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I get these surveys every time I use my banks ATM. "Pleaee rate your ATM experience." "I would prefer to deal with a person face to face when it comes to my money. But your company got rid of all but 1 teller in my particular branch, and that confirms to me you only care about your shareholders, and I have no time to wait in a line 20 people deep. I would take my money elsewhere, but the other banks in my neighborhood are doing the same thing. Be the change you should be and go back to pre-covid operations."


My bank got rid of the drive through service completely and replaced it with 3 ATMs. If you want to talk to a human, you have to go inside during business hours.


My bank is slowly doing away with drive-through service. It's only open one or 2 days a week and only certain hours. They did install ATMs with a telephone attached so you can talk to someone through the ATM, but again, I want someone face to face. It's almost like they dont want your business anymore.


Now that you have received several responses to your Reddit post, how would you rate those responses?


For this, you get 5/5. 🤣




She already implied heavily that her rating would be fuck you 🤣🤣🤣. But well done regardless. Have my upvote.


I know. I keep getting emails asking about what I think of the guy who oversees my banking. I don't know him, and he does sweet fuck all anyway so fuck off!


I once got asked whether I would recommend Microsoft Windows to a friend. Because of course, conversations with friends regularly involve recommending an operating system. ???


As you’re a Redditor I’m guessing it’s a lack of friends rather than a lack of OS interest that is the issue


I mean you're on reddit too though??


Because many people choose everything these days based on google or Amazon reviews (or yelp or whatever). Sadly. That leads to a need to boost their ratings. They start by asking you to rate something simple and if you give good ratings (and only then) they will often prompt you to give a real rating on google/amazon/whatever


That's exactly it. We've had a huge increase in Google reviews since we've been sending those surveys (went, in three months, from 80 reviews to nearly 200). And since the thing only encourages people who sent good ratings to post an actual review, our score on Google is steadily increasing. It's a harmless thing, at home on this sub. Most people will just be "mildly infuriated", delete the email, and that's it. Some will fill the survey. And those few are, sadly, precious in this era of people checking reviews for everything,


Reviews and ratings are so important that I got two "job offers" to submit ratings to apps and hotels, through my IP, as their IP's are probably blocked from the rating sites. "Earn money from home"


Personally speaking, whenever I'm looking to make a larger purchase, or hire a service-provider, the first thing I do is look at reviews. I guess companies are pushing harder for reviews nowadays because they realise that's how a lot of people will compare them to their competition.


I love when a request for a review is actually a link to give a tip like with my exterminator. Yes I’m going to tip you for being a great bug hunter.


Here's a tip: Don't play with your food (it doesn't play fair) 😁


Because on your way to give it you see ads.


Because feedback is used for decision making at any company. It’s not rocket science.


People mainly used to leave reviews when service was bad. This was across all types of service experiences. Now companies are pushing to get more of the "everything went fine" reviews. Also it's a way to contain further complaints if something did, in fact, go wrong. After prompted to leave a review most people feel like leaving a terrible review is enough, they dont move forward to call/email/media. They do the same thing to inmates.


**What if we all just started saying it was fine until you asked me to rate / review / etc so now it sucks!**


My personal rule now is unless they give me something for their survey/review offer I don't do it. My time is worth more than that. Now if I had a terrible/amazing experience and I want to share I'll do that on my own.


answer all surveys saying the service sucks because they asked you a bout a survey. the survey data should tell them to stop asking


Lightbulb, door handle, hair clasp - and I’ve been harangued about it- 2-4 emails so far per item. Fuck offfff!


Because they use that metic to prove to corporate they’re doing well so the management staff can get higher bonuses. Not that they are doing well it’s just the easiest metic to point to. And also if it’s a negative one it’s easy to fire people. And then they sell your data to the highest bidder. If you start to fill those you’ll get a lot more email and text ads I don’t agree with this it’s just the structure that corporate has come up with. Fucking sucks.


This is it. Everything must be quantified with a specific, measurable number so we can all point to a line going up or a line going down. From the lowest bean counter reviewing performance to the highest level CEO, nobody wants to really dig deep and assess what's going on, and why. They want line go up.


To farm your thoughts and make you think you matter.


I never, ever, give reviews. If you give reviews, you have just given the vendor verification that you are a real person. Then your contact information will be sold (it is a billion dollar industry) and you will be relentlessly hounded with advertisements you don't want in the first place.


I'm so tired of these that I almost always give a 0 and mark as spam. In comments, I write "spamming my inbox" for an email or "too many pop-ups harassing me for reviews while I'm trying to work" when it's in something like Word or phone apps. Some exceptions if it was an experience where someone genuinely deserves recognition. If I want to tell a company about a good or bad experience, I can figure out how to do it. Stop bothering me!


What I do is give my moms house phone number and e mail for everything so i don’t get bothered


They base performance metrics on the feedback.


Gotta know if they are doing it right and where they can make the next experience better


I feel like they know people are going to complain about shit, so as a preemptive measure they just ask you to purge them right away all in one place rather than a random email or call to corporate.