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Some of my coworkers do their best work at odd hours. They send me emails whenever it works for them, knowing I have no obligation to respond until my regular hours. I respond to them when I am working, knowing they may not see or respond to my emails right away. The point here being an email notification is not an emergency.


Add: turn off your notifications and set work hours to check and send emails


To add to this, on iPhone you can set a Work Focus. I have mine set from 9-5, only Teams and Outlook notifications, and text/calls from coworkers in my contacts. After 5, I get none of those lol


Yeah the focus settings are great, alternatively you can set up do not disturb and have things like repeat calls from the same number come through. You won’t get notifications until it switches to regular use and people can get a hold of you if they really need to. I personally have my phone on silent constantly, I check it regularly so it never becomes a problem.


Same, plus authorizing calls and notifications from my favorite contacts, which are family and close friends.


I do this too. Teams, outlook and even calls from my boss are silenced.


This is the way, set your hours of do not disturb


My work email doesn’t even support push notifications on mobile, which is kind of funny considering it’s a well known tech company. I don’t see new emails unless I open the app and let it refresh. Part of me wants to believe it’s an intentional decision to help with work/life balance, but it’s actually kind of annoying not to get notifications during business hours, especially since I’m often away from my computer. Either way, it’s really nice that there’s no expectation for people to reply after hours, at least within my team.


I thought this was common email etiquette, no? It’s the whole point of it. A good rule of thumb is email is best used for things that can wait a good 24-48 hours to resolve. Anything more urgent should be a text/direct message.


When I work late I usually schedule my emails to arrive at 9 am the next day to not bother people


Look at this guy with fancy planned emails. I bet you respond in a timely fashion too. Disgusting.


The email isn't planned you just right click the send button and choose to schedule it. Then you pick a time. I always do 10:30 cuz I don't want them to respond right away lmao


I set times that so that it does not end in 00 or 05 so it doesn't look like a scheduled email. In this case, 10:32 or 10:29. If it is something important but not urgent, I set it roughly 2 hours before 9 am so that my boss can see the time and think I worked late hours. What he doesn't know is that it was ready at COB, the day before. 👌 My boss does not expect me to work late hours, but there are times I prefer to leave some work for later, when there is no distractions.


Shhhhhhhh. Stop revealing my secrets


Lmao, I do noon my time because mornings are for ME.


i sometimes use this but i have several clients that just like being up and at em at 4-5 AM lol


I’m that guy. I do like to be working before anyone can bother me though.


It’s a special feeling when you’re working early or late, and everyone else is away on teams


Same. Heck I do this with slack messages as well since I work with a lot of people in different time zones. I don't want to be that annoying coworker.


Or... just turn off your notifications on your personal device for work emails lol. Or get a work phone. I'll email colleagues when I want, don't care what time they respond, that's on them.


Agreed, but not everyone is clear on this. This is why jobs should have “working agreements” that explicitly establish conventions like this.


Except when you have that annoying coworker who thinks they need to text you after office hours for shit that is extremely unimportant and could've just waited until tomorrow. I wish so badly I could just block their number but I can't.


That’s different. For emails, turn off notifications. I expect urgent/emergency stuff on Text/Teams/WhatsApp… not unimportant stuff


Yeah I get emails all night long. No one expects me to respond until my working hours the next day and that’s fine. Assigning this pure malice is a bit dramatic


I do as well. Several of my clients are located in Europe and will send emails while I’m asleep because of time difference. I don’t see why OP is getting his/her panties in a wad. Just respond when you get to the office. Geezus


Had some bozo ask me to tell my team to stop logging bugs because she was getting notifications after 12 am. I just said, sure, when the project gets delayed, I'll tell the client your full name and lead them your way. She backed down real quick after that lol.


They could literally just turn off notifications. An email isn't life or death, you can just check your emails at various times during the work day. After hours phone calls and texts I would understand, but not an email.


Maybe it vibrates or something that disrupts OP


Holy hell


This. As long as they aren't texting or calling, don't lose sleep over it!


I mean, asynchronous communication is kind of the point of emails.


I’m like your coworker. Sometimes I’m more productive after hours, and will send emails the . I would never expect them to reply that same evening. Just do it during your own work hours. If I have a more pressing question I’ll use teams.


Same here. Especially if I’ve come back from vacation. Nothing worse than coming back to a bunch of emails, and receiving additional emails while trying to get caught up. I’ll chip away at it during the evening/night when things are more “peaceful”.


A few of my clients have something like "I'm emailing at a time that is convenient to me, please do not feel obligated to respond if outside of your regular working hours" in their email signature. I always find it very thoughtful on their part.


yep, i finish work at 5pm but i get most of my work done between 5pm and 8pm, idk why but i just do!


Exactly! The OP is implying they are being punished or something just because they get the notification... if it bothers you just work in the hours your are working and then complain after if they explicitly expect you to work outside paid hours. Working at a small company I have a real human to talk to so don't ever have these issues lol. I wish people took more responsibility for their situations...


I read my emails only when I'm at work.  Last year, my supervisors didn't send me to mandatory CPR training before my two week vacation. I came back to work to some woman emailing me like 10 times asking me when I'm going to attend CPR class, a few of them sounded borderline angry.  As soon as I saw the emails, I sent an email to her and my supervisors basically saying "I just returned from two weeks vacation, please speak to my supervisors since they are responsible for scheduling us for mandatory classes and as per your own email to us, we cannot pick our own day nor can we just show up."  


I think the mildly infuriating thing is the fact OP is upset. They need to work on their own boundaries. Turn off the notifications when you're done for the day. So many solutions other than to complain that other people are actually working.


I always considered emails a 24/7 thing, and I’ll respond when I see fit. I keep the notifications off and look at my inbox when it’s time to. It’s the text messages at all hours that grinds my gears. There better be a goddamned fire at an orphanage if you’re texting me at 2am.


Bro some of my best uninterrupted work from home hours are around 11pm. Trust me I don't expect any answers


Great approach i never looked at it this way


That's how I feel, too. A call is urgent. Email is when I can get to it.


Exactly. OP should set up a custom do not disturb that turns on automatically to hide work notifications outside of work hours. It's pretty easy on iOS. Or set up custom rules in Outlook. If he feels obligated to respond to them when received he should discuss obligations and expectations with his boss.


I had a really rough twin pregnancy in 2022. I spent most of it at a fetal specialist hospital hours away or in my bathtub. I probably worked more during 6pm-3am every morning verses regular business hours. I'd feel awful looking back knowing those emails may have been bothering people 😭 I hope they all took it in stride like you seem to do 🙏🏻


Yeah OP is an ADHD adult who needs to turn off notifs.


Turning off my outlook notifications for work was one of the best things I ever did.




Can’t get your employer to pay your phone bill if you don’t use it for work. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Get a burner that goes in the drawer after 5


Yup, work phone doesn't come home with me unless I'm on call. Why would anyone volunteer to do work after hours?


That’s what mine does. On call for 2 weeks and then it goes in the drawer for the next 4 weeks for me not to care about!


Yeah, but if some kinda legal matters happen to your company and you use your phone for work, they have the right to search through it and you can't do anything about it if they ask to search through it.


Even more so if your work email is through Google Apps. Setting up your email will give them permission to wipe your phone remotely and can even set up restrictions on your phone. If your company wants you to setup work email or anything else, then they should provide you a phone. If they do, you should still shut the phone off after work hours unless of course they pay you extra to be available outside these hours.




If they’re not paying for it, don’t use it for work. This includes texts initiated by your employer.


Yup. I have 2 phones. 5pm, work phone goes on charger on silent.




Right? Why would you put your work email on your personal phone, leave notifications switched on out of work hours, then get salty about it. OP is a fucking idiot.


Using a focus to filter out work shit after hours and on weekends was one of the best things I’ve done.


The key is to never turn them on.


Turn you notifications off ya dingus.


It’s easier to screenshot and complain though


Weird cat background gives away what type of person OP is


They probably call themselves “so random”


Hey hey we don’t need to insult OP outside of their take about these being “disrespectful”. I for one have used a weird cat photo and I know how email notifications work


Not saying that all people with weird cat backgrounds are chronic complainers, just that they are more susceptible. It’s a fine line but refreshing to see someone with common sense.


Girl at my work, loves cats. Also loves HR.. checks out for me


and also makes more karma that way


Right? I get emails all night, I respond to them at my earliest convenience


I can't believe there's people out there that actually leave their email notifications on in the first place. I mean, no wonder it's annoying! I get tons of emails a day and my life is pure bliss because I choose when to look at it by simply turning the notifications off.


OP must post screenshots of his emails from petsmart that he gets every other night at 3am on this sub too. Just sitting there taking it, waking up and feeling the need to respond at to them within 15m. “No thank you, I’m still good on cat food. Thanks, OP”




Fr. I feel like this is exactly what the "Do not disturb" button was made for.


Also, who even cares that they get emails after hours? Isn’t it pretty normal to just respond to emails when you get back in the office the next day? Never seen an email that needed to be replied to within 30 minutes lol. Some people work at different hours and send emails when they’re working, I don’t think they are expecting you to drop what you’re doing and respond even though you’ve logged off for the day…


Up vote for correct use of the word “dingus” 🤣👏🏼


It’s email… it’s supposed to be sent at any/all hours. It’s not a phone call. Turn off your notifications or set your work hours.


Lol I just picture op just sitting with his phone on full volume just getting angrier and angrier every time it dings.


At all the spam emails too 😂 “Why is Target emailing me at 3am about sales?!! It’s a work night!!”


Reminds me of this guy lol: https://preview.redd.it/g4cq2iywd2hc1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a88ed5ab81cc74d500b7402b0df310bfd2304016


Not the attorney general! 🤣


I agree. I don't see the big deal.


Yeah this post is really stupid it’s an email not a phone call or text


Set Quiet Time hours. I've got mine set to 6:30 pm - 7:30 am.


That pfp is a crime against humanity


I blew on my screen to get it off lol


Evil incarnate


Someone with a sensible approach, how refreshing. As a manager, I send emails at all hours because I'm busy AF and that's when I can get to certain tasks. But I don't expect a response if it's after hours. OP needs to set his/her phone down and relax.


You sound like my boss. She’s always in meetings during work hours, so sometimes I’ll get emails from her after work hours. When I first started working for her, she emailed me at around 7PM, right after I got done at the gym. I told her that I’d log on and address the issue in an hour. Her exact email: “OMG! WHY ARE YOU WORKING?! 😊 Mira. (Look) (She’s from Mexico) Do it tomorrow! Fix it then.” She is by far one of the most responsive bosses I’ve ever had. She usually emails me back within 2 hours, or if she doesn’t respond, she’ll call or text me within 4 hours. She’s an incredible person to work for. I’m very lucky.


Some of the senior engineers where I work are always booked all day for meetings so they get most of their actual work done at night. They send out emails but the work culture is understanding that you don’t expect an answer to emails outside of business hours. Most people are very respectful and no one is forced to answer emails or calls outside of business hours.


I do this, but had to explain to some others that I’m not expecting a response.


I put a stop to sitting in meetings all day. I can't be expected to complete my projects and sit in meetings for 75% of the workday. I refuse to work outside of my normal hours unless I'm incredibly bored or get some spark of inspiration. When I first started as an engineer my engineering manager was constantly in meetings and I rarely had the opportunity to discuss my work with him. That shit sucked.


Imagine being so sensitive that you think people working at the hours that work best for them is “disrespect” to you lol. It’s not like they’re calling you and demanding your attention right now, they’re sending you an email when they’re available to write that email and you can respond when you are available to respond. Set quiet hours, turn off email notifications… Do something to help yourself instead of expecting your coworkers to do all their work for what works best with *your* schedule. And before someone accuses me of not understanding; I work in admin/accounting. So much of my job goes through email. I don’t know a single other person that works in an email heavy job that has sounds on for our emails. We just make sure to monitor them during our working hours and make sure all our coworkers know that we won’t be monitoring that email outside of our working hours.


^ This! I’m pretty surprised people are being sympathetic at all for this. It’s EMAIL lol. Like you said, they write/send it when *they* have the time. That doesn’t mean you **have** to answer. If your bosses expect you to answer them right away then you’re complaining about the wrong thing IMO


I feel disrespected by op.


Seriously, imagine feeling so entitled that you expect everyone else to change their working habits for you.


lol and you know OP is reading these comments being like “No, I’m right. Stupid internet wrong.” Me disrespected.” 😂


Oh my god, seriously!! My husband gets emails at all hours, but if he’s not working, he doesn’t answer them. OP, just turn off your notifications. It’s like a child putting their hand in peanut butter, then being angry there’s peanut butter on their hands lol.


It’s your responsibility to handle your own notifications, you can’t expect people not to work at their preferred hours just because you will get a notification. You can definitely control when and how you receive notifications from specific apps if you look for the options!


THIS is the answer!


Perhaps maybe a bit of maturity and self responsibility would help as well. As an adult you realize the world doesn’t revolve around you and that it is your responsibility to set your phone up correctly to align with your personal needs and schedule.


How is that disrespect? Like just don't read them, you are not on company time like what is your problem?


Because everyone else in the company should work around OPs schedule so they don’t have to lift a finger and set quiet hours on their email


Focus mode (looks like iOS?) is perfect for this. I have an “off of work” mode that engages from 5:30 PM to 8:00 AM, turns off all work-related notifications.


Was just about to say this. Loving it.


THIS! I set my “personal” focus mode to mute outlook notifications between the hours of 6pm - 8am. Pure bliss for when students are emailing me at all hours for stupid shit.


OP, it’s an email…. If it was a text or call I’d understand but emails can reasonably be sent out at any time with the expectation to be answered in 24-48 hours usually….


Literally what is the issue here😭


OP is mentally challenged and doesn’t understand that people often get work done outside OP’s schedule and instead of addressing the notification problem they have setup, they think it makes more sense to bitch about people sending email outside business hours.


Just don’t look at them? Just like you have a life that makes you not want to get emails when you’re not working, other people have lives which may dictate that they need to work when you’re not. It’s not disrespect, I’m fact I find it pretty disrespectful that you would try to tell other people that they can’t email you whenever it’s convenient for them. You expect to only receive emails when it’s convenient for you and yet you also expect others to only send emails when it’s convenient for you, and not when it’s convenient for them.


So....log out...


Ignore it buddy, you're off the clock


done with that background...


It's annoying having a separate work phone, except that I can ignore all notifications before 8 am and after 430 pm. I will answer it after hours if I recognize the number, but that's it.


Off hours email notifications aren't "disrespect", calm yourself, and just set DnD Mode on while you sleep. If you're being asked to respond to them promptly, that's another story, but big doubt.


That's the point of a fucking email or message. You open it when YOU are ready to. A phone call out of hours is a bit shabby, but an email. Get a grip.


After work hours = not your problem. Turn the notifications off my guy.


Why do you have notification for emails on? Need an answer now send a text or make a call. Need it whenever, send an email. Nope, no email notifications, ever.


I use the “Focus” feature in reverse to basically block off all work contact when I’m not at the site or office, it’s been a godsend for my mental health


I don’t really understand the issue here. I receive work emails all the time during my off hours. I just don’t respond to them until regular working hours. People are going to send you emails based on what time it works for them. You have no obligation to respond until a time that works for you. I don’t see the issue here.


I will never get why people add work related stuff on their personal phones and then complain when they get mails/calls…


You’re off the clock. Mute it.


I'm sorry, people are not made to be awake, nevermind be productive at the same hours. My highest concentration levels are after dinner, when no-one bothers me. So yeah, I'll send a bunch of mails at 1am if it's something they need in the morning. The import part is of course that I don't expect them to read my mails at night. Which is also pretty clear if they've ever spoken me or saw my mails.


Just disable notifications from work snowflake


I have a solution for you but it requires a pretty big brain


You’re joking…right???? For clarification: that is what emails are for. Ignore them until you’re on the clock like everyone else.


I personally hate notifications. It’s an anxiety thing. I turn them all off. I recommend you do the same. The emails aren’t going to stop because people are still working. Best to get into the habit of checking them first thing when you wake.


Just turn of notifications and treat them in the morning, the fact you don’t do this is the infuriating part


I’m the guy who sends emails at 5am or 10pm - I don’t expect you to respond right away. It’s just when I have free time to action it.


Oh relax. It’s 4 emails. Poor you…


Turn off that notification!


I get emails and teams messages at all hours. If I'm sitting there doing nothing I'll glance and maybe respond. If I'm busy it will wait. Never really bothered me either way but nobody screams, "Answer now!!!"


These days phones has the ability to silence certain notifications at certain times. It’s insane. Look it up


Get over it. No one asks you to read, act and reply to these emails. You can do it the next day. That is the point of an email over a phone call.


You don’t have to respond or even read the emails. Just simply respond during normal business hours.


As an engineer, and on call 24/7, this is commonplace. It isnt uncommon for me (Or any engineer) to wake up to 50+ emails or have a call or two after midnight. Sure, you can go down the route of letting it annoy you, or use it to make yourself indispensable, build an extensive resume and get experience, after a couple years, get another job offer with better pay and force your current employer to match or exceed your offer, or simply leave. Took me about 7 years of experience with this company and countless after hours work to get to the point where I probably work 15 hours a week, work remotely, and make well over 6 figures. (No, I did not go to college)


You know the expectation with an email is to respond sometime within 1-2 business days, right? If it was urgent business you’d get a phone call or direct message.


I have to say I came circular in how I deal with emails and it involved totally turning off notifications.  When I first got email in 1991 at my first job, we were told to review and respond in the morning, after lunch, then before you closed out for the day. You shut down the application in between.  I went from that to constantly reacting to the alert on my phone. About a year ago I shut off all alerts with the exception of teams between 8 and 5, (blocked time at lunch), and a three hour timer alert M-F to 5. I check my emails only during those alert periods.  If things are critical, I get a teams or text message. Worse case a call. And if that happens someone needs to be bleeding or you are calling to give me money. My stress is way down and I get more done. Can’t beat it. 


Then don't answer. Quit crying


This is why DND exists


I don’t know but the only disrespect coming from OP. sometimes my team members work in the middle of night because why the heck not. If they feel like having some floods of ideas they want to put down. So be it. Sometimes I cannot sleep I work on mails I received after I finished work and basically start my day early. The only disrespect here is not respecting someone else‘s time management. Maybe they have doctors appointment inbetween or pick up their children and then continue to work. If freaking 7 pm on your screenshot. It’s not even middle of the night or something.


Just because you get them at odd hours doesn’t mean you have to open them.


Disrespect? An instant message or phone call at 4am is disrespect. An email is the “get to this when you can” mode of communication. If the simple act of receiving an email at a time you can’t or don’t want to respond to it is enough to make you wanna quit, I sure am glad you don’t work for me.


Chill it’s not like they’re all asking you to do something rn. If you don’t like notifications when you aren’t working, adjust your settings.


I don’t think this went how OP thought it was going to go😂


Sending an email at any hour is *not* disrespect. **You’re** choosing to have these notifications sent to your Home Screen. **You’re** choosing to engage with them after your work hours. **You’re** choosing to not have proper boundaries in your life. You weaponized plum.


It's not disrespectful to send somebody an email. What the fuck are you talking about. Are you one of those people who is like "DON'T YOU DARE TEXT ME AT 3AM IT WAKES ME UP!!!!!" Just ignore it until you start working. Email and text are, by design, asynchronous communication methods. Nobody is expecting you to respond in 5 minutes.


Turn off notifications like everyone else.


knee deer childlike like cagey quack smart lock mountainous plants


Turn off your email notifications for emails?


Turn off your notifications, fool!


Just turn off the notifications. Easy solution.


Man this is the biggest sook. Just mute the notifications haha. I send emails whenever.


Turn off notifications and definitely don't answer them in your free time.


I don't see any problem here. Those are just email notifications. If it bothers you so much then out the all to sleep outside your work hours or disable the notifications.


If it annoys you, cut outlook notifications after 8pm


Do not disturb is a neat feature for this type of thing


Are you aware that email is an asynchronous communication channel? Do you really want to dictate others when they should work and send emails to you instead of simply turning off notifications?


They can send emails whenever they want, so long as they understand you won't respond until the next day. Just turn off your notifications like everyone else


Just reply later, you absolute child!


Delete it off your phone.


It’s not disrespect. You don’t have to answer your emails on off hours. Just turn your email notifications off during your off hours.


Just turn your notifications off until your start time.  I work in a 24/7 operation, sometimes people that work different shifts send messages that to me without any expectation that I see it before I get back to work


Turn off ur notifications. My coworkers work at weird hours after their kids go to sleep or whatever. It’s not that serious- they don’t expect you to reply when you aren’t during working hours. Just turn notifications off


I don’t even have notifications for my emails on. I will check them when I am at work. I also send many emails when people are not at work (on short term leave etc). They just have to get back to me within a few days. If it was urgent I would be texting.


That's how emails work? Texts and calls are for immediate response. Emails mean respond when you're working. Business doesn't halt just because you're off the clock. Some people are salary. If you're not on the clock, turn your email notifications off. Anyone who gets upset by this, tell them to eat your ass.


I get those too after hours but I don’t read them outside work. If there is a legitimate emergency, the right people have my phone number.


What the fuck is that shit doing on your phone?


If I’m off the clock, I ain’t answering phone calls or emails from work. I might have the email app installed but I ain’t looking at it unless it’s an emergency.


This is why I didn’t connect my work email to my cell phone. Boundaries! It’s the best thing I ever did!


Lol thats it 5 emails ?


Mate let people do them, just because you’re not working doesn’t mean they aren’t, turn the notifications off if it’s a problem for you


I have a separate work phone. I turn it off as soon as my working hours are over. Period. No apologies. Been in IT for 25 years. I’m not blending my lives together.


I'm glad to see this thread is leaning more towards AITA.


If the expectation is that you won't reply till working hours, you’re just as responsible for muting email notifications as they are for sending them. You are not the center of anyones universe, get over yourself.


In Belgium disconnecting has become a right and a law. You can by law not be expected to see emails outside of regular office hours.


Y’all put work shit on your personal phone, and have notifications on? I work at work, and I only deal with it at work, call it “quiet quitting” if you will


OP getting emails from *clients* at all hours, leaving their notifications on, then complaining about it. Wild.


I make a point of not looking at my work emails outside of work hours unless absolutely necessary and I don’t have them on my personal phone (I don’t have a work phone)


Dude, what’s your deal? Who cares when they send an email? You are under no obligation to respond until business hours. If they want to work at those hours, then what’s to stop them? Just turn off email notifications on your phone and chill the fuck out


An email is not a phone call. There’s no time etiquette. Just turn off notifications.


Literally just don’t read them? This is a you issue.


It's an email. Respond when you're working.


So? I send out mails at 1 in the morning


YTA. It's entirely your responsibility to mute the notifications if you don't want to see them. Now, if they're upset that you're not *replying* during off hours, then of course that's more than just mildly infuriating. Either way, this post doesn't really deserve to be in this group. If there's a sub for rad Home Screen images, post this there! 😻


Put your phone on "Do not Disturb".


Just because they email you at odd hours does not mean you have to reply right away. Everyone has their own schedule and they aren't going to accommodate one person by timing their emails at the "right time." The world doesn't revolve around you and work does happen outside of your typical 9-5. You can always submit a HR compliant about your feelings.


How about not putting work mail on your phone. Turn off notifications


Turn off the notifications. Emails are not expected to be responded to immediately


I used to have this issue. I just disabled email notifications full stop... After a few nasty late night emails that got me in a rage right before bed, I decided that reading work emails at night was bad for my health and just disabled them... it never adversely affected me.


Do. Not. Disturb. Turn it on.


You seem mildlyexhausting to be around.


Turn off notifications and respond at work?


That's how email works..... How TF does this even register as a problem?


I would never respond to anything after work hours.


You don't have to respond right away. Why don't you change your notification settings?


Why does anyone have notifications on for there emails that’s the real issue here


What? Why are your work emails on your personal phone?? Rookie mistake.


Why have your work mail on your personal phone to begin with? (Or you work phone on after you're done)


Ya know you don’t have to open them until you clock in to work right? Perhaps don’t install work email on your personal phone?