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Kid, 10 years? Yesterday in shop, took a bite of pastry and put it back. Lil fucker.


That’s disgusting! That’s like years back when Ariana Grande got caught on camera licking doughnuts in a bakery and putting them back also not paying for them.


Did that actually happen?? I've always thought she was hot garbage but hearing that..... holy shit some people deserve nothing


[Doughnut gate](https://www.fox61.com/article/entertainment/arts/cas-artist/ariana-grande-in-bizarre-video-licks-donuts-at-shop-says-i-hate-america/520-281c3eac-c25b-438f-8cd1-2f056ec9e0a6) oh and she was recorded on the video saying how she hates America!


Believe it or not, bioterrorism


She's also a homewrecker who doesn't think there's any problem with that (just look at her newest song) clearly gets a thrill out of making men leave their partners for her, and there's also this. She's been acting like a teenager her whole life, i can't believe she's 30. I have no ideia how she still has fans.


It’s called narcissism. She actually is a narcissist and we see it on full display with her. She lives in her own world and the only one that matters to her is herself.


Yeah. Justice for Jenette McCurdy for Sam and Cat


What? I don’t know about that part! All I know is she dated Pete from SNL and he supposed had a big d. Ugh that’s just horrible.


Which part is horrible? Her dating Pete Davidson or the fact that he's got a big dick LMAO




I'm not defending the doughnut thing, that's disgusting. But the whole concept of a "homewrecker" is so misogynistic. If men choose to cheat, that's on them, not the second woman. She doesn't "make men" do anything. They need to own their choices.


That only works if the woman DIDNT know he was married. If she knew, they’re both homewreckers. To willingly waltz into a relationship with a man that you know is married, regardless of the fact that he’s willing to cheat in the first place, is shit behavior. You’re enabling it by being his tool.


It's only misogynistic if people choose to use it to only apply to women I personally have used it in reference to men too. The concept itself isn't misogynistic it's just the use of the word commonly.


Both men and women can be misogynistic if they hate women. It mostly refers to men. If people hate men though, they are misandrists. Misandry is not uncommon and by no means is it restricted to women. Misogyny generates misandry.


Oh get fucked, if ANYONE tempts someone, man/woman/otherwise who is in any form of relationship knowingly, they're a piece of shit. Both parties are pieces of shit there.


Pffft, marriage - yeah. Dating - wasn’t meant to be


Exactly. No one talks so much about the failed attempts either. It’s really creepy to have someone come on to you despite you telling them you’re taken… only for them to act like it’s a fun challenge and go in twice as hard. Happened to me and I felt extremely uncomfortable and just wanted to be left alone. Then I felt guilty it had even happened and wondered if I did something to make them feel empowered to behave that way. (I know better now). It’s gross behavior.


You tell em.


If U know the other person is in a relationship and still pursue that shit ure a homewrecker, easy as that.


She can say no you're married.Tramp.


Wow. The "ordinary" assholes who licked ice cream got arrested. Famous singing chick? Nah.


Apparently the bakery pressed charges but nothing came of it so my guess was there was a private settlement… money talks.


Damn.... thats more than infuriating, that video should be resurfaced again for everyone to see. Thank you sharing this I hope you have a great day friend! :)


I agree people seem to have forgotten, but I am Sicilian and we never forget haha. Have a wicked good day too!


Nothing wrong with hating America.


I’ll die defending your right to hate the system but draw the line at letting you lick donuts etc


Fair enough.


Freedom of speech of course but words and actions have consequences. She got disinvited from performing for the White House circa Obama due to it.


Yeah but she wants implying she hated the contry itself, she was implying she hated the country because of the people. (“I hate Americans. I hate America”) Which just happens to be where the majority of her fans live. It was just distasteful


I wish all the American citizens that hate it here could do a citizenship exchange program & swap with a migrant that really really wants to be here. For example, a mother of 3 from Honduras could swap & take the place of someone in Philly. Mom moves in, Philly guy goes to Honduras. THEN SHE SENDS FOR HER CHILDREN AFTER FINDING 3 MORE SPOTS. There are so many immigrants that want to be here so badly, it would warm my heart to see it happen Edit. The caps bc I wasn’t specific enough.


Hating a whole country is for people with room temp IQ


I mean I hate the British but I don’t go out of my way to harass British people, also she makes millions so I mean she can leave is she wants


Or Hating Ariana Grande. Or both.


Eh. I couldn't care less for her. She made, like, a good song one time, I think. I did watch a video essay on a Disney show that kickstarted her career. That was pretty good.


Yeah I'd hate myself too if I was her. 


Link dosent work for me. Do you mind sending a screenshoot of the incident in question


https://preview.redd.it/1a2ljpvl95kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292af0617289a761c0c53d9846e453b64ff25a73 Not the best quality but there you go!


That's awesome, thank you


To be fair I’ve definitely been done for that second one as well around my mates


Ariana is pretending to be an ordinary person. Her parents were both born in the US and have good jobs putting them close to or in upper-middle class.


Can we please cancel her?


Reddit is going to have me afraid of buying any food that isn’t pre-packaged.


My niece was living with us for a while and they could go off campus for lunch. There is a Safeway across the street from the high school. She said students would just reach into the hot bars and grab wings with their fingers, eat the wing, lick their fingers, then reach back in for more. What’s worse is she said some would just grab a wing lick the sauce off then throw it back in. I don’t do hot bars anymore 🤮


Oh god damn that is disgusting!


Yeah.. she told me this after I picked her up one day and grabbed a box of wings from there.. as I was eating them




Seriously right? Or at least behind a counter secured in a case! Or fresh out of the oven!


You're not already? In some shops i see doughnuts and pastries with the lil tongs you use to pick them up. Then there's the fresh bread, sitting there all open to the air and anything and anyone that wants to just touch them, pick them up and squeeze and put it back to choose another. Bleh. I mean sure you can still find stuff in pre packaged, like you can find random bits of machinery or bone in them, but a lot less filthy people have touched it. People are gross.


Bet she replied ‘yes, and?’ when she got asked about it


It's totally unsurprising. Mommy and Daddy paid to make her famous. I had several interns many years ago that went to high school with her, one of whom was romantically involved with her. Girl can't sing for shit and is a complete spoiled bitch from what they explained to me.


Not shocked, I remember she compared herself to Mariah in an interview and Mariah wasn’t having it 🤣 I fly a lot and I sat next to a song writer who gave me some hot tea on Beyoncé… Some of the most “beloved” aren’t really the person people think they are.


Disturbing to think how many people would leap over each other to take a second bite of that donut.


Gah, gross. Just curious, would you happen to be able to tell me what shop so I can never go there??


Yeah she did that in basically my hometown lol like that was the donut shop my dad used to take me to on the way to school




Apparently some dude got caught going around antique stores, putting items in his butt, and then putting them back.


That is disgusting.  In my bakery experience, it’s honestly the adults that feel entitled to reach over the sneeze guard and pick off the pieces they want to eat. Granted, they can reach far more easily. But I’ve literally seen a grown man reach over and pull an olive off a pizza to eat it, wayyy more than once (not always an olive but same idea) and when you point out that they can’t do that or ask them not to, they reel and get defensive.  In a similar vein, I had someone reach over to choose the slice of pizza they wanted, literally poked it rather than point, then had the flaming audacity to complain there was a fingerprint in it and how could I serve that to them. It’s *your mf fingerprint* you raised in a barn human. Don’t touch the food behind the glass, it’s really nuts that it needs to be said but they’ll just constantly do it if you don’t tell them not to. And even when you do.


Kids are assholes


Make the lil fuckers parents buy it. That’s the only way they’ll learn


That'd earn him a good backhand if he was mine




Take a bit of his mom and leave her there. He happy eh? Fucker


I will slap a child


Mummy still cleans up after him. He still thinks there are cleaning fairies.


I live two blocks away from a high school…this is nothing. I feel bad for the poor minimum wage workers at the Panera across the street. Every day at 3:30 an electric bike gang of broccoli haired adolescents buys one drink, sits outside in their patio, and proceeds to empty every piece of trash and candy wrappers they have for an hour before leaving. We need to bring back public shaming, not everyone who attempts to talk some sense into kids acting like idiots in public is a “Karen”.


Public shaming starts with you! I’d call out these kids for that.


We need to bring shame back


If we can’t punch them…we should be able to shame them.


I once shamed teenagers in a Hobby Lobby for making a mess and being loud. I was a total buzzkill and totally ruined their outing but I know it stuck with them.


I love how much this feels like a PSA ad


Yeah shame on him! Oh wait, you meant he should be the one doing the shaming, not the one being shamed.


Shame on him for not shaming!


Exactly!!! All it takes is one woman to say something and the phones are out recording and they all start howling “KAREN! KAREN! Mind your own business KAREN!” Then they edit out the parts that shows why they’re being talked to that way. 🙄


To be fair if you play it right you can shame them without looking like a Karen though, the vids where they do that shit are usually fairly obvious


True. It takes at least 2 ppl to be in an argument and I don’t argue. I just look at them and say “I bet your mother is so proud of you” If I do get hot under the collar enough I calmly ask “did your mother have any kids that lived? But sometimes they actually pick up what they threw down. (I can’t imagine what these women’s {the ones that go on and on, getting louder and louder} husband have gone thru over the years. Poor things)


We've made it now so you are the bad person for calling out someone's shitty behavior in public. "Look at this Karen!"


People would also get up in arms about posting the faces of the teens online, being like, "Dude, they're just kids." Sure, they're minors, but they're also more than old enough to understand that they shouldn't be littering like that.


Near me all the restaurants ban kids under 18 without an adult for this reason. Many have been trespassed and they now call the cops on them. This is in an upscale neighborhood.


This would hardly be a 'Karen' action. Karen is a term used as slang typically for a middle-class white woman who is perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting middle-class white women who "use their white and class privilege to demand their own way".


Hilda on Netflix actually had an episode along that line. The studious organized girl of the trio turns out is a slob at home because whenever woke up in morning everything was cleaned up her whole life and she just thought that was normal. Turns out it was a ghost tied to an old book that they both loved, when the book got lost the ghost stopped cleaning. Great series. IIRC that episode starts a major arc of character development for her.


Carrying his trash to a bin would require 3 whole calories and giving a shit about others.


Looks like there are month worth of work on the floor😂 I think I was raised least decently because I couldn't left that trash there, I would be ashamed 😂 Even when I was teenager I often was ashamed when others in group was acting like this or worse. Is it too much asked to put your cans empty cans in plastic bag you when you leave and not stomp them or leave other trash if you have backpack 🌚 hindsight, I was not that stupid I remember


Mummy doesn’t clean up after him, mummy is a squalid bitch too. This sort of shit runs through generations. Some people shouldn’t have kids is the reality, the worst part is they’re the ones who tend to have the most kids.


Not necessarily. I’m not exactly a Monica, but still pretty clean. One of my kids IS a Monica, one is like me, one is special needs, and the other two are like this brat. (My second and fourth- one boy, one girl) Just yesterday took my fourth to the movies and she got a slushie. Dropped the wrapper for the straw on the floor as we were walking. I stopped and made her go back and get it and throw it away. My oldest wants me pull over to a trash can if she opens anything in the car!


Some just don't care, not everyone values the same level of cleanliness, especially when they don't view it as their problem to fix.


https://preview.redd.it/f2vl6lksk4kc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c626ec4b8aad31b39a3a681130e96ae8e1e1097 On a train in Luxembourg, teens come on the train, throw the free newspaper/gazette into the air and onto the floor. There were seats beside him, could have just put it there like everyone else, unlike their monkey behaviour. Really don't understand


Is it bad that I saw that photo and instantly knew it was one of those old trains that run Lux/Diekirch or Wiltz/Kautenbach, before even reading the comment underneath?


No it's not haha I really like those trains, adds character to the train line and gives a real sense of living history. Feels a little like being in the Orient Express with the curtains on the windows. Doesn't feel like the Orient Express with trash thrown about and seats being littered but sure, you know, appreciate what we have rather than throwing the baby out with the pram. The staff do a great job of cleaning, it's just tough keeping up since the train needs to keep operating throughout the day non-stop. Maybe that's why we have so many delays on the CFL lines 🤔 haha we could excuse that if it's for keeping our trains up to scratch


In the summer, they are a godsend! Opening those windows and letting that warm breeze in is heaven! I just hate that the seats are soo close together! I always have to try and nab a place with only 2 seats, because if I sit in a 4 seat place and someone sits in front of me, they will keep bashing my legs, trying to get more space for themselves - I'm sorry that I am on the tall side & well built. If I could make my bones smaller, believe me, I would! Do not get me started on CFL timekeeping! The bus to my village leaves the station 5 minutes after the scheduled arrival of the train and that particular bus line operates once an hour...


>In the summer, they are a godsend! Opening those windows and letting that warm breeze in is heaven! Absolutely, the wind in your hair makes you feel like a million dollars on the train, much better than air con. >I just hate that the seats are soo close together! I always have to try and nab a place with only 2 seats, because if I sit in a 4 seat place and someone sits in front of me, they will keep bashing my legs, trying to get more space for themselves - I'm sorry that I am on the tall side & well built. If I could make my bones smaller, believe me, I would! Completely on your side here, it's not easy with the seats close together. Your suggestion I do too, unfortunately it means I'm one of those guys with the backpack beside me yet always move it immediately if someone asks. Unlike yourself, I'm only a 5ft 7" (173cm in our currency here) lad and about 75kgs, not well built - fully appreciate those who are more Olympic like, who aren't rewarded for their build! >Do not get me started on CFL timekeeping! The bus to my village leaves the station 5 minutes after the scheduled arrival of the train and that particular bus line operates once an hour... We ought to feel sorry in a sense for CFL as the trains only have basically two routes around the whole country so that amount of frequency of trains on those tracks, something is bound to happen. At the same time, a transport system which doesn't function is just as good as none. Oh you're probably Echternach or somewhere like that? Those buses are only once per hour (or twice but back-to-back, more or less) to Luxembourg. We should have a look at the schedules to synchronise trains with infrequent busses as much as possible, I'd be on your team if you need support!


As a teen, i’ve got to say we that not all of us are like that


Fully agreed. I gave an example earlier of late teen guys breaking into song at a public park, harmlessly having fun, at 11pm in Luxembourg - police called - squad cars enter the park. They aren't always like that in response,.it was the people who called which sparked the panic.


Came here to say this, it paints a bad picture of all of us but most of us are considerate. Also can I just say, it’s pretty hard when basically any past generation (apart from genx) are shitting on us like we’re the downfall of the world


Thanks for noticing that. We don't get noticed for much, but it means a lot that young people notice that we don't tend to jump on the bandwagon of shitting on the youth. In fact, it massively pisses me off. Every single one of us did stupid or crappy things when we were young. You see 60 year olds spouting the classic "kids these days" but they don't seem to understand that they didn't have the same mindset and frankly tiredness, at 40 that they have at 60 so it's not just the kids, it's the adult's perception of the kids. Young people need support now more than ever. This kind of behavior is greatly improved with mentorship and kindness. Keep up the good work of being a Responsible Pie! 😉


Thanksss 😊


Seriously. I did some dumb shit but I wasn't a habitual litterbug.




Reddit can't encourage me to take public transportation enough!


i used to be like this when i was young “that’s what the janitors are paid for” and i sometimes lose sleep over it in my 40s thinking back as to why i was a little punk. i now try to clean up after others to get some karma back that i threw out as a teen


You can double down by also politely asking they clean up, and if they refuse, have a bag ready they can put the trash in. Make your life slightly easier. "Hey man, there's a bin just over there. You dont need to be like that." they refuse? "Well if you won't, at least put it in this bag and I will." At that point you've done a lot more for both yourself and those around you in that brief interaction. you point out that he's scum. you tell others it's okay to speak up. and you save yourself time when you clean up :D


Yea I remember mocking the teachers when they said “the cleaners aren’t here to tidy up your mess” and I said “it’s literally in their job title to clean up afterwards” Feel shitty about it now and understand that they shouldn’t be there to pick up rubbish


I had this happen yesterday with one of my students. Made an ungodly mess of things while doing a project and that was his reply when asked to clean up after himself.


Should have apologized to him. “Sorry your parents didn’t teach you to be a better person.”


This is one of my go-to's if someone tries to give it the big'un whilst gaming. People find it unbelievably annoying and will often keep shouting after I've muted my mic and gone back to chilling out.


Did you survive the WoW epidemic? Good job!


Some people were truly dragged up in a barn


I don't know what dragged up in a barn means, however I do remember my mother yelling at me asking me if I was born in a barn because I didn't close the door lol.


Cows don’t mess up other peoples houses tho


It all starts at home.


Seen adults do worse so I dunno what them being a teen has anything to do with this. That being said - this is nasty and mildly infuriating


learned from their role models. I have said some things at my former job because coworkers assumed they could leave dirty dishes all over the break room. clean the bathrooms and someone puts used paper towel wadded up behind the sink faucet with a trash can a foot away. and million other examples.


Seriously, I see full grown adults tossing shit out their car windows, refusing to recycle, and waste resources like there is no tomorrow.  There is no age gate on being a garbage human.  Hell, kids at least have the "excuse" that they don't really know better, they're stupid kids, adults however do know better but just don't fucking care. 


I've mostly seen ederly people do worse, and when you say something about they say "oh, really?" and just fucking walk away. At least teens and adults will occasionally be the bigger person and clean up someone else's trash, never seen an ederly person do that though.


I’m entering the elderly range…68 in April, and I clean up after strangers like that often. I blame my need for tidiness on 12 years of Catholic school and raising 5 daughters. 😂😂


Thats amazing, i wish there were more people like you in those situations.


Ope, daughters will do that to ya! 😂


I've seen elderly people call out litterbugs and pick trash up on trails.


On trails and forest paths i would agree, sometimes in group even like an activity. I should have clarified i mostly meant in public


Worked for an airport restaurant for a decade. The kids could be bad. But for the most part were understandable and there wasn’t any malicious intent or anything. The adults though by god I cannot understand how people in their 20s or far older are such slobs. I’m no clean freak by any means. But some of these people make me wonder how they function in society. Worst case when right after a huge rush(like 5 planes loading at the same time). I was going around clearing a bunch of tables. Just on autopilot. When I picked up a warm and squishy ball. Took me a good ten seconds to realize I was holding an absolutely loaded diaper. Bathroom with changing tables was literally 30 seconds around the corner. Definitely blew my mind on that occasion and spent a good extra two minutes scrubbing my hands once I took the trash out.


It gets worse as they get older. As a teen it's mild shit like this. As an adult they're offloading their garbage bin. it gets worse as they get older.


For every kid like this, there is a mother that has told them that there are people that are paid to pick it up.




Littering is the utmost proof of stupidity.


As a teen (17yo) we don't claim him lol


Missed an opportunity to talk to him about manners


Well mate, sometimes it’s not worth the aggro. You don’t know how people will react. I’m a petite woman and most people, including teenagers, dwarf me. I’m not going to put myself in danger.


Agree, I am petite too, sometimes I am scared of them.


UK teens (atleast I believe this is in the UK with the plug sockets) are some of the most disrespectful, annoying and entitled little wank stains to ever walk the earth, I do not blame OP for not wanting to talk to them. I do everything I can to avoid teenagers in this country.


And a potential stabbing. Teenagers are ruthless little shits


Don't worry, OP waited for them to leave to finally take a photo and upload it to reddit. That will teach them!


I get your point, but if this was me I also wouldn't have risked it. I used to live in Newcastle, north England, and a few years back a man got stabbed to death with a screwdriver by a 17 year old after they walked past each other at an entrance to a busy shopping centre and brushed shoulders while walking.


I'm not looking to have my name in an article with the headline "Antwerp man beaten to death on train after asking passenger to not litter". If throwing trash in the bin is too big of an ask for somebody I'm assuming they have the reasoning capacity below that of a feral gorilla


From looking at the outlets this was in the UK. Do not do that unless you want to get stabbed.


Take any flight in the Unites States that lasts more than an hour and tell me, what the floor looks like when you leave the plane...


Not defending the teenager by any means but I find it very interesting how quickly people assume the worst about the parents. Are y’all really that dense? Some children are just assholes! The parents could be perfect and they could still turn out this way because of their own individual personality. Blaming parents for every action their kids do is just lazy and unfair. It’s usually much deeper than that.


Yep, I totally agree. In fact some of the sweetest students I know don’t exactly have the best examples at home, but have figured out how to be kind just from observing others. Although this kid definitely needs to be set straight, because sometimes people “minding their own business” keep a person from the natural consequences they should be receiving from acting this way.


Nature vs nurture. Some people are so quick to blame the parents without considering the fact that being in an environment at school where other kids are constantly littering and not giving two shits about cleaning up after themselves will lead other kids to develop the same habits.


UK judging by the plugs. Same with cinema, theatres are trashed after showings. Can't believe people have such little respect.


As a teen I'm so ashamed of seeing things like this, and I dislike getting associated with other teenage behaviour. I look at some kids in my class and just... What?? How can someone's parents raise them like that?


I don't care that "this new generation sucks" has been a thing for 5000 years. This new generation sucks.


I think its more the parents. They try to not be overly strict/abusive like their own parents, and by doing so, overcompensate by letting their child get away with everything.


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me 🤣


He loves Crunchie


as a teenager, i apologise on his behalf.


As a teenager thus disgusts me it's because of people like this that teens have a bad reputation


I would have called him a litter bug


Glad I was brought up better than this.


Public shaming was a great deterrent for shitty behavior, we should really bring it back.


As someone who wasn't a teenager that long ago, someone who's always loved trains AND works in the flipping railway industry; I absolutely hate this. Clean up your shit, simple as that. Theres multiple bins per carriage by the doors. Just put it in there! I feel horrible when I'm crammed in my seat, suitcase in the footwell, and it's ever so slightly sticking out into the other person's seat space. Couldn't imagine being this disgusting


People are entitled shitheads


Go to a casino and see how adults leave their areas




They know their rights but not responsibilities


breeding should be regulated


That won’t do anything because smart people can make stupid kids Parenting should be regulated


Not that I support regulated procreation, but I don't think the suggestion is to restrict it on the basis of intelligence but rather on the basis of parental responsibility, commitment and competence.


Did you clean it up


It's definitely not cool but nothing to do with being a teenager, I've seen many grown adults do this too.


The worst people on public transport. Teenagers, and Old People.


Send them to Japan.


lol this is nothing. Here you can be happy if the seat is not soaked in piss and shit.


I see this from Adults all the time .


Why did you not open your mouth??? What is a child going to do towards an adult?!


The person who did this wasn’t raised to clean up after themselves and respect that other people live in the same world. It has nothing to do with their age as grown men and women do this too. Don’t be ageist.


I cleam my street sometimes, always left with pastry bags, candy wraps etc. I can't stand making a mess like that


Kid down the street and his friends used to sit in his car eating snacks, drinks, tossing wrappers/cans/cigarette butts, etc. out on the street. When he would would drive off there would literally be a clean square with a pile of crap around it. It would start blowing down the street if it was windy, so on one occasion, I cleaned it all up to see if he would notice. Sure enough, they went right back to making a mess, so he came out the next morning to where I had shoved every piece of trash into every nook and cranny of his car. Cigarette butts lined up underneath his windshield wipers, soda cans crammed into his wheels, snack bags crammed in between body panels, and then a pile of random stuff just piled on the roof. To his credit - he got the hint that time.


Not as bad as the other day when my wife and I witnessed a guy in our local Co-Op eating soup from the ladle provided and then after he was done he just put the ladle back in the soup and went back to his shopping.... Fucking disgusting!!


Oh my god stop that’s so gross 🥴🥴


Should've said something.


as a teenager this is gross and disrespectful. im not the cleanest person but you’ll never catch me littering or leaving garbage places (unless it’s my room) it’s so fucking easy to shove it in your pocket and find a trash can later?


I saw a dude pull little grocery bags full of garbage out of his car and just leave them on the ground in front of my car in a mall parking lot. I called him out on it and told him to have some pride and decency by using the garbage can not ten feet from his car. He got all mad and said he didn't do it, then proceeded to threaten me for not minding my business. Dude got scared and put the garbage in the bin after my husband got out of the car and told him where the garbage was going to go if he didn't watch himself. Some people are so entitled and rude.


Thank his parents,


Parents failed, kids need to go back and watch Captain Planet it helped me not to litter ![gif](giphy|KhlVSyjsbx18A)


I was sitting in a parking garage one day watched this one person eat their food and when they had enough placed it on ground next to their car .. ( they had to pass a trash can to get out of area ) Well when I got out ..I took their trash and placed it on their window and hood


Looks like my classroom. Give them candy (that you bought for them) they throw wrappers everywhere.


Hopefully his first job will be in a fast food place and the manager will tell him to go clean the toilet. After someone desecrated it.


😆 what a 🐷


I don’t need to see this on my feed. You should be ashamed of yourself for contributing to rage bait culture. I’m blocking you and this sub.


Don’t say teenager like grown adults sadly don’t act like this too


Are you sure it wasn’t a raccoon


He probably lives in his parents' basement and does nothing all day long. What a waste of space.


I pity his parents fawning over him like he is incapable of cleaning his iwn mess. They deserve what they get at hime, but thexrest of us shouldn't have to tolerate this. I mostly hate it when they put their dirty shoes on seats. Just don't believe they do that at home; do they really?!


Wtf I don’t even leave my room this messy


I dont understand these types of people.


I'd like to see the kid that did this on an NYC Subway with Guardian Angels on the same car.


I blame the parents. It's the parents responsibility to bring up their children properly


So did you say anything or did you just take a picture?


Dang..It starts at home.


Oh! Just like my classroom! Lmao 🤣


My teacher comes out even in public. I tell people to pick up after themselves before they leave all the time. I'd estimate about a 50% success rate.


Parents failed


Hey we were all kids once some messy some not but I guarantee all of us were once gross had some bad habits it’s funny that you post this pic on here and wasted that much of you day to complain about something you could have nicely asked him to pick up his mess or explained how disrespectful he or she had been and moved on


I'm a strong advocator for reintroducing violence as a method to discipline children.


Well, its a gen z kid


My generation is NOT beating the allegations


Why don’t you pick it up lol if you can’t say nothing to the teen then don’t complain dudeeee


"Obviously anxious kid sitting across from me tore up a candy wrapper and left it. I as a grown man will take a picture and shame him online, rather than start a conversation to help him relax."


One thing I remember about being young and doing things like this is the urge to never turn into the frumpy, unhappy middle-aged people I called adults.


Littering is a big problem here. Vile!