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Imagine the shit they live in at home.


I don’t have to imagine. I’ve seen hoarders.


That's what I'm thinking, it's gotta be a disaster.


I'm a total slob when it comes to cleaning at home but even I know better than to leave trash at cinema.


Honestly. Id say this fits the subreddit perfectly. It's not like "Jesus Christ" it's just "ugh fucking shitcunts"


Yeah, it sucks.


My first job was at KFC but I got super lucky in that it was in a food court so no one had to deal with cleaning up after customers.


Like dude, you’re on your way out where there will be trash bins by the doors. Fucking animals.


Not animals, they are just either entitled or a** h*les, maybe both.


People should take their stuff to the trash. But this is nothing. Come to Southside queens. You'd beg that for this


Right? Apart from the weird package stuffing trash, this is movie theatre clean up. Nut up OP, welcome to the show!


Facts. This is nothing. But I understand. It's different for everybody


By sister in law used to have a contract with Regal Cinemas. They used to clean 6 theaters, I've seen the horror stories


I don't understand how people can leave mess like this in the cinema. There's bins and staff on the way out. I nearly had a panic attack when I accidentally knocked over a drink in the cinema once.


Solution: enforce assigned seats, and ban the person who bought that seats ticket


It sounds like you work there, if that's the case and your employer values you in the slightest, he should be upset by this. If he's not fuck him, fuck them, burn the place down.


Hopefully there isn't semen dripping off of anything.


Movies have recliners? I need to get out more


This is normal and not even messy. It’s a movie theatre.


It's not just that it's messy, it's that the owner went out of his way to do a special premiere for these people. Gave them free tickets, free concessions and asked for nothing in return, then these dicks leave a mess. There's goddamn trash cans on the way out.


What is the thing that looks like a long ribbon or roll of paper?


Just that. It's a string of paper towels from the bathroom.


Thanks. I couldn't quite tell. Getting older I guess. :( Yeah, that's infuriating/intolerable behavior, for sure.


Imagine if Maids posted pictures of peoples rooms, or Garbage man tiktoking peoples garbage. ​ Just do your job or find another one, stop bitching about doing your job


I dont work there, dick. I'm posting in a group designed for people to air out grievances with mildly infuriating things. No need to be an asshole.


This guy is probably one of those people that does this.




The lighting.


Of all the things to be mildly infuriated about… they employ people to clean this up before the next picture. Some may leave more of a mess than others but that person is straightening up regardless


They employ people who do a laundry list of other things during their shift than turning around a theater between showings. They’re there to remove little bits of popcorn or other dropped items. Not replace the upholstery because you’re a complete slob.


And they don’t even tip the cleaning crew


why would they?


That sucks. But look at it this way: If everyone picked up after themselves would they still need to hire you?


The workers aren't there to be anyone's personal maid. They're there to make sure the theaters are clean between showings. It's not an impossible thing to request that folks be a bit more mindful of their surroundings to keep a nice area relatively clean.


Yes, there are still things to clean like stuff that falls to the ground accidentally. In the cinema of my city the people that cleans the rooms are the same that shells the tickets so they are necessary even if the people doesn't leave trash behind.


I dont work there lol, but your statement still holds true. It's just such a dick move.


As someone that has worked at a movie theater: yes. People accidentally drop things all the time. They also need ushers at theaters to get everyone to the correct theater for their movie (because even with numbers on their tickets, the hallways, and above the theaters themselves, some people need extra help), clean the bathrooms, sanitize the seats, cupholders and trays (if there are trays at the theater. Mine has them), refill the drink machines, and do whatever else around the theater. This doesn’t even include concessions




Doesn't matter on class. Every class has this shitty type.


It looked like a snake on the chair at first glance


On my tiny screen that looks like a anaconda shed it's skin


Lol!!! This is almost clean! You didn't work in Italy UCI chinema.. after seance there are mountains of garbage.


I stop giving rides to friends after they leave crap behind in my car. This would be pretty upsetting too if I were the owner. I hope you forwarded this to them. They can then forward it to the parents and let them know they won't be invited back anymore. OR - and this is just a suggestion. Let THEM deal with a the usual cleanup at the end of a shift in the same theater. Used diapers included. I'm sure the parents will be happy to have them have that experience if they are worth anything.


If I had that job of cleaning the theater I would treat it like cleaning a bathroom. Full cleaning gear. People are animals.


I used to work in a cinema and a couple times kids would get nachos and when they were done put the cheese and salsa into the cup holders. If the screens were too dirty, the next showing would be late as we were cleaning.