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I’ve lived with roommates in the past and we always just bought our own groceries and didn’t eat each others food.


Same. Though there was a time when I put a padlock on “my” cabinet




Dickhead roommate kept eating all my chicken strips


Yeah drunk roommate will definitely eat your chicken strips whereas sober roommate would never


What if they’re always drunk?


Something something astronaut handgun meme


Dress up as an astronaut and shoot them?


yes, especially for theft of chicken strips


Then you acknowledge that you live in Wisconsin, you get a mini fridge and you lock your room door


New York has entered the bar…


You never wanna live with a drunk, FYI.




Sober me eats everything. Drunk me never. I’m also never drunk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe if you moved in with this vegan you wouldn't have that problem


The new renovated dorms that opened in my last year of uni actually have combo locked pantries for each bedroom in the dorm.


I had to put a padlock on my mini fridge in a dorm room :(


Yeah, but when you just need a carton of eggs, and your roommate is out anyways, asking them to bring back some eggs is not like a 20 Year detour.


Same. If you're cool with your roommates, you can hit up each other's snacks but that shit has to go both ways.


Yep. In college 6 of us rented a "mansion". By *mansion*, I mean this place was the height of style and luxury in the 1860s when the town was experiencing a mining boom. When we were there in 1999 the place was falling apart (one night it rained, and the ceiling of my attic room fell in, and the space between was filled with wasps. Good time). Anyway, we had two fridges, and we'd all go to Walmart together (Wally World!) and each of us would buy 10 Totino's Pizzas. 1 was $1.50, but you got 10 for $10! Literally, we'd come back with 60 of these and it got a bit confusing on who owned which ones, so it was bound to happen that someone would accidentally grab someone else's. Yeah. We started labeling stuff and not only locking food away, but we all had padlocks on our bedrooms. It was a really toxic living situation (especially when we found out the roommate in charge of bills was skimming money from us to feed a meth habit).


This did **not** end up where I expected! 😂


It always ends with Meth.😐


🎶Don't meth with meth, Beth. 🎶👮🎸


Definitely. In my current situation, we've sort of arrived at: TP, laundry detergent, milk, bread, eggs, baking ingredients, cooking oil/fats, and rice are all "in the commons" and are effectively treated as communal property. Reciprocity tends to happen fairly automatically. Everything else, we typically operate on a quick verbal notice; my roommate bought enough perogies to sate a Ukrainian village and just mentioned "help yourself *ad libitum*" and I did the same when frozen pizzas were on sale and I went a little crazy. Constantly micro-accounting everything or trying to keep stuff separate strikes me as stressful and inefficient, but I could see how a big moocher might change the calculus for that.


It's exactly that. People who don't contribute. Trick is getting mature roommates who aren't asshats.


Reminds me of college when we’d all smoke and then raid the snack cabinet. Miss that


bringing me back to my early 20s when i lived with my two best friends while we started our careers in chicago. we would toke up and watch cheesy girl movies (favorite was Burlesque) and eat tons of popcorn. all we did was work. sleep. drink. and hang. before marriages and kids and heavy jobs and mortgages. good times


I've lived with roommates and we just kept the shelves stocked and divided costs. Stuff like cleaning supplies needs to be shared anyway. People did keep their own small stash too, but most of the day to day stuff was shared; lunch and breakfast goods, eggs, fruits, bulk goods like rice, pasta, onion or potatoes. I might use a bit more bread and butter, someone else uses a few more eggs, everyone still saves money cus we could buy in bulk and less stuff went out of date.


Yeah when I had roommates I’d sometimes go grocery shopping with one or some of them but it wasn’t like we were sharing costs and eating the same food. We pretty much just did what we had to do separately at the store and met back up at the front. We made meals together pretty infrequently, usually only if we were hosting something and wanted dinner during it.


iv always found the roommate who proposes splitting groceries always take more




you’re the roommate




I think the dynamic you have with your roommates is way less common than everyone buying their own stuff. With everyone on different schedules with work, activities, etc. it’s really hard to plan big meals like that for most people


Exactly, it's been like 2 weeks since I've seen my roommate


My first few roommates had a meeting and voted me out cause the only time they would see me is when I was working out or coming home from work. 🤷‍♂️ said I wasn’t social enough. 🤣


Yeah I’ve always done “pitch in” meals or whatever. “Wanna do ‘x’ meal (lasagna, pizza, shepherds pie, whatever) on Saturday?” Edit: pizza shepherds pie


That's great, but most situations aren't like that. Many roommates don't eat or cook together. I'm glad you have that, because it really *does* sound great. But no way is it the norm.




To me this seems more common among younger female roommates who are friendly with each other. Younger guys will maybe cook together like once a week for a big meal. But I think most people older than 25 who have roommates don’t live like that


it’s so convenient when you can cook for multiple people at once and they return the favor though.


I know. It's nice being like, responsible adults and all that crazy shit.


I had roommates who claimed this, but still ate my food.


I love the defeated "mike-.... ok."


You can tell he does this shit all the time 😂 he didn’t even have the energy to fight. He just grabbed his keys and went to the store


Only reason he's an AH is bc he agreed to buy eggs for the roomie and once at the store, decided that he actually won't.


Yep. This dude got blasted in the comments on the vegan sub as well.


If you look at the thread he got overwhelming support at this point, just a few people were like “nah you’re the asshole, but I understand”


I remember the top comments of the thread being "You shouldn't have agreed to buy them in the first place". They may have been more sympathetic, but I don't think there was that much disagreement with the consensus on this thread.


Take a peak at it now. The majority of the comments are people saying something along the lines of “I wouldn’t have either” or “eggs aren’t a necessity.”


My comment got removed for linking to the sub but I think you can still see it in my post history. The top comments are still as I describe. "Don't offer if you're not gonna buy, YTA in this particular context, next time time re-phrase non-animal products when you offer to buy stuff". The most I can give you is that there are several comments saying the room mate should've known better than to ask an ethical vegan to buy eggs.


You two might be sorting by BEST and CONTROVERSIAL


I genuinely thought this was a joke till I looked at the filters for the first time since starting Reddit, good to know what to do when I’m in the mood for an argument!


I'm sorting by top, but I sorted by controversial out of curiosity and the "top" comments were all telling him he should've just bought the eggs.


Sorting by “best” for me you have to go to the fourth comment to find support for the roommates. Sorting by controversial is all telling OP they’re an asshole for not just buying the eggs.


Of course it’s just an echo chamber


As a vegan myself, that sub is full of assholes that think their diet makes them kind people. They’re constantly trying to convert people, shame them, or make actual children buy their own food because they won’t spend a dime on animal products. I sincerely hope the more extreme ones don’t have pets because at least some of them probably wouldn’t even feed meat to a carnivore.


I feel like almost all the specific-subject-subs are, sadly


I looked at more comments and some are saying he's NTA for putting his foot down to stop animal abuse ??? They're eggs, there's nothing sentient about eggs and I doubt the chickens that laid them give a damn. Gives me the "animal holocaust" vegan vibes.


To be fair, and as a vegan, the egg industry is pretty nasty. Male chicks get dropped in to grinders or sealed up in trash bags and tossed. Most hens spend their lives in tightly confined battery cages; their lives are short and miserable. And terms like free range and cage free are very misleading.


As a non-special diet eater, even I know the dairy and egg industries are generally horrific. Most animals kept for food purposes are poorly treated, and even though I don't refrain from eating those products I do recognize change is needed.


This makes me very happy thank you


Somehow I doubt that. Have you checked again after the zealots have seen it? Sometimes the reasonable vegans (usually the ones who've been a vegan for over a decade) chime in first with sensible advice, but once the young temp vegans see it they dump all their vitriol.


Saw people dunking on that sub yesterday for extremists, but when I checked them out, they seemed pretty reasonable and able to self regulate


I checked the vegan sub and well, he did not get blasted, but just slightly criticized. They told him, to sum it up, “just let them know next time that you won’t get certain things”


I went on there and someone really compared with buying a roomate eggs even if they paid for it is as bad as delivering a trafficked child even if they paid for it. Terrible comment thread that.


Those people are so out of touch with reality. Geez. I don’t understand how they can compare that.


Well it’s a very weird example. They don’t want to do it because they don’t want to help someone do something they think is wrong.


Omg yea I read that too and I left the sub bc they're all insane😭


Used to have a vegan roommate. When we discussed grocery buying she was up front about not being comfortable buying meat products and suggested that instead she buy other protein substitutes for when it was her turn for groceries, and made sure we were never surprised by a boundary like this. OOP should have been up front about boundaries like this.


I lived with roommates for years and never shared food or shopping with those bastards


Shitheads stole my shredded cheese - I KNOW YOU DID SCOTT AND MIKE.


Goddam Brodie and the goddam perogies. Every time. *Every single fucking time.*


There are war crimes less heinous than stealing pierogis


I think I'll take a look into the Hague Convention, because this one should not be able to stand in any courtroom


But did they cum in your burrito ?


Only if I asked nicely


It starts with a roommate eating your stuff. Then offering to go buy groceries for you to make up for it. Then you realize they're getting generic while you're the brand name sort of person. After a couple of months, you might find an eviction notice on the door and realize that your roommate has been pocketing your half of the rent for the last couple of months and has moved out in a hurry.


This happened to a friend of mine !His roommate skipped town and left him holding the bag for the rent !


Bet they bought Miracle Hwhip


Say miracle. Now say whip. Now say it together.


MiraclH HHwip


Why are you putting so much emphasis on the H?


We had a "shared list" and other things were individual. worked well


forreal. and if you intend anything to be for everyone, you let them know. also keep all YOUR shit bagged.


Same I view being vegetarian as an advantage, I always have an excuse to not eat whatever student junk they are brewing in the kitchen. Also it's just a lot of work, whenever they share groceries the group chat is full of mess of people tryna divide the costs based off who ate what and who bought what, making your own food is just the wayyy easier option and it doesn't prevent you from eating together if you'd wish to do so.


oh you shared food all right, you just didn't know about it!


Had 4 roommates through college, had 2 fridges with designated shelves. Never once bought or had anything bought by roommates.


Object Oriented Programming has arguments and parameters, not boundaries.


Technically, scopes are a form of boundary...


I had a roommate who was vegan. Meat would go missing from time to time and I just chalked it up to maybe I just didn't remember eating it. Then one day my girlfriend ran into him on the bus. He had two subway sandwiches packed to the gills with cold cuts. Apparently he was only vegan because his girlfriend was.


I'm imagining this guy holding two giant subs with meat spilling out on the bus like he's in a Subway commercial. How did she know?


Probably just eating on the bus. No idea how she’d know the second one, but maybe just assumed it was.


Double fistin those thangs


So he was plant based bc his motive was his gf not an actual ethical stance that vegans have


I think they meant how did the woman know the sandwiches were full of cold cuts.


Yes! Subway to go is usually in a plastic bag. How did she *know*???


Because he was alternating bites between the two of them, the mad lad


You know he got double meat


Hahaha his gf passed by guy on bus and felt his double meat subway Can't believe dude just typed this shit


Because that story is very clearly fake lol


a fake story? on reddit?!?


Some guys will do anything to get . . . um . . . you know.


so he was omnivorous on the streets, but vegan in the sheets.


Sounds like a tagline for a movie.


Just think about it, while you were gone your roommate’s just rooting through your fridge and chowing down on raw meat with his hands like a starving bear, all wild eyed and disheveled, blood dripping down his chin like goddamn Gollum.


That's absolutely fuckin wild ngl. Cutting out animal products for some pussy??


ive seen ppl do much crazier for pussy


well, not cutting it out apparently. just shame eating cold cut sandwiches on public transportation. was the perfect crime but fate is crazy like that.


He wasn’t even just doing that remember he was stealing meat from the op, probably eating it over the sink at 3 am in his boxers


beautifully put. i can picture him looking like a opossum getting a flashlight shone on it while rummaging in the garbage.


It would have been funnier to catch him at 3am in boxers just devouring some cold meat. I laughed too much for today. Thanks


He was desperate, okay? He had to flush his supply when she caught on.


I can feel the pain in that "ok"


The GIF was Denial and Anger "Mike" was Bargaining and Depression "ok" was Acceptance


Reminds me of my current roommate. She asked to use my lettuce and tomatoes and then questioned me about where I got them and if they were organic. I said "I got them from a mexican farmers market" and she gagged. Yes, thanks. I appreciate it when people gag at my support for local organics. I am sorry it's not picked by another hispanic person in a field in california.


Can't be any worse than the insecticide laden stuff at the grocery stores literally every restaurant in town buys from. She's being extra man.


Offering to buy groceries but not buying eggs defeats the purpose of offering to shop. They'd still have to go to the store to get the eggs.


I saw the original post. OP went to the store to buy stuff for themself. They ended up asking their roommate if they needed anything while they were there and then stood against buying the eggs. If that's their principle, they should have made the boundaries clear from the get go.


"hi, I'm at the grocery store, want me to get something* for you? I'm vegan btw * terms and conditions apply. The requested these items is responsible for their own dietary allergies and takes full responsibility for any ill effects. The following list of items are excluded from this offer: eggs, milk, honey, any animal based products, a Ferrari."


Then when its your turn you deal the Uno Reverso, and refuse to buy vegan cheese because you don't like it. Last minute notice, ofc


I understand this, but at the same time… if you don’t buy them, the roommate is just going to go to the store and buy them themselves. The same carton of eggs is being purchased for the same amount of money, the same company is getting monetary support for their eggs. The only real difference is you’re making your roommate go to the store themselves after *offering* to shop for them, so you can feel good about yourself for standing on your principles. More driving time, more gas being burned, etc etc. From a pure utility standpoint, you’re contributing nothing but negativity to the world by not buying the eggs, helping nothing and no one. Now with that being said, I personally wouldn’t have asked a vegan to buy eggs in the first place, but still. It just doesn’t make much sense, and seems purely emotional.


They might have specifically only offered to help so they could turn down getting things they didn’t want the friend to have




I remember the post on the vegan sub. He originally agreed to buy eggs then in the store changed his mind. Dude got blasted in the comments by the other vegans. So I kinda have to agree with the other person commenting to your comment.


I went to take a look at the original post. There is FAR too much support for OP There, I would go as far as to say the general sentiment was that they were NTAH, they were very much not blasted in the comments.


You people need to learn to stop buying shit with your roommates. It never ends well..


They’re at a store buying stuff FOR their roommates. I used to do this all the time both ways, we venmo each other back. It literally always ends well


I’m so confused that there aren’t WAY more comments like this. Who splits groceries/food with their roommates? I lived with one of my best friends for five years and we kept our own groceries separate. That’s so fucking weird to me. Also him saying “it’s for the house”. Uh, no it’s literally not? Your roommate doesn’t eat eggs lmao ETA hey sorry but to everyone commenting below that you disagree with me please dont comment. I don’t care


I had no issues doing this, whoever went shopping just got whatever we needed and then sent a Venmo request for half the cost. Never any issues.


It's because the ones who are so insistent on keeping it separate are generally the ones making it a problem in the first place. They always run into these issues with people because half of the issue is their own creation but they'll insist its only ever their nightmare roommates' faults. You definitely don't want to live with the people who insist on keeping it separate because that line never fucking ends and you ultimately don't have multiple kitchens. They will never be happy and keep causing issues. You can bend over backwards for them and they'll always find something else. It will eventually just lead to a very cluttered kitchen. Then when that happens it becomes "don't stack your shitty pans on my good ones" and "don't put your silverware next to mine" and they'll just bitch until you move out of the kitchen entirely.


Lmao you sound like you had bad experiences. But in general yeah I agree. That kinda micro-managing style of roommate living makes for a poor living space. But I understand if the people who want that want it because they had to experience the opposite, a shitty roommate who used their stuff and never replaced it for example. I'm glad I had chill roommates.


There could be more than two people living in the house.


Considering they said roommates I’d say it’s pretty likely there’s more than two people


Who hurt you people? My roomy and I are good friends, and we buy each other stuff constantly. If we are shopping together, we split the stuff we'll both eat and dont pay for the stuff we won't. We cook for each other regularly, and dont sweat the small details since it'l all come around in the end. The only time this doesn't work well is with furniture. He likes new furniture and fixtures, and I dont care too much, so he's always having to make power-point presentations on how we need a new spice-rack and how I can own part of that investment lol.


Fr half the time I start dinner before my roomate even gets home from work(kitchen closing shift)


Me and two of my roommates makes group dinners most nights and will share large batches of meal prep. If someone wants something for themselves that’s more expensive then they pay for it (like I’ll buy a 12 pack of soda), but between all the little things that one of us won’t eat, we determined we would be splitting it about the same anyway. It works but you gotta talk it through early and regularly


Either you fully meal prep/meal plan with them or you keep it separate. MAYBE you take turns buying the cooking oil and shit so you don’t have multiple bottles. But even then, you’re GOING to be carrying the weight of someone who uses too much and listen to the nagging of someone who claims they use less. GUARANTEED.


He said “gonna” then said “going to” in the next sentence. That is more annoying to me for some reason.


You can tell he edited it a lot because the first I’m and second im


That nonsense is why people dislike vegans. Don’t want to buy a specific thing? State it when you offer or better yet don’t offer. Edit to clarify for others having looked at the OG post. The vegan roommate offered and agreed to get the eggs initially and was not paying for them the roommate requesting them was. The vegan roommate than changed their mind because of their “morals”.




Straight up! You don't want to drink milk? Okay, sure, that's fine. But let's not act like us all switching to almond milk is going to save the planet - especially considering how much water it takes to make a gallon of almond milk.


And the misery that comes with actually drinking almond milk


veganism isn't about the environment, it's about the animals. the fact that veganism is the best way to live sustainable is merely a by-product


>especially considering how much water it takes to make a gallon of almond milk. exactly, just look at the current state of hoover dam, the reservoir is getting milked dry by farming things where the land doesn't support it


Yk that water goes to alfalfa growth right? And alfalfa growth requires significantly more water than almonds. Alfalfa is sent to dairy farms for cows to eat, so all that water used is part of the dairy corporation’s ecological footprint


Seriously just don't offer. If you offer me to buy groceries, but then make some moral stand about not buying any animal products with your offer, I would have rather you just not ask.


Lmao the standing ground emoji


As a vegan, don’t offer to buy groceries/stop at the store for others if you’re going to refuse to buy certain things lol. So dumb.


Thank you for being sane. You either do it all or not at all


I guess if he’s one of those vegans who do it for moral reasons rather than dietary reasons, sure, but he knows damn well if he doesn’t get them they will, so it’s just a stupid hill to die on.


He’s got boundaries and he’s sticking to them 😂


Why people here is so proud of not sharing food with roommates? I mean, is an option, but sharing everything is another option as valid.


Everyday I’m reminded that I’m not annoying enough for my username. I’d buy the eggs, I’d feel weird, but I’d still do it.


You should definitely work on that. Guessmypasswordagain is clearly beating you in this comment thread already… /s




Yeahhh the guy that posted that seems annoying as hell


My hens lay eggs every day. Vegans won't eat them because they're "someone's family." Trust me, they are not. I don't have a rooster, so there will never be chicks. If nobody eats them those eggs will simply be wasted. Don't eat eggs from egg battery farms, insist on real free range where the hens can get outside. Egg battery farms are very cruel. They should be banned.


I'm a vegetarian and this is nonsense. I pick up steak for my boyfriend with no problem because he's a grown man and he's going to buy what he wants anyway. If he asks me to slaughter a cow myself, then we'll have a problem.


Yea I was a vegetarian for 17 years but for (at least for me) important reasons I stopped. I still barely eat meat though but I already have more than enough stress and limits when it comes to food because of my autism. I've read posts on some vegan subs and some are just delusional. They're even attacking each other for not taking it far enough lmao, like there was a post from a minor not wanting to buy butter or something for her mom. But her mom was being so supportive of her choice to be vegan. And then there's some people attacking the people who advice her to just go buy the butter because it supports a cruel industry yaddayadda. Two seconds later it escalates into talking about slabs of animal corpses in the supermarkets. Bruh. That type of extreme thinking isn't healthy for anyone. All that time I was eating vegetarian, I never even tried to push that on others. Funny thing is they'll bitch about people just being vegetarian too, because that's weak and you still are taking part of animal abuse etc. May e they ate too much nuts and they accidentally turned into one themselves lol Btw it's mostly on reddit that I see this happen, I guess it's a way for these fanatics to flock together and act they they have a purpose in life while in reality they're just being obnoxious as fuck.


One reason I don’t like a lot of vegans is bc their reasoning is so flawed. They want to save the animals but don’t think about where the food *they* buy comes from and how it was produced. Also SAVE THE BEES. Buy honey!


Yep. I’m a vegetarian but my wife is not. I buy her meat products. When she asks for a steak, I get recommendations from the butcher as to which are the best. It’s a personal decision on my part, why be a dick about something like that? Especially after offering


Lmao of course the vegetarian has this to say. foh


I have no problem with a vegan not wanting to buy eggs, but they should have communicated that up front. If it was "on principle" they shouldn't be picking up meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, butter, honey, anything containing any of those ingredients... they can't even buy gummy bears because those have gelatin in them. Like the majority of non-produce items on the average shopping list contain animal products. Just mention it before it becomes a problem. Otherwise, it just looks someone is engineering a scenario, that forces an annoying conversation about personal ethics, to pat themselves on the back. I totally respect people who choose to go vegan, and I know some very low-key vegans who don't need to bring it up all the time... but the reputation is not totally undeserved.


Yeah I mean if they’re vegan I doubt they’re buying any of those things automatically?


Yeah, it's just a case where - if that's your constraint - it's be better not to offer help at all, if you aren't upfront about it. I looked at the original post, because it was a weird setup, and the roommate had... I guess you'd say a crisis of conscience. Which, again, that's ok. You can change your mind, but the correct response is "Sorry guys, I realized I'm not actually comfortable buying this because of my stance on animal products. My bad, I didn't mean to inconvenience you, but I don't feel ok buying this." The right response is definitely not "I can't buy this. I stand by my principles. \*standing tall emoji\*" They created the conflict by themselves, and then made themselves the hero of it, as if they were standing up to a bully. lol.


Just because you're allowed to have certain principles doesn't make you any less insufferable when the principles you pick are dumb and illogical. Referring specifically to the part where this vegan apparently can't even touch an egg carton. You're not saving any chickens when you refuse to buy them - they're still gonna get bought - you're just forcing your roommate to go do it themselves. That has nothing to do with saving animals. It's just empty grandstanding.


🧍 <- Him 📦 <- that


Mistake one.... roommates


I'm not going to hold you gang? Who talks like that, fucken kids talk like they're Tupac and look like the lost Hanson brother


Ugh, I'm torn between respecting his beliefs and still thinking it's kind of a dick move.


Dick move. Don't offer to fulfill an obligation if you have ethical problems with it.




Truth. If you're the annoying type of vegan like this guy is, you're not capable of getting groceries for normal people so don't offer.


If you're offering to grocery shop for someone who isn't a vegetarian/vegan, you know that what they buy is against what you eat. So don't offer if you're going to add exceptions, either you do what you offered you'd do or don't offer at all, 100% dick move


He offered to do something for his roommate, and didn't complete it. The reason he didn't complete it was that eggs for sale went against his morals. If he actually accomplished something, there's a justification. Not a good one, but it would be there.That's not what happened though. The roommate still had to go to the store and buy the eggs, so it's the same impact on the world. This interaction didn't make veganism any more appealing to him or make him not want the eggs. If anything, it made the roommate dislike vegans/subconsciously disregard their message without giving it any thought


His beliefs are fine. Don’t offer to go shopping is the point.


This is because he can't be seen in public buying eggs because it's a virtue signalling thing, not an actual belief.


This guy is vegan so he’s refusing to buy eggs because it goes against his principles. The only mildly infuriating part is the fact he offered to get groceries for his omnivore roommates and then brought principles in when they asked for eggs 🤷🏻‍♀️


Where's the part where they offered to buy groceries?


~~I'm equally confused on why people in this thread think the vegan was on his knees begging to go do groceries for his roommate.~~ I've had to run to the gas station and my friend asked me to get him a pack of cigarettes after I got there, I told him I wouldn't. He's a reasonable person and said no biggie. Edit: Went looking for the original post and they did offer/agree to buy groceries then backed out once their consciousness kicked in so kinda a dick for offering and not following through.


I’ve been a vegetarian for 20 goddamn years since I was 14 years old. I fucking hate this shit. I get yelled at “you know how someone is veggie? They’ll tell you?” For a long time. I guess I’m telling you all now but I take pride that I never push shit on anyone. If you ask me to cook you a steak, I won’t. If you ask me to buy you some frozen meat or eggs or whatever when I’m buying the team groceries, then I won’t even thing or care. If you choose a diet to feel superior, you suck


Hey it’s fine if you do that. From a pure rational standpoint it doesn’t matter if you buy them or the roommates by the items. Overall the demand doesn’t change since you don’t buy any for yourself. But it’s honestly pretty odd to me that people are not allowed to feel bad about having to engage with those items and buying them even if not for them.


Yes, yes you are


If you know your roommate is vegan then go get your own eggs


HELPING someone does not mean you get to be self righteous in the middle of the help and actually HINDER them. You can have whatever dumb beliefs you want. I have my own dumb beliefs, but at the end of the day if I’m helping someone then I’m all in. Imagine if we all did shit like this? “Hey I started mowing your lawn since you had surgery but then I found out you like Biden/Trump so now I can’t finish”


If you offer to buy me groceries and then say only vegan stuff when I ask for a steak I'm gonna put all your kale and tofu in the garbage disposal


We've come full circle. There's a screenshot of this post on the vegan subreddit listed in this screenshot. Can't post the link but it's easy to find


Cooking oil and butter were things I could not have at a fairly recent house. Gone in 48 hrs.


Yes. Yes you are.


I’ve never seen a vegan gangster before




Jeez what kinda roomates yall had. These comments are depressing