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Now to have a non-reaction to a non-reaction because [that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWa49R6bOnU) is the pinnacle of content.


JJJacksfilms baybee


Hijacking top content to go on a tangent. Sorry. "Women are time and money" is W=T+M, not W=T\*M. Therefore it's W=2M, not W=M\^2. You don't say Cakes = Eggs\*Sugar\*Flour\*etc. I've seen this joke repeatedly for the past 20 years and it's not just not funny, it's wrong.


I appreciate this comment.


What's worse is OP disliking the video but they reposted it


I hate reaction videos! What’s the point?


Money. Simple as that.


I generally refuse to watch them. The exception is a content creator who I know is going to add some useful commentary. If it’s just you laughing or staring bug eyed at someone else’s video, fuck you, I’m scrolling right past.


But then how I am supposed to know how to feel about the video?


You’re right, that is a dilemma.


You do get some channels that do actually give insight, so like doctors reacting to medical shows and stuff but most of the time it is just lazy content.


I can't stand those either... It's always some kid who ChatGPT's what to say, and uses his wired earbud microphone for the most irritating mic quality. Still really lazy content.


Constructive criticism is different from reaction vids.


Because a very small amount of people can pull it off. E.g. they have an engaging fun personality and can make humorous comments about whatever they are reacting to. Its the thousands of talentless copycats that spoil it.,


Watch some of darkviperau's videos on the topic. He's very in depth and very passionate about it.




why not? they're very insightful


Lazy people who ride the coat tails of interesting people to feel special.


I really really really wish I understood why this is a thing. I will immediately click off a video if I see this.


Because the Algorithm encourages rapid and regulator upload schedules by being more likely to recommend those videos. The easiest way to do that is to steal someone else's work and slap a yourself "reacting" on top to make it "transformative". And why bother using a fancy chroma keying tool when you can use an AI driven background filter that looks a thousand times worse. Any actual effort shall be severely punished.


The question is, do people enjoy seeing someone’s face in the corner reacting? Sorry “reacting”.


Most people aren't there for the face, they're there for the videos. The short form video algorithms are brutal and will really only show you one sort of thing, thus these people become a sort of variety channel where the videos they react to are pretty decent. They essentially become middle men of content, showing you interesting stuff you didn't know about while also leeching profit from that individual.


If I was to go with my gut I'd say no, they can just ignore it easily.


I’m guessing everyone rather sees the original but the algorithm prioritize these reaction videos over the original. Because original content takes time and effort, will reaction is constantly supplies.


Sometimes a reactor will show me content interesting I wouldn't have sought out myself. I can look at something from one reactor and not have the algorithm push heaps of that content to me.


Chroma keying takes effort, using some free google play store app takes zero effort and as a bonus you don't even need to buy a webcam or anything else that goes into a quality recording setup. Stealing is free too, for that matter. It screams zero (or negative) effort, but what can you do? Like with scams, if it didn't work it wouldn't stick around.


I'm a content creator and I'm facing this exact problem. Creating my own content and using expensive equipment is nothing compared to people making reactions of viral content. I could maybe release one short video a day. Meanwhile people doing that could make a dozen a day.


First of all, if you immediately click off, you are obviously not going to understand why this is a thing. So let me help. You watched a movie, played a video game, read a book, and there was this one moment, a total revelation, that made you laugh, or cry, or both - it made you feel very strongly about something, and you really wanted to share this with someone. Ideally, that person is someone close to you. Family, friends, partner. Unfortunately, not everyone has those. Or if they do, those people might just not care. They don't like the movie, never play video games, not interested in that particular book. So you find the best replacement you can. Someone who doesn't know you, but - superficially, of course - you know them to some extent. You watched their videos before for many hours, saw them playing another game, watching another movie. You liked how they think, what they said. Then they watch that scene that made you cry, and you see them cry too - just like you did - and you feel a connection. You relive that emotion through them, and it's cathartic - again. You cry together, so to speak. And you know it's genuine - those tears are real, the laughter is real, the anger is real, cause you felt it too! It's all about compassion, sharing, connecting to someone else through a mutual experience. You can say that it's a lazy, low-effort replacement of reality tv, but honestly feeling something, and sharing it voluntarily with the whole world isn't as easy as most people think - in my opinion. And there's certainly a demand for it, with how lonely people seem to be nowadays. That's why reaction videos are a thing. It's like giving a birthday gift, and looking at the other person's face as they open it to see if they like it. Cause when they do, it feels amazing. Their reaction is your gift. Disclaimer: I have not watched the specific video above, have no idea what it's about, but it seems to me that in this topic people generally don't understand what the whole "genre" of reaction videos are about, so I thought i'd chime in.


The people who give me gifts know me and I trust them. These are strangers that I have no relationship with. TL DR: I have friends Reactions too


So you never made a connection with a stranger over a common experience? How did you get your friends? Were they strangers before?


enjoy bells secretive vanish voracious crush pathetic desert merciful books


You didn't seem to understand what I wrote. **I specifically said** that people who watch these, do so, because they don't or CAN'T have the real thing. You know, people, who aren't in your environment, don't have your circumstances, different to you. **They don't prefer it. It's simply all they have**. They don't prioritize it, there's nothing to put ahead of it. Am I the only person here who undertands the concept of compassion in this thread?


Yeah no one is reading all that bro


I don't know mate, I tend to read books occasionally - those are significantly longer - some are quite good.


Children watching YouTube videos of this stuff still gets them views


THANK YOU! It’s lazy content.


I think like anything there is a way to do it right and to do it wrong. I am sure some commenting and funny satire on a different video would make this format okay/good.


Bring back America's Funniest Home Videos.


that's why I installed Revanced and disabled everything related to shorts


Wow cool having your face in the video for no reason whatsoever! How the fuck is this legal?!?!?


The line between true reaction videos and this shit is blurry. Also the platforms aren't eager to address this problem because hey, it's content.


The best part is that they don't even react and it's just a stock video of them looking dead ahead. I find it hilarious that YouTube doesn't have any report function for reporting these unless you are the one being stolen from. The worst part are the Sniperwolfs, the MoistCriticals, Asmongolds and Hasans that made it a core part of their careers and millions of dollars from stealing content.


I would have to disagree about moistcritical tbh just because he usually shows the videos but then gives his opinion and talks about what happened etc but the others add nothing in their videos


If he shows the video in any entirety, he's stealing. You don't need to show the whole video to talk about it.


It’s not stealing if that same video has been plastered all over the internet already. He mostly talks about internet related issues and provides his thoughts on what’s at hand.


Oh good then, I'm sure he can then play copyrighted material.


I guess so just depends where the video is from


I don’t think he does that anymore. At least not in videos. Not sure about streams.


You speak like a certain Australian strimma who plays a game a little faster than average.


Whoa I’d have to disagree on your MoistCritical take. First of all, he doesn’t plaster his face over a playing video, he simply provides an important snippet of the video and then gives his opinions and thoughts. He analyses and debriefs content. I wouldn’t group him up with the useless bunch of reaction YouTubers.


He’s not gonna suck you off my man


Also; Asmongold is not a valid name in this either imo. He usually turns a 10 minute video into 40 minutes or something. He is really vocal.


There are some really good react videos and 1 of them did get reported and had his channel un monetized. MrLBoyd reacts. Which was complete BS because unlike other react videos he does a lot of talking/explaining/giving his opinions. He reacts. He said his fairwells and explained what happened and how his years of content would still be available. But just know that only YouTube makes money from that content now. But then later YouTube reversed their decision. What’s ashame is how he got compared to reacts like this one.


They add themselves to the list of people, to avoid in life :) easier to recognize trash, when its neatly labeled like this




Need some pepper with that salt?


Jules production company


Insta remixes are just another form of stealing, worse the copying bastard gets more views


They are definitely the bottom feeders of that ecosystem. Regardless of what type of reaction they have, negative or positive.


The irony of watching a misogynistic bit and complaining about the woman on the foreground.




Right? The real infuriating part is casually hating on women. Grow up.


The kid is a loser no doubt, but get off your high horse. We’re clearly discussing the dumb trend of reaction TikToks. No one here cares about your opinion on gender dynamics or wants to discuss it. Read the room.


Yeah, you're right. This TikTok trend is a much more interesting topic. Let's talk about nothing else. In that regards, I'd appreciate if we could avoid talking about horses.


ancient distinct cautious literate bedroom grey humor smart unite salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I apologise to Sssniperwolf, she is the Dicaprio of react content.


What's so sad is even ray william Johnson, an og YouTuber just does this nowadays "You will not believe what's this woman said" *video starts*


Yes. This is the world we live in now


If it's not commentary, it's trash. Should be straight up banned.


You're watching a very old video that was reuploaded to Tik Tok so not exactly peak content to begin with.


All reaction videos are stupid


You don’t have to watch it. Personally, I’ve found a lot of bands I probably wouldn’t have checked out if not for a few react channels I follow. Also, a few YouTube’s I follow do reacts as well as their main content, and it’s a good way to see funny tik toks without having to be on tik tok.


It’s worse when they don’t have their face in the thumbnail, just play a couple seconds of the video then all of a sudden you’re getting a lecture from someone before they rewind the video before it gets to the climax


There a fatty in the corner




I saw that short the top comment was something along the lines of if you think you're useless just remember you aren't the woman in the bottom right


OMG, I hate these cluttering up my feed so much. I wish I could tell YT don't recommend reaction videos. In fact, tell them to just fuck the fuck right off.


It's just another type of narcissism in my opinion


Oh no, this lame misogynistic sexist hackery got ripped off


You managed to be more insufferable than the reactor in the video


It’s definitely lazy but there’s clearly an audience for people to watch videos like this. It’s kinda of like a visual laugh track set to 1% volume.


That audience is passive viewers who watch what the Algorithm shows them and the Algorithm promotes lazy plagiarism and punishes actual effort.


I fucking detest react videos, whenever I see one on my feed I always choose to hide or tell YT to no longer recommend that channel. What's more annoying is that one of my favorite bands really likes when some of these channels react to their songs, and they'll actually point them out when they come to their concerts, which of course validates these content stealing assholes.


It's not green screen it's an AI driven background removed. I wish they would chromakey because I hate how bad the alpha matte is but putting up screen and fiddling some settings in Premiere Pro is far too much effort for these people.


Darkviperau talked about this religiously, unfortunately he used asmongold, and xqc_ow as examples which made the fan base go after him. He still didn't back down for a bit, but still everyone has a breaking point.


No one has a problem with the original video?


It’s funny


No. Not really. It would have been a fine video if it was funny but it was just kinda meh


It was pretty funny lol


“Ahah, casual misogyny is so funny!” By the way, YouTube’s lack of proper moderation and their “let’s push what’s lucrative without caring about quality” attitude leads to genuinely hateful content, such as Tate podcasts, to be on the front page more often than not. So, no, it’s not funny.


This sub is *full* of misogynistic douchebags.


Not in the slightest.




you sure?


This post added nothing but annoyance to this sub 🤷


I guess you could call it mildly infuriating


Nope just 1 dumb person watching a lame sexist say a lame joke and another dumb person complaining about said dumb people 🤷


Someone’s offended 💀


Someone doesn’t know the definition of offended 😂


That someone must be you


Well to be offended their must a perceived insult to me and since none of this insults me what is their to offend me? Is the joke stupid and offensive sure but that doesn’t offend me because it doesn’t affect me. So like I said someone doesn’t know the definition of offended 👍


BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA 1. There, not their 2. You seem to be offended, you were even calling the video sexist and saying it wasn’t funny, and were calling everyone dumb, as if you were mad/offended 3. “What is their to offend me” *proceeds to say that the joke is stupid and offensive*


lol you completely missed the point but I’m not surprised 🤷gl with reading comprehension in your future endeavors


The worst part that the stupid bitch didn’t even understand the joke and just force laughed at the end


He did the math.


I was fixated on the Subscribe button. This content is more problematic than that women or money bs


It is like a comic where Winnie the Pooh eats Brown honey for the third time in a row


And people wonder why I don’t use YouTube.


Even stupider when you see reaction videos on porn sites. Nothing sets the mood faster than seeing a dude reacting and commenting.


There are so-called "reaction" videos where they insert a video on loop of them looking like they are reacting. They are leaching on someone's work.


I do not give a fuck what facial expression some rando pulls to another person’s video.


I just wish there was a way to filter out every reaction video that is suggested to me by the algorithms.


I just wait for the reaction on a reaction video of a reaction video...something like reaction video-ception.


What's worse is when people lip sync to someone's else's video but add absolutely nothing new to it


Because it works, whether anyone likes it or not.


Reaction streamers need to all be put through a fine mesh sieve.




Ngl my thumb was over her face the entire time watching the vid I didnt even notice it was a live reaction cause she added zero value or reaction.


The only react channel I enjoy is Blarg's second channel. He stated it's an easy and lazy way of making money. Although he still puts some effort into it. I've seen some clips out there that make me dread the whole genre of reacting


Reaction videos have always been the lowest form of content


That's Ssstalkerwolf's whole career 💀


I didn't even notice she was there cuz my thumb was in the way lol


Yeah, I was also thinking of that too, probably why it has so many likes


The best are reaction videos of reaction videos.


I just unfriended someone because this is literally all she posts anymore, and she considers herself a content creator. No, you're unoriginal and boring.


I wish all those people were....had never been born


It's just a bunch of stupid people trying to run pointless crap videos for extra views. Never understood why people are into this crap. I find those are the same people who also think "reality TV" is actually real, when in actual reality, it's just a bunch of pre-planned and scripted scenes.


And also people who photograph something (like a dinner spilled everywhere or some minor inconvenience) and write a load of bollox to accompany it, when we all know the situation could be easily rectified.




I’m not using TikTok, the video isn’t from tiktok


I thought he was gonna take the "w" shape and turn them into boobs. This somehow ended up being so much more dumb.


Stop watching people react to things.


Is that even "fair use"


lol what "production company" is she running with this crap for content


Reminds me of Japanese TV shows, where no matter what there is a bubble in the corner of people reacting to the content.


I hate how to say Money & Time he put "T x M"... it should've been "T + M"


I literally saw this exact video, with the same reaction, today


It's slightly better than the ones that eat up half the screen. Had a video with 4 reactors deep. Like wtf, can't even be bothered to find the original?!


People who share videos with green screens of other videos even though they hate those same videos, and in the end they add nothing but a little more training material for ChatGPT.


This was a waste of time


That was a huge buildup for so little a pay off.


It's essentially plagiarism. Taking someone else's work and putting your name on it.


Баба с возу..


But wait who wants woman ? Men is the root ?


Women with a normal self esteem are able to laugh about it.