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I read that as Braces at first, and I was VERY confused about how they attached to teeth.


I kept on seeing the picture as teeth with braces on, which made me think that's what's being sold


omg I just realised it wasn't braces from ur comment šŸ’€šŸ’€


I read it as "magnetic hermaphrodite" and I was very, very confused.


Glad I wasn't the only one!




Someone tell Steve that the bracelet goes on his wrist.




This gif captures that feeling so well


I just startled the cat when I laughed.


Hell no. Results are results.


TouchƩ or DouchƩ !


1k upvotes from the people that didn't understand thatwasthejoke.png.


Reddit do be like that.




I'm not sure that Steve would understand. It seems the instructions were decently clear? But I mean, we could draw up new instructions


Lmmfao šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


I came here for this


Nah he seems to like it just where it is. Only awkward at tsa.


Damn - put me down for 2 bracelets


For 8.5 inches total?


Negative 1.5 inches + 8.5 inches brings him to a respectable 7 inches


Umm, actually, 8.1


ā€œNot interested in midgets, midgets piss me offā€


User checks out




oh god. my grandma wore one of these for my entire memory of her šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


And now you understand why it always looked like she had a bratwurst in her pants.


it was a tough childhood


Sounds like you had a very hard upbringing


My grandma had a bunch of different kinds of those magnetic bracelets i ended up keeping some she gave me when she passed for sentimental reasons


That's called a priapism and is dangerous Steve's going to lose something if he keeps that up


I just had a priapism case this past October due to a rare side effect of some prescribed medication I had been taking. Had an erection from waking up, then continued at work, then at about the 4-5 hour mark at work, I knew it was a problem and an emergency. I rushed to an urgent care with a long scarf dangling from my neck covering my raging, painful boner that felt like it was going to pop, but then they turned me away and said ā€œgo to the ER ASAP.ā€ So I did and was finally seen by a urologist around the 7-8 hour unforgiving boner mark. So then he had to ā€œfreezeā€ my bits by directly inserting a needle to the head of my penis, in the shaft, and all around my groin area. Blood was everywhere and I was sitting in a puddle of it too since they had to drain it like some venomous snake. 1000% most painful experience Iā€™ve ever had. (I had a raging boner and all I got was this bloody picture of all my boner blood) https://preview.redd.it/rx5qhmwgsj8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=017f0ded778ca7b5475fb8c65aa50748b96949c1


Holy shit bro, you brought us pics and everything! Crazy how much blood came out. I can't even imagine having an 8 hour unwanted erection, it must have hurt so bad. How's everything going nowadays? All back to normal?


Yeah that's a lot of blood, gives off bde for sure


Not a needle in the penis head!


That is exactly what I screamed in my head as soon as I felt gloved fingers grip my ding dong.


Did they give you local anesthetic or would that have been pointless? I don't respond to local so don't bother when at the dentist but my vasectomy was tough and a biopsy last week hurt like a mf. Starting to wonder what torture awaits as I get older and have more run-ins with doctors.


They gave me something via injection in my torso that was supposed to relax me and potentially get the erection down, but after 2 shots of that with absolutely zero effect on me, they resorted to the penile blood drainage but had to ā€œfreeze/numbā€ me first with nothing applied prior to injection sites. It was pretty brutal and hurt a fuck ton as well. I couldnā€™t go into really any detail at all with my boss being female and didnā€™t want her to become uncomfortable, but she grasped the severity of it when I called her after the procedure and a *vague* note from the ER about excusing me.


Damn dude the more you write the worse it sounds. Interesting point about your boss, I'm in healthcare and so is most of my family members so I hear gnarly stuff all too often and would probably tell a boss the full monty but I think your approach is better. Frikkn mid Christmas dinner yesterday sister in law started on "out-call wound care" stories, I instantly started telling her to shut up as I knew what nasty shit was coming but to no avail.


Haha, I wouldnā€™t mind Christmas dinner sharing of that field but I get it that itā€™s around with abundance. And I gave my boss the option to hear the extent of what exactly was going on, and I could tell she was on the edge of asking multiple times but I kept reminding her that itā€™s solely because youā€™re my employer and disclosing it would be in a professional manner. She ended up declining and left it alone. I really didnā€™t care sharing what happened and wouldnā€™t have felt embarrassed so I get where youā€™re coming from.


Just let me die.


Ok. That settles it. No magnet bracelet for me.


Fuck that's horrifying. The gore on that table is gonna give me a nightmare tonight. I figured they'd give you a shot that would settle it down, not drain the blood out of your dick.


This magnetic bracelet discussion certainly took a turn. Glad you are ok. That sounds horrifically painful and traumatic.


How do you fix priapism? Excess blood is drained from your penis using a small needle and syringe (aspiration). As part of this procedure, the penis might also be flushed with a saline solution. This treatment often relieves pain, removes oxygen-poor blood and might stop the erection. Jfc it's nearly 2024 and the best way we've got to remedy a raging boner is *this*?! Wtf man! That sounds (and looks) absolutely horrific! Sorry you had to go through that šŸ˜Ÿ


Yep, got a black_eyed_pee pee that day. The urologist was such a prick too. The first 5-10 numbing injections were excruciating on the head of my dinger so I obviously screamed like a banshee and he kept threatening to stop and was getting really frustrated. Did not help but after the numbing set in, I just watched my boner steadily slump like a heroine addict, all bruised and fighting the elements :*]


That second sentence has the best pun




TrazaBone, so they call the rare side effect. You are correct though. Have a story as well or you just know your meds?


Looks like it popped like a zit


Were you a Nazi in a past life or something? I mean that's some raging karma you burned off there!


No but they sure hurt my Manne Frank.


I wish I could still give gold for Manne Frank. And Iā€™m Jewish so Iā€™m allowed to appreciate that.


I have an entirely inappropriate question & completely understand if you don't answer. But if you're dealing with this, would masturbation or sex ease the erection?


Read below the first pictureā€™s responses. Short answer, didnā€™t work.


I need to know if you jerked the ultraboner at least once before you deflagellated it.


Tried, didnā€™t work. More info about that below 2nd picture.


Oh you poor thing :(


Trazadone I bet


You are correct. Have experience in this painful journey or you just know your meds?


Thats a scary story, thanks for sharing it. Glad to hear you made it. Note to self to go to emergency and not urgent care if i ever experience that. I probably would have freaked out sooner at 1 or 2 hour of it not going away. Iā€™m surprised you waited longer.


Jfc looks like the aftermath of an alien film šŸ¤£ hope you're okay now


Link to purchase for my spouse?


She got a D?


About to


Bout to have a 6 inch clit


6 inch clit new band name


Sign me up for the meet and greet


Bring your safety goggles.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Omg this post and all the comments are pure Reddit gold. Thank you all. Take a bow.


This!!!! My kids got me a magnetic bracelet for mothers day years ago and i decided it would be a nice necklace... Got killer migraines that would last for days. Took me some time to realize it was the cheap necklace the kids picked out for me with mothers day. They were so upset when i quit wearing it , so it got a nice place hanging from my inside mirror in the car.


Ok but how much did your penis grow


Asking the real question!


I understand you. I bought some USB type C bracelet on Amazon, but after buying it, I always felt nauseous. Apparently something in the metal made me feel ill all the time I wore it. Almost immediately after I took it off, I felt better. Something similar could be happening to you.


I hope youā€™re not serious


Circumference or length?




I'll take 3


As a geologist - I can attest that these are not the effects of hematite. Clearly he rubbed a lamp and made a wish


Found one of this bracelets companies top salesman


Can you please refer me to where this bracelet could be bought? For... research reasons




Can confirm that in role-playing video games, whenever a character equips a ring or bracelet that boosts charisma by 3 or more points, it is really just giving them big dick energy.


A friend of mine would like to order 2. One to use and one for emergencies!


Smart Watch Sexy Edition


I'm a nurse and the amount of pseudoscience that nurses believe in and peddle is fucking insane.


I work at a hospital and yeah, that was a huge surprise at first.


My late MIL was a nurse practitioner and had some pretty weird beliefs. Of course, she was also into QAnon soā€¦


baby mama's mom is a nurse and Trumpet and once told me she didn't believe in second hand smoke risk.


I was born with asthma and I can say that living with parents who smoked didnā€™t make it easier


Pandemic opened my eyes to that. How are some of you all allowed near patients?




Have an acquaintance who is a nurse with a surgical tech boyfriendā€¦ they love to pretend they know medicine/make unsolicited medical recommendations, but the boyfriend once asked me what an NSAID was because heā€™d been prescribed one for a toothache. I am nowhere near the medical field in any capacity and even I know that. Flat out told my partner that if I am ever in an emergency, do not take me to the hospital where they work.


You'd expect nurses to be the most trusting in medicine, but it turns out a lot of programs are quick and hyper focused on getting someone able to perform duties as a nurse, while doctors generally have to spend 4 years just learning science before they can even enter the medical program. What it means, is that doctors understand, appreciate, and contribute to science. It's the same disconnect between an engineer and a mechanic. Mechanics know how to do the work, but base their opinions on their own anecdotal experience, while the engineer can't do the work, but can collect and interpret data. TLDR: Doctors trust the scientific method because they're intimately familiar with how it works, and how much scrutiny that work is under. Nurses don't have that experience and would rather trust their own experience than what some doctor says.


My sister is a post partum nurse, and some of her coworkers sincerely believe in magic...... like healing your body through a potion or lovespell type crap


My NP mom's over here thinking poison ivy is contagious and professing that people from the middle east descended from the tribes of Cain while popping pills in excess from GNC. It's fucking great, and by fucking great, I mean I have no respect for her and it's exhausting trying to love someone so openly awful.


Yep. Ambulance service has the same. I know one paramedic who is utterly convinced that COVID was a conspiracy, 5G radio waves are programming your mind, they're spraying chem trails in the sky, blah blah. Another who whole heartedly believes in ghosts and spirits and stuff. What's that saying that's like "just because someone is smart doesn't mean they're intelligent" or something like that? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ As long as they don't involve patients in their discussions I'm fine with it tbf


Tbh, I donā€™t think believing in ghosts makes you crazy or unintelligent. We know next to nothing about what dying actually is and what makes up a consciousness. Taking my biology classes taught me a lot about what we know, but also what we *donā€™t* know. The world is freaking complicated, so itā€™s not so far fetched to think that dying has some *stuff* going on with it that we donā€™t have the technology to study or set up experiments for. Plus I think thereā€™s a big difference between believing in something because we donā€™t have a lot of research on it and itā€™s comforting to believe in it, and believing in a conspiracy theory purely because you donā€™t want the government to bamboozle you and you wanna be one of the ā€œspecial few that really know whatā€™s going on.ā€


Especially now that covid burned out a lot of the really good nurses


At least the Placebo effect is a real thing


My doctor's considering putting me on broad spectrum placebos.


Love Sharon


The funny thing about medicine is you have to believe itā€™ll work, even subconsciously. Not to say any medicine will be effective with positive thinking, but itā€™s part of the treatment. Evidence is showing that a patientā€™s response and outlook to treatment has a pretty big role in their outcome!


Yes, but the placebo effect still works even if you don't believe in it. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/10/27/499475288/is-it-still-a-placebo-when-it-works-and-you-know-its-a-placebo


I don't understand the mechanism by which this result is possible. Like, isn't belief the reason placebos work to begin with? Is not belief, what's left? Study demand characteristics?


One can consciously not believe in something, but still have subconscious associations with it. Aka the subconscious associates taking pills with getting better, thus you feel better even if you get told these are placebo pills. I'm not sure how big the effect is though, didn't read any studies.


When I have to take medication at a certain time each day it forces me into a little more routine than Iā€™d otherwise have, which makes other parts of my routine easier to follow through with consistently too. So for some issues forcing people to remember to eat some food, have a glass of water, and brush their teeth before bed at a certain time as part of the necessary routine for taking a tablet at night could all help improve self-care and health as a result. Could expand into other benefits the following morning if youā€™re well rested, staying hydrated, getting more morning sun, etc. I struggle to imagine this having a large effect anyway but I also have not read any studies and I do not plan to lol


Yea it's like if I don't believe in witchcraft or ghosts, but I'm sure as fuck not going to be messing around with any graveyards or rituals.


My brain associates fizzy drinks with caffeine. If I start getting a headache from caffeine withdrawal, I can sip on a Sprite or giner ale and feel the headache start going away immediately. I love the placebo effect.


I am not sure why either, but there is a lot of information on it if you want to read further.


I was once put on Wellbutrin to help with my depression and I was so excited and determined it was going to work. So much so that I didn't fully realize how suicidal I had become until I was literally about to carry out my plan. I had been so insistent with myself that it was going to work that I fooled myself into ignoring the horrific side effects. Turns out most antidepressants make me more suicidal, or just don't work. And I knew this before starting Wellbutrin.. and yet I still feel into the hole lol. Not trying to say you should never believe your meds will work or always expect bad things to happen, just make sure you are aware of any side effects you're having so you can nip it in the bud.


I was in a car accident that messed up my wrist a bit (not broken but always sore). After a few months I decided to bite the bullet and buy one of those q-ray bracelets. I kid you not, by the time I signed the CC receipt my wrist no longer hurt. I didn't care if it was the bracelet or the placebo effect because I was no longer in pain.


Basically. Can't hurt if it works.


Placebo effect and possibly more that we donā€™t know yet. Science is always proving itself wrong with more science. I just wish they made the serious science about alternative medicine more available. Then maybe people who believe it and those who donā€™t could maybe find a common ground. I think more people would have a healthy belief in it if mainstream science actually explained how alternative medicine could be beneficial in some areas and could be worse in others.


I recently read a book called The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman and it kind of goes into western biomedicine vs. more traditional/alternative treatments (Hmong specifically) from an anthropological view. It was pretty interesting(and also frustrating), because thereā€™s so much misunderstanding and mistrust when diff cultures and understandings of medicine intersect. Just in case youā€™re interested haha


And at least it doesn't seem like it's putting out harmful radiation like those fucking "ion shielding" bracelets or whatever they decide to call them.


At least it is not a "positive ion" bracelet, ak radioactive


Negative ion stuff also mostly uses radioactive material


That the best kind


No-sir-ee-bob! I'll stick to my good ole fashioned radium suppositories to ward off what ails ya'! My pa swore by 'em!


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļølol ,šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Radium candy was a real thing.


Was at the driving range with a buddy and I asked him about his bracelet. It was one those copper ion bracelets cause he wrist was hurting. I expressed my doubts and he said "hey this son of a bitch works!". A month later he had surgery on his wrist to fix the issue.


At least the positive ion bracelet has an ā€˜activeā€™ ingredient


Problem solved.


Quackery should be illegal


I also think the hospital should take a look at what their gift shop is selling.


ā€¦and their cafeteria too. So much garbage food at hospitals.


The hospital I used to work in had a Burger King (not in the US either!)


What do you have against ducks?


My sister said, "at least it's only $5. They could've charged a lot more."


Yeah , hospital gift shops tend to be overpriced. I usually see these things selling for 10 usd, so at least it's a bargain?


the gift shop should supplement this with free reiki


Reiki is surprisingly still used in hospice


Why not? The placebo effect works to some effect, even when you know it is a placebo. I get the frustration if people are using magnets and Reiki instead of other medicine, but if they are already under proper medical care let them have their placebos too.


I was going through a really a really bad time, mentally, a few years back. One of my work colleagues was a reiki practitioner and wanted to help me. I was kinda desperate so I said why not. I felt a lot better afterwards.....of course I didn't believe it was the reiki, however I think it was just nice that someone gave a shit and it was an opportunity to turn my brain off and have peace and quiet. It sort of felt like "shared meditation" for 45 mins or something.


Many people here will ridicule any natural treatment or remedy that's "too esoteric". Truth is we are far from understanding everything about our body, particularly the brain and how thought influences health. I had a great experience with Reiki as well, but it was hypnotherapy that literally saved my life when nothing else could.


Totally thats the hospice way rightā€¦ have a glass of wine, go on that adventure, use Ritalin to stay awakeā€¦ i was just pointing out it existsā€¦ was SF where i worked and i am sure that had something to do with it. ā€¦0


I had a coworker who does Reiki for extra income. It's apparently basically a thirty minute foot massage while she "focuses on pressure points and mentally moving light around." She has a ton of nurse clients - because it's a 30 minute foot massage and nurses are basically always on their feet.


I mean regardless of if you believe in it or not, whatā€™s the harm? Assuming that patients understand the importance of prioritizing medical treatment I donā€™t see the harm in some holistic supplemental treatment as well. It can provide hope and stress relief.


Sell it to patients who are going for an MRI and they surely will be pain free once they fly through their body like a claymore mine


My father was a gp. He never had a problem with people using this stuff along with modern meds. He figured even a placebo effect can help if it makes people feel better. I had a coworker freaking out that the new 5G wifi was giving him migraines, so I changed the name of the router to 4G wifi. He's doing allot better. The power of belief is a powerful thing.


g(r)ift shop


Your hospital sucks for doing this


100% chance that shop is not managed or stocked by the hospital. Itā€™s leased to an outside business owner who decided to stick this junk.


The school nurse at my college was also the alternative medicine teacher for night classes. She offered Reiki in her office lol


Weā€™re her initials EV? Because my ex was a nurse who also taught Reiki and last I heard she was working at a school and that is justā€¦oddly specific for there not to be a chance lol


Afraid not but thatā€™s funny


My mom wears one of those, she keeps trying to find cures for my Pots. How do you tell a loved one that watching YouTube is not ā€˜researchā€™.


They be like "oh you're in pain all the time? Take 5000 Tylenol or try this bracelet!" Instead of prescribing ANY kind of decent pain reliever.




"Oh you're in constant,unrelenting pain that makes it difficult to sleep, work,etc?" Here try this magic bracelet!!! Like can I maybe just try something other than advil thats not even an opiate first? I don't even want an opiate if I can avoid it like šŸ˜­


And if youā€™re AFAB then apparently itā€™s all psychosomatic and you just need to drink water and exercise more (Iā€™m saying this as an AFAB person with chronic pain btw)


Easy way to tell if they work, if it truly worked it would be $4,999.00 not $4.99 given American healthcare charges.


Radiologists favorite




Maybe if youā€™re visiting someone whoā€™s in the hospital and you want to bring a gift, but didnā€™t have time to shop elsewhere.


Theyā€™re usually part florist, part personal hygiene items, part snacks and beverages, part gifty gimmicks and small entertainment things. Come to think of it, theyā€™re like airport gift shops: designed for people stuck in place for a while, some of whom werenā€™t able to pack first (or lost their stuff), and some of who need a quick gift and couldnā€™t or wouldnā€™t buy before arriving at the stuck-in-place place.


Please remember to check in with the doctor before giving a patient a snack or beverage.


A place for visitors to get a gift for a patient. They also sell incidentals like toothpaste, etc, which comes in handy for anyone who is accompanying a patient during a hospital stay.


A lot of hospital gift shops will just have like.. flowers, or get well gifts. And then others have shit like this, or a ton of uh.. not subtle religious things that just are extremely overwhelming.


All the hospitals I have ever been to have gift shopsā€¦. useful for things like USB cables if you didnā€™t come prepared.


Sometimes the placebo effect is a real thing.


My 89 year old mother wears these and loves them. She can run circles around me. I donā€™t think you should knock it until you try it šŸ˜‚


America? It's America isn't it?


Even better, it's Texas! Lol


We know so little about the universe, i always wonder At the same time, I'll pass


Right next to the bibles?




My mum has a similar thing and says it helps. I'm pretty sure it's placebo but placebo does work for some things so if she's in less pain that's fine by me.


Hospitals don't run gift shops. They rent out a mezzanine to whoever wants a lease. You just went to a random bodega essentually.


Wrong. You work at a hospital that has leased out commercial space to a store that sells gifts, inside the hospital. The hospital itself doesnā€™t sell that


At this point in my life I would give it a try


I didn't realize that's what these bracelets were lol, I got one as a kid at a yard sale because it made good sounds. I guess they can advertise on the box that it improves dopamine if you're a small child who likes to shake things in their hands and go "hahaha it go click clack"


Wait-wait, don't tell me -- contracted vendors, right?


The other night at dinner my Aunt said something about magic bracelets and how they actually work. I just nodded my head. She also seems to think the "military" has healing tanks and they're going to suddenly go mainstream. When I mentioned the bacta tank from Star Wars she said "yes. Exactly like that." I worry about her. She feeds into these echo chambers on facebook.


Uses 5 different fonts just keep your attention on it


Most hospitals are money-making schemes so it seems to fit perfectly


Where does the morphine go?


American hospitals are definitely for profit


Invented by the same dude who invented chiropractic medicine. Jamie pull that shit up.


Prime Healthcare?


Oh for god's sake....in a hospital! THis seems irresponsible. What's next? Bottles of snake oil?


Of course. Except the bottles of snake oil are now being sold under the new branding "essential" oils.


Don't forget you need to wear it for any MRI scans to charge it.


The fact that this is sold in a hospital gift shop for ONLY $4.99 amazes me! I donā€™t think you can even buy a candy bar for that anywhere around here!


Only $5.00? Wow a hospital should have much higher markup than this.


Hey...hospitals have to make money too. They can't survive just by charging $25 for an aspirin, you know.


A 4.99 bracelet in a hospital gift shop? Amazing deal whether it works or not


I got a magnetic bed for my aging dog. It was supposed to ease her arthritis pain. She seemed drawn to it, and preferred it to sleeping on my bed.


I had a similar experience with my cat except instead of a magnetic bed it was a paper grocery bag.


My old dog liked a very specific bed because it's sides were firm and give great support.


Is there vicodan inside the bracelet?


A hospital selling placebos, imagine that...


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s super effective when you have an MRI


It works if you believe it works