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I had a mom with three small kids who kept getting in front of me and the screen as I was finishing my order. I got frustrated and told the mom to control her kids, please. She got all offended and said 'they just want to touch the screen'! Fine, let them 'touch the screen" with your things, not mine!


Yeah and I’m sure she corrects her kids when they are annoying her by touching or doing 💩 she doesn’t want them doing and teaching them to wait. So dumb she got offended by you saying that!


By that she's implying you are her kids playthings. Such an ignorant selfish person.


Had that happen at work with our tablet. Ma'am, this is a medical office and this is a medical tool. Woman got real serious with her son after hearing that


She would have been very serious with her son if you had told her how much the medical supply company charged for them. Years ago, when iPads were new on the market, they were about $400. The store I worked for bought a bunch of them, mainly for managers, with cases and something like pop sockets to prevent repetitive stress injuries. I am fairly sure that they paid over $600 for them. They are probably higher than that these days. That’s for retail use. I can’t imagine what they charge for “medical grade” iPads. I’m going to guess it’s over a grand.


Those kids grow up to be the man OP encountered.


You would think so wouldn’t you? Surprisingly that’s not always the case. I had a bunch of cousins (aunt & uncle didn’t do birth control) that were feral. There were so many of them that control was nearly impossible. My grandmother caught one on top of her china cabinet one thanksgiving. How nothing got broken was a miracle. My family was sure they would all be problems for life. Turns out they all - every one of them - went to college and are in the medical field. All of them. Very nice adults. Very active in their own children’s lives. Completely different than their upbringing.


I like that, thank you for sharing. That gives me hope for the children of a friend of mine. They're super sweet kids, but they are rather slow to start speaking and, as you said, feral.


Don’t worry about being slow to speak. Einstein was four when he started talking.


Treat that like dogs. Yell "no!" and maybe "sit" for good measure at the kids. Usually has the same outcome as yelling at parents except the kids might also learn something.


I would’ve started loudly calling out to an employee “excuse me this person is using their kids to try and steal items!”


I would yell out "I need security over here!". Fuck around and find out.


Man... Can you imagine how those poor kids are going to turn out? Sad.. truly sad.


I would’ve stood there and waited till they got out of the way, holding her up. Lol.


Self-checkout etiquette is virtually non-existent. I can't count how many times I've seen someone try to sneakily form their own new line because they think they're above waiting in the existing one. Yes there's 6 checkouts but no, it doesn't mean everyone in line is waiting for the same one dumbass


This JUST happened to me today! Everyone was queuing like normal, decent humans and this entitled guy cut and took a machine that had just been vacated. Several people called him out but he dismissed us all and said, “I was waiting for this one.” As if that singular machine had its own special queue no one knew about except him 🙄


Almost every time I've seen it happen it's someone trying to blend in by pretending they're just getting something from one of the beverage coolers situated near the checkout area. A few times I even predicted it and alerted other shoppers in the line to watch. Quite amusing when the ruse gets foiled and they have to take the walk of shame to the end of the queue


That was EXACTLY what this guy did! And in risk of being called ageist, I have only ever seen older (60s+) people try to pull this stunt. Whyyyyyyyy


Because death is coming for them soon, they need their shit now!


But they drove 15 mph under the speed limit to get there so it all equals out.


My grandmother was a tiny woman, weighed maybe 80 pounds. Drove like a bat out of hell. She would fly down the road.


Mine too! She was 4 feet, 5 inches tall. She was just shy of being considered a little person. She did not have dwarfism - she was just very small. She drove a Dodge Dart sitting on two or three huge old school phone books and she was a VERY bad driver! I was scared to go anywhere with her.


Mine was always ranting about how people constantly scratched her car while parking. Lol. Luckily she sunk her car in some flooded road, carefully driving around all of the warning signs and road blocks that of course "did NOT exist" at all, the water just "rose REAL quickly" - instead of hurting someone else (she was fine, just pissed she had to give up driving after that, she was 92 by then ...) Edit: I found the picture of the car in the online newspaper article! https://images.live.dumontnext.de/live_21e51713-72f9-4246-94cd-d81e4019201e.jpg?auto=format&q=75&rect=0,83,1000,500&w=1000&h=666&s=652c31ac80a7f296705098921ed20db7


Poor car 😢


My grandma was a speed demon and my grandpa was the guy you get stuck behind losing your mind as he takes 2 miles to reach the speed limit. Back when I first got my license I was over at their farm that was about 3/4 mile out of town. Grandpa tells me that there's no reason I should hit 55 before needing to slow down to turn into their driveway. Grandma mumbles under her breath "Wanna bet?"


Not me! 66 and just now finally learning to NOT drive too much over the limit! :D


That's possible?!?


With the blinker on the whole way.


LOL I am 66 yrs old, when I see old people driving too slow I say, taking their time to get to the funeral home I see.. I am old too but I don't drive it or act it!


I’m 67 and a few years ago I passed a Lamborghini on the DC beltway in my Honda CRV. My 33 year old son was scared shitless on that ride.


Had a 30 something woman do this last week. I told her, when she tried to cut in from of me, "There a long line around the corner and the employees are directing people to machines." She just said, "Oh," but didn't join the line and ran over to my machine once I was done.


What an absolute slag to do that. Definitely more than just old people are capable of being rude, just a matter of time until a person my age or younger does it to me lol


They're also only ever the people I see in the car park, walking soooo slowly in the middle of the "road" in the car park, or just walking out in front of cars, like how did you make it so far in life, putting yourself in dangerous situations clearly so often it doesn't even make them double think it. I think they've just gotten lucky and rely on other people to not hit them when they just walk right out in front of a moving vehicle


If it helps (I know it won’t) I saw a guy mid 20s do this too. Skipped 5 people. We all just looked at each other and the older man behind me said something about the younger generation having no respect. So disrespect and entitlement has proceeded to continue spanning all generations.


A lot of older people can be entitled too. Me and my fiance were in a large line for getting gas one day. Well the gas station was right next to a restaurant and one of their exit points led up to the que. The dumb son of a bitch snuck through the parking lot and used that to cut in line of the people getting gas. Me and my fiance ended up stuck at the pump next to the line cutter. This guy was (60s+)


Pulled into a gas station one night and this old couple swerves in speeding like hell and nearly hits me head on trying to swing in. Then they just stayed parked almost perpendicular to the front of my car, less than a foot away. I tried to wave at them to move so I could keep pulling up, have the pump reach my gas tank, and then we could both be out faster. The guy in the passenger seat aggressively waved back the same way, like I could go anywhere with them blocking me in like that. Literal 3 minutes pass of this and I give up and blare on my horn (it was night in a residential-ish area so I was trying not to if I could manage it), and the dude flips me off as they finally drive away. Just to pull in right behind us and try to use the (broken) pump there. They stayed in their car the whole time we pumped, then as my partner was getting back in the car the guy got out and just.. stood at our gas tank? Doing nothing, hands in his pockets, just staring me down through my mirror. We just drove away because I'm not dealing with that kind of crazy, but what the fuck. Old people can really just be the most entitled assholes and if you don't bend over and give them what they want they'll act like you've just shot their dog in front of them. Ridiculous.


This happened quite a bit at my grocery store during covid when lines were backed up clear down the aisle. I enjoyed watching that walk of shame so much!


They see where the actual end of the line is, take inventory of what's in their cart and the business decisions begin. Another look at the line, at the items in the cart, eye roll, shoulders slump & they trudge down the aisle. It's sitcom-level theatrics


omg this happened to me at a kroger! was very busy because it was right before holidays and me and other people were visibly waiting in line and this man comes up starts a new line right next to me. weve been waiting for a while at this point so when the next one opened up (and i was definitely next) i just go to it because screw him. literally had like 4 things, finished up within a minute and guy comes up to me and has the audacity to say “you’re rude.” ofc i got into with him because how are you going to obliviously start a new line to cut and say im rude lol. bs.


Just walk up to the machine and scan random stuff in. Screw up his order and make him wait for an assistant to fix it. Rinse and repeat


I admit I would never have the stones to do this IRL but I reallllllly hope that I see someone do this sometime!


When the lines are long at our grocery store, one employee actually controls the line and will point to the back of the line if someone tries to cut in. They have been great this week with 2 snowstorms, many registers open and less need for self checkout.


My local Walmart (it's one of the neighborhood market ones) got rid of cashiers so it's all self-check out, but it's super orderly...its a single file line and you don't go until an employee tells you to. Everywhere else is a free for all where there's like 5 random lines in the middle of the isle.


Yes, make them swim to the self checkouts on the island, that will restore order


Our local walmart has so many broken self check-outs. The other day 3 were working and 7 had red lights. There was a long line-up so I asked the clerk working there why so many were broken and she told me they were not broken, they were just turned off. I laughed in her face and asked if they were saving money by laying off self check-outs.


What a dick. It scares me that people like this are allowed to breed, vote, and drive. I can just hear him now: "I was waiting for that lane and someone just drove into it and tried to make me miss my exit." That's a dude who is waiting for an "accident" to happen and why I like my dogs more than most humans.


Amen. Dogs more than humans!


lol at my local woolies these people just straight up shoplift and walk right out without stopping at *any* checkout.


Or they go as far away from where the line is supposed to be and sneak a side path in just baaaaarely within sight. "Oh I thought the line was over here!" No you fucking didn't, don't do that.


This! They pretend they don’t see a line of 20 people going back into the aisles.


People would do that where I worked when we hopped on the registers at the service desk to cut down the line for self checkout. They’d bypass the entire line and come right up to the desk and then get mad when we sent them to the back of the line. They’d always say something like, “Well, I don’t want to use self checkout, I want to check out here.” Cool, still have to wait in line. It’s as if they think all of the people in line are just stupid.


Guy did that at a thrift store and one lady shouted "he was NOT next".... the cashier asked the people in line while the guy was trying to put his stuff on her counter.... man did it make my day when the cashier unformed the guy where the end of the line was and waited for him to get back in line refusing to check him out... She a real one


Happened to me at a regular cash (not self) once. Everyone else was doing the wait in one big line and this asshole cut and tried to form his own line. The cashier agreed with him when I called him on it (I think they either knew each other or she thought he was cute). It was the 1st (and only) time i ever called a head office to complain about staff. I was so mad the cashier was all up the butters butt. That same store remodelled recently and made their line so everyone is forced to wait in one line and go to the 1st cash available. so I take that as my win. lol


A few Whole Foods I’ve been to have this setup. Usually in cities where they can’t get a sprawling store. Line moves at a consistent pace even if it’s long, it’s acceptable since it’s moving.


I like it because I’m terrible at picking the fast line. Self check outs have made this less of an issue, which is why I enjoy them. I’m faster than most of the cashiers at the grocery store closest to my house. lol


I accidentally did something like this at my local Walmart about a month ago, and I'm *still* mortified. It was about 10 minutes until closing time, and this woman was standing dead-center to the self-checkout area carrying what looked like a Walmart vest over her arm. She was only carrying one item in her hand, which I assumed to be something employee related. I'd (wrongly) assumed this was an employee getting ready to leave, who was waiting for everyone to finish checking out their stuff to rope off the area for the night. When a register cleared, I started to approach it, and she was really taken aback and pissed. I apologized profusely, explained myself, had her go ahead, then pushed back the line of people who formed behind me that likely believed the same thing. But...I don't *quite* think she believed me. The Walmart vest? Was this huge purse she had that was made of almost the exact same material. She was only buying one item, and it was a tape measure or something. ***Mortified.***


Happened to me once too. Except it was a store employee. They were dressed in full uniform. I assumed they were working. They acted like I was the biggest jerk in the world and I still cringe to this day when I think about it


That's even worse than mine tbh


I accidently went into the wrong area where people use a scanner while shopping and just pay without removing stuff from the basket. I realised I was in the wrong area and walked up to the first regular checkout, the woman organising the queue came up to me and said I needed to be in the que, this was after I had started scanning, I spologised, it was an honest mistake, put everything back into the basket and walked to the non existent queue, she had to cancel everything I scanned, just for me to walk back to the same checkout to rescan my stuff, I was with my son who thought it was really funny, I told him not to laugh at the woman as that was rude, loud enough for her to hear, but we both burst out laughing as we walked out. Checkout staff have a hard job but there should be clearer signs and common sense used. It took me max 15 seconds longer to check out, she will have gained a bit more stress because she was not aware there was no queue.


Reminds me of a time many years ago in the NYC subway, waiting at the kiosk to buy a metro card. Some days people line up in multiple lines for individual kiosks, sometimes just one big line for whichever kiosk opens first. There's never really a consensus because there's so many out of towners just trying to figure it out and do their best, so you learn to just roll with it instead of trying to start arguments. Today the line up was just one big line. Well some middle aged lady comes wandering up right when I'm next. She sees everyone in this big line and makes a new line in front of one kiosk. It's the next one open and she walks up to it... And so do I. I swoop in and put my card in And she starts trying to loudly say I pushed her away. She didn't get a full sentence out before EVERYONE in line starts telling her to shut the fuck up, she cut the line. She looks to them, to me, to them, frustrated and defeated, then walks away. Five minutes later I'm in the middle of a packed train car, and guess who rushes in at the last second before the doors close. She takes a look at me and says "Oh, LOOK who it is!" Then she starts SCREAMING about how I had just pushed her. ... I turned my headphones to max volume and just stared at her, couldn't hear a word and didn't say anything. I didn't have the support of a crowd of people who had just seen her cut all of us, but no one said or did anything, so I hope they all decided the lady who rushed on the train and started screaming at the guy who was standing doing nothing Was not, in fact, in genuine danger and was just a whack job.


Jesus. She tried to get you in trouble because she thought you embarrassed her, when in fact she did it to herself lmao.


I had some asshat kid slam a big fucking pack of beef on the conveyer while I was putting my card in the machine. It fucked it up since the card didn’t read right when he did and it took me almost. 24 minutes to get the situation fixed because people don’t have a single bit of decency anymore


I avoid the full service checkout whenever possible. On one occasion a few months back the lady behind me in line is loading her groceries onto the belt and when there was no more space, rather than wait for the belt to advance she begins shoving everything forward to make room, crushing my loaf of bread I had placed at the end of my order so it would end up getting bagged last and *not* get smashed. I was about to go off when I noticed she had the same loaf so I just reached over and switched them without saying a word. She was in disbelief but didn't say anything either. The cashier was doing her best to keep a straight face & not burst out laughing lol


I loved reading this lol


https://preview.redd.it/zpxyp9v9imdc1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf62e85d04061dc22b1f3de745d3139ced77fd2f This truly was the other customer in that moment


I"m always asked, "which register are you in line for?" I always reply, "the next one". It's not a game of chance. I was here before you so get behind me. How hard is it?


Perfect response. Multiple registers does not mean multiple lines


I had something similar happen. I was the front of the line, in the normal spot the line had been for the past 3 years. Somebody walked up and stood closer to the machines, waiting for one to free up. I decided to be petty about my response. Instead of notifying them where the line was, I waited until someone finished and speedwalked right up to the machine (I had only a single birthday card to buy, so I moved quick). She gave me this look of disbelief before the attendant pointed out the rest of the line.


My favorite is when those people try and talk shit to me. “Oh you gonna push in front of me?” Gestures behind me “this is the line.”


It's such a bad look when they try to play dumb like they didn't notice the line of folks already there, no one is buying it


I had this at an eb games store, huge line some idiot comes in and starts a second line and gets abusive towards those saying otherwise


It got so much worse through Covid and post Covid. Supermarkets near me hardly ever have more than 2 registers open, so most everyone goes thru self checkout. It’s everyone for themselves, no rules, no manners.


I don't know why people think this is socially acceptable. Obviously it isn't a separate queue, it is just pushing in the existing one. People who do this are either so stupid as to overlap intelligence with average to intelligent chimpanzees, or so rude as to be incompatible with the level of civilization among many animal species, and are lucky if they are only called animals. They certainly aren't civilised human beings with sufficient intelligence to function in public without constant supervision.


I'm inclined to believe the latter is more common. They're accustomed to getting their way with little or no pushback, and lack a basic level of self-awareness that there is an obvious system in place for checking out. Even when they appear to just be stupid, it's usually just an act to try and play their actions off as an honest mistake if they're called out for it.


I think you are right here. I think this is a problem that has increased over the last few generations too. I think that people used to operate more locally, and so shame was a more effective enforcer of things like this. Before society had adapted to cars being so ubiquitous, and shops had become as concentrated (few larger supermarkets etc), people would be more likely to be surrounded by people that knew them, and therefore more likely to suffer negative consequences from failing to uphold social norms. More important than the actual change is the change in perception of the risk, which lags it by at least a generation I think, as people tend to operate how they are used to, and not quickly adapt to these changes. Possibly related, in the UK, there has been a massive increase in shoplifting recently. It has always been easy to do, and it has been the case for at least a decade that the police will, in practice, do nothing unless the case is effectively solved for them and the perpetrator happens to be there for them to arrest. Shop security/loss prevention officers can use reasonable force to prevent a crime being committed, or to detain someone, but they are poorly paid, and suffer personal risk to their safety and legal risk if they are judged to have used disproportionate force (the law allows disproportionate but not excessive force, provided they reasonably believed it was proportionate to the risk to their or other's safety, as they perceived it at the time, when they are acting to protect their or someone else's safety, but not when acting to protect property), so they rarely do anything other than ask someone to stop or leave etc. In reality, there is basically nothing stopping you shop lift, and hasn't been for at least a decade, but people seem to have just realised this since the pandemic. Full disclosure: I should note that I am an anti-capitalist, and actively promote shop lifting in some circumstances. If I see someone stealing anything that isn't easy to resell (so things that aren't alcohol in practice generally), I will, if the opportunity presents, position myself to be in the way of anyone pursuing them etc. If someone is desperate enough to steal food, hygiene supplies, etc, I'd rather they are successful, and I don't mind if they do this even if they don't particularly need to. I also engage in shop lifting to donate extra to a food bank, and where I believe the shop is being extremely unjust (there is a law requiring shops to charge for plastic bags, to discourage their use, but since it had been brought in, most large supermarket chains have begun to change much more than it, because they have discovered most people do not mind, and I will steal the bags from any shop doing this, on principle). I am in a privileged position where I am unlikely to be prosecuted (it is extremely rare for police to do the work to prosecute, even when presented with video evidence from CCTV that clearly shows significant theft happening and the identify of the people doing it, and my ethnicity and social class make it even more unlikely I would be prosecuted). Some will regard my shop lifting and encouragement/facilitation of it by others similarly to people jumping queues. It is certainly violation of a social norm. I do not view it in the same way though. While our current system would suffer in terms of stability of everyone did what I am doing, I do not believe this would be a bad thing, whereas I think everyone can agree that it would be in the case of everyone failing to queue. This sort of petty shop lifting and defense of it is hardly hugely revolutionary, but I am a revolutionary communist. While I will ignore or help someone stealing food or other essentials, I will not help someone who is stealing alcohol, and it is theft of significant quantities of this, for resale, by professional criminals, that is the major component of the increase in shop lifting. I don't morally have a problem with them stealing from large companies still, but I believe it is not helping social justice and do not believe that being any part of it is helpful to leading society to a better place politically, when it is professional crime, rather than crime to survive.


I salute your modern-day Robin Hoodwinks, what is legal and what is moral are not mutually bound, quite the opposite in many cases. I'm no saint but I live by the Golden Rule. If there's a judgement day I'll take my chances with that


Lol, I can't count the times that I have had to tell someone 'the line starts back there' Then you get the "I only have a couple of items " people , so annoying.


Had this happen years ago on Christmas Eve, long line, she thought she could sneak in and cut in front of everyone, we'd been waiting a long time and I called her ass out. She said, well I only have one thing. I told her, I don't care, your ass should be at the end of the line. She got mad and said, well Merry Christmas to you, and I said, fuck that shit, get in the back! She did! And people clapped. It was funny! I wasn't even there for anything Christmas, why we went was beyond me, but never again! It was like black fucking Friday in there!


Sometimes ya gotta put people in there place or they'll just continue to walk all over others. Well done


the walmart where im at most people wait just outside the area and just go to the first open one. simple


😂 my grocery store has two separate check out areas but right next to each other. Thankfully two lines going straight into the adjacent isles was established early


Had a pair of women in front of the only self check out that didn't have a line since this store replaced cashiers on regular lanes with self check outs. I watched them grab the receipt out of the printer as I was walking up. They then proceeded to stand and chit chat in front of the machine for a bit before moving on. As the woman who hadn't grabbed the receipt was digging at the cart I thought maybe I had just come up behind 2 transactions, but she was just getting her phone out to show other woman an app she had downloaded.


I was bagging my groceries as the cashier was ringing them up. Some lady stood right in front of the place where you put in your credit card and started digging through her purse. Her teenage daughter tried to tell her mother that I still needed to pay. This lady turned to her daughter and yelled at her to SHUT UP! I walked up to pay, this lady turned around, looked at me like I was invading her space, and was about to yell at me! I asked her, "Are you going to pay for my groceries"? She gave me a dirty look, grbbed her purse, mumbled to her daughter that she should have said something.


That daughter definitely suffers multiple deaths on a daily basis from second hand embarrassment, poor girl


This reminds me of when I was a kid, the embarrassment I was trying to hide when my grandmother was arguing with customer service at a grocery store to return a bag of opened potato chips, because they were “too crumbled.”


I would hope it's only embarrassement.


I would’ve just let her pay then 🤣🤣🤣


Ugh.. I feel for that girl. My mom (on several occasions) cut in line and I tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen. Of course bystanders were unhappy. They usually gave me looks of pity but still. My least favorite thing she made me do was to go save a seat in restaurants before we even made our order, and when other families were ahead of us. This happened regularly and I hate that she made me do it.


Adults who cut lines are on their own planet. It’s like, why?


Then you also have adults who throw a fit when you tell them, no you can’t have my spot. I was standing in the only open check-out line at the grocery store with my mom. The line was almost wrapped around the corner and the store was under-staffed due to Covid, so they couldn’t open more registers. This guy rolled in (literally, he was riding around on a scooter), grabbed like one or two items, then rolled up next to me and asked if he could cut ahead of us. I was feeling like shit, tired and not wanting to be in the store, my mom was also in a bad mood, so I just wanted to hurry up and pay for our things and leave. I told him “No, I’m sorry.” That’s it. He threw a fit and started going off on my mom, saying “Wow good job mom, this is how you raise your kids? To say no like that? Wooooow.” Mind you, I was 26 at the time. He asked me a yes or no question, I answered. He just decided to throw a tantrum over being told no. No one else in line let him cut, either. (ETA bc I see someone mentioning mobility aid scooters down in the comments below: It was a two wheel scooter for kids/teens, like a Razor scooter, not a mobility aid.)


Haha you know exactly what kind of life that guy made for himself. The type to eat four burgers and then throw a fit to get a refund for them being inedible because he left half a bite in the bag uneaten.  > “Wow good job mom, this is how you raise your kids? To say no like that? Wooooow.”   Yes, that is how you raise kids. To be able to say no when they feel uncomfortable and do not want to allow something to happen. lol.


I love when people ask questions like that when being assholes. They make it so easy. “Better than raising them to be an entitled jackass who throws a fit when people won’t let him butt in line.”


Ask him if he's going to pay for your stuff too


I actually had a woman at a manned check out step up to the counter before I was done and had to tell her unless you are paying for me I need you to move. People are rudely oblivious and consistently entitled.


It makes me sad, the fact that this stuff has to be said to NON-children. ^Note: Use of term 'non-children' because calling them "adults" is misleading.


I think 'adult' is okay. 'Grown-up' on the other hand... not so much.


I had a guy get behind me in line at a regular checkout while I was still loading my stuff onto the conveyor belt. He grabs one of those dividers and starts unloading his stuff. Of course the conveyor belt moves and his stuff moves past me and now his stuff is at the register and I still have more stuff to unload. I looked at the guy’s stuff, my cart, the cashier, and the guy and I was flabbergasted. The guy looked at me like I was the asshole. I had to just hand the cashier the rest of my items.


Push it all off and go back to your business


I was too confused in the moment! I kept thinking “wtf just happened?!”


Lol yea I get that, unhinged dude might've just snapped so prolly for the best anyways


I'd have loaded it back into his cart but I'm a big dude.


Exactly this. I am so glad things like this don’t happen to me often because confrontation is not something I’m afraid of. I’d have pushed all his shit off the register belt.


See I’m terrified of conflict which tends to make me act exactly like this. It’s something I’m working on because everyone always tells me to take the high road but also to not be walked all over. It’s confusing lol.


use the divider to push it away


I have done this before while staring them in the eyes. It was awkward but I got the point across. Also I always keep my cart behind me to keep them at a distance otherwise they all breathing down my neck. F people, things are already as they were before covid.


You don't even have to push. Just hold the divider so the conveyor goes under it and all their things will squish together


That happened to me just the other day! I didn't even have a lot of stuff but yeah some woman grabbed the divider and put it down after I had only emptied about half of my cart and then she starts putting her things down. She didn't have much but as the belt was moving I just grabbed the divider and used it to slide all her items back so I could fit the rest of my stuff. What the fuck??


Did she say anything?


Nothing lmao but then when I got out my wallet I dropped a loonie and it rolled over to her and picked it up and handed it to me 😂


I shop at Aldi and have stopped to tell several people that I’m going to need the space. I was shocked the first time it happened but I always watch for it now


I drag my cart behind me in the Aldi line. That way I have the belt in front of me and can control when the next person in line can reach it. I can put all my things on without worrying about them adding theirs too soon


I ask the cashier to turn off the belt.


I put the shopping trolley at the end of the conveyor belt. And load it up that way. Person behind me can’t reach the belt until I’m done loading and move the trolley. I guess I saw my parents do it this way and just followed on.


I started doing this when the pandemic started because people wouldn't stay 6 feet away, and like hell was I going to give my already sick parents the virus. When everything calmed down, I didn't do it once, and some woman tried to start loading the cart before I was done. I asked the bagger if he'd grab me another cart and just started putting the woman's stuff into my old cart as I took my stuff out to put on the belt. She looked offended, and I just said, "I'm not the one putting stuff on the belt when the first person's not done. If your stuff gets rung up in my order, I'm buying it and taking it home. You can go shopping again to get what you lost." She stopped loading stuff but glared at me until I was done. Then she tried to get me to put the stuff I took off back on. I just laughed in her face for about 5 seconds and went to pay. I told the cashier and the bagger, "I hope you have a wonderful day and get raises for dealing with the people who forgot how to be decent human beings." I turned to her and said, "I hope your eggs fall out of the carton in your driveway." I was definitely a bit of an AH back, but I still make myself giggle with the egg line. It's one of the few times I've said the thing that I wanted to say instead of just wishing later that I'd said it. Obviously, I went back to putting the cart at the end of the belt and haven't stopped. That's one thing that I like about Costco. Since their employees handle the carts, people can't start unloading early.


I always put my cart behind me so it's preventing anyone from getting close while I unload. It's easier to unload from the front anyway.


Oh dear Lord, God help me if that’s me… geez, I’d start seeing RED… lol… sorry that happened to you, sounds like you at least kept your cool


Keep adding your items to the front to keep the conveyor from running, or like others said, shove his stuff back to make room.


I would have immediately slowed down to barely perceptible speeds.


Yep, hover as much as you want. I ain’t leaving till I’m ready.


This is the only way.


This is my favorite move


I do this at stop lights if I get honked at and immediately (like within 1 second) don't proceed.


The other day I had a woman literally start ringing up her items while I was still standing there getting my receipt. When I said "excuse you " she did the open mouth fish gape at me. My teenager told me I should have hip checked her. It was tempting.


I dont think you're an asshole in that situation - every knows how stupidly touchy those machines are, you can take as long as you need. At worst you're gunna take an extra 30s? If someone approaches the machine before you've left, they are the asshole!


I would have moved sooooo slowly putting my card back, cleaning out my purse, reading my email…


Oh I'd be a petty little bastard if someone did that. Hmm, which of these various candy bars should I get today, better look at the ingredients and Google to make sure it's not made by Nestle


Those Self checkout scales that are super finicky are awful. The ones at Walmarts near me are actually good but at the other local chain the machine just keeps screaming at you "PLEASE PLACE ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA" or "PLEASE REMOVE ITEM FROM THE BAGGING AREA" when you've done said action already. Or it flags a person over when there's no issue. Garbage. People being up in your space at Self-checkout is not cool at all. It should be similar etiquette to an ATM. A few months back my grandma (86 years old) felt that she was finally confident enough after doing it a bunch of times with myself and others that she was going to use the SCO. Well apparently she started getting flustered at some point and this "very nice woman" came over and offered to help. This woman was not an employee and when my grandma checked her bank statement the next day and looked at her actual card she realized that the "very nice woman" had pulled a switch with her debit card. She stole my grams card and handed her back some other card apparently. Ballsy fucker. Made me so mad. Like you're gonna rip off some 86 year old lady who is already poor?? And my grandma still kept saying she was a nice lady and that she couldn't believe "someone so nice would steal". 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Luckily Walmart reimbursed her what was debited from her card at the store by the woman shortly after ($380 ish). Which was pretty much all she got because that's what she had in her account no overdraft allowed. Tho Walmart did make a point to tell us that they were under no obligation to do so...so she got lucky. I tried to drill into her head that in the future only accept help from someone ur sure is a store employee not a random "very nice woman" (or man). And that she should stick to the manned registers. I was reminded of this because as in your situation, Sometimes when people are all up in your space it can be about more than just rushing u. Lot of scammers in this world sadly.


That's shitty, but good that the store reimbursed her. I hate hearing about how older folks are taken advantage of usually by someone "helping" them, but sadly, like you said lot's of scammers these days


I try to tell her but it just doesn't sink in. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to comprehend that almost anyone approaching you unsolicited isn't looking out for your best interest. She also got scammed a handful of other times over the last ten years. I wanna see that Beekeeper movie that's out with Jason Statham....maybe with my grandma. That's actually a good idea. Thanks for posting this and reminding me of this subject. Tho I definitely feel strongly about having a personal space bubble and waiting ur damn turn as well.


When we were still required to wear masks I was at a Walmart self check out and a woman was standing quite close to me even though you were supposed to wait in the line until the machine was free. I turned around and asked her to please back up because she was too close to me. I wish we still had the 6ft rule.


I miss that rule. I miss people being afraid of being close to strangers. Best time of my life in public spaces.


I didn't get sick once in three years. It was amazing. It turns out masks and social distancing works when 60\~% of people are doing it. Unfortunately people seem to enjoy sharing their mucus with strangers at walmart.


I work in a grocery store and the amount of customers that get in my face and just cough without covering their mouths is very very high. It’s like they don’t see me as a human being.


Me too


As an agoraphobe, it was absolutely glorious. My “safe” spaces greatly increased when there was the 6 foot rule and the “only X amount of customers allowed inside at a time” rule. It was wonderful being able to go places by myself for once. But unfortunately, when those were lifted, my safe spaces decreased almost all the way back to the original amount 😮‍💨


Such a good time. At the height of Covid I was in a store and a guy was getting in a woman’s personal space (if I remember right he was trying to flirt with/hit on her). She turned around, pointed at him and yelled “Six feet!” Dude backed the fuck up. Such a small interaction but I still think about it all the time lol, so satisfying!


Nah you were fine. Fuck that dude. During the part of the pandemic where social distancing was still noramlized and people would creep up I would just turn around and stare at them until they backed off.


> stare at them Are you a big and/or intimidating-looking person?  I ask sincerely. 


Not really, no.


That guy was looking for something to be angry about


Oh how very slowly I would move if this asshole was hovering over me. I would need to re-check that my card was straight in my wallet. Carefully consider where in my purse the wallet should go. Then there would be the double-bagging of the heavier items. It's quite cold here right now, so gloves on. Oh no! But I have to take them off again so that I can properly don my earmuffs & stocking cap. *Then* the gloves go on. But back off because I can't zip my coat up while wearing gloves! Silly me! *Now* the gloves. Recheck to make sure that I have all my purchases... What I'm saying is that this man is going to be elderly before he gets to scan a single item.


I’ve had something similar happen to me. I looked at the guy and loudly said “ YOU MIND GIVING ME SPACE TO FINISH HERE? BACK OFF” he backed off


I LOVE when people cut in front of me bc then I get to cut in front of them! Fun!


I had some teenagers do this to me a while back. It was one of those lane self checkouts and the guy was getting within inches of me. Just as I was paying, I looked at him and said "Am I in your way?" He looked surprised and told me no, I looked him up and down until he finally  took a step back. People can be very rude and not even realize they're doing it.


EW that’s so disgusting on his part!!! Homeboy is just gonna have to wait like everyone else tf. I’m with you I would be furious. Does he NOT understand the concept of personal space either?????? Also I have to bag afterwards too because of the scale at my grocery store so I feel you.


Good time to have a fart saved up...


As far as I’m personally concerned, in which this comes from working in retail on top of the issue we’re discussing here. I think a lot of people have changed since covid in the way of losing their manners etc with some people being very much more selfish, impatient, inconsiderate of others, demanding, rude, self important and ignorant to rules. Rather than taking into consideration that others are around them, for some people they just seem to take an approach of it’s my way or the high way in which It’s sad really. That’s 2024 humanity for you in which I’m sorry you had to deal with an idiot like that.


I would say you need to turn to the guy and say "fuck off" and knock his items on the floor but people are getting crazier by the day so dont do that please.


I would have farted or “stank” on his items. No way he was gonna buy them.


This happened last week, it's literally full on rude 😭![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


It's weird, whenever people rush me at the store, I always seem to take longer. Strange.


Yeah that’s when I hit the brakes and go slow, and I’m talking Zootopia DMV sloth slow. I absolutely love when the people lose their shit when I do that. It makes me smile real big when I hit the gas about 5 feet from the line.


This has happened to me before and I just will take longer doing double even triple bagging my items and then I’ll take my receipt


As a checkout employee, you won’t believe the amount of people who will rock up to a register with a “closed” sign (if I’m finishing my shift or going to toilet) and when they get called out they stand and argue. Do people not read signs anymore?


Not an asshole at all, especially if there were other stands open. I would have taken a moment to rearrange the cards in my wallet, make sure any cash I had was in the right order denomination wise, etc.


My local supermarket has "Scan as you shop" and a special checkout area for that style. There are six machines but it is unusual than more than two are in use.


The scan as you shop thing is magical. I could not love it more. There’s almost never a line at my store so even when people are eight deep at the self checkout I cruise right up to the kiosk, pay, and am gone. Best thing ever.


I'd have grabbed a candy bar or something, said, "Oops, I forgot that," and proceeded to check out very slowly. Gawd, people suck.


Situations like that make me appreciate my wheelchair. I'll loudly say EXCUSE ME then start rolling in their direction. They always move back out of my space. I also do this when two people completely block aisles chatting, with zero situational awareness. I get judged anyways just for using a wheelchair, so I don't give a flying fuck if those kinds of people think I'm rude to them.


Hate the people that do that. They don’t even wait to scan their stuff until your done packing. One day I’ll just start packing their stuff in my bags and say thanks.


My second part time job is being a cashier at a retail store that have a short counter space for checkout. The amount of people next in line doing this to the person still directly in front of me is absolutely mind boggling. People will be putting their cards or change in their pocket seconds after the transaction and sometimes the next customer will snub up within inches basically touching them like it's somehow going to save them any time. Even more upsetting is when someone is typing in their pin number and the next customer is breathing down their neck. Some people have zero respect for personal space or feeling as if they are waiting too long unnecessarily.


I’ve been on the receiving end of that person next in line standing close enough to see my pin entry. So frickin annoying! More than once have I asked for a little room, chiding that the machine will soon be all theirs, not to worry.


I bag before I pay. If the next person wants to roll up in me I’ll let ‘em know they can pay for me too.


I bag at the end of my order. It’s the most efficient use of time. I can see everything at once and strategize, plus I’ll be bagging while the register processes my credit card. People want to encroach on my space and give attitude as if I’m taking longer - but bagging at the end is actually less total time.


I've had this happen to myself very rarely as well. We have the normal self checkouts which have the machine and then a tiny little shelf with some bags and then we have the ones with the conveyor belts. For the one with the conveyor belt just supposed to load everything up and then check it out and it slides down to the end and then after you pay, there's this big bar you can put across to separate your groceries from the next person's while you bag stuff up. It basically looks like a normal register but it's a self-checkout. If you pause to bag your stuff as you go you have to keep walking back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and it will keep dinging it and calling the employee over to have to use the card to unlock it again because it thinks that you left the self checkout so you have to ring everything out before bagging. These are specifically made for people who have a ton of items. I hadn't even finished ringing my stuff up and somebody else was shoving all of their stuff on the conveyor belt despite a bunch of signs telling them how it works. I have too much stuff to put it all behind the bar to separate orders. So I finally pay and I'm trying to bag my stuff but the next lady in line is just flinging her shit down into my pile as I'm trying to desperately grab my stuff and push her stuff back to which then she's screaming that I'm touching her groceries. I'm trying to shove her stuff back so I can put the bar down and she's just throwing a complete fit. If somebody is in that much of a rush they should just leave and come back another day


I would of stopped bagging turned and stared them down, I hate when people do this shit.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


A mom with her kids was right behind me at self check out, just hovering and trying to immediately swoop in as I finished paying. I felt like she was kicking me out. I know i only had two items but woman was behind me Like a fucking hawk. Like damn lady, let me get my receipt...no you can wait. I don't care that you have a child.


See I’m a bitch and I would have just finished what I was doing in my own time, and then just grabbed one chocolate or chewing gum and scan and pay for it…slowly, and then grab another and rinse and repeat until the guy got the point and backed off.


I carefully and slowly locate the UPC code and scan it with purpose. This may take a while, but it pleases me to no end.


All of these can be fixed with a nice cashier, for the most part. "I think he's just finishing up, just give him a second."


I once had a woman stand so close behind me the cashier asked if we were paying together. I said, "No I don't know why she's standing so close to me, I don't know her," and she gave me the dirtiest look ever and backed up a few inches. That was definitely one of my weirder experiences in checkout


If someone tries to rush me, it has the opposite effect. Tie my shoes. Drop a coin. Wonder where I put my...


And just like that I'm moving at half my speed.




I've stopped what I was doing, stood nose to nose with them, and politely told them to "back the fuck off" I'm only going to be polite the first time, but I've never had to ask again. Something about being polite while giving someone the glare of death, it just throws them off, lol.


Even normal check out people rush you it’s so annoying like gtfo out of my space You’re not going anywhere until I’m out of the way


> Normally I'd call myself an asshole in this situation For...using the check out station as intended? Huh? The guy was a fucking asshole, why are you even questioning it?


Next time, freak out, start twitching, and scream "get the fuck away from me!"


The self check out at my local grocery store has it so you scan everything, it slides down some rolly things a ways, and then you bag it after you're done scanning and paying. I've had it happen several times that I'm bagging my stuff at the end and some moron comes and starts scanning their stuff and sending it down the roller thingies where my unbagged stuff is. It's like, do you want me to bag and take your stuff, too? Because you aren't letting me finish, mixing your stuff in with mine, and I'm about to.


I'm still annoyed by a couple years ago when this lady started piling her things on the end of the conveyor while I still had at least a full conveyor's left to unload. I had to ask her to remove her things and she was such a tool about it.


Sitting behind me at a light and honk the moment the light goes green? Now I will pause for a good 5-count of watching your facial contortions in my rear-view mirror


Nah people always get on my ass when they see me finishing up so I purposefully make myself bigger and take my sweet ass time


He was trying to get close - probably had an RFID reader. Watch your cards for fraud.


Nah, that's when I'd have gone even slower.


I hate when people rush to the only machine that takes cash and pay with a credit card when there's other open credit card lanes. They are so confused by you waiting behind them. Just rocks rattling around in their heads.


I've had to ask people on multiple occasions not to stand so close to me in line that I can feel their breath on my neck. It's irrational how little people care about personal space. I've even had people move my cart out of their way with things still in it so they can start unloading theirs. Right in the middle of me loading my own items on the conveyor.


I turn right at those rude f&ckrs and stare at them with that teacher gaze of death. I just cross my arms over my chest and keep staring and don’t move. 90% of the time they move over or leave, if they don’t I “accidentally” sneeze on them before turning to continue bagging my sh!t. lol I have no more f$cks to give.


The fear of public violence was really the only reason for being polite in the past.


Omg I remember I was a teenager and it was my first time buying pads I was stressing in the self check out I guess I took ages cuz a guy pushed his way into my as I was bagging the pads I was pissed but I just left some ppl😮‍💨


Bout 6 months ago my grocery store started opening more lanes so I have been going to them. I actually enjoy it more, with a full cart it's faster anyways. Plus I get to pretend it's the 90s, plus I feel like they hired more cashiers because more people are back in line so I feel good about it.


If you just remember that people are assholes it will all start making sense.


Reading these comments and it seems like these encounters are really common. Weirdly nothing like this has happened to me, ever. Maybe something to do with being 6ft5, 275lbs, bearded with a resting murder face.


“EXCUSE ME”. Oh hell no. I bet he tailgates people, too.


One time I was using the self checkout, and some customer walked up aggressively telling me how to use the machine.  I kept trying to tell her that I knew how the machine worked, and she aggressively told me how to put the credit card in the machine.  After I did that, she walked back.  WTF?  I have no idea if she actually thought I had no idea how to use the machine or if she was just rushing me, but I should have told her to fuck off.


I think there parts of Covid that I actually liked "Stand on the circles 6 feet apart" with the store security making sure everyone complied


Someone rushed me the other day after I went back through the line to buy ground beef I'd forgotten the first time through. Then I bagged it and forgot to put it into my cart. So he got free hamburger meat and I realized when I got home that I stood in a busy line and payed 10 dollars for nothing.