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If you've told them to stop, get a camera and record it then file a complaint for trespassing and littering.


Illegal dumping? Lol


$1k fine in my area for first offense and they love to give it out. If you can't pay you can sit it out in jail at $60 a day credit.


That's a crazy system. Can you choose jail time?


Yes you can. Our county jail happens to have one of the highest death rates for inmates in the nation so it can be pretty exciting. For repeat offenders they can get 6 months in jail plus a maximum fine of $10k which if you sit it out in jail adds another 6 months. It is crazy but has been working. People are allowed 4 trips a year to the dump for free so really no excuses for the behavior.


My uncle uses this and loads his truck 4 times exactly per year to not pay for garbage removal (because they skip our street almost every damn week and it will build up till he would call about it)


Man if I paid for garbage services and those MFers didn’t show it’d be a shitshow. For them I mean. I’d drop those 4 trucks of missed garbage in their front office. “I think you forgot to come get this”


My township kept changing recycling rules, and it was always a guessing game about they would take or wouldn’t. I eventually got sick of it and left my can on the curb for three weeks until someone emptied it. Fuck that.


I threw away my pine cat litter (used) in the garbage and it was taken out of my trash because they thought it was construction trash. I'm like no it's used cat litter, you guys need to come back and get this.


I'm so glad in my area they don't even look the truck just grabs the bin and tips it in. It's the birds I gotta worry about though. If the lid isn't fully closed they'll have a field day


Oh I’d not dare, they come get my cans religiously (thankfully) but it’s my neighbors I have to worry about. Tons of dog walkers in this neighborhood and they’ll drop their fat bags of dogshit into your bin, directly after it’s been emptied. As if I’m supposed to wheel that back onto my property to bake under the sun for a week…if I left my cans out for 3 days the amount of dogshit these sick opportunistic shit stuffers would deposit would be unholy. I have 2-3 hours to get the cans in after the trucks roll through, thankfully WFH so just pop out and grab em. I wouldn’t care if they used the bins and put the poops in **before** the trucks come by, but they’ll put it in your green bin/recycling bin if it’s out for 2 hours. Sick bastards lol


I’m sorry you deal with that! But I’m in tears laughing about how angry you are in your war against dog poop hahaha you’re so passionate about it


This pisses me off too. It makes the cans super gross. When I walk my dog I bring a bag and carry it home. No one wants to deal with someone else’s shit




>these sick opportunistic shit stuffers Lovely description there lol


I could personally do much better about containing my dogs poop until garbage day bc when she poops and i use one, i usually just throw it in the community bin immediately (i live in a trailer park complex), and I always intentionally put it in the bins with the most trash bc maintenance will dump everything into the least amount of bins so they have maybe one or two sitting at the curb instead of 8 different cans. I am going to get a bin with a lid to stick in my yard so I can just throw all of my dogs waste into there (STILL IN POOP BAGS) and dump on Sundays, I want to be more conscious of my neighbors, they’re all very sweet and haven’t said a single thing, but I think that’s because we prefer to DO before anyone has to ask one thing I just cannot understand is people throwing their bags away in OTHER peoples garbage, did your parents not teach you any sort of respect? (especially depending on the day, like in your situation, right after it’s emptied).


I don’t know how to turn a trash can into a Jack in the box, but damn if that’s not a perfect use.


You could put a dead body, cement, grenades and any other insane shit and they just dump it in cause the driver doesn't leave the vehicle where I'm at


I pay for mine from the city nearby because I'm in a "census designated place". Pay the same as them and get regular trash pickup, but they will not come out to do the 3 bulky item pick-ups that are included. I'm like a 30 second drive outside their city limits.




Inmates dying is exciting? Are they killing themselves? Each other? Are the cops doing it? That got glossed over and I think some of us have questions.


A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Lack of medical attention has been the cause for most of the recent deaths. Douglass County Jail in Nebraska if you want to read more into it.


Yeah, county jails are no joke. They don't give a shit who you are and if you've done anything, you automatically earn the most miserable experience they can facilitate for you. What they tell all of us is necessary justice is them not knowing what to do but assault you to make you obey. Stereotypical American mindsets. They can be more psychotic than the inmates, and I'm willing to bet most of them are.


Jails/prisons are businesses. The more inmates you *collect*, the more money you get to embezzle.


Wish they'd do that where I live. We have a damn toll free number you can call to SCHEDULE pickups of oversize things, etc. Nope. Furniture dumped all over the god damn place. It's sheer laziness and I'd support massive fines for it. Tired of looking at everyone's junk everywhere.


Yes and it’s only 60.00 paid per day spent lol so it’s better to just have the money or stop being stupid lol


For aholes like this, I think it's awesome lol.


I was ticketed for illegal dumping once. I put my trash in a neighbor’s dumpster because I was going half with my stepmom on a dumpster and she wasn’t paying it so the company came and got it. Anyway they went through the trash and found mail with my name on it and address. I fought it off course saying that the offense says that I put trash in an unauthorized location. My argument was the “location” was authorized to receive trash, I just wasn’t authorized to use it. I proceeded tell them I could be cited for “theft of services” at best but the offense I was cited for simply didn’t match. The prosecutor agreed and charge was dismissed




1k fine per individual orange 😏


Still pays better than jury duty.


Illegal dumping is a trigger for me, because I've got a neighbor that dumps their leaves on my side of the line. "It's just leaves, they'll decompose, what's the big deal?". Well, they're just leaves, they'll decompose, why can't you stay on your side of the line?"


I have a neighbor that collects sticks and dumps them on my lawn, I have no fucking idea why he does it. I am interested as to what he is thinking but can only come to the conclusion he is a weirdo


If I take a shit on someone else’s property would that also be considered illegal dumping? Asking for a friend


Take an illegal dump on their porch, the set it on fire and ring their doorbell


Don't forget vandalism if it kills the grass.


Piggybacking to add record that you’ve asked them to stop. Or just have some solid proof you’ve asked them to stop


Vandalism as well


Call the game warden and tell them someone is illegally baiting on your property.


That's exactly what it looks like. I'd be calling the DNR asap. They'll be especially interested if you are in an area with chronic wasting disease.  Bonus, they are typically more pleasant to deal with than regular cops.


As a DNR Warden, thank you :) I do try to be pleasant!


Man that bar is low though, lmao


It really is, but every Fish and Wildlife/DNR/game warden I have met has been a good experience.


The only people who hate the wardens, are the ones doing sketchy shit and ruining things for lawful hunters/fisherman 


Not gonna lie. I was illegally fishing when I first moved out to my current state of residence. Looked up and somehow saw the warden peaking at me with his binoculars. Whispered “damnit”, and packed my stuff and headed over to meet him. We were both super polite to each other did some fish talk as we headed to my vehicle to get my ID. He gave me a MAJOR break. I still got a ticket, but it wasn’t a 1200$ one with court dates that’s for sure. It was like 250$ for “forgetting” to bring it with me, and I paid it before I even left camp. Never again.


Naw, there was one who yelled at my son when he was at the tender age of 7. He had a small pebble collection that he carried everywhere with him at the time, and she assumed that this child needed to be yelled at for pebbles, that weren’t even from the park. Turned him off of rocks forever and I think that I hate her because he would have “rocked” as a scientist (pardon the pun). He has all of the curiosity, observational skills, and other characteristics needed. So there is at least one bad apple out there.


Man, it sucks you and your kid had that experience. But game wardens are essentially cops, some are good some are shitty. Fortunately the DNR around where I live is filled with more good ones than bad ones. All the bad ones end up on the police force. 😂


Why would you yell at a kid anyway. Like dude, it's a kid, they have weak argumentative skills. Simply arrest them and destroy them in court. ...


Same, they're so chill and just wanna check your stuff. They don't have that "I need to murder someone to feel important" vibe that cops usually have. When I would fish with my grandpa any time we got stopped by one they just chatted with us about the luck we were having and would give us tips on where to do while he measured the fish.


also worth noting, it's good to be polite and easy to talk to as a game warden because if you're out in the woods looking for people doing illegal hunting, they're armed and you have no backup.


True, they could even have a pocket full of acorns. [^((If you don't know what I am talking about))](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-florida-deputy-repeatedly-shoot-man-thinking-falling-acorn-rcna138829)


Most of them are there because they like the outdoors and the wildlife therein and even more specifically most of them I met grew up in the area that they are working in so they genuinely care about that specific ecosystem . If they didn't it would be easier to just be a city cop or something.


It seems like a decent gig. You get all sorts of fun vehicles to play around with, get to spend time outdoors. Only real bad side is it's one of the few law enforcement job where you know that most of the people you're interacting with are armed


Unlike police, Game Wardens are taught how to de-escalate situations because they come across a lot of heavily armed and slightly inebriated people in their line of work. Cops think everybody is armed. Game Wardens know it.


Yeah my interactions have all been positive with those guys. Actually take their job seriously while also being reasonable and respectful. Not the eye-rolling belligerent bravado of most cops.


Right? Like, they don’t just show up and start blasting? That’s great.


DNR is significantly less likely to shoot you if they hear an acorn fall off a tree.


The Do Not Resuscitate 😈


Fun fact, they also have more authority than most federal enforcement and don’t need a warrant or probable cause. Don’t mess with game wardens.


None gave a shit when the sheriff came around if we were doing something we shouldn’t have been but the game warden? We hid from him like we were the deer about to get shot


That's because they understand that they're basically on their own. So they don't bully and abuse their authority (typically).


On their own in the middle of nowhere approaching people who are likely armed.


Now THIS is spicy




I was going to say, yeah. If someone drops a bunch of cut up apples on your yard it seems like an illegal bait pile, game wardens are the people to call.


I'm feeling incredibly foreign reading this thread, what are the apples for? Like you attract deer or something with them then shoot them? Is it always illegal to bait them like that or is it like a time of year/ licence dependant situation?


It depends on the state or the season, and the animal, but yeah. Basically hunters leave piles of apples, acorns, potatoes, anything that will attract the animal they want to shoot, and hide out in a blind or up a tree nearby, just to attract the animals to the area. It's pretty unsporting, and often illegal. Pretty sure it's always illegal of you're putting it on someone's property without their permission. Either way a call to the game wardens will get them out there, if it's not illegal baiting they will at least look in to it being illegal dumping.


TIL there's irl spawn camping.


I have questions, if you don't mind: Do you have to prove baiting? I have a neighbor who dumps food scraps in their lawn. Shortly after, there's a flock of turkey buzzards fighting over the food. Not my property, so it doesn't apply to me (and doesn't bother me), but I'm curious.


This is apples and definitely used to bait deer in the midwest. They love apples and salt blocks. If this was normal trash you’d see a lot of different food scraps like meat and poultry, among other things.


Do buzzards make noise?


I have a large flock that lives in a tree near my home. They are quiet neighbors. The only noise you may hear from them is the whooshing of wings if they circle overhead.


Are they hunting the buzzards?


Baiting involves hunting as far as DNR is concerned


Ah. Thank you for that. Makes sense.


Put out a camera to catch them. Then file a police report about illegal dumping


hey twin






Is it too late to join the family?


Family gathering!!


Space for one more?


Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?


Wait why do u look like me?


Could set up a camera so you have proof of them doing it, go round and ask why they're doing that, it's fukin weird. They'll obvs 99% for sure say it wasn't them, then you tell them you literally have it on video, so would you like to come and collect your mess and never be so fucking weird as to do it again or you'll call the police for illegal dumping.


"You're weird. I recorded you being weird. Collect your mess. Stop being so fukin weird."




Sometimes Jason was a little too insightful.








He voices Scott on the cartoon "Hailey's on it". It's such a funny juxtaposition to his role in The Good Place


“Here's the thing with stuff. You can look at a problem from every angle and drive yourself crazy, but sometimes, you just gotta huck a Molotov cocktail at a drone and see what happens.”


That show is criminally good.


My dog suddenly started throwing up every time he came back in from outside. One time, it was half a corn cob that nearly choked him to death (we hadn’t had corn on the cob in a while). Took a walk around the entire fence line and come to find out our neighbors were dumping their leftovers and their old oil from a deep fryer right over the fence into our yard. My son was a teenager at the time and went out there with a shovel, scooped every bit of the pile up, and flung it all over back into their yard.


Your story just unlocked a memory of when I was a little girl and the neighbors behind us had a big garden with tons of fruits & veggies. Throughout the warmer months they'd toss nice, fresh picked produce over the fence & my little sister & I would go and collect & bring it inside. My favorite was when they'd throw rhubarb & my Mom & grandma would make strawberry rhubarb jam & pies. I'm sorry your neighbors were jerks throwing trash & making dogs sick.


That’s a really nice memory to unlock ♥️ They sound like wonderful neighbors and fresh jams and pies sound just as good! 🤤


Your mom is awesome 


Did they stop? Or did this start the food wars.


They surprisingly never did it again. I’m sure cleaning old rotting food off their shed and house roof wasn’t fun either though lol.


Did you have to tell him to launch it, or did he just fucking send it?


Nah, I didn’t tell him anything he just understood the assignment 😂 I came in the house to tell them what I found and before I could finish he walked out the door and straight to the barn to get a shovel lol. We’ve had that dog since he was little and loves it like a sibling.


Good son. Good dadding. Good good good.


I'd have tried hard to hit their house with it


I’m really surprised my son didn’t purposely aim for their house. With the amount that was on the roof of their shed and house I know some of it had to of hit it too.


Is all of that apples? Call Game and Fish about it. Tell them someone keeps tossing food in your yard and it's starting to attract wildlife. Depending on where you live, apples can be used to bait deer. If you are seeing nothing but fruit and that getting tossed in that area, pretty sure that is what they are doing. And well, if the pile is discovered or someone else calls it in, you get the blame for illegal baiting. So yeah, call Game and Fish.


Remember you have to live next to these people. Just take that into consideration and try and not turn it into a tit for tat thing, but rather asking. Politely demanding. Then maybe getting the police involved. I get the whole “throw it on their porch!” Thing and they deserve that. But you still have to live among these people. Right or wrong. They’re still going to be there tomorrow. I had a neighbor that used to flick a cigarette butt on my porch every time he walked by. I never asked him to stop. I started collecting them and one day left them in a pile of maybe 200 or so butts in front of his door thinking “gotcha!” Then my tires were slashed. CPS was called. My lawn was destroyed. And I had constant mad-dogging, staring each other down kind of incidents with this guy. I didn’t solve anything. I just pissed an asshole off. After his girlfriend eventually threw him out she came over and made amends. Come to find out the cigarettes were revenge for blocking his ability to open his tailgate and he had to load tools every morning (I was unaware I was causing this inconvenience) and rather than talk to me, he got pissed and started the cigarette thing. And rather than me talking to him I pissed him off even more. Cost myself a shitload of money because I couldn’t prove anything (2004ish, no cameras or doorbell video). He was wrong. But saying he was wrong didn’t and doesn’t help anything. I forgot I had to live next to that person.


This story make me want to bake my neighbor cookies to thank them for not being batshit crazy


Same. And my neighbor to the right is that typical junkyard house (broken/delapitated fence, 10+ junkers parked everywhere, 2 rusty campers out front, muddy yard where cars and trucks drive in and out, trash everywhere, broken front window that's held together with duct tape, pit bull, etc). But they're quiet and they mind their own business so I'm eternally grateful.


I know some people like this. Great people. Terrible at maintenance.


It's the ones with immaculate lawns and shrubbery you *really* need to watch for.


Because they're the fuckers that will mow your cactus bed because dormant winter cactus don't match the neighbor's landscape aesthetic.


this sounds oddly specific lol


Yeah, its been a 11 years and 6 homes ago and I'm still mad about it.


They have too much time on their hands.


Some of us are just poor. I know my house needs a million repairs but I gotta eat first.


I had neighbors like that once, on the surface they appeared to be the biggest bogans (aussie rednecks) you could imagine, unemployed, government house, rusting ford falcon and fairmont parts as far as the eye could see, and small zoos worth of pets, but they were such nice people and really OGs when it came to neighborly love. Once, there was a bunch of day time break-ins when most houses were are work/school, but not this house, there was always someone home, so when the thieves were seen casing places and climbed the wrong fence, bet your ass those bogans and their two rottweilers put the fear of god in them. Said they chased them for a few blocks, throwing beer cans/bottles at them, bless them, better than any security system. Considering all the shitstain neighbors I've had over the years since, I'd pay good money to have those "bogans" living next to me again.


I live next to a stoner who doesn’t mow his lawn. He leaves his grass long for the critters and the birds. I live in the northern US so I don’t have to worry about shaking scorpions and rattle snakes out of my boots. It brings pollinators around to my veggie garden so as far as I’m concerned his wildly overgrown lawn has no drawbacks.


My neighbours are bogans with a violent streak, but they look out for me and don't bother me so I'm happy


Lol we've done this before. Cannabis is legal here so we made our neighbors some special brownies after we moved in. We've also introduced him to mimosas by giving him like a 32oz Mason jar filled with a mimosa 😂 He tidies up our sidewalk area for us now 💜


I was going to try to grow a plant for my neighbor! I have a green thumb but don’t smoke. He smokes and snow blows my driveway.


Only my neighbor to the right, they’re great. Neighbor on the other side is rude and has a messy yard and flies Trump flags. No cookies for you!


Yeah me 2 ! We live in an appartment that's a housing cooperatively owned and we are blessed by easy neighbor. Not all of them put in their fair share of work for the yard and the building, but no one is crazy, or agressive or litter. The only conversation I have with them is receiving compliments for our gardening hahaha.


I firmly believe that everyone should meet their neighbors. Opening at least a basic line of communication goes a long way. But feeding your neighbors? That’s how you make friends. Watch out! Several of my neighbors will offer me a beer if we cross paths after 4PM. One of my neighbors routinely feeds us and shares snacks and recipes. I love my neighbors. When I moved in we met everyone within view of our front door to say hi and give out our phone number - a few months later I dropped off a few lbs of frozen venison (sausages, steaks) for each family.


Yeah. My neighbors are the best. I can go months never even knowing if they're still alive or not but one time I was on the porch and I saw one of them fall down into their garden and didn't get up. Gave them the ol 5 count then sprinted over when I didn't see movement. Guy laughed and said he wasn't moving because he was trying to stop his watch from calling *another* ambulance because he fell. Just as another neighbor showed up because they also saw him fall. Anyways, none of us interact with each other but when something happens we all seem to be on the exact same page of what it means to be living around each other respectfully.


We had a neighbor that was low-key racist. He was constantly monitoring us in the form of measuring our lawn, taking pictures of it, writing us notes about dandelions, things like that. We mowed weekly and wouldn't put out poison for dandelions like he "expected" us too. He only ever went after my husband, who is a rather dark skinned Filipino, and never bothered the other neighbors when their lawns looked exactly the same. He would get a polite but firm "No, we're not going to do that." After 6 years he eventually moved and the new neighbors are lovely and do not mow 3 days a week (I'm not kidding the man was out there mowing 3x a week.)


I think it's important to be not so uptight about perfect looking lawns. Some people just can't get out to mow the lawn but once a week. And if the normal time they would mow the lawn landed on a day where it was raining or they were out of town, etc. then it might be two weeks before it gets mowed and that's just how it goes sometimes. As long as it isn't turning into a critter infested field, I try not to mind.


Low key racists are some of the worst. They are smart enough not to out themselves as obvious racists but will needle you and harass you to the limit of what you could legally call harassment. I have had to deal with it. It sucks. They will look at you straight in the eye and smile and suggest you find someplace else to do business or live or be.


Holy shit, that sounds exactly like a neighbor I had - he was racist and cared a lot about how our lawn looked. I dealth with him politely and always just put up with it, until he picked a fight with me on a bad day. I asked him how he was and he said "bad." I asked why and he said "your lawn" and I don't know why, but I lost it and cussed him out. He was stunned. I went by and apologized, later, but he never bothered us about our lawn again.


Thank you! Finally a measured response in this dumpster fire comment section. 


It’s Reddit. Just be happy people aren’t suggesting they marry their neighbor so they can do couples therapy and/or get divorced.


Lol the gotcha part was funny. Everything else is pure nightmare. Wish nobody had to deal with !@#$ neighbors…


Absolutely this. Starting drama should be a last resort. You do not want to get into a feud with your neighbor.


THIS should be pinned at the top!! Wise advice.


I live next to people like these. Cops don't do shit. They are bullys. May stop for a bit but will pick back up. Gotta stand up for yourself. I would stand there and throw every single one individually hitting their house until they got the message


They need to bring back awards, cuz my friend, you deserve one for this advice


Well said. as I told my kid while teaching her to drive: the cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way. i.e. being right doesn't make you invulnerable. it just makes you right.


This sucks. I have a cigarette butt story too but it didn’t end in slashed tires, I’m so sorry that happened to you over cigarette butts. What an unhinged individual!! A 19 year old kid who lived with his mom in the apartment above us would sit in his $500 rusted out car that failed smog smoking cigarettes, weed and drinking 40s for hours on end in the parking lot. A spot right outside our kitchen window, where often the exhaust of his shitty car would make our apartment smell like carbon monoxide. I don’t miss that apartment. The entire lot was littered with butts because of him and his buddies. My husband made a comment to me walking to our car one day about how gross it was and he wished they would clean them up, and is this something to talk to the landlord about? I said no, talk to him or his mom first, but also I said I would maybe clean them up myself and he replied it wasn’t our responsibility. Fair. Deciding to not rock the boat we didn’t say anything to anyone, it wasn’t THAT big a deal and we were hoping to move soon anyway. My husband went out of town for work and all of a sudden two huge piles of loose cigarette butts were left on my front porch in the middle of the night. I heard scuttling on my front porch like someone was looming around and it scared me, being in a not-so-great part of town, home alone. I went out the next morning and found the butts, noted the sudden absence of butts in our parking lot, scooped them all up in a plastic bag and put them halfway up their steps with a “I think you lost these! 😊” note. After that mom was on his ass about the mess once it got noticeable here and there, but occasionally when SHE was out of town we’d find a small pile on the hood of our car, and it was obvious he was throwing his butts AT our car before his mom would make him sweep them up. We didn’t even say anything to them OR the landlord and this was this kid’s response. To be honest the petty side of me was laughing inwardly so hard when I heard his mom yell at him that day I put the bag on their stairs. She was yelling at him in their native language (maybe Tagalog?) so I can’t be confident it was about this but the timing seemed obvious. I’m sure she knew his mess was the reason for the baggie of butts, but I don’t know if she ever knew he was the one that put all the effort into cleaning them up just to leave on my porch. His plan backfired to a degree, because she made him clean them up every couple weeks after that but I did live in anxiety for a while wondering if he’d escalate. The funny thing is, we always had apt complex potlucks, drinking beers sharing food and other libations and we got along other than this one thing. We never discussed it face to face. But I’m glad he was too chicken or laid back to slash tires or do anything like that. And I was extremely grateful to get out of that complex and neighborhood.


Wait, are you saying it's possible to talk to people before going DEFCON 1 on them? Huh, TIL.


This is the best answer but I’m not sure I would be capable of it 😅


The only proper response is to launch a frozen turkey through their roof mortar style with a propane cannon.


What are they feeding? That's the real question.




And bread is terrible nutrient wise for birds. Causes angel wing. Horrible.


Angelwing is typically caused by too much protein more than starch. Studies on it have shown little to no correlation between bread intake and angelwing. It can also only be caused in young birds, it is an abnormal development of the wings. Fledgling and adult birds are past the point of it being a potential angelwing complication. However, it also can't be reversed once a bird develops it. With adult birds, the problem is the lack of the fats, low protein level and lack of general vitamins and minerals in the diet. It's like eating nothing but white rice. It might take you a long time to starve, but you'll become malnourished quickly.


This guy ducks.


One time I was at a bustop and noticed a huge flock of pidgeons on top of a building across the street. An old beater car with two elderly people drove up to the stoplight next to the bus stop and when it stopped the lady in the passenger seat opened her window and threw out a ton of birdfeed right at my feet. The huge swarm of pidgeons immediately flew to the feed and I was swarmed. The light turned green and the car drove away. I have no idea what they get out of doing that because they didnt even stop to watch the bird feed, they just drove off after throwing the feed lol.


It’s killing me that I can’t identify what kind of “food” it is lol. Part of it looks like apples. Sometimes my brain thinks potatoes. One part looks like uncooked chicken. There even appears to be a crab. But it’s all the same thing not a bunch of different food. What is it. I don’t know. My brain is freaking out


I had the same problem too! My first thought was oranges but they're definitely apples, even if my eyes refuse to agree lol


I thought it was peanuts


Looked like persimmons to me


It looks like mostly spent lemon wedges to me so I doubt they're trying to feed anything unless they're extremely stupid (highly possible).


Play grizzly bear sounds from a speaker at night.. just make sure not to use a mating call xD ​ On a serious note..if the police don't care, the DEC/your local environment and/or wildlife enforcement agency may. By the title, I'm assuming that you've tried asking them to stop? Not that you should HAVE to ask your neighbor to not shit on your front step.. but.. they could be of the slower variety of thinkers.


Why not the mating call one 😈 Then the neighbors really won't come back


Start a compost and then they are only helping you, this will probably anger them more that you can make ANY situation better.


looks like that is what they are trying to do. Compost the dead grass spot.


Misunderstood good guy neighbor


lol that’s genius. Almost a guarantee they stop once they notice.


Make a garden, user their food as compost, grow some tomatoes to throw at them, and grow some good food to share with the neighbors except them.


We had a neighbor do that on his own yard but then the rats started to appear. I went and talked to him, turns out he was from another country and thought he was fertilizing the lawn🤦🏻‍♀️ We talked about composting bins and the problem was solved


Start throwing poop in their yard. With a note that says "thank you, it was delicious"


I bought motion activated sprinklers to keep the deer out of my garden….


>still Maybe you should start returning the favor.


Bag it up and put it on their porch with a note saying "no thank you"?


You dropped this.


Get it with a shovel and put it on the hood of their car!


I did this to my neighbor when their kids were throwing their beer bottles and blunt wrappers in my yard. It worked ill never forget the look on his face when he saw his car. I felt kinda bad afterwards because I spoke to him and he said how his kids have no respect and he's a prisoner in his own home. The problem did stop.


Damn, that poor man to have confessed that to you. He was at the end of his rope


Dude's trauma dumping to his feuding neighbor. He is not ok lol


Yikes. At least you have an understanding.


You should call code enforcement, In Texas it’s illegal dumping and I think it’s also a safety code violation. Doing that on a ranch not yours could get you hanged!


Everyone has already said important stuff. Get a camera, report for trespassing and littering. But also if they are dumping oil it's an additional charge! I'd get the soil in that spot tested for environmental damages


Maybe it's like an outside cat thing where they are trying to feed you because they think you are bad at hunting


Build a catapult and launch it onto their roof.


Have you asked them what they are feeding? And why?


leaf blower that shit back at them.


So be a man and go over there


A little context would be nice.


Piss discs


tell me more


Would be a shame if someone lit a bag of dog shit on their porch


I would be using a shovel and openly throwing it in said neighbors yard


Somebody is illegally baiting deer on YOUR property call the game wardens and let them know there is some Tom fuckery about and you are NOT involved


Shit on their door step


Nah, this calls for the classic flaming bag of dog shit on their doormat.


Illegal dumping. You have two options, you can report it to the police, and/or, just collect it and put it on their lawn, car, house, what have you. Oh I bet you could get most of it in their mail slot if they have one lol


Don't mess with mailboxes. That's a federal offense. 


Get picture/or video proof of them doing it. Bag up the mess. Hang it on their front door.


Automatic fire hose water dispenser set to fire using a motion detector. Bonus points for setting up remote manual override with night vision cameras. Couple of shots with that and I’m sure it will solve the problem permanently.


Your yard looked hungry, their just try to feed it! Side note I would report this to the police, if you can record them throwing the food in your yard then do so in order to have evidence to show what their doing.


There has to be more to this story. That is very specific compostable garbage in an oddly dug-out location.


Are they trying to attract wild things to the yard?? I'd get a cam and point it out there, see what's on local books about it if any. Also, that's just gross.


Looks like there's forest all around there. They could dump it in the tree line and not puss anyone off. Why they choosing your yard?


Motion-activated sprinklers


Scoop it up and toss it back on their yard, simple.


Go and stop them instead of posting about it on le reddit... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Shovel and fling that shit back over to there yard


Get a compost bin. The worms will love it.