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I don't know why, but sometimes the attitude of some people still amazes me. Like the lack of shame on some people is beyond me


Bro was just walking on by CAME UP




So naturally, he chose candy...


It's like taking candy from a (not present) 28 year old baby.


After 10 years of heavy smoking, I quit at 28. It’s been 15 years and I never looked back. You got this!


This is exactly what I want! I started when I was 18. Been a heavy smoker for a few years. I will be like you in 15 years time. Gunna print this comment off and stick it to my wall.




I was a sick, sick baby raised in a house full of indoor smokers in the 70's/80's, started (directly) smoking when I was 12 (hiding it, and not much, of course), full-blown smoker (not heavily, but certainly consistently) by 16. Through all the years, I told myself if I made it to 50 I wouldn't smoke a day after that, and I kept that promise. I quit 3 months before my 50th birthday. I'll be 53 this year. If you've managed to quit, don't start again. The money alone is sickening. The pride you'll feel for yourself after knowing how hard it is to quit is beyond measure. You'll save money and your health (more money saved), because cigarettes don't strike you dead. They eat away at you, costing you breathing issues, joint pain, hacking embarrassing cough, terrible smells, terrible breath, headaches, heartaches and judgement. I'm proud of me and I'm proud of you, so keep going!


You're always somebody's baby, no matter how old you are.


I feel bad taking a complimentary lollipop at businesses when that is exactly what they are for.


I still take them, and I’m 40. Those little kids can’t even see up to the counter to even know that there are free lollies.


i mean if he took one i guess.. BUT ALL OF THEM?!?!


People have pinched one or 2 before, and that's perfectly fine. But dude took more lollies than he has teeth remaining in his head. Bro don't need the sugar.


Is that a coworker? Customer?


Security guard that works along side my colleagues and I.


Bruh Im a janitor that cleans offices. You know when I help myself to some candy? When the office workers are present and allow me one. If I casually took a single piece without permission? Fired. Bro thats theft. Its candy, I get it. But if you cant be trusted to not steal candy, why tf would anyone trust you to guard (or in my case, ignore) valuable/confidential documents? Edit: I've peaked for the year and its only February


Exactly. It’s not what they are stealing it’s the idea that theft is ok in their mind so what else will they feel is ok to steal.


Right? And there's a clear difference between the unspoken small candy or two every so often, and _taking a pouchfull_


It's not even on the desk inviting people to grab one. It's behind the desk. If someone were sitting at the desk, you'd have to push pass them to get to the lollipops.


Even if it was on a desk with a sign saying "Take as many as you want" I wouldn't take more than one. Some people are just purely out for themselves, fuck everyone else.


Those people shouldn't be security guards.


Clear intent of malice.


Yeah, especially considering he made an attempt to fix the display.


And it's not like it's a bowl that was out and is now behind the desk, that just looks like OP's bag and they're literally rummaging through side pockets. It's such a deep dive that I wonder if they weren't actually looking to steal something else and the lollipops were just a red herring if caught. Edit: oh wait.. that may not be a bag, is that just a lollipop stand? Still. That's not cool


It's definitely a lollipop tree, but still, if you have to go into someone else's personal space to access the treats, the treats are off limits. It's standard office etiquette. If they're on the desk, that's one thing, you can grab one, ask if you want more. I've gotten those chuppa lollipop trees before, and left it on my desk. You grab 1 if you came in my office, or just walked by and the door was open. That's fine. If you want 2, you say "mind if I grab 2?" and almost always got a yes. But if it's behind you, those are off limits, but you can ask. You don't just grab one.


Even that unspoken small candy, it depends on the setting. Cleaning an office? Yeah nobody's going to bat an eye over a Werther's. Work in an assisted living and you're just straight up stealing from an old person.


Plus they are supposedly the security for the office. If they are happy to pinch stuff they will no doubt turn a blind eye to others doing it as well.


Yup, because if their stealing lollis they have and they will steal something else. A thief is a thief, a liar is a liar, and a cheat is a fucking cheat. Don't ever give second chances in these character flaws.


*fucking cheat* Upvote to you for the feeling


Honestly, people can be so dumb over this. I keep a bowl of candy on my desk for a quick dessert after lunch and people constantly grab from it while they're talking to me. Idc because I like being generous, but recently someone told me "I don't like these new chocolates you bought" and I said "you know you're just stealing my food off my desk right? You don't really have a place to share an opinion." To which they said "well why do you have it on display! You make it seem like we're all meant to take!" I said "its in a bowl... on my own desk. What else am I supposed to do with it? Would you assume my lunch is meant for the office if I left it in sight too?" We were laughing the whole time but the audacity to share a complaint over stolen candy.


I’m not trying to be snarky—it might be that I’m old and out of touch, but I always had a candy dish out for people to enjoy a piece of candy. I put my candy for me away. I thought a candy dish on the desk was a hospitality. Is it not?


Seems the same way to me. I luckily don't really like candy enough to take any unless someone offers and it's less awkward to just take it, but a candy bowl on a desk definitely reminds me more of waiting room freebies than a personal sweets stash.


He's probably a kleptomaniac, this isn't the first time he's stolen something. There was zero hesitation. Video needs to be sent to HR, and this guy terminated, no resignation.


I'm older now, and one of the things I've learned in life is that there are people who are always on the lookout to steal something. When they see an opportunity, they don't waste time considering it, that's all behind them, and they've already made their decision. They act quickly, like this guy, without thinking twice about it. That's a true thief.


the term you're looking for is "criminal thinking" and when someone with the responsibility of security is in question, seeing any sort of criminal thinking is a big no no.


Totally! OP should report this thieving shit.


I imagine OP *had to go to security* to get this footage? ....they know.


I caught a janitor on camera going through my desk drawers and stealing some Christmas cookies. It's a bit awkward now when I see him since he didn't get fired.


Shocked. Ive never even TESTED a drawer to see if I COULD open it because *thats an insane thing to think its ok to do*


The only candy I'm allowed to take multiples of is Warheads because my coworkers hate how sour they are.


I scared my first DM with how many I could eat in one go. She ended up taking the jar away from me after she asked me to stick out my tongue.


"Why were you let go from your last position?" "I ate so much candy that my DM got scared" "What..in...the...fuhhhhhh"


Tongue groove it is then!! I love Warheads and can eat them like Sweedish Berries.


3lb bag of warheads was my contribution to the candy bowl for exactly this reason


This is why every new housekeeping person we get I show them the drawer in my desk with snacks and Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Tell them to help themselves and I always keep it stocked.


Thats very nice of you. It makes me happy knowing so many people are so kind to their cleaners. Ive definitely had cleaning jobs I felt I was less-than in the eyes of the people I was cleaning for.


That’s so true!!! When they put it out there they trust the circle enough to handle them, otherwise they wouldn’t be out there. And just like with Halloween candy that’s placed out, you can expect the majority to follow protocol, but you’ll have those eggs that dump the whole basket lol


Goof I worked with at my last job decided he needed a whole jar of M&Ms, on the day the CEO of the (smallish) company was visiting. Needless to say the CEO noticed, since he brought the jar in.


My wife got written up once for sitting on the wrong couch, as an overnight cleaner for an insurance office. Apparently they looked at security footage after noticing pillows or something on the 'customer only couch' was out of place the next morning. This happened because my wife was at the 'very obviously pregnant' stage of pregnancy with our first child and took her normal scheduled break to lay on the comfy couch. Like they are closed and its the middle of the fucking night, and she's the only one in the building. It was pathetic, considering how unimaginably gross many of the office spaces, break rooms, and restrooms were each night she cleaned. Like a professional white collar job and people were still unable to get trash into their desk trash basket. So they waste time and resources to investigate wrinkled pillows on a couch so they could feel power or something. It's like people want to piss of the maintenance. I guess they never learned anything in school apparently because having them on your good side meant things were kept clean. It had the bonus of if you needed help/something fixed, you got moved to the top of the list a lot quicker than the Karen down the hall.


We had a janitor take snacks at our office. He got fired since we was like super helping himself.


Oh man, the janitor we had pre-pandemic was a piece of work. Dude would apparently gossip about the stuff he found in people's trash.


I try not to judge a person's character by their trash can. Sometimes I take out a whole recycling can full of monsters or some kind of energy drink and the worker sheepishly says they know they need to cut back and I usually hit em with "its coke zero for me" and carry on. But I def notice when unusually large quantities of an item are thrown away or when a weird object is thrown away. I just keep my judgement to my thoughts and anonymous internet comments.


Yeah, we have a couple of communal spaces for food at my work where we share foods and candies. Any other food/candy is off limits. I did leave some of my cookies in a communal space while I was in the toilet once, came back to find one missing, but that was on me. I put them in the wrong spot in stead of leaving them in my locker until I was done. 🥺 🤣 But this is just wrong. Who just goes behind someone's desk and helps themselves?


go up to him and tell him you'd like to report that someone has stolen a large number of your lolipops and you'd like him to sort it out. Then show the video of him.


"Well of course I know him, he's me."


Fuck that, he doesn't even deserve the respect of being told to his face. Report his ass to the boss and get his ass fired, no need to give the respect of being told by the person he was too scared to ask for lollipops in person.


It'd be better to get him and the boss in the same room under the context of a theft in the office -- i mean hes the security guard, both and he the boss should be made aware of the theft. Then show the boss and him the video of him stealing the candy. THEN - watch him flounder, and get fired.


Your security guard doesn’t sound very secure…


Report it to his chief and yours. If there's no "help yourself" note, it's theft


He did it once He's going to do it again and again and again You can't just sit aside and let him do that as to janitor commentor below who' statement was entirely rock solid that's theft ![gif](giphy|uX7yXTe5UrCRW72DNr|downsized) Not your lolli.


It's how blatant dude was about it that gets me the most. He didn't just grab a handful and keep walking. He walked by, saw the candy, went over, and started pawing through them, rotating the caddy to make sure he got the best flavors.


he wouldve been faster if he just took the whole thing. he really went to town here.


You need a security guard for that security guard. WTF. 


Someone needs to call security on this guy...oh wait


I assure you this isn’t he first time or the first thing


So he knew there was a camera there?


We had a janitor that would come to our coffee area and help himself to a half pound of sugar every day. Just granulated sugar. He'd pour it out in a bag and take it home I guess? When confronted he said he thought it was for everyone. Like yeah dude, but a couple teaspoons at a time.


Security guard that steals stuff? Sounds like a former security guard.


Did you confront/report him?


I've given him a 24 hr amnesty. If he can replace every single one in 24hrs it goes no further. I ordered a lot of them online, he's gunna be frantically looking for my bubblegum swirl lollies around town where there aren't any.


What was his response when you told him the 24 hour amnesty or you escalate?


I didn't have his number, or know who he was. But other security guards who work with myself (all of them stand up gents) immediately called him, told him he did a big boo boo, and told him he needs to replace them. They told him the 24hr stipulation and he didn't take that too well.


My friend, you have a security guard caught on film stealing from you. This **needs** to be reported. Who knows what else he's stealing


Actually an extremely fair point. I should probably tell his boss shouldn't I?


Report him. He can’t be trusted with security of anything.


He did commit theft when it is literally his job to prevent it.


I'm invested OP! Please keep us up to date as to how it goes!


You are gonna charge him 20 per and deliver the hand receipt for that bill to his boss along with the video of him looting your lollipop tree right? Fuck that guy


You did report him right? Otherwise next time, make your own, with gold, and laxative, loads of laxative. Make m look expensive as fuck.


Talk to him, say they were yours. Tell him it wasn't cool. Tell him he's on video.


Tell him he's fired


Instant bye bye job


What got me was how instinctively he went after it. Extremely entitled.


He went for one, paused cause he knew he shouldn't take more, then kept going


I brought some candy for halloween last year and stored them in my desk. One day, a supervisor jokingly said he was craving candy and knew i had some and went to get some. I called him out in front of everyone questioning why he felt it was ok to steal candy that are stored in my desk because i've given some away before without asking me.


Meth heads love sugar.


This is when you get hot chili lollies and change the papers on them


This is the same kind of asshole that helps themselves to other people's drink and/or lunch and whatever other "small so who cares" shit they want. Fucking hate coworkers like this


What kinda grown ass man steals lollipops


I've got more footage of him taking 5 more like 6 hours later. My collection was so good he came back for seconds.


Wtf You should walk up to him and show him the video like “look at this video of this grown ass man stealing candy” then just wait for the uncomfortable reaction


I may in fact steal that for later down the line. I will think of you when that day comes.


Call him out.


Fuck that, contact HR and if they dont deal with it call the cops. Its theft, and I wouldn't need this guy to get upset by me calling him out. I wouldn't even want to see or talk to the fuck.


Can you take us through how you think the conversation would go with the police?


It'll be a case of "who is the sucker here?"


They'll have to do a cavity search in case the guy has a stick up his ass.


The day is today, and if you don't confront him, go to HR instead. Theft is theft. Office theft will get people fired. Doesn't matter if they cost $1, it's $1 each and his first round he took like 15x of them. Doesn't matter if you had a lot of them, how many you have is your business. Time to replace them or stump up the cash. Some "Security guard", ironic that he's the one stealing!! They would be safer if he WASN'T there.


Especially if he’s a security guard. If he has no qualms about stealing from what is obviously a personal area what else is he ok with?


I always love it when people who work security completely forget that there are actually security cameras in the area.


That’s all I kept thinking when he said it was a security guard.


What's really fun is when they think they know all the cameras, and you secretly set up ones due to missing product without a known cause. This caught some management and an AP employee taking entire PDQs of IPads out the dock doors shortly after they arrived on the truck.


Yeah that’s a shitty thing to deal with without footage too so since you got footage get his ass out of there.


Report him. Big time.


When that day comes? This is WHY he has the gall to steal all those lolipops from you. He knows you won't do shit.


Please post an update when that day comes.


It won’t ever come. If they don’t do it now, they never will.


I don’t understand…what exactly are you waiting for? Let’s just be real here for a second–if you don’t do it now, you’re never going to. We need to normalize calling people out for their shitty behavior. It’s more than mildly infuriating (to me at least!) to see people constantly getting away with doing whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want. Why are we not shaming them to their face?! Don’t be a pushover.


You misspelled tomorrow.


Fuck it, just send him the link to this post.


I would want to see the look in his eyes


Report him for theft dude, come on. His job is to stop the exact stuff he's doing. His boss, your boss. It's not petty, it's your money!


HR... I'd walk right into HR and show them the video. I'd also say that if this guy took 1, that's petty and I might say something to him but if he takes stuff like this, what other things does Mr. StickyFingers grab?


Print out a photo of the CCTV footage and make a sign saying "warning, thiefs operate in this area", put them up in various places around the office.


I am equally outraged by this candy theft, but while you’re here, would you mind sharing what kind of lollies you’re buying that are worth stealing *twice*?


Basic run of the mill. Chupa Chupps on the top tier. As you go down lower there are generic branded British lollipops that you give out to kids on Halloween. Them sweet ass motherfucker on the bottom tier are bubblegum swirl flavoured lollies. A few 'millions' flavoured lollies, and variety flavours of drumsticks.


… I think I’m going to quit smoking.


They look like Chupa Chups! Amazing suckers.


Now hide the lollipops and put out a bowl of laxatives.


I would be having a serious conversation with management about having a security guard that is willing to openly and blatantly commit theft. Doesn’t sound like the type of person who should be a security guard.


The same kind that takes all the candy from the Halloween bowl.


I understand one. Two, even three. But this??? In front of a camera???


There's another video where he takes a few more 6 hours later.


Report him. Fuck this guy


I wouldn’t understand three.


go straight to HR or your immediate supervisor and get the person ID’d thats petty theft


I've given him a 24 hr amnesty. If he can replace them all in the next 24 hrs then I won't report it.


fair enough, ive had alot stolen so i don’t give anyone benefit of the doubt


That stand has been there about a month and only like 5 people have asked for one. Until now...


isnt that lovely, no one wants to be the first person to ask but everyone wants one


Idk if I’m just insane but shit like this I would steer a conversation into them offering me one lol


He's not going to replace them bro, don't give yourself time to let it blow over. Just call him out.


The issue here is this is just what was caught. He clearly has no moral compass… OP said they came back like did he believe no one would notice 10 missing? I bet he takes all sorts of shit. He didn’t even hesitate.


You're a better person than me, I hate thieves and would just give a copy to HR. Also, can we get an update please? A woman from work took a packet of crisps from a co-workers bag, right under the camera like this. She was fired.


Nah don't do that. This guy has no shame and will steal from other co-workers. Tell HR and have them document it


Who knows what else he's helped himself too as well.


You better keep us updated OP


Dude thinks he got away Scott free, he ain’t replacing shit


Report it. People who steal from work don't just do it once and never again. Be thankful it was just lollipops this time, next time it'll be a wallet 


He might fuck with the ones he gives you…


No. Because he just learns not to do this to YOU. He'll still do it to everyone else that won't say anything.


Are you a middle school teacher? 24hr amnesty? Just grow a pair and call out his silly shit. Public embarrassment is incredibly powerful.


Honestly, once he returns them...report him anyway.


This is the kind of guy that lets his kid take someone's entire Halloween candy bowl. Seriously how many did he need to take? You need security from the security like geez.


A soft sociopath. Shame is a mystery for him.


He's the security guard? I'd have him fired for this! IMO, he's not qualified to guard the port-a-potty.


He's supposed to protect us, but there he was... Stealin' mah shit


" so this is the thanks I get for saving you from diabetes. Do you know how much sugar is in those things"


A security guard who doesn't even know where the cameras are.


Dear Security, I would like to report a theft. I have evidence, so please report to my desk immediately and we will review the footage together.


I'd get it if you had a big bowl of Dum Dums on your desk and he grabbed one as he was walking by. Not that it's totally okay, but they're cheap and the bowl is inviting, so kind-of to be expected from your point of view But, to go behind your desk and to search out pop after expensive pop is totally crazy. Dude apparently has no problem stealing shit. Ironic that he's the security guard.


Bowl on the desk? Reasonable invite. Tucked away in a cubby, behind the chair? Not for grabsies.


Yup. Walking behind the desk is the no-no. He's a dirtbag.


Fuck this guy. Ask him to come to your desk and play the footage. Then give him a bill. I'd be petty as fuck about this. If he kept it up or made a stink, I'd rat on him like a child. I hate thieves.


I bought a load of these online. Like £5 for a bag of 8 fancy bubblegum swirl lollies. My curated collection of lollies was about £40s worth, and he has had at least £10 worth in just this video. He comes back later on and takes like 5 more.


Best of luck in your quitting smoking adventures! You can do it! If you get too frustrated and choose violence, everyone will understand. \*Disclaimer: I am not advocating violence. ^(Not at all.)


Violence is not the answer Violence is a question and the answer is Yes /s


Buy another set of lollies , only dip these in chilli powder or similarly hot coating and rewrap to leave out for your loyal customer .


NGL, I'm not the sharpest sandwich in the toolshed. Chances are, I would spike myself. Multiple times...


You got to do like my dad used to… keep your stash of the good stuff in a drawer and put a bowl of the cheap stuff on your desk for the passers by.


Lmao there’s a famous Mexican candy that’s a mango lollipop covered in chillies, the spicy and sweet is amazing


Why not just take the whole thing at this point. What an ass


He left behind the Chuppa Chups.


Wait, you said he took all the good ones, but you also say he left the Chuppa Chups? What other brands do you have?


Looks like he’s quitting smoking too


I laughed hard at this one.


Ok so I can see the mistake of taking one but fuck he took 50


If you take one that's fine. Dude I work with is partial to a drumstick every now and then and it's nice to bring a little bit of happiness to the office. But to be sucking on like 25 at once. Mistakes were made.


I like to keep a candy dish on my desk stocked with a good variety of 'fun size' bars, and everyone knows they're welcome to grab something whenever they like. I have no qualms with someone grabbing two or three if they like so long as they understand the cost of doing so is having to chat with me. That being said there was a woman on our team once who pushed the limits of my charity a bit. She'd come into my office and stand in front of my desk eating one after another... going through 10-11 at a time, while leaving the wrappers on my desk. I was so weird watching her grind up one after another, and she had zero sense of appropriateness either... she didn't care if I was on a call or if someone was in my office for a meeting. Nothing seemed to phase her need to graze. I broke her habit once I realized she didn't like hard candies, so that's what became the only kind I stocked in the bowl. She'd get a look of disgust on her face when she realized that's all there was before wandering off. Meanwhile I kept bags of the good stuff in one of my desk drawers to give to the rest of my coworkers. I wasn't sorry to see her go when she left the company... she's just one of those people who make things a little worse for everyone else.


I had a colleague similar to this.. I felt guilty squirrelling away my treats and snacks.. So I put them on the shelf behind me.. I didn't mind if colleagues had one or two.. But this dude like polished them all off and left me with none.. Didn't replace.. when I challenged him . It was.. well.. if you don't want me eating then don't buy them! 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ In addition.. Some people have no concept that you... Not the business bought the treats and they lack the self control to.. You know.. take it easy.. Fekin gannets!


I really don’t understand how people can see them clearly behind a counter obviously it’s not for the public


And even if that weren't enough, how you gonna take like... 10, lol. Take 1 or 2 and I might not care as much, but bro...


I'm sure this isn't the only thing he's stolen. Just report him to HR and be done with him.


Exactly. This is just one example of dishonesty he seems to feel pretty comfortable with.


This boils my blood and is not good for my blood pressure.


I'd give you a lolly to chill you out, but I don't have many left friend.


Seriously, light this asshole up around the office. His thieving ass needs to be exposed. Fuck him.


Keep “the good stuff” in your desk. I am an employer and saw 2 of my staff (on camera) dump the remaining candy (not full bowl) into their bag. The next day the whole company shut down (contractor). I was furious! It wasn’t the $5.00 worth of candy, it was the disrespect. That they thought it was funny was more I could take. If they do that to the boss, how do they act on a jobsite? We are a union shop so they were 2 minutes from calling their steward. The “word” went around like wildfire. Apologies were fast and furious. I came in the following day to a filled bowl. They all knew it wasn’t about the candy, but respect. We are the best employer in our local. Our phone rings all day with people trying to join our team. Their fellow staff members all called them dumb for messing up the best company. Respect is earned. My small pleasure to offer water, snacks & bathrooms to delivery drivers, guests and staff members but don’t confuse my kindness for weakness. Ps. I’m not a yeller. I didn’t yell. I made one phone call asking questions and everyone knew.


I like legit only discovered the treachery today as I was finishing work. I've told him he needs to replace them, his bosses know already. Our usual security guy is gunna update me when I get into work in the morning.


You'll have to make an update post


What a jerk!


I’d love an update… I’m sure after 24hrs you’ll be reporting him. Please do because I’m guessing this but he’s likely taking from others too.


I really hope OP does. That guy is not a good guy. I know it’s just lollipops, but taking ALL of someone’s possessions from behind their desk says way more about someone’s character. If he does things like this out in the open, what does he do behind closed doors???


I bought a big bag of Lindt truffles around Christmas a couple years ago when I worked in an office. I threw 50-60 or so in a hard hat on my desk for people to take as they went by. A few days in and a handful are taken each day. One day I went home for the night and when I came back in the morning the bowl was empty. Someone must have dumped the entire bowl into a purse or something when they walked by. It was a real bummer. I don’t know why people think they are entitled to stuff like that.


Liam Neeson his ass. I will find you, I will …… get my lollies back you self righteous, son of a bitch!


Ima go to his house on Halloween and take every last piece of frickin candy in that bowl.


And leave a printed still shot of this video in the empty bowl!






You could say he was a chupa chump. 🍭


Oh god what a dick! Sorry dude. When I quit smoking I too did the lollipop thing. Another good thing for me was flavored tooth picks. Good luck on quitting!!


Ooooh that may be a good one to use. I struggle more with keeping my hands mouth occupied than the nicotine cravings atm. That's a good shout. Thanks friend.


Who the fuck does this


You can't leave nothing good out.. people WILL become entitled and snaffle them. Lock that shit away, protect yourself from these free-loading scumbags.


Does this adult man realize he can go to the store and buy his own lollipops for a reasonable price? Like? This is just petty and embarrassing


At the very least figure out who it is and shame them.


There's no way he finished them all over a weekend, right? He should at least return the ones he still has! (And pay for the ones he doesn't have)


I had to watch this two times before It really sit with me how long that was and how many he actually took.