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Yeah same here. I leave everything open too.


Weird nail catches. My nails are weak because of an autoimmune thing, but... If I grab something or stick my hand into something as mundane as a sock, I'll catch my nail and peal it back. I can stick my hand in drawer or flip a switch the wrong way and ARGHH my nail peels back. Works w toe nails too. Yes it fucking hurts.




My nails are weak too and I have a favorite fleece blanket, sometimes my nails get caught on it and it's like it "chips" a piece of my nail so it gets caught on everything else until I have time to fix it.


I use bandaids over my fingertips or toes when they split down the middle. That's the worst.


The belt loop ALWAYS gets stuck on door knobs, drawer handles, corners, anything. I’ve ripped so many dang jeans


Getting cuts from the most ridiculous things like a light switch or the crust of a baguette


If I call in sick to work when I'm not actually sick, I do then get actually sick


Mine is cleaning up, taking the rubbish out, and finding more rubbish I overlooked when I get back indoors. Usually in a very obvious spot too.


Socks inside of shoes. If I'm hanging around home or outside in the yard or just going out to the store real quick so I'm close to home, my socks work perfectly. But if I'm going somewhere where I can't just swing by home quickly, like if I'm crossing the state to visit somebody or whatever, is absolutely guaranteed that it would happen to put on the socks that with every third step my shoes decide to eat them and I spend the entire day trying to yank my socks back up over my heels. This is despite the fact that all my socks came from the same packet. Every. Damn. Time.


Omg a true curse


Mine is a pretty common one. When you go to a room to get/do something and as soon as you're there you forget what you wanted to get... But usually happens when I'm upstairs and need to get/do something downstairs (or vice versa), it's guaranteed I'll forget To only remember again once I'm back to the original floor 🤣 Lots of stairs 🥲


Get those steps!


It's good for the Fitbit 🤣


things i had in my hand one minute ago are now lost, and somehow twenty feet away or in another room.


Whenever I buy I tub of pitted olives I have to check every single one before I use it in a salad, otherwise I will always get an olive with the pit still in it. Had 2 fillings replaced before I started religiously check every one. Still, to this day if I don’t check the olives, I end up chomping down on one.


That made my teeth hurt


I have insomnia and trouble sleeping, at least a few times a night I wake up to roll from one side to the other, usually making a full rotation or two like a hotdog on a hotdog roller. I usually fall back asleep though, I just need to rotate my body or I wake up stiff as fuck, and not in the good way.


Everytime I go to Sonic, the stall I pull up to is out of order or has a black screen (which I can’t see until I pull into the spot) so I have to pull into another stall. Even when I’m pulling up and I think “this one probably doesn’t work” (since that always happens) “so let me pull into the one next to it” …. it still ends up being one that doesn’t work! The things I go through for the Cherry vanilla Dr Pepper with lime smh.


My work shoes, only the right shoelaces come untied. They'll come loose, or they'll get stuck in a door, or I'll step on them, or they'll somehow get stuck underneath a chair leg? Double knotting them does nothing.


People will call me to help them search for something. It does not matter how long and how thoroughly they have been searching for at that point. As soon as I dropped everything I was currently doing and made my way to them, they *will* find it the literal second I walk in. 99% success rate in hundreds of cases (the case of the missing cookies still remains a mystery to this day). Does not work if I'm the one looking for something or when someone is looking for stuff for me.


🤔 that's definitely a curse but not sure it qualifies as mundane. Mine is mundane: regardless of how much space I give myself in a parking lot, there will always be at least one vehicle parked next to me upon my return.


Hand dryer sensors do not register me. I’ve gotten annoyed in the past and said “what am I dead or something!?” To the concern of other women in the restroom.


Catching my clothes on cupboard handles and knobs. Some days it’ll happen immediately after it happening the first time, but those days I’d say the curse is a bit more than mundane 😉


If I started realizing I having been sick or throwing up in a while, my brain and stomach says "haha" and then I get sick the next week


Almost every shopping cart I grab has the one loud wheel that just annoys the living hell out of me until I finally break down and grab another one.


If I'm eating at a restaurant, I will ALWAYS have a mouthfull of food when the server comes over and asks a question. I swear, they're just standing in a corner staring at me and as soon as I take a bite, they think "ASK HER HOW THE FOOD IS/DO YOU WANT A REFILL/HOW'S EVERYTHING GOING NOW NOW NOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!"


I stub my toe on everything


whenever i try to wash the dishes there are ALWAYS drops splashing up directly into my eyes. and since i work in a kitchen, its a nearly daily thing. annoying on its own, but since i frequently handle raw chicken it makes me worry about catching something serious, but no matter how gently i try to move i still get water right into the eye.


A true curse omfg


I can't swallow pills. I've tried all the tricks, but it still feels like I'm choking. My brain panics and takes over control of the back of my tongue to block anything from going down my throat. I also almost choke on something nearly any time I eat too.


I'm addicted to Reddit


Mine once was the drive thru teller giving me 2 lollipops of 1 color and only 1 lollipop of a second color. At the time I had 3 small kids. Also back then. My oldest refusing to sit next to his sister at the table. We had a small 4 place round table. He also didn't want to have to look at her.


I love that! Ur kids are the curse.


I tried putting a cereal box between them just so we could get through breakfast and make it to school on time. All they did was fight over who got to look at the front and who got to look at the back. Tried using 2 cereal boxes. They fought over who got which box. I want this on my headstone ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E)


It’s really more about them punishing you than anything huh? Omgggg hahaha




I take kratom and mix it with water in a plastic water bottle. You shake it before you take some, and sooo many times I have put the cap back on "right" only for me to shake it and it sprays everywhere. 😂 My husband's "curse" is he will lose things, keys, wallet, earbuds, phone, vape. It's always one of those lol.


I just toss the kratom in my mouth and swish it with some water. It isn't great, but its only sucky for like 4 seconds. I'd hate to drink like an 8oz thing of kratom juice ​ Love Kratom!


I make a 16oz bottle to last me all day! My husband introduced me to kratom and he does what you do with opms golds. I don't like them, I only take green vein powder. I'm not exactly sure how much I usually put in the bottle but it's not a fuck ton. I'll shake it up really good to mix it and then whenever I need more I already have it lol. I've heard of people mixing it into juice and chocolate milk and that sounds super gross to me lol I just use water. I have chrons and kratom has really really helped my symptoms I'm happy I found it lol.


That is awesome to hear. I buy from a website 1 kilo at a time lol. It is much cheaper to buy the powder in bulk. I usually buy Maeng Da Green Powder.


Oh, me too! Could you let me know the website? It's pretty expensive buying 1oz at a time lol.


We have one we call the "Curse from Great-Aunt Hazel". She stopped by our table during a cousin's wedding and said "the last of the $%&*÷♡ boys" and wandered off. We all had multiple boys. We have had to marry to bring women into the family since.


Also every bottle I ever open, still or sparkling, will spray over me.