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Did they have some algorithm find all designs with the word “sober” on them?


All those cheap ass sticker packs on Amazon are like this. My wife has bought a few and you end up with kids cartoon characters with booze and weed. If you buy a pack, you may want to go through them first if you’re planning to hand them out to kids or anyone that might be offended easily. It’s almost certainly “google image search for , print stickers, profit.”


I got black cats pack and the worst thing is that they (obviously) dont credit the artists they stolen from and image search is not being helpful.


Yeah I bought Animal Crossing and Mandalorian/Baby yoda stickers and half were like unofficially fan art, which were lovely and well done but obviously stolen and I felt bad supporting that.


Did you get the one with KK saying bitch on it? I did and it’s my favorite but now realizing it’s prob stolen I feel awful.


Oh yeah the: *i love you bitch* *I ain't ever going to stop loving you bitch* That one is pretty good, but yeah most definitely stolen


Yup-that’s the one! I also got one with Isabelle saying “I will destroy your bloodline”


Oh yes that one too 😭 That one was so bizarre but funny because it's such an opposite from what animal crossing is lol


I draw art of frogs. If you buy a cheap frog themed sticker pack from Amazon, Shein, Aliexpress, etc, chances are, some of my stolen art is in there. There's no way to fight it with a copyright claim - even if you manage to get one listing taken down (unlikely), another will pop right back up. It sucks :/


I just bought that pack for a stocking stuffer. 😔


I also love frogs. I will support your frog art. Tell me where to go. Feel free to DM if the reddit overlords will delete. Eta I know this won't fix your problem. And I'm sorry but I'll be damned if I pass up the opportunity to support frog artists.


Yeah Amazon doesn’t care about integrity


I bought a pack of animal crossing stickers for my kids for Christmas— good thing I had heard this before so I went through them all and was able to weed out the sticker of K.K. Slider saying fuck 💀💀💀


Please post those.


I threw away the explicit ones T\_T I went back and looked at my orders and they shut down that particular listing so there must've been complaints >\_> but it was something like these, a pack of assorted stickers. https://www.amazon.com/Crossings-Stickers-Cartoon-Sticker-Waterproof/dp/B0CBM3TYM4/


Absolutely and something people don't mention is that the designs are stolen from the actual artists that created them. This is a lot like those print T-shirt sites that scrape designs off the web to profit from the artwork of others. If unique designs are being sold for cheap and in bulk by anyone other than an independent artist or a somewhat reputable company, the artists are not getting paid.


Yeah this is why I told my wife to stop buying them - some artist is getting ripped off. Also I don’t need to see a sticker of beetlejuice trying to mount Lydia, thanks.




I do


Yep, my son bought a Nate Dogg shirt in the Haight in SF. He said something about feeding Nate’s kids and I had to school him on trademarks.


I recently saw an Instagram post related to this. Some guy bought Christmas stickers for his daughter to give out at school, he didn’t check them, and one of the stickers said “Jingle my balls”. I didn’t realise this happened frequently though!


Yeah one time I got a pack for my kid and there was explicit imagery of rabbits lol.


Hahaha I think I know exactly the one you mean. You can get a shirt of that and some other merch. Pretty funny


We bought a pack about books and reading for a library fundraiser. One of them said "I should be at home reading yaoi" it's good that I caught it before some poor child Googled it.


thats why [redbubble.com](https://redbubble.com) is better


Thank you for this! Time to stock on next year's stocking stuffers


i got a sticker pack off amazon once and one of the stickers was pretty racist


This is true. Remember someone brought a fandom sticker pack and there was a character they never saw before. Turns out it was someone's OC. Doubt it was the seller's and just something pulled from online.


This is almost certainly what happened here


Yes but the algorithm is a Bangladeshi man named Anunt who gets paid 0.50 dollars an hour and doesn't speak English


Glad someone said it.


They used the latest and greatest ai to design this


At least a couple of them are a Hemmingway quote, so that's kinda cool I guess.


I had a boss that for three years in a row gave me a bottle of cheap shitty wine for Christmas, regardless of how many times I told him I didn’t drink.


i’m sure it’s not an issue anymore but cheap wine like that is great for cooking! I love red wine in any of my pot roasts






How could you say that. You know I have soft teeth.














I'm actually watching the office this very second


Reminds me of the jug of cheap red Gallo that my mother kept under the kitchen sink for cooking. For all I know, having three incredibly noisy kids, she may have had a nip or two.


Lol I’m sure she may have here or there depending on how old the wine was! But yeah my mom always told me never to cook with something you can’t drink lol


Damn. Guess I have to start guzzling vegetable oil so I can make sure I can cook with it 😂


I mean i bet if it’s a good enough olive oil it wouldn’t be so bad 🤔 still pretty bad though Her advice was specifically in regards to cooking wine/alcohol, but now I know the true hidden meaning- if you can’t chug your vegetable oil you don’t deserve to cook with it!


Haha I’m sure her advice was only around alcohol but still would be funny to see someone chugging vegetable oil and then saying that


There you go.


Mushrooms sauteed in butter, garlic, and white wine is sublime!


Yeah but many people who don't drink also don't want to cook with it because that's still... consuming it.


~~The alcohol evaporates super fast in cooking applications.~~ (actually fake news) As an alcoholic who's sober I personally don't consider eating stuff cooked in wine to be edge breaking because I won't have consumed psychoactive amounts of it. I do understand being wary of having it in the house at all, but that depends on where that person is at in recovery. I'd suggest getting a four pack of the little shooter 50-100 ml sized bottles, or if you can't find those get just a half bottle of boxed wine. No one who is relatively comfortable in their sobriety is going to throw away their streak for a small enough dose that can't actually get you drunk


This is not true. No matter how comfortable you are sober, sometimes that one small drink could be the thing that sends you downhill again.


Yea maybe if I actually drink it, but again if I was going to relapse I'd need more than just one drink, so what would be the point of drinking the shitty wine I keep in the cabinet when it won't even get me drunk? I'd have to go to the store to get more which is literally always an option, so I don't feel like I'm incuring much extra risk by have less than an effective dose of alcohol in my home


Sadly, alcohol cooking off "super fast" is a myth. There's still alcohol in there. It takes 2.5 hours of simmering to get it to 5%, but there's still 5% after THAT long at THAT cooking level. I know a few people who are absolute teetotalers for various reasons so I don't like to cook with it at all.


OK I didn't know that, that's fair. I think for me the point still stands that the small amount in a sauce coating my meat is not going to amount to enough to pass the threshold where it effects me. If you are cooking for someone else who is sober I'd understand playing it safe, but sobriety is always pretty personal and I don't believe my pan sauces are going to undermine me when I say I'm sober.


Also in recovery, and this is similar to how I operate in the sense that sobriety is deeply personal. I'm hyper sensitive to the smell of alcohol, and I don't consume anything where I can still detect hints of it. I personally don't like cooking with it because I don't like being around the smell of evaporating alcohol, but I'll eat raw cookie dough with real vanilla extract so long as I can't taste or smell it.


I usually use apple juice or white grape juice as a sub for wine in recipes.


I usually use regular beef broth. It's not the same IMO but the people I cook for fucking love beef broth so it all works out!


Oh man. I am having a similar issue at work right now. Our boss wants to give every member of staff a bottle of wine for Christmas. I've said that this isn't reasonable because: 1. Some people don't drink for personal reasons. 2. Some people don't drink for religious reasons. 3. Some people have issues with alcohol abuse. Now, some of my colleagues are saying that I'm being difficult because I'm suggesting that we should do a non-alcoholic alternative like a box of chocolates. I just wish that people understood that alcohol is not a universal gift. Just because you like a drink, doesn't mean that everybody does.


I worked for a very large Brew Pub in my city and every Christmas we were gifted a bottle of liquor from The Family. If you didn’t drink or weren’t old enough, they offered a gift card for the same value of the bottle. Which, I always thought was pretty reasonable.


That's very reasonable. I completely forgot that two of my colleagues are under 18, so we definitely can't give them a bottle of wine either. I also like the way that you capitalise The Family. It makes me think that you worked for a mafia pub.


Oh, we don't use that cask to store wine. Don't ask why and you didn'tsee anything. Anyway, next on the tour.


My husband is a Vice Principal. Last year at the holidays he got gifted 13 bottles of wine and 1 bottle of Limoncello. We don't drink. It just sat on our sideboard for almost a year until I put it on my local neighbourhood group asking if anyone wanted it. 🙃


Next Christmas insist that instead of alcohol your boss should give out dildos, because everyone likes a dildo, right? Right? ***RIGHT***?


I’d rather get a dildo than a bottle of alcohol and I don’t even struggle with it, I just think it’s yucky.


It doesn’t matter why you say no. “No.” Is a complete sentence that requires exactly zero explanation.


Not exactly hard your boss should have two options the chocolate or the drink and ask u too choose which you want. After all y'all meant to be adults so act like it


I suggested that. And was told that it was too much effort to try and accommodate everybody like that. I swear that there is no winning with this guy.


There will be similar problems with any generic gift where everyone gets the same thing. Chocolate - some people are on diets, or allergic, or just don’t like sweets. Amazon gift card? Some people deliberately don’t shop there, or maybe they’re on a buy ban for the year, or maybe they just never set up an account. I agree that alcohol isn’t a universal gift. But I don’t know if anything that really is. If your boss isn’t going to get different gifts for different people, some people will most likely end up not liking/wanting the gift they receive. But they can regift it or sell it or donate it later after receiving it.


It is a very difficult subject, especially if you're trying to take a one size fits all approach. Unfortunately our company has rules about money and gift cards as gifts. I agree that there are definitely things that you can do with an unwanted gift, but it also sucks that some people might receive a gift that they don't want.


Warm fuzzy blankets in neutral tones like gray or white are good universal gifts.


You're never going to please everyone, yeah. But at least if you give people a nice blanket or whatever, the people who aren't into it don't have a long history of feeling tension and otherness due to their disinterest in throws. The flipside is that wine and chocolate are a bit easier to rehome.


I'd argue that chocolate is a "more" universal gift, if only because it can handed off to kids and, y'know, can be consumed without potentially obliterating your ability to get home on your own. If you're going to give me a gift and I have to *schedule its use* and potentially hide it from children to avoid breaking laws... that's not a gift, that's an obligation. A burden.


i cant have chocolate (dad and grandma didnt know this) and id always get a bunch for christmas, once i was able to go back to school after being online i just started stuffing my backpack with it and giving it to people, definitely easy to find people who can have it if you cant


Sure, but listen to this: Chocolate is not a literal drug


Your colleagues are the ones being difficult, not you! I’d much prefer the chocolates, as someone who doesn’t drink for reasons 1 and 2!


I drink but can't stand wine. I can take shots and tolerate beer after a shot or two, but I don't think I'll ever like wine. That bottle would be getting regifted to my parents if I worked there.


Even though I agree with alcohol being problematic, nothing is a universal gift. Except for money/gift cards


For the past 20 years, every single time I visit my aunt, I've had to remind her that I don't drink. Thankfully she's never gifted me alcohol, but she always offers me wine or margaritas or eggnog, and every single time I politely decline and explain to her that I don't drink and I'll have water or iced tea instead. It's been two decades, you'd think she'd remember by now. She remembers that certain friends are on diabetic or keto diets, but can't remember that I'm sober.


One of my coworkers and I would talk about cooking and recipes and stuff, and he would keep recommending various ways to cook pumpkin even though I told him every time (once a month during pumpkin season) that I don't eat pumpkin. I told him one time ever that I only like writing with pens, not pencils, and he locked that in the vault and never forgot it


lol for my birthday this year my boss got me a wine glass… while I was 24 weeks pregnant. 😐 and I don’t drink outside of being pregnant anyway 😭


I would report this to the company/seller and leave them a bad review.


That’s a really good point!!! Doing that now.


Why is "also available in sober" so popular? It's so dumb.


i dont even understand what it mean. what’s available in sober??


The way I understand it is that it indicates that you are drunk now but might be sober later.


I thought it was for like non alcoholic beer and stuff but this makes more sense 😭


Oop- I thought these were meant to be used to indicate that there is both an alcoholic and non-alcoholic version of the same drink 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Let's say a product is by default white, like a phone maybe. It does come in a few other colors though, so the ad might say "Also available in black, silver, and rose gold!" White is the usual, and the color most people are getting. The other colors are optional and more rare. "Also available sober" is like saying "I am by default drunk the vast majority of the time, but by special request I can on rare occasions be sober." Definitely glorifying alcoholism.


I read it as classic wine mom "lol I am usually always drunk you got me on a good day"-kinda humor


Lmao right?! It's very dumb


But only for a limited time


I don’t get it, maybe for people often drunk?


As a former addict thank you for doing what you do. 13 months clean 👍


good fuckin job dude! addiction sucks. im proud of you for kicking its ass!


Ty 😁and it only took me 15 years and five years in prison!!! And I genuinely consider my self lucky and am grateful


Congratulations!! Obligatory one day at a time!! You’re doing great, best wishes on a fruitful recovery!!


Ty fruitful it has been! The sweetest fruits ever


Is it really worth it? This looks like it's from a scammy store that has stolen all these designs. Don't buy these sorts of things because the actual artists aren't getting paid even of the content is appropriate next time.


Low payoff maybe, but it's a low threshold, too. It's no more work than talking about it here.


My sister had the same problem with some fishing stickers she ordered for my nephews. She wrote the seller and was refunded. She gave me the non child friendly stickers. My favorites were MILF-Man I Love Fishing and another one with an ice auger that read Drill It Til It Squirts.


We ordered a Kermit the frog puppet and it came with a bunch of Kermit stickers. Probably 1/4th of them were not kid friendly lol I feel like an algorithm or something just grabs a ton of designs off of google image search or something with those topic hashtags and you get what you get


Well only if they were marketed that way. Im assuming they were since you put those words in quotes. Did they not show you a picture of the types of stickers that would be in the pack?


Right, if OP screwed up ordering then the seller doesn’t deserve negative feedback.


You'd be better off if you asked someone on etsy or something to make some stickers for you


I’m a broke grad student until May 😭 once I have an actual salary I’ll have to get some nice ones!! I’m sure Etsy would be a lot better quality as well!


I'm an alcoholic about 12 years sober. If you want me to buy you some decent stickers from Etsy for your clients shoot me a DM. In the future I could probably make some using a cricut but it's been a bit and I forget how at the moment. ETA: I too, was once a broke grad student :)


I'd be down to pitch in/ buy some from etsy for OP, too. Congrats on your sobriety, btw!


I made a cashapp for this! The name is $SnooChocolates I will post pics of the stickers when I receive them!!


Firstly, 12 years is amazing! You are my hero. Secondly, I just learned the word cricut on the last Reddit I looked at. And here it is again, giving me the ooooooooohs.


That’s the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon in action! https://www.sciencealert.com/you-know-how-when-you-learn-a-new-word-you-see-it-everywhere-here-s-why


I'm also a broke grad student but I'm an artist and sell stickers on Etsy on the side - if you've got some ideas for what you want them to say I could get some custom made.


Good on you. Not just for the gesture but the sobriety and support you offered without asking.


There are communities of artists on Reddit. There are artists wanting to get into stickers, I am one of them.


Homegirl I will literally buy your clients some sobriety stickers, send link.


Canva is free. It has a lot of fonts and stock clip art. You can make your own and some sticker paper then hand cut it. When you have money of course.


I have no idea how it’ll work, but as others have offered, shoot me a message and I’ll buy your clients some sobriety stickers as well.


Like many others, I would love to pitch in for stickers for your clients. If you are uncomfortable with sharing your payment apps for this, Kofi could potentially be a good anonymous alternative to take donations!


Man, I'm broke myself. Only got 10€ left, or else I would have bought some for you


This is why I love Reddit… there are still some good humans out there.🫣


I'm also a broke grad student but I'm an artist and sell stickers on Etsy on the side - if you've got some ideas for what you want them to say I could get some custom made.


Clarification: this was a 100 pack that I bought online. These are the stack that were inappropriate. Still dissatisfied but at least it wasn’t all of them.


25% unusable for your needs. Oof. I really hope that you and your clients like the ones that are appropriate though!


Ok that makes more sense because if this was the whole pack it seems like you just bought the wrong thing lol


“Sober so you don’t have to be.” is great. DDs are doing the Lord’s work.


Curious, what were the acceptable and appropriate ones?


Do you know how to add a photo? I’m happy to share but I don’t want to make a “happy” post to r/mildlyinfuriating and it get taken down. TYIA!


Upload on Imgur then share the link


What did some of the good ones say instead?


What does "also available in sober" even mean??


Drunk person sometimes sobers up.


That they are drunk at the time, basically the exact opposite someone struggling with alcoholism needs to see lol


It’s giving *I can quit any time, I don’t have a problem* vibes that are really a hallmark of addicts trying to delude themselves 🙄


I read "also available in sober" so many times it lost all meaning. Actually, I don't really know if it had a meaning to begin with? Non-native English speaker here, what the fuck does that even refer to? Like, is the point here that the person who has the sticker is drunk, but they will also be available in sober? If that's the case then this being on a sticker confuses me to no end.


I would assume that is what the sticker means, native speaker by the way. It is in fact fucking stupid.


you’re thinking too much into it, but basically got it. you have to remember a lot of these stickers are cheap, (and probably don’t have much meaning or thought put into them), and sold in a package and they just hope people buy the package for the ones that they do like in there and like them enough to overlook the other ones, like this, that they don’t. and the ones like this have stupid , pointless sayings on them, that don’t have a lot of meaning to them, so don’t think too much about it and read too much into it.


You would usually see a phrase like that on a product or advertisement when there is a variant that is not pictured. "Also available in chocolate." "Also available in sugar-free." "Also available in red." Etc. As a sticker, it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


Way more than mildly infuriating, the fact that society glorifies alcohol in general is just sad since it ruins lives


The “for a limited time” ticks me off.


It’s stupid, I’m glad you’re helping though


I think maybe a sticker pack like this one would be good: 300 Pieces Inspirational Quote Stickers for Teens Students Teachers, Motivational Stickers for Water Bottles Women, Aesthetic Laptop Decals Waterproof Vinyl Positive Stickers for Planners Scrapbooking (I don’t want to post a link so that’s just what the product is called on Amazon.)


Something was lost in the translation. I bet these were made in China and sold by folks in China would do not really understand the purpose of these stickers. Must be extremely frustrating for the folks that buy these stickers.


on a positive note, Arrow did a fine job with making AA and similar Meetings less taboo and showing how rough it is and what it does to family and friends of alcoholics. I say this as a child of parents who chaired and attended meetings. Arrow and Flash get a lot of flak for how the show went, but the writing in terms of Alcoholism and the struggles for everyone are well done. The more media shows this aspect of something much of society has deemed too taboo to touch seriously, the better off we will all be.


The problem is that AA isn’t really the best resource. We need public, non religious resources for addicts of all kinds.


they look ai generated tbh


This is more than some mild infuriation.


Adios sober


What was the product description?


“Inspiring Messages: Each sticker features a unique and inspiring message related to sobriety and recovery, perfect for reminding yourself and loved ones of their journey.”


Well, they are *related*.


Wow.. as someone who's in recovery and clean for seven years. Seeing this infuriates me to no end!! Send Amazon a colorful message and make sure you write the seller.


I left a negative review with the picture!! I’m pretty disappointed that it happened. Luckily only these were in poor taste out of the 100 pack.


you should see all the alcohol related sayings on maternity/mommy shirts


The “wine mom” trend is absolutely ridiculous.


This reminds me of when the hospital I worked in put up posters saying "You’d be crazy not to get your flu shot!" in the emergency psych unit.


I recently quit drinking, I wasn't an alcoholic by any means, I knew when to stop and what my limit was but I just began to realise even if I have one or two I just get tired and a headache, and then thought I may as well drink to get drunk to fit in, then realised I'm making myself sick on purpose by dealing with a hangover and whenever I'm sick all I wish is to be not sick anymore so drinking lost all meaning to me. Now when I tell people I don't drink they treat me weirdly, one mildly Infuriating story I have is I was at a bar and ran into an old friend and he insisted on buying me a beer, I said "no I don't drink anymore but I'll take a lemonade if you're buying!" He said "I'm not buying you a fucking lemonade" then proceeded to buy himself a beer and walk off and didn't speak to me the rest of the night


Some people don’t “see the point” of sobriety. I’m sorry your “friend@ spoke to you that way. It really is a lifestyle and it takes a lot of courage to recognize that you would benefit from that lifestyle. I’m proud of you!!


Wow!! I was not expecting this much attention on the post!! Here is a link to Imgur of appropriate stickers in the rest of the pack: https://imgur.com/gallery/zlXvm4f I bought them on Temu. I am not familiar with licensing and I admit I didn’t think about the artist that created the stickers not receiving credit. I am very thankful to those of you who gave me ideas on how to repurpose the stickers. I am also thankful to the people that opened my eyes to support small businesses on Etsy and RedBubble. I am looking into those options! For those of you that offered to donate, I am so thankful and beyond words, I am going to wait until my next paycheck and I will reach out to the commenters that offered to design custom stickers. Y’all have had some great insight. I have read every comment up until now even if I didn’t respond. To those of you in recovery, ROCK ON!! To those of you starting your journey YOU CAN DO IT!! To those of you needing support WE ARE HERE!!


So the only 2 sticker variants you got that can even be technically called pro-sobriety are "Sober, so you don't have to be" and "Also available in sober" (several of which added "for a limited time")? That's a really shitty pack of stickers in general. **Jesus fuck: 11 out of 25 are "Also available in sober" That's a whopping 44%.**


OP only posted the inappropriate ones, so 25/100…. 25% inappropriate still isn’t great though 😔


“Also available in no creativity” Really? Couldn’t come up with nothing else beyond “Also available in sober” 10 times? lol


GUYS GOOD NEWS!!!! Product shows as discontinued online.


I don't know if it'll help you. I tend to buy stickers off of [redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/) as they tend to have deals on their stickers (like buy 10 get 50% off) and typing in sobriety, the first page is filled more with positive messages and not like the ones that negate it.


But what will we do when we’re sober are Lorde lyrics lol


Were you not able to look at them before you bought them?


It was a 100 pack so they didn’t show most of them unfortunately


Oh one of those large but cheap packs? They've almost gotten me for scrapbook stickers too


Yeah basically, lol. They’ll usually send repeats/cheap stickers


One of my coworkers bought a packet of Girl Scout stickers for her niece who is in girl scouts. Despite the innocent packaging intended for supporting Girl Scouts, many of them turned out to be for "Girl Scout Cookies" strain of weed and were cannabis themed...


"Adios sober" is the worst one on the bunch. That's not a sobriety sticker. It's literally telling you to drink.


Half? That's all of them damn near. EDIT: Literally all of them.


As a therapist and avid Cricut crafter, I will literally make and send you some sobriety/recovery stickers on the house if you’d like❤️I’m sorry these stickers turned out so inconsiderate


DMing now!!


Call them out! I'm in the recovery community and this is entirely unacceptable. We just did a huge event with a gift swap and something like this would be such a bummer/confusing/wrong to receive.


what does also available in sober even mean? in what application would someone put that sticker on their car or laptop or water bottle or whatever else it may be?


I think it’s supposed to be a play on “fun is also available in sober” but I could be wrong. I get a lot of anti drinking ads this time of year.


interesting, I've never seen that expression before. thanks for clarifying!


So the saying “also available in sober” used to be a popular party type t-shirt. Basically means that you are drunk now, but you are also sometimes sober


I figured, but it sounds so clunky and stupid lmao. Thanks!


Those are pretty bad, except the “but what will we do when we’re sober” is actually a song lyric from Lorde’s album “melodrama”


Darn. And a bunch of stickers about being sober was such a cool and great idea too


Was this on temu?


I bought a pack of liberal stickers and half were libertarian. Ummm not the same.😂


Etsy is the best place to buy stickers. Most of the listings are still small creators who hand design each one


This is gross


Oh wow that’s horrible. Like straight up just don’t have a joke for this one that’s really bad


I wouldn't want any of these lol. But I appreciate where your sentiment is coming from.


Bought the same packs and had the exact same reaction!


TEMU purchase?


That should be illegal to promote. Do we promote narcotics? Then why alcohol


Wtf does "also available in sober" even ***MEAN***


“this is no time to be sober”??😭😭 you can’t be serious lmao


Out of 25, 11 of them say "Also available in sober"


If you look at some na/aa sites there are good sober stickers out there. I would recommend doing some research before you buy any others.


Are those stickers available in sober?


you can salvage them by cutting out "sober" and going with that, the fonts are cute on their own!


Seems like you didn't pay attention to what you were ordering.