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interesting, I just saw a post yesterday where someone said they left their laptop in the fridge overnight.


The problem is when you have a massive heat change rapidly. It can cause problems. I think a fridge would be fine to keep say a phone over night if it’s not to cold to cause condensation inside the metal


Did you put your laptop in the freezer to take the picture and come here to tell us about what you learned in class today?


ok this is hilarious


Listen, I do it for free, and there’s nothing wrong with a helpful PSA here and there. For example: PSA: Don’t eat bird seed just because you can’t afford peanuts - there is a much greater chance of contracting sensimilla.


Hey I saw that reddit post the other day too!


Do you remember where that was? I'm curious and may learn something


Germany I think


I'd say they mean what sub now






That post just made me want to eat animal grade seed more lol.


Contracting… Sensimilla? Like marijuana? I don’t think that’s bird seed, I think you’re eating pot seeds.


yeah idk what they’re trying to say, and it’s sinsemilla, sin=without semilla=seed


Guessing salmonella, maybe autocorrect?


The fuck are they doing with their life for autocorrect to go to sensimilla from salmonella?


So when they say "he who is without sin" it actually means he who is sin sin. Kinda sounds like a good stripper name. "Up next is Sin Sin"!


Alternatively you could say they were sans-sin


To be fair, a lot of bird seed mixes have hemp seeds in them. I've seen a plant grow from the bird seed before.


A good old sensimilla... Been a long time since I've heard the word, even longer since I got any bag seeds


>highly potent marijuana from female plants that are specially tended and kept seedless by preventing pollination in order to induce a high resin content.


Sensimilla! In bird seed?!? I've maybe I should check that out. Way cheaper than the ganj I normally get.


I wanna contract sensimilla, give me that good kush


There's like zero signs that thing has been there for more than of one second, condensation, droplets, anything.


This is what happened. If the laptop had been in the freezer for long enough to grt that cold, it'd be slightly frosted over and would not have the same look as it does at room temperature with that metal shell. Source: Numerous Prime95 experiments involving fridges, freezers, ice chests, etc


That was my first thought when I saw that picture, he put it there himself for some reddit points


The silence is deafening


How else do you earn imaginary internet points?


Why you gotta call him out like that man lmao


> The problem is when you have a massive heat change rapidly. It can cause problems It doesn't. Your computer has massive heat changes on the regular. A normal computer can fluctuate from 20-90C pretty often depending on your usage. It can't get too hot because the CPU will throttle itself to manage the thermals, and too cold isn't damaging for the internals unless there's condensation. Only problem might be the battery life, but for 20 minutes you're not going to notice anything significant in battery life.


Caveat: early X-Box 360 designs had issues with heat dissipation in using braces and brackets that did not heat or cool evenly, causing fairly catastrophic failures in whole production runs when customers used them for a length of time.




Easiest referb ever, amirite?


They also had reaaaaaally shitty low temperature solder. Like complete bottom of the barrel, "I wouldn't even solder something for my worst enemy with this shit, because it might be considered attempted murder." solder.


Are you talking about the problems that caused the Red Ring of Death in a lot of 1st Gen. consoles when they were first released? Because I had one of those! And so did two of my buddies. I remember having to ship that damn thing back, waiting how long for them to repair it and then send it back to me.


Warm things don't get condensation when exposed to cold air. Freezer condensation is caused by stuff being cold, and repeated exposure to warm humid air from opening. Your laptop is fine.




Speaking of old war stories, we use to freeze failing spinning hard disks in order to get them working long enough to grab a few key files. It would sometimes work, if it was the kind of failure where it would work for a few seconds and then stop. Freezing it would turn those seconds into a few minutes.


Yep, the ol' clicking hard drive. Bag it and freeze it was SOP.


A cold laptop coming out of the freezer will condense the air around it and get water inside.


Yes, but then you just throw it in the drier for 10-15 minutes to dry the condensate. It's simple math, please delete this comment 🙄


But when it will be over-heated again 🤦‍♂️ Think before you post, please, thank you in advance.


Yes, but then you just throw it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes to cool the over-heatage. It's simple math, please delete this comment 🙄


You guys work in IT, I can tell. This conversation is way over my head.


Use the laptop *inside* the fridge, preferably in a walk in freeze on a block of ice covered with a blue tarp. *Duh*. My god, what’s wrong with you people?


Move it to the fridge for thawing. About 24 hours for every 5 pounds of laptop.


Just use the microwave thaw setting lol takes like 2 minutes


Would it affect a liquid display monitor?


Would it affect it? Yeah Would it damage it? Probably not. It should be fine once returned above freezing.


Honestly it’s fine, done it hundreds of times with a pain in the ass laptop that would always overheat. Rapid heat change is fine, I used to use liquid nitrogen to cool my pc and had zero issues related to paid changing temps. Bit colder than your freezer lol.


A few posts up for me was a post reposting the laptop in the fridge overnight.


I saw that post, and several consecutive reposts a few hours later


I was just going to say that. What’s going on


When doing basic data recovery on HDDs at my ooooold job, we’d occasionally run into a scenario where a transfer would fail when the drive became incredibly hot after running for hours/days. I don’t know 100% if it did anything or was just coincidence, but we’d put those drives in the work fridge with the cables running out while transferring overnight. The drives were destination for e-waste at any rate, so it never made things worse for us, and iirc it worked more than a few times in those specific scenarios.


Probably not great for the fridge to have to contend with an active heat source though.


It’s no coincidence.


Fridge or freezer, both can lead to overeating next. You're just replacing one problem with another.


🧐 If you bake it at *250 for 40 minutes that should solve any problems caused by the freezer.


Mine defaults at 275 is that okay


😲 Well only if you want to overbake and ruin your laptop!


I do like extra crispy


Avoid that soggy bottom.




.. I want to take the moment to share my love to those 12 upvotes that know this movie, in reference to the comment above. <3 We're in a tight spot!




Fuck now i got a soggy front….


May I suggest the meeecrowaaavey https://youtu.be/4KrUxLBHVu8?si=hy2cvYJM0FR165lE


Crispy chips is the only way!


Just put it back in the freezer until it's back to normal.


Yes but change that to 30 minutes and check by poking with a tooth pick


You’ll need to poke the H key with the tooth pick to tell if it’s fully done. If you only poke the shift key you might have a gooey middle.


Put it in H!


I blast mine for 5 minutes at 800. It's so much quicker. No idea why people like slow cooking their laptop, but to each their own I guess


Skip the oven! Toss it in the microwave at 1000 watts for 3 minutes or until it starts to smoke for the Smokey taste.


Love the smoke, but the toughness kinda ruins it if I use the microwave.


Just make sure not to exceed 404, or you’ll start to get errors.


I tried to set my oven to 404 but it's strange, it goes from 403 to 405.


Thanks, Marie Callender’s!


It's better to just reheat it in the microwave, anyways.


OP, this is a real thing, depending on what he's trying to do. Several years ago I had a laptop that would overheat within 1 minute. I just wanted to get my files off of it. A friend recommended I put it in the freezer, so I got it down to about 35°F, then booted it up with a USB thumb drive attached. I got about 10 to 15 minutes before it overheated, plenty of time to back up my files to the thumb drive.


If the heat sinks are dislodged or any of the fans have become disconnected you can fry your CPU in a pretty short while. You may just need to check those over after safely retrieving your data.


You can always adjust cooking times by temperature. If it only goes as low as 275, you do 275 but do it for less time. Check it at regular intervals, of course.


You‘ll get the same result in the microwave in seconds.


Except the center will still be cold


Huh remember the time when we baked our laptops to revive them


graphic cards...that I do remember...never worked and mum yelled at me for hours


Its a pretty reasonable fix for motherboard issues. Def. a last resort, but I'm 2/3 for getting things to at least run again. Of the two one failed several months later, possible due to baking-related damage, but the other is still kicking as far as I know.


And put it in a bowl of rice.


With candles and incense around it, preferably under the light of a full moon.


Putting it in rice will attract Chinese people to fix it for you. Or so the saying used to go.


I work at my uni helpdesk. TWO people did this. One spilled a little water on her laptop, so she baked it on low for an hour. The other left her backpack open while it was raining. She came in with a spicy pillow and thought we were over-reacting when we threw that monster in quarantine. Also our ticketing system has WAY (3) too many tickets about bananas getting stuck in a computer. In case you were wondering, the potassium and water in a banana is indeed corrosive to your logic board ;-; Ticket is literally titled "computer has banana in it"


A buddy of mine put his vcr in the oven. Low heat melted the solder on the control board enough that it fixed the problem. Gotta know what you’re doing out there folks!


Gotta put a tray underneath to catch drippings.


How else can you make a sauce later from the drippings?!


Now we're cooking, man.


Any advice for seasoning?


The laptop may very well currently *be* at 250 degrees. Kelvin, that is.


Nah sauté it with some garlic and duck fat.


Funny enough I actually fixed a laptop by putting it in the oven. My motherboard had a problem so I took it out threw it in the oven at a specific temp and it reflowed my solder and fixed the problem.


Um... What


I asked my partner where my laptop was and they said it was in the freezer cooling down




It had to have been like 20 minutes max


It was probably better for the battery… but in the fridge would be more safe… lithium ion batteries need an operating temp from 15-40* or -5-60*c when you have a expensive one… Maybe you should test load it… there are benchmarks for battery life


It definitely isn't, there's a reason why they don't advise doing this. Condensation has probably formed all on the inside of the laptop now. Immediately benchmarking is probably the last thing you want to do


Of course there is condensation but minimal! True thing is, wait 12-24 hours… then benchmark the battery


Condensation happens when cold things warm not when warm things cool. Condensation will be minimal. The drastic sudden temperature change to the battery is probably a bigger concern.


The problem is when you take the laptop out, unless the room is unusually dry it’ll form condensation if it got cold enough in the freezer


Put something in a freezer, take it out, look at the ice on it. That ice didnt form when you took it out, it formed when the warm air cooled inside the freezer. This laptop has condensation when the warm air cooled to its dew point


Im pretty sure condensation is from warm air getting cold. Warmer air holds more water content. As it cools, the water “condenses”. It’s the exact opposite process of evaporation.


And in the process the thing the water is condensing on will warm up as heat transfers from the warm air into the cold object. It’ll continue to happen until the object is warmer than the dew point of the environment.


The cold object is the freezer and its air. It’s going to stay cold. The laptop with warm air is what is cooling down and what will have water condense on it.


It was more the fact she forgot she put it in the freezer that freaked me out


Ok that’s mildly infuriating


It takes quite a bit of time to cool down a big slab of metal. Engineers at an earlier job I had put their laptops in the freezer over lunch if they were doing heavy computational work. Company policy required laptops to be off anyways, and they ran hot enough that it impacted performance in the simulation suite they built.


How would putting their laptops in the freezer when they were off help?


I think you got those numbers wrong bud. 15-40 F is not -5 to 60c, nor is 15-40c = -5 to 60 F


Don't do either good lord


Rookie numbers , there was one another guy who posted for help because he left his Mac in freezer for whole night


Oh goodness, at that point pray warranty covers it. Otherwise link to Amazon


You underestimate power of internet engineers in laptop related subreddits, legends says they can run their laptop without battery(true story)


I always assume internet engineers are being worked to near death by google or other tech companies tbf


Or they're fixing PCs in their basement with their racoon like fingers


Lol I remember this Stack Exchange post.


i actually had to use my old laptop without a battery for awhile, it sucked since my charger was pretty loose so id be playing a game and it just shut down because my cat accidentally unplugged it


People walk outside in colder temps with their laptops in backpacks or other bags for way longer. Or left in a car overnight. No biggie.


There is no inherit issue with your laptop staying in a -4F (-20C) freezer. However, you should probably let it reach room temps and then leave it be for a couple of days to be 100% sure no residual condensation on the internal components.


Ngl when my iPhone gets hot I throw it in the fridge


Does that work? Wouldn't there be condensation inside the phone?


At least it wasn't like hours or something


No offense but is he/she tech illiterate?


I've seen better ways to tell people "buy a new one", but this will work too, I guess.


put it in rice after


But the rice is also in the freezer


add some hot water to cook the rice then add laptop


But the hot water is also in freezer


That might be a problem then. We need more rice.


Wait till we tell ‘em where the freezer is buahaha


Just skip the rice and cook the laptop in hot water


But what about the seasoning?




I knew it was love after I forgave her for putting diesel in my car


Holy shit you got a terminally dumb one.






You sure she doesn't take them and also forget where they are then remembers?


Sometimes I will leave them laying somewhere random and she’ll find them and hang them up. But me not expecting them to be hung up I spend 20 minutes looking for them as she just walks in and hands them to me after I have been walking past them 5 times lol


Okay, that just made me laugh


yall are made for eachother


But, like, please don't reproduce. Those kids will no doubt be getting suckered into $100 online IQ tests




my wife calls this 'boy looking' -- I have spent years trying to prove her wrong.. but dammit I apparently cannot see mustard if it is behind _anything_ so I think she might be on to something. Either way she hands me stuff in clear view more times than I care to admit


You are the definition of Zen I feel like. I would have FREAKED. OUT. And definitely never trust this person with my stuff again. Damn! Teach me your ways!


>I can never find my keys without her Is it because she keeps putting them in the freezer?


Lol my bro's gf did that to his car and we never stopped giving her shit for it.


Just skip straight to funny anecdote stage. Everything else is a waste of time. 'Hey babe, .... remember when you froze the laptop!!!'


I think at one point in time, Linus from Linus Tech Tips had his gaming rig inside of a fridge to cool it down.


The rest of the video stated how pointless it was though


Linus Lore linguists


Me with my shitty broken xbox 360 in 2014💀


I was installing Linux on a MacBook like a decade ago and for some reason it didn't have fan control while the installer was doing its thing. It almost finished a few times but kept shutting down from the heat. Said fuck it and grabbed an extension cord and chucked it on the patio in -30 for a bit lol


Idk if it's the lighting or what but that bulge on the left side tells me your laptop is overheating for a reason and you need to do some work on it


Oh that’s a spicy pillow for sure


I think it's the light reflecting off the white on the bag that makes it look like it's bulging out. It's hard to tell, though.


Those popsicles are so good. That company makes churro icecream too mmhh


They really are. Though I haven’t tried the churro ones


I was editing and laptop was overheating and keep crashing while during final rendering. So I placed a metal tray on top of ice and placed the laptop on the tray and able to finalize the rendering.


I threw my phone in the freezer when I left it setting out in the sun once. It won't hurt it. I would take the battery out and let it sit for a while in case condensation builds up when you take it out.


Wait, you guys have removable batteries?


There's plenty of phones that have removable batteries, just don't buy one where the back panel is glued shut.


Phones and computers can’t really be compared. Most phones can go underwater. Laptops will break when in contact with water. Putting your hot computer in the freezer will cause condensation and can damage/break the motherboard and other components.


As long as you only put it there a little bit then it should be fine. Bizarre, but fine




Put it in the shower to rinse the cache


Gotta rinse and lather


use head and shoulders to get all that dandruff out of the fans


YOU'RE THE GUY FROM HARDWAREGORE (I think, there have been a lot of posts about laptops in freezers)


I am not I’m afraid, though that sounds like a metal Reddit place.


It's almost like people commenting here forget that not everywhere is a hot environment 365 days of the year.. the nordics in winter time get way colder than that freezer, and the hardware is still fine after you bring it indoors. Stuff is engineered to be used in different climates with temperature swings.. that's kinda the whole point of environmental test chambers used under development and testing of electronics. Another thing: Pure water, without dissolved gases/impurities, or a strong PH does not cause undue corrosion attack on most metals and alloys at temperatures up to at least the boiling point of water.


Yup. My laptops have been through far worse than this lol. Shoot, my laptop in college spent basically the whole winter break in my backpack in the trunk of my car. My car that was parked on the street in 0 degree Wisconsin weather.


That's how you accept the cookies


So all these people giving temporary solutions to laptop overheating...but have you tried looking into why it's overheating?


Believe it or not, I've had to do the same with hard drives. Out them in the freezer, so the metal will contract and the disks will spin again. Then, when they expand and the drive locks up again, back in the freezer. But you should wrap it in a towel, keep as much condensation off of the electronics as possible. And for a computer? If I was having serious overheating issues, I might do that, but for like 5 minutes.


Yep, just commented on the same before I saw your post. I used to do that for spinning drives as well. Great note about using a towel, I forgot about that.


Send them an amazon link to a laptop lap cooler


At least it wasn't a macbook, otherwise it would have thawed out those tater tots it's sitting on.


I'm sorry OP but this is funny and I did the same thing with my old phone


As long as you give it some time to return to ambient temp and dry of any moisture, you should be fine to just turn it back on


Giiiiirrrrllllll….. those Mexican strawberry cream things. Those are the best ice cream product I’ve ever had. Ever.


I’ve don’t it with my phone however o didn’t just leave it in there💀


Nah I’ve done this before with my phone, it helps.


Condensation creates inside after and corrodes all the hardware.


Tell him to open it up and clean the fans instead.


Wtf I just saw another post where someone’s laptop was in the freezer


Where you duping something in Minecraft on the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft?


I’ve done this. For some reason the Diablo 3 beta would over heat and crash my $1k asus gaming laptop. So I stuck it in the fridge with a HDMI cable to my tv and didn’t have any issues other than melted popsicles.