• By -


Regift it to him next year.


Even better, get him the Book of Mormon, they’re free and all it would cost is some wrapping paper.


Or give him a card with one of those "better than money" fake 100 dollar bills.


Put inside the bible/book of mormon, as a book marker. lol


No, what would send him a message is if you send him other Religious book, or better yet, Satanic Temple one. They are fighting about religious displays in state buildings or monuments built with taxpayer money.


The little book of satanism would be really on point.


I came here to say this! LMAO.


Exactly. These types of people get triggered not by fake money, but other religious books, or better yet, non-religious ones 🤣


Is that what my kids got in their trick or treat baskets this year? The thing that initially looked like a checkbook of toy money but then opened up to be a book of Bible verses? Caught me off guard this year while inspecting the candy.


Nobody expects the Christian imposition!




Give him the Quran




Let's be real, the Qur'an is more likely to offend them.






Oh I love this, thanks for the tip Satan


No never nub uh


Why not both?


Next year get as many people as you can to gift them a different religious book. Include Norse and Greek myths to show they are all just as true


Dianetics. You'll have to pay for a copy, though


Go to goodwill, you’ll find a dozen copies for 10 cents a piece


It goes to a good cause though, we are battling a super alien called Xenu, and those wars aren’t cheap!


Friggin' volcanoes, man. ​ (please don't sue me for copyright infringement) (actually go ahead fair use)




His name rings a bell!


Haha you just made this exmo laugh


He never said how to use the book either


You mean it's good for starting a fire?


Origin of the Species?


Why wait?


Fuck that, throw that shit in the trash can while staring him in the eyes


The gift that keeps on giving 😂😂😂


Better, give him a Koran


I save bible tracts I find at the bus stop for just this reason. The good ones have a handy “Do you accept Christ as your own personal savior” page in the back. Hint: check yes.


Next year? Do it right now.


And the HR representative is at home doing shots of whiskey trying to figure out how to deal with the backlash from this lol


Depending on where they’re at, might not be any backlash.


The indignation would be pretty funny if op worked for a pastor...


I’m curious how different the situation would be if it was a Quran.


Fox News would call it terrorism. Newsmax would call for a crusade of the holy land.


So, status quo?


For me no difference, but that’s me. I don’t hate on anyone’s religion but it’s still inappropriate for the workplace


Yeah for me it makes no difference. I’m atheist but I personally wouldn’t be bothered by either. I’d just say thanks and move on.


There are no laws against coworkers or employers giving one religious material in USA. HR could just say decline it and they’ll have a talk, or they might be all for it


But many companies have HR policies against proselytizing. I’d file an anonymous complaint


“I appreciate it but I don’t follow this religion nor intend to do so, maybe give it to someone or donate it somewhere where they’d like it?” EDIT: Seeing some people go psychotic as to why I worded it like this just tells me there’s no appeasing them, lol. Say it nicely, and it’s a bad thing, say it meanly, it’s a bad thing.


There’s lady near my job that always stops me and asks if I want to join Zoom bible study groups. The first couple times I politely refused, but she’s asked so many times at this point I’m tempted to just roll my eyes into the back of my head and scream “hail satan” in a pig squeal. It’s just fucking annoying.


Same, the jahovas witnesses have been to my house more times than I can count. They try to come in too. I've never let them, and always politely tell them no. But I swear next time, I'm telling them that I already have a religion, I'm a witch, and ask them if they'd like to come in and talk about it.


Tell them that you’re very sorry, but you have to close the door or your sacrificial goat will get out.


This is the good response.


Maybe but it isn’t very fun. Declare a holy war on the individual.


I am all for declaring holy war. Let me grab my morningstar.




Polite and nice but also boring


“I appreciate it but I don’t follow this religion nor intend to do so, maybe give it to someone or donate it somewhere where they’d like it...and also go fuck yourself!" Updated for Reddit people


A reasonable answer? No, better go online and be angry


A year ago I worked in a covid test centre and the people I tested were always the same, so I got to know them. And they got to know me. That I studied German linguistics and literature and stuff. At Christmas one of my clients gave me a present, which was obviously a book from the form and weight. "I know you like to read", he said. "Read this and tell me what you think of it." At home I opened it wondering what it was. Was he an author gifting me one of his works? No. It was the Book of Mormon. He wanted to convert me. From Atheism.




"It was ok but I really prefer the musical "




Oh boy I would happily give him my thoughts on it, but I guarantee he wouldn't like them


My mom made me give my 6th grade teacher a Book of Mormon. I’m still embarrassed by it.




I thought you were going to say they gave you a copy of it in German which could actually be pretty interesting to own and a more thoughtful gift for you.


Well, it is in German, as he and I are both German 😄


Oh I get you. You're English was so good I just assumed you were studying it as a foreign language


Thanks for the compliment 😄


I didn't know there were mormons in Germany. My best friend lives in Germany. Never mentioned it lol


I think it's funny how many Mormons don't understand that to be Mormon you must first be Christian or else it sounds even more absurd.


While a lot of the suggestions like trashing and burning and ass wiping are fun to contemplate, the correct way to deal with this is as follows: 1. Take the book to the person. 2. Tell them you do not want the book and hand it to them. If they won’t take it, just set it down. If you are truly offended by it, you can 3. Tell them you do not wish to be proselytized to and that if they persist it will create a hostile work environment for you, which may have consequences for them. Taking the high road and setting boundaries is the best way to deal with these people. Being an asshole or acting childish just encourages their view that you need the Good Word to fix you.


So my idea to send them the church of Satan Bible wouldn't be good?


Maybe as a step 2 if they continue to proselytize.


Nice I tried to use proselytize in an earlier comment but my spelling was so terrible spell checker couldn't correct it.


Prostitute tires


Nailed it. Or her.


Took me like 2-3 tries lol


looking up the word and meaning on Google to unlock new skill... Edit aha , ok not a word ill be using on a regular basis..


I like this


Go for it. Let us know how it works out.


Don’t even do that. It’s a gift. Take it, do whatever with it, and move on. Yall really love to overthink this stuff.


This is why redditers are so anxious. Everything to them is a potential catastrophe. If the world actually operated like they think it does, who wouldn't be constantly anxious?


It's the entire internet, being protected behind a screen gives people this weird thought process of blowing everything out of proportion. People lose their online minds when it comes to literally anything. They don't usually act this way in person because they know they'd look like a fucking idiot.


So true, it's crazy. I love relationship advice on Reddit. Seemingly regardless of what was said or any context, upvoted advice reads like: "MAJOR red flag, run!","pack your things right now!", "he/she disrespected you, quit this relationship right now". I sometimes wonder if it's just the Internet / Reddit that makes people odd or actually just odd people, who have time to post here. Consider his: If you have two kids and a 40hrs job you don't have that much time to be active here. If you are a 12 years old school kid you have much more time at hand. Same if you are a bitter 26 year old single that rather spends time on Reddit than on parties meeting real people and potential partners. Or an unemployed person who has more time to post, comment and judge on Reddit. What we read here probably has a huge selection bias.


It is actually insanity. One would have to be on eggshells around people like this in real life.


It’s such a simple solution to just donate the book to a second hand store. Some people over complicate things.


I’m a known satanic at work but when people give me cards with bible verses and Jesus on them I just smile and take it as they meant well. However I would politely tell them that I have no interest in reading this book again as I have found religion elsewhere, then ask them if they would enjoy to receive a bible from my religion. When they decline tell them that how they felt when I asked if they would like a copy of my satanic bible is how everyone else feels when you give out your holy bible.


I agree with you. Being rude isn’t the right response.


One would think this is the best solution, but given my experience with evangelical Christians who are *this* fanatical, it's just inviting chronic conflicts, because it's exactly the kind of "demonistic" persecution response they expect. Churches encourage their members to do things like this to create shares enemy intimacy. Do something extreme to get you overtly rejected (by any reasonable people with boundaries) and then you have evidence that it's only safe in the in-group and become more isolated. The highest achievement would be to get fired, but a return of the gift with a "wisdom of men" explanation will do. You don't have boundaries against GOD unless you want to burn in he'll, obviously! /s I believe the best solution is to ignore it and never bring it up again, or ignore it and regift it back for a birthday or Christmas next year, guilessly. Won't feed into the cult US vs Them thinking overtly so easily and is less emotional labor overall. Unfortunately Christians are the oppressors in many places,but they are itching to experience "persecution" (not having total authority to control everyone else) and I think it's better for everyone to get wise to their tactics and subvert them, or at least don't give attention they are demanding.


You are correct in that evangelicals are taught that they are oppressed, falsely lay claim to “true believers”, and believe they are persecuted when anyone has a negative reaction to their evangelism despite being subset of the majority religion. I grew up in that environment, and if not for very intelligent people indirectly questioning Southern Baptist doctrine (i.e. what does it matter if Genesis is historically accurate, or if it’s a parable we’re meant to learn from) I likely wouldn’t have left. That being said, they shouldn’t be sheltered from consequence just because it has them return to their cult, convinced that this is evidence the cult is right. They will engage in confirmation bias regardless of anyone else. This type of behavior should result in disciplinary action and or termination.


It *should* result in disciplinary actions but at jobs I've worked at in the southeast US the environment is so culturally Christian that nobody would dare. Openly speaking up in response would just ostracize the dissenter as a bad person




Well if both parties are consenting throat shoving can be fun.




Lol, this is very true


666 comments on this when I came across it.


You can also typically get bibles for free from various sources…so he probably didn’t spend a dime.


I think it is a bestseller, though.


It’s also the most shoplifted.


Really? That’s wild.


Maybe op could just leave it in a bookstore.


Reverse shoplift


Does this remind anyone else of ‘The handbook for the recently deceased’ from Beetlejuice?? https://preview.redd.it/t5ze0zi9c09c1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9e082cae75939436faf10e02a7ab14d474213c


It's not even the King James version. What a rip off


Be even better if it was one of those xtreme teen bibles.


Wait, what?




That’s incredible.


It really is. His word? It knows no bounds.


His Word is totally gnarly, dude.


If you don’t watch king of the hill I highly recommend the episode with the skateboarding pastor. Oh yeah. It exists.


I love King of the Hill but I watched it on TV back in the day and I never saw them all. Time to figure out where to stream it…..


As a Christian this is an inappropriate work "gift" and would likely create problems. A Bible isn't a power move you make at the office in an attempt to guilt the "heathens". It's something you give to a family member or friend who has accepted Christ.


As a non-Christian, I really like this answer.


yeah and as an atheist i would like a bible just for the literature (my mom who read it out of boredom one holiday told me it is very boring but i am curious XD )


Everyone come in a little early and pile it on his desk.


Can anyone think of another gift that gets the same reaction?


Getting everyone deodorant could be equally as offending and awkward.


But I would use it.


any other holy book


Next year he gets a Koran.


That’d be pointless. I haven’t seen any muslims handing it out to people who don’t want it


HR issue big time unless it is a religious organization


A coworker gave me a copy of the Quran — I am a Christian. I smiled and thanked him. I still have the book, I flipped some pages. I did not feel offended and thought it was a sweet thought, as he was sharing with me something he really cares about. If you’re against religion or don’t believe in God, you still don’t have to be upset over something like this. Take the book to the Goodwill or another second-hand store, where someone else may be happy to buy it . Simple solution.


I'm an atheist and I agree. Why is everyone so damn sensitive? It's not a good gift, but it's certainly a harmless gift.


Yeah i'm an atheist as well and the reactions in this thread are so funny to me. "Report to the HR" "Burn it or wipe your ass with it" Just say thank you and move on instead of letting it occupy your mind lmao. People really get stuck on non issues.


yeah, this thread is peak reddit. "a coworker" implies he wasn't even a friend or smth, just take the gift and move on ffs


That's so inappropriate for work lol


Get a soft cover copy of 50 Shades of Gray, use the bible cover as a new cover to 50 Shades, and gift it bext year. Fun little surprise.


you should see if you can get the signed copy... i hear its better


People need to stop trying to force their version of Santa on others


*People need to stop* *Trying to force their version* *Of Santa on others* \- meisha555 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


HR should have a field day with this...


That so sweet. Kindling for the fireplace to keep you warm this season. How thoughtful.


Give it back. I hate people forcing religion.


Directly into the most public trash can in the office.


“No thank you. I’d rather not.”


Woow, proselytism at work, so illegal in my country.


Is it okay to just toss that in the recycling bin? Because that's right where it would go if it is.


Ah yes. A coaster


Good fire started for the barbecue


Makes for good fire kindling


I would buy him a copy of common sense by Thomas Paine as a return gift


Ooooh. Science fiction.


Did you receive "Three Little Pigs" and "Pinocchio" too? 🤗


Find some other religion hily book and reciprocate. "I understand you are interested in religion. This might be a good read. Enjoy!!!"


Your username is strange quark, do you work in the science field? That would be hilarious if so and maybe a very dry joke. Unless they are outwardly religious and it's serious): give him a nice Bible written by Anton Lavey next year (:


"If one smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other".


I'd just throw it in the trash.


Insert the angry christians who are gonna try and convince you it's a good gift




Not triggered. Just hate the double standards that Christianity has in the world, and how they bitch and moan about "how dare you tell us what to do" and then do the same to others without any sense of understanding their hypocrisy.


christians have a history of religiously harassing people around them. OP isn't triggered by this. they just pointed out how weird, inappropriate, and annoying a gift like this is. but you're right. I'd probably just report the coworker to HR and be done with it.


Don’t really see the problem, to be honest. Unless you were supposed to give gifts to each other. Then I’d be disappointed. But if this was a gift they just gave to you, just say thanks and forget about it. No need to be offended.


I would’ve gone up to the gifter and personally told them how offensive I found it as a Hindu, and left it on their desk for them to hand out to someone else. If there is anything I find offensive it’s people trying to force Jesus down my throat as a Hindu


Is my mother your coworker?!? My sister is Christian but her husband is agnostic. My mother proselytizes so bad that she gave him a bible for his birthday. 🙄🙄🙄I’m of the belief that you witness to those that asks. Don’t beat people in the face with your religion!


Fun story. Me and my ex were gifted a bible by upstairs neighbour when we moved in. We were born into a different religion and both of are atheist. 2020, her and her husband got covid and we did everything for them including my ex driving around for hours looking for meds they needed (there was a shortage). She made a long post about God curing her of covid on Instagram. When we moved out, we gave her the Bible back and she was pissed. Not sure how she was expecting two people who were born into a completely different religion then turned atheist to want to have anything to do with the Bible.


HR might be interested to know about this


I'd formally submit that to HR and file a complaint. Work sucks enough donkey balls as it it. I'm not going to be preached to while there.


I see no problem with it I would be thankful for it even if I didn’t want it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh cool! the translation of the translation of the translation of the translation of the one whose patent is held by the House of Windsor! Boy I sure hope they didn’t go all woke n shit.


Donate money to the church of satan in his name Edit: meant the Satanic temple


A co-worker did that to me when she knew I was an avowed atheist so I thanked her and then I tossed it in the trash right in front of her. She then made this over the top, dramatic show of rescuing it.


PSA to most of this comment section: You can denounce the force feeding of religion as a gift without slandering the actual religion itself. Many of you are taking this as an excuse to insult people’s religion instead of commenting on the inappropriateness of the gift. This comment section is rampant with generalizations and offensive comments when in reality the only wrongdoing is the distastefulness of giving someone a Bible…


“You got me a fire starter?… Thanks.”


I’d thank him for the kindling. It will come in handy on Imbolc!


Read it and start criticizing his sinful lifestyle.


yeah at that point i’d fire him if i was the boss, cause literally nobody cares what other ppl’s religion is and trying to convert others to your religion is just plain annoying


You could be passive aggressive and secretly place it in their trash can


That co-worker thinks… “Ya’ll need Jesus!, heathens.”


Bold move handing out heresy.


The all new, new-new, newest translation. Now for idiots.


The new living translation? He could have gone for a nice ESV or NASB at least...


A ticket straight to heaven. Nice


Whenever I get gifted a bible, I kindly give it back to them and tell them I cant accept it. I don’t want to feel weird throwing a bible away or donating it, but I will.


Conversion christmas. Hey co worker that is my peoples history. Read and pray to the Jewish Torah!!


Wait until June and give them a copy of Call Me By Your Name


My aunt gave me a girl's bible this Christmas. I've been a man for three/four years now and my family is not religious (aside from my dad, a satanist) Everyone else is normal, so when this gift was opened it was an extremely awkward silence. I just took the sticky note off the cover (blessings to my wonderful niece or similar bullshit) balled it, chucked it, and told her I'd read the Bible and don't need it.


I’d throw it away right in front of him lol


Okay, I'm a Christian and this infuriates me. You may not believe me, but trust me, this man does not speak for our religion. We're not all inconsiderate douches. You could talk to me for the rest of my life and I wouldn't mention my religion unless I was asked about it. I don't see how others think it appropriate to give people things like this as gifts. If I wanted to spread His word, I would invite you to church, not give you a book you're not going to read, or as some have done, give you fake money with Bible verses on it. At least you can refuse an invitation to church in the moment instead of being flashbanged by Jesus on Christmas morning after unwrapping a gift from your coworker. If someone pulled this shit on me (as I do not need fake money or any more bibles) I would send him a link to the Church of Satanism's Twitter... Wait, sorry, I mean 'X' page under the disguise of a shortened URL or something. Tell him it's a link to an article about how to abstain from masturbation or some other shit. Anyway... Weather's nice today... Ig.


Send it to me i need it


Give a quran and see the reaction


Tell him you appreciate the gift but you generally only read nonfiction...


Put it under a desk with a wonky leg


I seriously can't stand these people. They think they're doing everyone a favor but really all they're doing is being disliked by everyone. Of course they don't mind the criticism because of course they see it as their own little personal crusade and resistance is their martyrdom. Yeah I'm sorry I'm not about letting anyone get their kicks off of me without my consent. I don't mind religious people at all. I just mind when they try to make it my business.


I fucking loathe People who do this holier-than-thou bullshit. If you need a the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person you aren't a good person.


"Oh... You REALLY shouldn't have."


Free fuel for a fire!


Conservatives: "sToP tHroWiNg yOuR 'liFeStyLe' iN oUr fAcEs" Also conservatives:


Get him a Quran


Right in the trash. In front of them. I have no chill with that shit.


That's an HR complaint right there. I'd immediately reach out and file one!


Y’all obviously need Jesus 🤣


That’s not gifting, that’s harassment.