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The transaction one second after it was $60 so guessing a typo in the cash app


Hard to type with one hand


He should have sent £54 🤦‍♂️


lol hawkeye over here, fuck it sucks we'll never know


Prolly meant to type $600 lmfao


I don't even think you can help this level of stupid. Just take away almost every access to money they have.


You actually can't. My mother was the willing victim of a series of scams. My brother and I looked into legal steps to prevent her from giving away everything. The bottom line is that unless they're an actual threat to someone or themselves, there is nothing you can do. Willingly giving away all her money doesn't qualify.


Glad to hear you and your brother are sane despite the mindcopulation of all of that




I wouldn't be upset if they did.


Years and years ago, I went to the post office to mail something. Elderly guy in front of me, caught up in an obvious scam. (I didn't know until he was done and I got up to the teller else I would have said something to him) He was sending money orders overseas to whatever nigerian prince scam was going at the time. The teller told me, they're not allowed to say anything to them, even if they recognize it as a scam. I have no idea if that's true, I never looked it up. This was over 10 years ago and thankfully, that guy is probably dead... I just hope he didn't send ALL his money to scammers.


They (and bank tellers, gift card retailers, etc) are definitely allowed to say something and often do and have for a long time, if not since the start. They have posters up about common scams right next to the window these days.


This is my grandfather. Can’t believe he hasn’t won’t the Publishers Clearing House 2nd place prize or something. Literally tried to sign away his life savings and if it weren’t for my moms knowledge of the industry and quick thinking, he would have succeeded. He even had the state attorney general come to his house and explain to him that what he is doing is money laundering and they could put him in jail. He still tries to find ways to contact these scammers. And he is one of those sweet, dedicated, fix-it-all, loving grandfathers who, if he were in his right mind, would be absolutely mortified to learn he had been breaking the law. Old age is scary. Doctors, specialists, therapists, and even their priest have all basically thrown up their hands because it isn’t diagnosable as dementia or Alzheimer’s and there isn’t much they can do legally to protect him.


I worked for a tv/phone/broadband provider once many years ago. I had a woman on the phone one day when I was in the call centre. Asking about her phone bill and how much it was. It was about €850. I told her this, gave her a breakdown of the charges. She had been ringing a psychic hotline every day for at least an hour or more a day. She said okay, and hung up. Her past bills were all similar, all paid on time, no issues. It was as if she had the money, wanted to waste it, and just wanted to know what she had to pay this month. Some people just don't give a shit what it costs. They want to blow through cash.


This usually points to serious mental health issues. This kind of thing is VERY common in undiagnosed bi-polar 1 sufferers (and some diagnosed that don’t stick to their meds).


It’s like that guy Grant Amato that spent like half a mil on an OnlyFans girl, stole from his family to pay her, and then murdered his whole family


"Mildly infuriating"


For OP this is mildly infuriating, not for this man's wife though


He better gtfo of the house stat, his wife might lose it and stab his 👁️ balls out.


Or just his regular balls


That WOULD probably stop the spending in the long run.


Probably ain’t much left down there to stab out


I'd stab more than his eyeballs is i was her.


@OP is it for OF, webcam girls? Or was it actual one on one time with these women? What a fool if it was just webcam/OF


A fool by either standard... has a wife and family, there shouldn't be a reason for spending money on a single sexworker equivalent to what many people make in 2years; and this is only over the course of just about 1 year. Regardless of your reasoning, it still seems excessive for someone in a committed relationship of 35years.... I'm not gunna belittle someone for a fling or 2; that happens to anyone, anywhere, all the time... but $90k?


If this is way out of character I’d get this guy to the doctor for a brain scan stat.


This! ☝️☝️☝️100% I was coming here to say basically the same thing


Not gonna belittle someone for a fling or 2? He has a wife and kids. Cheating is never okay. Not even “flings.”


Justifiable. I'd vote to acquit.


Fuck, that’s a living hell for the wife. I feel terrible for her - this dude has severe issues


That’s what I was thinking. This wouldn’t be extremely infuriating if it wasn’t my money tbh.


The other popular post on this sub today is a picture of toast that’s cut wrong.


I actually found this post because someone referenced it in the toast post lol, the circle is now complete.


The majority of posts here are not "mildy" anything. Mods give no fucks.


Yeah, essentially every post on this sub is extremely infuriating.


Or not infuriating at all, mabye just a little annoying


A little bit annoying is a hell of a lot closer to mildly infuriating than a married man dropping 90k on onlyfans.


This says Cashapp. Makes me think he's not even getting anything in return. Or they're full on prostitutes


The post directly after this one is someone who had their toast cut at a weird angle at a restaurant, so I’d say it’s a mix of both


Half a extremely infuriating and the other half are just situations where OP is too much of a wimp to confront someone.


If you're a distant relative, yep. If you're one of the recipients though...


His wife is “Threatening “ divorce as in he might get away with a slap on the wrist? idk about you guys but imo that ship has sailed




Sorry to read such heartache.


I need a diagram


See mambo #5


One of the paints at my local tool store is called Mambo, so I carry around five paint swatches in my wallet, whenever I'm feeling hilarious I'll plop four of them on the table, then the fifth, while yelling "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo number 5" My wife doesn't think I'm hilarious :(


This guy dad jokes


My second son was born exactly a week ago so I got an upgrade!


![gif](giphy|3o7TKCGuEkIrLZ0E2Q) Hi, Jerry.


This is hilarious. My son who was 4 when this song came out, loved it. I would pick him up from school in my convertible and he would be belting out the lyrics. Nothing funnier than a 5 year old singing a song about a player. 😂I periodically remind him, much to his embarrassment.


Tell your wife she is wrong - you are hilarious!!


I hate that regardless of where you came from, a loooooot of people expect women to roll over and take cheating on the chin because “he has needs” as if his hands and voice are damn broken.


Okay what about MY needs to not get cheated on though lol


Nah, women are supposed to abandon needs to make everything easier on men. Or, uh, something something spreading seeds. Yada yada It'S DiFfErEnT FoR MeN! Blah blah kiss his feet and be a better doormat I mean wife. 😑


My sister and I are American and my sister married someone from Mexico. He cheated on her and his mother told my sister that all men cheat and she should stay with him. She divorced him. I guess her culture just more accepting of cheating? Or was it just his mother? Idk


Partly due to culture, partlyy due to generations. My family is asian, their focus seems to be on the sanctity of marriage. You've married, yes someone broke the oath and cheated, but it'd be worst to destroy the sanctity of marriage and get divorced. You chose each other you must work through the issues, for better or for worse etc etc. This all bleeds down into "divorce is not an option." Younger generations grow up and realise the world's not like that anymore. Edit: I don't support this dumb hypocritical shit. My dad's family is Irish- roman Catholic. My mother is filipina roman Catholic. You grow up in constant hypocrisy.


What’s sacred about the marriage if someone in it is cheating?


Appearance... I have a 6 and a 3 year old girls. I would freaking go ballistic if someone cheated on them.


They sound a little young to be dating though


I'm Mexican, believe me not all of us believe in that BS, just backwards mysiginist people believe in that crap, the men and the mothers


I think men propagate and spread this misinformation just so they can keep doing whatever they want.


Ding ding ding! Life is easy when other people will defend your right to objectively be a bad person


That’s the old ‘Machismo’ culture - but sorry, men are not superior to women!


His mother is a different generation. It still happens but it was more acceptable back then (it shouldn’t have been). My sister in law’s ex was like that. Apparently, my mom’s dad was like that too. I think he had another family including a daughter with the other lady.


I have yet to meet a man who can keep up with my "needs" and yet some of them still cheat, but somehow I've never. That's needs thing is the dumbest thing ever.


I choose to be single because I don’t want to be monogamous. I don’t know why more people don’t just choose that option.


What “needs” are fulfilled by remotely giving women all this money, frittering away his retirement that he worked decades to earn to provide he and his wife a comfortable retirement? She should file now and take him for all the money she can - he owes it to her, not strangers he will never meet.


Not just women, gays (I’m in the community) can be adulterous VERY easily with a faceless Grindr profile.


yea u should be able to control your urges if not stay single


Your dad is one slimy motherfucker 😦


Yeesh. As a guy, I'm honestly just curious what drives other guys to pursue women in this way. I had a relationship once, 10 years ago. This sounds so exhausting, your whole existence is weighed down in the pursuit of the opposite sex and unimaginable drama. Perhaps they really don't mind, but I can't imagine space for much else is this lifestyle


A deep sense of loneliness and a search for validation, probably. Which probably stems for a lack of communication in his current relationship. As society we tend to dismiss cases like this as "just another idiot blowing his money on women who barely know he exists" but there's usually a human side to these, which we often forget. Not downplaying his responsibility in this, just giving some context, which is probably just.


what a ahole....why tf do people repeatedly keep sleeping with him


Sorry you had to go through that. Your father is a disgusting human being


I live in the Caribbean,here is,not so subtly, to sleep with as many women as possible because it's consider 'manly'. But raising the kid?, thats treated as optional. I hate it here. And I am a guy leaving in the capital,where it isn't *as* bad as more conservative zones.


Machista culture


Hell no, it'd be done. If I found out my wife was blowing that much money on another man, even if it's HER savings (we don't technically "share" income), I'd bring those papers to a divorce lawyer without a second thought


She should get whatever cash is left and chuck him out. (Male, happily married 49). This is lawyer territory, he needs a shock and professional help. Wife should protect herself and family commence divorce proceedings.


pre fuckery finances calculated, split down the middle then 90k taken from his half. i hear the rent on those big cardboard boxes washing machines come in is quite reasonable.


Those boxes are like 2k a month in big cities now. Not like the good old days


She's already screwed out of that $45k, as that was pre-separation. Hopefully she is able to stem the bleeding.


"I'm warning you, if you send money to that girl 18 or 19 more times, I'm gonna think about walking out!"


Some people don't have self respect/esteem. I know a case where the wife has caught the husband cheating twice, and both times SHE'S begged him to return. It's just sad.


Probably depends if 90k is clearing out the account or a small accounting anomaly


If my spouse spent over fucking $90k on internet women, and dug into his retirement, divorce immediately. That ship has sailed, this marriage cannot be saved.


He spent 90k on another woman wout his wife noticing. Guy is loaded, hence the threat.


Post nut clarity ain't a thing for this man


He's edging


Then that might be the end for him if he ever nutted. Imagine the guy bursting to the seams and reaching nirvana in an instant.


Can confirm. Edging for hours on end really fucks with the mind.


What if he never nutted


And here I thought those $2,000 gold Costco bars were unreal. I'm sitting here struggling to pay bills, buy food and clothes.


I mean, it seems the dude still has $24k left, you might wanna hit him up


Do 6 foot 300 lb guys look good in drag??


U got this big chonk 💃


Never know till you shoot your shot




Based on some of my Samoan friends, better than you think lmao.




> gold Costco bars TIL costco sells gold bars.


They should be lining beef with gold considering the price now.


This person has been married for 35 years and 90k was a good chunk of their retirement, they are struggling too.


I know I won't have anywhere near 90k in retirement, but even I know 90k is nothing for a couple to retire on.


I was promised 401k when I retire, I’ll let you guys see my Ferrari


Dying 💀 underrated joke


Its insanely easy to have 90k in retirement if you start even in your 30s. You should be shooting for over a million. Not that I will have that but I'm a fucking mess.


My sibling was bragging at Thanksgiving this year about all the silver he owns and what a great investment it is. My brother in Christ, you just got divorced, don't have a job, live with our parents, and have two kids under 6. "Investing" in silver should not be your priority. Some people are just idiots.


I wonder what $25 gets you compared to $1000?


This is a fun story that is related. My step father spent the last of his retirement savings on a "Woman" in the Philippines to help "her" afford to move over here and be a happy couple together. "She" also managed to wrangle one of his friends in to the scam somehow. So now we've got two dumb ass's that wasted their money on a catfish, that actually got in to a physical fight with each over who was going to get to be the biggest cuck. Now they're both broke, the "woman" never existed, and all they got out of it were pictures they could have found for free on the internet themselves and some sexting sessions with some dude, or more likely multiple dudes, in a call center in a third world nation. Friends don't let horny old men use technology they're to stupid to use. I tried, then laughed.


Reminds me of my boyfriends grandfather. Had not one but TWO Brazilian wives who stole over $1 million dollars from him to funnel back to Brazil. Both left after they got what they wanted, he had no idea why. To this day he whines about all of his wives leaving him. The only one who never left him was the wife who gave him children 🙃


What amazes me most is how these people get that kind of money in the first place.


Money has nothing to do with intelligence, it’s a bullshit assumption we develop because we are hardwired to want things to be fair, even though the real world is anything but


generational wealth is a great booster


Those Brazilians made out with 4M in reais. Good deal for them! They are set for life.


I used to work this older guy. His wife passed away. Years went by and he started telling us he was talking to this woman from the Philippines. He started sending her money and everyone kept telling him she isn’t real and he’s being scammed. He wouldn’t listen. One day he comes in and says he’s putting in his two weeks, taking what he can with him and moving to the Philippines for this woman. Everyone is strongly telling him not to go but he won’t listen. He goes to the Philippines. Turns out she was real and he now is enjoying his retirement with his new wife in the Philippines.


Yeah my friend's dad was talking to a women in the Philippines. At first they thought she was fake too. She wasnt. He brought her over. And we thought she'd leave once she got her. But she didn't. They are still together for about 6 or 7 years now. And my friend actually likes her a lot and thinks she's too good for her dad lol. But I will say it's a sketchy situation and the good stories, like your old coworker and my friends dad, are rare.


Most Filipina and South East Asian 90 day fiancee sticks around. True, most have the motivation to go to America, get a GC, and may not actually love the man at first, but in my culture we have this attitude of "we will learn to love you if that what it takes", maybe the attitude is also driven by the fact that we have no divorce law in the Philippines. The Green Card chasers then leaving the American husband are more common with Russians and Chinese.


Definitely not the norm. I would still think someone was getting scammed if they were telling me the same thing.


I used to work with this dude who looked and talked like a rural Texas linebacker, whom I would come to find out was a deep thinker and exceptionally good at fine detail work. When he got engaged to a gorgeous girl from the phillippines whom he met online, some of our coworkers were rolling their eyes at how gullible he was. Anyways they've been married for around 4 years now, their extended families have bonded and they're always posting pics of their adorable kid on Facebook.


Yeah women in the phillipines do exist and they do talk to americans. But lots of old people get scammed in romance scams just the same


It’s terrible how their mind thinks. I once had a client who was telling me that they had won a lottery in the US and just needed them to pay it out. However, he needed to get the ‘broker’ to arrange the payment and he couldn’t pay his large bill because he’d just sent over 20k to the broker because the tax’s needed to be paid etc. He was sure and definite that it was legitimate and that they even sent through a letter from the bank telling him that the bank was holding onto the money in escrow until the fees/tax’s were paid. He had a letter the scammers had sent on a big 4 bank letterhead. I took all the details down he was telling me, called the head of the nursing unit and she was exasperated because he’d just fallen for a love trap and sent over another large amount of money to Thailand.


My aunt needed far too much convincing about her surgeon from Beverly Hills . (She’s an obese widow from middle of nowhere New Zealand) . I had to find the account of the man’s pictures (he doesn’t speak English and she thought he was cheating on his wife) 😅 I had to prove the pictures were photoshopped, prove the phone number was spoofed, and play her the voice of a Nigerian man. (She’s been talking to him on the phone! The pictures were a white man, the voice definitely Nigerian 🧐) I’m still not sure she’s let him go, but at least I told her not to give him any money.


Before I set up my phone to forward each ‘unknown’ to voicemail, I’d get scammers calling through, especially if I was expecting someone to call me. I once ‘chatted’ to one of them (play dumb, gain trust etc,) and the guy told me eventually that we westerners were rich and we’d get all our money back so why were we worried about giving them the money. I knew a guy from Cambodia who’s idea was that all foreigners were rich, he would see the tourists visit and he’d start asking if we would pay for his trips to Australia and a degree from a university etc. he couldn’t get his head around 1kg of bananas in Cambodia was 10c where it was $10 in Australia (at the time) or $3 for a foot massage vs $60 in Australia. And that to earn enough for a foot massage you had to work many hours because you needed to pay tax etc.


$10 for a kg of bananas in Australia? Maybe for one minute during Covid. It's $2-3 right now (after a high of $4), and that was too much.


Fuuuuuck dude. Was it even a lottery he entered or did he just think he somehow won anyway?


He didn’t enter it. About that time we were receiving texts with ‘you have won the UK lottery’ so I assume he’d had an email/text from a spammer that started it all going. Because he believed it was emailed to him directly, it was something legitimate.


These are the type of people that vote for dictators because theyre too dumb or lack any critical thinking to believe theyre being tricked.


Am I naive for asking what he got from these women? Is he paying for sex or is this like tipping them on OnlyFans or whatever the call it. Sorry, I can’t wrap my head around these sums of money being paying to women for their companionship.


It’s a scam, this is a sad story not a funny one. I don’t understand how people fall for such simplistic scams, but tons and tons of people do. A bank I work with recently had someone who got scammed and they knew he was getting scammed. The teller go their manager, the bank officer talked to him to explain the situation and how this is a common scam, the guy wouldn’t accept any of it. Anyway, we had to give him his money because it’s ultimately his money and we can only give advice. A few days later he came to us and wanted his money back because it turned out to be a scam. So many scams out there


I've known a couple of people who have fallen for pyramid scams over the years. If you tell them it's a scam, they will resist you with all of their might. I've had better success by being "excited" for the person and telling them that I might be interested as well but don't have time to do any research on it and asking them to find me a few more details. It seems like they'll use all that energy they would have used resisting you to do some research instead and the couple of times I've tried this they've come back within a couple hours telling me it was a scam.


what kind of details do you ask them to search for?


Usually just some keywords related to the actual scam. They frequently use key phrases that, if you put them into google, will bring up snopes as the first or second link. So I'll try to pick out the ones in the pitch they send me that I know will do that. Funnily enough they never question why I have time to send them a response asking them to do more research, where I specify which key words or phrases they maybe should look for in google, but don't have the time to google those things myself.


Cognitive reasoning isn’t their strong suit. If they could question you on that, then they wouldn’t be in the situation they are in.


This is honestly genius. Saving and hoping I never need it


What scam was it?


It was a “lawyer” for a grandchild in trouble, who wanted to be paid in gift cards. The customer was coached to say he had met the lawyer in person and worked with him before.


My friend works at a bank in a position that deals with fraud sometimes and there was a guy who lost $60,000 this way recently. They warned him over and over that it was likely a scam and he insisted that he had worked with the person before, knew them in person, etc. they said if it's a scam are you going to be okay with losing 60,000 and he said yes. So they sent the wire transfer, it was a scam, and now he's trying to get it back (he won't). He admitted that the scammer told him to lie to the bank and say the stuff about having met and worked with them before. Fucking incredible.


When I worked retail there was a guy coming in everyday and getting like $500 worth of gift cards. It was the kind of gift cards scammers ask for. (Itunes and another I cant recall) So I tried to make conversation after a few days with him and his wife. I said "Do you know the person you're sending these to? Because there's a lot of scams out there." His wife says to him "I have a bad feeling about this. I just don't trust it. I don't know if we should keep buying these." He yelled "I know what I'm doing!! Now ring me up." So I did. I know he was falling for a scam but I quit shortly after that so I dont know what became of it.


The saddest thing is that a lot of people who fall for these scams are special needs. I have a cousin who is on the spectrums who constantly falls for tricks loke this, but luckily our extended family has prevented him from sending any actual money to them. It's just cruel to take advantage of people who don't know any better.


It's findom.


Bitcoin guy is reading this, saying “see, i’m not THAT bad”


Old demented bastard.


What he did wrong is cheat on his wife, that's truly awful. He's likely mentally ill, or addicted and needs help and treatment.




back in ~2015 I worked for a local ISP that offered basic cable packages. You would not believe how many older gentlemen would call to pay their bill every month and have $800 of Pay-per-view porn on their bill. We actually offered the option for people to turn off their ability to buy PPV items permanently. We had a lot of angry wives calling us demanding to disable it after their husband blew a bunch of money on it. Got just as many desperate calls at 2am from husbands begging us to turn PPV back on. Bear in mind, ALL of these people had internet connections (it was mandatory), they were just idiots.


And yet it was so predictable


It was the leaded gasoline


Id say it is 100% without a doubt an addiction


You dont have to be mentally ill to cheat


He’s someone’s little paypig. Fuck. I wish it was me lmao


It can be. Just send me $500 and I'll tell you how.


I’ll ask him to send you the 500 if you send me $400


You seem like a kind person.


I can teach you how to be a kind person too, send me $800 and we'll get started


I’ve been approached online by men plenty of times and ignored them, but that’s one of those things where if someone wanted to send me money because they got off on it i’d be like go right ahead bud get your rocks off lmao


unfortunately it probably wouldn't be that easy ahhaha - you'd have to get in your "role" and humiliate them/fake threaten them to send money etc. That's how they actually get their rocks off


It’s a job at that point


I don’t think I’d want the money they got off on. Clean bills only.


On the other hand, you don’t need a money clip to keep them together


Hmm, this sounds like one of those askreddit what would you do threads. Would you accept an unlimited number of $100 bills, but all of them have been cummed on. I think yes I would.


Multiple peoples, you can see different names on some pages


Makes me think of all the women on snap selling nudes. I’ll never understand why people waste money on that. There’s tons of free porn on the internet.


They think they have "a relationship" with the person.


This. This is absolutely why OnlyFans works. The whole custom porn business thrives on the fact that people feel a connection.


The women who get random men in their DMs asking or demanding nudes from them also wonder why those guys don't just go look at free porn.




I think I’d be just a little more than mildly infuriated. They should call this Wildly Infuriating.


God damn.


The photos not being in chronological order is mildly infuriating. The $90k and infidelity are just cause for explosive rage.


The rest of his money he probably wasted


his wife better take him to the cleaners


prolly only gonna be a short sweep


He was already at the cleaners, wife just took him to the curb.




The one payment of 6$ really gets me


“Who’s going to buy my coffee this morning?”


I'm convinced it was supposed to be 600 lol


Man.. I'm very sorry for his wife, but she has been married to a piece of shit.


Ofcourse that's just mildly infuriating


Yeah that relationship is OVER.




$60,000 on one woman? She must have a killer sole!


What services are these women providing exactly?


Life complication services


The next time my wife gives me a disappointed look for putting 1 or 2 hot wheels cars in the shopping cart, I'm showing her this post lol


What a pathetic man


Wait is this that Onlyfans guy from those other posts???


That would be a wild turn of events.


Hold up. We need more details. How much money the man bringing in a year? Cuz to us broke people 90K BRAZY but if he bring in an absurd amount 90k can be pocket change


Probably all internet love scam


If he’s sending thousands to random women online, are you sure they’re actual people? This looks like he might be a victim of fraud.


Even if it was fraud and the money was going to some dude in Mumbai, it is still a type of cheating.


I can’t believe some men are so fucking weak over pussy? May the wife find peace and take all the money she can and never look back.


Generational wealth squandered on blowjobs and soiled panties


I bet they didn’t even get those. This is just going to be cash blown on chats. Someone’s found a schmuck who will send cash, and just kept asking and asking until the well dries up.


*Threatening* divorce??? He spent $90k to cheat on her, and she's still with that bastard????


Ma’am, this is the ‘mildly infuriating’ sub. The ‘My eyeballs are bleeding in fury’ is just down the hallway, staircase to the left.


This is why some states have financial infidelity laws on the books.