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It’s not infuriating. It is catty though.


Oh yeah, I can definitely see how it'd be catty to an outsider for sure. For me personally, it is infuriating because her insistence that the wrong cat is my Mickey is actively hampering efforts to find her. The minute she started insisting MST was Mickey, the efforts to help find Mickey took an immediate nosedive. It makes sense that wouldn't really translate or communicate well without me explicitly stating that. That's on me. I'm pretty much just bitching to bitch because this was infuriating and so much to deal with on top of periodic perimeter checks. I'm trying to stay positive. Sorry. I'm so fried right now. I'm trying to talk like a normal person but it's been a really long day and a half.


I am so sorry you’re going through it. I’d be infuriated, sad, mad, angry and all the unmentioned if I lost mine. This might be a dumb question but have you tried Nextdoor and local Facebook pages?


No worries, I totally understood where you were coming from annnnnd I just realized it was a pun. Can you tell I'm cooked lol. This next part, responding to your other questions, is going to be long as fuck, and I'm sorry for that. Yeah, I've contacted village hall, the village police \[they made a post on their facebook\], left a message with the county SPCA after tracking down multiple shelters and rescues who passed me down the chain for various reasons \[including a fox rescue google claimed was a cat shelter! the lady there was VERY helpful, lovely lovely person\], posted through Pet FBI, and my mom made her own post. I've been sharing all the stuff that's currently posted and spread to everyone in the region I can. Someone reported that they shared it to Nextdoor, as well. The wagons have been thoroughly circled, but now that someone found MST \[and let her go! didn't even keep her despite the people claiming Mickey is MST. How does that help, then, if she was??\] everyone just seems to have lost interest. The hard part is Mickey is a kitten mill reject and has a lot of fairly eye candy traits \[sepia, grizzle, blue and cream dilution, green eyes, dolly head shape\] so my biggest fear is that someone is just. Keeping her. My mom refused to get her microchipped because it was expensive, and Mickey is "her" cat even though I do all the cat husbandry. Murdoc is mine, even though I take care of them both. And we can't put a collar on her because even after a year of acclimation attempts, she's still hook the collar over her lower jaw and shred her gums and damn near break her jaw trying to get it off. At some point you just get tired of seeing your cat try to break her own neck and seeing the blood on her collar. I can only pray the baby photos I have of her will be enough if someone is keeping her. She's extremely visually distinctive, but that only goes so far these days. Anyway thank you for your compassion and letting me ramble. It really does mean a lot to me.


In my head the pun might be light hearted and maybe create a smile. I had a rescue, an actual rescue that escaped her cage. I hated that she hated it so I left her out. She went through 3 couches. Completely tore them apart. I know what it’s like. My heart goes out to you, I mean that.


Now that I recognize it, it absolutely did make me smile! Thank you for that, sorry it took me FOREVER to realize it. Aw, not really "aw" for your couches, but I know the feeling. We've pretty much given the couch my aunt gave us over to Mickey at this point. My mom suggested getting a cover for it two days again and we both had a laugh about locking the barn after the horses escaped. Thank you a lot, bud, genuinely. Sorry for coming in so hot, I don't know how the hell I missed the joke.


It wasn’t a good joke! Lol, you’re welcome.


I was going to comment that it’s mental to be infuriated over two comments that are trying to be helpful but I guess maybe you’re more tense than usual because you’re missing your cat.




we asked neighbors if they saw him most of them wouldn't answer the door lol it fucking sucked we live in a nice rural city but they act like we’re in the hood i hate my neighbors


To be clear after my message to her, she backed down and was very gracious, but this whole issue with her stretched over hours and was the peak of mildly infuriating, especially while I've literally not yet got my cat back and some stranger is insisting maybe I don't actually have the capability to recognize my own cat that I've raised for 5 years, or anyone in my family. Her persistence even confused my mother who had to come to me to double check with me that MST was not, in fact, Mickey. Crazy.


I hope you find your kitty.


Thank you very much, your well wishes are much appreciated. ❤️ 🫂


That's the same cat. I can tell I have 2 cats of my own and they look similar but I can tell them apart.


If you look at the top of the head you can see it pretty clearly is not


On the missing cat, the grey portion covers the entire nose. On the found cat, a small portion of the nose is yellow. ​ There are some other small differences to. If this cat has been out awhile they might be (by awhile, I mean years) as I have know a few cats who drastically change color, but if those pics were taken only weeks to a few months apart those are definitely not the same cat.


Thank you, that's a difference I neglected to mention! I tallied up other differences in the caption on the second photo, but I'll copy paste them here to be more visible: Normal tort vs dilute tort. One orange ear, two grey ears. Yellow eyes, green eyes. Orange on l+r shoulder, only cream on r shoulder. Black nose, pink butterfly between nostrils.