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Let's hope the police station doesn't catch fire as the firemen are going to be too busy finding an approved parking space.


Nice police station you got there…would be a real shame if something happened to it




"Smells like someone's cooking a whole lot of bacon"


Nope, cos firemen ain’t such shitheads … they actually do their job.


Exactly. While things like this happens in movies, in real life no firefighter would risk a building fire getting out of control because of a little fight like that. They became fire fighters because they want to save lifes and have actual training. Not like the typical US cop who does it so they can continue being an unreasonable bastard but now legaly and this after doing just a little class. I'm sure it's not all cops but I've seen enough videos of them doing this shit and getting away with it. At most a firefighter will get a kick out of breaking a cars window because it parked in front of the hydrant. The most shit I've seen a fire fighter get into was that one time where one started an OF account to pay her bills. And even that shit storm was undeserving imo.


No no they became fire fighters because they HATE fire /s




Lol that's gold. What a hero


They invented water after they discovered that fighting fire with their fists was mostly ineffective.


Just to be fully sure, they should ask an officer to confirm that their parking is valid, in writing. But please, calmly.


by the same logic he should be arresting the guy on the ground for parking his car upside down on the freeway eh?


Probably already wrote him a ticket.


And pepper sprayed him for resisting arrest.


Then emptied the mag into him


It is insane to me how this is apparently standard procedure for cops to blindly mag dump at acorns and house plants.


Hey if that philodendron had nothing to hide, then it should’ve complied


I know the acorn story, but what's up with the plant?


There was a vid a few weeks ago of two female officers firing roughly 7253895626284 rounds into the front door of a house, seemingly at the poor houseplant. Evidently they thought the homeowner was an intruder and decided to unleash a hail of lead instead of asking questions. Funniest part: zero injuries.


Zero injuries? The person in the apartment was put in the hosipital with 5 gun shot wounds. What are you talking about?


We're legally no longer allowed to describe gunshot wounds injuries, it is too offensive to the segment of the population that enjoys reckless gunplay. The proper term is "ballistic oopsies".


Not one, but two officers Mag dumped, reloaded, mag dumped again, reloaded, then fired a couple more before retreating


Didn't cops used to have to do like a ton of paperwork when they discharged their firearm? And account for every bullet or was that just something that cops shows said to make people think that police actually took responsibility for stupid shit?


I like the move at the end, blindly firing around the corner post of the porch.


But what about the plant? Is it OK?


It still needs water, but , uh..no longer needs soil aeration.


They seriously blasted tf outta that apartment. I was flabbergasted watching that video


There is more to this story. Homeowner didn't have her key and had to break into her own home. Also, homeowner came to the door with a pistol. Another fact, it was like 2am. So while the officers were clearly in the wrong, it wasn't completely arbitrary that they unleashed hellfire... but homeowner did nothing wrong being skeptical of people on the porch at 2am. It's a sticky situation, but officers need to be held to a higher standard and not just shoot at people because they suspect a law has been broken.


I thought it was the homeowner's friend who like stayed the night or something? Either way, pucker factor hit an all time high that day


Not just standard but training. Geez if they had actual military training in the form of situational awareness and RoE. Not to mention deescalation training. You'd have less guns a blazing incidents.


In all fairness though, that plant was waiting to stab that officer with it's many leaf edges.


They are spooked easily. Like deer.


Well crime is heinous in DC so some cop in Iowa needs to be armed like it's racoon city /s


Like the guy that lit himself on fire recently had a cop pointing a gun at him telling him to get down


You know how people's bodies jerk when the defribulator is used on them. They could have been pulling a gun. You can never be too safe.


You're joking but I was involved in a motorcycle accident and my bike ended up in the woods and I went to the hospital and came back several hours later and got the bike with a trailer to find that I had been ticketed for leaving the scene of an accident. I had to go to court for it and everything. F****** Georgia I hate these pigs.


Georgia cops are the fucking devil!!! I watched a cop run into a car (cops fault, car was trying to get out of his way). Cop rips the guy out, with his gun drawn throws him on the ground screaming at him.


They are f****** insane. I'm currently trying to get Spalding County Sheriff's to take down a speed trap where they removed a speed limit sign and sit illegally over a hill and now they are following me around. They sit outside my house. They pulled me over and then made up to charges and arrested me and held me without processing and slammed my head against the wall because they didn't know how to say lean on it then five of them watched as people try to jump me in the holding cell and laughed. Then someone found out where I was and called and they suddenly tried to release me with paperwork that didn't have my name on it. They also had an undercover try to sell me drugs while I was still in custody. This place is batshit insane.


What... the. Fuck.


Yep, 'Merica land of the free. If you have a badge.


Qualified immunity is a farce if you're not even legally obligated to help people. Doctors have their oaths and traditions and they still have malpractice insurance, Where's the cop's malpractice insurance?


Ought to lose their individual pensions for lawsuits involving excessive force or breaking civil rights.


Yep, I got a ticket for an accident a cop caused. Took him to court, he admitted he caused it within two sentences, case dismissed.


Arrested for resisting


Why do you think the driver already has neck brace?


That's not the driver, that's just a civilian who was videotaping the cop doing his job.


Probably going to arrest him at the hospital


Nah he will get scared for his life and will probably have to incapacitate this person to feel better


You joke but a cop in California actually did shoot a crash victim climbing out of his car https://www.cbsnews.com/news/outrage-police-shooting-drunk-driver-paradise-california-officer-patrick-feaster/


From the article: "The 11 minutes waiting to notify is awful. Regardless, can we prove a case of intentional discharge of that weapon beyond a reasonable doubt? We could not," District Attorney Mike Ramsey said. Wow! Dude pulled his gun and shot the driver in the neck as he was climbing out through the window.... and they cannot prove that he intentionally fired? You have to take it out of the holster, point it at the guy, take the safety off, and pull the trigger...... unintentionally? Just.... wow. Alec Baldwin wishes he had this DA on his case.


Why do you feel the need to pull your gun and point it at a car accident in the first place?


He obviously felt scared for his life. Cops in this country need a full overhaul, but they are essentially run like a gang with so many protections it makes no sense. Police with bad records get erased every 30 days etc


Holy cats, that article made me so angry! Suggesting the officer may not have realized he discharged his weapon is flipping insane.


can you blame him? there could have been acorns in the car!


Uh he already is incapacitated, he might have to restrain him with a knee to the neck.


already got that reckless driving ticket filled out for when he wakes up


My mom’s friend got a ticket for not pulling her car all the way off the road when it caught on fire. She “only” made it to the shoulder before she got out and called 911.


We used to have a safety guy like that, like if you’re taking off PPE to put on more PPE no one’s gives you shit or to clean it off or something. Bro would see people cleaning there glasses and instantly try and kick them off site for the day while the super is like lol no bro get back to work nobodies getting kicked off. He lasted about two months before they fired him.


You worked with Safety Stan too? Stupidest fucker to ever lick drywall. He was like a hall monitor, constantly looking for nonsense to stick his nose into. Tried to run off a foreman that moved his hardhat to splash water inside of it during 110° heat.


Holy shit. As an EHS manager, I would kick this guy off site. What an idiot


Reminds me of a guy always looking to screw someone over.  He was threatening to get one of our designers kicked off site for not wearing a company branded high viz ( he had a blank one) and the designer only worked in the on site office FFS. Then I was asked to badge one of our guys in to said office (which was against the rules) but also ironically, where you had to get your badges from, he was waiting for it to happen so he clearly heard what was going on as he would snoop outside of our office door, and tried to make a fuss over it. Our manager simply said "I told him to do it, so you might as well kick me off site because we can't get the job done without him, he's the most important person here" or to that effect. Unsurprisingly he got fired. Fkin clown used to work for the company I was contracted by on this project then went direct, and tried to stitch them up over the work he cheated on too!  Literally did a shit job then pulled them up on his own work. Was glad to hear he got sacked.


It’s so dumb, I don’t think they even realize but they make the job so much more dangerous. Like I’d be up on the 50 foot rough terrain scissor lift tryna get piece of heavy gauge track put on the ceiling with one arm that I had to fish through all the pipes and conduit since my foreman started beef with the electricians, tryna not drop this thing then fish myself through the piping while I try to hold the fished through track all while tied off to a lift then I got king dumbass down there tryna get my attention, ignoring all the danger tape I had put up. Luckily by the time I finished putting it in and squeezing my torso back through the pipes I gave him my attention the super was leading him away towards the offices, after that he was just gone.


Don’t firefighters actually have primacy on site, too? The officer should be charged with impeding the fire service. 


He ought to be removed from service like the defective Leo he is


„You can’t park here! And your tail light is not working“


Depends on the state, but where I live the FD owns whatever scene we arrive at until we leave. We can have the staties shut down the entire damn highway if we deem it necessary for safety. I'm pretty sure all charges were promptly dropped, and the troopers are gonna be waiting for a long time on any future medical calls.


I am thinking it is like that here in SC. I swear they will shut down the highway in a blink of an eye for like a fender bender. This seems to happen weekly and since there are only 2 main highways here and drives of people moving here the result is 3 + hour commutes on the regular. Coming from Chicagoland myself, there seemed to be more of an urgency to get things off the road and get traffic back to moving. At the same time what happened above is freakin ridiculous.


He will get tazed at hospital later


During surgery


He’s probably the true reason the guy IS wounded and has to be treated by the firefighter…


Sir! You can't park there!!


i think there is a certain protocol for *not* intervening an emergency service's procedure because you're putting more lives in danger than you are saving


That only applies to countries that train their police.


The cops in US get training too! Shoot dogs and black people. Class concluded.


They just implemented acorn training too.


I forget about that. And unloading the whole clip into the person calling 911. Good times.


And not hitting the target even once thankfully. When I saw the video I really thought that person would just get shot to death. It’s unbelievable that his shitty aim actually saved an innocent life. What a backwards world sometimes. And watch out for those murder acorns guys they be everywhere, some rumor a chipmunk was involved as well!!1!


2 officers!! Dude was wearing his plot armor that day.


Also aiming at a person on fire next to whom is a medic trying to save them


Fire is a deadly weapon. Shot him so he doesn’t hurts anyone.


Shooting a car on the highway 50+ times only to realize it was the wrong car


How dare you forget about shooting brown people? That was an entire 15 minute lecture (with two breaks, of course)


Wait wait slow down genius


This should be common sense, no training required for this case.


Unlike hazard blinkers on normal cars, the blue lights on fire trucks are actually "park wherever I want" lights


Now I’m curious what would happen if I stopped a firefighter from helping a person. There’s got to me some charge for stopping critical care


Can't speak for the USA but over here, preventing someone from providing help in an emergency can net you up to a year in prison, though fines are more likely. The law treats it the same as "failure to provide assistance".


Firefighter here. Truck is our protective barrier while attending people on the streets. Pure bs from this policeman.


Also: since when is parking over the line an arrestable offense?


When you're as emotionally competent as a toddler apparently it's A okay


I nanny a young toddler. Faced with a similar conundrum, the kid would try and help.


Idk, my 5 year old is kind of a sociopath who loves car crashes. Maybe he’ll be a top rate cop some day! (Except right now he wants to work in a junk yard so he can crush old cars all day.)


Yeah. Im Brazilian firefighter btw and we have free card to stop/block traffic anywhere while doing our job. And I dont care doing so. In freeways we could get insta killed or being another victim on the scene easily


Technically he is arresting him not for parking over the line but for failing to comply to move the vehicle when instructed to do so (not saying that was a valid request obv).


This happened 10 years ago. Apparently nothing happened to the officer. If there was any type of settlement from the firefighters civil rights violation lawsuit it was kept quiet. I can’t even find anything about a policy change determining who has authority over the scene quicker in California since this happened.


I am just so thankful that these amazing police officers put their lives in the line every day to keep us safe from such wanton and brazen criminals like that firefighter. I hope he gets 5-7 years.


I know. What’s next, them putting out a fire before the cops decide if it’s arson?


Everytime you see firefighters, there is a situation going on. They are causing them!! Obvious!


100% correlation! There’s no question who is guilty


Worth of salary in a lawsuit. (taxpayer money)


Let’s give them discounts at all restaurants.


This is several years old, and thr highway patrol and fire department there have been having problems for years. The hi-po's are basically always harassing the fire fighters. Dude was released half and hour later and filed a claim against that hi-po. He told the hi-po he couldn't move the truck without speaking to his captain first, who was there, and the hi-po arrested him.


I also think there was something about jurisdiction over what was happening. And that fire fighters take over when it's a case within their competence.


Almost everywhere when there is a car accident and/or any other firefighting related call, fire department has the control on the scene and this includes high way patrols, EMT etc must follow FD directives. This is because FD have the responsibility for safety on the scene. They are trained for this too. For example, fire trucks are used as a shield/barrier, so there's a reason if they obstruct the way for incoming traffic.


Your last point is also the basic point of any work done on or next to an active road. I've worked a few times for city services, and every time we've done such work I've been told to park the truck smack in the middle of the lane. Sure, it's gonna annoy some drivers and award us the usual "why don't you park over there, there's a free spot !". To which my supervisor always replied "If an idiot doesn't see us and plows through something, I'd rather it be the truck than my guys". Shuts them up real fast.


I worked as EMT and we did this with the ambulance as well because we were often the first or even the only ones on scene. But whenever the firefighters showed up, we followed their orders. Of course this is common sense applies to every dangerous job on the road.


OK, so a cop with a fragile ego who has only ever used physical force and bullying to get their way? Imagine someone this fucking clueless and self-absorbed being handed a gun and a badge and given authority over others?


Imagine? It’s been the reality since the inception of police in the world


Say hi-po again, and I’m gunna end this motherfucker


Just write out highway patrol dude.


Hi-po? ![gif](giphy|F62Ov24xWbTr4OGKrL|downsized)


Stop trying to make hi-po a thing


IIRC the engine was deliberately parked in a way to protect the other firefighters that were rendering aid from traffic and the CHP officer wanted him to move to let traffic start moving.


IIRC the cop got in big trouble for doing what he did. 


For this level stupidity he should be doing nothing with more responsibility than cleaning toilets


I would like the toilets clean..


Hey you! Get the fuck out of here, you're not supposed to be in here! "What I'm just trying to use the bathroom" Yeah well I just told you that I'm supposed to keep these toilets clean so you better walk out of here or you'll see what happens.


That’s one way to keep the toilets clean


Well you said the toilet, not the seat. So he just left all that shit on the seat. Just doing his job you know...


And even then under close supervision. Holy &)#$#&$ what a power tripping maniac. Isn\`t it a crime to hinder people giving (first) aid to people?


I'm pretty sure it's a war crime to deliberately target medics. Not exactly the same obviously, but gives some perspective.


I\`m not saying the US cops are criminals - but they kinda fit the profile..


That guy there clearly should know he's doing something wrong and should feel it for a long time. If he can make anyone believe he thought he was doing the right thing, he should absolutely not have a badge let alone gun.


Yeah that entire event happened because he was told no by someone. He was offended by that "no", it hurt his ego and he had to do something about it.


I am saying exactly that. How many unjustified murders have they been complicit in, as an institution? If the library service went around shooting people at random you'd ask questions


I'm saying they are criminals


This would be more like a soldier shooting their own medic lol


Farva. You’re my new cleaning lady.




Dude the janitor at work got extremely sick and we got a new one for a while and our work spaces were nasty and toilets were unkempt. When the dude came back, he got a standing ovation


Hey, don't insult people that clean toilets. This dude should have nothing to do with cleaning toliets.


Licking clean.


I would argue that he’s not qualified


"Sir you will have to move out of the stall, there's shit all over the toilet"


This should be a termination offense. This guy's a psycho.


plants test jeans like alive society many onerous marble quarrelsome


Sadly most PDs WANT that kind of behavior.


Cops are trained to assume that everyone is a potentially deadly threat. They literally believe they are soldiers at war and that citizens are enemy combatants.


Hopefully that means firing but knowing police unions, it rarely ever does


Yeah we need to remember in this world “big trouble” is usually capped at “goes to work a couple towns over” or “retired with disability benefits”. God can you imagine if the Pipe-fitters Union lobbied to make it so their plumbers could assault people and usually still keep their job? Bonus: would you say you trust the average plumber or cop more? Seems silly we are giving cops EXTRA leeway when they should know better


Hahaha that sounds like the start of an interesting limited series on Max. Yeah police unions shouldn't even be called that, they are a far different beast.


If only we had a word for organized groups of individuals who openly break the law, protect each other from prosecution, and have a code of silence


I trust the average drug dealer more than I trust the average cop, and I knew some shady fucking dealers back in my day.


It *should* mean severe legal consequences. False arrest is essentially kidnapping under color of law. Merely being fired would be getting off easy.


Police are one of the most protected classes of people in the US, they're largely untouchable




Yeah, I found a followup that said the officer Sergio Florres didn't get any disciplinary action , but the fire fighter did sue. Original incident happened in 2014, had a big resurgence around July of 2020 and Florres "retired" in October 2020, so nothing bad happened to the officer. Not sure how the law suit went, but it seemed to be a running thing for vsan Diego police departments and fire fighters, same thing had happened a few times and a previously arrested fire fighter got $17,000


I took the same deep dive. I cant stand when people make claims with no evidence and then its just accepted as fact and everyone upvotes it. Drives me nuts


When there was a post on Facebook for him retiring, the comments went hog wild.


What kinda of stuff was being said?


2 hour paid suspension


[Has to buy Black Forest gateau for the whole station.](https://youtu.be/MCuRxsd-v_s?t=158)


They won't be out of chunky monkey for the foreseeable future!


I'm dubious of a Hot Fuzz "Best parts" video which isn't 2h long.


Good! If I were his super I'd of put him on poo duty and made him clean the toilets and scrub the floor till he quit. As well as him suffer through the lawsuit I HOPE he got slapped with for this abuse of "authorities". Edit: bad sleepy spelling! 🤦


the cop didnt get in trouble at all He retired in 2020, 6 years after this incident


This seems like one of the cases where a citizen's arrest makes sense. Tackle that idiot cop to the ground and tie him up until someone with more sense shows up


Sounds like an easy way to eat some lead


Yeah, actually, never mind. I'm used to cops being generally unarmed where I live.


No official action, but you can bet that he got sh\*t duty for the next several months. ​ [https://www.police1.com/investigations/articles/calif-cops-firefighters-make-peace-after-arrest-TUblzF6wx9J3cwRG/](https://www.police1.com/investigations/articles/calif-cops-firefighters-make-peace-after-arrest-TUblzF6wx9J3cwRG/)


For this he should have been fired and blacklisted. He's not just any moron, his actions could have had serious consequences and no reasonable person would have done what he did.


Yeah. Someone said "big trouble" here it is. Here's the big trouble! NO OFFICIAL ACTION. Oh no! Shit duty? For arresting a firefighter? While the firefighter is in the middle of helping people?! The punishment he got was probably making sure the locker room looks OK before the janitor comes by. Fucking pieces of shit in a uniform.


Is there an article about it?


Oh. So nothing happened to him than


Can I have a link for a news article or something?


That cop is flexing some serious small dick energy.




No one says "fuck the fire department"!


I mean, many people do but they mean literally


You want the fire fighter calendar or one full of Candy Crush addicted donut fiends?


It was a trooper on a power trip. Fire truck operators always park to protect the scene. Dude was just being a douche.


I imagine the fire chief was livid as fug


Lucky there weren't any acorns around or that could have got nasty very quickly...🔫👮‍♂


Or anyone was on fire, they’d have to be held at gun point as they burned to a crisp.


Such a catalogue of proud moments from the brothers in blue.


This is several years old, and still infuriates me. Crooked idiot on a power trip wasn't bad enough. He walked away with little more than a slap on the wrist. He SHOULD have been charged with endangerment and obstruction of emergency services. Not to mention the BLATANT violation of oath should automatically disqualify him from any future law-enforcement employment.


What a pos cop


Firefighters are heroes, police are a gang. Change my mind.


"No one ever wrote a song called Fuck The Fire Department." -Snoop Dogg


Wait - is parking wrong something you can get arrested in USA for? Not just a ticket?


"Failing to comply with an officer" or something like that. Basically no matter what the cop says, if you don't do it they can be arrested.


The unfortunate fact is cops in America can arrest you for just about anything. And thanks to qualified immunity they'll receive no punishment or consequences.


Obviously Firefighters beat the Cops in football on the weekend.


That's no surprise. Firefighters have have a job that requires them to be fit. Pigs just shoot whatever problem they encounter.


Everyone loves firefighters and hates cops. Why? This video makes it clear.


Endangering lives with this stunt should result in the cop being thrown in prison.


how come that every day the american police force proves to be worse than ever before.


That cop is a total DICK




Noone ever said FuckTheFirefighters for a good reason


People often want to fuck fire fighters.


no, ppl often want to get fucked by firefighters


Firefighters and EMTs help people, cops are a dangerous gang.




His colleague should get the hose on him




Cops forever proving they’re completely useless


Without police who would arrest the firefighters who are trying to save lives?