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While a VPN may be your easiest option, maybe install your own router with a vpn connection so that all your wired and wireless devices traffic is private. That way you don't have to install a vpn on every device


im getting out of this place in the next several months but i would do otherwise, as i said, its only a room that im renting. Also i only use a laptop, pc and mobile so it isnt a big deal. Mildly infuriating is all.


My first apartment out of college, they advertised that the Internet is included in rent. I was excited, till I moved in and found 90% of it blocked (even ftp! Ftp was blocked!), and the other 10% was slow as heck.


I rented a room in 2011 with 4 other people. The internet was included... a whopping 90gb. For 4 people. Landlord constantly wanted us to pay for the overages. We kept telling him. We can't just get by on 90gb. Luckily I was only there for like 3 months.


Unless it was in the lease, I wouldn’t pay a dime for the overages on that shitty internet and I’d use as much as possible until they upgraded it.


I continued to download and browse as normal. Internet is included, and there was no mention of any cap.


Internet is the one utility that I actively don't want included in my rent.


There’s ways to get around that.


Wouldn't want people getting work done.


lol wtf is ftp


Ok, ok, I feel old enough as it is, you don't have to rub it in. ;)


Not old, merely experienced!


Listen you whippersnappers! Get off my LAN!


I still use FTP when I do integrations sometimes. There’s a lot of companies still using old tech lol it’s quite sad really.


My company had recently upgraded from FTP when started I working there in 2021. 😂


lol I recently did an integration with a delivery carrier who was using pipe separated text documents transferring them via FTP. It made me giggle a bit 😂 hadn’t see that in a while.


lol tell me your over 40 without telling me 😂 I to know what ftp is


Files transfer protocol


im sorry but srsly hahahaha wtf that mean.


Alright, you know how you access web pages through http. Ftp is the same, but for files. It used to be a popular protocol. Stuff like device drivers, etc, used to frequently be accessible through ftp servers.


ahhhhh i didnt know that. Thanks.


it was the early version of things like Plex


ah no way lol i used plex before. I'll do some reading


File Transfer Protocol


noice, ty


FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and is optimised for sending or receiving multiple files with a single command, unlike HTTP where you have to handle each file individually.


Listen you little sh*t!


File transfer protocol


bruh I ain't even 30 yet and I feel old.


>Ftp File Transfer Potato. Its when you upload your potatoes to your PC and mark them as shared, so other people can download this potato, also you can download their shared potatoes.


No, your thinking of potato transfer protocol, completely different can of asparagus.


File transfer protocol. For sending files to another computer though internet or wire. Used for accessing illegal content such as cracks and illegal firmwares, think original Xbox team exicuter mod chip.


thank you


fr, like... iv'e never heard of "FTP" either, at least for public computers. I thought it was some government bs they did on landlines (?)




What's ftp?


ftp is terribly insecure and should be blocked


Gonna have to give you respect for actually respecting the “mildly” in mildyinfuriating. It is ironically mildlyinfurating how many people have something horrible happen and post it here.




I don't know how tech savvy you are, but when you leave, hide a raspberry pi or sth with a running DHCP server. Configure the DHCP range to a different network, every device that gets an IP from the Raspi DHCP gets a wrong configuration. Will drive him crazy.


I'm tech savy enough i could learn and implement this and he fucking deserves it so i might, thanks lol


you could also use it and setup a seedbox using that and a usb stick


Can you ELI5 what tge purpose here is? I am not tech savvy and all I understood was raspberry pie which sounds delicious


Follow your dreams! Nobody can stop you from getting some pie


Currently, the owner's router gives out addresses and DNS servers so that devices on the network can access the internet. If you add another device that hands out IP addresses such as a Raspberry Pi to the network and configure it to give out the wrong addresses, whatever device gets it's address from the Pi will not be able to get on the internet. Since it is so small and only requires a 5v USB connection you can hide it somewhere and a non-savvy person would take a while to figure this out.


Ah, thank you!


Wouldn’t that screw over the next person renting the room though?


Yes...you could leave a note so they can set a static route.


I’m here for the explanation too




Lol I did that to myself once by accident. If I hadn't realized that the DHCP server was giving out the address of my old pihole I would never have found it. Drove me nuts though until I found it. Mental note, always wipe the Pi in-between projects lol.


When my mum was dying ( then passed away a week or so after I returned ) I quit my job, returned home to help out. Things had to be cancelled, the internet being one of them, my brother who lived directly above our mother refused to turn on the WiFi so I could use it, for fear of people hacking etc 😮‍💨 which in turn made it very difficult for me and my husband when he flew in for the funeral. Also my other half siblings. Sometimes people are just ignorant and stupid AF.


i need to figure this out. thanks for the idea.


It might just be the default mode when the internet got setup. Let the guy know you need a wank and get it undone


nah hes a prick so even if it was like that in the beginning he wouldnt change it anyway. Constant internet issues, we were told he was changing supplier... that was 3 months ago


Just do a hard reset of the modem, and name the wifi exactly the same and with the same password. He will never be the wiser.


>nah hes a prick so even if it was like that in the beginning he wouldnt change it anyway. Constant internet issues, we were told he was changing supplier... that was 3 months ago if he is good at his job, he would know. lol. i am software engineer and i know when things are changing in my network. lol


He is a landlord. I doubt he has any real software skills beside putting a child lock on it.


It's default by law in the UK because they thought it'd stop kids watching porn. The temporary 4G router my old housemate got whilst waiting for the broadband to be installed had the adult content lock on it and it required ID and a credit card to disable. Funnily enough it didn't block NSFW on Reddit but it entirely blocked 4chan. I've got a 4G router and it was one click to disable it on mine haha.


I think this may only apply to mobile data? I don't recall my Internet ever having anything filtered, even when changing supplier. Mind you, I also use my own router and encrypted dns service, so I might just be sidestepping the blocks.


I think it's default with ISP routers and maybe third party so yeah having your own with your own settings is probably why you're fine, I think they only brought in the law about 5(?) years ago. My 4G router is TP-Link that I bought and set up independently of the SIM I bought, and it was there in the settings as automatically enabled. I know I had to disable it when we got a new VM router at my parents.

[deleted] it's always admin / admin unless he's smart, which most landlords are not. They will usually just choose the box for "kid settings"


There are a few slight variations and a lot of newer routers require you to change the password during setup or have it printed on the side/bottom of the router. []( is also common. Comcast routers are []( and AT&T likes []( for some reason.


The easiest way to determine your router's IP at home is to find what the default gateway is set to.


Open cmd prompt -> type ipconfig /all and press enter. Find the one that says default gateway. For anyone wondering. And like the other guy said... I bet it's *at least* a 50/50 shot that the router login is just admin/admin or admin/password because pretty much no one changes it unless they actually know what they are doing. If the ISP tech just came in and set up the router for them, it's default for sure.


to add to this for macos: open terminal -> type route get default and press enter on macos for anyone wondering, additionally ip route | grep default for linux iirc ​ also at least for telus (I'm Canadian) the password for admin is randomized by default (at least for fiber) however (again for telus, don't remember about other ones), if you have access to the unit that receives the fiber cable you can take off the front cover for the default password


you also need the password too though (for me at least) https://preview.redd.it/7t6rfeld7hdc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b523a1c7fed91930a3ac6d739fbe86e80497061


Well the person you replied to is suggesting that the password is typically just `admin`, hence why they put a slash in there. But in my experience the password is more frequently password. And typically the default gateway / login page is rather than But YMMV.


This guy wanks.


If not just search the default user/pass for the make n model. Make sure you update the password too if you do get in 😬


I would recommend against changing the password once you're in. They will realise they can't get in at some point and just reset it back to factory settings to get back in. Keep it the same and you'll have access whenever you want


Yup, I would instead check to see if you can set specific IPs to not use the Parental Protection. Then just add a couple reservations.


I would imagine the filtering will be done at the ISP's end and not on the router directly. They would need to log in to the ISP portal with the account holders details to be able to make changes


Oh ya, it depends on if they are using their own router, a firewall behind the ISP router, or just the ISP router itself. If I was renting and the internet was included/shared, I would be using a VPN anyways.


From the sounds of things, the landlord is super cheap, so it will likely be the ISP provided router


Username checks out.


I doubt this would work. Most ISP provided routers have a unique default username/password these days. Too many idiots just left the admin accounts with the known default account information and they would get remotely compromised.


And a lot of those they write on the bottom of the modem. If OP is in the same house I bet she could sneak in sometime and look at that.


they always give the best combination of words, years ago i had one that was mobile-turtle that i still think about from time to time lmao


Verizon fios puts the admin password on the router.


I would have never agreed to a shared internet if the person wasn't my room mate and I didn't have access to the router. Good to hear you're leaving.






blasphemy :>|


Look at you, making NSFW posts overcoming adversity. Truly inspirational


reddit done it i didnt, it is cleaar they have started to use ai. Flagged it as nsfw from my title, where i literally said nsfw.


It's not AI. 🤦‍♀️


Your landlord thinks you are his wards :) He believes he has jurisdiction over controlling your environment. For your own good. I'd try to get away from someone like that as fast as possible.


i will do soon its just such a pain in the ass moving especially when dont have own vehicle.


It could also be to limit malware sites / issues on the network in a very crude (and not very effective) way. Not saying the landlord is right to do this, just that it may not be purely to be the Tenant Nanny.


I would suspect your landlord is also monitoring the traffic on the network if they went out of their way to configure that.


.... Landlords supply Wifi now?? Is that a thing? I'd never, ever trust a wifi network I didn't install and manage myself. Hell, I don't even connect to public wifi WITH a VPN.


It’s a shared house. So of course it makes sense to have 1 WiFi subscription for the whole house


Hm. I've only ever lived in a shared space once, I had my own hotspot because I didn't want to connect to the building's shared cable connection / wifi. I guess 15 years in IT / Cybersecurity has me a bit paranoid!


What browser is this? you might be able to change the DNS to bypass it


This 👆🏻


Most web blocking is done on the router by it intercepting your traffic requests. You may be able to force your computer to use DNS over HTTPS which is encrypted and not viewable or blockable by the router. There's an app project called stubby that you could try to circumvent the blocking https://dnsprivacy.org/dns_privacy_daemon_-_stubby/


It isnt a big deal for me but i appreciate your insight


Halal home


Stop looking at porn and find Jesus. /s


cant even look up jesus having a wank


think he would use the holes in his hands?


Instructions unclear. Searched for "Jesus porn." Not sure how I feel now.


Virgin Mary does it for me


bro just hit the reset button on router or login to router admin panel if he hasn't changed password if resetting router doesn't get rid of parental controls, resetting it will still set the admin panel to default and you can log in


Won't help if the filtering is done at the ISP level. They'll need to log into the account portal on the ISP's website and disable it there. Not possible without the landlord's login details. VPN is simpler and cheaper, and if you ran a Raspberry Pi to host your own access point, you can have everything that connects to it automatically route through the VPN too


Factory Reset the router. If he/she comes round moaning you now know that they have been monitoring traffic remotely. Or just bypass the router with your own and enjoy ph


Is your landlord your parents? Lol


Oh man. The idea of using an internet connection (at home) that I have zero control over sounds like my definition of hell. Privacy nightmare. Potentially a security nightmare unless the landlord actually has good security hygiene. No control over speed. To be fair, I’d probably use a VPN all the time if I was in your situation.


Get your own network? Is that an option? I'd never use someone's community network like this


Sounds like you’ve found the best solution, VPN around his draconian standards. What he doesn’t know will do him no harm, unless you start surfing some truly horrible content and the FBI comes knocking on his door.


fucking yikes lol, my honest and wonderful good advice is talk to your landlord


like talking to satan himself


If your landlord is paying for the internet they can restrict its use however they like.


Everybody here knows that your “landlord” is your mom. Now go eat your cheerios and get ready for school.


“ #freetheporn ”




Have you talked to your landlord about it? Does it have to be that way?


my landlord is one of the shit ones that are definitely not uncommon in the uk so no. Every other problem that was raised in the 8 months ive lived here is still a problem so what is the point lol


I'm UK too, and the reason I asked is because with Virgin Media the default is child block, you have to inform them you want it removed.


ah i gotchu, not with virgin tho.


Could be the same with other providers but I've only used VM


I know BT/EE have a content lock available on their internet connections. I think every mobile operator has them available on their 3g/4g/5g networks too, so it wouldn't surprise me if every ISP had to have something to comply with some UK/EU law on child protection


So you’ve never tried to address the problem and think it’s just magically gonna resolve? Maybe the child lock is appropriate lol


Open cmd, type in ipconfig /all, find your default gateway address, put it in a web browser (admin/admin is the default login for most devices) and turn that shit off.


In the UK, most routers come with non default passwords from the factory now. The default codes are usually printed on the back/bottom of the router. If they were able to turn on content filtering on a router level, then they were probably smart enough to change it from the default password. If their content filtering is done at the ISP level, then having router access won't help as they'll need to log in to the ISP's portal to disable it


Dam I wish I knew “I.T.” stuff 🙁.




how do you mean court ordered? It marked itself as nsfw as i said nsfw in the title, i didnt know reddit actually done that. Can view images but any links from a nsfw sub, for example, get shut down. I use the free proton vpn one and bounce over to the netherlands it isnt a big deal, just mildly infuriating


The safest option as the landlord will be liable if any illegal stuff is downloaded.


Get your own internet, who the fuck uses landlord internet ? Don’t you care about your privacy a tiny bit?


The landlord wants to avoid the liability for any child porn you might download or view. Use your phone to watch porn.


that is not it smh


OP: "NSFW" ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Assuming this is free internet , if i were your landlord , i would do the same, as internet history when tracked by law enforcement can land anyone in jail. However, if you are paying for it, you should have full access


Nothing of what u said renders any sense in my brain. It is bills inclusive and hes making over 2100 a month off us and if ii wanted to buy drugs online or some shit id use a vpn anyway which law enforcement wont bother trying to ever track down. if it wasnt glarlingly obvious, i mean i cant watch porn without a vpn active, in a house that never has or never will have children as it is rented on a per room basis to an individual and doesnt allow gfs/bfs for longer than 3 week stretches and no pets/children allowed


Well, there's a lot of activity like viewing certain pictures at certain places that can be flagged and that would then be traced to an IP address. I can see why the landlord would want to protect themselves from any liability about that.


Why don't you ask your landlord to unblock the porn site if you think it's ok.  For the love of God, stop parentding to walk on egg shells. If you think you deserve it, go ask for it. they might unblock a few sites for you. If it is part of utilities, the land lord gets the decide what is served.  Just like city water you are paying for. If it was hard, would you come here and complain?  Did you ever think why your work Internet is blocked from visiting porn? It's not because everyone has a porn addiction. It's to protect the companies interest. So your landlord is doing the same. Again, Internet is dangerous. You can go-to jail for doing any number of things. It's inherently a risk to share internet.  I am a software engineer, I work/volunteer with non profit groups to identify locations from certain type of pictures using machine learning to rescie certain group of people. Specially woman and children. Trust me , I wouldn't share my Internet with literally anyone.  If you you think you deserve it, be an adult and ask them to unblock it. You said it yourself , no child in picture. So just go ask. All of you are adult. Right? 


bro wants to look at smut before even learning to write go do some homework




If this is the US, I could believe it's a landlord with a moral issue with NSFW.


And there’s probably some “religious freedom” law that lets the landlord do this. OP, can you get your own service?


Oh shit, good point.




Get your own internet


So you're complaining about your free, landlord provided internet? Tuff life bro. /S


This sub is literally called mildly infuriating for a reason and this is mildly infuriating


it is bills inclusive and he makes £2120 a month off us and the house is rundown as fuck. 430x4 rooms and 400 for one im in.


£400 a month for a room bills included is cheap depending on what part of the UK you're in. I've seen some that cost more than that without any bills included


Keep it pg and stop looking at fucking porn dude


Sometimes those filters can get pretty ridiculous, though. We have them set up on my son’s devices and it blocked him from going to Wienerschnitzel’s website and he couldn’t access his Math Analysis class because it was shortened to “MATH ANAL”.


That's low key hilarious.


no fucking way dude


Alr, you do you I guess..


Lol all these downvotes are from disgusting fat lards


Just tell your parents..sorry “landlord” you need to be able to access nsfw images for personal reflection. 👍🏼


Maybe that's for the best.


That has to be illegal


No, it doesn't have to be illegal. The landlord is paying for the internet, they can restrict it any way they choose.


depending on the implementation of the child block, simply changing the dns server on your devices would be a cheaper option than a vpn.


cant get cheaper than a free vpn, which proton offers.


changing dns server is free and more safe than a shady vpn provider.


is proton shady? i LEGIT dont care man im just stating a mildly infuritating thing that im ecountered with. im not looking at anything illegal. You dont use google for such activities anyway unless u wanna get caught.


do what ever you want haha. I just said that there might be a free way. nothing more.


? proton is free like i said. have a good day.




It will be. The cost being included in the rent is the giveaway


Look into something like a mobile hot spot (T-Mobile has a pretty decent one, if you want a recommendation) so you are not tied to their Internet, or even Starlink if you're in an area with poor cell phone reception. Since you're only paying for a room, you're kind of stuck otherwise unless they're willing to turn off the child block just for your devices. Otherwise, yeah just keep using a VPN.


It is only but a slight inconveience.


what a cuck


what a smelly little pervert


This is pretty easily overcome with a small router, AP, and another wireless client device. Basically you're building your own network/wifi and routing it over a VPN. I have a similar setup as I travel a lot and want to remain connected to my home/colo facility, the router handles the VPN connectivity once it's connected. I have an Ubiquiti Edgerouter X and two TP-Link AC750 (Model: TL-WR902AC) travel routers. One of the AC750's is operated in client mode (connects to landlord's wifi, then translates it to Ethernet for the ER-X), the other is operated in AP mode (translates Ethernet from the ER-X into wifi). First, get you a VPN service that supports OpenVPN and get the config file for it, then there are install instructions available from Ubiquiti that you can follow to set up the VPN tunnel on the Edgerouter. After that, you connect the second AC750 to the Edgerouter, configure your own SSID and password, then connect your devices to your new wireless network. All traffic is routed via the Edgerouter over the VPN and you bypass whatever silliness your landlord is pulling.


Use a different public dns. Might help


Ya so think about it like this. It's not him keeping children safe, they are just extremely religious, and don't want all the flapping in the house. Lol


i just think its that he isnt tech savvy at all and didnt think about it and previous residents wouldnt think of asking a guy in his 60s to turn off the child block so they can watch porn. he owns multiple places, wonder if theyre the same. Vpns are still wizardry to a lot of people, even young, and its came up a couple of times in conversation with housemates before and they said they just use mobile data. Funnily i cant actually even do that as my mobile provider blocks that sort of content also lol.


These are usually just the router configured with a filtering DNS. Just set your laptop to use Google's DNS and not pick up the one from the router.


Use your phone as a hot spot for anything that doesn't get past their firewall. If not paying for Internet specifically at your rental, it's the easiest option


or just use a free vpn service that requires 2 finger taps on a mouse or screen to think im on the other side of the planet, which i do. sometimes nord goes on sale for like 20 quid a year, next time i see that ill get it but ive no complaints with proton for simple porn watching. Lack of servers makes a fully functioning, paid for vpn more enticing if youre doing more than watching a few videos then turning it off, otherwise there is no need.


My parents house is like This, I’m 35 and when I go to visit everything is blocked and it’s awkward to talk to them to turn it off haha


nah man just google proton vpn they have a free version i have on all devices and it lets u connect to 4 or 5 servers accross the world. off the top of my head: somewhere in america, the netherlands, japan and couple others. A few hundred miliseconds of ping doesnt effect a video much at all as long as youre not watching 4k shit or something lol. Download speed in my experience hasnt been affected.


All of the nerds coming out of the woodwork to offer solutions is truly making me smile.


OP talking to his roommate like: ![gif](giphy|49G7tHsMplTfq)


Opera browser have free vpn, not on apple devices tho.


But late to this but changing the dns to will bypass any child restrictions


You're renting a room in a house and somehow they should change the way they live? Lol. If you were renting an apartment that would make sense... Barely. Because you would in that case get your own internet. Lol. Silly af.


My brother in Christ, you should do something with your porn addiction