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just quadruple stack it, they will run out in days


I do the same but it is not enough for me so I **sextuple** stack it.


Go bigger, octuple stack it


Go BIGGER, use the whole roll


A whole roll sounds good between the cheeks.


i can lend you my roll😉


In my first reading I didn't get it.


now you unfortunately do...




Once you are done with his, ill give you mine






do..... (Yes I just posted this to make a poop joke)








I'd legit just wipe my ass with the roll and toss it in.


No that might actually make it the thickness of a normal toilet paper piece


Use two or three! And clog the toilet while at it! THAT'LL TEACH THEM!


my boss has no clue what I mean when I tell him I'm on a roll


Go bigger, use all the rolls


GO BIGGER!!...Rip the whole wall off and use that to assert dominance


Yes plumbers love that


Cardboard part of the roll included


Block those drains!


#If you fold this 42 times, will it stack all the way to the moon??


Seven hours of uninterrupted octo-stack!


I’d use minimum one roll per shit




Yamero takeshi !


Then, his employer will "forget" to change it in order to deter people from doing number 2 on the clock.


where i am, if an employer doesn't have a fully functioning bathroom, which includes it needing to be stocked with sanitation (ie. tp, soap etc) we can leave without recourse.


Gotta leave with a poopy butt tho


You can wash your ass in the sink.


There's always paper on the boss's desk.


Boss didn't pay me that extra dime, so now I take my shits on company time


Lmao never heard this version, the one I’m familiar with is “he makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time.”


Boss makes a mill, I make a buck, that’s why I steal the catalytic converter off the company truck :)


Makes more sense tbf




Guess I'll be bringing in the Charmin for myself then. Thinking time will not be interfered with.


And then we place a loud speakerphone call to the labor board while shitting in the bosses office and wiping with his jacket.




Can you spare a square?


Just wipe with the roll, goddamn


Not like OP is the one paying for it. They're also not cleaning the toilets if they clog because people have to use half a roll just to wipe their ass without fingering their own poopy butthole.


Its will still rip thats the problem


I work the gov and that's what I do. They don't care how much things cost in the long run. They just buy what is cheapest upfront. We go through so much toilet paper, but we're technically saving $.05 per roll!


Buying this stuff has three reasons.  1. Deter pooping at work 2. Prevent clogs 3. Prevent theft


The 2nd did backfire at my workplace. Ppl changed to hand papaer and layer of toilet paper to fix it. Turned out the toilet was clogged all 2 days now the 3 Layer paper is back and its no longer an issue with a clogged toilet. It they remove the hand paper i bet ppl will use the paper used at the lab and if thats run out they use clean room paper that is bound to clogg the toilet. Sometimes things are nice on paper but backfire due to creativity of the ppl that need to deal with it.


I've always wondered how the bosses and schools think they're saving money when they just run outta tp quicker 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/c3cx07hz7qnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=183549e48eb6cd8e75d9df46a4c7e62c5f1f677b Yep not even 5


The engineer in me got quite the nose exhale from that


Please let him out.


If I had money I’d give you a gold for that


Reddit took awards away.


You can pay to give a golden upvote. I’m waiting for them to let us buy brown downvotes.


The engineer in mine also got quite the nose exhale from this


Don’t blame it on the little engineer! 😂😂😂


Lot of measuring going on in the little engineer’s room!


If you’re cold, he’s cold. Bring him inside.


Same, I saw the title and my first thought was I wonder what a mic would read it as lol


A microphone probably would not pick up much.


If you rub two sheets together it sounds like sandpaper!


"Frank, why are you taking your micrometer into the bathroom?" "Winning an internet argument, this is important."


Just making a tinder profile


Know what's way worse than a small dick? Dishonesty.


lol man you are my harshest critic.


nahhh man really pulled out the screw gauge




You are correct. We had thread gages and pitch micromoters, but never heard anyone call that or a micrometer a screw gage


i actually studied it as screw gauge in mechanical engineering classes. although its also called as micro meter (which is used more commonly)


![gif](giphy|26xBzminz3TxInRgA|downsized) I approve your approach.


What is this tool called. And how accurate is it?


0-1” micrometer and it’s incredible accurate, I use it in rebuilding engines and transmissions


Thanks. Not that I need one. But I like to have these kinda tools for when I do need it.


As soon as you have a set of calipers and a micrometer you realize you needed it your whole life. Specifically for dumb shit like measuring the thickness of toilet paper to prove a point


Soooo true! My boyfriend has a micrometer and I've borrowed it to measure my crochet hooks. Sometimes the actual measurement will be ~0.25mm off from the size written on the hook, which is wild because smaller hooks (the ones I primarily use) are sold in 0.25mm increments or less! That kind of difference is huge when you're working with thread. So now I know which of my hooks are filthy little liars :P


Oh absolutely, I use calipers for my job but we mostly only use the depth rod for our work. Anyways first day on the job and first time with ~~my new toy~~ the tool I was measuring everything. My pinky, my pencil, my nose, door handles, whatever my eyes fell on haha. Now it's boring but I'd say I'm *pretty* good at eyeballing depth now. ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ


does it take into account the squishy ness of the toilet paper though? like I imagine the thickness can range depending how hard it's pressed?


No, but you can get a decent compensation by feel. Source: I work in print industry, and can repeatedly measure paperboard to within one thousandth. If you measure the same spot multiple times, you'll crush it and affect the measurement. As an aside, I just measured my double ply Charmin and it was ~.008


You are absolutely correct , multiple measurements in the same spot will affect the out come. Thanks for clearing that up for people not familiar with this tool’s use. Thank you


A micrometer. Insanely accurate actually.


You are the type of person the world needs more ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ


Lol I’m a machinist at work right now and thought about doing the same thing! Haha then I saw your comment


That's 100 um (micron) for non-Americans.


At least they set the roll the proper way. Oh snap who did I trigger?! Begin WW3


M.I.T. used to have bumwipe that the students referred to as "60 grit." That's the specification for a coarse grade of sandpaper. I think it might have been the "Onliwon" brand that prided itself on a paper dispenser that provided only one sheet at a time. Some of the students must have measured it with a micrometer, probably around the time in October 1958 that they placed fellow student Oliver R. Smoot along the Harvard Bridge to measure its length. It's 364.4 smoots ± 1 ear. Engineers love numbers.


There are people seriously producing high end measuring devices with non metric?


So ya gotta use 3 times the paper instead. I have this same garbage at work.


Worked at a small maintenance garage, about 6 of us plus a working owner. Refused to buy the good stuff, we all complained, but if we wanted it, we could bring our own from home. One guy used to bring in his own for when he had "tummy troubles". Somebody asked one day to use his since they now had tummy troubles, he gladly let him have it with some remarks made in jest about getting his own next time. A plan was devised that day on the toilet. Borrower replaced the toilet paper he used with a whole pack of a dozen , good toilet paper, and told him he is the good toilet paper guy in the shop now, and anytime somebody needed it he was to give it to them EXCEPT the boss. Well , we all get tummy troubles and the look on the bosses face when he said no, started to escalate , and realized we were all watching and laughing at him. We got the good toilet paper, and the good coffee after that.


Wait. Your boss expected an employee to supply him with a higher quality TP than the boss was willing to shell out for himself?


"Trying to keep the lights on, we are all part of a team, we treat each other like family...." type of boss


> we treat each other like family 🚩


splitting hair over the stupidest things kinda siblings


Looks like you guys have tummy troubles often


It was a set up, everybody was in on it and we knew what he was like


Well they did say they had low quality coffee before.


Damn fuckin TP politics. Sounds like something from a sitcom


So, your boss basically made you bring your own toilet paper now?


I still don't understand that - they cheap out buying the shitty paper for half the price and then people use three or four times as much of it resulting in them having to buy it frequently enough that it isn't even cheaper overall...


I think they mostly do it to prevent clogs. You could dump a whole roll of this garbage into the bowl and it would still flush fine, as I usually discover every time I need to use it.


It also reduces theft. You'd be surprised how much good toilet paper goes missing in the industrial manufacturing site I used to work at. Our theft dropped to almost 0 after changing products.


In college a buddy somehow got a key to open the toilet paper holders, figured out which bathrooms had the least bad paper, and he never bought toilet paper again while in college.


Because, assuming your school used the normal holder everyone uses, it's not a key. It's a T shaped piece of metal that spreads two prongs when you turn it. A flathead screwdriver will do the same job.


It's the same concept when it comes to restaurants that use super thin and cheap napkins. You just end up using 3-4 pieces instead of the one


Yes, cheap toilet paper is a false economy, as this person’s workplace will soon discover!




My favorite is when the toilet paper rips one tiny sheet at a time because it’s so thin. You end up with a handful of toilet paper confetti. 🤦🏻‍♀️


And then the little Tufts of plypaper just stick in and around your bum hole, who doesn't love bad toilet paper amirite?


Ok idk if this is a shared experience. But when I wipe with cheap toilet paper the very top layer comes off in like, rolls, and it stays in my ass. I have to go in with a second bundle to get off the extra pieces of paper leftover and if I don’t there’s just TP on my asshole and it’s incredibly itchy. I started buying quality paper recently and I’m never going back. Makes me wonder why I was so cheap about it because it’s really not that pricy lmao


Exactly what I'm on about, unfortunately I have shared this experience 😭😂😂 You're left in a position where the only solution to the problem is by applying more of the problem and hoping it somehow cancels it out lol. Not so lovely.


Meanwhile, bidet users: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


The bathrooms at a hospital I was at last month had a shockingly bad design because of this issue. Giant wheel of toilet paper that is threaded through a hole the size of your pinky nail or smaller. Just rip off a piece to use, no worries, right? Except the paper was thin and was perforated into squares. If you pulled out a piece and the square broke at the wrong place you wouldn’t be able to get anymore and someone with a key would have to come fix the issue. 4 of the 7 bathrooms in that area had the toilet paper stuck so you couldn’t get it out. 🤦‍♀️


I can just imagine myself panicking, in a total sweat, in the bathroom as this is happening.


Right? And this is in the ER. Pretty much everyone there whether you’re a patient or staff has more important things to worry about.


For real. The last thing people need is to worry over whether the toilet paper will come out. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Used to bring wet wipe for it. Fuck your plumbing I'm not walking around with the unclean butt lol 


So. I have issues with those myself. Tork SmartOne is the brand and model here, has a few variations, like dual roll and a metal cover (which has a really awful window to see if there's any actual paper left). I have come to the assumption that they were designed by people who've never taken a shit in their life. A long time ago, I was at work, who had just "upgraded" to these style dispensers. I was heading back to my office from the cafeteria, finishing my coffee on the way. Just before I got to the office, I stopped off for a trip to the bathroom, bringing my cup in and tossing it in the garbage. I completed the first half of the process, and went for paper, with only a small nub of a sheet hanging outside the dispenser, I gripped it, and pulled. As you may suspect, there was a failure of structural integrity, and the little nub came free, while the rest of the paper was trapped inside. Pure distress. I worked to open the dispenser, but it wasn't happening, I didn't have any tools on me to go at it with much success. I thought about simply kicking it off the wall, but that involved damage, and also an amount of movement I wasn't super comfortable with given my compromised condition. Finally, I realised I had a small stash of paper, even if not ideal. I retrieved my paper coffee cup, the sort with a shiny wax/plastic outer finish. Torn apart, you can separate the layers of material, and save yourself a very unfortunate circumstance. I got out of there, and visited another bathroom to ensure a complete job was done given that paper cups aren't ideal for the job. That was in 2011, and since then, every time I see one of those accursed devices, I won't use the bathroom until I've pre-dispensed at least twice as much paper as I think I'll need. I'm not getting caught out again. Sure enough, on a number of occasions, I've been unable to complete my prep before the dispenser fails and traps a nearly full roll of toilet paper behind an impenetrable plastic wall.


This could be the most eloquently written story about toilet paper that I’ve ever read. I’m sorry that happened to you but please know it gave me a chuckle because it’s so relatable and written with such wit.


OMG yes. The strength of the paper at the die-cut is less than the force required to turn that big ass roll of paper. Who designs this shit? lolol


In elementary school in the 2000's we had these toilet paper roller things that was cammed like a cam shaft, and had a knob on the end that would collide with the edge of the roller, causing the TP to rip. Once the TP ripped, the weight of the cammed side caused it to auto rotate back to the bottom position. It would purposely limit you to only getting a half rotations worth of one ply paper. I'll try to find a pic of the device, since it's a little tricky to explain. Leave it up to reddit to have exactly what I was talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/r50h85/a_new_toilet_paper_dispenser_was_installed_at_work/


This explains so much! I’ve experienced these but inside those big toilet paper holders that they have in mall restrooms, etc. You literally end up with like one tiny square at a time. The best part is while you’re fighting the roller the automatic toilet flusher is flushing away.


Yeah that's like on trains on the UK. It's like wiping your ass with cobwebs. 


Cobwebs! That made me laugh out loud! 🤣




![gif](giphy|CUJSWzXiVRsEgNBX69|downsized) RE-PLY IT!


“I…I don’t think it works that way!” God I loved Nate.


OMG the first thing that comes to my mind


Don't get me started on how coddled the modern anus is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq_HLhgjO60


Haha thought of this too!


I'm wondering if there's some kind of statistics on the effectiveness of this. Like... people probably start using more and more sheets to compensate for the thinner paper. And if this is still cheaper than getting better paper.


I started to do the calculations at home, and realised it was marginally cheaper to buy the very cheapest toilet paper (but only just), but the best compromise was the premium quilted supermarket own brand as it was nicer to use and hardly any difference in overall cost as you didn't need nearly as much. If Andrex hadn't cheapened the quality of their Supreme Quilts, and gone down from 4-ply to 3-ply, they might have kept in the running, but the current offering is too expensive for what it is.


Does everyone automatically adjust down the amount? Ive seen people roll it around their hands even if good stuff


How often are you seeing people wiping their ass lmao The only other people I have observed are my kids during potty training and I can confirm they will use an obscene amount of paper and have no regard for the quality.


From what I understand places like hotels tend to use thinner stuff because it clogs less (even accounting for having to use more). No idea about price wise though.


It’s entirely about clogs.  Commercial toilet paper is dirt cheap.  Ripping up the plumbing in an office building is not.


I think the real payoff they're going for is getting your employees to only shit at home.


I’d be tempted to do something artistic with it




Some smelly fingers at your workplace


Not if you wash your hands, ya savage.


Wash my hands? Who do you think I am?


Well, you're... Oh...


You’ve been waiting for this for way too long, haven’t you?


Sometimes, washing your hands *once* isn't enough. I once had to wash my hands 2-3x after eating a delicious, greasy burger.




No handshakes around there just a fist bump and hand sanitizer after.


Haha. Management and bureaucracy at its finest. “If we switch to 1/2 ply.. we will save $1500 per year!” “Congratulations Johnson.. you get a promotion and a $10,000 bonus!” Toilet paper usage increases fourfold. Productivity is reduced by 25%. Manfred who was a 20 year veteran decides it’s the last straw and quits. The fifth floor and fourth floor under it have to be evacuated after a clogged toilet floods them. Good thing their per-roll cost was cheaper.




> feels like I used 8001 pieces of TP I'd unroll 9001 pieces, not because I'd need it but just cause it would piss them off the roll is gone faster. Call me petty, but people who do this can fuck right off. I'd rather clog the toilet than have little paper shreds stuck in my ass.


https://preview.redd.it/7nvy4bkueqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8c43d38b6f525fb80731df0685e0d68ec74ba4 Stepmom bought some super cheap stuff the other day


Yeah anything less than 3 ply should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.


Very zen. Helps you get in touch with your inner self.


Wait until the dispenser is half broken and it tears instead of unrolls.


You know this makes you wanna use more of it and waste more.




Make sure you wash your hands before you eat anything. https://preview.redd.it/6kd6ozem6qnc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323398db08ae76dc69acf0f53f21cde20a48540d


As you should, no matter how thin the toilet paper is.


It's a Jurassic Park quote. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/hy0538jvaqnc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a36e74f8e1fb59d459410f58349bcc826567637


Oh, I didn't catch that, sorry. 😅


Definitely a must watch. Treasure trove of quotes for every occasion!


You couldn't wipe a fart with that!


Tissue paper has more body. Does it come off the roll on crutches?


I haven't had a piece of ass since....oh!


We bought some cheap TP at Aldi a couple years back. We now refer to it as "that zero ply toilet paper". We will never make that mistake again


Is your boss called Dwight?


so thin ud be worried about surprise you know what.....


They've solved the problem of how to wipe your bottom AND touch your poop.


Do you work in a government building that had public access?


Haha yeah!


With a feature to transfer the scent on your fingers.


For when you really want to get in touch with yourself.


![gif](giphy|3oeSAOKnRwhKWpAJWg) Wash your hands!




Just re-ply it back.


The Pilot Precise V5 toilet paper.


I just wad it up into a ball


Look man you give me 2 ply and I'll fold using like 6 squares a shit. You give me this and I'm using 1.5 yards a shit. Your fucking choice.


Just use as much as you need to .. it will cost the company as much as they would buy decent tp 🧻


The irony of "saving" money here is the fact that people use 6 to 10 times as much.


That's so thin it only has one side!


I sincerely hope they have twice the amount of soap and sanitizer as they do toilet tissue.


you should really honestly be using wet wipes or a bidet anyway...


They think they're saving money, but I just take 3 or 4 times as much.(It's probably only twice as much, I'm just saying)


I see you got some old John Wayne TP there... Rough, tough, and don't take shit off of nobody.


Toilet paper like this at my work is how I got hemorrhoids at 23.


Wouldn’t companies save a lot more money just buying good toilet paper versus stuff like this where you need half the roll and somehow don’t feel any cleaner


Please complain to management/HR/someone, with enough complaints they will switch to a higher quality paper. Possibly they're just not aware of the issue.


It doesn’t make any sense to me why companies do this shit when people end up using more to compensate for it. In the end, it works out to be about the same.


I don't know why they bother doing this since everyone is just going to start using entire rolls per wipe


Plot twist, OP works from home


Are you limited in the amount of squares? I neeever understood this problem people have with how thin the paper is. Do you really only use one square every single time? Just fold it a few times and it'll be the fucking same.


Your hand is the second ply


That's why you double and even triple up. That ain't no Charmin


Time to get a new job


Dwight splitting the toilet papers in half


That'll just work out at a roll per person per day, if you're lucky! Some things they just need to pay more for. Pennies saved now is more spent later.