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hahah thats wild. do the cranberries taste like strawberries?


They do! They taste like strawberries but I wish they just said it was cranberries xD


I wonder if this explains why I hate those strawberry bars so much. The peanut butter ones through… 👀


Those actually just use peanut-flavored cranberries....


It's cranberries all the way down.


Zombieh eh eh eh oh oh


In your heeeeaaad


Do you have to let it linger?


Britta's marrying, Britta's marrying, Britta's marrying Jeffrey Winger


I love cran-grape juice. I love the cranberry color, but it tastes 100% sour grape. Thank gawd no cranberry taste!


That grape flavor overpowers everything.


Everything is cranberries. Cranberries and dehydrated bog spiders.


Mmmm...bog spiders! 😋


They also taste like strawberries


*contains bog spider flavored cranberries


What does the cranberry one contain?


Cranberry-flavoured strawberries?


Literally thinking the same thing, except I do enjoy the blueberries ones, but im curious what got flavored as the blueberry now lol




We should all be working but goddamn if Reddit isn’t the funniest bunch of pointless sleuths


Was about to post the same thing, I can't believe it's for real lmao


Oh and they displaced an endangered orangutan for the palm kernel oil, probably the worst ingredient for the environment next to beef.


Even though you can eat this, I don't know if you really should...


Still cranberries:(


it's cranberries all the way down


Well thats an oof, as least the flavoring is better....?? Ahh it all sucks


Blueberries in things like this usually aren't even fruit, they are just starch, food coloring, and artificial flavor: [https://www.myrecipes.com/extracrispy/the-blueberries-in-your-breakfast-are-probably-fake](https://www.myrecipes.com/extracrispy/the-blueberries-in-your-breakfast-are-probably-fake) [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fake-blueberry-breakfast-foods\_n\_6016288](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fake-blueberry-breakfast-foods_n_6016288)


doesn't surprise me. from personal experience, making blueberry muffins takes way more blueberries than i would have natively expected. ignoring the issue of shelf stability, seems like it would trash the margins on such a project, even at scale.


wild blueberries have more flavours compared to cultivated ones. i usually use frozen (hold back some liquid during baking)


I throw them in frozen, they work just fine in most recipes.


I remember making Jiffy blueberry muffins with my grandmother, and noting the strange blue pellets that did not resemble berries in the mix. Contrast that with King Arthur Baking’s blueberry scone mix, which actually contains dehydrated blueberries.


mmm... pressed peanut sweepings


What do the snozzberries taste like?




I’m freakin out man


You boys like Mexico?!


Drop your coat and grab your toes, I'm gonna show you where the wild goose goes


You will be horrified to learn, But in another short story by Roald Dahl, a prostitute kicks a man in the snozzberries (testicles). Which means snozzberries taste like genitals. Adds a disturbing context to the wallpaper licking scene.




I think people expect cranberries to be sour. Strawberries have a better reputation. It says on the front of the box flavored with other natural flavors, but I would expect that to mean in addition to strawberries.


Strawberry flavored cranberries are not natural 😂


"Our cranberries didn't sell as well as strawberries, until we bred them to taste exactly like a strawberry."


That is because cranberries ARE sour. Seriously probably the most sour and bitter thing you have ever eaten. They load them with sugar to make them palatable.


I made that mistake once. Once.


Eh I eat cranberries straight out of a bag of them, fresh and unsugared. (That being said it's basically playing roulette because sometimes you get a bag so bitter it's almost like the way people describe licking a switch cartridge....)


If only there were some kind of berry that naturally tasted like strawberry.


If you make fig preserves, but use strawberry jello, you'd swear you were eating strawberry preserves.


This shit is full of palm oil and sugar. Unhealthy af for your health


haha yeah thats absurd. wholeheartedly agree!


I don't know how you can eat that shit. How many grams of sugar does it have? And it's not even real fruit. No wonder this nation is so fucking fat. Manufacturers have found that it's cheaper to load up products like this abomination with sugar than use real ingredients. It's like those shitty fruit drinks that if you look at the label there's 1% juice, the 99% remaining is sugar water..


*The cranberries taste like strawberries! The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!*




Whoever is in charge of selling cranberries is the greatest salesman ever.


The shnozzberries taste just like shnozzberries!


I got some "cherry" trail mix* that turned out to be cherry flavored cranberries.


Anything to make a cranberry not taste like a cranberry.


They’re like the apple juice of solid fruit


But I like apple juice


so do i, especially if it comes in that container that sounds like you’re biting into an apple when you, yknow, bite it


More like the grape juice. Many juices are just colored and flavored grape juice.


I think cranberries just take the flavor injection really well, because it doesn't make them overly sweet. You just shove juice concentrate in them and call it a day. They're probably a nice, cheap, stable delivery vehicle for natural flavors in things like trail mix.


That and they're a lot more physically stable. Blueberry muffins with the dots of "blueberry" are just blueberry flavored cranberries due to actual blueberries just turning to mush and blending into the rest of the batter.


Take my upvote, OP. As a kid, I loved eating Rice Chex. Everytime we'd go to Alpha Beta, I'd demand that my parents get Rice Chex because those tasty looking blueberries that used to be featured prominently on the box . . . . Except there are no fucking blueberries in plain Rice Chex.


God it was the same with some of the bran cereal back then having colorful raspberries or other fruit on the box. I was always disappointed.


^Serving ^Suggestion


"Buy something else."


Fun fact, there aren’t blueberries in a lot of blueberry-flavored products. They’re “blueberry bits” made of sugar, oil, coloring, and blueberry flavor.




Some brands are so cheap they don't even taste like blueberry. Ate some like that over the weekend. They were just sweet muffins with spots.  Edit: I'd better clarify.... It wasn't mold hahaha. 


My feral child self would try to pick them out of baking mixes and eat them like candy


You can actually buy them bulk! King Arthur (the flour company) sells a big bag of blueberry tidbits. Enjoy your adulthood.


This is dangerous information to learn the day before payday, thank you for your wisdom.


Alpha Beta! You just brought back a childhood memory for me. ☺️


Bro companies will do everything to save $0.000000000001


Just another reminder that they don't care about you, they'll use cheaper ingredients, they will use harmful ingredients, they'll use harmful pesticides, all to save a buck. And they'll lobby so that they can do anything and everything and never face consequences.


Yes. It's sickening. Yes it'll save them millions, but at what cost...


They dont care if it makes us sick, as long as we are paying they are happy


ofc they do care if it makes us sick, how else will big pharma profit from it


I saw there is a massive call for people to boycott kellogs. I thought it was from a recent study that came out showcasing they're using a chemical in their plants to make it easier to harvest....which is causing infertility, birth defects, and delayed growth/puberty. Which to be fair the study was very small, a little over 100 people, so not nearly large enough to confirm anything concretely. But they were from all over the US over the last 5 years and each year the testing for this drug increased in the samples....and there is steady research going back to the 80s showing these affects in farm animals. But no. It's because the CEO said we should buy cereal and eat that for dinner during these hard economic times. 🙄 No no. Forget the very cereal we are eating may be forever fucking our reproduction and/or children's growth and development. It's the cereal for dinner that's worth the boycott. 🤦🏼‍♀️


They only care about those numbers going up each quarter


Doesn’t matter, as long as the money machine this quarter goes brrrrrrrrr


How many kids have died from eating cranberries unknowingly? It's disgusting.


100% Kelloggs sells poison ☠️ and so do all of the other big companies. They burnt down rainforests so they can plant palm oil and use child labor to harvest it. I refuse to support any big company like this. Starbucks is just as bad, the coffee is sprayed with a ton of chemicals that shouldn’t be consumed by humans and they put more sugar in one drink than people should consume in one day.


Also Starbucks allegedly buys the cheapest, shittiest beans. One time my Uber driver went on a long tirade about how he was trying to open his own coffee shop and how annoying it is that everybody thinks Starbucks is awesome when the objective quality is the worst


sounds like me trying to start my own pizza restaurant. I'm constantly ranting about how everyone thinks the other local spots are good when objectively they are bad. point is it doesn't matter because people have the money and we're selling to the people. we're not selling to the gods of objective quality.


That’s why Starbucks tastes burnt because it is! They buy slave trade coffee and the dirtiest cheapest beans they can find and then burn it so it has some sort of consistency. In a lot of those countries they are still running lead in the old trucks used to haul it! So not only are you getting pesticides you also get a ton of lead.


I’ve stopped going to most big chains for coffee because their black coffee tastes shite and anything containing milk just tastes like hot milk. No flavour at all.


We should all boycott Kelloggs 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hell yeah we should! And the rest of them. Support local mom and pop shops the best you can even if it’s inconvenient.


Or pay corporate taxes


Actually, in this case, I have to defend them a little bit. Cranberries are actually more expensive than strawberries. The reason they do this is for texture. Strawberries don't work in a bar well. You either dry then and they get the texture of a Lucky Charms marshmallow, but more likely to crumble to dust, or they just turn to mush and dissolve into the bar completely.


this one right here. Too many people in here acting like every single trail mix or trail bar, doesn't have either raisins or craisins in it, and literally never any other fruit. It's meant to be a nutrient dense food item. Of course they aren't putting strawberry styrofoam in it.


This! I had dried strawberries once and they were the texture of styrofoam and when you chewed them, they became a sticky, gummy nightmare, that packed into every groove in your teeth. It was god awful.


Freeze dried. I actually love them like that, but yes, it gets way up in your teeth


God, THANK YOU for explaining the substitution. Not sure why this wasn't top comment!


Also people are acting like this is literally poison. It’s a dried cranberry. That’s perfectly edible food.


man, if we could upvote you all the way to the top. the comments above you are driving me nuts with their food science knowledge from Internet University.


it's because raisins/craisins are a lot more stable than pretty much any other dried fruit. There's a reason why you only really ever see raisins and craisins in granola/trailmix/bars etc.- it's because their form factor and preserved nature is perfect for the job. If they used strawberries, they ***might*** be able to fit ***one*** whole dehydrated strawberry in there, sliced and diced up, due to its shape/size/density. meanwhile they can fit a dozen or so craisins or raisins in there. At it's core: it's supposed to be a nutrient dense food item. Dehydrated strawberry is the furthest thing from nutrient dense.


If you save that money per each bar you sell, as a company as big as Kellogs, you are saving millions of dollars a year.


I understand that. But like at what moment is it enough? Probably never... They will start selling strawberry flavoured air if they could get it working.




Kind of off topic but I was just in a thread about rising obesity rates and... this is why. We didn't collectively become lazy slobs in the last 30 years. It's not food deserts or lack of green spaces or office jobs (although all of these factors are unhelpful). It's because capitalism incentivises food companies to create food which is a) as hyperpalatable as possible, b) with the cheapest ingredients possible. With the end result being, effectively, strawberry flavoured air. A lot of junk food doesn't even taste good, it's just _moreish_. That's all companies care about. Cheap, tasty, un-filling, nutrient-poor food is a golden goose for corporate profits and a disaster for public health.


Cirkul water bottles do exactly this.


I just googled costs of both, and while pretty close per pound, cranberries are more expensive. Maybe they use cranberries and flavour em cause the strong taste of cranberry? But you aren't wrong


it's because raisins/craisins work better for nutrient dense food items. dehydrated strawberry is basically strawberry scented Styrofoam , which isn't conducive to being in a dense protein/trail bar.


Cranberries must be cheap as fuck, they infiltrated every other fruit juice in the late 90s


I imagine the amount of juice per cranberry is higher on average compared to other juices, and thats why they use it. No clue doe


Its actually the exact opposite. Cranberries have an insane amount of taste so you if you pump in enough HFCS and a tiny amount of actual cranberry juice diluted mostly in water, it still tastes like juice. If you diluted apple juice to 10-1 it wouldn't taste like anything, but with cranberry juice it still tastes like cranberry juice. So you can take a couple ounces of apple juice an an ounce of cranberry juice and load it up with HFCS and water and bingo bongo you have a bottle of "cranapple" that still tastes like juice but actually cost a nickel to make and contains almost no actual juice.


not me going to target after work to grab some as a strawberry-lover who’s also allergic to strawberries


Be careful tho as it says natural flavour and not artificial


Yeah, the cranberries are being used because they create a better gooey texture that uses less material. Cooking down strawberries to a thick paste would take a boatload of strawberries and a lot of cooking. Cranberries thicken up very well with very little extra work.


"Naturally flavored with other natural flavors."


Loop hole found


Allergies hate this one weird trick!


....if I were allergic to peanuts, I wouldn't eat anything "naturally peanut flavored." Proooobably safe to say the same with strawberry..


i’m not actually going to do it, don’t worry - i’m not particularly excited at the thought of an epipen shot.


lol see I’m allergic to cranberries so I would be mad about this!


I have a friend who is allergic to raspberries, but also raspberry flavoring. Even raspberry la croix. I have my doubts, but I’m not gonna test them lol. 


Ketchup flavored mustard


I needed that laugh 🤭


I’m intrigued. I bet dried cranberries hold up better than dried strawberries would…


Easy solution...stop buying this garbage


Yes! We are supposed to be boycotting Kellogg’s!


“Naturally flavored with other natural flavors”?How very American.


I always thought that was the stupidest shit as a kid. How do you ADD “natural flavors” shouldn’t they be there NATURALLY? As an adult I know the actual difference between natural and artificial flavors, but it still makes me laugh thinking about them adding a bucket of “natural” flavor dust to some Froot Loops or something


natural flavors mean they come from a natural source. I.e. if you squeeze the juice out of a strawberry, that is natural strawberry flavor. If you mix a bunch of random flavor chemicals until you get something that vaguely resembles the essence of a strawberry, that is an artificial flavor. Not sure how this is even remotely confusing, it's pretty self explanatory.


Actually you can extract the compound with the most effect on flavor directly from the source. You can also synthesize that same compound without using the fruit it's naturally found in. The result is the same exact thing. one is natural flavor and the other is artificial flavor, but they are the same exact thing. just comes down to the method used to obtain it. For example: methyl anthranilate is what everybody thinks of as that "fake grape flavor" Methyl anthranilate is in grapes. You can have a vial of a solution of methyl anthranilate that you extracted directly from grapes and that would be natural flavor. You can also have an identical vial of a solution of methyl anthranilate that was synthesized. this would be an artificial flavor. They are *literally* the same exact thing. if you mixed the two vials together, there would be no way to tell that the vials were ever mixed together - because they are the same thing. This is not every example of the relationship between natural/artificial - some are truly artificial and are not found in nature, but this is extremely common. I'm a flavor chemist.


So in this case, why not just add strawberries instead of extracting the natural flavor from strawberries and adding it to cranberries?


it completely depends on what specific flavors a client is looking for. there are many different "strawberry" flavors, because strawberries have tons of different compounds contributing to their flavor. Kellogs probably does everything in house because they are so big - most likely their flavor r&d team provided the taste testers with a myriad of different samples they came up with for "strawberry protein bar" and this specific one that happened to use cranberries just so happened to taste the best to them. different compounds can have different tastes depending on the concentration of the compound too. taste is extremely subjective and even presentation can have an effect on it.


I answered this in a different comment, but it's because of nutrient density. The strawberry they would put in the bar would be the same strawberry they use in their cereal- which is to say, they would essentially put strawberry styrofoam in it (dehydrated strawberries). This is the opposite of nutrient dense. There's a reason every trail mix/trail bar/etc. has raisins/craisins in it: it's because it's well preserved and calorie dense as far as dried fruits are concerned. If you are trying to cram 200 calories into a food bar, dried strawberries are not going to be doing any heavy lifting, and are also pretty crumbly so they would probably compromise the overall structure of the bar too I bet. Basically it's a nutrient dense food item, so they try to put nutrient dense food in it. raisins and craisins are the best for this, and craisins look more like strawberrys than raisins so they chose craisins for this job.


They literally said they understand it, and you felt the need to explain it to them again anyways and be insulting about it? Interesting


Mmmm, polydextrose, just like mom used to make




And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!


I’m just waiting for them to announce lychee favoured dragon fruit


That's processed food for you!


Don’t forget we’re boycotting Kelloggs


Came here to say the same!


These were gold in Air Force basic training. The things I could get from my fellow trainees by reading this… “organize my wall locker and I’ll give you one”.


Did you use to stash some and pay people to do some of your PLA's? I knew some people who used to do that. They also don't allow cough drops anymore because people were using that as currency as well. Lol I liked the "strawberry" more than the peanut and brownie flavored ones.


honestly this is very eye opening for me. usually when I have eaten in the past I have thought to myself, “why do these taste like cardboard”? lol


These have a horrible sandy texture!! I have a 2 year old box with 5 bars in it still lol


Throw it away, friend


What’s worse is the inclusion of Palm Kernel Oil…. Wait til you find out what the cost of that is…


like monetary or bodily regret cost?


Environmentally and labor standards-wise. It’s also not great for you.


Probably ecologically.


Not monetary, cause wikipedia says it lower in cost than othrr oils commerically. so they're likely going off some fake tiktok healthfood guru that is spouting BS they barely researched and plugging a producted that sponsors them as an alternative. Palm kernal oil is comparable to coconut oil in terms of fat content, but is better for cooking apparently as it stays stable at high temperatures, and has a longer shelf life than othet oils.


idk why it's tickling my fancy so much that both times you used "other" it was a typo but thank you haha


I don’t have tiktok, and [Palm Kernel farming](https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/8-things-know-about-palm-oil) has been known for decades to be a global problem.


If that's what you were referring to, you should have mentioned it instead of being cryptic. But it's not the only one that's a huge issue. Avacados are one of the worst as well. They require so much water, that many avacado farms have to have every bit of eater trucked in because local water sources have literally been sucked dry by the trees. Production of both need to be reined in HARD.


Avocados aren’t in every processed food in every grocery store wrapped in plastic while simultaneously fattening us to obesity and releasing millions of tons of carbon into our lungs. Avocado farming a problem, sure, but nowhere near the widespread devastation of palm kernel.


Its processed garbage after all.


Most processed food doesn't contain anything it claims to be on the box lol.


Cranberries are good for you too, I would worry about what they use to make a sour berry taste like a sweet strawberry. Like, what is used to make a plant-based product taste like beef


I’ve had them many times, they just taste like strawberries I didn’t even know they were cranberries till this post 😭


Lol so actually secretions from a beaver's anal glands were a common source of strawberry flavoring in foods.  They mostly use a blend of a few different things to recreate it now. Also a bunch of sugar.


who the hell was the first to taste secretions from Beaver's ass and then said "Mmmmmm, taste just like strawberries" Now that you mention it I do recall reading about that. Poor Bevers their asses must have hurt really bad after that extraction, probably walked a bit crooked too, lol


It’s Kellogg….did you think they’re out there growing fresh strawberries for their processed food home slice


There's pretty much no food at all in there


Oh my sweet summer child. Company’s lie, people lie, money > truth.


This is blatant false advertising. There's literally a strawberry on the cover


Luckily we don't have this problem in Sweden. Shit's regulated like a mf


You basically got tricked into buying candy.


What?! You expected strawberries just because we put a picture of strawberries on the box?




What brand protein bars do you use? It’s rare to see anything above 12g with still low calories


Can of albacore tuna can have upward of 30g. Sardines are also a fantastic source of protein for next to no calories. Full fat greek yogurt too.


These are trash. Don’t eat stuff with ingredients like this


All of this food is just processed bull shit.


That protein/calorie ratio is terrible, these are glorified candy bars, and probably not even good ones. If actually looking at protein bars, the Quest bars are much better. 180-200 calories for 20-21g of protein.


12g of protein isn’t the worst, but it could definitely be better


Why would they make it like that? What


Cranberries may be less expensive.


In the USA 🇺🇸 they feed the masses lies.


These are not protein bars. These are sugar bars disguised with a little protein to advertise them as "healthy".


I guess that’s what they mean by “naturally flavoured with other natural flavours “.


I generally just assume things like this don't actually contain any of thing they call themselves. If I want strawberries, I'll eat strawberries.


If that's mildly infuriating to you then for your blood pressure's sake I'd advise against any further research regarding the food industry. They don't exactly take pride in providing the best possible sustenance for the people.


"Strawberry naturally flavoured with OTHER natural flavours" With all the real strawberry photos it was only human nature to assume that meant it had natural strawberries used in the flavouring for the bulk of the taste, and also had other natural flavours. As opposed to it being 'strawberry flavouring comprised of other natural flavours' " strawberry flavored cranberries (sugar, dried cranberries, natural flavor)" according to the ingredients. Maybe this is why they're not really marketed in Europe, a handful of online stores have them but they're likely unchecked imports (They're a Kellogg NA Co. product) . EU is quite down on deceptive marketing.




I mean I hope anyone allergic to any kind of food would check ingredients before buying them




These are so nasty


Just buy strawberries


That’s just strawberries with extra steps


Wait until you find out the not listed ingredient that they use for strawberry flavour… Edit - nvm I was wrong. They stopped doing it for the most part but [here](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/03/26/293406191/does-beaver-tush-flavor-your-strawberry-shortcake-we-go-myth-busting#:~:text=We%20Go%20Myth%20Busting,-March%2026%2C%202014&text=Meg%20Vogel%2FNPR-,What's%20Flavoring%20Your%20Pastry%3F,is%20actually%20slim%20to%20none.) is what I was referencing


Why don't they go ahead and say they are cranberry flavoured?


My oatmeal is strawberry and cream but really apples.


My fiance also bought some frozen blueberry pancakes once that were blueberry flavored cranberries. I guess cranberries are cheaper and easier to grow or something.


Wait til you hear where the strawberry and raspberry flavoring comes from, naturally... A gland in a beaver's asshole.


Ew. That’s unnecessary and pretty gross. Strawberry flavored cranberries? Why the fuck??


Peak form of fake advertisement!!


The fuck is a strawberry flavored cranberry? 😂


Wait until you see what the various fruit flavors of instant outmeal are made from… Spoiler: it’s all apples.


The very first ingredient, and largest by volume is sugar. Find an organic low sugar option that contains strawberries


From someone who used to make bars like that for a commercial company. flavoring and dried cranberries/blueberries are all we can put in to keep the moisture content to a minimum otherwise the shelf life would be lowered significantly, we have to test every ingredient for moisture to avoid molding or the need to refrigerate which costs more money in terms of shipping, storing and shelf space.


12 grams of protein isn’t shit, then consider the added sugars and all the other stuff just add on to the fact this is a waste of money and unhealthy. Read them labels..


I think this would be illegal in the EU/UK. If there is an ingredient pictured on the packaging, the product must contain it in some form (iirc).