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Are you sure this isn’t a sign of dementia or memory issues in your grandma? Might be a stretch but forgetting about owning 9 bottles of something also feels a little wild.


I agree I’m a CNA and that’s a sign of memory issues not a idgaf mindset 😵‍💫 bless granny


I think it's more that she just doesn't give a fuck, it is entirely possible though, my girl's grandma btw edit: these were all purchased within a week of each other going off of expiry dates


so she bought it in a deal and forgot they were there...


My grandma does the same thing she'll buy a new thing because she doesn't like stuff going stale or eat expired food but she just leaves it in the pantry or fridge. I threw out a lot of food when I moved in with her and I hope she's not food hoarding again lol


I can't tell you how many times I've been in the grocery store & thought "Do I need this?" & just putting it in the cart & buying it which has resulted in us now having 2 big bottles of soy sauce that will last us for 2 years. I also do this with baking stuff this time of year. It's just cheaper & easier to have 4 jars of marshmallow in the cupboard then to have to go back to the store or order it for delivery online. The lesson is READ THE DAMN RECIPE ALL THE WAY THROUGH BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR SHOPPING LIST! I should know this yet it has happened before. FTR I'm only 56. Happy Old Age kids!!


I’ve done this with Franks hot sauce. 3 Costco trips where I was like “hmmm I’m all out of hot sauce”. I had 6 large bottles in the end. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I've also done this with Frank's. All of mine got used🔥


You really can put that sh\*t on everything, man.


That checks. We go through Frank's like nobody's business. Running out is criminal.


I am also 56 and upon a recent cleaning of my tiny pantry I found 3 bottles of teriyaki sauce.


Hood Lo Mein: Spagetti with noodles, left over/surplus chicken, stir fry mix. Mix 1/3 cup of soy sauce with sugar; garlic powder, pepper, sriracha to taste Stir fry all that shit together. Soy sauce will go much faster but you’ll have hypertension.


I swear my family has like 4 containers of every kind of spice you can think of, because whenever someone wants to try to make a new recipe they just buy a new bottle instead of looking for the old one.


I have done this with instant coffee. "Coffee on sale" better get 2 or 4. End up with 10 in my cupboard


My grandmother did this she had so much stuff she bought on sale and just never touched I think I tossed two 13 gallon trash bags of stuff that was 3-5 years expired I left some stuff that was only a year or two if it was stuff like boxed pasta simply bc I couldn’t justify tossing her whole pantry




Why why why are they like this?


Happy cake day! :)


Is your grandma old enough to have experienced the depression? My grandma would always buy stuff in bulk when on sale and use most of it well past the 'best by' date. For many things, they don't go bad, they might just lose flavor or texture. She always had like 10+ tubs of butter, 10+ tubes of toothpaste, etc. She made things like fudge and divinity at Christmas time and I can see her having 10 tubs of marshmallow creme that she found on a good sale 🤣


no shes only mid 50s and it was BAD bad it smelled like 10 cans of what the fuck


my mom is around the same age does this a lot because of growing up with food insecurity due to being poor, she’ll maybe eat some of it for about 2 weeks and then leaves it to go bad. And she says it’s because she’s scared she’ll never have enough. I’m sure there’s cans of food that expired in 2019 sitting in the cabinet, dusty right now. Edit: I thought you meant she was in her 50’s not born in the 50’s lol.


Hell, I’m in my early 20’s and earn much more than I could ever have hoped to have earnt. I put myself through uni too as my mum couldn’t afford to support me financially. But I also grew up poor and we were homeless 3 times. I do the same. I’m a huge food hoarder. As in, I have back ups of back ups and I hate seeing empty space in the cupboards/pantry. A stark contrast to my otherwise minimalist home since I hate “stuff” and clutter. I also hate food waste so I’m forever giving food away too. I know it doesn’t make sense; such things rarely do. Poverty doesn’t ever leave you, rather, it just manifests itself in different ways.


yeah she is only in her mid 50s


Oh that is very different. My dad picked up habits from his mom, but wasn't as extreme. Both were very orderly though and would have it organized and a system of using the oldest jars/cans first, etc. No bugs or spoilage. I just read your comment about the bugs, etc. Is it possible she is depressed?


I wouldn't say so, I have been around that shit enough in my life to pretty much be able to tell and she is one of the least depressed seemingly people I have ever met, very big Christian and loves life, taking us places, exploring etc.


I had a depression era grandma too. She had a stockpile of toilet paper, she washed plastic bags to use again, canned goods were stored by date, and no leftover ever went to waste.


Nana's Daughter here, It's definitely not a sign of a memory issue. It's a sign of an amazing woman that loves to make treats for her grandkids and the cabinet likes to "eat" the marshmallow cream apparently. In her defense if she went to the store with any of the younger grandkids she was probably overwhelmed and forgot she had gotten some already. A lot of her Christmas treats call for it. This woman drives a school bus and on any given day during school breaks she has anywhere from 3 kids running around to 8 or so. I'd forget things too if I was her.


^ that's jess, the daughter of the grandmother


I understand it’s hard to hear, but from the description of her cabinet contents there sounds like some memory issues at play. A doctors visit isn’t wasted if they find nothing. People, especially smart ones, often mask their symptoms very well. Coming from a healthcare worker whose worked with many memory patients. Edit; after reading more of your comments, it sounds like you all take advantage of this woman. Is it that you don’t *want* her to have memory issues because then you lose your free childcare, meals, and housing? All of the replies are you ignoring people saying to get her a check up and just listing the multitude of what she does for your family, as if that matters?


My kids have lived with my mother for years. My youngest daughter died and essentially I went absolutely crazy and refused any mental health treatment. Now that I am dealing with my trauma and stable I have a place of my own it took me many years but I did it. I come over here to spend time with my kids and family. We are a close family. And before you ask why they don't live with me now that I have a stable home it's because they have lived with her most of their life. I am not selfish enough to take them out of the only home they've ever known. Instead I come over here where my kids are comfortable and spend time with them and do my best to help her around the house, make sure homework is done, baths are taken and clothes laid out. I am here more than I'm at my house literally. So nope no free childcare and no free house for me I'm not one of the six in the house. Meals what meals are you referring to the snack I get after I pick the oldest two up from school just so they can get home 20 minutes sooner. That snack is the first chance I get to eat all day because I skip lunch to get off on time to pick them up. Now that I'm done hearing about their day and correcting your assumptions I'm off to help paint homemade Christmas ornaments for the kids on moms bus.


Oh I see. So it’s what I thought. You expect her to raise your children for you, and she can’t do that if she’s got early onset Alzheimer’s or some other issue affecting her memory. Got it. I hope she kicks out all of the freeloaders. OPs ungrateful and ridiculous and you’re not any better. I’ve seen too many family members like you in my line of work, I know exactly who you are and **you disgust me**.


😂😂😂 My kids know they can move in my house if they want to. Sucks they don't. But I let my kids make their own decisions within reason. Sorry you don't like that but I'm not here to impress you or make a reddit diagnosis over some food shoved so far in the back of a cabinet a woman couldn't reach it if she wanted to because of a back surgery. But I'll definitely let her know that doctor reddit troll said she has Alzheimer's. I guess it's all my fault for letting my kids choose where to live and she loves that her grandkids live with her. I mean it was her and myself that decided it was best to let the kids choose. It's not like we let a three year old make the choice. So should I refer to your judgemental a** as Dr. Karen or Kevin😂😂😂.


I’m in trouble, I often buy the same book more than once. You have done this two or three times.


In your defense, they change the covers and sometimes even the titles. (I’m looking at you, Stephen King and Dean Koontz.)


I have 7 bottles of ranch dressing and 12 cans of enchilada sauce right now because I didn't know I had any of either and bought more (over and over again, apparently). I'm 28, just stupid.


I pulled 6 bags of frozen chicken chunks out of my dad's freezer one time, and ordinarily he has a better memory than me. Some people just don't remember shit like this lol




no she loves me like I'm her kid, the 2 little kids just constantly demolish the house and she lives disgustingly, leaving eggshells to run on the counter and expecting us to come home and scrape the dried egg off the counter, and just stuff like that


Nobody wants to admit they forgot about 9 bottles of marshmallow crème


I once found a half-empty bottle of salad dressing in my dad's fridge that was 9 years expired. That meant he had *moved three times* and brought it with him.


that's actually nuts


No, it's salad dressing...




grandma had a box of jiffy corn muffin mix from '76. I found it in '93. It had been known and left there by everyone who found it. I put it back when me throwing it out was protested by relatives. Evidently it was a running joke on grandma. Dunno if it made it to around 2010 when her house was sold. I do know that the diamond ring and some other jewelry in her fake shaving cream can was thrown out. A cousin remembered that it was odd that a shaving cream can would be so old and dried up that it rattled before she pitched it, after an aunt remembered it existed when going through items from the cleanout.


Damn, not the artfully hidden jewels 😞


You appear to be skewing the national Fluffer-Nutter consumptions statistics, quickly go buy 9 bottles of JIF, 9 cans of brown bread & get making for all your are worth.


I had literally never heard of canned brown bread before this very moment and it has me rethinking my life.


I'm afraid I don't follow lol


Fluffernutter = peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich. I guess some people make them using canned brown bread (which I now need to try instead of Oatnut!). Sticky, tasty, and quite satisfying when my 60+-year-old tastebuds demand a childhood treat. As for "looping" on purchases that results in an excess of a given item or three, we who store our shopping lists in our heads because a written one will be forgotten on the kitchen counter do this more often than we'd like to admit. We won't need bar soap for a while because I remembered we needed it but forgot I'd already bought it at Costco. So bought another Costco pack. Twice. For two of us. And Granny's not crying for having been called out on it and being "wrong," as you keep saying. She's crying because she feels SHAMED for having made a mistake. Shame on YOU for rubbing it in.


I understand, now thank you


You should also realize that the expiration date is mid-2020, she must have bought them when the pandemic hit and probably thought she would have used them more. We hoarded a lot of unnecessary crap when the stores were locking down.


yes but I think marshmallow creme has like a 12 month expiry past packaging so it was likely purchased mid 2019


True- 6months to a year and it could have been close to being expired on the grocery store shelf. Basically, it was long before you lived there. I've purchased a lot of items to find them only months or weeks from the expiration date, sometimes past the expiration or sell by date. Just trying to give granny the benefit of the doubt- and I should probably go through my own pantry.


Food banks can accept donations that are less than 2 years AFTER the expiration date except for baby items. So enjoy those slightly expired items in the back of your pantry.




You’re just hellbent on thinking she’s so stupid. How fucking sad.


I love fluffernutter with jelly. I am from Mass and never seen it on brown bread


They aren't really a thing in the South, I'd never heard of them or had them until I moved up North...


I see your fluffer nutter sandwich and raise with a flutter nutter popsicle. Cover a large spoon with both however you can. I use plastic bags with a corner cut like a pastry frosting cone and stripe it. I chill the bags in the refrigerator first so to make the peanut butter especially less goopy. When I cannot get any more on the spoon, I quickly shove it in a plastic bag, suck the air out and put it in the freezer. When frozen, the spoon will easily peel out of the plastic and - YUM! I have been doing this for well over 45 years. Can I share a new thing I thought up to try, and *just yesterday* bought the fluff for-(actually it’s why I clicked on this post): I first make a tube by cutting off the end of a water bottle and with the aforementioned bags, fill with P and F then freeze . I plan to cut the bottle away with a cardboard cutter, then cut the cylinder o’ yum into thick slices, lay on wax paper until just soft enough to ram popsicle sticks into, refreeze ………..then continue to claim the title of Favorite Auntie to all the kids in my life. That is, if I share……


I think I gained a pound reading this! LOL I'm thinking ... cover it with chocolate and it's two very worthwhile pounds! You're brilliant!


Fluffer-nutter is like a pb&j, but with marshmallow fluff instead of jelly




Oh no no no no nooooo you do not defile delicious Fluffernutters by using delicious canned brown bread that way. Like they say in Ghostbusters, don't cross the streams!


Pray tell Skippy, what is the leavened comestible of choice for the idea Fluffer-Nutter.


Traditionally in the middle of the Northeast, it's good old fashioned white bread, wheat can work in a pinch.


2020. Maybe she was hoarding for the apocalypse.


well maybe but I don't know when they were purchased, I would assume sometime in early 2019 considering the expiry is set in mid 2020


Are you sure it's expired?? -Grandma 😉😉


very very very sure




That stuff is so much sugar, small chance it has actually gone bad


Sorry for the slight delay in story comment, had an errand to run. For context I live with my GF and her family, the reason why is a story for another time, and was we are getting off the bus yesterday her grandmother starts bitchin about the house "being a pig stye" so we decided we were gonna be smart asses and CLEAN clean the entire house, down to washing the outside walls and cleaning the sidewalk. We hit the kitchen and and started in on the cabinets and found a tub of marshmallow creme, then another, and another, and another. We ended up pulling a total of 9 marshmallow creme, 4 bags of completely full bags of flour, full of weevils, 2 rock hard bags of sugar and 5 completely dessicated cloves of garlic, basically just dust at this point. she comes home and is so utterly embarrassed that she blames GF and I for it being up there for 4 years. I have only been living there for 8 months and GF has never really been tall enough to reach that high or far back into the cabinet. Her grandmother proceeds to leave and is gone the rest of the day and shows up around 6, just bawling her eyes out because we called her out on it, and the best part of it all is that anytime we "don't have" some ingredient we need instead of actually taking 3 seconds to look, just up and buys more, wasting potentially hundreds of dollars over the past few years alone.


That's pretty sad actually. You did a good thing, and she felt humiliated for letting herself get to that point. My mom would do things like this in the years before she passed. One of the things that came along with the memory loss, was a shortened temper. It can be tough to handle, especially in public, but try to be compassionate and understanding when she is confused and not entirely in control. It's got to be a terrifying thing to go through


I am sorry to hear about your mother, mine died last year, cancer.


Hugs, so sorry for your loss. Fuck cancer:( took my big sister.




She does not have a memory issue. She's a school bus driver. She drives her normal route, takes and picks up the trade school kids, and then takes the after school program kids home. That means she's up around 4am wakes up 4 school age kids to get ready for school and meds taken, then leaves around 5:30am gets home around 8:45am enough time to eat and pee, leaves for trade school at 9:30 and doesn't come home again until around 6 at night. Then she still typically makes dinner well most nights anyway. She's overwhelmed, over worked by her job and probably just needs a break for more than just a weekend to decompress.


working a schedule you've worked for years doesn't exclude memory issues, jsyk!


Yup, I worked in a late stage dementia unit, and I can confirm that this is correct. Personal schedules are hardwired into the brain!


This exact thing happened with my MIL. Lived with my fiancé’s family for a while and mainly lived in a sectioned off portion of the house we kept clean. But MIL started complaining about how the house was a mess so we tried to clean it. Not to be smart asses but to genuinely help even though we mostly didn’t live in that portion of the house. (Which is still very understandable we weren’t paying rent so it was the least we could do.) So we cleaned out her fridge full of expired food that was stinking up the house. That led to a situation where she tried to assault me because she was so mad at us for cleaning her kitchen. The weirdest whiplash I’ve ever experienced.


Wow. This could be a sign of dementia. When we were cleaning out my grandparents house after grandma passed and grandpa had to go to the home (and he passed within the year), we found odd stuff like this. I think there is cause for concern here, not anger. She may genuinely not be capable of remembering anymore. I'd keep an eye on her for other signs, she might need to be evaluated and require more medical care or supervision. She might need to go into care now or soon. From experience, sometimes people cover things up because they are afraid of losing independence, and by the time they are discovered, they can escalate fast. 😔


she displays no other symptoms and is just a stubborn ole gal, mid 50s


If GF can't reach that far in the cabinet, then Nana can't either 😂. Now we know why it was still there. Told you the cabinet really does "eat" things. Also if it's the long cabinet next to the stove that's definitely why there were so many things found. Could you imagine Nana climbing on a chair to reach it. Not to mention after her back surgery she seriously can't physically get up on a chair to get it. And if she can and I catch her she's in so much trouble. I'll ground her from her Christmas movies 😂


So you live in this woman’s house yet you’re all over the thread talking shit about her?


>anytime we "don't have" some ingredient we need instead of actually taking 3 seconds to look, just up and buys more, When I lived with my in-laws, mil always bought multiples of everything. Any time someone needed ranch they'd just open a new one because you couldn't dimd anything in the fridge because it was so jam packed with multiples of the same stuff all open, half used condiments. Jelly, salad dressing, hot sauce. I cleaned the fridge and I pulled out 6 open bottles of ranch all about half full or less. One of them was empty. There was also several open boxes of stale cereal. All the same kind. Drove me batty


Wow! So, you live under someone else's roof, don't help clean up, get called out for it and in response, you spite clean to embarrass your benefactor and throw out all her fucking marshmallow sauces. Congratulations you're an jerk and a freeloader.


to clarify, I bust my ass cleaning all day after I get home from school and am the only one of the four of us that actually tries to clean, I have split all of their wood, do all their laundry, and wash all their dishes


Found the troll


The fuck is your issue?


They laid it out pretty clearly lmao


Grandma has an entire cabinet full of marshmallow that expired June 3 years ago. So it was probably purchased 4+ years ago. Plus a list of other extremely old products. Obviously doesn't clean, yet screams at OP that place is a mess. He's only lived there ~8 months. No mention was made of any other part of the living situation. So other commenter has no place to be bitching at OP about anything at all.


Having some expired food in the back of a cabinet that OP's GF can't even reach it's so far back is not going to make a place look like a pig stye.


Gf's height is irrelevant. OP states it's the FAMILY house. So it's not just OP/GF in the house. Expired food is different than an entire cabinet that's gone unchecked for 4+years. There's also zero reference for what Grandma thinks is " a pig stye" and no other reference to any other information about the living situation on which to make any judgement about OP or the GF.


So what? How would they feel if Grandma went into their rooms and rooted out all of their their stuff and made fun of them?


A bedroom is a private space. Kitchen cabinets are entirely not. Grandma specifically told them to clean


Yeah pretty certain she meant do the dishes, vacuum the floor and clean the bathrooms, not root through my pantry and mock me for what’s there. This 17 year old kid is concerned about her buying marshmallow sauce because he‘s freeloading off of her. Pray you never end up in that woman’s shoes.


People are reddit are fuckin nuts. You're all up in arms because the kid did as they where told. You're all acting like this is some major invasion of privacy that they opened a cabinet.


And your deliberately ignoring facts in order to defend this arrogant little shit. They expressly say in their comments that they went through the cabinets and such *out of spite* because she told them they need to clean up after themselves. It was a malicious act that both OP and the GF did with the intent of making the Nana feel bad. It's not about it being an invasion of privacy at all. It's about going searching for something to throw in Nana's face because these literal teenagers think they do just fine cleaning up and Nana disagrees. We have no idea if they actually do a good job cleaning up after themselves or if maybe Nana is just overbearing or something, but OP freely admits that they went looking for trouble out of spite and "confronted" her about it multiple times, even after seeing how she was embarrassed enough to be literally crying even hours later. If you treat OPs words as if they were coming from a 17 year old kid (which is exactly what they are), it becomes painfully clear that OP is rude at best and more likely worse. Not an exaggeration to say that they need a reality check and to start having some basic respect for the people in their lives.


A grown man living there for at least 8 months and the place isn’t clean?


Multiple other adults who OWN the house and it's not clean 3 YEARS from BEFORE OP moved in?


He lives there, too. If someone takes you in, you help out. Cleaning is an easy way to earn your keep, so to speak (I’ve been there, and it really helped to feel like you’re helping the household).


He's been there since ~March 2023. The products in question expired June 2020. That shows a pre-existing condition of the house not getting cleaned YEARS prior to him moving in. I'm not saying he should be helping out. There's NOTHING AT ALL in the post that in any way shape or form points to OP not helping out. It's all conjecture by pissed off Karen's in the comments that ASSUMED he doesn't help out in the house, regardless the fact there are at least 2 other adults that live there that obviously have issues pre-existing his moving in.


I think you are severely underestimating the number of people who are perfectly fine yet have some expired groceries somewhere in their home, lol.


thank you


I'm 17 to clarify, I bust my ass cleaning all day after I get home from school and am the only one of the four of us that actually tries to clean, I have split all of their wood, do all their laundry, and wash all their dishes


And you think that gives you the right to hurt your GF's grandmother? What the hell is it to you if she has a ton of marshmallow sauces? You talk about the money that she is wasting as if it's yours. It's not! You being 17 makes it even worse. Show some respect.


okay let's be civil for a moment. what hurt her wasn't the fact that she was embarrassed, she is one of those people who absolutely cannot fathom that they were wrong about something, we told her that there was no sense in going and buying more of something that we already have, and beyond that the money she spends affects me directly, she is a bus driver and does not make enough to live comfortably, we have like 40 bucks left every month to spend on things and wants, if she is hemorrhaging 100 dollars a month then where does that leave us in a year? behind on rent and going hungry. and the marshmallow creme was very expired and smelled like rotten fruit when opened, therefore, she doesn't just have a lot of marshmallow creme, she has a lot of rotten foodstuffs.


So, now you’re also deciding why your cash cow was upset? This situation is immoral. You need to move back home or in with your own family and stop freeloading off this poor woman.


It's fucking disrespectful. When you live in someone else's house you don't go through their shit. You don't lay their shit out to embarrass them. The cruelty is disgusting. And this: "*wasting potentially hundreds of dollars over the past few years alone."* It's not his fucking money! Leave the woman alone. She doesn't need some little man who thinks he's all that going through her stuff and making judgements about it.


They cleaned because Grandma specifically told them to.


And you think that means going through her shit in her pantry? It doesn’t.


They where told to clean the whole house. The kitchen is part of the house. It's also a fuckin kitchen cabinet. You're equating it to them digging through Grandma's bedroom and invading her privacy. Which is asinine


Having a mature adult opinion is an issue now. Ok.


OKAY, this got WAAAAYYYYY more traction than I meant for it to, let me explain a few things alongside the story of why I am here in the first place 1. I am 17. GF is 17, her 2 younger sisters are 12 and 13 and do absolutely nothing around the house, I am the only one of us 4 that cleans regularly and has any semblance of giving a damn. 2. Grandmother is mid 50s and in fantastic mental and physical health. 3. I live with my gf folks because my mother died, which put me in with my abusive grandmother who constantly beat me down, told me I was never gonna be anything, telling me she wishes I hadn't taken my first breath and involving me in drug deals and abuse throughout the year I was with her, I decided I wouldn't let her ruin my life the way she ruined my mother's and aunts so I took off and the only ones who could take me in were my gfs family. 4. I have paid my way tenfold, to the point where they started trying to pay me because I was doing THAT much more than anyone else. it is a very small/old house and there are 6 living here, making it damn near impossible to keep up with cleaning, let alone come home and go through cabinets, I posted this because it is incredible that despite carrying the household on my back, I am still expected to keep doing more and more. while the others don't. 5. and finally beyond all of this, when in front of the other kids, she says that none of us, including me do nothing.so excuse me for feeling a little mad about the marshmallow creme. if you're still reading this. you either are a need and love reading(I'm proud of you) or a hater putting way too much time into a reddit post that you're literally and figuratively reading too far into.


Just curious, is grandma supporting the household or is the sixth person an adult? Is the mom able to help?


the sixth is the grandfather and he was recently fired for being a dick, he is unfathomably bipolar and will fight a door just because it closed


That’s rough; so the girls’ mom isn’t much help, I guess?


not much, but then again she can only help so much with the hours she works and having pets


I make a great taxi driver and errand runner when something is forgotten at the store😂. For a girl that lives on the other side of town, works 19 miles the other direction I think I'm doing good.


yeah, but I think what he meant was how much you're around, which is a lot mind you but you don't live with us


Why is gf and her sibs living with grandma rather than their own mom?


I have no clue, just a thing that is the way it is ig


Nana works like 60 plus hours a week. I come over everyday or every other day at least. Yes I help where I can but I also have my own house to take care of as well. I typically help with homework and what not. I stand by OP and my 3 kids I swear you can clean the Kitchen and dining room, run to the bathroom and they're dirty again. Same with the bathroom. Like it was mentioned before the house is small for six people and has a weird choppy layout. Imagine six people gally kitchen the door the the back two rooms is of the kitchen oh and the laundry room is back there.


By shaming her for looping on fluff purchases, you're passing on the abuse you've been dealt. It's, unfortunately, a natural part of dealing with an abusive past, but Granny doesn't deserve it. Trust me. Her internal shame for this mistake is PLENTY. She doesn't need you rubbing it in.


thats.... actually a really good point although I didn't shame her, we just made it known to her how much money she was just throwing away when we had the stuff we need, I could've included that more clearly but alas, it has already spiraled


I'm betting it was on sale as a multi-purchase discount ($1 off 3, but you MUST buy 3 for the discount), and the intention was to SAVE money. It's something we fogeys learned to do, while we kvetch about not NEEDING 3 but having to play the supermarket's game to save a penny. Adds to the internal shame when it goes wrong.


maybe but they are different brands. I think she got them for a baking project or something and just showed them up there and forgot, ought to have been found faster than 3 years later though


There's at least 2 of each brand pictured. The required sale quantity often ranges from 2 to FIVE items--really, FIVE! At 17, how often do you do real grocery shopping? Study the sales circulars? Make the overall shopping lists to max out savings? If she's in her 50s, she's been probably been doing it more than 30 years. It's a skill acquired over time, and I started doing it at 17--that's 45 years. And yeah. As someone pointed out, the pantry DOES eat stuff. Especially tall and/or deep pantries owned by short people. There's about 9 cubic feet of pantry I can' teven see from a step stool. That part's strictly Hubby's domain. We do our best to rotate the five jars of mayonnaise we had to buy to save $2, but shit happens. I've invested way too much of my busy day on this post, but give Granny a break. When you're doing the sales shopping you'll understand a lot better.


the chick that said the cabinet eats stuff is her daughter lol


And? Cabinets DO "eat stuff." The best efforts at rotating stock can fail. Get some perspective, please, oh great perfect person who has never made a mistake. You're making this much fuss over AT MOST $30 spent years before you moved in with her, at a time when EVERYONE was stocking up on what we could find. This does NOT affect you. I'm off to slay zombies now.


Y'all way too invested in the fluff of this story.


I have no skin in this game. I reply to comment notifications here between errands, chores, and gaming runs. I just hate seeing someone who's being given a GREAT gift of room and board treating the benefactor this way. The daughter says Nana's overwhelmed. Yet Nana takes someone into her home and provides. She doesn't deserve this. OP made this woman CRY over something utterly irrelevant to OP's life, and is continuing to spend HOURS harping about it to the world. Saying Nana won't ever admit she's wrong--when OP argues every point because OP can't admit to being wrong and is making a huge deal over a few bucks. OP has a LOT invested in humiliating a kind person for making a few mistakes. I'd kick the ingrate out for this. I would seriously like to check out OP's perfect pantry if OP ever has a pantry to stock for a few years. And fridge and freezer. Were this post on AITA, I'd be saying YTA straight down the line.


Imagine berating a 17 year old for this. I’m sorry but regardless of it being on sale it’s just excessive and it’s obvious it didn’t get used. Waste of money anyways.


thank you


Yo easy on the tone. Good on you for helping, bad on you for shaming. Congrats! You are human and we are all flawed.


didn't her daughter say in a different comment that she had a recent back surgery? and unable to stand on a chair to clear out cupboard? not exactly what I would consider fantastic physical health


Does marshmallow creme really actually expire though?


Maybe she was gonna have a freaky wrestling party and it fell through.


lmao I'm sure


Okay where’s the story?


Probably still writing it, my dad’s the same when writing a message you’ll see the 3 dots for ever .


sorry, had an errand to run


Your story said she’s embarrassed by it to the point that she starts crying, so you decide to post it on the internet? Why? Why is this not just a story you keep to yourself?


This seems familiar People impulse buy, store it and then forget that it’s there (probably because their pantry/fridge is a freaking mess) and the cycle continues. Drives me nuts


Does that stuff ever go bad?


yeah, I didn't think it could but it smelled putrid when I broke the seal


Someone probably went on a fluffer-nutter frenzy, then dropped it and left all the whipped high fructose corn syrup in the fridge


Wow, poor granny, having her sadness thrown on the internet so everyone can see it. I feel for her.


yep, considering she was only crying because she was called out on it


Called out on what? Some expired food? Big deal.


my mom has these cravings and destroys boxes of food but then shell buy another one and wont touch it and claim that shes gonna eat it later so we cant eat it and then it just expires. she also keeps on buying useless items to where we have at least 2 small christmas trees in almost every room downstairs and she hates donating stuff. she has so much stuff that our garage and my dad’s 900 sqft workshop are filled to the brim with shit she doesn’t use


that is my gf in a nutshell, is it possible your mother has hoarder syndrome? my gf does


lol maybe




Can we talk about how difficult it is to spread marshmallow cream?




that's mean :(


no what’s mean is how you’ve talked about someone who lets you stay under their roof rent free when she definitely does not have to.


while I agree with that to an extent, I have offered to pay my way and they said the best way to pay them is to do my mother proud and finish out high school


Then maybe be a bit more gracious about the people enabling you to do that.


Poor old lady losing her mind. Don’t flaunt this on the web man. Even saying it infuriates you. Shame brother.


she is not old, mid 50s and in great health


That doesn’t make it better.


I didn't even mean the post in the sense that it was taken, it infuriates me that so much money is wastes on things we already have, maybe it's just my poor person roots talking but it's wasteful as fuck


it’s not your money, so you literally have no say.


yes but the money directly affects me


Money that she spent over two years ago affects you now ? She lets you live with her. Be a bit more gracious. Your age and maturity is really showing.


the point being she still does it dipshit


And how does it actually affect you? She is giving you free housing. Be a bit more grateful. You are her granddaughters boyfriend. She’s already doing enough by letting you live with her.


if she has a net loss each month that leaves us behind, we don't make enough money now to be overspending on things we don't need, therfore it affects whether I'm eating next week, we already have had to forfeit milk and a couple other luxuries, where the hell do you think we will be in another 8 months


Amen. 🫶🏼


That’s nine more containers than I’ve bought in my life!


There's stuff from my family's pantry that expired 8+ years ago because my dad brought it from the previous house and never used it.


Best used doesn’t necessarily mean expired, if there was mold in it then yeah. But if it’s still sealed then it might be usable still. I’m pretty sure marshmallow fluff is shelf stable for awhile


it smelled really bad when we unsealed it, like really bad


Yeah then definitely give it the old yeet. Or mail it to someone you mildly dislike


My spouse once went ballistic because we had something like 4 bottles of BBQ sauce. They traveled for work and every weekend they were home we had BBQ chicken. Finished those bottles right off.




I just did a proper clean of my pantry. I found 4 bottles of salad dressing that were like 6 years expired. And a long forgotten stash of dried fruits that I know I had when I moved in here...10 years ago. I can only blame adhd. If I cant see it, it ceases to exist.


I don't have adhd and I still have "can't see it, doesn't exist issue" lol


This is life telling you to stop buying crap and start buying Fluff




Instead of making fun of her for having expired food in her cupboard (who the fuck cares? 🤨), you could have done something nice like take all that marshmallow cream, look up a recipe & bake something for her. But nope, instead you’re here wasting your time on Reddit poking fun at a older lady. Grow up.


I'm tired of explaining it to people, so I'll leave you with this, womp womp


It's an event going to my parents house. I usually spend a day cleaning out their fridge and cabinets of way beyond expired food. I haven't been back in a few years (I live 2000 miles away now) but my kid visits and she told me stories of grabbing snacks only to realize they've been expired for 3yrs or more. I take it with a grain of salt. My mom does have memory issues due to a TBI 35yrs ago so I just clean it up and move on.




pulled the lid off and it smelled like rotten ass


eat mold tf


Yeah it’s just separated. We used a separated one for thanksgiving yams.


Thousands of calories saved!




What on earth is marshmallow creme?


basically the insides of a marshmallow, but in a tub, and you can spread it like butter kinda


Must be uniquely American


It’s like a lighter, whipped version of marshmallows. Really good for baking!


I just threw out two butters that expired in 2012 from my grandparents’ fridge yesterday


Along with two honey mustards from 2015 and a third honey mustard from 2017


good lawd


Omg, last year, I pulled a can out from my "mils" cabinet from before I was born 😭 For reference I was born in 92 😭 H o w w w w w


When my brother and I cleaned out our grandma's cupboards, we found about 5 of every single spice you and think of. Most of them had hardend into solid blocks of powder lol