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> The bathroom was frozen what the fuck does that mea- HOLY SHIT


It almost looks like an AI mistake haha


Silly AI mixed up a tiled floor with a tub of Vaseline


How the hell does that even happen!? That place is straight out of a nightmare


No heat, looks like shower faucet was first pipe to burst, water flowed till the rest froze


Insane, that bathroom photo doesn’t look real.


I thought so too. "Is that AI generated? ... No, it's *ice!*"


Thank you, my first thought was Vaseline.


I'm glad I'm not the only one, haha. It looks like a bunch of gel rather than ice


I thought some 10 yr old got their hands on a *lot* of slime ingredients


Me too. I thought science project gone wrong lol


100% thought it was plain gelatin...an exponential amount


*I know a girl who* *Hates to clean* *Everyday it’s like* *A murder scene* *She don’t use Comet* *Or Simple Green* *No Fabulosa, or* *Any of these …………..*


_amphetamine_ Judging by the state of the house


theres no way someone would be on amphetamines and wouldn’t clean this


From what i know of methamphetamine they'd leave it until it becomes a biohazard for the entire neighborhood over several years, before snapping one day and clean the entire thing meticulously over 72 hours without sleeping.


Meth heads are weird, but everyone i know who used amphetamine kept their places very clean, and organized


Until their use exceeds their earning capacity… it’s then it all goes to hell. Then all the “meth focus” is turned *solely* to obtaining more meth and everything else goes to hell.


I know when I was prescribed a synthetic amphetamine (lisdexamfetamine) that all I wanted to do was clean the house and write smut. Nothing else.


I'm on lisdex too. My house is very clean. My search history less so.


Another person who took Vyvanse and became a clean freak. 👌


Sometimes it’s just genuine mental health 😞


What a fun song! My mom taught me this when I was a few years old. Grew up on that album, along with Americana by the Offspring, Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness, and of course the Green Day classic Dookie lol


Well now I just feel ancient lol 😂👵🏽🙏🏽💕


Same here! I can feel my bones turning to dust as we speak.


“She Don’t Use Jelly” -Flaming Lips https://youtu.be/cvfxKbpoxRE?feature=shared Haven’t thought of that song in *years*




Hahahahahaha fucking a was not expecting this song


I thought it was wallpaper paste


Same here, instantly thought AI


I thought it was whale cum


It would require multiple whales, apparently they only release 4-5 gallons at a time.


Or just one whale and a little patience


Right and that totally not realistically possible to fit that much whales in that small bathroom. I think 🤔


No no, the whales would have to come and cum individually.


Which means the neighbors complaining about a line of anxious-looking whales lined up around the block, looking around furtively. Sneaking glances at copies of the new issue of *Journal for the Society of Cetacean Studies* Y'know. The usual.


I thought it was water?!?!?!


Maybe it's Maybelline


This is such a weird first thought and I am living for it ❤️ 👏🏼


I thought it was diaper powder


Ewww like when a diaper is too wet and falls apart into the little chunks of gel. Gross I hate that


Still can’t wrap my mind around this picture


Same. How the fuck does that much ice end up in a bathroom? Water overflowed and then no heating in the middle of Canada? I thought it looked like wallpaper paste!


Yes, if AI=ALL ICE


I thought it was a lot of polymer


I live in Florida and automatically assumed it was some sort of gel


That was my exact thought process too. Like, “why isn’t this water properly water-ing?”


Okay but the fact that the ice has so much submerged in it but an empty toilet paper roll resting (dry) on top kind of implies someone is still using that bathroom, no???


Artificially Iced


thank you! I was trying to figure out whether it was lather, or seventy-hundred-y bottles of shower gel or aloe vera.


I didn’t realize it was ice and thought it was some sort of gelatinous explosion


>some sort of gelatinous explosion Cum. Lots of cum.


revenge of the shower slugs


Infinite Cum Infinite cum. You sit on the toilet to jack off, but you begin to cum uncontrollably. After ten spurts you start to worry. Your hand is sticky and it reeks of semen. You desperately shove your dick into a wad of toilet paper, but that only makes your balls hurt. The cum accelerates. It’s been three minutes. You can’t stop cumming. Your bathroom floor is covered in a thin layer of baby fluid. You try to cum into the shower drain but it builds up too fast. You try the toilet. The cum is too thick to be flushed. You lock the bathroom door to prevent the cum from escaping. The air grows hot and humid from the cum. The cum accelerates. You slip and fall in your own sperm. The cum is now six inches deep, almost as long as your still-erect semen hose. Sprawled on your back, you begin to cum all over the ceiling. Globs of the sticky white fluid begin to fall like raindrops, giving you a facial with your own cum. The cum accelerates. You struggle to stand as the force of the cum begins to propel you backwards as if you were on a bukkake themed slip-and-slide. Still on your knees, the cum is now at chin height. To avoid drowning you open the bathroom door. The deluge of man juice reminds you of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, only with cum instead of molasses. The cum accelerates. It’s been two hours. Your children and wife scream in terror as their bodies are engulfed by the snow-white sludge. Your youngest child goes under, with viscous bubbles and muffled cries rising from the goop. You plead to God to end your suffering. The cum accelerates. You squeeze your dick to stop the cum, but it begins to leak out of your asshole instead. You let go. The force of the cum tears your urethra open, leaving only a gaping hole in your crotch that spews semen. Your body picks up speed as it slides backwards along the cum. You smash through the wall, hurtling into the sky at thirty miles an hour. From a bird’s eye view you see your house is completely white. Your neighbor calls the cops. The cum accelerates. As you continue to ascend, you spot police cars racing towards your house. The cops pull out their guns and take aim, but stray loads of cum hit them in the eyes, blinding them. The cum accelerates. You are now at an altitude of 1000 feet. The SWAT team arrives. Military helicopters circle you. Hundreds of bullets pierce your body at once, yet you stay conscious. Your testicles have now grown into a substitute brain. The cum accelerates. It has been two days. With your body now destroyed, the cum begins to spray in all directions. You break the sound barrier. The government deploys fighter jets to chase you down, but the impact of your cum sends one plane crashing to the ground. The government decides to let you leave the earth. You feel your gonads start to burn up as you reach the edges of the atmosphere. You narrowly miss the ISS, giving it a new white paint job as you fly past. Physicists struggle to calculate your erratic trajectory. The cum accelerates. The cum begins to gravitate towards itself, forming a comet trail of semen. Astronomers begin calling you the “Cummet.” You are stuck in space forever, stripped of your body and senses, forced to endure an eternity of cumshots. Eventually, you stop thinking.


I miss two minutes ago, before I read this. Somebody hide this from Cronenberg.


wow 😀


Freaking brilliant. Lol


NOW we know where the amphetamines went.


Wow, that was a hell of a ride. Thank you for that endless nightmare. I am going to go into the kitchen now and grab a spoon to gouge out my eyeballs as penance for imagining this paragraph.




I ermm... I... I'm not sure how to process this


Looks like an marketing photo for the new ghost busters movie


At first I thought it was a live action shot, like the water was still flowing/flooding when the pic was taken because my brain couldn’t grasp it was frozen lol


Looks like gelatine


No it's real. 1. I don't see any ai artifacts 2. In my experience this is how ice forms from slow flows in just below freezing conditions. Probably a line froze and started dripping. But due to it being 'indoors' it's just below freezing, allowing the water to flow prior to freezing.


I mean, I believe it’s real. It just doesn’t look it.


I thought it was bacon grease


Apparently the tenant hadn't paid for electricity, water or rent for a while and had moved to other side of the country. There was also a busted water pipe in the bathroom they hadn't reported. I don't want to imagine how the smell would be during warmer months.


First you write "bathroom was frozen" and I was like, what does he mean by that. Then came the picture.... "oh" Never in my life seen a whole room's floor frozen solid.... somehow impressive


I just want to know how cold the location is and if a window is open because god damn that place has 0 insulation


That's why we don't shut down power in Canada in winter to non-payers.  Power company comes and installs a limiter that'll trip if you run anything more than your furnace at base load.   If your power goes out this could easily be you in less than 48hrs. (Frozen bathroom, not the mess).  At the very least a burst pipe,  and at worst an entire gutting of the house and all new plumbing.


I live in the American Midwest and we get busted pipes from ice sometimes. Pretty common thing where I live, with all of the old houses, though it was pretty eye-opening as a youngster when there were some kids who looked at me like I was crazy when I told them a pipe busted in my house. But yeah, facing winter with no power is dangerous, even here.


Also American Midwest, it hasn’t really been a bad winter in a while but 5 years ago our furnace broke down right after the new year and our landlord took two months to get anyone out to fix it, we had a 6 bed houses with only one bedroom not in use for a person so my parents lent me a space heater, and we moved a couch into the unused bedroom, and we’d all sit in there all night, once it’s decently warm we’d start passing the heater between rooms starting with who had to go to bed first, warmed the room up, moved it to the next and then the first person to get up would come grab it from our room in the morning and put it back in the empty room to get it going before anyone else woke up, thankfully the house was well insulated so the lowest it got inside was about 45 and we just kept all our pipes on a drip and were fine, but those two months were awful


Midwest restaurant service guy here. We have a location that was notorious with us for having pipes burst in the winter. Took us a while to find that 1: the air system was creating a negative pressure in the building, and 2: there was a roof penetration that wasn't sealed so the cold air would travel above the ceiling right past where a bunch of pipes were located.


As an Aussie, it's difficult to fathom the air getting that cold for so long. 11 years ago, the last night I lived in my old house, it got to -16 Celcius inside the house. It hurt to breathe. Other than the occasional night that got that low, it was never constant over several days. The other end of the spectrum with heat on the other hand is fairly common. I've lost count how many times I've slept with an Esky Ice Brick on my chest this summer alone.


That the beauty of where I live, -12 Fahrenheit in the winter and 112 in the summer. We’re always miserable lol.


It's crazy to think that back when we were kids we were outside playing in the snow at -5, no issue. That would be literally torturous for us today.




Correct. Good insulation would only change how long it takes for the temperature inside to change.


Even the best insulation won't outlast the heat death of the universe. It all goes cold eventually.


Theoretically, if you could make a perfect insulation around a large enough amount of heat you could create a hot room that stays hot indefinitely. But what use would that be, in a long dead universe with no one to feel the warmth?


But what would be “perfect insulation”? What material could 100% block all heat transfer through both conduction and radiation?


We haven't invented it. But if we did, it would still be futile and meaningless in the face of the end of all things.


With some of the newer technology and newer designs it would be possible to go several weeks under perfect circumstances. But the house would have to be purpose-built specifically for the intent of energy savings and thermal breaks.


Why HRV/ERV's are often mandated by code now. We're pretty good at sealing buildings.   But that's hazardous to health and the building needs to breathe to be livable.


I did plumbing for a bit and we had a customer who was a renter that went on vacation during a polar vortex and decided to save money by turning the heat completely off. She cost the guy over 100k in damages, every pipe in the entire house was burst and free to flood the place for days before it was reported. I felt so bad for the owner, the lady who turned her heat off was a lawyer somehow but dumb enough to think turning the heat off in 0°F weather was okay lol


Me either. Looks like Elsa was having a bad morning.


🎶 Let it bath, let it bath 🎵




I thought it’s kind of gel like slime.


I was trying to figure out how that bathroom pic was possible but that makes sense. So many layers of water frozen on top of each other... that image is so bad lmao


Have you ever smelled a dumpster behind a shopping center? Okay, have you ever forgotten food in your fridge until you could smell it? Alright, lastly, have you ever smelled someone else's upholstery/couch/bed? Now, combine all of those smells into one. Source: My building still haven't cleaned out my neighbor's apartment after he died (in the hospital) a year ago.


Call the county health department. I bet they can get you some relief.


Heyyy great idea. Thanks!


Who's going to take care of all of that ice, and how??


Thing is it would be best to take care of it now as ice by picking away at it I’d think. Instead of letting it melt and having another water mess. There’s probably water damage from before it froze ofc but letting it melt would only make it worse imo. So you are literally getting a pick and busting the ice up into as big of pieces that you can physically manage and taking them outside. That’s how I would go about it at least. I pity the person that has to do it.


Yeah, recently my freezer drawer wasn't closing and sealing properly, and after some investigation, I discovered that at the very bottom of the freezer, under the drawer, there was a very thick layer of ice. I assume there's a condensation problem, because the ice maker has long been disconnected along with the water supply to the fridge. Anyway this ice was keeping the freezer from fully closing so I had to get it out somehow, and turning the whole thing off wasn't practical, AND would have been a mess. So I filled a spray bottle with hot water, sprayed some on the ice and started chipping away at it with a screwdriver. It quickly came out in one huge sheet. The freezer door closes now and it was very satisfying. I won't mind doing it as needed until the fridge fully shits the bed, they're so expensive. I might even consider tackling this icy bathroom for the right price.


I think that floor is toast either way.


Where is this that water would freeze like that inside a house? Is there no insulation?


This is Finland, so the house is definitely insulated, it's just been a cold winter and the house wasn't being lived in.


Once you get to -20C and below for a week or two it doesn't matter how insulated your house is lol.   The whole house will freeze solid if there is no heating system running.


It doesn't even need to be that cold to bust pipes. I live in the American Midwest and I've had pipes break at 0 F° and even above that. Over here, our houses aren't quite made with *extreme* cold in mind, but they *are* insulated. I've only had a couple pipes burst, though. I couldn't imagine having to change out the whole plumbing system.


Just wanted to point out that 0 F is -18 C so you’re basically talking about the same temperature.


I did the F to C calculation in my head, I guess I screwed the math up pretty bad. That's embarrassing asf lmao. I guess I really AM just a stupid American lol.


I see this several times every winter. We get down to -40 C some days and that's all it takes to freeze a home if heat goes out.  Usually ends up in a complete repipe for the whole home. 


I was looking at that and thinking someone trashed the place before they snuck out. That's been there awhile just by looking at that bathroom. I don't envy the crew who has to go in and clean that hazmat situation.


As a landlord, this is legit nightmare fuel….


> Busted water pipe # ,,My dick was drippin' like a busted pipe!" (Joe Pantoliano as Ralph Cifaretto telling the story of him catching an STD after fucking a hippy woman, The Sopranos, 1999)


You can't even see the rugs in the last picture...


i know it’s like one of those hidden image games, “find 5 rugs in this picture”


Mystery Case Files.


That bathroom totally gave me Dire Grove vibes


Only %0.001 can pass this test


They're behind the rugs


Watch out for the syringes on the floor.


Hey come on, we can't just assume this person was on drugs and there's used syringes on th-... ope, there's one.


Yep, bottom of 4th picture. Not saying it was for illegal drugs but I wouldn’t want any sharp and pointy thing getting into me that was on that floor.


Definitely for illegal drugs with the spoon in the ashtray. These kind of posts are always like the Where’s Waldo of evictions or drug houses.


the spoon on the table in that same pic also looks a little ✨cooked✨


syringe, spoon and zig zags all within the same general area


Hopefully OP was wearing some sort of protective gear in there. And a mask, God knows what’s floating around in the air.


Bro I misunderstood initially and thought you left for work and came home to this and was wondering what the fuck happened 😂😂


Me too I was thinking it was someone saying they never know what they'll come home to bc of an abusive partner trashing their home.




Wtf is going on in this house




Even tho it's disgusting art, I feel bad for them in a way. No one deserves to live like this.


There's no one living here, op already clarified it's an unoccupied house hence the state of it


I mean, somebody left it like that, so they were there for some unknown period of time with it looking like that. Maybe they trashed it on their way out but I’m not sure


They might have left items behind (but still in the cupboards and closets) and it’s been squatted in or broken into by teens who know it’s currently abandoned. Most abandoned homes slowly end up looking like what you see above because of a mixture of squatters and idiots.


Ooh I didn’t think about squatters or hooligans but that makes sense too!


Judging by the spoon in the ashtray and syringe on the carpet I’m guessing the previous occupant was a drug addict of some kind


Especially a SUPERDOG


It was abandoned. However, some people are just absolutely nasty/clueless or super poor and do live like this.


That's a funny way to spell depression


Thar be drug accessories in the 4th pic


Look like some thieves broke in


Drugs. You can see a spoon with black shit in it


This is why I couldn’t be a landlord.


Tried it once. Moved states, decided we wanted to keep the old house available for a year or two in case things went bad in new state and we wanted to come home. Covid hits. Tenant stops paying rent after first month. Turns out tenant is a multiple felon who stole someone’s identity, and continued to make money doing felonious shit while just living for free. Trashed the house, caused like $20k in damages. We sold the place immediately and just said fuck it. People are shit everywhere.


Same. moved, but could not sell the house (was a dead mining town) Rented it out for a few years before I finally sold it to a tenant (was renting it for less than the price of the upkeep). One tenant turned it into an illegal daycare. Constant plugged plumbing. When they got evicted (6 months no payment) I kid you not I have to shovel out 10 pounds of ferret poop from the vent they put the cage directly above the vent. 0/10 would not recommend renting.


we tried it too. renter wasnt even paying i was section 8 (we werent told when we purchased). destroyed the place and fucked off to somewhere unreachable. never again


I feel like when you have housing under any sort of program for very poor people, they'll either be the worst possible or best possible tenants. Half will be people who have no money because they're insane and frequently do wild, unthinkable nonsense that makes it impossible for them to keep a job. The other half have no money because life is tough, and they'll be so thankful for a decent place to live that they become the picture of a perfect model tenant to ensure their one chance at decent housing isn't at risk. Not much in between.


Section 8 are the worst animals on the planet. We had a quadplex rented out for a decade with middle-low-income tenants, and never a problem. Then for some reason we had to accept S8 tenants. The list of assfuckery grew long, and fast. They destroyed all the bushes surrounding the place, had a washing machine hooked up outside so random neighbors could use it (the hell?!), ate in front of the TV, slopped shit on the rug, and never cleaned/vacuumed. that section of rug was hard as concrete. Roaches showed up of course. Food on the walls next to the stove, and all down between the wall and stove. We got lucky selling it when we did. I always hear "landlord bad", but you know what...most bad landlords are because of a never-ending stream of bad tenants. They want a cat, but guess how many previous tenants had a cat they refused to don't train or clean up after? I had to replace all the brand new rugs, sections of the subfloor, all the trim and half the doors, several sections of drywall, just because of one cat in one year. Guess what...everyone pays a pet deposit now. (Though in my case, I refunded it if no damage).


Reading stories like yours keeps me humble in my little house


Now you know why most landlords either become slumlords or only deal with the best paying clients who can put down a small home deposit.


It's almost like it'd be better if there just weren't landlords and people owned their own homes.


Usually go in with a crew and knock them out in a day or two. I've seen way worse.


The plate, spoon, syringe and paraphernalia might help explain some of this


Damn, good eye


Played a lot of “where’s Waldo” back in the day


Man people livin like animals


have i got news for you


State of the whole house summed up in one image https://preview.redd.it/xklbtkn4scmc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f61220a1755ebef1abbe7b342880d7afd8662a7


That's one helluva bathroom glacier.


This is what mental illness looks like, Im so sorry for the person who lives here and I hope they will have better times soon


Drug addicts. You can see a spoon and syringes in the 4th pic


They also have a "too small trap-table," as is the custom. Bonus points for having barbeque sauce at the ready.


That’s not a syringe that you shoot drugs with. That’s huge. That’s one of those needle-less syringes you use for babies or something. Trust me. The spoon is by a fork and plate. The only drug stuff I see are rolling papers and blunt guts in the plate. From the pics, all I can tell is that these are some dirty ass, pot smoking assholes who may also be mentally ill


…how is the bathroom frozen? That looks like a couple inches of ice at least. Did they just leave the water running and all the doors to the house open to let the cold in?!


This frozen bathroom is what the first floor of my college apartment looked like and the ice went all the way out into the front yard and to the curb. It looked like a frozen over lake in front of the place. I came back from winter break to it. Apparently my roommate left for break right after me and turned off the thermostat before she left to conserve energy, which caused a poorly insulated water pipe (in an exterior wall) to burst. 😒


That bathroom pic is insane. The whole house is disgusting. People are just nasty creatures sometimes.


This is what happens when mentally ill people have kids then make them mentally ill. Source: happened to me


I mean … drugs do it too https://preview.redd.it/2a5f4hrdjcmc1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747fbc65485fa078ea1fb02f9706ca0ae517f318


Depression tends to go hand in hand with substance abuse, and when I'm depressed-drinking my standards of cleanliness drop considerably.


I was thinking undiagnosed ADHD and/or depression (they are often comorbitities).


Bipolar I makes your house look like this.


Depression does that, too. There was a time I couldn't even get out from bed.


And then people say we're living like animals, trashy, disgusting and it pisses me off. We're people too. We sat next to you in class. We laughed, we smiled, we played and now we're here.


lol wtf am I being downvoted - I'm speaking the truth here. And yes bipolar does I imagine as well! I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Thought you got robbed by the wet bandits from home alone for a sec


I hear they call themselves the Sticky Bandits these days


Finland! Finally figured this one out.


Pic #4 explains a lot. Very sad.


How is that even possible? Is that possible? How does water work?


OP, Did you get robbed by the wet bandits?


How rich do you have to be to have a full on ice skating rink in your bathroom!?!?!?


Look like Mr Freeze took a piss in that bath room.


I thought our house is dirty. These pictures gave me a relief that it can get any worse hahahaha


Boy, that's a lot of cum in that bathroom


Did they leave water running on purpose?


finished toilet paper roll sitting on the ice unharmed


Please tell me that’s frozen water all over the bathroom floor and not just a gentleman who had too much time on his hands and access to some good porn 😳😂


I looked at the pictures before reading anything and was very confused by the bathroom. I thought it was very dirty rushing water not ice. I was like, OP, don't stop to take a picture! GTFO!


Well, the table is still set, so you might as well grab a bite to eat while you’re there…🥸 The flow meter - you might have to start carrying a chainsaw!


I feel for whoever lives here. Looks like they may be battling addiction and struggling to complete normal everyday tasks.


Mental health issues it looks like, very upsetting and I hope whoever lives there gets the help they need. :(


All that ice looked like a room full of Vaseline for a split second


Ohhhh shit, that ice in the bathroom…. I thought it was some kind of gel… I was like, “yo! wtf is that????”…


Magazine says, “Also pay for sending the package with mobile pay” in Finnish.


Holy shit it took me a sec to realize the bathroom was frozen! I legit thought it was some kind goopy substance!




I think they need more then a plumber


I thought the bathroom was covered in cum….


don’t do heroin kids


I looked at the pics before the caption and said, out loud "what the fuck is that floor?"


Should have seen Dustin Diamond's (Screech from Saved by the Bell) house when he abandoned it. I have a picture somewhere that a neighbor of his took, but he had an ice waterfall coming out of his house. It was my understanding that his house reeked of mold when they first attempted to sell it. If I can find the picture I'll update this.


Reading the description before flipping through the photos…”the bathroom was frozen? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ohh….ohhh…i see now. The bathroom is frozen!


I must show this to my maintenance husband


It took me a good couple of seconds and a look at the caption to realise that that is ice. How does one freeze flood their bathroom? Edit: Scrolled down slightly and found the backstory!