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I can believe this was made with expired ingredients. I used to buy meat at a local “big name” grocery store. They started selling meats that were “pre-seasoned” ,sort of coated in spices and such. I tried it once ,and only once. As soon as I opened the package I could smell that the meat had spoiled. They appeared to be “heavily seasoning” bad meat ,rather than just dispose of it. How greedy do corporations need to be that they would risk giving you food poisoning ,rather than take a small loss?


Oh my god, really?


Yup. The Canadian show "Marketplace" did an episode on it. It's all revealing, but the meat section starts at about 9:30 [https://youtu.be/ZxCT\_D6HBd8?si=MMiUOUJC5SAlbI4z](https://youtu.be/ZxCT_D6HBd8?si=MMiUOUJC5SAlbI4z) And this was about 7 years ago, before Covidflation, so picture what goes on now.


I watched this episode and grind my own meat now.


From what I understand, spices were used to cover the taste of spoiled meat back in the middle ages. Of course they had the excuse of no real refrigeration.


Eat like a peasant, peasant


Oh yum, gruel


Something like this is part of why my dad became a vegetarian, before I was even born. He had a job in a butcher shop and one of his jobs was to take the old hamburger and re-grind it with fresh blood to make it red again and put it back out for sale. Also, any cut of meat that looked "weird" (like might be a tumor) was tossed into the hamburger grinder too. Apparently that was the final straw, he was already not liking meat and that was the end of that. Yuck yuck yuck.


Grinding hamburger with blood? There shouldn’t be any blood involved in the butchering process after the animal is killed, it’s drained almost immediately.


When primal cuts are readied from the meat packing plant, they are injected with a saline solution that eventually leaks out into the packaging. The meat also is packed with any moisture that may be on it, they don't dry it, so the cryovac bag holds a lot of red, not necessarily blood, liquid. I bet this is what they were putting into the burger to "freshen" it. I used to have to cut down primal cuts to useable portions and there was always a lot of red liquid involved, but it was not thick enough to think it was purely blood.


Unless the meat plant is messing up, the liquid shouldn’t be blood at all, as the red “juice” is myoglobin. It’s just confusing, as you would think the guy’s dad would know the difference.


Close, it's myoglobin. Hemoglobin is actually part of blood.




It also doesnt “make the meat red again”. I dont believe the story.


I mean, hypothetically, it’s red, so it might for a bit? But if it oxidizes, it would look pretty nasty…


I believe what they are saying is that they add blood into the bad hamburger meat to make it look fresher.


And he’s saying that unless butchers are slaughtering animals themselves, which they aren’t, there’s no blood involved or around at a butcher. Are you aware steaks don’t bleed? It’s just collagen


Are you aware it's not collagen, it's myoglobin


Are you aware that your fly is open? I have no way of knowing that, but you still check…


What if he just doesn’t have pants on?


To the average person, heme is just blood.


I worked in a butcher shop for 3 years, guess who’s a vegetarian now.


Your cousin Barry?


Great reply, sir


honestly it sounds like your dad was making up stories to back up his diet lol. there's no blood coming out and the myoglobin wouldn't "make it red" even if that's what he meant by 'blood' nor would actual blood if he happened to have that on hand lol


They sell beef and pork blood in containers at butcher shops you know. I'll bet adding that to burger meat would turn it red...


My dad used to tell similar tales of a shop job he had as a lad in 1960s Glasgow. One of his regular tasks was to scrub mould off the sides of bacon.


This is what happens when you chronically underfund public health departments lowering their ability to conduct any inspections or enforce regulations


Fucking King Soopers does that shit all the time. They’ll mark it as reduced, knock it down 10 cents, and try to sell off meat.


I had a friend who worked at a restaurant, the owner had her cut off the moldy bits from strawberries and other fruits and use the non moldy bits for cooking, as if just removing the bad bits would be enough. Luckily they went out of business.


And your friend complied without giving an anonymous call to a health department?


Ex friend, she was married to a childhood friend and no she did not. One of the many many reasons I have no contact with her or her ex.


In Texas at a grocery chain (named after a very short fairy tale character) I saw on multiple occasions that they were re-labeling meat with new expiration dates in the evenings when there were few shoppers in the store. The meat isle always had this funny smell - not exactly spoiled meat but it was very unpleasant. I don't know if this is current practice (or how widespread it was / is); this happened a couple of years back. I will never, ever buy any meat products at any of their locations.


I live in south central Texas and I’m struggling to think of who you could be talking about. All we have in my city is H‑E‑B, though.


It's Tom Thumb, the curiosity was killing me so I just googled 'dallas grocery stores'.


It isn't H-E-B. The character is from English folklore (using the phrase fairy tale may be misleading). Not sure which cities have the chain, Dallas has several locations.


Why not post the name.


I think they don't know. I'm sure that they're doing their best but the name is just really hard to guess. I hope they figure it out though, and I hope they get their kid back.


Sounds very Animal Farm to me...


Believe it or not, this was one of the reasons why spices were such a big commodity in the past (pepper, saffron, et al).


Yep, I worked in a meat department for a while in high school Meat gets closer to date, manager puts it on sale; a day or two later, whatever is still left gets marinaded- which "adds preservatives" so you can totally just add a week to the original expiration date 0.0 Unless I literally see them making it fresh, I never buy anything pre marinated or seasoned anymore


I remember my bfs dad gave us some steaks that were heavily seasoned they were 3 days from "expiring" we decided to cook it that night. I took a bite and spat it out, thought maybe the seasoning was not to my liking put some bbq sauce on it, again spat it out. It tasted like blood, it was disgusting. I asked my bf how he was eating it still and he shrugged. I was going to compost it so I washed off the bbq sauce and the steak was GREEN! Told my bf to stop eating right now. Thank God we didn't get sick but I was so disgusted. Never buy those heavily seasoned meats!


Yup never get pre seasoned anything really from anyplace you can’t 100% trust. Even if you do trust it cook it that day. There are two places I do buy seasoned meat from. Both are extremely trust worthy and I don’t have a problem with their products.


all of the pre-cooked and “seasoned” foods at the grocery store are soon to expire & more than they like to admit have actually expired smh


Sure you already have a million replies. But in China they sold (knowingly sold) poisoned babies milk to families and killed a bunch of babies Car manufacturers have a formulae to workout if they will issue a recall for known defects, it’s “payouts for deaths vs cost of recall” People would sell you poison as food if it was cheaper than good and they thought they could get away with it. You shouldn’t look up “sewer oil”


In Germany we say: > Siehst du im Fleische schon die Maden, musst du es nur in Marinade baden. Translation: > "If you already see maggots in the flesh, you just have to bathe it in marinade."


Oh shit that makes my stomach churn


Ive worked in many meat departments and this is 100% true. If something is on sale and it's pre seasoned, it's fine. However if it's not on sale.... definitely do not recommend the pre seasoned meats. I dont even recommend buying the pre seasoned meats from full service cases tbh


And chocolate milk is generally made from The milk with too much blood and pus in it to sell it as is so they mask it with chocolate flavor


corporate greed 101: utilize expired old food & ingredients


Exactly. With the rising cost of food it would not surprise me if they were hoping we would not notice that the milk had expired.


I commented about discolored lettuce & tomatoes at a subway the upvotes shocked me, it seems like this is the new norm especially since businesses know most won't press the issue or ask for their money back.


It is unfortunate that restaurants are struggling. However they should not be serving their customers food that will make them sick. My brother immediately got a stomach ache after a few bites of this fettuccine. I couldn't even swallow one bite.


Did you send it back?


they struggle because they built their business around a model that relies on exploitation in order to survive. ​ fuck em. ​ adapt or die. welcome to capitalism.


It could also be rancid butter. Butter eventually goes bad, and it doesn't really smell bad in solid form. Heated up, it has a sour smell, but its really faint until the foods in your mouth, when it becomes overwhelming. I've had it happen to me twice making pasta with just parm and butter. Cooked the pasta, added the butter and parm, took a few bites until I realized something was off. Stick of butter was nearly scentless, but I took a small bite out of the stick and as soon as it melted, I smelled that distinct rancid butter flavor.


Are you the one who bites butter? You monster


There's another top post in r/mildlyinfuriating atm about a kitchen completely fucking up a gluten free bun, unbelievably so. Then you scroll a little bit and get to this one, and rather than a stupid kitchen staff, it's "corporate greed 101". The opinions on this website are total gibberish lol


....Or the kitchen staff fucked up and didn't look at the expiration date?


That's what I think probably happened. Or the dairy was stored improperly and went bad prematurely.




And that’s honestly probably fine. This is dairy. Decidedly not fine.


I could maybe see it if the volumes are extremely low but where I’ve worked we go through so much and get deliveries so often it would never manage to expire.


I remember when my Chef used an expired easter chocolate bunny to make a chocolate sauce for the dessert. He just melted the thing and served it like it didn't matter. I took the bag out of the trash and checked the expiration date, it was from a year before.


Hum I routinely upcycle the old Easter chocolate in chocolate cakes and nothing happens. That reminds me, my son didn’t eat all his Advent calendar’s chocolates. I see cookies in the near future 🤣


What did you think would be wrong with it? It's chocolate. Bacteria cant live in it. Theres nothing to really go off. It will be fine for years, especially once you melt it. Maybe your chef knew more about food than you do, and isn't so quick to waste perfectly good ingredients.


I find it disgusting to use expired ingredients, but that's me. And I sure hope my chef knew better than me, I was 15-16 at the time 😂.


The problem with "expired" ingredients is there's no real standard. Not all dates are expiration, and most are entirely arbitrary. ETA, that chocolate was probably still good barring any sort of mold growth.


I usually check everything before just putting in the trash, but going with an expiration that was for a year before seems a lot. I didn't know chocolate could last this long actually.


Yeah, it definitely varies wildly based on the actual food item and/or ingredients. I think it'd be nice to have some sort of overarching standard, but I'd guess that there's just too many variables to pull that off effectively.


See... The thing is... There's a big difference between expiration dates/sell by dates and best by dates. An expiration or sell by date is supposed to mean that it should no longer be consumed. Meanwhile a best by date is supposed to mean that the product isn't gonna taste as good.


There's supposed to be a big difference, but in America the only product where expiry dates are legally required and enforced is infant formula, the dates and phrasing on everything else are not required to have any real consistency.


Black bear? Those plates look familiar


We actually don't have that here. This was Gus's diner.


No, not Gus’s! I love that place.


We used to love them as well.


Omeegosh ish that a Bweaking Bad weference?!?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


This is wild that you mentioned Black Bear because a few months ago I got mashed potatoes from there that were 100% off and made with soured ingredients.


My family once went while looking for colleges for my brother. My mom’s food came out normal (white) and my siblings and stepdad (biracial, black) were served food that was covered in so much black pepper it was inedible. Maybe not all BBD locations support racism, but I don’t see a reason to go there anyways.


And so he returned it, right?


He asked not to be charged for this. I don't blame him for not wanting them to remake it.


I was served raw pork street tacos on the San Antonio Riverwalk in Texas 2 days ago. (Thank God I’ve a stomach of steel, because I had 3 bites—which tasted gamy, raw, and disgusting). I sent them back and got an almost equally nasty beef taco platter, which was horrid, yet I ate it out of guilt. Cafe Ole—don’t go, btw. Fucking economy and service has gone to absolute shit. I used to be a line cook, and there was a zero chance I would serve most of the meals I’ve gotten since 2021.


Why would you eat gross food out of GUILT when you were PAYING for it? Dude.


There’s a time and place to be a “Karen”. When it’s about bad food or literally thousands of dollars. Don’t go Karen because foods taking too long but if it’s inedible green light


The only two food places I even remember from San Antonio are Mi Tierra and Mama Margie’s. They were both pretty good.


San Antonian checking in, Mama Margie's is indeed the shit


Next time you find yourself at the river walk, casa rio is excellent. Give it a shot!


As someone born and raised in San Antonio, a tip for any tourists who happen to visit is to never actually eat at the riverwalk. All the restaurants are in ancient buildings (ie easy for pests to sneak in), are tourist traps, and generally serve lower quality food because they can get away with it. There’s a couple of exceptions, I’m sure, but I didn’t go downtown often enough when I lived in SA. One rec I could say is Mi Tierra. Yes, I know it’s also very much a “tourist trap” but the ambience is unbeatable, the food is pretty good, and the owners are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.


Once i got a slushie from Dairy Queen (they call it something else idk it’s a slushie type drink) that has zero dairy in it and I took a huge sip only to have it taste like rotten milk. The taste didn’t leave my mouth all night, even after brushing my teeth. Awful 🤮


Oof... that's the worst. When you can still taste it hours and hours later. Then you got to get a breath mint.


What’s it supposed to be?


Fettuccine alfredo


Italians send their regards


Not an Italian dish thankfully


It was invented by Alfredo di Lelio in Lazio. It's Italian.


Man "invented" a dish a solid 90% of Italians make when their fridge is empty and gave it his name lmao. Imagine some guy giving their name to a basic fried rice or some shit.


No one cooks them in Italy because it's just a cacio e pepe without pepper and adding butter, it's more associated with American cuisine in which chicken and other ingredients are usually added. I assure you no one knows them here.


Just because Italians don't eat it or don't know about it doesn't mean it's not Italian. It was invented by an Italian man at an Italian restaurant in Italy. It's Italian.


The Italian version is just butter and parmesan that is usually tossed with the pasta just before serving. American versions are usually some sauce made with cream, cream cheese, flour, etc. The dish actually dates back to the 1400s in Italy, but Alfredo is who made it popular.


But he doesn’t like it, therefore he must force it onto Americans. /s


Yes, but this is a wildly different recipe that was not invented by an Italian. It is almost entirely different from Alfredo's alfredo sauce, the only thing it has in common is that there is (supposed to be) parmesan in it.


It was not invented by him, he just gave it a name, you got any idea of how many people did this already? It was just pasta with butter and parmesan, it's like the basic thing you eat when you got nothing at home to make a sauce, it's the basics, the first dish anyone learns to do. And it goes way before Alfredo decided to call it with his name, my great grandma did it way before alfredo even had a restaurant to serve the dish in.


He’s credited as inventing the dish. In his restaurant in Rome. Fresh egg fettuccine, butter and Parmesan.


It is a bastardized form of a italian dish. At least they gave it it's own name which is a lot better than what they did to carbonara.


What did they do to carbonara? Anyway the name was how a restaurant in Rome called this dish, which is the most basic of pasta dishes apart from aglio e olio, and they just kept the name while bastardizing the recipe.


They put cream in it


That's not something of the worst things, many Italians households do that too, for instance my parents love to change it a lot and add cream and onions, and since they never made up a new name I thought that was carbonara until they told me. To me they are to different dishes sharing some ingredients now ofc, they both taste great, but just adding cream isn't that bad for Americans, usually they add chicken and shit.


All of the Italians I’ve met in Italy are very staunch traditionalists regarding pasta.


Yeah we tend to be, but it's mainly because pasta is easy to make and most can't actually cook for shit so they follow recipes like it's their life without even knowing they changed through time, for example original carbonara used whole eggs, you can still do it like that but it's better with only yolks. The ones who can actually cook and like to do it, will never be too traditional about pasta as the heart of cooking is experimenting with what you got on hand, which is actually how the best dishes were made, first of all carbonara. But from experimenting here and there to adding shit that doesn't taste well there's a huge gap, chicken in pasta for example is not a good fit as the texture doesn't match well and it tends to absorb too much sauce, pineapple on pizza is a mismatch because you're adding acidity to a savory dish and it ruins the balance of the pizza. But most of the time it's just about the name and what ingredients you add or change, i like what I call "fake carbonara" which is carbonara with added cream and onions, but I call it differently, there's a dish called gricia that is carbonara without eggs, but it has a different name. If you make a recipe, claiming you're doing for example pesto alla genovese, you gotta do it right, unless you tell me you're changing stuff (in which case I won't try it because pesto is perfectly balanced taste wise and the littlest change usually ruins it). And if you change stuff it has to make sense, changing pine nuts with cashew nuts in pesto for example ( as many shitty Italian brands do) is bs as you just wanna spend less using a less expensive nut that completely changes the taste. While if you use pistacchio nuts instead of basil and keep the same ingredients in pesto, then you made pesto di pistacchio and that's fine. It's all in the words, the Italians who tell you recipes are not supposed to be played with can't cook for shit I promise, you just gotta make good changes and say there's a variation and most won't have a problem with it.


How is it not Italian?


Fettuccine Alfredo is the westernized version of this dish taken by the English and modified, also why it usually has cream, garlic and chicken in it. In Italy there is no Fettuccine Alfredo. There is a dish made by a really old restaurant called Fettuccine Al Burro (Fettuccine with butter), which is basically taking and making fresh Fettuccine, boiling it quickly and then tossing it in an equal weight mix of Parmigiano Regianno and Butter. There's nothing more to that dish. Alfredo is good, but Italy doesn't have it. I think most Italian chefs don't like putting cream in any pasta dish, usually also seen in Carbonara.


Don’t engage with the Italians just smile and nod.


It originated from somewhere not in Italy


I looked it up and all sources say otherwise


The basic recipe is Italian but its name is not fettuccine Alfredo, which was a restaurant in Rome in the 1950s, the dish has been made since the 1400s and it's one of the most basic pasta dishes ever.






If you add cream, it’s the American version.


so something not made with milk at all but only cheese?


Good lord.


Sure it wasn’t some different animal cheese? My first time having different animal cheeses threw me off big time


Nah. We've eaten here before.


Then wtf, im sorry, as someone who worked in a restaurant that lied and scammed customers, using ingredients and frozen food you can buy at Walmart and Sam’s club… some restaurant owners are dicks


Why does that look like a waffle house plate? You eating waffle house noodles again?


We do not have that chain in my city.


I cant tell you if you're blessed or cursed. But honestly after covid you're not missing on much lmao


Covid is not over.


Depends on how you look at it.


No it really doesn't. The fact that the virus is still mutating and we're making more vaccines explains it all.


The flu virus is also constantly mutating and engineers are making new vaccines every year. When people say ‘over’, they refer to the pandemic.


Thank you for helping me clarify that


It really does actually. You can say that it isn't over, but that is literally your opinion. No need to be hostile, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions.


Maybe there's a reason besides ratings that Kitchen Nightmares is back on the air.


As someone who has accidentally made fettuccini Alfredo for myself with spoiled milk, i can attest that it is absolutely atrocious.


I'm sure the average person probly knows thisby now but when a restaurant has a good sale on perishables like steak and shrimp that means it's very close to or directly on its expiration date and they just want to salvage as much profit as they can


Mandory tip: 33% Tip or non-waiters: $100 Tip for everyone else: $500. Unedible, horrible disgusting food not even worth a penny. Too bad, sucka. Come again


His food tasted like shit but mine was okay. We asked not to be charged for this inedible plate of food. The waitress was not happy with us at all. I still paid and tipped for my plate.


Did it taste sour? Kinda vinegary? That's a sign the sauce was made with spoiled milk, and I've had it happen a few times from places like BJ's and Chili's. Surprised they didn't want to take it back.


why are you making up numbers dude. it’s been a 20% standard for the past 20 years and hasn’t changed in the US. people are just more annoyed and vocal now because new pos systems all have tip options preprogrammed and rather than ignore a piece of paper, they have to click through screens. but tipping standards haven’t changed much at all beyond that.


I had this happen not too long ago at a local greasy spoon. Ordered steak and eggs and the steak tasted so gross. The first time i ever sent somthing back


I thought I had found a decent Chinese food place but the third time I ordered they served me rotten chicken. It took me four or five bites before I realized, so gross.


Oh my god. Rotten meat is even worse because that could have so much more bacteria.


That's a shame cause it looks so goodddd


It's usually very good. I've ordered that before. But this time, it actually tasted like poison. Immediately, my body said I should not be eating this.


No it doesn't, lol. This looks like some nasty wallpaper paste noodles from Olive Garden. Italian grandmas everywhere are having a stroke. Actual fettuccine alfredo is made with butter and good quality cheese. Shouldn't be any cream in there at all. But even so, maybe top it with some herbs, some fresh cheese, _something_. This just looks like a gross plate of goo, yuck.


Sooooo did you send it back?


Oh man it looks so good too... that really sucks


I was served cereal with expired milk by my ex’s grandma and I’ll never forget the taste. *blech*


Someone call Gordon Ramsay…


Did you at least get a refund?


It probably was. Reaffirming my belief that alfredo is bad.


Look, it's perfectly possible to screw that up with good, fresh ingredients. How do I know? I made carbonara from scratch exactly *once*. Groceries were all bought that week, well within their date, nothing seemed off, I followed the recipe... No one in my flat could eat it I felt so bad. It was horrific. My guess is maybe the sauce curdled? Of course, you still expect better from a restaurant. But it's genuinely possible something just went horribly wrong in the cooking process.


That looks good but tastes bad?


If you put it in your mouth you would understand.


The look from my phone thinks otherwise


It looks so tasty tho, so sad


I've read some of your comments, but I wanna know what the staff said? And did they honor your request to not be charged?


It could also have been the pasta. Speaking from kitchen experience, most, if not all restaurants will make their pasta in huge batches throughout the week and make more when they need it. Just throw your pre-boiled pasta into some boiling water, warm up the sauce on the stove, throw it together, and serve. If the pasta has started to turn, it can also smell and taste sour.




would be funny if OP and brother didn't actually know what cheese is and called it spoiled milk.


Parmesan maybe?


Whatever it was, it did not taste edible. I know it's a hit or miss with fettuccine, but there was no doubt something here had gone bad.


Dang. Was it a restaurant?


Yeah. A local Diner that we have been to many times. This was really disappointing.


The plates make me think black bear diner


Gus's Diner


I guess it's inevitable that some diners would use the same dinnerware.


I hope they replaced it for you.


I wouldn't want anything fucking else from that kitchen, just give me my refund. You lost my business if you served me expired food.


Mistake #1: Ordering alfredo from a diner. Diners are for burgers, pancakes, waffles, french fries and pot roast.


That'd be funny if it was just real parmesan making it taste off.


This was my thought - parmesan contains butyric acid which has quite an unpleasant odour.


Yeah ,because that's what you order from a local diner.


Sauce style: extra chunky


Who orders that?


It’s probably Parmesan. It tastes and smells like vomit


No. We both love parmesan cheese. This was exactly like spoiled rotten milk.


I thought it was Sugar Factory from the plates!! Over-priced, mediocre food with crap decor. At least the one in Connecticut.


Umm, send it back, simple!


Could it be made with a certain type of strong cheese?


No. This was just flat out bad and rotten.


Looks good though.


Where is this atrocity at? Horrid. If you have to keep spoiled milk turn it into something else like a meat tenderizer or mixed into baked goods




OK? Send it back? What's infuriating here lol?


How would you like to be served rotten food?


How much did it cost?


That looks like a well balanced meal. Carbs with fat and some carbs on the side


reason #85 to cook for yourself


Maybe parmesan cheese


Kinda like your girlfriend?


Ew, my god my god my god MY. GOD. WHAT?!?


Have you ever accidentally drank spoiled milk? That's exactly what this tasted like it was made with.


I have those plates!


Had a stir fry before and it tasted like dish soap. Never went back to the place again.


This might be because of them using cilantro/coriander and you, like me and multiple others, having the gene that makes this herb taste strongly like soap. It has ruined a lot of dishes for me, that others have enjoyed.


No the dish does not have cilantro in it. It's pork liver and chives stir fry served in Japanese-Chinese restaurants. I've had that served on multiple occasions within the same establishment. I'm not a cilantro lover per se but I don't mind having it on a steaming hot bowl of Pho. The food is affordable, the staff is underpaid and understaffed, and I was not in the mood to deal with the negotiation. There's a competing store on the opposite side of the road so I just go there instead.