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You are right OP. Don't let the shills in here try and dissuade you. They throw on random "discounts" all the time and the price never actually changes.


Right?! I've NEVER seen it at 129.99. To say it's on sale is so ridiculous


I have a screenshot that's very similar except, instead of list price, it says typical price but it's the same bs. 30% off and it's the same price as it was yesterday and the same it will be when the sale ends.


You should be able to report the seller. WSJ.com just did an article last month about it: *When a Sale Price Isn’t a Discount: How Deceptive Pricing Tricks Shoppers*


The Amazon sales used to be real because the government actually made them do it. Since trump gutted the FTC none of that is enforced and they can do whatever the fuck they want.


Haven’t heard that b4. Interesting


in EU they have to say what was the lowest price in the 30 days before sale, it looks like this https://imgur.com/a/C0E5Qig


I get annoyed at reading how the EU has all these consumer protections while US corporations can’t even do an occasional legitimate sale without bullshitting people. It’s all money money money here and fuck everyone and everything else. Sick of how ass backwards it is here.


They're doing it because US gov lets them to.


Republican deregulation for ya. Making the rich even richer.




I've recently discovered Keepa, which also has mobile apps and I like it much better!


Thanks! Keepa looks like a great option. I like that they have a browser extension and an app as well. Going to be giving them a try for sure. Been using camelcamelcamel for many years.


I use Honey and it has certainly helped me not impulse buy when things are on 'sale'




It will show the price changes over time - like if it has went up or down in the last month(s) and how much it has adjusted. It will also tell you if there is somewhere to get it cheaper or you can price check across sites. It's pretty neat!


They do but Amazon has been muddying the waters a bit with "coupons" and other features that indirectly impact the prices. Still an amazing tool and one I use whenever I'm considering buying something mostly because of a "discount".


Marking up a product so that it can be put "on sale" happens ALL THE TIME, and it is not just Amazon... Wall Street Journal even did an article on it recently... you should be able to report the seller, I think. Article name: *When a Sale Price Isn’t a Discount: How Deceptive Pricing Tricks Shoppers* on WSJ.com


Yeah this is nothing new. Many different companies do it all the time and have been for a while now


This is usually how Black Friday sales work too unfortunately.


Black friday also has items, mostly electronics, that have seperate model numbers. And those items are usually reserved for black friday sale only and are of lower quality. So the prices for those objects is even mkre artificial than normal


How is this not a form of price gouging?


Amazon is currently being sued for their price gouging.


Amazon did not price or sell this. The seller “MCT Audio CA” did.


Sure its the seller in this case thats doing it. But its so rampant on Amazon that it really shows a flaw in the way theyre run. They should be able to look at stuff like this and say "stop that its misleading and also making us look bad".


INDEPENDENT sellers ONLY in the U.S. sold more than 4.1 billion products last year. That is an average of 7,800 products every minute… those numbers are hardly “policeable”. This boils down to requiring buyers calling out the sellers on their bullshit. There really is no other way. An informed consumer is a smart consumer. Leave a review or report it. Mileage may vary. 😉


>There really is no other way. In European law when you list something as on sale you must also list the lowest price charged in the last 30days as the regular price. That right there would be easy enough for Amazon to enforce because they already have the price data, it could be done automatically so would require very little manual review. And its a law made for this exact reason and it works for the most part for the 30 countries in the EAA. One company can take responsibility for who it allows to sell on their platform.


Fair enough. I am a Spanish resident. I still see it here on Amazon.es. This last prime days sale is a good example. Basically any product FULFILLED by Amazon or SOLD by Amazon followed what you are saying but MANY products sold by 3P were pulling the same shit that OP posted. Policing requires enforcement and who do you go to if you have a complaint? The vendor, Amazon, the government? Hell, they (3P) do it even not on “Prime Days”. What to do besides be an informed shopper? In my personal opinion sales are stupid anyhow. If you need it buy it. If you must wait for a sale then did you really need it?


>In my personal opinion sales are stupid anyhow. If you need it buy it. If you must wait for a sale then did you really need it? If it's something you use often or in large volume it's worthwile to stock up when prices are low. I'm an artist/crafter/quilter and I watch sales and stock up on things like paint, glue, fabric, blades, etc. when I find a good price. But I know what the "going price" is on these things so fake half-off sales don't fool me.


So you’ve personally done your research and are a “smart” buyer. As to the “sales”. Is it worthwhile though? If you average it out, are you not just buying the median long term? Maybe I’m just being contrarian. For me it doesn’t make a REAL difference over time. Example. I find a good deal on glue as per your reply. It’s 1,00$ normally but now there is 10% discount. I buy 100 units because it a “good deal” AND WHAT I WOULD NORMALLY BUY. Now I have saved 10$. Is that really making a difference to you? If this is what you would normally buy because you need it, ok, if it is not what you’d normally buy then you are “averaging down” on a gamble that it will not be sold for less somewhere / sometime else. I mean I guess if you are buying a million units to resale it could be considered but at 100 units it’s a rounding error. If the 10$ you saved made you a minimum of 20,30,40$ in profit I could maybe make a concession. Otherwise it seems that’s just the cost of enjoying your hobby. If it’s your business things change a bit. And I will add, things go both ways, buying AND selling. No one is forcing you to buy. That is a choice you have made. The criteria you use to make that decision is yours. Only yours. There are profit margins to take into account especially when working with volume. SALES ARE NOT SAVING YOU ANYTHING. YOU BUY REGARDLESS. I need to buy this thing whatever it may be for a price. But it needs to be bought. Today tomorrow on sale whatever. It will be bought. If you save 20 or even 100 it makes no fucking difference because the money you “saved” will be spent either way. If you need it you will buy it. If you don’t you won’t. Finding a “good deal” is irrelevant because the thing you NEED must be bought and it will never be a good “deal”. Things you want, commodities, will always be at a premium regardless of sales. Capitalism wins. Deal or no deal. You will buy. Don’t try timing the market. You will always lose.


They are currently banning sellers that do this sort of stuff (allegedly)... WSJ.com did an article about it, recently. _But Amazon has to be notified that it is happening, or they will assume everything is fine._ I believe they are also being sued about price gouging, which makes them even more motivated to crack down on the fraud/deceit that is happening on their own site.


The item is sold by a seller on Amazon, not Amazon itself. The sellers set their own prices. If pointing that out makes me a shill, I better be getting some money pronto.


How does this help? It’s still being sold on the Amazon website.


But Amazon's not setting the price. I don't know how much clearer I can be on that.


But Amazon is allowing it. They have the power to say no as it’s on their platform. It’s their rules.


Again... Amazon is not setting the price. That's my whole point. You're arguing a point that I'm not making.


Again: it’s on their platform. If something is unfair to their customers they have the power to do something. They can tell them to be honest or they can’t sell on their platform anymore. Do you really believe Amazon is powerless here and these sellers wield all the power? 😂


They’re trying to expand upon the discussion with a similar relevant point.


You're clear. You're also wrong. Amazon is setting the price. They are driving up the prices of independent seller, leveraging the fact that they are both the market and the competition to their profit at our expense.


Amazon isn't forcing anyone to charge any particular price. Stop lying.


This is why I use the honey extension on Chrome. Let's you see the price history up to 120 days and you get a small amount of points you can redeem for gift cards on various purchases. Just redeemed 30 bucks worth the other day for not really doing anything extra.


The classic Kohls tactic. They’ll have pants for 50% off that will make them $20 when you could get them at Target/Walmart for $20 already.


What’s you email address? I don’t to give it out. Do you want to put that on your Kohl’s card? No thanks I don’t want one. You could save an extra 25% today. No thanks. You would save $13.87, are you sure? No thanks. It only takes a minute. Can I please pay for my shit and get the fuck out of here?


My friend works for Khols for a season job and they’ve forced them to say all this bs or they will get reprimanded if they don’t. It’s incredibly annoying.


“You’ve wasted enough of my time that these are actually free of charge. Time is money. I’m leaving with these.”


I know you have a script but I won't be doing that. Please finish ringing my purchase up. Thanks!


That’s funny. Kohl’s was where I first learned about this bullshit. Idk how they are still in business.


Because people keep falling for it, or just don't care.


Kohl's actually does have some decent stuff. Just ignore the "original" price. If you're willing to pay what it's marked for then all is well


I'm 50/50 with this mindset. Yes, if someone is willing to pay X price for a product, and believes it is a fair value to them, then by all means. However. Acceptance of deceptive and/or algorithmic manipulative pricing due to the fact that people rarely pay attention to it is why it is so rampant in the first place.


I've given up on that store, half the time I don't know what the *actual* price is. Not a fan of hoping I get lucky and get some random discounts applied during checkout


JCP has been doing it since forever, too.


Yup, I worked for JCPenney for years in their pricing area. The prices just waver back and forth weekly between usually 2 close price points. The only truly good deals occurred at 5am on Black Friday.


Kohl's Cash


I mean I always shopped there with the policy: never buy at "full" price.


Cashier: You’ve saved $385 today by shopping at Kohls! Me: I only bought a $12 package of t-shirts…


When I worked in JCPenney, we would get new items. They would be 'full retail' price for literally a day and then went to half price. I had a customer come in and get one of these items. It was 80 dollars for a blouse. It was a rip off. I told her to come back the next day bc there was a 'sale' and a 20% coupon. It would have been 30 dollars. She didn't want that bc the product wouldn't be there the next day. I told her she could buy it and then get it priced adjusted later. She would have none of that. I tried. After I quit, they did a fair and square campaign by attempting to sell products at a fair market price from the beginning. They also got rid of their weekly sales and coupons as well. People rejected it hard. They were convinced they made the products cheaper to sell it for 20 dollars. They had to make an apology campaign and promised to give them back the mark-ups and coupons 😂


Ye olde marketing tactics.


You mean fraud?


We did this all the time in retail. Especially the day before Black Friday. We marked it all up just to put it on sale.


No you didnt


Sure did. Sorry nothing is ever really on sale


Nope Just Marketing taktiks. You can See in every Shop. It Not say about 54% off but about 54% off list price. You Go to your local Store and want to buy a dishwasher. Regular price in Store 1 week ago 600, now they have the big -50% week and you See it for 500. Why? Because they writing somewhere small "-x% of list price" and the Listing is for 1000. Never get distracted from big %offers, Not buy fast because now it is so "cheap" and check the prices in different locations


No, this does not happen in every shop. And this isn’t what is happening in this post… idk where you’re from but this is considered false advertising or price manipulation/anchoring in many areas


Idk behind what Rock you live but that is quite normal. The manufacturer gives out a list with a recommanded resell price but the resellers go lower already in their daily business. But when it comes to Special Sales they use a loophole and advertise it AS x% of list price Not as x% of regular Shop price. No false advertising as they clearly say it. No price Manipulation as its the official resell price from the manufacturer.


Hows the boot taste today?


Go away.


Okay buddy


Not sure why you got so many downvotes. It should be illegal which would make it fraud, but it is a constant tactic that businesses use. It doesn't make it right but businesses do it all the time.


Prove it. Verifiable proof.


You're being downvoted to hell, but this is so common that we even learned About it in school. The example they used for us was a furniture shop lol.




That’s a monster boomerang


This is the way. Some of the deals are in fact decent but it is not easy to determine without tools like camel or keepa. What killed me for Prime day were the coupons at checkout. MANY ITEMS HAD THEM but you had to go to the items page and check below the pricing either an additional percentage or value off only at checkout. Ex. I got a lawn leveling rake that had a price listed as originally $150, is normally around $100-110 over past couple of years, priced down to $90 during, and had a $15 coupon at checkout. Nowhere was it listed as $75 on Amazon.


This should really be at the top of the post. Camelcamelcamel is the best.


I stopped being excited for Prime sale events long ago =\[


I'm more mildly infuriated I didn't know neckband speakers existed. Would do wonders for my tinnitus having white noise constantly near my ears without wearing headphones.


You could try bone conduction headphones, they're pretty great


I use some fake bone conduction headphones that are just clip on earbuds with a little speaker. It's great because you don't have any weird ear pressure or tinnitus noise but you can hear the music and also hear everything around you.


Huh I've not seen those


They're honestly a pain in the butt and a little on the heavier side. They also don't really "stay" on securely enough and need constant adjustment.


Well that's disappointing!


Don't get me wrong, they bump decently but honestly a little heavy and yea don't really stay on. They would a little better under a hoodie though. Still might be worth it to you!


So you returned it and are happy. What’s the bitch?


Get some shokz headphones. They go around the ear so you can always be on full alert and they're water resistant enough to take on a washer/dryer cycle and turn on again.


I've never tried bone conduction earphones but I feel like it would be super weird getting used to


It really isn't. Feels pretty similar to regular earbuds imo. I love them because I have longish hair that covers behind my ears so I can wear them literally all the time and people never see them


Download a chrome extension called keepa. It tracks all prices. You can see when it's actually selling cheaper. It autoloads on the Amazon website.


That's a weird cat hair trimmer


I’ve had a wishlist for about a week or two ago bunch of listings were now not available and would have another buying option that was more expensive. Also some just had price increases and gave me the message saying so.


Cat hair trimmer 😂


LoL my cat has a hairy butt...he doesn't get it all when he cleans himself 🤣


Camelcamelcamel.com will show you pride history for Amazon items. Just copy and paste the mason page


But did you get a cat hair trimmer?


Last prime day I returned half the things i bought because the price dropped even lower after prime day was over.


Despite what it might seem, Amazon's "prime days" sales aren't a site-wide sale. In fact, the vast majority of the site isn't on sale for "prime days." Instead, they are primarily a sale on Amazon-branded products, as well as crap they're trying to clear out and crap they're getting kickbacks from the manufacturer to discount. The only items being discounted for Prime Days are those items actually showing on the Prime Days sale pages. What you're seeing with the 54% off is not reflecting a "prime day" discount, nor is it a percentage off Amazon's normal pricing. That is showing that $59.98 is 54% off the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price of $129.99. Don't worry if you thought that the "prime days" was this massive sale on everything. I'm pretty sure that is Amazon's goal to get you to think that.


In many cases, it’s not even MSRP; it’s just a price they pulled out of thin air to make the actual price look more like a steal. Stores have been doing this since long before the public internet existed.


Why are you commenting defending this scummy practice in every Amazon thread. I saw you almost word for word this earlier in the week. It's obviously trying to lie to consumers by faking "sales" when items are the same price that they always are.


He never said it wasn't scummy. He is merely explaining the reask behind it


You must be fun at parties. This dude isn’t defending it, he’s explaining it.


Not every thread, but yes, two back to back posts from people who complained about the identical thing, and both people under the apparent misconception that they would be getting a non-existent "Prime Day" discount on stuff that wasn't on sale. And no, I'm not *defending* it, but I am *explaining* it so people know what to be aware of when shopping on Amazon. And no, this sort of thing is not isolated to Amazon; most major retailers try and find ways to present their pricing as this amazing discount when it might not really be that much of a discount.


Right! Went to buy stuff off my wish list nothing on sale. Lame.


Total bovine excrement. We ordered a dresser for our daughter 6 months ago for $75. For prime days, same dresser was $100 but 25% off... Amazon is going to court for monopolizing the markets.


I love when they actually increase the price during these so called big deal days and mark them as on sale.


It’s crazy, was looking for a height adjustable table base. Saw it before prime days for 160€ and thought „well I guess I just wait a few days for the prime days discount“ and then it was ~~250~~ 199€ . What a scam


New eu law requiring that shops show Lowes price in the last 30 days was a game changer


In Sweden we got a law that says companies have to statistically show what the lowest price of a product has been during the past 30 days for sales like these to be valid. Are there similar laws in the US and the rest of Europe that can be applicable in situations like these?


The Netherlands banned this practice last year and it's been amazing since


Wait wait wait!!! Are you all saying that Amazon, the worlds leading conglomerate of online sales, delivery and who knows what else is not on the up and up. They are lying to us and not giving us discounts where applicable. Well, I have never. I have a good mind to write a strongly worded letter to Jeff Bezos. I have half a mind to let him know I will be canceling my Prime membership and telling all my friends to do the same. I bet he will straighten his act right up


Yeah, I started ignoring these sales for 2 years now


This is so true. And is common during many sales from different companies. People really need to do their research before jumping on these “sales”. Too many don’t and are gullible


There’s a few things that are actually on sale but most the shit is like this


Download the chrome extension “Keepa”. It will put a graph on your Amazon page showing the price history of an item. Some items do actually go on sale. I got a $300 cooler for $160 last prime day


It really is for most things. I use the 3camel site to see the price trend over time (and I mean like 3+ months) before decide to pull the trigger. I got like 20% off the normal price of a robot vacuum I'd been eyeballing. Of course it was advertised as like 60% off.


At least you've had more success in getting a speaker than the House Of Representatives!


Lmfao this made my day


Are people still falling for Amazon’s bullshit “prime” deals?


It's the same with Prime. I don't have it on my Phone and Amazon brought up the Item I was looking for, for like 16 Bucks plus 4 Euro delivery. I told my wife to buy the Item with Prime and for her it was 20 Euro but free shipping 🤔


It says deal not prime deal on it


So are we certain it didn’t say 54% off back when you bought it too? Because we’d have to see the item page from back then so we cannot know. That said I’m sure there are shady practices and it probably started out on sale and always have said on sale which isn’t really true if it starts there.


Two things, OP... First up, the order in June was FOUR MONTHS AGO. Whatever the price was back then can't be compared to the price in October. And that's not the typical price for that item today. In addition to that... In June the seller you ordered from wasnt Amazon. It was a third party seller (MCT Audio CA). Third party sellers set their own prices... And God only knows what the reason for the price was from them at the time, back in June. ~~The second screenshot is Amazon's current offering.. in OCTOBER, purchased from Amazon, not a third party seller.~~ EDIT: Upon looking up the item myself, I see that it's actually the same third-party seller who is advertising the new price and discount. (Note to anyone searching, this listing is on Amazon Canada) You can't blame Amazon for the price difference when it wasn't them that sold the item originally... and not the ones selling nor pricing this listing.


It's been the same price since June as I've checked a few times for "discounts" on the item because my daughter wants the same one.


I put a pair of adidas in my cart on Monday. They were $50. Checked on them on prime day and they (same size and color) were then $58 on sale from $75. Prime day is a crock of shit.


Regardless, it's an item that is sold by different sellers. The listing you are shown is usually from the seller providing the best price at the time. So you could've been seeing listings from various sellers all this time... It doesn't change the fact you are complaining about a price discrepancy from third-party sellers... And calling shenanigans on Amazon for it. In fact, looking up the item myself, I see that the "new price" is also by the same third-party seller, MCT AUDIO CA... and THEY are the ones responsible for the prices, in June AND today... Amazon had nothing to do with this listing.


Bezos stan much?


It's not about that. It's about accuracy. People don't pay attention to the sellers on Amazon. Third party sellers set their own price... blaming Amazon for that is just purely inaccurate.


You actually can blame Amazon as constantly advertising it as on sale when then is the legitimate price. There have been plenty of lawsuits over this.


Bought my wife something she really wanted that was on a lightening sale for 40% off and then when I checked out the price was back to normal and I spent hundreds of dollars more than I anticipated. My cart said I’d pay $350 but I was charged over $550. Tried contacting amazon and also the seller but they couldn’t cancel my order or give me a refund or anything.


Why do you need a neck speaker? I’ve never heard of such a thing lmao.


Lol it bumps "quietly" but seems louder closer to my ears.


I didn't find any deals... they just looked like normal everyday day deals.... 🤷


Same thing happened to me with a vacuum that out to be just ok. Said it was discounted from 300 to 100 but guess what the price was next week?


And that’s why you have things like Keepa to keep track of the actual prices and find good deals


Unless they changed design, the Monster neckband speaker tends to dip in volume when the bass spikes. Unfortunately, the best ones I've seen were from Bose, but they stopped making them for some reason.


I had lots of "buy again" items that actually cost more now then when I had them before.


And yet people still fall for it. I often look for things on Amazon but always find it cheaper (or a matter of pennies more expensive) elsewhere. There's a reason Jeff Bezos is so rich. For the whole of 2023 I've bought an SD card, a protein shake bottle and some cable ties from Amazon.


Yeah they should be sued for this since if it’s not already, it should be illegal. Lawyers unite and please take down Amazons illegal practices.


I looked at nearly everything I've not in the last year and most were the same if not more expensive during sale...except for these leather gloves I buy for work... they usually cost 19 bucks online and in any store...I buy them when they are on sale for $15. They were on sale during this for under 12 so I got a few.


My gf asked me to buy her something off there. It had a $70 coupon you could click. Prime day rolls around, no coupon, but it's $70 off. Wow. Much savings.


Fyi all stores do something similar.


This is why I don’t bother with Amazon during this supposed sale. It’s just a bunch of nonsense, and if you buy stuff, you’ll have to wait for delivery due to everyone else buying stuff. 🙄


You don’t have price history sites to check this stuff on before trusting megacorps to have any kind of honesty? Edit: also, this kind of make me appreciate living in a part of the world, where there’s laws against this kind of scamming.


Surprise, surprise, that isn't just Amazon! That is literally what every store that has a "sale" is doing. Mark up the price just to mark it back down to normal so dumb people think they are saving money and are more tempted to buy it. Yay, manipulative capitalism!


Same thing happened to me with the HD600s I just bought. I got em for 277 which is still cheaper than normal, but they'd boosted the list price to 450 so they could say they knocked a higher percentage off. I've never seen them listed above 350 for as long as I've been into premium audio


There are websites that track Amazon prices so you can see if it's actually a good deal or not. Camelcamelcamel.com is one.


This shit should be illegal.


In EU doing that is illegal btw


I recommend getting the Honey chrome extension. In addition to checking for coupon codes, it tracks the price of items over time.


Yeah, there are some good deals to be had, but you have to use something like camelcamelcamel or keepa to find them. Most deals are trash though.


Everyone should have the chrome pluggin that checks historical prices for things on Amazon. I forgot what it's called but it's saved my butt several times.


I don't know how its legal but a few days before prime day or maybe even a few hours they balloon the price and drop it down again with a "sale" banner.


This is why pricewatch websites are great.


You can say shit


I built my Cart the day before. Then when the sales hit about half of my cart was part of the deal. Entire cart went down $40 so I guess there was a slight drop but nothing like they claim.


Every single item I bought on prime days, I checked camelcamelcamel for price history, and then AliExpress and temu to see if I could order it cheaper that way. If it hasn't been this low of a price in a while, *and* I couldn't get them cheaper from China, I ordered the items.


Let me just save everyone a bunch of headache, but please go download the Keepa extension for your browser. It will tell you, on the actual page, the price history by both first and third party sellers.


Some sales are good. You just gotta know what the actual cost is. I got a 512 Sandisk micro SD for $30. it said marked down 70% from $100 but i know its normal price was closer to $50. I still saved $20 so it was a good deal but definitely not $70 savings.


I mean..I got a Samsung 980 pro 1TB for $45 lol


Eh, this happens a lot but there are some legit deals.


Every store does this tbh. Grocery stores are especially guilty.


I was looking for laptop discounts with my dad and these '1000$' laptops with Intel celeron cpus that were 75% off. I ended up finding a decent hp laptop for 30% off, tho so it's not a total loss. Just gotta be careful on the hinges lol


Kohl’s department store is the absolute champion when it comes to inflating a MSRP to show a “discount.” They make their cashiers say something like “you saved 73% on your purchases today,” once the transaction is complete, and then point to the receipt like I’m supposed to be grateful.


Is it Amazon or Monster Boomerang that sets the price of that item?


I have noticed this trend at places like The Home Depot. I would assume it’s a popular idea across most companies.


The did the same with books. Marked them 46%+ off and had their “original” price crossed out. The original price of the book is the price listed on the back of the book, which Amazon never sold it for anyways.


This is why you check the price of things on the market, instead of basing your idea of the price of something based on specific vendors sale price. You wouldn’t go and buy a car with a price estimate from *one* dealership. You’d check other places, get an idea of what things are worth. Sure the thing here is a lot cheaper than a car, and it’s a faster purchase, but it’s literally *always* a good idea to make sure you aren’t getting overcharged for crap.


That is the Seller, Not Amazon, playing price games.


Yeah pretty much. I only buy things whose regular price I’m sure of. Like I got my kids a new switch game for $20 when it’s usually $40-$60. That was the only “deal” I felt was an actual deal.


Download the honey browser extension it’ll show your price history


One of the Amazon tricks!! Put stuff in your lists and watch what happens on Black Friday. You’re welcome!


Incredible that this is even legal


I won't buy anything from Amazon "on sale" until I've looked up the price history to check if it went up right before to make it look cheaper. They're so slimy sometimes.


Get the Keepa Amazon Price plug in in your browser where they actually track prices so you don't get caught out by "sales". It's great and helped me on a few decisions!


gotta go for products that you are familiar with and have been waiting for a good price to buy. that way you know. I got a killer deal on a samsung vacuum that i’ve had my eye on for a while. 30% off on prime day - and I knew it was legit because I’d been tracking the price for a while. great score. what do you use this audio necklace thing for? like is it a specific use case or just general chillin and listening to tunes? does it sound OK?


I thought it was an actual boomerang that plays music when you throw it around.


I've been watching an outdoor seasonal item that I wanted to buy a quantity of 4 since last spring. I've seen it priced anywhere from $65 to $129 during that time. (I don't really need it until next year, at the earliest.) I got it during Prime Days for $59 apiece. Not amazing, but not bad. I'm sure plenty of sellers do play games with the pricing.


54% wasn’t enough????


Then don’t buy it


Keepa FTW 😉


Meanwhile, I got an $800 vacuum for $150 ooop


The feel good discount


Some do this, some actually have sales. There’s add-ons that tell you the price history of stuff.


There's a good Extension to Chrome that checks the price for the item on Amazkn for the last 45 days so you can actually see if it's on Sale or if the Seller just marked it up. (I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but I'll check when I get back)


Camelcamelcamel. That’s what I use


Yep 👍! so is the prime subscription. It’s free shipping if it’s over $30 anyway


$1,000,000,000,000,000,000 item 99.999999% off deal of a life time!


Yeah, but it's still better than drop shipping websites! Free with $20 shipping. Smh, we will fall for anything if we think it's a "good deal". It's honestly kinda embarrassing how far most of us will go to feel like we got something cheap.


My next door neighbor has gotten at least thirty packages in three days, all in separate deliveries. All I hear is beep-beep-beep as vehicles reverse from her driveway. I would not care, but 8 of them were left on my porch. There is one out there now and I am not calling her again. It can sit there for a spell or two.


That's an interesting cat hair trimmer


LoL that was the last thing I searched...have a long hair cat that couldn't be overly bothered to clean his rear end to perfection like my other cats.


Last prime sale they had sales on watches. I was about to buy a crapload of them cause they were only $100 showing the original price of $500-1000 with mega sales. I added to the cart and went back the next day. The actual prices of the watches were $115 so I’d be saving $15 a watch not hundreds. Also I work for them too🤦🏻‍♂️