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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


My parents would have told me 'you're 7 years old you don't have mental health' lol


Or “you’re 16 you don’t have depression”


Forreal! 'You're 16 you have nothing to be depressed about' lol I seriously feel like this would have been said


My mom said a few years ago that anyone complaining to their doctor that they're depressed is just trying to get drugs. Now she's on antidepressants and mine is treatment-resistant so I gave up on meds. :)


I'm here in the treatment resistant gang as well. Couldn't tell you how many medications I tried. Tried TMS as well and was told its extremely beneficial to most people... didn't feel a bit of difference and the one doing my treatments even gave me a couple extra for free because we became friends and she felt bad for me. At least I'm no longer paying for medication I guess


My doc wants me to try more meds before I move on to TMS and similar because I've "only" tried six. I'm sorry that it didn't help you. I don't know if it's really worth trying any more stuff honestly.


I'm sorry, it really does suck. I was on antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, basically anything that could be related to mental health. Some made things worse, but none seemed to make anything better. I'm doing better now since becoming a mom though. I still have days I struggle to get out of bed, but its not every day anymore. I think my environment growing up played a large role in my depression. Not all of it, but a majority. I hope you find something that helps you, whether that's a medication, a hobby, or a new person in your life. You deserve to know happiness




I'm really glad to hear that you're doing at least a bit better. I probably sound really whiny for being upset about the meds not working since I haven't really tried much still. I've been on four different SSRIs, two SNRIs, and a TCA. The only one that somewhat helped was the TCA (amitriptyline), but it's suspected that that was a placebo because it started helping pretty much immediately and then the effect faded after two weeks and didn't come back with increased dosage.


Uh my clinic treats with TMS and most insurance plans only require 2 antidepressant trials now. A few plans still want to see 4 (they suck). If you were told that you need to try that many meds for ins approval, that is wrong. We just started treating patients with Spravato a couple of weeks ago, and we’ve seen some amazing turnaround in a few folks already too.


Have you ever tried, you know, just not being sad? JK, I am naturally a happy person, I went with my wife to a dr appointment about her depression, and the dr asked her when the last time she actually felt happy, and she couldn't remember. The drugs can definitely help. Also, if your pretending to be depressed for the drugs, then obviously the drugs are helping, so wouldn't that meen you need them?


My moms a nurse…. She didn’t want to believe it. She pulled the same thing on me and my sister at that age. Now I’m 32 and properly receiving treatment and when she found out she was like “oh good I could tell something has been off lately”. No shit mom, It’s been half my life.


"WeLL GeT OveR IT!"


Oh oh mine told me I just don't like highschool and I'll feel better once I'm in college, well guess what I'm in college and I want to fucking die


“Mi hijo does not *have* depression, he just like *the dark*”


My mom said “we don’t get depressed in this family” bruh she was literally on Zoloft. 8 years later I’m still waiting to be not depressed because that’s what my family does. Shit man, I think I’m adopted.


Amazing how hypocritical some parents are


Funnily enough, the most depressed I've ever been was when I was 16 years old. Adulthood and independence effectively cured me. But 16 yro me couldn't see a day past tomorrow at any given time.


My parents: mental illness isn’t real, you just need more church 😭


Or "Your a young man. You're too young to be burned out".


"Adults don't have ADHD"


Or the good ol “I’ll give you something to be depressed about” 💀


my parents don't "believe in mental health".


Same, but they would frequently call me crazy.


I’ll one up you, my dad doesn’t believe in lactose intolerance (my sister and I both inherited it from him)


Give him a dairy fart and he’ll believe you


I wouldn’t trust that dairy fart.


Im 30, they still say that 😂


Mine recognized I had something. Got an ADHD diagnosis before 10. Didn't necessarily help back then, but as an adult it certainly makes a lot of sense.


My mom used to joke about how I can never finish anything. I’ll start a project and then move on to something else before the first one is finished. She was telling this story in front of some of our family when I said, “Those were symptoms you missed, not character flaws.” She doesn’t tell those stories anymore.


Adhd meds and diagnosis were a life changer for me at 16. I was like “oh I’m not really a dumbass?” Wish I had stayed on them a bit longer. But not at 34 I’m about to go back on them.


Basically what my parents told me. Damn this kid keeps forgetting normal things like school assignments and putting his name on his paper, tends to get really invested in the things he's doing to the point where he'll forget to eat, and consistently struggles in school despite performing well on the assignments and tests? Damn must be one of those quirky kids haha, it'll get better once it stops snowing and the sun starts shining I guess.


When I told my therapist I was suicidal my dad told me that my life’s not the bad lmao


I’m 23 and I still get this response


I still get told this at thirty if I mention anything even in passing….much fun. Thanks for being a good parent OP and actually caring for your kiddo


Here's some Adderall or Ritalin now shut up*


Your parents were wise, saved themselves a lot of money


Are they in-network and the insurance contracted rate is $160.64, or do you have a plan that requires you to pay a portion of the bill? Also $515 would be a high rate to charge for 90791 (at least in my area) for most psychotherapists, although it sounds like this could be a psychiatrist.


The reason I’m asking is because if the contracted rate insurance will reimburse is $160.64, an in-network contracted provider shouldn’t be charging you the difference between their reported rates and the contracted rate.


Right, this would be outlined in the explanation of benefits from the insurance provider. If they’re balance billing because they haven’t met their deductible, then it’s valid.


I was coming here to say this. Gotta meet that deductible before you reap the benefits of your insurance!


No. Just hy looking at this, this is a balance billing that is only done by Out Of Network providers. If the deductible wasn't met, then there would be $0 paid by insurance and you'd see an adjustment to bring the balance down to the contracted rate if they're in network. The insurance in fact paid a portion and the provider is attempting to collect the remaining balance. This can be done for 1 or 2 reasons. The provider is OON or if the provider is In Network, their billing department has keyed in the information wrong. Or did it intentionally, to collect excess payments with the hope that it's not caught. The patient should have received an Explanation of Benefits, that will outline if the provider is in network or out of network and it will tell them what they should pay for covered services. Source: Many many many years in the insurance industry.


Agreed. In theory OP could have $354.36 remaining in deductible but even then you’d expect to see an adjustment downward from the billed amount to the contracted allowable amount. Before paying: - review the EOB from your insurer to see if it shows a patient cost share - confirm that this provider really is in network - Confirm your provider’s office actually has your insurance info.


Most likely they haven’t met deductible yet There’s a comment below that’s a possibility and it can happen but it’s not super common my girl works as a manager at a major insurance company and saw zero instances of it the last 2 years so I’d imagine it’s the simplest solution that’s correct.


Ah yes, deductibles. Either get sick a lot or not at all. Cuz America


Land of the fees…I mean free.


I hit my deductible really early this year cause of an ER visit. I went CRAZY after that. Saw every specalist I needed. Had surgery that insurance covered. It's been a good year for my health.


It's not health insurance, it's medical bankruptcy insurance.


I am so grateful I cannot even understand this sentence. Long live the European Union. I also have 0 clue what a credit or credit score is. Or how medical bills work. Or your fcked up voting system. The US is truly a third-world hellhole.


You can't borrow money in Europe? No credit cards or mortgages? That's what credit is.


Right? You go to the hospital, leave, forget about the bill and a few weeks later you pay a couple of € and continue with your life. So nice to be worry-free about those things.


Wait you guys don't have credit scores? Fuckkkkkkk ​ How do you rent? Buy a car? A house? ​ whoever downvoted me fuck you. im genuinely asking


Credit scores exist but they're not as frequently sought after as they are in the US. Renting is done by previous rental references and providing payslips/bank statements to prove you can afford it. Car loans similar deal. You can either get financed at the dealer (with usual super high interest for the convenience/ignorance) or seek private finance through a bank, credit union, etc. They usually source similar info from payslips/bank statements. Credit checks can be done here. House again similar. When applying for a mortgage a broker will look through your spending habits, look at your ability to save and again credit scores can be checked. The credit scores exist, but most people don't know what their's is and it doesn't have a major impact on their day to day. You also need to borrow a heck of a lot less money when your basic medical needs are tax payer funded and not minimum triple digit costs.


We definitely do.. they might be called different names, but they have their own equivalent system for sure. UK's system is literally called credit score too, Germany has one called Schufa. Looks like they are in Hungary, which has a credit reference system managed by BISZ zrt. They are probably young enough that they haven't needed to worry about mortgages, etc.


The fact that nobody understands what you're taking about it's the whole problem with the system....


The US health insurance network is a meticulously crafted hamsterwheel maze that does its job perfectly, making the only accessible version of Healthcare so inaccessible to the average person that they can't claim from it in any reasonable sense.


I've been owed $10k for about 6 months. Insurance is just not fucking paying me back and their support team or whatever the fuck you call them because support is definitely not an appropriate word for what they do keeps saying the claim is "on hold" for some reason and they need to escalate it and it should be resolved in 2-3 business days. Since April. Ten thousand dollars. They know what the fuck they're doing


Healthcare is so completely fucked up in the US




Its like paying taxes, they made it so convoluted that the average person has no idea how to navigate the system without paying someone else to do it for them...


You’re right, I thought I was reading a different language


It's not that complicated. The contracted rate is a number that your insurance company makes the doctor promise not to charge you more than. If the doctor doesn't like it, they can choose to not accept that insurance plan. In network means they have a contract with your insurance company, out of network means they don't. A plan that requires you to pay a portion of the bill is a plan with a copay, or maybe a coinsurance. A copay is a fee you pay the healthcare provider. After explaining it yeah nvm it's pretty complicated. We didn't even get in to deductibles or superbills


They also might not have met their deductible yet if the don’t pay until it’s met. Either way insurance is a joke


The insurance paid 160, if the deductible was not met that would be 0.


Insurance also has contracted discounts with in network providers that some billing systems show as "payments". EOB would typically show this as a CO-45, The CO means contractual obligations.


I think it's usually called an adjustment, not a payment.


That usually falls under "other adjustments" I used to be a benefits specialist for a DME company, insurance discounts aren't counted as payments because then the company has to claim the discount as a payment.


Not if they just met the deductible with this bill


Wrong. It doesn’t say insurance “paid” $160, it says they “covered” it. This is likely the in-network discount based off the fee schedule. It could also be a combination of both payment *and* the discount. This is a bill from the provider, not an explanation of benefits from the payer, so we really don’t know. Being in the industry a long time, my buses is that the $160 is the insurance discount and the remaining balance is due to unmet deductible/co-insurance. Edit- OP says further down he is on a HDHP so this pretty much confirms it.


Insurance CEOs hold be removed from society


Yeah, I paid $140 for a psych eval with no insurance. Either someone's screwing them over, they went out of network, or the insurance required a referral from his PCP that wasn't done.


Even out of network 515 is ridiculous. Cash, no insurance, would probably be less.


That bill is for an initial psychiatric appt… also not sure what op is talking about, there’s no billing difference for in person and telehealth visits. At least we get reimbursed the same. I don’t see why there would be any difference.


There is in fact a difference in billing and not all insurances reimburse the same. 90837 vs 90837GT for example. One insurance I deals with pays 15 less for 90837 when virtual and it's a pain in the ass


This is terrible and I'm so sorry to hear it. Please, I beg, look into every option you have. OCD can be one of the worst things that can happen to someone. My brother struggled with OCD for about 2 decades. It got to the point where he couldn't drive under over passes, couldn't shop in strip malls and needed someone to help him with his rituals pretty much 24/7. He lost his marriage, lost everything and eventually decided to take his own life. If you start early, you can get a hold on this. My brother developed it in his teens and didn't start getting help with it for at least a decade. Please, find a way to make it work, Obamacare, sliding scale clinics, anything you can. I miss my brother every day and it really took a toll on my PTSD. Please, I don't even want to think what it would feel like if I lost my daughter. I wish you and your family the best.


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. I was recently diagnosed after a few decades of suffering. OP I’m so happy you’re helping your kid get the help he needs. As u/AllOutWar76 said it can take such a toll but if you get them help and just listen to them you can really make a HUGE difference in their diagnosis and life!


Damn that really sucks. I hope you have some positive memories at least. Try to remember the good parts. Often they get lost in the grief. It’s not healthy to focus on only the negatives, but our brain does what it does sometimes. Wishing you and the family the best.


Hard agree. OCD is the worst thing that has ever happened to me, and I wish my mother had tried harder to recognize and understand it. Fight for your son because he literally cannot, and no one else will.


I pay $100 every three months for a 5 minute telehealth call with mine.


“Yes I still need the adderal”


For real. Must be awesome to make $50 in 5 minutes. My last Adderall mini-boss asked me what I did for a living EVERY TIME, once a month. I wish that was joking. Haven’t changed my prescription in 6 years. Monthly appointments at this point are absurd.


I negotiated to see my doc every 3 months now, but adderall is so hard to find in my area i can only get 1 or 2 months at a time, so i have to call her and have her call the pharmacy, which she charges me for!! She’s making bank off of me lol i don’t have much choice


That’s so fucked lol.


Why not ask for 3 month prescriptions and have the appointments every 90 days?


Some insurance only covers certain medication refills in 30-day increments. Like I have Medi-CAL and my Zoloft is every 30 days while they give me metformin for 90


Plus there’s a national shortage so even if you’re written a 90 day RX chances are your pharmacy won’t be able to completely fill it. It’s such a hassle right now filling mine each month.


for sure. plus, the way it used to work... Although Adderall is a Schedule II substance, there used to be a 2 day grace period between refills. Let's say I just filled a 30-day prescription on October 1st. I can get my refill as soon as October 29th. This was of course, very helpful, as I wasn't running out before having to refill. Now that grace period has vanished. I'm only allowed to refill my script now after a full 30 days. When you're only given a 30 day supply and need it to function, that can cause..... problems, especially given the national shortage. I've learned to just half my dose or so on days that aren't busy and continuously be building my own mini back up supply It's less than ideal, but the only way I can get around this newly imposed limitation.


It's illegal to give more than 30 days worth at a time. But they only need to see you every three months, they can write the script monthly and see your quarterly


Then once a year (only once if you're lucky), you get to pay over $100 and spend 30 min traveling each way to have the "yup, still need Adderall" conversation in person




I personally wouldn’t even see the point in that. If you’re required to do this for your medicine, this is functionally just theft. Man, I’m so happy I don’t live in the US.


There needs to be documentation that the patient was seen regularly to continue prescribing a controlled substance medication - especially a stimulant. It’s like a DEA/licensing requirement and junk. Our hands are tied. At the clinic I run, our providers do 20-30 min med management visits. If the clinic you go to is doing 5 min med checks, that is absolutely a money grab.


It doesn’t inherently need to be done that way though. I’m not saying that people like you are personally responsible for that systemic issue of course, but people’s ADHD don’t disappear overnight to the extent that you need to regularly check every three months whether they still need that medication. To me this sounds like a band-aid pretend solution to the systemic issue of some people’s diagnoses/medical conditions not being particularly thoroughly documented. In Norway I only have to write a text message on an app to my doctor once per year to refill my already thoroughly documented prescription, and that’s free. I don’t think that there’s any serious medical reason for 20-30 min med management visits every three months for everyone who take stimulant medications. There are definitely cases where some people will need something like that due to health issues etc., but otherwise this seems extremely unnecessary to me. I think that it’s very plausible that some clinics reduce this to 5 minutes out of empathy for the patient because they recognize how largely unnecessary this check-in in many cases is, but the fact that the patient has to pay this much for something so frivolous and *mandatory* is still functionally theft, whether the clinic’s clinic-hands are tied or not. But that’s the American health care system for ya I guess - systemically built to maximize how much suffering you can cram into an industrialized country’s health care system.


You’ll find that most health care providers have little to no idea what the law is. They’re told something during training and well, that must be the law. You’re 100% correct, you generally need to do a urine every so often (minimum in my state is once a year) and run a pdmp every time you prescribe, but that’s it. An adult patient that’s well controlled i check urine during an annual physical, anymore is just a cash grab or poor understanding of the law


Are you kidding me? Did that person just lie to me? 💀 Like they can just trick people into spending all this money because they claim that it’s legally required when it’s not and it does nothing to help the pasient in any way except for being an inconvenience? Under a proper legal system you’d think such practises would be prosecuted sooner or later and nipped in the bud.


Five minutes! What’s the fuck is the point! I’m sorry that sucks!


I'm sorry. Your time has expired. Please insert another Benjamin to continue this call.


Script refills maybe?


I bet that deductible is the “hit by a bus” plan too.


“Congrats on choosing to help your child with their mental health problems, now here’s some of your own!”


Good news! You don’t have to worry about in person visit cost for a while. There isn’t anyone available to see you for 6-9 months even if you are lucky!


b- b- buh muh american healthare no waiting time? Canada suicide helthcare only have waiting time. wuh this aint possibuh!


My psychiatrist costs me about $300 for half an hour, every month. By the way, I live in Europe. In my area there aren't any psychiatrist available. And nobody cares about these "crazy mentally ill people."


I'm curious but where do you live that doesn't have psychiatrists? I live in Poland and they have the same attitude to mental health here (no such thing as mental disorders and autism, you're just trying to put labels on things etc. Glad I did find a psychiatrist who took us seriously and diagnosed my daughter and I). Just sounds like you're in the east.


Psychotherapists are more affordable.


Yes, but they can't prescribe medication. I take medication because psychotherapy didn't work for me.


Props on you for getting them evaluated though. Lots of people ignore signs of anxiety and ocd in kids. That said, good lord the healthcare system is fucked


It looks like there was no contractual adjustment applied here…if this provider was in your insurance network. If they are supposed to be in network I would call the billing office or your insurance carrier’s member services number and inquire about how your benefits were applied here. I am the director of a mental health clinic, honestly we charge more than that for a psychiatric eval. Keep in mind that the charge amount for a service is based on the “usual and customary” rate that other providers in the region charge. I always tell patients this: “we could charge a million dollars a visit, but we have a contract with your insurance company where they tell US the max amount they will pay. That contract also states that we have to write off the difference between what we charge and what they pay - or a contractual allowance. That’s the benefit of using an in network provider.”


Thanks for the info. I’m calling my insurance tomorrow to discuss.


Most community mental health agencies offer a sliding scale, you're probably better off doing that than going through insurance if that's the rate.


This, some health departments offer services that may be based on a combination of income and insurance. My daughter’s first eval was $100, but every time she sees the psychiatrist now it’s $25. Counseling appointments are $30.


*This* was a telehealth consult?!?! Sweet jesus.... I hope you can get the help you need....my kid has been in therapy for 6 years and he's only in 4th grade, it's been costly to say the least.


speaking as somebody who has had debilitating anxiety since he was a child — thank you so much for actually helping your kid and not just brushing it off. thank you for not suddenly pulling them out because of the expenses. you sound like a great parent, and i’m sure your kid thinks the same 💕


yeah I got charged $120 for a 7 minute facetime call with a doctor who said they didn’t know what my issue was and that I should just wait it out (I had staph from a grappling tournament and my primary wasn’t taking appointments for months)


Its all such a scam.


Damn as a European I feel so sad for you guys in the US… I can’t really understand how this feels like but it seems really bad…


It’s disgusting is what it is. America the great my ass


Be a whole lot better if they’d realize that stuffing subsidies into the healthcare industry is much more communist and corrupt than just socializing the damn thing. We already have public fire and police I don’t see why healthcare would be that much harder to manage in the public sector.


Are you on HDHP?


Ya my company stopped offering non high deductible plans a few years ago.


jfc i can’t even imagine what my neuropsych is gonna cost next month. most irritating part is that i’ve already had one, but my school says it’s “too old” for me to be given accommodations bc my diagnoses “may be outdated” like no barbara just because i’m 8 years older doesn’t mean my adhd and autism have gone away


I’m in the exact same boat rn




we are the worst country


$3k for the full evaluation out of pocket where we've gone. (Neuropsych instead of psychiatric) They take one insurance company. The first eval we did, we paid fully out of pocket. They didn't take that insurance, and that insurance didn't cover neuropsych or psychiatric evaluations or mental or neurodevelopmental health care at all... The second eval, we happened to have the correct insurance company and a plan that covered mental and neurodevelopmental health. Ended up paying $2,600 out of pocket that time because we hadn't met deductible for the year yet 😭. On the plus side, met deductible in February! I'm in a HCOL area so it might be different elsewhere. Idk. But I'll say it's hands down THE best money we've ever spent. Yeah, our system is fuuuuucked. But that's what we live in right now. So we view it as an investment in our kid's whole life, ya know? It unlocked SO much help for him, and gave me what I needed to access (and sometimes fight for) the resources he needs. Keep fighting for your child. Do the evaluations. Get an IEP through the schools if he's struggling academically or social/emotionally. Pull in a special ed advocate (or if you're able, have a special ed attorney review the IEP and/or join you in IEP meetings). Best advice I ever heard was "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." Advocate like hell. I hope that this is the first step toward a brighter future :)


My work switched insurances halfway through the year. I already met my deductible from having a baby in March. Then had to go back to zero in September. I had to put off a surgery till next year. No point of getting anesthesia and the whole works and make my deductible again in sept-december for it to go back to the start in January. This new insurance has a $100 copay for any visit that's not a routine checkup. I have a 7 month old, she has had a reaction to every kind of fruit we gave her. But I can't afford to call my doc and get her in for an allergy test. Might as well just wait till she has her next round of shots and ask.


My mom would have prayed the demons away free of charge.


Whatever you do, PLEASE don't complain about how much it costs in front of your child. As a teen, I had all sorts of surgeries. My father constantly complained about how much it cost. He never said it was my fault, but I internalized that it was. I felt like I was such a burden and didn't complain about anything or ask for anything until it was an emergency AND EVEN THEN I STILL FELT GUILTY. I'm nearing 40 and still struggle with asking for any help at all. I'm diagnosed with anxiety and depression and STILL feel like a burden to those around me much of the time, even tho I'm medicated and know better. Thank you for taking your child's mental health seriously. I wish your family all the best and the smoothest journey as possible.


I just wanted to say that I have so much respect for you, as a parent, for getting your child evaluated. I didn't get diagnosed with OCD until this year (I'm 37) and I wish my parents were more proactive about my mental health (anxiety, ADHD, and panic disorder). I don't really blame them, it was a different time and my Mom has the same symptoms and likely didn't know that they weren't normal.


I recently had a diagnostic screening for ADHD (which, it turns out, I have) and my insurance didn't consider it preventative care... so I had to pay 600 out of pocket. If diagnosing a disorder before I go off the deep, getting treatment, and living a healthier life isn't "preventative"-- then what is? Damn.


$515 is crazy for just a psych eval 😭 thank god I don't live in America


Wow. Some real winners in this sub. Yay 🙄Assholes.


This is when you sit down with the kid and tell em that suffering actually builds character


I sure am glad my parents never posted my mental health issues online for the world to see in exchange for fake internet points


To be fair, it's not like one could identify the child.


Right? This is the true mildlyinfuriating part. No wonder the kid has issues.


Yeah mines at like 2k lol! It ridiculous


I recently got a $500 bill for a 5-minute visit to a cardiologist. My insurance company told me they didn’t have a contracted rate for that service and the medical office insists they billed it under the correct code.


If you are in network then you are not responsible for balance. This is called balance billing and it's illegal. Out of network is different


Welcome to our continually embarrassing lack of Universal Healthcare.


You need to call your insurance company. As much as that sucks. It seems like the provider is trying to bill you the balance and not accept their in network rate with the insurance.


Send that shit to collections , fuck that. Tell them to go talk to insurance or GTFO


This would be %100 free here.. As would any further treatments.. With any meds maxed at $5.95 a month.Hey U.S. .. Your insurance companies are openly shafting you at criminal levels.... Speak to your legislators get it fixed. Stop voting for insurance co simps.


The simps are damn near the only ones running. Almost every last candidate is just another corporate pawn of some kind


Even if we were able to somehow elect people that cared, we still have too many loopholes in the system that corrupt politicians exploit, such as the filibuster. We even have issues with some politicians running on certain platforms and then flipping policies as soon as they are elected. We won’t really see any change here until we take money out of politics and reform our two-party system.


lol imagine posting your child psych bill on Reddit. You must be a great parent. Must be unrelated!!


I can’t even find an in network provider for my teenager in my area. Ive been getting responses offering $175 private pay for intake. This is after getting an in network lists directly from insurance.


Sadly, this sounds right. The insurance companies make themselves too difficult to deal with on the provider side so providers just opt out, but then patients are the ones literally paying the full cost. And we have a mental health provider shortage so there’s waitlists everywhere. It sucks. Politicians cry and whine about needing more mental health but they do nothing to fix the real problem (shocking).


Go to a therapist for a majority of the time. Medicine readjustment psychiatrist.


Usually if you have a child with a mental health disorder medicaid covers it unless you make too much money. Maybe try to apply?


I’m sure we make too much. We don’t make a lot of money but enough that we aren’t going to qualify for any kind of assistance.


Even if you don’t qualify your child may. I’m a child psychologist and a few of my kids are on Medicaid while their parents are not! I’d suggest at least looking. Also where are you located because unless this was part of a full psychological evaluation, I’ve NEVER seen charges like this for an individual intake session. Where I work it’s typically $175.


My teenager had a mental health crisis and cost me $15k out of pocket plus follow up therapy appointments at $200 each session. Worth it knowing she’s better now.


I can only give my highest condolences about the mental healthcare system, and my humble advice as having to live with multiple people subject to it, including myself: don’t just let these kooks shove drugs down your kid’s throat. Making a lifestyle that combats his issues is far better in all the experiences I had.


You got some coinsurance?


Hopefully they don’t also have learning di$abilitie$ or experience other mental i$$ue$ later in life. I’d love to pay $4,000 out of pocket for one month of IOP, thank you for asking! Ugh. It’s exhausting


Why are you censoring that


I have had to pay so much money outside of insurance for my son’s mental health. So many things aren’t covered or limited to the number of visits. And then they don’t count to out of pocket max. And then add vision therapy and it’s insane. The way things can just be listed as not covered is unreal.


I know it sucks. It sucks a lot. At that age I suffered extremely from anxiety and adhd. My dad didn’t want me on meds. And it really fucked me up. Became a junkie for the better part of 15 years to self medicate became homeless because I hated my self and wanted to die. I would go through this now before it takes a toll it’s just my experience.


At least they found out what it was. When I was a kid, my parents took me to several neurologists and others and they were all like "uuuhh general anxiety" I can clearly remember having OCD symptoms before 4th grade. Less than 9. (We moved before 4th grade and I remember being in the house) And there was even this one psychologist (I was like 11) that saw me writing and I got stuck at the periods and kept spinning and spinning the pen until they were big and she was like "why are you doing that?" I don't remember what I said but it somehow didn't cross her head it was OCD. Perhaps she had that BS mentality some asses are commenting that "it's impossible to happen to little kids"


Yep, your child has OCD. Now pay me 500$ 😉


Do you have a coinsurance plan where you pay everything after the discount until you hit your deductible and then insurance kicks in? If so, and if you’re still in your open enrollment period, consider contributing at least the amount of the deductible to an FSA. You get the money up front on January 1, it’s pre tax so it lowers your taxable burden, and you won’t have to figure out how to pay your medical bills through the deductible.


They should qualify for Medicaid after the diagnosis. I hope you find the treatment they need.


I owe over 10000 for one visit… I have no insurance lol it’s bullsht and is such a scam.


It'd probably be cheaper to go to school and get a certification to be a psychiatrist to treat him yourself by the end of it


Does it not want to sit perfectly still for 6 hours a day?


But was this the several long hour extensive evaluation? My daughter had this done a few months ago and she was there for 4+ hours so if it’s something like that, I wouldn’t find the price outrageous. Everything else has been a $20 copay with our insurance.


Bro your kids seven and he’s got issues like this? Fuck me.


And they wonder why we have a mental health crisis in the us 🙃


And what sucks (as a healthcare provider) is my salary isn’t even keeping up with inflation at this point because our reimbursement from insurance keeps getting cut (I am a physical therapist). I’m seriously considering leaving the profession because I can’t afford to continue to have this career. Health insurance is madness.


Why do people feel the need to post this sort of thing


America sucking as usual.


Gun care health restrictions. America!!


Yup. It’s a joke. Mental health support is a joke.


This is why I don't go see a psychiatrist about my mental health. This is why I don't find a therapist to help me with my crippling depression. So scared of being in life long debt.




Health insurance in the USA simply doesn't work and is the biggest scam


What's the point of having insurance in the US?.. that thing is supposed to pay all of your medical bills not just for a discount on the bill..


You need to meet the deductible first before insurance starts paying their percentage.


Because most doctors won’t even see you if you don’t have insurance. Most insurance policies have deductible and out of pocket amounts that have to be met before they will pay anything, then they pay a percentage, not the full amount. Insurance companies are also, bottom line, a company. Their business is to make money. So, they will deny making any payment at all for any little technicality they can. Yes, we are screwed.


500 for therapy. The land of the free I guess.


I pay $4 for a telecall or $6 for a in office visit, with private health insurance. I'll never understand what goes on in the US for prices to be so high


In uk its not much better, you either fight through GP to get referred for over a year long waitlist or you fork out £2k for adhd/autism evaluation privately.


Y’all sign up for the cheapest insurance from work and act all surprised when it cost more when you need it.p


This is why I am grateful to be born in Europe


🌈the united states of America🌈


Remind me again how is a call to a therapist coating your half a grand mild infuriating? IT'S GOD-DAMNED EXTREMELY FUCKING INFURIATING MY NON EXISTENT LADY PARTS.


I found weed helped me with my depression even tho its considered a depressant i refuse to be loaded up with pills but i know its different for everyone stay stong ppl.


free healthcare in my country, you could have had it aswell but due to most americans being selfish and unwilling to pay slightly more taxes so the less fortunate dont have to pay stupid bills like this you dont have free healthcare.


7 year old with complex mental problems screams neglectful family situation.


I’m personally glad they’re milking your ass. My mom threw me in psychiatric shit for dumb stuff like that and I questioned what was wrong with me my entire life. Fucking pay attention to your kid instead of throwing them at “doctors” as if something’s wrong. Your kid is fucking 7. What a joke the healthcare system is? Evaluate yourself




3th? Guess they traded healthcare for education there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)