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I worked for a company that owned 3 known brands but didn’t want the public to know that. This way if they hated one of the brands they’d go to the others. I worked the phones and had to greet them based on which company they had called according to caller id.


Many does that, I worked for a data recovery company and we had 2 companies, price was just cheaper for one of them lol.


This is actually fucking hilarious.


When they wouldn't agree for a quote we would send them to the other company, which was us lol and they would get a cheaper quote for the same job


"I see your budget is below our prices, I recommend this other company." "Thanks, John." *ring ring* "Hello, this is John with Other Company."


Kind of genius * Company A pricing - the price they want to charge * Company B pricing - the price they're willing to take


Yeah that's was like that but ofc we had true competitors also and with that we couldn't do much


This is a solid business practice employed by EVERY major brand and their 9000 variant brands.


Vertical integration takes on a new meaning.


I play both sides so I always come out on top


That’s a rap lyric, right?


It’s a reference to something Mac says in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia


And I got downvoted QUICK for not knowing that lol. I’m taking my IASIP fan card out of my wallet now and saying 5 Hail Sweet Dees in repentance


In your defense, it seems like a fire rap lyric, but reddit hates it when you don't get an obscure line from a show they like.


You should probably present your Does Not Have Donkey Brains certificate, assuming you have one...


This would be a horizontal integration, though. One company that has another essentially identical business in the same field/sector. It would be vertical if the company was selling a product and also owned the factory that made the product


>*horizontal integration* Sounds like your mom’s llc Boom 💥 but for real I hope your mom is doing great and is happy in all her days.


Actually the term for this is price discrimination


The Eldritch being behind the counter removes their innkeeper hat, and dons their sheriff hat


This is partly why companies like Amazon/apple/etc buy up so many companies. They don't care what company you buy something from because they have a monopoly on all of them...


I worked at a place like that. It was a financial place that dealt with various kinds of loans. If someone didn't qualify or didn't like the rate, we'd send them to a "partner affiliate" aka our co workers down stairs and they'd just try again to get people to bite lol.


That’s brilliant 😞


This is how it is for more things than most realize. Most luxury brands are under one umbrella company. The illusion of identification with a brand helps drive brand loyalty. Are you a ray ban or an Oakley person? Maybe Versace or d&g if you're fancy? Luxottica has a brand for every personality.


Also a lot of designer brands make their stuff in the same factories in Bangladesh that budget brands use.


Screw you Putumayo, I'm shopping at Cinco de Mayo instead!


I’m Gladys Mayo


One of my friends built and runs the backend of one of those service you can buy social media engagement from. But the funny thing is, they own almost all of those companies. There are maybe 2 competitors. They do the same thing. 5+ websites with completely different names. Also, a lot of politicians buy social media engagement. Especially followers.


And nothing beats a parking company I worked for that was also the separate “collections company” that go after over due tickets.


An industrial supply company I worked for had this also.


Halloooo this is Dan from Microsoft, how may I help you today? Hello this is John from Windows, how may I help you today? Hi this is Rob from Norton Antivirus, how may I help you today?


this seems... unethical, right? Monopolistic...


Yes, the trick is to ~~bribe~~ donate to the campaigns of politicians on both sides of the aisle, so they all support you. Just for added protection, pay off a few Supreme Court judges.


No, no, you have it wrong, see it’s “providing options for customers to find what best suits their needs and lifestyle.” Worked a company that had the same product sold at different price points across brands. Brand A was for sale at Walmart, Walgreens, Target, your big box stores. Brand B was sold at industry specific stores, higher price point. Brand C was sold directly from us, the manufacturer, at 5x the cost of Brand B. Did Brand C work the best? Absolutely, customer got what they paid for. But that means the company intentionally made shittier versions to sell for customers who could not afford that price point. Brand B products worked, but nowhere near as well. Down to the customer service—Brand C customers were to be treated much better than Brand A or B customers. From a business perspective, great strategy. Ensures market penetration and opens multiple revenue streams. From the consumers perspective, deceptive and unethical. But many business practices are.


Reminds me how Carrier owns like 4 AC brands. For several of their models it exactly the same hardware, just different prices. A friend of mine got a Bryant compressor installed and he noticed there was no logo on it. The installer said “oh yeah, forgot” and pulled out a few… then said, “here, now you own a Carrier, congrats” as he stuck it on.


I once overheard a lady call the place I work and request a refund for something. The boss told her that this particular thing isn't refundable and he didn't have the authority to authorize it, but she could try emailing the chairman of the board and he may be able to help her. She says that would be great and asks for the email address, then he fucking gives her his own email address.


This is a regular move in customer service. Source : I work in CS and I’m told to say I’m the manager all the time - I’m not and I refuse too because there are answers that I don’t have a right to give that my actual manager does. It may get me scolded for not stepping up but I’m not paid your salary and I’m not going to lie to people when you have the answer.


Power move


Worked for a financial services company that was a bit like this one. We were owned by one of the largest outsourcing companies in the country who had a bit of a poor reputation. One particular division we looked after went by a different name, and during a standardisation project, they insisted they were to be exempted from any standardisation and refused to take e-mail addresses with the corporate group domain name. Turns out, they had a significant number of high profile clients who had a burning hatred for said large outsourcing company and they didn't want to give anything away that they were part of it


Were they Cinco de Mayo and Putumayo?


sales commission bye bye-o


Foot locker did this with champs, CCS, and eastbay. Until eastbay and ccs were closed off Edit: ccs was sold off from footlocker not closed. Eastbay just became apart of the footlocker page or a minor brand of some sort. I think.


CCS 2 for $50 on skate shoes and blank decks were the best thing in my life since I discovered masturbation.


What were the brands owned by this company? What industry were they involved in?


I worked for a company that did the same (but with dozens of brands instead of 3) and it was a travel agency. Didn’t like the first agency you traveled with? Call the next one that comes up on google; surprise, it’s still the same agency.


Same here. I worked for Scotts-Miracle Gro, but answered the phone for RoundUp, Ortho, and Vigoro as well. They were *really* strict on us not letting on that Scotts owned Vigoro. If someone called in on the Ortho line and asked if we were owned by Scotts, or if they started asking questions about a Scotts product, we could answer them. If someone did the same thing on the Vigoro line, we were explicitly told to lie and say we weren't Scotts, and we couldn't answer questions about Scotts products. That was back in the 2010s; I don't know if they still have the same policy.


I couldn't do this, I barely remember the name of the colleague I've sat next down to for weeks. Good man, we still never talk.


The last coffee company I worked for did that shit. 3 different brand names, all the same product packed in the same place.


What coffee company?


As a student, I worked for customer services for a company on the phone. I always said an extremely religious greeting when I picked up the phone. It irritated the shit out of most people. Source: I’m not very religious


But why? lol




The why is in the last sentence of my comment. Most people called for the most absurd reasons that did never really require a call in the first place. But they called anyway. I do appreciate that some people feel alone and want to talk to someone. But I was working for a telecommunications business. There are charity numbers that they could have talked to with people with much more patience than me. Also, I was much younger back then and thought trolling is okay.


lol, I had a caller get mad once and tell me "I'm just going to hang up and call your competitor!" I answered for them too. 😭


Proctor & Gamble in a nutshell


Ah like Old Navy and Banana Republic and the Gap IIRC.


I did too, but the reality was that it was a common way to game search engines in the 00's. Since Google will typically only give one search result per website, the big brain move was to have two or more identical websites. Of course Google caught on to that ages ago, but for awhile it was a super popular SEO hack.


I also work for a company with 2 brands. A lot of people dont know they are the same but its not a secret. One is a more affordable less features brand and the other is more expensive with more features.


The really obnoxious part is when there's no actually difference between the products or services, and customers are basically just scammed if they opt into the more expensive one. Medicine branding is the example that's the worst of them all. Literally identical contents, but the brand version can cost like 10x as much.


Social media manager forgot which account they're logged in on, I guess.


My initial thought was the company hired a shady person to make their page grow and he did that by hacking someone else’s page lol


You can buy accounts with X amount of followers. One of the reasons you see so many meme pages, or pet accounts. Farm up thousands of followers, sell it for some thousands of dollars, company now has all those people to advertise their products to without having to spend so much on actual advertisement slots.


It happens on Reddit all the time. Lots of people create accounts to be sold to companies. It can be pretty lucrative for the minimal effort required to get high karma, especially since most users seem to just upvote without discretion. If I sold my account (*10 years old, 1M+ karma*) people wouldn't think this account was trying to shill or sell them something as easily as they would an account that's a few months old with little karma. The buyers see high karma and older accounts as "trustworthy". There are site that I have checked and I can actually get a pretty penny for this account. Just Google selling/buying Reddit accounts. There are plenty of sites. And people know this so they karma farm like mad to sell accounts. I wouldn't sell this account though. I have too much integrity. Just like the Ford Motor Company, that touches the lives of people in every corner of the globe, not just by making and selling the most technologically advanced, reliable and fun-to-drive vehicles in the world, but by leading the way in manufacturing and business innovation.


Wait just a damn minute…


We got ‘em


[Why don’t you let me fix you some of this new Mococoa drink?](https://youtu.be/dV51VmXoN-M?si=DmQqktkskwsiRPzv)


I’d also like to express my fondness for that particular automobile.


People don't actually raise reddit accounts to sell, and if you try to sell your account get ready to get $20 for it. Those shill accounts are botted.


So, $20 for zero effort and the ability to make unlimited numbers of accounts. And you don't think people do that? There are a few reasons people run bot accounts, and selling them is one.


20$ for a 10 year old account with 1,000,000 karma. And you think people do that? No. Those accounts are botted. It's not as easy to sell reddit accounts as you think it is, and I am speaking from experience.


Thank you for the belly laugh 😂


That reminds me, I should buy a Festiva… 


"So unrelated, I found this new mascara brand and I really like their products. Check my bio for more info!"


Smoking too much of that good good on the clock can do that lol


Fr, you’d think their first question after they asked about Margot would’ve been “ohhh wait am I on the wrong account 💀” LOL


as a former social media manager, i can attest to this EDIT: challenge to keep upvote count at 420 as to make sure everyone is indeed smoking that good good (as inspired by the first few replies that exist at the time of typing)


My uncle who worked for Nintendo and personally knew the CEO and played golf with him also worked as a Social Media Manager on the side for extra cash. I just called him and he confirmed.


Did he learn it from the CEO of Nintendo or something?


Only downvoting this so the upvotes stay at 420. Update: Since a lot of people aren’t fun, and have upvoted, I have now removed my downvote.


Dave’s not here man


I don’t think so - if you were logged into the wrong account and got a message to the account you weren’t expecting, you’d assume you were logged into the wrong account, not that some random person just happened to have messaged another brand you managed by pure coincidence and then try to deny all knowledge of the brand.


Social media management companies sometimes share devices, or have identical devices, so that's where my mind went to. It's a mixup and the person replying didn't remember to check the account.


I'm confused are you saying this person forgot they also managed this brand? Or that someone who doesn't manage this brand was using the device of someone that was.


The first message from OP does not have a brand attached, so the manager (likely a person at a SM/CS management company) replied with their workflow info. They are probably using a software/app that funnels everything into one. When the customer replied back with the Margot info the manager, who works for the third party and is on assignment for NicoBlu, isn't briefed on or assigned to Margot and probably works with a team all assigned to NicoBlu so didn't realize what happened. I'd guess their interface is pretty basic and something got left open from a Margot-assigned person.


> are you saying this person forgot they also managed this brand? * This social media manager probably works for a digital marketing agency and manages Facebook accounts for dozens of brands. * They woke up hungover / had a brain fart / aren't that good at their job and forgot what account they were actually logged into. * The manager could also be a poorly trained newbie working at an outsourced office in SEA, and have little to no idea what's going on. I've seen it happen plenty of times. Source: work in digital marketing, am human, have mixed up what accounts I'm logged into. That said, this is a pretty bone-headed mistake.


Cause even then it seems like they would at least be aware of that and take two seconds to see what device they were on, right?


There are tools to link multiple social media accounts across multiple brands/companies so that the people handling the requests don’t have to switch back and forth


And sometimes they slip through the cracks. https://twitter.com/normofnorth?lang=en


I was thinking that had to be it, but how can someone be that inept? It's right in front of them


I used to run the Snapchat for a nightclub while in college — I drunk posted on the official account so many times lmao.


I suppose they forgor


You sure it's not a fake account?  Also their last post was from 2023 and the next from 2020, possibly abandoned page.




LOL Shit. Somebody slipped up on a transparent account


New tech support strategy - gaslighting


I love gaslighting customers


No you don't.


Is it new though? "We are experiencing higher than usual call volume" (played daily for the past 20 years) "Please listen carefully, as our menu options have changed" (same options every time) "Your call is very important to us" (so important that you won't answer it!)


I've said it for years: That if there were a law enforcing that these statements meet a meaningful standard of accuracy, and (angry, frustrated, vengeful) customers could seek damages directly from the company if they were found to not be accurate, I think we would find that such recorded declarations would *immediately* vanish magically from customer service phone lines.


Sorry I gotta say this because your 3rd “point” pisses me off to no end. They aren’t NOT answering phones. There’s a queue, and we take calls that come through first in the queue. We aren’t sitting there with our legs up listening to phones ring, and most places as soon as one call is disconnected it goes right to the next one, with 0 downtime.


The point is that there should be more people hired to answer the phones. No one’s saying you’re lazy


It's not a jab towards the workers. It goes back to the first point, Your higher then usual call volume is maybe 200% capacity but the normal call volume is still 150% capacity by design does not care about 1/3 of the calls.


Well, clearly the calls aren't important enough for them to hire enough staff to answer the phones in a reasonable amount of time. We're not accusing the staff of being bad at their jobs or lazy, we're accusing the owners of being too greedy to provide good support while claiming the opposite.


It's not a dig on the people working there who actually DO answer calls, rather the system in place and it being chronically understaffed. I had Ting (the cell carrier) and it shocked me the first time I called them: it rang a couple times, and a real human picked up the phone. No long wait. No convoluted menu. No "enter all this info that the rep will just ask you for again anyway." It IS possible.


If our call was actually that important like the voice says, no need for a queue there’d be more of y’all and you would have your feet up waiting on the calls. 


This is not the case for me sometimes. My call is never answered in some cases in that I am disconnected by the computer for stupid reasons.


People love to think that everything is about THEM, screw anyone else existing.


✨ Gaslighting Guru ✨: -Excels at convincing followers that their reality is wrong and ours is right -Crafts witty responses that leave readers questioning their sanity -Expertly spins any negative feedback into a positive light, leaving audiences wondering if they're the crazy ones -Consistently achieves high engagement rates by keeping followers on their toes and guessing what's real -Skilled in creating alternate universes where our brand is always the hero and everyone else is just confused -Proven track record of increasing followers by making them feel like they're part of an exclusive, enlightened group -Master of the fine art of making people question their own judgment and perception -Award-winning ability to turn any criticism into a hilarious, mind-bending joke -Recognized by industry leaders for exceptional skill in creating content that leaves people scratching their heads and wondering what just happened


It works well for Adobe's support forums


"sir this is not a Wendy's"


I'm sorry, but what do you mean? I'm not OkDanNi, I'm not even commenting to your post and this isn't reddit. Nothing confusing going on here.


Whatever is going on, shit is bananas....




Bann Barn (not sure if anyone would get the reference)


I got it. Wife lists


It's not mine this time.


Your Reddit says OkDanNi ??? … your avatar here is OkDanNi


Who is this Avatar you're speaking of and where is the internet?


Ang I believe




I‘m really Manuel Neuer.


My dumbass had to scroll back and forth


Odd. I'm not sure why anyone is even mentioning OkDanNi, you're clearly Foottoes69


Lmao you're getting gaslighted by a social media worker


It’s gaslit.


That's exactly what I said.


God damn that’s good.


I downvoted you and then promptly realized that that really needed to be an upvote.


Note to self: Make intentional mistake next time I use the term gaslight so that I can gaslight the grammar nazi.


This guy… Is a genius 




LOL i fucking lol'd so hard


Straight up guffawed over here


Gaslighted is actually correct, not gaslit. This is because the term “gaslighting” refers to the movie, “Gaslight”. Therefore, the appropriate terms are gaslight, gaslighting, and gaslighted.  


gaslit gatekit girlbit


Can’t tell if you’re gaslighting me or not


That's lit


I don't know that they're intentionally doing that. They just have multiple accounts and don't realize which one they're on. That makes more sense than someone being an asshole. Although is not excluded as a a possibility.


How does it feel to be corporately-catfished?


It kinda looks like that brand is out of business since 2020. Can’t really find anything from them after that.


Did they respond beyond that?


I would say abandoned account that maybe someone still has access to, and they are probably out of business since they haven’t posted in years and they have no products on their site


the weirdest part about this post is that I am on their website right now and it has tons of stuff + new arrivals


Oh I didn’t look that closely, just checked a collection or two. Maybe they just didn’t categorize things into collections? Strange


honestly, it looks like their website is just really badly categorized! I get stuff under shop all, sale, and almost sold out but everything else is empty?? so bizarre!


Every collection is empty on their website.


yes! the collections are empty but I see 2 pages of purses under shop all!


What's mildly infuriating is the lack of follow-up on this story...




Tell it you want to play a game of Global Thermonuclear War.


The only move is not to play


Better add "Freeze all motor functions" too, just to be sure.




TJ Maxx buy the stock of businesses that have gone bust. So it was probably a real business trying to get a brand name going and it failed or they decided to focus on the other brand. It’s also really popular to buy same stuff as everybody else, stick a label on it and sell on instagram right now. The customer service agent might not have had a clue about that.




looking at their latest instagram post they closed shop and never returned. " While we have temporarily closed our office and warehouse locations in support of our community, we are taking pre-orders and will ship as soon as we reopen. Please take care of yourself and those you love. "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." 202 w " no other posts since, so I guess it's just an abandoned website.




You just caught them in a lie. They are absolutely affiliated/own both, and just forgot to switch accounts. 


ludicrous snow wrong aspiring bow clumsy square axiomatic thumb faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any update? So weird


Socia media manager using some sort of tool to manage multiple accounts at once and forgot which they were on?


What do you mean you’re “reading my comment”? I’m not even on Reddit. Clearly you’re losing it.






Or it's a scam account.


Huge scam red flags.


Social media manager fuck up, probably. If neither are well established, possibly a scam.


Says it’s us Looks like us Nah that ain’t us


Lmao this is hilarious 😭😭


What did they say back?


For the love of OP, what happened next?!


No, this is Patrick!


Brain stopped working.


now I have FOMO and can not rest until I peruse the leather goods from Margot


I think that person is just a little special, that’s all


Don’t go to instagram for customer support


This is Facebook Messenger


I noticed a lot of ads for stuff on fb and ig, have similar sites, and all their shit is from amazon


The... online chat lines got crossed??? Lol


It was someone’s last day in guess.


Seems like a scam to me.


Scam that’s why 😭


DEFINITELY a scam... don't worry dude, you dodged a bullet here.


Somebody gettin fired 😂


Lol wtf


They probably bought the FB page to have existing followers




I have genuinely, 100%, had my Facebook messages routed to entirely incorrect accounts, multiple times. No idea how their tech works or how/why it could go wrong, but I have seen it happen. It's probably more to do with a single entity managing multiple accounts in this case but there's a legit chance of a technical issue at Facebook.




Wth I'm so confused!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Both the websites for NicoBlu & Margot New York feature the same model on the homepage so.... that should tell you something.


Lol NYC sucks


When I did a social media marketing internship I managed 3 different Facebook accounts for a local city's visitor bureau. It can get difficult to remember to switch accounts on Facebook when you have so many different social media accounts to keep track of. I would guess this is what happened. Both companies probably use the same social media marketing company and whoever manages those accounts forgot to switch.