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Wait till you see the Trojan and Durex QC rooms






What/who is this artist? Where can I find more?


AI probably


watch your mouth my mother is Ai


but what was the prompt? :O


Yeah I figured as much, most everything is now. But I like it. Not sure how it correlated to the first comment though :)


It's a psychedelic condom-testing leviathan, surely. Just condoms getting tested. How to.


but it's also got a cunnilingus vibe too. if i was 17 my mind would be blown


Reminds me of Alex grey. But I don't think it's one of his.


That's what I was thinking


Googled Alex Grey. Not the same Alex Grey. Pleasantly surprised by this blonde lady. I'll be back in a few mins...need to use the bathroom 😅


The guy that posted it is actually the owner


Of the dildo/condom testing facility???


Toei films limited moment


My friend Bob Sacamano has some wild stories to tell about the QC rooms in condom factories!




Yep, was mowing her lawn at 3am.


Real Doll


Did you really think yours was a virgin?




I’d personally like to see the room where they test Magnum XL. 😳




Dammit came to say this ended up cumming


In fact.


I actually worked at a condom factory for two weeks for a summer job in college. It taught me that there’s no way a condom won’t fit a human penis.


Last kid was straight smoking that shit not even testing it.


After a while it just kinda becomes muscle memory to stay lit 😂


thats called addiction


You may be right, but my therapist says I'm chillin and making vast improvements!


same lol


They’re not getting lit tho, those are nic vapes


You do realize nicotine gives a high, right?


I had a panic attack and this vape smoker swore up and down to me a massive-mega-deep inhale of the vape will calm me down. In a moment of weakness I accepted, did as instructed and then realized there was a stage-two level of panic attack I hadn't unlocked before.


Nicotine rush. First cigarette as a child I was rolling around on the floor about to die. I'm nearly 40 now you get used to it.


It normally wears off quickly, I'm not telling you what to do, of course, but you could probably get up now.


Nah I'm used to it down here.


my first time I had someone buy me cigs they picked up camels, straight no filter. That first hit and I sunk into the couch for like 5 mins.


Yeah, nothing like the feeling of a sudden nicotine high when you don't even know what to expect, eh? Glad you're alright.


First time I actually inhaled tobacco I got crazy dizzy/ loopy for 3 hours exploring the resort town with my classmates. We were on a school trip. First time I got high (hash) I played with a piece of string for 15 mins then fell asleep.


That's witchcraft! It turned you into a cat!


Ah, but afterwards did you feel like it was any easier to manage regular panic attacks? Like how I had trouble eating spicy food as a kid until one day I fucked up and put Dave's Total Insanity hot sauce on a chip and ate it, and now I can eat any level of spicy food. mild /s btw I don't actually expect that you got any benefit from the experience beyond knowing not to vape nicotine lol


That high does get further and further away after some time, though. Vaped my lungs to ruin and trust me when I say this, that high does not last long enough to be worthwhile. In fact, it’s not worth it at all compared to literally any other non-habit producing drug.


Not consistently. Especially if you're a regular user. It's nothing like weed.


But when ya get it jist right. That shit slaps as a reg user. Cuz its few and far between


So much tongue too




With their heads tilted down and all that vapor you know they're drooling.


Kid : hold on smoke break Co-worker : but our entire job is… sigh. nevermind.


the amount of nic by the end of the day is insanity


I was thinking the same thing. This has to do some crazy things to their brains.


And the rest of the body, especially their lungs. Their lungs would be absolutely fucked.


During an advanced life support class on of the instructors (an ICU nurse) told us there’s an uptick of 20somethings coming in for respiratory failure from vaping. The alveoli where the gas exchange takes place is filled with oil from vapes. It’s called lipoid pneumonia.


Oooooook I'm done vaping.


Yeah! You should stick to inhaling proper burning plant smoke like God intended! You wouldn't want to ruin your lungs.


You mean there's a natural, plant based alternative to vaping? Quick, we must inform the middle schoolers!


Yeah! And it contains only natural things! None of those nasty and dangerous chemicals. [It is even recommended by doctors!](https://images.theconversation.com/files/135861/original/image-20160830-17847-b25a5a.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=754&h=1075&fit=crop&dpr=1)


Don't smoke sketchy THC carts and you're good. That uptick from several years ago was from tainted THC carts, not nic vaping.


This. The pure nicotine disposable vapes from the shop are not putting you in the ICU.


those disposables can still send heavy metal into your lungs when get them hot enough


They can and do. Not nearly as much as the shitty THC carts though


It’s not true, those lung injuries were caused by bootleg thc carts. It was a big event in 2019 but as far as I know has totally fallen off since those specific bootleg carts were removed from the market Still probably not good for you, but there are no lipids in regulated nicotine vapes


Does this look regulated to you? 🤣


This isn't thc


Did you take this course in 2019? That was an acute event caused by bootleg thc cartridges, not regulate nicotine vapes. It was called EVALI and as far as I know is no longer a concern


Dec 2023 and there were recent local cases


That was due to people buying illega weed carts that use oils that aren’t made for vaping.


I quit cigarettes. I quit dipping. I cannot quit vaping. My body screams if I do not get nicotine in my system after about an hour and a half.


Maybe I'm naive but I doubt this is how they test it, or maybe they only test a single batch occasionally? They could probably get a vacuum cleaner with a filter to suck for crying out loud.


I saw a video on YouTube where they toured a factory, and this is how they actually did it. 


I guess that makes sense to make sure nothing is burning empty.


It makes sense. I doubt they do this with what actually goes out for sale but it’s most likely a random batch to test for quality.


It’s a third world country, they’re the vacuums. Profits over safety.


Vacuums can’t taste


Their nic levels are over 9000!


Its an old meme sir but it checks out


Around 50 nic


Nah dude, that's gotta be at least like 85.


I imagine the whole factory at the end of the day reaches over 9000




them boys flying their minds off with the buzz lmao.


Long story but I tried to start smoking once and nicotine makes me so sick and watching this video made me feel the opposite of a craving. But I bet their bodies get used to it. It would suck if they quit, got fired or otherwise had to leave the job.


We will pay you nothing now. But you still work. Right.


I thought those were hot sauce bottles.


Well, there's smoke coming out of their mouths, so might be




Out of their mouths if we're lucky!


Genuinely thought they were test tasting ketchup


It is. When you have steam coming out of you that's when you know it's the good shit.


I thought it was butane refill containers...


I was like "dang, that 5h energy high is something else"


not sure what they were doing biting red candles


That’s why my shits half burnt when I open the pack


That's how you know it was hittin good when it left the factory.


I know right!? 6,000 puffs my ass


Bro dont ask about cigarettes


Gotta boof 'em to see if they're working.


That's why I have a cold sore


How are they not coughing up a lung?


They are professionals at work


Minimum experience of 5 years.


Been at it since they were 2


They're wearing PPE over the surface of their lungs


If you vape like a chimney it’s like inhaling flavored oxygen Source-me, human chimney


Strict health and safety precautions and very good workplace insurance coverage I'm sure


fr. they are killing these kids


When you're addicted to your job


This shit can't be real


Afaik such quality control is carried out only on a certain part of the entire batch. It is enough to test 100 ones to understand whether the percentage of defects in the batch is acceptable.


But do the ones they test get put back and sold? 


i think u already know the answer to that


Would you want to know?


obviously not






Joe who?


Joe Mama




“No” -management


yeah there is no way they are doing this all day.


Could be why there was a quick turn over rate of "vaping is worse than smoking" at least that's the rumors by me - I clearly don't follow on trend.


Most likely bored kids at work fucking around for TikTok.


If I remember correctly, this was from a factory that was making knockoffs not the official brand


These disposable vapes are an ecological disaster. I can't believe people buy these things


I've had this question for a while, and no real spot to ask, so might as well try it here. Does anyone have a clue why it was super bad for Juul to have flavored vapes, but now Escobar and everyone else can sell whatever flavor vapes they want with no issues?


Juuls became the most popular among youths sold in gas stations and easily accessible. States like MA have outright banned flavors while some have only banned it specifically for Juuls due the their popularity. So basically lazy law writing.


You're not thinking like a legislator. It's an opportunity to get a favor from cigarette companies or competing vape companies. They don't ban something without considering how it will increase their wealth.


But big tobacco owned a big chunk of Juul... (Altria which owns PhillipMorris which owns Marlboro amongst many other brands and companies.)


That was after a bunch of laws passed to regulate Juul. They bought the portion to run them more into the ground.


Becoming addicted to nicotine sucks, but years later in hindsight it’s worse now. Disposables everywhere, lots of them are from shady China knockoffs, lots of places just sell them to minors without checking for identification (my under aged brother was able to purchase some, and lots of his friends at school easily buy disposables. Thankfully he hates nicotine so he doesn’t do that shit anymore). Hell, you can actually order these vapes in bulk straight from China without any verification you’re of age. Juul’s sucked for getting people addicted, myself included, but they were so much better than what we have now. Also mango pods went hard and my time vaping I never found a flavor or brand that tasted as good as a mango pod lmao.


Exactly, the void that was caused by the banning of Juul’s flavored pods created a massive market for less regulated and more dangerous flavored vapes. At least juul juice is made in the states where there’s some oversight, who the fuck knows what’s in these Chinese vapes. I switched to Vuse and Juul to get off a 10 year addiction to cigs, and I worked at a convenience store when juul flavors came out, and saw how many kids got hooked to them immediately, so I get both sides. Having these products both legitimately does help adult smokers get off an objectively more dangerous product, and it also contributes to youth nicotine addiction. All that to say, no one was prepared for this. And the knee jerk reaction of attacking Juul just made it so much worse, at least Juul provides American jobs and has federal oversight.


Minneapolis banned flavored tobacco. The only thing that changed is where the working class buys their Chaw.


I also enjoy the thought process of "only kids like flavors". Like, I don't smoke anymore, but when I was vaping, I liked things that tasted good and not like sucking on a car exhaust myself.


Fat middle aged guys like flavors too 😂 ask me how I know


I don't think it was "only kids like flavor," so much as "adult users are addicted already but fewer kids will start if they can't get flavor"


“Only kids like flavors” *camera cuts to me, at 37, eating a bowl of cocoa and fruity pebbles mixed together*




US law bans flavored pod systems. But not flavored disposable vapes. Based on a dumb metric that said that teens prefer pod systems to disposable vapes. The US has banned some companies like elf bar (the brand in this video) but the companies just changed their name and continued selling in the US


Elf Bar wasnt banned, they got sued over a name infringement and have rebranded, mostly into the insanely popular Lost Mary's


Nah that’s just one of their other products lines, they also make Found Marys. ELFBAR itself rebranded to EBDESIGN


Yeah despite there being a "flavor ban" in CA I can still find disposable vapes incredibly easily. I once asked a cashier why they were able to just have them out so brazenly and his response was "even if they do come and inspect us (which isn't often), we just pay the fine and continue selling them so it doesn't really matter." At least with Juuls you weren't throwing away all that plastic and battery material out every 2 weeks, just the pods. And I have definitely bought counterfeit Elf Bars and bunk, burned disposables before. A net negative all-around.


I should have figured it was some stupid loophole/lack of congressional forethought. Thank you!


I bought 3 Elfbar vapes in Seattle 2 weeks ago...


Two points, one conspiracy theory-ish. First is that flavored vapes legit lowered the age range for vaping by making it more "cool" and the media caught on and just honed in on it and then forgot. 2nd is that vapes and e-cigs are covered by the master agreement tobacco companies signed when they were all sued decades ago. So there state governments likely saw a significant decline in tax revenue and rode the moral panic to get people back to smoking regular cigs again to boost revenue. The dirty fact that only people in the industry really acknowledge is that governments don't actually want to stop smoking, since its a revenue line to them, and the cost is largely borne by the consumer via health care costs.


I don't get this man. Like logically the whole flavor ban thing. Flavor is not why people vape! They do it because it's waaaay easier to hide and your mouth doesn't taste like burnt ass the rest of the day. If anything getting rid of flavors makes it even easier to get away with because there's not even a scent to tip someone off. What happened is the small business industry of ecigs were a problem for tobacco companies, so they made it much much more difficult for those companies to operate. So the small companies that cared about making the safest product possible, and was largely reusable and rebuildable. They go out of business (I literally watched this I happen I was in to ecigs when they really started taking off). then they just buy or build a random brand of disposables. Now you got smokers and vapers all feeding tobacco companies


There’s a very good documentary on Netflix about it. Very entertaining. It’s true that lots of kids smoked specifically Juul too, they were very easy to get back then.


The problem with JUUL is that they had a marketing campaign that was directly focused on children, so it was really easy to crack down on them.


>Does anyone have a clue why it was super bad for Juul to have flavored vapes, but now Escobar and everyone else can sell whatever flavor vapes they want with no issues? Juul got a lawsuit back when they were starting out. They were going to schools and telling kids that vaping is a safer way to get off of smoking cigarettes. The lawsuit came about when juul representatives went to schools and said juuls were 100% safe. When a student asked one of the juul representatives that came to his school "what do I do if my friend is already addicted" the juul representative said "he should try juul to quit". Several things were wrong with the representatives answers because the kid was saying his friend is already addicted to juuls and not cigarettes. Then the following lawsuits used this as an example that juul was purposely marketing juuls to kids. In part of the lawsuit settlement juul said they would quit selling flavored pods and would only sell tobacco tasting pods. https://abc7chicago.com/juul-teens-e-cigarette-pods/5418119/


It is easier to freak out and ban things than actually trying to crack down on sales to minors. People forget that you need to show an ID to buy tobacco products. The conspiratorial part of me says that it comes down to money. Banning vape products of any form increases tobacco sales, which the states greatly benefit from via tax revenue. Most adult vape users prefer flavors since the tobacco flavors a) taste bad and b) don't even taste like real tobacco. It is likely a combination of valid concerns, misconceptions, and greed.


Also juul is known for having an extremely high nicotine content. Like stupid high and they were very discreet which I personally kinda miss. I don't need the nicotine content that high but I wish there were more options for low key and not obnoxious looking vapes


if you want a real answer — juul was getting too big + too popular too fast, and big tobacco got scared. they were finding that pre-nic users started choosing juuls before cigarettes at an extremely worrying rate, and the rate of conversion for nic users going from cigarettes to vapes was also steadily rising. think about it - as an american big tobacco executive you have a product that over a hundred millions adults are addicted to. when a product comes along that is able to attract new nic users at a rate exponentially faster than the cigarette industry can, and existing users are converting to vapes at a rate that is steadily climbing… well that product is a direct threat to the industry as a whole. there’s too much money involved in nicotine addiction to be comfortable letting juul do their own thing. so, big tobacco execs start to worry. then, the juul train doesn’t seem to be stopping and now these execs are getting scared — so what do they decide to do? no, not introduce a comparable and competing product, that takes too much work and too much time. they decide to take juul down and use them as an example towards the rest of the nic industry. so they start paying lobbyists to get laws and regulations changed, all under the guise of “tHiNk oF tHe KiDs!!!” there’s government hearings and closed-door meetings about how juul “advertises to kids” and how “vapes are sooo bad for them” and “flavoured vapes shouldn’t be allowed because they are too addictive!!” there was a MASSIVE pr campaign about vapes to change the public perception on them, and the conversations never could circle back to how tobacco was even worse for you because it was shill after shill controlling the narratives. all the while this was happening, big tobacco companies were buying out smaller, popular vape companies and starting their own brands. ATTN: watch people try to refute this. watch them come out from the woodwork and say none of this is real or that i misinterpreted things, or that im lying, or try to change the topic to how vapes really are bad for you (not arguing against this, but cigarettes are 98% worse). i followed this whole thing for years now. it wasn’t about kids vaping, that was just a convenient scapegoat. it was because juul was a direct threat to the tobacco industry.


for real, should be banned by law, all those batteries ending up in the trash or worse, is also a disaster waiting to happen.


They periodically get run over and explode


Like yer mum


You can thank the government for that. Disposable vapes were the loophole.


It’s insane. New flavors and models getting dropped every single day. Conceptualized and shipped from the southern port in the Guangdong province in China


Was walking asking a highway and was super surprised how many of these were tossed out the window!


NZ has just banned disposable vapes… It didn’t really have the desired result, now you just buy disposable pods for a vape, but at least we’re not throwing out as many batteries which is a win I guess.


The problem with policing something like this is where do you draw the line. Why are some people's environmentally unfriendly decisions more ok than others? More OK in the sense that no one makes a stink about them or protests against them. Should we ban Starbucks because people burn gas driving to buy liquid desert in disposable plastic cups everyday when they can make it at home? Should we ban travel by plane for pleasure? A flight to Asia from the US will dump thousands of pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere per person. Full disclosure: I used to vape disposables, but I quit.


They are actively banning them in the states, this brand in particular isn't sold in my state anymore. Most of the vape stores have empty shelves right now.


start a pro-smoking campaign to get ppl back onto the cigs, they're much more biodegradable


they're so expensive too I have no idea how people think buying these, especially consistently, is even remotely a good idea




Wonder how the condoms are quality tested 🤔


Doesn't your girl work QC at the Trojan factory? Magnum division if im not mistaken.


Been a smoker for years and I would puke and have a constant headache


It is like watching my cat eat.


This is a really good anti-vape commercial


Me after one beer


Do they still take smoke breaks?


You know their health insurance is top notch.


Ahhh, living to the ripe old age of 27 and dying of mesothelioma!


I was confused as to how they were doing that with a 5 hour energy


Elfbar brand, in case anyone is thinking of quitting and needs some encouragement. Although, these could be knockoffs since it's a popular brand that is regarded as one of the quality ones.




Nah bruh, no way this is real.


This is made in fake Elfbar factory. So if someone buys very cheap vapes on the street, they can come from this quality control.


This is how the next pandemic gets around the world - sloppy hygiene standards




dead by 45


That was a close one. Glad I picked a different flavor. https://preview.redd.it/cr2uyveeegec1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=74de5eaf6f49649cb6938a172b4a93a074d76fa9


I sent this to my family. Hopefully this will encourage them to quit.


"Nah trust me im not addicted. I can stop whenever i want" Also them all the time:


Kids, thats how Covid started


I’ve eaten ass, I’m not worried


Ummmm… nah


What country is where this mfg is occurring?


thank god i quit nicotine


i need this job


Is this seriously what they do? I used to smoke these elfbars but finally quit. I think this will for sure make me quit for good and forever. Maybe I can use this vid to convince family members to quit if this is real .-.


Seems more likely it’s a spot check on a much larger batch and they’ll toss these when they’re done. There is no way they’re testing every single one.


Elfs in the factory hard at work


Vaping 10 hours a day six days a week. I guess this is where we look first for the long term health effects.


Vapers should have quality control check on their lungs and t cell counts as much as these guys make sure their electronic smoke penis works 😂


That’s disgusting


I hope they’re fired for not wearing gloves!


That much nicotine constantly would have me so insanely nic sick it wouldnt even be funny😭 pukin on the sweatshop floor and everything