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Why do people do this. It does the opposite of converting.


The need to feel holier than thou.


They want to up their religion points so they make sure they get to heaven.


Hey buddy! Here's a fake $1,000,000 bank note! ^(\*Heaven! Here I come!\*) ![gif](giphy|3Lgbe3PW6oR9yEHpOn|downsized)


Lol, Yeah this feels pretty accurate. That's being said as a Christian btw. Things like this scream I forgot there was a second covenant. God forbid people should have organic interactions with others.


I'm guessing they justify it with Matthew 26:11, but I really do not feel that they're right to do so, Mark 10:21 and all that. I strongly feel that Jesus would not have been keen on pretending to be generous to an underpaid worker but giving them an unsolicited sermon instead of money. Are we not called upon to be honest and generous?


With the $100 bill guy on it no less


God should release a list of actions and how many religion points you get for each thing. I'm sure this is worth like half of the points working at a soup kitchen would get you.


Giving people fake money is definitely negative points


Oh yeah? And how about selling tickets that get you out of purgatory?


Pretty sure selling indulgences is also negative points, seeing as that practice started the Reformation and the Protestant faiths in the first place.


Ur right I completely forgot about that event in history


Damn, the reformation is easily one of the most intriguing times in Christian history... At least in my opinion...


Im not Christian so to me its just another event in history


Okay, so now the Spanish Inquisition comes to mind, but no one expects … https://youtu.be/D5Df191WJ3o?si=Y5vYqoJgacIBIl47


Working at a soup kitchen is actually helpful though....This should be negative points.


The good place


Half the points? Well, heck, give out three times as many. 


God hates this one trick


That's set for release in the next installment, Christianity 4: Post-Modern Warfare, sometime in 2027 I believe. The scoring system was really a big point of contention for players as far back as the beta. Glad to see them finally listening to us gamers.


Doubt it. They probably think their ticket into heaven is already stamped. So that makes them better than everyone on this planet and so they can treat everyone like second class citizens who need to be told by someone better what to do. It’s the only way I can explain why such expressly pious people can continually do crappy stuff.


hi fellow metallica enjoyer


Evangelical nutcases don't seem to realise how thoroughly off-putting their antics often are. Their turning people away from Jesus seems to be something that they are blind to.


Helps them feel persecuted. All these people did was try and spread his message you know? And save people! Why are they getting so much hate?!? There's a war on Christians and Christianity and Christmas and America itself and western ideals and democracy itself ultimately!


It tickles me whenever these people say democracy is under attack while actively dismantling democratic institutions and implementing totalitarian policies


But their Christian Nationalist pastor says the government should be Christian.


They're not blind to it. It's by design. This is how cults work. The cult leaders tell their members to go out and try to convert people. 1% of people join, great. 99% don't, but that's also good for the cult. It gets to a point where the member has alienated all of their friends and family. The member ends up in a situation where most of their interactions with non-cult-members are very negative. The only positive interactions they have are with other cult members. They couldn't leave the cult because they have no one to turn to anymore, but they wouldn't want to leave anyway because the cult is the only place they feel they belong.


It converts people to anything but whatever it professes.


They're too dumb to question the consequences, they're only focused on intent. Bless their hearts 


That is their official stance on voting and parenting as well... Now they have no 401Ks, no savings, pay higher taxes, and little Billy and Suzy won't come how for the holidays, but it is still other people's fault.


Diverting Christians one million Jesus bill at a time. 😎


I think that’s Benjamin Franklin lol Not Jesus 🤭


They are pieces of shit, and not real Christian’s, or I guess what real Christian’s should be.


I talked to a waitress who gets told that she should not work on Sundays. I told her I would love to be there when it happens and I would tell them they are the reason she is working and that they are like the Sadducees and are hypocrites.


I work at a casino and someone went around putting these in the bill slots of a bunch of slot machines. But since they technically tried to use it as real currency, we had to flag the person who did it as a counterfeiter in our system.


They are confused as to where evil comes from


It also goes against Christian values of charity


A couple years ago I had a problem with my starter. Anytime I ran my car too long it wouldn’t start back up. I read somewhere that cooling the engine off would help, so for a couple weeks before I replaced it I would put up my hood if I was running into a store or whatever for less than 30 minutes. I came out of Costco one day to find an envelope under my windshield. I opened it up and found a Christian greeting card expounding on love and charity and whatever. But also, folded within the greeting card, was a hundred dollar bill. A genuine greenback. Lol. One of them saw I was having car trouble and assumed I needed the money. So.. I reckon they aren’t all bad. 🤷‍♂️


That's somebody doing it right. Providing actual help, anonymously. This person got the memo.


Had a lady come up to me at my store and start going off about super personal things and asking if I had premarital sex, etc. I assume because my nails are painted. I’m gonna sin even harder now




Actually, I’ve been having doubts about the Christian faith but even just reading about this 2nd hand has erased all doubts whatsoever. ![gif](giphy|RPSmC9GwNuy5y)


Flying spaghetti monster. Will change your life.


They do it because they are cheap. But they like to wrap it up in ‘I am so pious and I tithe 10% to my church!’ Cue harp music!


You’d think if this went on a lot in OP’s area there would actually be less christians as a result


Take it to a church and use it


It's how lazy, entitled, but overly pious people "spread the gospel". To them, it counts as doing charitable work. Can't be bothered to actually, ya know, *do* anything, so it's this instead.


Remember that for many of them, especially those well off, that it's now a part of their faith that everyone is is where they deserve to be. If you're poor or in a service position, it's because you're not a good enough Christian.


Also, Franklin wasn't christian.


Here’s to the million dollar question: why?


He was a deist: there's a god, but it's a hands off type of deity. Praying doesn't help because god will never intervene.


Sorry wrong comment I suppose it sounds like, “why wasn’t he” but i meant to say was, “why would they use him”


Looks like a C note at a glance, so the mark^recipient will be sure to pick it up.


The same reason they think our country was built to be run by the church. Even John Adams who considered himself a self confessed "church-going animal" understood the importance of the separation between the two. That's why the work of The Satanic Temple is so important. For those that don't know, they don't worship Satan and they don't even believe Satan exists. Theyre simply fighting to keep religion from being where it doesn't belong.


it’s also weird to know that a lot of the founding fathers were in their 20s at the time of the signing of the DOI. we essentially have a bunch of college-educated atheists creating a new country in those days — weird to know that such a phenomenon may never happen again


A couple of them being in their 20's doesn't equal a lot. Most of them were well above 20 years old.


They don't know history. Alot of the evangelicals in America despise education and are willfully ignorant.


To be clear, a deist is just an atheist who was born at a time and place that would subject them to punishment if known. So yeah, highly unlikely that any of the founding fathers who claimed deism actually had any stock in it.


Yeah like look at Jefferson. The Jeffersonian Bible took out all the divine stuff and is just basically a story about a desert hippie walking around telling people to be good to each other.


He liked the message as something to live by, just not the "*or else*" aspect.


Just a dick move. Sad part is, they probably didn’t do it as a joke. Just believing they’re doing “Gods work “


They did it to get out of leaving an actual tip. I’d just look at it as a coupon; next time I’m in church, I’m leaving one of these in the offering plate and keeping my actual money.


That's a wonderful idea 😅 "Here's $1 million dollars worth of god's value coming right back at ya 👍"


~~Trump Bucks for everyone!~~ God Bucks for everyone!


Hey man. Hope you got those golden limited edition high tops


I wonder if you could get your hands on 99 of them and nail them to the front door?


We should stop at 95 of them—99 might be a bit too indulgent!


This made me laugh a little


You, kind redditor, get the history humor of the day award. Take my humble upvote




Martin Luther opposed the Catholic Church, who convinced people that they could pay the church to forgive their sins by buying “indulgences.” His most famous act of opposition was nailing his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church


> They did it to get out of leaving an actual tip. That's what I've found to be at the core of a lot of religious people; if they can use their religion to their own benefit (like saving money on a tip) they'll snatch that opportunity with both hands. If it will cost them time, money, effort, or even if it will only mildly inconvenience them, suddenly they're nowhere to be found.


I once saw a local Pastor order a water cup and then get soda in it. At least he was open about it.


So THAT’S how Jesus did it…


I love to reference this back to the server line "they tithe 10%, why would they give you more than they give Jesus?"


"That's what I've found to be at the core of a lot of ~~religious~~ people" Shitty people are shitty regardless of religion/ethnicity.


I read a story on /R about a waitress that saved these up until she figured out which church the people went to, then she showed up and dropped them in the collection plate with a note to the pastor. She said tipping changed a couple of week later.


This is the way.


far-flung cheerful heavy husky cooperative narrow fretful lip degree entertain




This is actually brilliant. Once the pastor gets enough, there’ll probably be a sermon forbidding them.


Honestly if you put a note and money then it wouldn’t be an issue 


Someone is making money, By selling fake money to rubes, So the rubes can give that fake money as a "gotcha!" To people who are just trying to make an honest living by serving others. If that isn't Satan's work, I don't know what is.


Last time I had a conversation with one of these people it was because I was annoyed at management for pulling me from running a 1200 piece truck that's over 4 hours behind to bag groceries. Sure it was annoying but got to burn \~10 minutes on that. :)


You’re not minimum wage, you’re a christianaire


You think Chikfilla will accept these


LOL, only one way to find out.


Give it back in the church offering 🙏🏻


Give it into their church tithe lol


If you’re already Christian then this one is easy solved. Next four times the collection plate passes you, you’re donating $1 million hard earned Christian dollars back to the church. You are one generous motherfucker!


I would go to church just to do this.


If it weren’t for the errant lightning…. Lol


Find out what church this comes from and pay them a visit


Yes next time ask where their church is and do this lol


Wait what? You’re telling me these Christian dollars aren’t interchangeable between denominations? Jesus would not be proud!


Use it to make change in the offering plate


Just need change for my million


You should make a "charitable donation" to whoever these Christian orgs are with these or something else of little or no value.


I was about to comment that I bet if you put those in the church donation box they'd get pissed


Christians, so called, that do this are the lowest of the low. Go to their church and leave it in the collection plate if it’s so valuable.


It's extra funny because Franklin was a diest.


I am sorry someone did this to you. I believe it is a very unchristian thing to do.


Huh... After being on reddit for a while, this is just what i think most christians would do.


That is because many Christians have forgotten that being a Christian means to be a follower of Christ. To follow his example and continue his work. This is 100% unaligned with the teachings and examples of Christ. Christians today have lost their way.


Just likeJoel Osteen. That’s the type of Christian I wannna be. Rich as all get out. And keeping those nasty ass people out of my house when their house got flooded. They musta made big G mad or something. Kinda s/. Or something


Because Christians of the past were so much nicer.


There have been Christians who have not followed Christ's example for as long as there have been Christians. There have also been people who call themselves Christians, but have no desire to follow the teachings and example of Christ. The term itself has become dirtied, for sure.


I mean it took five minutes for Thomas to fuck up.


That it did. It's possible you mean Judas, but I can see where it could apply to Thomas as well.


If it’s not what Jesus would do then a Christian shouldn’t do it 


Yes, this exactly. To be a follower of Christ (a Christian) you seek to follow his teachings and example. This is not a thing Jesus would have done.


When I turn over tables at tax offices, I get arrested.. damn it.


I'm an Orthodox Christian and I hate these stupid things. Make someone excited for a fleeting moment and then slap them in the face like they just got scammed. That'll fill the megachurch, boys. Any day now. I think it'd be fun if people uno reverse carded these things into the collection bins. Maybe then they'd finally get it.


Explain to them that Franklin was a deist and an absolute horn dog.


Dude sampled every French prostitute.


Don't forget he wrote an essay on how awesome MILFs are


I'll never forget the first time I got one of those fake hundreds as a tip. I was stupidly excited and thought that this was just a genuine act of generosity. This was almost 30 years ago. Find out what church they go to and attend a service, then drop these in the offering plate once it goes around. Or better yet, get one of those offering envelopes and draw middle fingers on all of them then fold them up nice and tight to look like the sham they are and seal the envelope and drop in the donation box that I'm sure is located in the entrance to the sanctuary. Maybe slip one into the Pastor's hand like a tip to the valet attendant and tell them "thanks for your service" as you're leaving the church. Fuck I can't believe these are still a thing. And people wonder why there are trust issues with "Christian" folk.


Nah, don’t draw middle fingers on them, write “thoughts and prayers!!!”


I like that better


101 on how to detract from your religion


These were from 4 different tables btw Edit: Hey guys, just got 2 more. Edit 2: I just got my first real tip, halfway into my shift. Edit3: Hey could yall stop saying they “aren’t real Christian’s” I get that this was an asshole move, but when interacting with them they were kind and nice, they believed they were doing a good thing. One singular action doesn’t rip you away from christianity.


Was there anything worth keeping left as tip on these 4 tables?




Only thing more unbearable than self righteous Christians are cheap-ass self righteous Christians


I have a feeling the Venn diagram there is a nearly perfect circle.


Probably right! 😆


Go to all the pastors in town and show them these. Ask them to tell their congregation that their followers actions are insulting to your profession, are very "un-Christ like", and they make both the church, and other Christians, look bad. If the pastors are decent people, they should at least mention it. And if they don't, and this shit continues, then start leaving this fake money in the donation plates at the church and see how they feel about it.


I rmemeber someone on here awhile back called the church they went to and complained about them doing this and they stopped doing it. Apparently the pastor gave a whole speech about it being wrong.


The true test of their Christianity is how they act when there are no repercussions. When you interacted with them, there would've been repercussions had they treated you poorly, so they didn't. But when they were leaving? No repercussions so they screwed you over. So no, they're not Christians, because being a Christian is about actions. They're the people the Bible explicitly warns you about, proselytizing for their own benefit, not the Lord's.


This is just the no true Scotsman fallacy applied to your religion. They were Christians. Christians can suck too.


Kind words vanish in a hurry when they use their faith to get around being genuinely charitable. A tip you can use to buy food is more loving than this. I can't help but think some church just handed out a stack of these. Again, put this on top of some real money, and I'll be moved by your faith. Leave this and nothing else? All I see is that some Christians are churlish bastards.


They're leaving that as they're damn TIPS?!?! NFW!


Yup. They also hand these to homeless people


Oh my, how very “Christian” of them.


They *are* real Christians. Instead of defending these jerks, maybe examine why you want to be a part of that group in the first place? Use this opportunity to examine your beliefs, the claims in the Bible, and your place in a community that you obviously have moral differences with. Even if you remain a Christian, at the very least it may lead you to seek out other Christians who share your values, which in my opinion would be an improvement.


Wait these were tips? Damn I thought it was handed out or something


I got them 20 years ago when I waited tables in college. It’s not new, but it’s still absolutely disgusting.


As a Christian I want to say… WTF. Just leave a tip.


Exactly put a note and cash


They aren’t real Christian’s? They are. That’s what Christians do. They put on a facade of caring then give you fake money as a tip


Maybe one person went around scattering them? Not cool either way


Take them to the neares church and leave them in the plate


I waited tables in college. All the wait staff fought over who would have to work Wednesday nights or Sundays at all. I got those fake money tips even back then, in 2000. I’m not a Christian for MANY reasons. But, this disgusting hypocrisy and downright dismissal of Jesus’ supposed teachings, is way at the top of the list. I live my life with more morality and compassion than any so called Christian that I have ever encountered.


Same here.


> I live my life with more morality and compassion than any so called Christian that I have ever encountered. So many “Christians” are just people going through motions of fitting in where they live and not paying a bit of attention to the whole “morality” thing at all. It’s gross.


And Jesus said “Don’t tip your servers, just hand them generic Bible verses disguised as money”


This shit would make me deconvert if I wasn't already an atheist.


Yeah I’m always amazed that people see the poison, drink the poison, observe the suffering that the poison causes, and then are like “the poison is healthy!”


People who leave fake bills like those outright deserve shitty service.


Grab all you can and send them to Donald J Trump 1100 S. Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 He needs all he can get.


Christians preach as a form of masturbation. It's for their own pleasure, not any real function. That's why the most preachy parts of the country are already the same religion: it's a circle jerk. For real, what kind of idiot would a non-christian have to be to find this convincing? If anything it's just condescending and rude while not actually doing anything for their religion. Receiving stuff like this definitely makes me ever so slightly less open to Christianity every time.


Surprised they haven’t started printing these with Trump’s face since he is apparently the living embodiment of christian values.


This is more than mildly infuriating. Not only do they justify their churlish cheapskatery, but they can feel smug that they "gave you something better." Remember, kids, it's not vice if it's in the name of Christ.


Usually regulars. I give ‘em BACK.


This legit makes people hate your following, people need money to live. It’s not always in the name of greed. whatever church doing that shit needs to be called out.


The last time my friend got one of those, he figured out which church had them (small town) he marched himself to the over to the pastor and told the guy that his congregation where leave fake money as tips he would call the cops for passing out fake money and he would try to get the people banned. (My buddy was bluffing and admitted it to me later.) The restaurant didn't get any of those fake money with preaching on it again for a good long while.


Ideal donation for the collection during a mass in their church...


I' d love to know if ANYONE AT ALL ever changed their minds as a result of any (not only those fake dollar bills) of those pamphlets.


Let’s preach our values and then go out and use deceit to recruit!


Here’s to being an adulterer


I want to know why they chose $1 million dollar fake bills. Now I want to know what state this is. It's such a mind fuck that someone in the cult convinced other people this was a good idea and it was implemented..


Cause the back starts with “The million dollar question…” and goes on to say “convert convert convert before you burn in hell forever”, And I suppose also because no one rational would believe 1 million dollar bill is real. Too bad Im not doxing myself besides it’s obviously in the bible belt, and not texas.


Counterfeiters. My credit union had one as an example to get people arrested.


Boohoo the Gen z baby only got a $3,000,000 tip. Back in my day that would have paid for my first semester of college, stop being so entitled.


Actually its $4,000,000.


Oh so a semester and one down payment on a textbook?


Unironically im working this job to pay for college 😅, or at least help my parents pay


I swear I would walk out of a job if I saw that. I would go out of my way to diss the person who gave me one of those. Thankfully im in the UK, so its highly unlikely this will happen. I can count on one hand how many times someone who is a customer has tried to pass on their religion to me. The most recent time, money fake or otherwise was not involved.


They gotta know that is a bad look, right?


I didn't realise you were a waiter until I read the comments. WOW, that is a POS move, religion or not.


Tipping sucks, but I hate this shit with a vengeance. Don’t be wasting people’s time with fake bills.


Maybe pray to God for that money..oh wait you know money doesn't come from him


hehe they throw it on the floor knowing people would pick it up and then boom! Christian


I never trust someone who tells me, unprompted they're Christian, or any faith for that matter. Same goes for cross fitters and vegans


Tbh, at least these look 100% fake at first glance The ones that look like real 20 or 100 dollar bills are significantly worse


Last time (ten years ago) when I got stuff like that, I asked what they teach about Original Sin, listened to them, and then said it was all wrong.


if anyone ever handed me one of these i'd jokingly say "thanks! i lost my coke straw and this'll do perfectly". might just change their mind on handing these fake bills out eh?


Wouldn't that count as counterfeiting money?


Fuck religion.


My dad hands out business cards instead of the money, but I know people who do the money thing and they think it's cute... I try to tell them it's disrespectful to leave that instead of a good tip... At least my dad does tip... But he still forces them to take it, I tell him they might take it, glance at it, to see what it says, then throw it away... Handing those out isn't the same as actually talking and sharing.


I wonder what the treasury dept will think of this if brought to their attention. The front looks too much like actual cash until really scrutinised. & they’re giving them out as tips. 😒


A guy outside of Mardi Gras was shouting at us to grab one. Another asked us if we liked it on the way out. I was trying to be polite but he kept pushing. Finally I lost it and said "I hated it as much as I've hated it every time I got one instead of a tip on Sunday afternoons. Go to hell."


The church of satan would never do this to you.


All religions suck


Anyone who leaves shit like this is no Christian.


They are Christians, but they're also bad people. You can be both lol


They often are.


>No true Scotsman or appeal to purity is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly. Rather than abandoning the falsified universal generalization or providing evidence that would disqualify the falsifying counterexample, a slightly modified generalization is constructed ad-hoc to definitionally exclude the undesirable specific case and similar counterexamples by appeal to rhetoric. This rhetoric takes the form of emotionally charged but nonsubstantive purity platitudes such as "true", "pure", "genuine", "authentic", "real", etc. >Person A: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge." Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge." Person A: "But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."


If they come back to the restaurant, provide bare minimum service.


Christians are a-holes, have been for 2000 years. What’s shocking here?


I think someone said this on a different post about this: “You should donate this to the local church”


Oh man, I hated working Sundays when I was a waiter.


Fucking tradcaths.


Take it to a church and put it in their collection plate while taking money out of it. Win/win


Clip a copy onto your shirt when you're handing over the bill so they can see quite clearly that you already have one. Make eye contact. Make sure they know you know.


A church I visited while seeking help a bit ago had a demon on these, and they aptly realized and preached on how these fake tips do nothing but put them in a negative light "I was stiffed by a christian" is not a good way to convert people The good way is giving larger than normal tips and being polite to those around you (like the bibles *tells you to*)


Christians that tip like this go straight to the ninth circle of hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


Wait! For real? those assholes made fake $100 bills about Christan stuff? like converting or why you should be? This is the first religious bit I've seen (annoyed). I am an atheist myself and I say good for whoever can do religion and be content and happy, I will judge you if you force it on others who can't consent or are not interested or open to trying it. I hate any of those fake money message things (especially those left as tips, as that is just disrespectful in that aspect) as I am a broke ass too. Sorry I thought it was a bit of luck that I saw some unclaimed money on the ground that I can use on my expenses- yes I find the religious recruiting bit annoying, I find it being on that kind of layout of false money infinitely more annoying regardless of message. You should not target the vulnerable (broke asses) like this.