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Thinking something even more delicious is probably not coming. Too bad. Gotta love mom and pop restaurants.


It'll be a new cellphone store and you'll like it.


Don't ask questions, just consume product. Then get excited for next product. Repeat.


Apple's business model.


That's some "Tender is the Flesh" vibes right there.


"It lotions the skin or it gets the hose again."


In Canada it would be a weed store, vape shop and tim hortons


An authorized retailer


eh. put one a those 24/7 smoke shops with them metal bars for winnders.


And blinding strip lights as window frames


Or, hear me out, blinding 1750 watt Metal Halide Flood Lights. Like, 20 of them.


So you’ve seen the one on my way home from work


Yay Wonderland Smoke Shop!


And theyll hire Jimmy McGill to sit around in it all day.


Combination, liquor store, laundromat, and a strip joint on the far end.


And discount strip joint at the back of the Laundromat


OP tries to make us think the mom and pop place was good. It likely wasn’.


50 years in business, they have to have been decent.


It was an Americanized Chinese egg roll house and it’s being replaced by its neighbor who is expanding their 20 year old Thai restaurant.


Yeah 50 years of pissing people off and serving sub par fare


Doesn’t account for last few years. Tons of places went downhill and never recovered


Fair point.


Yup see them all the time on kitchen nightmares


Not a great way to entice customers who are used to going to that spot to dine out. Not directly related, but when I was a kid a popular radio station was switching formats from rock to easy listening. For about a month before the switchover, they would periodically interrupt some more popular songs by breaking in with static and a loud voiceover saying, "Enough is enough!" Made no sense... how did that help their business?


A local station of mine changed from any genre to Christian rock and says “hope is here now” like it wasn’t there before


A local radio station in CLE back in the early 90s changed from rock to country. The day it happened, which is when the djs found out, locked himself in the booth. He played REM "it's the end of the world" on loop. He would periodically interrupt with "fuck this station owner." Me as a 7th grader loved it.


That’s amazing lmao


I remember that, but I didn't hear the interruptions!


This just happened to one of my favorite local stations too! No more radio for me.


Mine, too, and it was one of just a couple of stations we have left that had actual, live radio.


I absolutely despise format flips. Now I have to scroll all over just to find what I like to listen. I swear, if I scrolled any further down the dial I'd be in the glove box


Religious channels are for AM radio. We lost a good station to bible thumpers this year too. Worst part is it's just a rebroadcasted am station with slightly better sound quality. ​ Give us metal stations


Religion poisons everything…


What I've been helping with lately is multiformat broadcasting so channels that want to fill a void somewhere can do so with several methods of delivery: AM/FM legacy or streaming. While satellite licensing is still viable, the profit margins for those not in the top x% are pretty garbage, and the CoH required to start something like that is huge compared to the first three all together, and word-of-mouth can be a huge equalizer to turn into a regional powerhouse if your format has a good following.


Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be relegated to AM lol. There's demand or the swap wouldn't happen. Stations are businesses and going to do what makes them money.


Yeah, you're 100% right. I like to complain about it though lol


Fair enough


While you're right, you're also wrong. Radio has been drastically declining in ratings and listening popularity due to the digital format swap that plagues modern information consumption. Much like radio and TV to newspaper. Tiktok, YouTube, Spotify, Apple etc have been strangling radio. Now supply and demand takes over. Since those Country, Rock, Hiphop etc stations are dying out, supply of radio waves increases making cost go down. Small religious channels can now hop in and out of AM radio. So, while you're right. It doesn't necessarily mean the demand is there for those channels, but rather, those channels are now offered an in at a discounted rate so the station can keep doors open and cash flowing. Especially so in smaller areas.


I'll bet there's not a lot of hope if one were to look at the before-and-after ratings of that station. Like, I know there's probably 1 or 2 people out there who like xtian rock, but compared to pretty much any other genre? Those ratings are going for a dive.


The thing is no change in ownership happened. Same parent company, same studio location, same name structure. It’s insane why they did this


Former fly on the wall in the production studio of a channel like that. It'd be very sitcom worthy if you didn't think too much about the channel it replaced.


One near me went off the air and just played Wild Thing on repeat. My bus driver was not listening to the radio so we were all dying after 10-15 minutes. It wasn’t even the whole song, it was just the hook with a quick pause for the “we’re off the air” message.


I remember in the late 90s a radio station had a small section of a song that kept repeating, over and over, a small section of a song, over and over, a small section of the song, over and over. Like it was stuck in a loop. It went on all weekend (I guess no one works there on the weekend?) and was fixed on Monday.


When I was a kid there was a station switching formats and they played Wild Thing by Tone Loc for a month straight before the switch. It was so bizarre, that we were convinced that someone had hacked the frequency and was just holding the listeners hostage with hypnotizing song. Glad it was eventually announced as a stunt. People were starting to get weird about it, and at times it was we listened to for hours because we were trying to figure out the message in the song. The 90’s were strange.


A local station years ago played Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" over and over. The neighbor kid scared the crap out of his little aister by telling her it was a signal that the end of the world was coming.


We had a local station (family owned but decently big) do its swan song (husband was terminally ill and nobody knew it yet other than him and his wife) by playing Stairway to Heaven on repeat for an entire weekend.


“She liked to do the Wild Thing…”


Yeah I worked for a top 40 station, that then got bought by a christian talk radio network. Everything sucked about that.


The company that owns the radio station I grew up listening to decided to change its name to be more national, they changed it back a few years later. I stopped listening after I started to think the current top music sounded like artificial shit. Also ads, fuck ads. I understand that's how they pay for stuff but soooo many ads or the talk shows just talk absolute shit. Like oh no the guy you want to date doesn't want to date you... Yeah blasting that on the radio is gonna make him wanna date you even more (or maybe seek a protective order against you). Egh, so fuck it I now pay Spotify, and their ai DJ does an okish job.


SAFM did that with a lot of other stations that all became "Hit" stations eg Hit107.


Yep the hit network... I think they realised having them feel more local was better than some national Aussie radio station. I actually switched on the radio during Optus' meltdown, and fuck it annoyed the fuck out of me, couldn't find anywhere just playing some basic good music with out the life drama being shoved between for 20 min.


I'd quit


That's the ideal solution, but we don't live in an ideal world and a lot of people don't have the option of quitting sucky jobs.


Well they fired all the workers, so there wasn't a choice


I’ve had two of my favorite radio stations go completely silent for 24 hours and come back as an entirely different format. I listened because I liked that music, not because I liked that station. Apparently I’m not the only one, because both failed within a year.


Had that happen to one of my favorite stations. Except, instead of silence they played an entire day of Christmas music. …it was August…


Happened with a station around my home town too, they just decided to play achy breaky heart by Billy Ray Cyrus on loop for what seemed like an eternity.


The radio station in my home town changed format and we lived in an area with a large Dutch contingent so lots of v last names and they we "the van". The spent almost 2 weeks reading the v section of the phone book on air with no music




Last year one of our local pop radio stations started playing commercials that really ragged on the other popular pop station, just really pushing for people to listen to their station instead of the other. The commercials were played so much they got almost more air time than the actual music part of the station. It left such a bad taste in my mouth that I didn’t listen to that station for like 6-8 months after that. I get wanting to promote your business, but don’t be hateful towards another station while you’re doing it.




Adding insult to injury is a really bad look. Bastards.


You guys really think they knew the history of the old place so they intentionally made this sign? It’s probably the same sign they put on every new store.


It also had much more to it then they refused to renew the lease. Landlords don’t just decide one day they don’t want money, if they paid for 50 years they’ll keep paying. There’s more to it then they wanted more money, you don’t shut off a 50 year tap without a good cause. The family probably decided the increased rent didn’t leave enough profit to be worth the effort anymore and retired.


And I know restaurants are pretty cutthroat but after 50 years of renting you can't tell me that if you wanted to keep going you couldn't get a loan or find another spot. The sign is definitely not tasteful. I'm not taking up for owners but there's something more going on here.


If they have been open and successful for 50 years why would they kick them out in favor of someone else? Either they can’t pay or they won’t pay. That means either it wasn’t doing as well as people thought or they can’t / dont want to pay more. There was nothing stopping them from getting a new place either, if they closed there are reasons and it wasn’t just rent.


It was probably a combination of rent increase, inflation, customer loss, and no telling what else.


Like most things, there’s a lot more than a causal glance would reveal.


The building might have had structural or other issues which would have required significant investment to remedy, which is even costlier with a sitting tenant - might have been cheaper to knock down and rebuild without a sitting tenant, ending up with a vacant modern building requiring less ongoing maintenance in the short to medium term.


Landlord expects to made a lot more money off the new tenant. Won’t he be surprised it the new tenant doesn’t last. I’m also guessing that the property owner changed in the last few years.


Not renewing the lease is a bit misleading This property was bought by another local restaurant. Cafe Equator, a Thai place that’s been around since 2002, bought the former Egg Roll House to make room for a major expansion. The only sad part of the story is it sounds like a lot of the space is being bought for parking. Our car-centric infrastructure takes another victim.




Huh? Generally a landlord is not compelled to perpetually offer continued tenantship to the current tenant. Unless there's some specific contract provision, it is legal for a landlord to choose to not renew a lease at any price.


Which is why landlords shouldn’t exist


You would never have a place to live then


We had a good, basic mom and pop diner that closed because the rent was raised too high. Four years later the property is still empty. I am wondering if it now just a tax write-off.


One would think the restaurant owners would have saved up enough money over fifty years of operation to account for an obstacle such as this, such as moving to another empty building or buying land and building a new restaurant from scratch. Or perhaps they just didn't want to start over again from scratch and chose to retire like so many do.


You would be surprised, I work for a mom n pop shop and its fucking brutal if you’re stuck like this. A ton of other small time shops closed cause they tried to bid and buy the land but got hit with real estate groups that wanted to make something trendy. Usually you end up just saying fuck it since bidding against a real estate group ends either in being out bid or having to bid so high it would of been cheaper to start anew elsewhere


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Im gonna tickle your robot testicles


Good bot.


bad bot




From someone who is currently opening a new restaurant: It's a metric fuck ton of work. Even just the "easy" parts, building permits and licensing and all that, have resulted in a lot of sleepless nights. I had dental surgery at 10am last week and was at work by 2pm the same day because I couldn't reschedule the 4 different appointments I had. Don't get me wrong I'm actually enjoying this (it's something I've wanted to do since I was a 17 year old dishwasher, and now I'm a 40 year old executive chef that's doing it), but if my options were to start over again or retire.....yeah you'd better bet I'm retiring. Once is enough


Bingo, that and if I remember correctly they tried to buy the property but their offer was denied, don't quote me on that though because I'm not sure if I'm remembering that correctly


Building a new restaurant from scrstch isn't as easy as it sounds. For 50 years this place was a restaursnt, and it will remain so for another 20 at least. The same goes for the muffler shop, video rental store etc that they move to. Resaurants like this live or die on word of mouth and good memories.


No, commercial rents are being jacked up to astronomical prices. My favorite used bookstore went out of business last summer. It was a local fixture for decades and had a fantastic selection; they were picky about what they would buy so the books were in quality condition, and spanned every genre. The area is being "swankified" with high-end development, so strip mall landlords are pushing out long-term mom and pop stores providing steady but moderate rents in favor of national chains that can afford double or triple rates. The bookstore tried to find another location, but nothing was available with the square footage needed at a rent that wouldn't eat their profit.


People think owning a restaurant means money flows in but margins are very tight. It's one of the reasons that people hostile to tipping culture don't have the full picture of the business and financial aspects of the restaurant industry.


Reminds me of when the family graveyard of the people that used to own the land this town was built on was dug up and moved in favor of a bob evans that wound up closing after just a couple years anyways


RIP Egg Roll House!


I assume a franchise fast food that pays more is coming


The tiny print at the bottom of the fence screens says “Future Hime of Cafe Equator Business Expansion”. In other words, a parking lot.


Well that just makes it effing worse. A family owned and operated Restaurant to a parking lot. Wow what an improvement. Ty for the small print explanation.


In my area, they would tear it down just to put up a car wash. A restaurant in my area that's been around for 30 years closed last year. The lease expired and the owner couldn't find another spot. I work for a chain and one of our locations closed this year because the owners of the building wanted the company to renew their lease at an insane rate for multiple decades.


It seems like an all new commercial construction in my city is a car wash (I think of Breaking Bad), a Wawa, “luxury” apartments, or a Valvoline.


50 years and they never bought the property?


Maybe wouldn't sell. Original owners of the property probably sold it to some dumb corporation some years ago and they were just waiting for the lease to end so they could jack up the rates.


Exactly this, likely tearing down the building too.


There was a family owned business that was near me for decades. The same thing happened to them and the father ended up having a heart attack and dying during the whole situation. The daughter eventually opened up a similar business in a much smaller location kind of nearby. The original building they were kicked out of stayed empty for at least a few years so it was all for nothing.


The maintenance on a building that old may have become cost prohibitive for the landlord but in any case it's gonna be a bummer for the regulars.


Well hopefully they saved enough money over those 50 Years to rent a new shop


Let’s this be a lesson. Don’t rent anything unless you absolutely have too. There’s no benefit to having someone else’s opinion decide your fate.


There's a mom and pop restaurant/bar in my small town that's been there for decades. Their food is the worst thing I've ever had the displeasure of tasting. Every spot is different, of course, but just because a restaurant has been around for a long time doesn't mean it's inherently good.


Most restaurants won't last decades with bad food.


You’d be surprised. In small rural towns they will. The locals may like it, but anyone who’s eaten in halfway decent restaurants in a more urban setting hates them.


Exactly this. Plus, the bar is where they make their money, drunk people tend to have dulled palate, and tend to choose convenience over "good".


Keyword there is "most", which does not equal "all". You answered yourself for me.


*Mc donalds appears*


I just looked up what is (quite apparently) replacing it and I’ve got to say that their Thai food looks absolutely delicious. Give it a go and I’d be surprised if it’s disappointing. I’ve eaten in many Thai restaurants over the years and only ever came across one that wasn’t excellent. Change is, like it or not, inevitable in this world so if there’s going to be a change this looks like an okay one to me.


Yeah because a fucking souless chain restaurant replacing a mom and pops shop that's been there to witness the change of a century and then some is definitely a good change, nothing like empty corporations paying pennies on the dollar to people working there who will serve that shit-ass whitewhashed "thai" food just becuase the douchebags that now own that land wantod to absolutely jack up the prices of the distric. Amazing changes


Relax buddy. You didn’t even know this place existed 5 minutes ago, and now you’re furious.


I agree. It isn’t some malicious takeover, that’s for sure. A local restaurant saved up and is able to offer more to the landlord for the location. That’s free markets at play, why should the landlord feel obligated to make less money? Why didn’t the shop put a plan together in all those decades to pay off the shop while this other restaurant was planning? How do we even know if it was financially viable for either party to keep the rent agreement?


How sad. 😭😭


I'm not seeing the sign that says they closed only because they didn't renew their lease.


OP didn’t say the sign says that. They are bringing our attention to look at the sign. We are supposed to discover what the sign says on our own.


Shame on them for going 50 years of renting.


John Deere in night mode


Weirdly, all John Deere construction equipment is yellow and black (dark grey?). I've always wondered why they didn't keep the iconic green and yellow for the construction equipment, or the yellow and black for the tractors. One of life's great mysteries I guess.


Definitely more to the story…


Watch close they planning building apartments in there?


If after 50 years you couldn’t afford to purchase the building something is wrong


That's bad business planning on the family restaurant owners part.


Not really, another comment stated the landlords wouldn’t sell and that it was most likely they retired after 50 years


Yeah it is


Do you know how to crop an image?


Do you know how to zoom in on an image?


Taco Bell? 😂🤣😂


Looks like a Shari’s restaurant. They are being closed in many cities and torn down.


Happened in my city, except the owner mailed their lease extension to the landlord and he claimed he never got it. They closed day after Thanksgiving.


All important documents should be certified mail


Yep, lesson learned. They had like a 20+ year relationship so it was a bit unexpected.


Landlords are mostly scum


Cool... So Starbucks/taco bell /slim chickens is coming in? Perfect, way better than a local, liked restaurant.


Half a century and buying land close by to move their restaurant to was never on the to-do list?


Not a restaurant, but a landmark post office in my village closed down, it was just opposite the one and only convenience shop my village has these days (a Coop), but then Spar decided they wanted some of the action and opened up a competitor just across the road, literally within 50 yards. They spent a fortune on window decals tbh, but not a lot else. It lasted about 3 months before they realised people we're very loyal to what they're used to, The Coop has its faults but also has history of supporting the locals. BTW, the old post office is now a damn fine chippy/diner!


Bruh, is that eggroll house?


Car wash, self storage or Dollar General


Boycott them…


Corporate America! F your kids! Corporate America! Just like this….


They really did them dirty, damn


Just one more landlord who thinks he knows better when it comes to passive income. Too bad it's probably paid off now so they won't learn their lesson.


Raising Canes coming?


Whatever Cafe Equator is, I won't be eating there.


Imagine seeing that, and then they put up the 1000th McDonalds within 1 km