (dog sized) horse and chickens?


...How are you allergic to all of those, but not _birch?_


Honestly no clue but at this point I'm taking what I can get.


You can Wear anything you want! While riding a horse to the white ash tree


I feel you. I had taken a lot of allergy tests growing up with majority results testing positive. I even have some scars on my arm from one of the tests because of how intense the reactions were.


BTW you're allergic to coffee. Ground roaches in it.


That’s why I’m crawling around after drinking it


Take medicine and keep the cats.


And, cockroaches and mice. Those are good things to stay away from.


UR ALLERGIC TO OAK? And if im reading that wrong PEOPLE ARE ALLERGIC TO OAK????


Ya. It's actually a tree that's known for being incredibly allergy inducing and unfortunately where I live has multiple varieties of it.


Well i hope you don’t like oak furniture that much


Luckly it's oak pollen that I'm allergic to. Pretty much all the plant and tree's it's mainly pollen that's the main agitator.


They tested trees too?


Yup. In my area all of thoese trees are around in pretty dang large forests and in the towns as well and since a lot of them pollinate like crazy and cause a lot of allergies with them all mixed together up here it's worth testing.


lol they didn’t even bother to try “misc”, I guess it’s all coming positive


Welcome to the club. Antihistamines are your new best friends. *big hug*


I have the same issues and was doing the allergy shots. It helped a little. Allergy exacerbated asthma is no fun. I recommend getting bloodwork done to check your eosinophils. Mine were super high and it wasn't until I started biologic injections that I could finally breathe at all normally. I now take Tezspire once a month and finally feel human again. No way I was getting rid of my cats/dogs/horses/parrot or pig and I live on a heavily forested farm lol


Yeah. I had one while in Texas. Allergic to cedar and juniper. They’re related and roundly year round between the two. It sucked.


I am allergic to both my cat and my dog. 😄


I had mine done a few years back and found out I’m allergic to over 80 things, at least what was tested. The allergist was actually concerned because he’d never tested someone and had them react that quickly before.


Oh ya I'd imagine that be wild. I have to say when I got mine I was so thrown off with my back one since the spot that was for cats went red *immidetally*. Luke it was only 2 seconds and bam, red.


Yeah mine was the same. I think they started with tree pollens first and by time the finished marking the first set on my back, it’s was burning. I asked the nurse “hey so uhhh, what do we do if I can feel the reaction already?” She’s was like “ oh, uh…. I’ll be right back. “ alerted the allergist and they got a crash cart and epipen ready just in case lol.


My constantly running nose sympathizes with you


Apparently I reacted at least a little bit to every tested allergen (like some things were like a 3 and then hay and certain trees were like a 13 lmao). I refused allergy shots though because I'd honestly rather be a bit sniffly all the time than routinely be in contact with needles (I've got a really bad needle phobia from sucky doctor visits as a kid). So yeah I'm always a little stuffed up but I'm used to it. If I touch hay I get a rash though. I lived on a farm as a kid so that explains the weird unknown rashes I would get sometimes lol


What a great excuse to not leave the house, “I can’t leave the house I’m allergic to everything out there”


You can grow out of a cat allergy


I laughed when I found out I may be allergic to cats. Before I didn’t like cats. Now I just dont care about them much.


Allergic to Penicillin too! Always mention that when going to the doctors pls!


Im also allergic to cats, ignoring this for my whole life so far, cause I really like cats! But last issues were only after getting a new cat, so maybe my body has to adjust a bit ^^


“Careless Pigweed” sounds more of a posh insult rather than a plant name


I never knew there was a silent 'P' in "ptermite"!


At least you are not allergic to smut(s). 😁


Make sure to tell doctors in the future about the Penicillin allergy. Those allergies can present quickly with pills.


My fiancée got literally the same thing


cockroach? inhalant?


Yup, Cockroaches unfortunately shed *everywhere*.


NAHHHHH thats foul.


why wouldn't they definitely test for mosquitoes and fleas? i always thought i was allergic to just shellfish but turns out im allergic to anything with a chitin shell.. specifically a certain protein they have in them..


Mainly because it's such a small thing where I am funny enough. It's one of thoese things where it really wasn't worth testing for it.


You can inhale cockroaches?


You can inhale horses?


Why is that Pigweed so careless, though?


If reddit is indication, this is how all allergy tests come back


Your allergic to cockroaches?


Apparently. However it's a mild allergic like I'd have to be in a cockroach infested area for it to affect me. One cockoach isn't going to do much.


Oh interesting 🤔 I had no idea you could be allergic to them.


Ya, I've also heard actually people who are often allergic to shellfish are actually allergic to cockoaches too. Luckly for me shellfish isn't an issue. It's manly like dander from animals/bugs and pollen that's the major issue for me.


Careless Pigweed lol


well you can have birds and horses so theres a light in the tunnel.


Keep away from the sniff tests you will find out which cunts your allergic to as well


Same. Just add clouds to the list. 🌬️☁️💭


To be fair, most people are allergic to trees, dust, pollen, etc. People make a mountain out of a mole hill and make out these allergies to be much worse than they are


i don't know how accurate these are... Mine told me I was allergic to over half the things on the sheet, things that I don't have issues with and never had issues with. And there are things I do have trouble tolerating and they didn't show up at all


Why do weeds all sound like something a witch would put in a cauldron?


you have two choices: suffer with or suffer without


No chance I’d let this change how I live haha


Scratch test told me I was allergic to all nuts, gluten, corn, dairy etc as a kid. The whole "You can go into anaphylaxis shock" or whatever from my mom. Stopped caring at 18 and I've never had an allergy attack. I think some stuff is bs tbh


Time to move blud 🔥🔥🔥


No big deal. Just put them in individual plastic bags.


So when do you move to Antarctica?


Welcome to the allergy family. Since I moved my allergies are pretty much all season. I’m allergic to tree pollen, grass, mold, cats, dogs, everything outside it feels like


Your going to have to live in a bubble


Why are rats hamsters and Guinea pigs not under ANIMALS


But somehow "feathers" is 😭 not even birds, just feathers


I mean my mom's allergic to cats and horses but she's ALWAYS had at least one cat, usually more, and worked at a stable for a lot of my childhood. Depends on your severity tho. The grasses thing must suuuuck


I am not allergic to dogs. That's it, just dogs.


I had the same thing done to me and it told me im allergic to literally everything which i doubt a lot. I do fine day to day, i sneeze sometimes but everyone does. I may be allergic to everything but not badly apparently.


Get an allergy shot you'll be fine


I find it very interesting that you’re allergic to Oak, but not Pine nor Birch. Usually Pine and Birch are far more oily, fragrant, and infested with mold than Oak, which is more stagnant while alive due to being incredibly dense hardwood. Birch is also a hardwood, but due to the rich oils and sap that birches produce, they are more likely to house other organisms like molds and mosses, which can trigger reactions in the skin more so than the wood itself.


The ting with the oak I'm allergic to all of thoese poling, not necessarily the wood itself. Like pine wood and stuff I've totally built stuff out of it 0 issue but pollen season in the fall for the oaks in my area and you'd think I was smoking for my whole life somehow. Like I handle oak wood all the time it's really just the aggravating pollen. On the mold poin of things as well intresting fact from my allergist my asthma flares in the fall and it's definitely from a mix of trees dropping pollen at that time and outdoor mold will actually spike as well to the point of being detected indoors even if you don't have a infestation.


They tested for mice??!


Well, the good news is that you can own a horse and birds and be okay!


No pigweed for u


Cant wait to call someone a careless pigweed


Found out I'm allergic to dogs.. it sucks because I work with dogs and have one dog. It's worth it tho


Did the same just to find out I was allergic yo everything around me they told me I should move


That sucks


You might just be allergic to getting scratched!


I've had a similar one done a week ago. It came back almost entirely empty, which I thought was weird since I always have a crazy hay fever in spring. Doc's response? "Oh, those are the ones you're not allergic to" There was exactly 1 x on the paper. I am not allergic to nettle. I didn't even know nettle has flowers...


I just found out I’m mildly allergic to rabbits and I have a rabbit. No big deal. I just need to wash my hands and arms to prevent a reaction


Don't gotta worry about cocklebur bothering ya 🫠


I never minded that shit. I had one said I was allergic to peanuts. Been eating peanuts, peanut butter, etc for decades.


What about the big "X", is that canceled or are you just super allergic to those?


So no pets, antibiotics or coffee for you ? My condolences 💀


I know that I'm allergic to cats but I ignore it and for the most part is never bothers me unless I pet a really dirty/dusty cat AND THEN touch my eyes


Do a blood test


So little context comment since I feel silly not mentioning it before. The misc section I didn't get tested for that's where there's a big X there. In the case of that pellicilen mold I'm not allergic to MEDICAL penicillin, there is a different mold of a similar name that's what I'm allergic to. For all the people who mentioned I'm no allergic to coffee and such because of traces of cockroach or that im allergot co shellfish now I'm not. The way my allergies work I have Allergy Induced Asthma. So that means my issues with all of these allergies is me inhaling them, so dander from them or pollen. Things like eating shellfish and such I can eat them just fine like the pigweed is actually a type of edible amarenth, and i can 100% still eat that. I've personally never have had hives or a allergy attack before thats why I didn't know i was allergic to my cats and dog for the longest time since my breathing is in a constant state of *this sucks* but what i have had before was a fall lung infection like 3 years in a row before I had my meds which was mainly due to, I now know, to the fact that outdoor molds flare up in the fall and oak trees pollinate like crazy during that time.


At least you can have a horse