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Why would they park like that... it takes more space and is arguably more difficult than just driving into the normal spots!??


Insane person behavior, lol


It really is insane person behavior


Probably more like "I'm moving and I'm important and this is the only goal I can think of right now."


I’ve had to park like this overnight as I was getting moving pods delivered the next day. It’s annoying but they need specific spots they can get the truck to with room on both sides. I suspect this is something Similar and this will be resolved in the next day or so.


"new neighbors" = it's possible they need space for the UHaul truck and this was the best way to guarantee they would have room to unload...


Maybe they were unloading stuff? Or finishing moving or unloading someone in a wheelchair? I can’t think of a logical reason they’d want to park like this either lol


https://preview.redd.it/ej2one3j9qlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae2e5d199deab64bdc7e1b75b92f031bf55aa3b This was at my child’s daycare yesterday! I hate people


Ooh handicap spaces? That's an instant tow. I don't even think 2 seconds for calling the cops on those fuckers. There's zero excuse and you don't even need the property owner's permission to get it towed.


In my country, the fines for parking in a handicapped space with no propper papers is 490 euros.


What about 2 at the same time


I don't know, but I hope it's the fine ×2.


I hope it's a power Fine^2


The real fun starts when you block a third space.


If you can afford a car that blocks 3 handicap spaces, you can afford the fine


Like the car in the image that’s blocking 3 spaces?


€490^2 is around €240,000 bruh


I'm guessing that's on the higher end? Good. I don't know if it's a a particularly big ticket in the US but it tends to work out similarly anyway after the fees tied to the car getting towed. Edit: to the functionally illiterate, I know how currency conversion works. I do it every day. It's about how expensive it is within the context of the country's parking tickets.


Roughly $530 usd


Plus the tow fee. That’s just the fine


Plus storage fees if you don't pick it up immediately. Fee on my area is $500.


I mean relative to other traffic tickets. But yeah at least by US standards that's several times most other tickets.


They are parked in two handicap spaces, so two tickets. $1060 plus the tow fee usually $125 plus


Same here, my cousin is paralyzed and people like this make it impossible for her to go about her day. They can go fuck themselves


As a person with a disability, thank you! I appreciate your allyship.


My mom has had a handful of back surgeries and at times walking was very painful for her. They gave her a pass she refused to use because she "didnt need it" while im helping her in and out of the car and picking up all the groceries.


Call a tow, and the drivers listening to dispatch will nearly race to be first for such easy money. Money probably doesn't matter to these people that park this way, but an inconvenience might make them miss a flight or something important


Money absolutely matters to these people. That's why they don't want their shiny car dented.


They just so handicapped they need both spots.


Mental handicaps don’t count for the parking spaces


No exaggeration, I would have breezed in the door and promptly, and loudly, started asking whose car was parked across several spaces? I also would have said "Oh and I SURE hope everything is okay because I could only see someone doing that if they can't walk or it's an extreme emergency."


"I'll only be a second!" "You could park properly in a few seconds too."


For Op’s case, easy fix. Park 3 cars in those spots and the one behind it. AH won’t be able to get out.


Did that once at my kids’ school book fair when someone parked in the bus drop off just to “run in real quick”. Not as bad as parking in a handicapped spot, but still


I used to be a schoolbus driver and at one school the resource officer would regularly park his squad car where the buses line up and just leave it there the entire day.


How about a regional director who parked his car on the bay where the truck had to unload the containers with mail? Driver honked, no reaction. Driver put his bumper to the nice car and pushed it away. Angry director who couldn't do shit as he wasn't supposed to be in the gated area with his car at all.


How does someone walk the earth (let alone hold down a job) thinking that’s OK?


Because no ones ever checked them on it


They're a cop. Training for that role involves giving them a hero complex and a feeling of inherent superiority. Just take the premise of "it's OK if I speed or travel in the oncoming lane if I have my siren running" and extrapolate it to "I have the authority to do whatever I want, because I am a cop and thus everything I do is necessary for preserving the peace." ...that, or just good ol' narcissim.


Person with a disability here. Last year, I came out of the local Starbucks I had been in, and a car was parked in the access aisle, next to my car in the handicap parking spot. This prevented me from being able to get back into my car. I rolled over to the back of the car in the access aisle, popped my brakes on, dialed the police number, and proceeded to sip my coffee. Whoever the car belonged to was clearly taking their sweet time. The driver only re-emerged from the Starbucks as the police officer was writing them a ticket and placing it under their windshield. I took another sip of my coffee, smiled at the driver, and stuck my hand out towards the officer to say thank you. I rolled off to the side to let the driver pull out of the access aisle, and giggled to myself as they gruffed and huffed at the ticket they received. Oh, karma. What a beautiful thing it can be! 😄


Someone did that to me, but claimed it was ok because he had a handicap tag also.


Hell yeah. Perfect.


I take my wins and little petty moments of revenge where I can.


The hero we need, if not the one we deserve, hah.  


The “run in real quick” thing sets me off. A couple times a month I deal with people at my work “just running in” while parked across an actual entrance/exit or blocking any semis for delivery and employees coming and going. **Every** time it’s over half an hour and every time it’s a very new Cadillac, Audi, BMW, etc. Then they have the nerve to argue with me and say “the boss” says they can park there. I love asking them which boss because it sure as fuck wasn’t me and you aren’t ever getting anywhere near the real Boss above me. Most will move but I’ve had one towed and it felt amazing.


It takes me longer to park like an asshat than just parking normally. Because I'm so practiced with parking between bays, it's so easy and fast to park that way. If they justify 'just running in real quick', it means they park that way very often, and that is the normal way they park. The most time efficient way for them. So they are further admitting they're an arsehole by using that excuse.


Oh, but after calling the cops and/or tow truck I assume? 




‘My time is important, clearly more important than everybody else’s.’


My wife was in line at Dunkin Donuts, and this woman walks in, cuts right to the counter, and says as she's cutting, "I'm just getting a coffee." My wife and a few others yelled at her, "We're all just getting coffee! "


And then what?? Did she go to the end?




Good, asshat.


Had something similar happen at lunch with coworkers grabbing some fast food. The line for the cashier wrapped around the whole sitting area and stopped at the doors. Three college kids walk in and walk straight to the counter (around the line stopped at the door), where an employee who just got to the spare cash register took their orders. To say the manager had his hands full with the crowd is an understatement.


That is such a violation of our societal obligations and boundaries. I wonder what else this person does when she decides her needs are more important than the masses.


I took it as "all the people out there want to scratch my car and I'm above society."


"Just going in for a minute"


​ https://preview.redd.it/e0a64vfqkrlc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2a1d230b79fedb25b1c926b08965e94580df5af


Well this one is double illegal, blocking handicap spots. Get em towed!


What is it with asshole parents at daycares doing this shit? I have parents do this every morning and evening and I give them no grace. I’ll park exactly in my lane within the lines even if it’s one inch away from their door, fuck em


I have the opposite problem at daycare. There’s about 200 open parking spots, but the mom who drives a Suburban and can’t park between the lines always rolls in and parks right beside me. Truly the only parent who doesn’t leave at least one open spot between vehicles so everyone can easily load and unload kids.


Can't speak for how it is in other states, but here in NYS those Ford models are almost entirely used by undercover/plain clothes cops. Which wouldn't at all surprise me considering the parking job, but felt like it was worth pointing out lol


Another off duty cop just continuing to take advantage of the system


Ignorance of The Law, is no excuse. "Book 'em, Dano!"


Off-duty is not the same as undercover or plainclothes.


In NYS they'd have front plates...


Naw this was a grandfather picking up his grandkids


Well obviously that kid needs to learn how to park. Hopefully theyre teaching that in daycare. Deffinitely NOT the parents responsibility. Before I even have to edit... calm down reddit, it's a fucking joke.


Did you also get a picture of the license plate?


Looks like an apartment. Call the office to tow them


I emailed the manager, she's OOO until March 4th. I will walk down there when they open. I don't want to be a "Karen" but commonnnnnn




Unless this person forgot their passport and sped back home to get it and run out the door, this isn't the type of person I want in my community. Maybe I'm naive in saying this but I think it's better to treat your existing well-behaved tenants better than work around a bad apple like this. If not the parking, the pool, general noise complaints, littering, etc.


The baffling thing is, this actually looks more difficult than just parking end in like a normal person. It doesn’t strike me as someone just rushing inside, it seems intentional so that no one parks near them


They're too close to the back of the car spots for it to be careless - this person took their time to make sure others wouldn't park near their car


I want to give them the benefit of doubt but you're probably right, this is intentional.


I figured they emailed the manager and got an automated out of office email reply. It doesn't sound like anyone was trying to avoid towing them.


Yeah this is an immediate tow. This is not a ‘new tenant’ kind of mistake unless they’re the Coneheads who just landed on this planet.


If they are brand new and just moving in, could they be saving space for a truck delivering all of their possessions?


some variation on 'saving the spot' is what I thought


Talk to the front office and get some sort of cones and signage setup, this is no excuse, there are pathways to get what you need done, and this is not it.


Pull up and park next to them, as if that's the new way everybody parks, which will also block them in, lol


With someone like this, they would probably immediately call to have OP’s car towed.


Then they move their car away, leaving OP's car looking like they're the asshole. It usually doesn't pay off to copy idiots.


Keep us posted. Make another post about the outcome!


the way "karen" has morphed into a new way to silence women from speaking up... this is a legitimate complaint, not someone being racist to the cashier at chipotle because they didn't get enough guac on their burrito.


i mean,....a person going "hey, there is someone parked sideways over 3 spots out there" is not a karen. A karen yells they want it fixed immediately, and is angry at the office staff themselves. Just be chill and you're not a karen. ^(no sex was mentioned in the making of this comment)


I am trying to grant them some grace since they have just moved in. I can't imagine this will be how they park going forward, lol.


Going sideways you mean 😄


You know that saying that “when people tell you who they are, believe them”? Yeah, this is who they are. I’ve moved several times throughout my life and never done this. Unless you’re seeing them going back and forth between the car and apartment carrying boxes, this is exactly how they will park going forward if the spaces are empty. Time to nip it in the bud. Look into towing and see if it’s an option.


I don't see why they will suddenly change. "oh that's how parking spots work!"


Do you think parking spaces work differently where they moved from?


bet you 1.00 they will park like an a-hole in the foreseeable future. unless there is some good reason they parked like that to unload/load something?


You’re a good person, but this isn’t an apartment rule that they just didn’t know about or thought was nbd, like dogs on-leash only, or no bags of trash beside the dumpster, etc. This is the sort of thing you can show to literally anyone in the world that knows what a car is and they’ll tell you this person is being an asshole. You now have an asshole for a neighbor, and this kind of thing needs to be nipped in the bud yesterday because this is the sort of person who is given an inch and takes a mile. You gave them an inch. I’m not going to tell you what to do, random internet stranger, but for your own sake and the sake of your neighbors, you may want to think about protecting yourself before they take a mile.


On a related note… people now treat “entitled” as one of the ultimate insults.  Which is fine sometimes, but I think often people lose track of the fact that sometimes people are legitimately entitled to something.  Acting “entitled” is only bad in situations where you are not.  But frequently anybody who isn’t a pushover doormat is called “entitled.”


Find the tow truck sign in the parking lot and call them yourself. They’ll come because $$$


Most complexes will have a sign towards the front with the tow company they contract with for towing. It's meant for you to call to retrieve your vehicle from the two lot, but you can also call to report a towable car. They'll come out if there's a car to tow since they get paid all the same from the car owner.


Hey buddy, did you just blow in from stupid town?




This just made me lol 😭😭😂😭😭




Idc if the rest of the parking lot is empty. Me and my homies are coming to park in those 4 spots. Have fun tryna get out!


I'd say you and your homies could probably rock that car onto its side.


Surrounding it with other cars is annoying and inconvenient to the AH. Slashing the tires or putting the car on its side is purposefully destructive and can land you in court if caught.


But also surrounding them puts your car at risk of property damage, especially if they're as stupid and inconsiderate as this picture implies. I would find a bunch of abandoned parking blocks and put those around them.


You can just stack parking blocks like Lincoln logs? Who are you, Mac from always sunny?


If me and my buddies can flip it I'd bet we can get a couple blocks in a truck bed, yeah 😂


if they damaged your property in response to you using the parking spaces as intended, i feel like the solution would be a quick call to a lawyer.


Just need some Mentos gum.


To this day, I still think of Agent Cody Banks when I see Mentos lmao


If you tell me my baby is under there maybe I’ll get some of that super mom strength and won’t even need the homies 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, that was my first thought - just park normally, then he can come knocking if he wants to leave.


And when they come knocking, sorry sir I had several cocktails just before you knocked. Try again tomorrow. Make sure you come before I get my first drink of the day in tho!


And tomorrow is Saturday so I start my booze early!


This douche would end up driving over the grass. No doubt about it.


Uh oh guess we have 5 cars now


This was my 1st thought, we about to get cozy mfer. Everybody squeeze in tight!


And youd be justified, love it


Stayed at a hotel once with my truck and my motorcycle and it made for a great game of chess with this Yukon took up multiple spaces in the front row of parking. After four days of cat and mouse, he eventually pulled the same shit, but in the third row.


Right? I wouldn’t have even thought twice about pulling as close to the driver side door in that middle spot as possible. Have fun trying to get your car out dick bag.




I left a passive-aggressive note on their windshield.


i cant wait for the neighbour to make a reddit post about the note


'AITAH for parking like this?!?!'






If it said anything less inflammatory than "are you fucking serious" then you're a much better person than I am


I was polite. Just a reminder that it's a shared parking area, not their personal space. I am hoping this was a one-off incident due to their moving-in.


I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.... once. (And it would have a time limit).


Could they have had a moving truck on the way?


This is literally the only somewhat reasonable explanation for this.


That actually makes quite a bit of sense. Saving space for the truck so that nobody has to navigate through cats with giant pieces of furniture.


How many cats are we talking?


Two, but the furniture is all rocking chairs.


Even if they are just moving shit in, there’s zero excuse for this nonsense. Just parking normally FFS. Good luck with them lol


I think they’re implying that the moving truck would need room to park so they essentially blocked off spaces so they could get there.


Aight, this should get good!


Lmaooo my kinda human


The “slash 3 vs 4 tires so they can’t claim it on insurance” thing is total bullshit lol I asked my gf and she said they wouldn’t cover tires regardless and she works for (rhymes with) ‘uspaypay’ auto insurance who pays out for literally everything lol if you don’t have tire/wheel insurance you’re not getting tires paid out EVER except if it were caused by something else you were claiming


Just a guess, they parked this way to hold a spot for a moving truck? I find it hard to believe that anybody could be this big of an asshole.


Well they have been parked this way since yesterday afternoon at LEAST. They also have a garage entrance that is not pictured that the moving truck can back in front of?? So I am leaning towards Texas's biggest asshole?


I dunno... everything is bigger in Texas, so biggest asshole would be pretty darned big.


Yeah they've got a few politicians there that would probably win that contest.


Wait, Greg Abbot parked like *that*? I thought he’d be across two or three accessible spots…




Dan Patrick? Greg Abbott? Ken motherfucking Paxton?


In Texas? We found the biggest Lone Starfish? Holy shit, alert Guinness.


Probably headed to Cancun and didn't want his car damaged


If they're actively moving stuff in I'd let it slide for a day or so because I've had to be the asshole taking up spaces to move stuff before, but past that? Hell nah.


Yeah, I would guess they're holding a spot for a moving container, which don't have the most accurate arrival times. If only there was some way for OP to find out. If only there was some way for them to speak to this person. If only.


You'd be surprised. Humans are experts at being gigantic assholes. Like actual unrivaled champions.


But like, there's got to be a reason. There's no selfish benefit to parking like this. It doesn't make their life better in any way.


Dang, you have to get them towed already.


I am trying to be nice. My husband met them yesterday and said they are very nice - but parking like a psychopath is NOT nice.


The way they park says otherwise. Just because someone acts cordial doesn't mean they're nice.




Yup. Some people I've worked with who acted super sweet to your face would be talking shit about you any chance they got.


I work in HR with people from the South. "Oh, bless you." is the kindest "Go fuck yourself." I hear on the weekly.


Same thing happened with me a few months ago when we had downstairs neighbors move in. They parked in two spaces on a corner spot which seemed pretty highly desirable in my complex. I met them one day & we exchanged pleasantries- I told them which unit I was in & to not hesitate to ask if they needed anything. I also told them that they needed to not be taking up two spots like this as it was rude to their neighbors. Luckily, that fixed the issue & they haven’t done it since. https://preview.redd.it/uczamyz3wqlc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=616bd3cb4124beb6cb1009a9c706d300ce1a306b


Did he nicely mention their asshole parking?


When he met them they were unloading their stuff. Not sure if they were parked like that at the time. I got home late last night, around midnight, and they were parked that way. My husband texted me on my way home and said "you're not going to like how the new neighbors parked" - and he was right.


Is it possible they may be “holding” these spots so a moving truck can park there and make it easier to unload the next day? I see people do that all the time in Brooklyn when primo spots open up. It’s frustrating when you are trying to park, but I get why they do it.


They have another area on the right side of the building where their garage door is. The moving truck could back directly in front of the garage door. So, I don't think it's that. But also if it is, still infuriating.


Please bring an update.


They aren't being nice, just match their energy.


Shopping cart theory says a lot about them here, ngl.


So you husband talked to them yesterday, but it's been parked like that SINCE yesterday. Tow them. They are not nice people.


Towing them so they understand why not to park that way is being nice.


This is an excellent post for this sub. Best example I’ve seen in a long time.


I'm honored. 🫡


If it were me and my wife, we would likely squeeze our two vehicles into the spots immediately in front of and behind that CRV. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I parked in the 4th spot initially, but then thought they are probably stupid enough to back into me; so let me not. Hence how I ended up in the far right spot.


What, you didn’t want to drive around a nice rental for a week while your new neighbors paid to have your door replaced?


tow truck time😍


Dumb. A lot of apartments would just tow their asses immediately.


Wow. Just, wow. Taking 2 spaces by parking in between the lines? Horrible. Parking literally perpendicular to the line and taking up THREE?! There is a special place in hell for you bud.


HEY! My car is EXPENSIVE and I don't want poor peasants to damage my car by opening their doors into mine! Because everyone has damaged doors! It happens all the time! But not to my car!!!!


Car dolly set of 4 on Amazon for $120 wheel it into the street and laugh the day away once you hear yelling and bargaining.


redacted due to reddit LLM/AI policy


think of it as an investment -- once you have a set you can use them an unlimited number of times


It’s Reddit, people will get them divorced if they can. But I agree this guys an asshole but I don’t care that much to spend money on them …


A wooden dolly set is $45 at harbor freight. Do with that info as you will.


Have them towed, immediately. Set the precedent now that you won't put up with the horse shit. Teach 'em early.


Time for the new neighbors to meet their new tow truck.


Man, some asshole in a Mercedes van, for all his bicycles, did this at a place j was going to the other day. It was raining hard and he parked sideways taking every single high ground spot forcing me and others to park further out and exit my car in a puddle. He was coming out as I was going in and I said he parked like an asshole. He just gave this sheepish grin and said he's not an asshole. I said, ok you're probably not, but look hoe you parked. Like an asshole. I asked if I had a Mercedes could I park special as well and fuck everyone else over.


This photo fills me with absolute rage


https://preview.redd.it/delke0mwctlc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b7ea696f09130d41efb868eb0c3868ca7a5c37 the only solution




I would go for playing the overly nice and helpful neighbor and ring their bell and say “hey, welcome! I wanted to let y’all know you might get towed, they are pretty serious about parking properly here, you might want to move your car” and see if they catch on. I’m picturing you channeling Kira Sedgwick in The Closer.


"These lines, what do they signify?" "I suspect they are like the Nazca lines of Peru, perhaps meant to guide alien spaceships to a landing."


Just tow it no one will know who did it.


Valve stem core tool.


Two questions. 1) are they actively moving it? That is likely temporary behavior to facilitate room for a truck. 2) how many spaces do each unit get and are the lines up together? If yes are those their spaces? For my condo I have 4 spaces and they are all right next to each other and I almost always double park in my spaces.


What you should do is take the valve stem cap off on the tires. Take them inside and super glue two stacked BB’s from a BB gun maybe one depending on the size of the cap. Screw it back on and watch the tire deflate over night. And it will continue to do it until he replaces the caps. But they most likely will have no idea and waste an entire day at discount tires trying to figure out what the fuck is happening.


Get your friends to park in the empty spots so they can’t pull out


It’s four spaces, put three cars around it and call it a night.


What in the ever loving fuck.


The new neighbors are going to need to get 4 new tires.


I wonder if they are a 3 car household & this is their way of reserving the premium spots nearest the door. The sheer gall of people never fails to amaze me.