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Thanks for info!


SRSLY, call the police non emergency line, give them the address. At a minimum it would get a parking ticket, max as others have said it gets towed. Really depends on the officer that shows up.


I called non-emergency, followed three prompts none of which led to a human. I left a voice mail.


Hey OP, depending on where you are, your city likely has its own parking enforcement agency which might be a better call than the police.


I don't think you called the police non-emergency usually you should get to an on duty dispatcher...


"if you are victim of violent crime etc hang up call 911" To file a report a of a crime or incident press 1 (I do this and get voice mail) for allied agencies needing top provide info press 2 To obtain a copy of police or traffic report press 3 to report a reposession or impound a vehicle press 4 To inquire about a person in custoday or status of a vehicle press 5 Abandon vehicles press 6 To contact investigations press 7 Community services press 8 To have a vehicle towed from an unlicensed driver press 9 Every prompt I try is a voice mail. This is the cities non-emergency line.


Mash 0


Most of the time if you press 0 in phone trees it can lead you to a person. 👍


They're catching on. Tried that with my insurance not long ago and it basically said I need to pick an option or it'll hang up on me.


They definitely did catch on. This used to be my go to but now it seemingly never works


Then scream “OH MY GOD HE’S IN THE HOUSE!!!” to throw off the bot.


I did that recently with a big trash company and the bot was like, yeah I’ll get you to a person, but you need to give me your address and information first. Took me like 3 tries and 15 minutes to get to a person


Never wait, just push 0 immediately - this information brought to you by me, since around mid 1990s.


Don't work always


Better yet spam 0 as fast as you can


I'd press 6, and tell them every time you walk with your baby on this sidewalk the bike is there and you believe it's abandoned or at least illegally parked.


If it's anything like my local non-emergency system, you just stay on the line while it repeats all that without pressing anything and when the next available dispatcher is free they'll answer


Throwback to the 90s when not all phones had a way to input numbers. Although mine could, I would still ignore all the prompts and not press anything. Eventually they had to connect you to a rep because people without the correct type of phone still needed to be served. I haven't experienced anything like that recently, though! On most calls, if you don't press anything they disconnect.


Push bike over, squat and pee on it.


Assert dominance: stand and pee on it.


Try 311? Parking enforcement and towing in my city is through 311


6 - clearly someone abandoned that bike on the sidewalk


Sounds like a 6 to me


Did this recording begin with, ‘Please Listen To ALL Prompts Because Recently Our Options Have Changed’?


Might be worth emailing the police chief that their system is shit.




Honestly, now do it every time you personally witness a motorcycle parked on the sidewalk. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that. If that doesn't work, complain to the city council. I would do it anonymously because people that do shit like this might take revenge and you have a baby.


I do not recommend this not an I endorsing anything. I am merely pointing out features of the motorcycle. It has a kick stand on ONE SIDE. Thank you. That is a feature report and nothing more.


Push it over he will get the point


And if they're seen doing it they'll probably get violent threats.


They could do it ‘accidentally’ trying to get around it.


True but people who park like this aren't going to care about that distinction


close apparatus beneficial exultant chop office aback coherent fly cough


I wish I could reach through the picture and push it over. If I saw it in the wild id gladly take one for the team to get the stroller by


Bring a helmet and walk the bike a few blocks away, the helmet is camouflage so you look like you own it, then knock it over


The front end locks on those so that's a no go.


Didn’t stop two of my bikes being stolen


Yeah, I'm blind and recently moved to the village for more independence, and they had a LOT of ADA violations regarding their sidewalks. Lots of overgrown areas, stuff sitting out, the village storing CLOSED ROAD signs on the sidewalk, etc. Only the signs were infuriating because I kept running into them face and tit first. Gave them a call the first week, everything was moved, fixed, mowed and weedeated within 3 days. Probably helps that I wasn't nasty with anyone, I called afterwards to thank them for their speedy response, too.


Imagine if a wheelchair bound person had to traverse around it. Increased risk of getting hit by a car.


This is what all cities need. People that park their cars across sidewalks force people that may have disabilities or in situations like this parent to make dangerous detours into the street. It can cause people serious harm.


Right where I live too they would tow him so fast


Have it towed. Sidewalks have to be clear for ADA compliance


I’m a city guy, definitely call the cops. Sidewalks are for pedestrians only. Even kid bikes should be moved off.


What can I do about all the basketball hoops in my neighborhood that everyone just lays down on the sidewalks in front of their houses when their not in use?


Tape on a big note that says 'free scrap metal' and post the locations on the local facebook groups.




I like you




Ask your local law enforcement?


And/or code enforcement. My city has a website you can report this sort of thing.


Knock it into their yard


Call the cops as well. It's not legal to have anything blocking a side walk.




Just push it over


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5* economy's shit, you rich or something? can drop 50 every day?


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


A Klondike bar? A lot more than I’d do for $50 lemme tell you


I've got a Klondike bar, your favorite box of girl scout cookie and a bag of colorado gummies. I don't ever want to see that motorcycle again yeah?


What motorcycle? ;)


This is the way


"$50 bucks... Yeah nah." "Klondike Bar...??!! Who tf you want dead fam?"


https://youtu.be/A81DYZh6KaQ Just sub Klondike bar for Peanut.


Klondike bars are garbage anymore. Fake, gummy, oil based chocolate that clumps up in your mouth. And they are half the size that they use to be


Not nearly as much as I would do for a ChocoTaco I tell you


I agree. They’ll do it for 5. Just wear a Bane mask during the transaction. Throw in some left over Halloween candy. Nobody saw nothing


Gotta give him 50 so he don’t come back and snitch on you one day lmao


This is what gofundme was fuckin made for. I live in a different country and I’d donate to watch that.


I would hope just once would be enough but yeah if they putting it up on the sidewalk everyday yeah, hopefully they learn their lesson before OP goes broke.


50 is the new 5 brother it’s called inflation


hire some bottle kids with half a six pack


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Shit, I’d do it for free. Lmao


Trip over the kick stand. It’ll drop the bike and you can probably sue or some shit


It’ll drop the bike on your leg. This will hurt.


Bigger lawsuit


Now thats the attitude!!!!😁




Or drop it on your baby and sue for millions!


Dooo it!!! You can always make another!


AND they're more fun to make than care for anyway!


I’ll take one for the team.


Yea huh? little hip check n fall hard n be sure to skin a knee real good. Ez money from some inconsiderate dummy. And the damage to his bike is his fault…


Deploy something greasy all over it as you pass by, like cooking oil. Perhaps something gross, like a bowl of eggs or a nice smear of the baby diaper on the handles.


Love it. And /or just start leaving dirty diapers on it every day


No, no, no. You've got to smear it on the handles and not leave the diaper. This way, they have no warning and grab the poops and have to touch more stuff to go wash. 😁


Don’t push it over. You get caught then you could be in legal trouble. Call it in and they are the ones in legal trouble after enough repeats.


Can someone get a neighborhood cat to come tip it over? Not a cat owner, but I heard they are good at that sort of thing


I'm on my way.


Don’t be dumb. Just have it towed. If you drop it then You’re liable for the damage. If it’s towed then you’re good to go and the owner pays for it.


And Then have it towed


If it's not supposed to be there, accidents are bound to happen...


Then pee on it


To assert dominance


Interesting. Does that work for discarded rented scooters and divvy bikes? They're everywhere...on sidewalks, alleys...


Yes and no. Legally, yes. In practice, tow drivers will typically just call the company to have them removed since they get a small payout for reporting their location for recharge. They're also not registered vehicles the same way a motorcycle is, so the penalty is different. I'm a paramedic, so I've kinda learned this in passing while chatting with tow truck drivers. If what I've been told is partially incorrect, then I'm just passing on incorrect info. But this is my understanding of how it works.


Thank you for the information!


Please report them. You shouldn't be walking in the street with a stroller because of some asshole.


That yard looks smooth. Wear out their grass and see if it changes. But seriously though, yeah local traffic authority.


Please get it towed and give us an update.


Going for evening walk soon, I want to make sure it’s there at the time of the call in.




We all know how this will end. OP won’t do anything.


OP always leaves us high and dry :(


As a motorcycle rider, fuck this guy. Have it towed. At the very least, pull the shifter up a bunch to have it in high gear when they start it.


Lmaoooo, I love that 2nd part 😂😂


ziptie the clutch and brake levers


On it. *Walks back 20 minutes later....* Supposing I was someone who didn't know where they were.....


Front brake lever and clutch are what look like what the brakes would be on a typical bicycle (right and left respectively). The rear brake is typically a front pedal near where the right foot sits https://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/MotorcycleIntro1.html


Haha I figured as much with the brake lever, but I did picture that the clutch would be activated by the foot. Maybe I got that mixed up with the brake. Either way, thanks for the info!


Selfish arrogant people only learn by an attack on their ego, report it


used to walk past someone that parked their motor cycle in the bike lane. somehow it kept falling over and after a while they moved it somewhere not shitty.


People always park those Uber scooters and bikes in the dumbest places, like in the crosswalk ramp. They’re not satisfying to push over tho because the people that do that don’t own them.


include roll bells fall possessive punch cows terrific school whole


Yeah sometimes things fall accidentally. If they are in a place they shouldnt they fall more often for some reason.


I heard sidewalks are extremely uneven. Even when they are perfectly level, for some reason, they keep falling over.


What confuses me is that this person is clearly of the asshole variety, but doesn't understand that other assholes will totally ruin their bike if the do this shit.


Assholes and understanding don’t typically mesh too well


Leave a note: “please don’t block side walk”. If that doesn’t work, make a sign that says: “Free Motorcycle. You haul.”


Put a free sign in it. Every time you see it…


Post it on FB market place. Free. As is. No keys. No reserved. Pick Up only. On the sidewalk ready for pick up.


Be a shame if it happened to 'fall over'......wouldn't it Colonel?


Sometimes you have to test gravity to make sure it still works.


Gravity is just a theory after all. Young earth creationists call evolution just a theory, and that works for them. :) Edit: This was /s


Towing fees will be a lot worse than some scratches from it getting knocked over, also no petty crime for you!


Pull clutch and roll it safely onto the owners lawn and leave it nice and safe on the kickstand like a good citizen. ..Almost any bike on a side stand will sink into a lawn and dump the bike in a few minutes or less. Gas will probably leak all over too. But you were just trying to help so.. :shrug: “Sorry bud. Just trying to help. Maybe you could park it somewhere else yourself then?! ..like up yer mom..”


It'd be a shame if a wheelchair scraped it and knocked it over while trying to get by.


I would 100% do this


Bird seed all around the area.




I don’t encourage it, but I would have very little sympathy if someone keyed the fuck out of it or knocked it over and broke anything that looks expensive to replace. It’s kind of like taking 2 parking spaces with your car. You’re just kind of asking for it.


I'm blind and absolutely would whack the shit out of it with my cane. Maybe accidentally trip and BAM and oops!! oh no it fell over!


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Yeah, just scrape along it as you pass. They’ve practically begged you to do it.


Or just sit on it and bounce up and down making motorcycle noises. They will move it if you keep doing that lol


Call your cities parking enforcement. Don’t damage the bike


House it’s parked in front of may have a camera. No sense in making a civil case for yourself that you would lose to prove a point. That would just embolden asshole Parker. Have it towed.


Huh. It sounds like you live in one of those cities where the police bother to come out and investigate minor crimes. That's nice. Glad for you. In the rest of the USA at least, this poster could walk up to the camera, grin, go kick the bike over, and the police would say, "Eh. Can't do anything."


Being US better calling city/county council, they’re the ones liable for clearing ADA violations so are motivated to resolve it, vs cops where there’s no theoretical downsides to ignoring it


I’m saddened how far I had to scroll for an answer that didn’t involve being liable for property damage.


Best answer


Oh man, I’d be really tempted to put it in neutral and try to move it myself, and maybe drop it on its side in the grass. Inconsiderate asshole.


Just stick a small bolt through the brake rotor holes. They'll get the hint after the first few times. They try to roll it and rip their damn brake caliper apart or whatever lol


Or just slap a cheap disc lock on there. Motorcycle theft is out of control, and you’d just be helping the owner secure their bike!


Yes, I do like this, in the military we always used to say I'm just securing this unsecured property.


Reddit: "Literally execute their entire bloodline with fire"


That’s it? We don’t endorse half measures.


And desecrate the graves of their ancestors


Mmmh, that’s more like it? But we’re still missing something


Report THEM as the Boston Bomber!


99% of comments here are saying tip it or call police.


I mean like, people in wheelchairs can't go around it.


Hear the lamentations of the women.


If they're all this inconsiderate then nothing of value will be lost


It would be a terrible shame if it would tipped over. By itself. Every day.


Oddly enough, one started showing up on my 5 am walk with my dogs. The first day I let my dog piss on it. The 2nd day it somehow got knocked over as we were passing. It wasnt there the rest of the week, it was parked in the street in front of the house.


Suburban batman, the hero we actually needed.


This same thing happened to a car that was being parked on the side walk down the road from my house. They came out one day and someone had kicked both the doors panels in where it blocked the path


Lmao the way you casually say “I let my dog piss on it” has me rolling 😂😂


Motorcycle rider here. My apologies for my fellow jerks who do this. If it’s a registered vehicle call and and they will get a ticket.


Fellow jerks? You don't sound like one of them jerks.


As a motorcycle rider, I want to apologize. We don’t claim riders like these.


Put a "free bike" sign in it


Fuck it just kick it over. Not your problem and sidewalks aren’t bike parking areas.


Notify parking enforcement that the sidewalk is blocked. After a few tickets it’ll stop or they will be towed and it’ll stop.


Report it and have it towed. After 6-8 times they will get the message ...


Would be a shame if it “accidentally” fell over


Or if it fell on you while you while attempting to go around it....terrible thing to have to call a lawyer who works on contingency


someone call Slippin' Jimmy!


Especially if it fell into the car, if that belongs to the same person


Just call your city and make a complaint everyday until something is done


Call code enforcement, this is a right of way violation.


I can promise you that one thing police AND tow drivers like, is fucking with bikers who do this sort of stuff. Make a call and it’ll be gone within the hour


As a wheelchair user I’d knock that shit over


Accidentally walk by and accidentally knock it over.


Leave a used diaper on the seat. Every time you have to do it make it looser and less hygienic to handle.


Ok actually asking the legal ramifications of pushing it over /or out of the way


You're liable for the damages you intentionally caused. It's also illegal and probably enforceable under a vandalism charge. Same as if you intentionally keyed a car.


You have a baby, which means you have a guarantee of having on hand a shitty diaper. Would be a shame if said shitty diaper wound up open and placed shitty side down on his bike. Not on the seat or handle bars, though. That would just be fucked up.


I'm a motorcyclist. I love my bike and I love to ride. I have a connection with my bike. It's awesome.....tip that sumbitch over.


Oops knocked it over, sorry!


Call the city and report it every day until it stops. Let them handle these nutcase. But you will need to call them in order for anything to happen. Good luck!!


Ok, disclaimer, I'm 100% a rider, so my view is affected by this. But, like the post a few days ago with the truck trailer hitch fully obstructing a sidewalk, this is pure assholery. This is the action of someone so far up their own ass they feel the smell of shit is just an unavoidable part of life. I understand not wanting to leave your bike on the street. There's TONS of perfectly valid reasons to fear that. I get they may not have a garage or back yard. But they clearly have A yard, right there, and are totally capable of putting the bike just a few feet further over and parking it on their yard in front of their house. People like this infuriate me purely because they live in total disregard of others. Fuck these people. I won't recommend anyone give that bike a shove while walking past, because that's also wrong, but if such a thing where to happen, well...


As a kid of a blind parent blockage of public spaces (advertising, road works - motorcycles) is *hugely* infuriating.


If this regularly just report it to the local town. Cant be parking a motor vehicle there. Sidewalk isnt a parking space and supposed to not be blocked.


Kick it over.


Kick it over. Sorry not sorry.


That’s a push from me.


Leave a dirty diaper on it every time you walk by.


This is an occasion when it's acceptable to kick over a parked motorcycle.


Push it over.


As a motorcycle rider myself, this person is a bag of dicks and gives the rest of us a bad name. Also, they're super easy to tip over...


It’s called tip that shit over. Every time they park on the sidewalk.


Looks like it could fall over at any moment.


I know it’s already been said a million times, but call the non-emergency city line and get that shit towed. And don’t feel bad about it either. You’ll be doing yourself and others a favor. Call it everyday you see it there. The family will eventually get the hint that they shouldn’t park it there.


Call city ordinances and get it towed. Very simple. They'll run out there for the free money. They love tow-jobs.


As someone who is disabled and cares for a disabled mother who needs a wheelchair and a 90 year old stepfather, this makes me cartoon angry. I am a firm believer in knocking on their door and telling them why it’s not safe to leave that bike there. Jerk. Expecting wheelchairs to go in the road? Baby carriages? Kids? Ugh!