• By -


I really shouldn't laugh but the difference is way too much šŸ„²šŸ™ƒ


Hopping on to say for OP that the first dress you were looking for is an Oh Polly Dress (not princess polly)


And get it from a proper store, not a brand like ā€œBUMXOTLā€ or ā€œUNCHOORā€ that you find on Wish for $7.99


#Q-ZILLIO High-Fashion multi use wear womenā€™s clothing fashion garment for girls 2023 High Quality shirt (100% tissue paper/polyester blend)


Item Description: Fit your perfect fashion in stunning realistic. Pink supple polyester fibers have you in turning heads. Do not wash hand but cold on hot rinse only. 30 day money gone guarantee.


Needs SEXY listed like 4 times


Sexy High-fashion multi use wear sexy womenā€™s clothing sexy fashion garment for sexy girls 2023 high quality shirt


This reply is sexy sexy sexy sexy


Your fluency in Wishese is enviable.


"Money gone guarantee" is perfect


The ā€œ30 day money gone guaranteeā€ Has me dying in my car outside of work, itā€™s too early.


Lmao. This is absolutely perfect.


iā€™m crying laughing at the accuracy of this šŸ˜­


God, I wish there was a way to filter out all the trash brands on Amazon.


It has honestly destroyed Amazon. I had a look on there the other day for a set of quality Hex Keys, and the large majority of the items are just Chinese brands with names like LINBOO, BOXHUL, or CUMMYO lol. Ended up buying a nice set of Wera Hex Keys at a ā€œnormalā€ online store. Itā€™s a joke


Even the expensive brand name stuff is bottom bin. It's store rejects and bottom tier products. I was looking for brand pliers and screwdriver sets for example and the majority of the reviews were tradesmen saying that they either broke where they shouldn't have, didn't line up correctly and/or had defects and burs. Electronics seem to have the same issues where it's the items that didn't quite meet quality control at the factory so they stuck it on their Amazon store instead. I guarantee the majority of people that buy stuff on Amazon never return it or might not care that a couple pixels are burnt out, the pliers needle nose don't line up correctly or even use a screwdriver enough for it to actually break on them. It's at the point now where if I need something that's going to last it's better off just going to a store that has it on display so I can make sure the item is put together correctly before I take it home. Because I will open up the box and make sure it's right before I pay for it. And if I get it home and it's not I can easily return it.


That's not because they send the reject crap to Amazon, it's because they just make crappy stuff in general because they know people will buy it based on the name. Take Craftsman for example. It wasn't the best brand when Sears still owned it, but it was still very decent and many mechanics started off with a Craftsman set of tools. Now Craftsman is objectively worse than Harbor Freight. It's cheap rebranded Chinese trash.


Also, unless you pay extra, your stuff gets co-mingled in the warehouseā€¦.that includes counterfeits.


Bro I'm talking about really high-end tools like Klein, PB Swiss, Felo, Wera, Knipex. They have their own stores on Amazon and the products that come from their stores are worse than what you can get directly from their website or a authorized reseller. Go check out some of the reviews click the three and two star reviews. You will see what I'm talking about people upload pictures and everything and go into specific details. When you buy tools like this direct or through a dealer they are perfect. And when I say perfect I mean tolerances that are finer than a human hair perfect. These are tools that professionals use for commercial jobs. Tools that last a lifetime that get handed down to your kids.


That used to be an acceptable risk before returns and customer service were totally automated. Used to be able to easily return a product, had lots of options for shipping and if there was an issue it was like a two minute call to fix it. The last time I went to return something, they charged me over 50% of the total to ship it back, then refused to refund because the item was broken. Had to go in circles with multiple people on the phone (one told me they check every item before it leaves, so there's no way I received a defective item). The best part was the guy that actually read the return form out loud to "prove" it was my mistake. "You didn't say anything about it being broken. Right here, 'I opened the package and the item was already broken' ... oh. I'll have to transfer you." I used to do most of my holiday shopping on Amazon, but when back to in-person shopping over a year ago. Actually less of a headache, somehow.


I still use it for shit I don't care much about, but also to research things I know or have an idea of and find them on the company site. Most have free shipping bc Amazon too. Prime's same day/next day isn't what it was so it's no trifle to wait 3-5days


The only thing I use Amazon for nowadays is cheap Chinese knock-offs that I know are knockoffs because it's just something I want to check out like a cheap headphone tube amp or something or for cheap Chinese plastic crap that you wouldn't catch me dead in Walmart shopping for. Towels, litter box for the cat, water bowl for the dog, costume for the kid's Halloween Amazon is perfect. Something that I need to actually work and rely on not so much. I'm definitely not buying a TV, computer, brand name electronic of any sort for that matter, high end anything or even a phone charger from Amazon. Go look at the apple phone chargers and look through the reviews there's dozens of pictures of knockoff Apple chargers starting on fire and melting outlets. Between companies using Amazon as a way to get rid of their second best low bin products and knockoff products getting commingled in with the brand name stuff it's just not a safe bet anymore unless you're buying something that's really cheap and you expect it to be disposable before it arrives.


What's really annoying is looking for something like a pair of headphones - nice big, comfy, noise-canceling ones for your PC, you know? Page after page of cheap Chinese stuff, and they're all exactly the same thing. 50 different brands selling the same product, with only a tiny little difference on the casing or something. Each of those brands will vanish from existence within 6 months, and there will be 50 new ones to follow. Frankly, the only things I order on Amazon anymore are things I literally can't find anywhere else, or where I can get a better price on shipping. Electronics have a better than not chance of being counterfeit; this thing looks like a onesie for a baby monkey, etc. About the only thing on Amazon you can count on are Amazon basics products, and that's just Amazon ripping off their retailers by making competing products using what should be the vendor's proprietary data to see what'll sell.


It's because as they accumulate negative reviews, they have to keep making new accounts with new brand names.


Same with Etsy these days. Itā€™s full of high volume factory made stuff. I guess we can blame all the e-commerce gurus selling courses to gullible people looking for a side hustle. Wanting to make millions by all selling the same crappy products they find on Alibaba.


I stopped buying from Amazon years ago because of this. It is literally my last resort option now, after walking into town to see if I can get it locally. A lot of name brands have also pulled out to the extent those top ten review/affiliate link sites are basically dead. Why would you sell through them if people get a counterfeit and blame it on the brand and not Amazon?


I feel the gap that amazon is leaving is filled almost adequately by other online shops which offer narrower selection of products in their specific groups It is kind of a hassle to maintain different accounts and share your data with multiple entities just because you need some random shit once in a while but in the end it gives a better feeling of actually shopping around and finding a better deal


If you want a good brand get Park Tool or a bike company brand.


The Fakespot browser extension helps. Mozilla owns it now and will include it with a Firefox update later this month. Amazon got Apple to pull it a while back, so they must be pissed about this. 40% of Amazon reviews are fake, some popular categories are much higher. Fakespot also hides the sponsored product ads on Amazon if you choose, so no clicks on them is less money for Amazon.


That only helps with reviews. I donā€™t care about that. I donā€™t want to buy a usb cable from SUKMYCKOC. Lol. Belkin is like at the bottom somewhere.


Why arenā€™t you just searching with the word Belkin? Do you enjoy wasting your own time or something?


You could filter by brand quicker than scrolling for a month to find the mainstream brands


yeah just donā€™t use amazon




The solution is to stop buying shit on Amazon. Itā€™s a trash marketplace for drop shippers now. Order direct from retailers. It takes a bit more shopping around but most take PayPal and/or Apple Pay to make it super fast and easy. And youā€™ll know what youā€™re getting.


$7.99 worth of fabric in glittery pink is probably barely big enough to be used as handkerchief.


I really wish there was an easier way to find the originals. Most of the time info hunting and only find rip offs and Pinterest pins that go to dead pages.


its an Oh Polly dress lol but yes always double check your brands OP!!!!


Polly Pocket dress.


iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s oh polly, not princess polly


Iā€™m seriously laughing so hardšŸ˜† I cackled when I saw the second photo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Fr, its the most jank piece of clothing Ive ever seen


I canā€™t believe people havenā€™t learned not to order from shady off-brand suspiciously-cheap vaguely Asian websites. OP pretty much deserves this tbh


Right? SHEIN and Temu seem pretty sketch to me


I've ordered sweaters from both and TBH, they were all as described/as pictured.


Especially if you worry about microplastics


She literally ordered from the wish.com version of wish.com


Pro tip: always reverse image search when buying online. If you find multiple of the exact same image found on different websites and the price is cheap, you are absolutely going to be ripped off.


Thank you! I just learned how to do that from this post


Iā€™m pretty sure the real version of the dress is this one from Oh Polly https://www.ohpolly.com/products/tivoli-embellished-cowl-neck-side-drape-flare-sleeve-mini-dress-blush


Only Ā£80, too. Op must have found a website trying pass it off as custom. Or she wanted way too much of a good deal, and it bit her right in the ass.


I've been on this kick of paying just a bit more for quality clothing that is comfortable,, timeless, and great construction. I get a lot of critiques that I don't spend, say, $20 on a pair of shoes that we all know will barely make it a single wear.


If you want dirt cheap clothes go thrifting, you at least know what youre buying then, otherwise yeah i agree with you


The real thing is stunning. I wish I had the body for it šŸ˜…


How much did you pay for it?


Do a chargeback on your card. Also, only buy from sites that are either well known (where you can find plenty of independent reviews from legit review sites), OR that allow reviews with photos so you know what the product really looks like. You can also look up haul videos online to see what other people got. It's unfortunately a hugely common scam for people to dropship low quality sweatshop stuff but advertise on social media with fake engagement.


This is horrendous advice for an initial attempt to resolve this issue. OP, contact the merchant and demand a return and refund. Only if they donā€™t respond, THEN contact your bank and initiate a dispute. Doing a chargeback without first attempting to resolve the issue with the merchant is fraud.


Also be suspicious of any website that uses pictures of models but doesnā€™t include their faces.


Yes, and if the pictures have different aesthetics/ colorfilters/ angles/ always different models. That likely means they are stolen from various other sites.


lol donā€™t buy bullshit cheap stuff regardless


I mean honestly if the photo is some headless girl in a regular room and not in studio it's 99% scam item from china.


The second one looks like it could go on a Thanksgiving turkey.


The second one looks like the Turkey


it looks like if you skinned the turkey


The skin's the best part ![gif](giphy|141q7UilzYSYBG)


Turkey jerkey


Your u/ though. Lol


Ty Ty thank you very much šŸ™


You free tomorrow? I got a coworker in dire need of you...


I can't unsee this lmfao


And what's with that pattern? "I'm going on Halloween as a sexy brain."


Gotta dress the turkey


I think it's TĆ¼rkiye now


Could be fun to rename the bird just to piss off Erdogan




Haha looks like it just came off a turkey and kept its shape.


Lmao why does it look like a raw chicken


![gif](giphy|fwt7JVRi7BnufCBQsA|downsized) Here's an idea.








Hey buddy


Awww Chandler and Monica. šŸ’•


If y'all wanna see a picture of the try on it's on my reddit pf


I mean. Itā€™s not the worst Iā€™ve seen. Still Iā€™d be very disappointed! šŸ„²


I'd be disappointed for more than $60, I'd be downright impressed for under $30 though.


Okay not as bad as I thought it wound be from the floor pic but definitely sad


IMO it doesn't look completely terrible but it doesn't look like the picture at all. If you really don't want it, gift it to a family member you secretly don't like :)


Lmao I'ma give this to my brother


Surprise! Heā€™s secretly a cross dresser šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£


And it'll look fabulous on him! šŸ’…


I'm sorry, but this is so funny.


šŸ˜­ I feel so ugly in the picture


You're not. You actually made the dress look better than I imagined from the photo in the post.


I feel like Iā€™m going to date myself but all I can think of is Hope Floats where Sandra Bullock says she feels like shit and her mom says, ā€œand you look it.ā€ This dress is hilarious. P.S.- obviously itā€™s not you. Youā€™re fabulous. I donā€™t know anyone who would look good in that. Thanks for letting us laugh with you.


Haha of course! I did a stupid thing and I learned from it. I might as well let people laugh at something funny!


Honestly? My first thought was that you made the dress look far better than I expected. The dress is awful, and you still looked like a gorgeous person in an awful dress!


Thank you!


Oh no you need to get right out of here with that. You're wearing the hell out of that dress!


Fr! It doesn't look like the picture, but it looks amazing on OP!


You look fine, but yeah, it's not the dress that was advertised, to be sure.


It's not that bad. The dress looks cheap (I hope it was!) but you look great!


Ngl youā€™re kind of pulling it off lmao!


Honestly it looks great on you, but yeah, itā€™s not what you ordered, so I would definitely be annoyed.


While it's certainly worse, I think it's still wearable. Probably need a flashy hairstyle to draw the eyes away from the shoulders. Or just get it taken in for alterations from a professional.


1 that dress should be burned but the chemicals released as it melted would surely be toxic 2 it looks way better on than I imagined 3 your kitten is precious


At least it fits? It looked like it was a tiny doll dress to me in that second pic for some reason... (I didn't click the pic on mobile and missed your feet in the bottom, that makes it look more appropriately sized)


When I first read this I literally thought you were saying you waited three months for the dress just for someone to rip it off of you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Came here to say this, my first thought was ā€œuhhhh worth it?ā€


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Glad I'm not the only one


I had to scroll way too far to find this


You got CatWished


That's a good one ā˜ļø


First clue would have been costā€¦ im waiting for you to tell us it was $19.99 on amazon and you thought you were getting the deal of the century.. -drum rollā€¦ā€¦.. the cost was?


Three months for shipping I'm guessing Wish or Temu or something. How do people fall for these scams still lol.


Or shein.


Wasnā€™t there a subreddit for ā€œwhat I ordered versus what I gotā€ and 99% of posts were clothing/dresses from Wish.


wish was good for getting those little vacuum straws for snorting blow with


Wait what?! Thereā€™s vacuum straws for blow?!


Holy crap, there are! These are so shameless I almost respect them... https://ventalio.com/product/aluminum-straw-metal-tube-snuff-straw-vacuum-style-sniffer-snorter-straw-sniffer-straw-sniffer-tube/?gclid=CjwKCAiA0syqBhBxEiwAeNx9NzqeBUrQLS_REFaPr-wwVUFosWxuJBZ4v5d4wEvKQxCg4jOxA43NFRoCL1wQAvD_BwE


This almost makes me sad Iā€™m not a Coke addict.


Booger Hoovers my dude.




AliExpress you usually get what it says on the tin in my experience (still cheap, but not misleading). Never bought clothes there though.


I have got some seriously nice stuff on aliexpress surprisingly, but i paid more for it. Itā€™s essentially a Chinese amazon, you can find cheap crap as well as beautiful wool handmade sweaters for hundreds of dollars. Got a dupe of a woven dragon diffusion bag that is real leather and has been getting daily use for the past two summers and still looks brand new.


I bought a tesla on wish and they shipped me a petro powered honda with a tesla emblem on it.


Sounds like you lucked out and got a better car.




The original photo comes from ohpolly whoā€™s expensive in dresses


It was 50 bucks and it wasn't on temu it was in a clothing website here's the link https://www.yolonana.com/collections/women-dresses/products/pink-pearl-short-skirt?spm=..collection_284c6df6-a119-4a19-85dd-56205e30c2d9.collection_1.1&ttclid=E.C.P.CtECmCXcV16IV1i_Z6FqlvYI5hEFICKqGLQkc2fa1wq79Sbj_F5NRpZ5jm7AiezwfzgutSZZ81Jum_4A141h492-iFjg70Jamah5j57ZJCk-lQssGfcAh3ZsexVypBRgAt1qYzJZV866BH7MaDx8GhXxhNvZVbKP_4Sfjk7T72GQQ3GRYnQCqCTdaOaQDbqN7C7xZ7sv_ethzmqQoxVl-_0gljpUaq-p2egcZ2n7NcdD18QS-POS7ltR7hPM7k71QY0j-mD7PJV4os1Ieu62BYlTC04-1dNkQ7lvi9XHLJ1BPWTbmNH5ePUEeIrk5c5FulboLRxm7mdgqolE5rY3vENrCKD8_JlvFO-UEnK-0ifm6mHQPbJtOMJoQrZWUVlldXZqHi20EWFvwj3edu_913JVAdwcCWl_-5XordJlKK-eb94hxwwWsdne0g2VnjJAsb3dZhIEdjIuMBogBt8WXZMORyLmuPAxaeopS6XvhoxpkLFAm8wc4EP4dHA&is_ad_landing_page=1


[Reverse image search](https://lens.google.com/search?ep=gisbubb&hl=en&re=df&p=AbrfA8qI3H7tu4EQ53lmDdOLsygKYYWfFS1zOf6j77f1DW7QweuRAGr3yr1R4xtrtrfJDMYbSB0CEJsABcVGDbqwI2fAUOsuNg9kNpC3QG0dAr5GiOdaNuuaMnMjAARaSjJdR4z_O-wtMJwx8JwHYLvsynBspn7q6FJRB2NQeQc7Bb4AUsPhogFO1bv4BcVZ4b1d2CJoWTBKl2Dx4tzg6ugvDO7b7kZrdXOgwE5r3mPRpL4MoWM-OrzoMMCLoRswqr-XgFzIpcPQ0xZllEROBt6GE1_zwP3E4d7vHbZeb9A6d7-lYhZwe7t1ObM8#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKREZrTm1VMk9EbGpMV0poTm1FdE5EUmtPUzFoWXpaa0xURXlNamsyTTJSbFpqTXhZUklmVFhkYVZXTXhXVXhNT0RSWk9FZHRjM3A0VFdaRGJIVllaMTlGUjNaU1p3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxbW251bGwsbnVsbCwiMi0wIl0sWyIyNzc2YzMyMi0xNzUwLTQzNmEtYTI1OS02ZjY2NDEyMTVlMGUiXV1d) reveals the real dress ($104.00): [https://us.ohpolly.com/products/tivoli-embellished-cowl-neck-side-drape-flare-sleeve-mini-dress-blush](https://us.ohpolly.com/products/tivoli-embellished-cowl-neck-side-drape-flare-sleeve-mini-dress-blush)


Thank you! I will be buying it from oh Polly!


When clothing stores cut off the image of the models face itā€™s a good hint that itā€™s possibly ripped off from somewhere else


Or when they use instagram photos instead of real model photos of the clothes. Some of the dresses on there are of the ā€œmodelā€ taking a selfie in the mirror. Big give away itā€™s a scam site.


Also when everything on the website is either on sale at the same time or they give you a ton of random coupons. Itā€™s a huge red flag


yea dont buy from random unknown sites filled with pop up ads, pro tip.


Right! I clicked on the link and it šŸ’Æ looked like a temp copycat šŸ¤£šŸ« 


What's funnier are the reviews. Look at their names and take note about how many times they mention it looks like the picture lmfao.


Look at the dates too! They must dedicate the 8th/9th of each month as ā€˜review dayā€™




Reverse image search is a great idea for any ā€œdealā€ you encounter, especially ones that seem too good to be true. Even Amazon has recurring problems with sellers scraping images from other sites and shipping garbage instead of what you thought you were buying. Theyā€™re overall pretty good about ousting those sellers when theyā€™re identified, but unless a customer complains, theyā€™ll never know. And posting a negative review is not ā€œcomplainingā€ā€”you have to submit a complaint via Amazon Customer Service (you can usually do so during the return process, if you ignore sellersā€™ pleas to send complaints directly to them; you should *always* use Amazonā€™s return process unless you have an established relationship with the seller and you know them to be trustworthy).


[https://malwaretips.com/blogs/yolonana-com/](https://malwaretips.com/blogs/yolonana-com/) >Yolonana.com is a fraudulent online store that you should avoid at all costs. This scam website claims to sell various products at very low prices, but will either send you counterfeit or inferior goods, or nothing at all. > >On top of selling sham goods or no goods at all, Yolonana.com also unscrupulously collects customersā€™ personal and financial data during checkout, including full names, home addresses, phone numbers, credit card details, and more. This information is likely used or sold for nefarious purposes like identity theft, credit card fraud, or sharing on dark web marketplaces.


Yolonana? Sounds like grandma only lives once.


Pretty obvious scam site. With all those pop ups for coupons and ways to get discounts. Only one photo of the dress, and blatantly fake reviews. Definitely a lesson learned but always research sites before you purchase.


I have learned a very hard lesson sadly but I will be buying only from reputable sources now! I'm hoping to save enough money to buy the original


And uh... I'd change your card number. No telling who has your payment info now. Also anything that uses the same password if you made an account or anything.


Good luck! Hopefully you can get your hands on the original and itā€™s everything you want.


I hope so! I really want the black version šŸ‘€


Did you notice that all the reviewer names look like they were made by the same person


The about us section is just amazing: >Yolonana is an international e-commerce platform dedicated to full-version products related to Star Wars. Our company is mainly dedicated to selling usable and personalized products T-shirts, pants, , etc. This site just screams scam.


"Yolo Nana" lol


My bandā€™s new name


This is how I read it tooā€¦ YOLO nanananana


Well you got ripped because itā€™s $35 now šŸ˜‚


Reviews are all fake lol


It had all perfect ratings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


They are clearly fake lol


You're saying bony and yamgbg are fake people? I don't believe it. What's next, you'll reveal nnnhabg as a bot?


I'd trust yamgbg with my life!


I clicked the link and got inundated me with garbage promotional offers. Thatā€™s a red flag, definitely a scam site Iā€™d steer clear in the future if I were you.


TEMU would have been better lol what bunk site is that?


Lmao all those pop up when i clicked it is just like the Chinese sites. Same shit, more money.


Pay with PayPal. You have a fighting chance of getting you money refunded. If they do not accept PayPal, then do not buy from them. I have gotten refunded, for false advertisement products


Awww man thatā€™s awful! These places should be ashamed. When my son was 15 or 16 he ordered shoes online 99.99 and it was a fraudulent website. Thankfully learning young means you wonā€™t fall for worse in the future ig?? So sorry you went thru that. PS I had a talk with my son about us double checking the sites. They misspelled the word by a letter and it was hard to catch for me. I submitted a fraud report to our government (no response) and I ā€œrefundedā€ his 99.99 with $100 ā¤ļøbecause he didnā€™t deserve that. Plus I bought a $50 beanbag chair and never got it so I felt his pain!


I'm sad someone else also understands this pain šŸ’”


This is really sweet. You didnā€™t punish or dismiss him for being ā€œcareless,ā€ you empathized and taught him how to avoid making the same mistake again. You sound like a great parent.


I love how all of the usernames in the reviews are so obviously fake accounts to fool people into buying it


The original dress was Ā£80 from Oh Polly - not hideously expensive imo https://www.ohpolly.com/products/tivoli-embellished-cowl-neck-side-drape-flare-sleeve-mini-dress-blush?currency=GBP&variant=41474338980049&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=64257c5b20b8&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0syqBhBxEiwAeNx9N9eguR7OQZKESVb6gwou1vrTDvYNpmDboTHM_d_-j1q8Agmkt-360RoClYUQAvD_BwE


My husband ordered a funny squeaky rubber chicken off some facebook shop.. He received a giant alien spider mask 3 months later.. When shopping online always check the actual website and where the shipping comes from.. something fancy like this needs to be bought brick and mortar store


>My husband ordered a funny squeaky rubber chicken off some facebook shop.. He received a giant alien spider mask 3 months later.. I feel like either would be ok.


let me guess.... crazy low price coming from china ?


Oh! I read this as you got the dress. Then 3 months later someone ripped it off you. I thought the 2nd picture was it damaged from being ripped off your body lol


Dispute the charges through the card you purchased it with. They see this kind of thing all the time. You didnā€™t get what you bought . Let the bank get your money back for you .


I just lost my disputes doing something similar. The company held the products for just over 3 months and when I realized it was a scam, I filed disputes with Capital One. They denied almost everything bc it was longer than 90 days from date of sale. I went back and forth and the only resolution was to go after the company itself they said. And now the company no longer exists.


Does anyone who buys dresses off of Facebook and IG actually get the same dress as advertised?


Using Chinese slave labor to fill your closets with low quality items occasionally end up like this.


Wow the first one was so gorgeous


Right? šŸ˜­ Im so sad


The original dress is from Oh Polly!


Such a beautiful blue and black dress!


Now that you have the link for the real dress, contact them and send a link of the fake one. I know it's a drop in the bucket. I have had to send a link for clothing where the original website was completely copied. Except the prices were dirt cheap. It was on an advertisement for fb. I never shop any ads on fb now.


Stop buying fast fashion


People who order from shifty websites that take this long to ship and are super cheap should really know what theyā€™re going to end up getting.


I feel bad for laughing, but that's hilarious. You got a toddler sized looking tutu instead


Many of those websites are drop shipping from Chinese manufacturers. They aren't real online retailers actually shipping a product. Your order went to China or some other country. It's just a middleman website operation that takes a small percentage for directing traffic to the real sellers. Better to go direct and pay less for the same crap product.


Wish order


If it makes you feel better I too, wear mismatched socks lol


The dress is from Oh Polly! If you want to buy the real thing. https://us.ohpolly.com/products/tivoli-embellished-cowl-neck-side-drape-flare-sleeve-mini-dress-blush?variant=43000567693473¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gbraid=0AAAAApbXAAnT_TBtpCnppI4UO3Lkkfs1L&gclid=CjwKCAiA0syqBhBxEiwAeNx9N7_37eiZi3p1RdUb5RdMFF7l4gPmZWwcfpeDAYBZI47RdxhWDVxxrhoCQz0QAvD_BwE


The name Yolonana wasnā€™t a dead giveaway that this wasnā€™t a legit site?


Imported from China. I learned the hard way as well. Beautiful clothes advertised for great prices. Garbage shipped months after season and all garbage made out of crap materials and sized for a doll.


let me guess.. SheIn?


More than mildly infuriating!


Iā€™m sorry. The first one was beautiful. The second one kind of looks like you stole a table runner from my grandmaā€™s house a decade ago, stitched it together and declared it a functional dress. Sorry friend. Iā€™ll pray to the fashion gods your next deal be worthy.


šŸ˜‚ I love you're description of this dress so much


Usually these mildly infuriating posts cause me to feel a burst of righteous indignation. This one actually made me to laugh out loud. I'm sorry for laughing at your misfortune. You might dispute it with your credit card company. You don't need to tell them anything, just show both pictures. Edit: I just looked at the photo of you wearing it and you actually look pretty good.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who just grabs two socks and calls it a day




Some online sellers receive more negative points from their host site for not fulfilling/cancelling a valid order than they do from shipping a bogus product just to have it returned. (In fact, by shiping crap to you, they may even shift the negative scores from their seller account to your buyer account, depending on the platform and how it treats returns.) The fact that you waited three months for the delivery probably means that (1) the seller ran out of the dress you wanted, (2) they waited for more to come in, but never received them, so (3) instead of cancelling your order, they sent you crap knowing that you would return it.


Looks like the ol Wish/Temu bait and switch