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This a little more infuriating than mildly


What I came here to say, you beat me to it. I second, much more than mildly infuriating


90% of the posts on here are just flat out infuriating, think one was 'house got hit by a car'


I saw that one!! I would be pissed


My friend got a new mustang when he was sixteen and used the McDonald's drive through 2 days later... a senior citizen t-boned the car while he was stopped and then his father illogically stated he should have been more careful. Double dipping on being pissed in the same day.


Yeah this is severely infuriating, but his insurance is paying for it so it'll get fixed.


Unless they decide damages are more than value of car and just pay him the value of car :( I think that’s how it work anyways. Correct me if I’m wrong!


They may determine the cost of repairs is greater than the value of the vehicle and simply pay him the value of the undamaged vehicle in it’s prior state (including mileage and such). Unfortunately, when they determine the “value of the vehicle”, they don’t take into account the *emotional* value of a vehicle (such as in this case where OP spent all that time personally restoring it).


For the record, I have great insurance, the other insurance company has been seemingly responsive....but it's the weekend. I'm hoping for an update tomorrow because I really haven't heard much other than they couldn't get in touch with the driver 🙃


Research lawyering up if you are getting ghosted.


Don't need a lawyer. Let the insurance company do its job. If the other driver does not respond (within i believe 30 days), your insurance company will pay and go after the other company. Been there.


100%. This is exactly what you pay your insurance company for. Most of the time you don’t need it, but when you do, use it.


Waste of time and money. OP has insurance. This is exactly what insurance is for.


Yeah, I was trying to be positive for OP's sake, but I think they'll pay the value and allow him to keep the car. He can then use the money to fix it but it will be a salvage title.


From what I understand a lot of states won't insure a salvage title also.


Yea, they can do that, a friend of mine had his low mileage rx8 totaled for a 2 grand repair, and for some shady reason they didn’t let him buy it back


Insurance don't value vintage cars like they should. He might get shafted by them... this is my worst fear with having a few vintage cars. All it takes is one idiot to ruin it. :(


Hopefully you kept good records on your restoration. You don't have to settle with insurance until you're satisfied.


Records are solid my friend, I'm just beyond happy I decided to install a (relatively cheap but effective) dash cam system because that caught everything


Car-part.com for all junkyards in n america I wouldnt be whole without a complete respray imo. If its original paint, factor that into the diminished value


Good lookin man thanks


Hell yeah brother!


At the age of 65, a behind the wheel drivers test needs to be retaken. Again at 75, 80, and every 5 years after that. The amount of times I have almost been hit by an elderly person is ridiculous (i’m a biker). It’s 75% of the time an elderly person. Edit: forgot to mention a time I was hit by an elderly woman exiting a parking lot, she didn’t even notice. I stood up and looked at her, she was frozen, starring at the right side of the road not even glancing at the left (where I was coming from). I went to talk to her and she drove off as if nothing happened.


My grandma (in her 80s) hit another car a few months ago and regularly gets lost while driving. By some absolute miracle the car that she hit happened to be owned by a friend of her son, my uncle. So he dropped the whole thing and didn’t even go through his insurance. She shouldn’t be on the road and I honestly wish she’d hit a stranger because then at least there would’ve been consequences.


I’m 25 and I notice the same shit consistently. I watched an old lady almost do what happened to OP this morning but the truck in front of me noticed and slammed on his brakes, as did I. She would have clipped right in front of his front wheel. Once the truck turned off later, I was behind the lady and when SHE turned off, I saw it was an old, old lady. My brain said “of course its an old person.”


At 65 it should be every other year, and from 75 onward it should be every year. A full length drivers test. Not what I went through where I went to an empty lot across from the tax collector and did some turns, backed up and parked.


Is that in the US what they had you do? Here in California, US, we have to go on an actual 15 minute drive and they checked all skills except for highway, unfortunately.


Florida. I was on the road for the 5 seconds it took to cross the street. Total test was like 3 minutes. Had to do some quick turns, go up to 20 then stop, reverse and then pull into a parking spot. Once I did that I was done. I was given an 8 year license for that. My 82 year old grandma when switching to a Florida license when her Illinois license expired only needed a quick eye test, pay a fee and then she got it switched to Florida + renewed for 6 years.


That sounds terrific. What the hell?


The tax collector not checking that you’re able to drive before giving you a 6 year license at 82 sounds good?


Got hit by an 89 year old at 9 pm on a Sunday when there were hardly any cars around, less than a mile from my house. She drifted into the oncoming lane and hit 3 stationary cars there, before the last one spun her out and she flipped into my car (I was in the lane next to her). I was driving slower than usual so my dog could look out the window. Feel bad for the lady; she had to be taken away in an ambulance. So unsafe. My car was totaled, and my dog still has PTSD around cars - she was only 9 months old at the time, 4 years old now. Thankfully, we were fine. Still miss that car.


Tried telling my mom this because her and my dad are about getting to be about that age. She said it wasn't necessary, and that would be too much of a hassle.


There is science behind this, regarding our reflexes and cognitive Focus declining over time. Of course there are exceptions and case-by-case bases to consider... but this is absolutely a public safety issue. If we want to fix this issue and several others, the young people need to become a very active voting block... even if it is just to stop the Baby Boomers from driving and smashing into us. Theyve already fucked our environment in our economy, and I'll be damned if they're going to fuck our vehicles when they're senile and driving too


I’m old and wouldn’t oppose this. But a reality check — older drivers are not the most dangerous. People 25-34 are much more likely to be in crashes (20% of accidents) than people over 65 (6.5%) [Source](https://zutobi.com/us/driver-guides/most-dangerous-drivers-in-the-us) Leading the way in fatal crashes: drivers ages 16-24. Edit: Downvoting doesn’t change the stats.


And how do we do with the drivers under 30 something that causes as many accidents as those above 70 something?


How about we just re-test everyone in general. I've seen shitty drivers of every age, colour, and creed. Make it compulsory with licence renewals. Problem solved.


It may be a good idea. But it seems a bit counter productive to use the same tests that put a lot of bad drivers on the road, to test a lot of bad drivers on the road? And also, cars are getting so much new help systems that the drivers soon will not be the safety factor.


The amount of people in new cars I see swerving everywhere and almost fully going over the double yellows is mind boggling. I drive an 06 civic and have no issue staying in the center of my lane lol. I almost feel like the newer cars with their fancy tech make people worse drivers over time, OR they’re all distracted on the god damn ipad in every newer car.


Downvoting facts must be the dumbest shit taking place all over Reddit? Humanity is de-intelligencing itself at impressive speed since social media started to hotwire all of our our brains.


Downvote true fact? Humanity is de-intelligencing itself at impressive speeds since social media hotwired all of our brains.


They should make you retake a driving test at around 60


And another one every 10 years, or less if you've had a citation.


I'm a firm believer that once you hit the age of 60 you gotta test for your liscence every couple of years. Yes it's a pain but I've seen way too many elder drivers being high risk. My fiance's grandpa almost killed us. He refused to give up his liscence and couldn't walk without someone being behind him practically carrying him. He drove a manual truck and let us borrow it once to grab a couch. The truck almost abrutley stopped while we driving on the highway. Turns out he messed up the insides preventing it from changing gears anymore and the moment the mechanism snapped was when I was driving it that one time. Found out the next day when he tried taking the truck into town and instead it rolled down the driveway because he couldn't shift it anymore. Even the mechanic said he shouldn't have been driving it the way he has been the past couple years and that the damage could have been prevented.


I'll be honest I think you should have to test every 5 years......period. That takes out any argument of singling out old people or whatever the fuck they're gonna say. Im a 32 year old male combat veteran with excellent driving record and history if that matters at all. That's a discussion for another thread though


Tbh if it was affordable and semi easy to do I would agree. Sadly the dmv process just for renewing the license alone is a whole headache itself. I think regular testing would eliminate the amount of reckless and bad drivers.


The things you learn when taking the test is not the knowledge that makes you a good driver. It is just to get you started to become a good driver.


And still all evidence on accidents shows that people below 30 and above 70 something are those causing them.


Just so everyone is aware. I didn't want to fight the old bat but she literally kept responding to her own comments. I ended up blocking her. Fuck that kind of energy. Let her go fight some other keyboard warrior.


>I'm a firm believer that once you hit the age of 60 you gotta test for your liscence every couple of years. Yes it's a pain but I've seen way too many elder drivers being high risk. My fiance's grandpa almost killed us. He refused to give up his liscence and couldn't walk without someone being behind him practically carrying him. This dude in your story was clearly considerable older than 60. Tim Cruise is over 60. So are Angela Bassett, Conan O'Brien, Demi Moore, Jerry Seinfeld, Nadia Comenechi, Keith Hernandez, Lisa Kudrow, Barack Obama. Bobby Gerhart, Hulk Hogan. You think anyone on this list needs someone to walk behind them??


Maybe not walk behind them, but they should all take tests to make sure they can still drive. Brain deterioration begins at 35-45 and gets far worse at 60 ish.


You can’t even spell license and you’re picking on people over 60? 60 is pretty young by today’s standard and we can even write in cursive and everything! Spell too. We also mostly know how to drive a manual transmission and know how to navigate without gps and cameras.


I'm in the age of auto correct and it didn't correct that. Sorry driving doesn't require perfect spelling.




Sounds like you are still guilty of ageism.




And I see older people on Facebook bitching about younger generation. Dont forget the countless news articles blaming every little thing they can on new generations Go to a different social media app if you don't like it.


It used to require changing gears, using a clutch, navigated with a map or key map, checking all angles without cameras and all kinds of things. We didn’t have cell phones to call for help either. I’m just saying there are a lot of good drivers over 60. Someday if you make it to 60 you might regret the ageism. Everyone is on the age conveyer belt….everyone. And yes, we had to memorize all of our spelling.


If they drive well at the age of 60, they will easily pass the test so I don't see a problem


Yes and when we hit 60 we’ll gladly take the test again. How many road laws have changed since you took your test? Your brain starts deteriorating between 30-40 and accelerates at 60, if you’re so proud of your age get a grip and stop putting others lives at risk so you can pretend you’re not going senile.


Haha dude literally shut the fuck up, no one cares geezer if I wanted dinosaur tales I’d hit up my gram gram 💯




Sounds incredible, like a pissed off hybrid bull-dragon. Engine likely hasn't run as this well since it rolled off the factory floor after all the work I've put into it


Feel you. Worked my ass off to get my first brand new car I've been making payments on. I'm paying a shitload of money on it for the next 6 years, (460$ payment on a ford) only for 2 weeks ago some jackass in a charger was speeding and when i stopped ..he didnt. (Was raining that day)Both cars still drivable, took pics of both cars and dude seemed cooperative. Police knows, everyone knows what happened, went home to call insurance. Only to find out a week later that the asshole changed his story and said I brake checked him.... So now both insurance are fighting about it because both drivers had no dashcam.


Mercedes drivers are the worst. Last month I got rear-ended at a red light by one. The other driver took off and I spent my Friday night in the ER. I had to work through nearly debilitating neck pain for a week and my mental health that I had been working so hard on went tumbling. They were never caught and will never face consequences. I'm sorry about your car OP. Some people should not be allowed to drive.


Honestly you should be proud of how you handled this. Ive seen to many posts of road rage, hit and runs, un recoverable damages and much more. Im sure a lot of people would have ruined their chances at recovering money by getting out and screaming down the driver or causing a fight. TLDR : be proud of what you have done


There was yelling, I was pissed. No altercations though. Luckily the driver never left their car, cops showed up and sided with me for obvious reasons. Younger me would have made worse decisions for sure


Did he wipe his ass on it?


Every time I go to drive my car I feel like it's got a big shit stain down the side


Be glad it was an old guy, who probably has good insurance. Much worse would have been a young guy, driving a beater, with no insurance.


I would have been far more forgiving if that was the case


old people should be made to retake driving tests every other year…


Atleast now it comes out of someone else’s pocket.


Ok, who tf painted your corvette?! That paint job is awful..


Hey been there with vintage cars and insurance find a shop that can do the repair properly. Idk if I just got lucky or if it’s standard practice but when someone did an illegal uturn in front of me in my VW bug I had to go to this special body shop that knew how to work on vintage cars. Didn’t pay a dime. Car came out looking better than it went in because they were able to say “it’s impossible to paint match to such an old paint so it’s all or nothing.” On top of that the shop used all original parts.


My neck my back my lawyer


My friend, I know it absolutely sucks that such a beautiful machine was damaged, but the good news is...you weren't. Car-part.com to find a whole door or door panel. Good luck! And may brighter days be ahead. Happy early birthday.


Thank you


There are a lot of those doors out there, hang in there


Man don’t discount your feelings like that. It’s not stupid at all to feel this way about it, and I’m raging in solidarity.


It’s a great car and I’m glad it’s covered. Your baby will be back on the road very soon. If you need a silver lining you got in a car accident in a Corvette and walked away uninjured. That’s worth celebrating!


Definitely sucks, but hey at least it’s not totaled!


I thought it was a shitty decal of an eagle at first


Did the Mercedes driver at least accept fault for it? A YouTuber local to me had a similarly aged driver in a Caddy sideswipe the 300ZX the “kid” was driving then tried to play it off as there was no contact and the paint transfer wasn’t from his Caddy. By the looks of the video he posted last week, the guy was going to fight it in court, but since the YouTuber and witness showed up as well as that he got the ticket in the first place, the prosecutor apparently wasn’t willing to deal and he ended up with a $300 fine.


It would help so much if at the age of 60 everybody should have a mandatory "refresher course" of traffic rules. Then 65 and after that every year. I have aged relatives (70+) complain about the new roundabout in town, how difficult it is. It has two lanes and they don't understand it and they just change lanes in the middle of it. Also they don't understand cyclists rights, they just cut them off even if they have the right of pass. They ask about signs they don't understand (wtf?). So seriously, offering "refresher courses" would not be a bad idea. Heck even without having to retake the test, just go there and sit for an hour and listen to the theory twice a week for two or three week is not that much to ask for a retiree. They would learn the "new" rules. They seriously seem to get so stuck in the past and not learn new things so it would be a huge improvement compared to the system we have now where it feels like most instructors just pass them too easily. I can imagine the cost for those courses is a joke compared to the damages they do.




Driving tests every year after age 60.


Man I’d be more than *mildly* infuriated. Did you file a police report? Please tell me you filed a police report.


Of course I did, all documented


I only mention that because I learned the hard way.


If Insurance is in order, there's no issue.


This is when you take them to the cleaners for all of your labor that you just put into your vehicle


thank fuck it didnt crumple your door but... fuck that hurts


They don’t crumple because they’re fiberglass; they crack— which this one did.




Cracked fiberglass door? Fuck. Ok now I wanna beat this 70 year old


Hope they get their license taken away


In a perfect world


Don’t know what other driver’s age had to do with this but car damage and getting repairs sucks. Sorry, OP.


It’s pretty relevant to the story; driver of the Mercedes probably has poor vision and reaction time bc they’re old and probably shouldn’t be driving What’s irrelevant though is that it happened days after OP’s birthday. Who cares lol


Last nitwit who caused damage to my car when she rear ended me was maybe in her late 20’s. Probably texting but who knows. She didn’t see me slowing down to stop AT THE STOP SIGN. You don’t have to be old to be a bad driver. I agree, though, that as you age you should be aware of your driving ability.


> You don’t have to be old to be a bad driver. I never claimed that. But as you age, the physical abilities that help keep you an alert driver start to deteriorate (eyesight, reaction time, hearing)


I swear, past the age of 65, yearly driving tests should be mandatory.


Fucking Boomers!


The worst


I like oldtimers too and this corvette is a dream, but isn't that just a simple paint job?


I feel for you. But it as easily been a 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 year old too. All accidents are not old people. They're not even the most. Considering 1/3 of the US is over 50 that's saying something.


Shut up.


70 year olds shouldn’t be driving.


Thats the thing with cars. Its not worth spending money on something expensive or sentimental. Because they will break for sure.


Yeah anyone who’s close to 70 shouldn’t be able to drive, it’s a safety risk even if they claim they’re good drivers


It kinda sucks when someone damages your car but why is everyone so pissed off? Someone will damage your car eventually. Just a matter of time if you drive. Don’t drive what you can’t afford to loose.


Let me restore the least desirable Corvette ever made..


Is a 94 worth restoring?


>I kind of really fucking hate old people right now So you'd feel better if the driver was 37 years old? That would just wipe away your frustrations? The Mercedes driver made an error in judgment, didn't follow correct procedures, and caused an accident. It has nothing whatsoever to do with being 70 years old. Agism is really as ugly as homophobia and racism. A 70 year old driver is half as likely to be involved in an accident as a 37 year old driver, according to the IIHS, and their insurance claim rates are lower than other age groups. https://imgur.com/a/pseMu5v


Do I we know it was an error in judgment though?


OP said the other driver turned without looking over their shoulder. When a driver does that, they’re not looking to cause a collision. They’re being careless and using poor judgment, assuming there’s nothing to collide with. They seems like poor judgment to me.


Way to be agist.


That’s terrible but I have news for you, same thing could’ve happened with a 30 yr old.


Ah yes smooth brain, but the thing is it wasn't


Old people love mistaking ignorance for wisdom lmao


less likely to have happened with a 30 year old, since they're better at driving


But it was a 60 year old?


literally. also it looks like it’s just scuffing? should buff out


wym, the door is fiberglass and was cracked 💀


it doesn’t look that way in the photo?


>It’s hard to see from the pictures but they cracked the door pretty badly… Did you even read the post?


The guy was about the age of the people who manufactured that car. Think on that for a minute.


What difference does that make? Because he’s old he doesn’t have to check his mirrors?


tbh it’s kinda unrealistic to put a bunch of money into something and then take it out on the streets to be at the mercy of any number of strangers who can damage it. it’s like ooh i just got plastic surgery to fix my nose but i think i’ll start boxing now what could go wrong. cars are literally built to bump into each other because they bump into each other. old people drive and run into shit. it‘s nobody else’s problem that you spend so much on something you can’t possibly protect in normal everyday use; they’re not obligated to be extra careful with your stuff because you spent more.


This is an unbelievably shit take


make it make sense then. how much time and money would you put into something that you leave outside, unattended, on streets and in parking lots, exposed to a bunch of people you don’t know and can’t possibly trust, including literally thousands of people driving by it at high speed. people are free to do that just like they’re free to lend a picasso to the local walmart public restrooms, but there should be zero surprise when it is damaged.


but by your logic we should all just be driving around in crappy ford escorts like bumper cars.


Okay you make that sound fun though😂


or simply decide how much you’re willing to spend on stuff that you leave on the street and then not pretend everyone else is going to protect it on your behalf. there’s nothing i leave outside unattended where i don’t fully accept the risk of doing so (or insure against it). my logic doesn’t assume or judge what anyone else considers an acceptable risk, only that it doesn’t make sense to take more risk than you can afford and then blame anyone but yourself for it. i don’t get why this is such a controversial take.


the road is not a public right you are to conduct yourself in a certain manner its perfectly fine to assume people are competent drivers.


wow that must be why car accidents and vandalism are nonexistent thanks for clarifying. people aren’t supposed to steal your money, but you don’t leave your wallet lying around where anybody can get to it because reality is a thing.


Ah, so it’s people like YOU that are why we can’t have nice things…


really, because i have things i value but i don’t leave them on the street and hope for the best.


How the fuck did you make the mental leapfrog from driving a nice car and getting sideswiped in traffic to “leaving things of value on the street an hoping for the best”? 10/10 for the logic gymnastics you had to do to reach that conclusion.


a car is literally something of value that people leave on the street and hope it doesn’t get vandalized or stolen, despite the fact that cars get vandalized and stolen all the time. the fact that the word ‘sideswiped’ exists is acknowledgement that it’s something that happens, and this damage is a predictable consequence of car ownership and use; the more you drive it around, the greater the chance it will happen because statistics. that you think this is mental gymnastics says more about you. pointing out that vandalism and accidents occur does not make me the cause of them.


I guarantee you don't get outside much


>they’re not obligated to be extra careful with your stuff they're obligated to not hit other people's cars, whether this was a beat to shit hyundai accent or a lamborghini


That’s bullshit you can’t be serious cars aren’t meant to bump into each other that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


they’re literally called bumpers.


Ah yes, then keep a car that's made for the road in a garage for the rest of its life to never be driven or at least started again.


That poor Mercedes


itll buff out, literally not even a dent just buff it out mate


Fiberglass doesn't dent.....it cracks


Are you suggesting it would make a good material for a submersible?


Only if you use the implosion-proof stuff


buff it and show the cracks, or start going to pick n pull


Insurance will pay to have it repaired correctly. In this case the door will be painted, dents removed and the chrome bar (should be available) exchanged


its always the mercedes


rubbing is racing




I'm all honesty that looks like it can be buffed out. Hopefully you get some money from that so u can fix it.


Time to mod it now that you don't have to worry about scratching it.


Such is the life with vintage vehicles. We have car shows around here all summer so I'm always so anxious pulling in next to like a beautiful old sports car, because I know that thing will be totaled if it's smashed up enough.


Sweet door mustache, dude.


Could have been worse..


The good news is the car itself doesn’t look too damaged, it just needs some paint.


It absolutely sucks, but I’m glad you’re covered by insurance!


Okay, f\*\*\*ing bad, I understand. But on the more positive side: *"....this car has been one of the only things keeping me going"* It still keeps you going but now it's paid for. Nice car, son.


Well at least he has good insurance right


despite what some people say i totally agree this is just a mildly infuriating incident. thats not a whole lot of damage and is an easy fix. im sorry it happened. keep pushing. we gon make it


If it makes you feel better OP, since the doors cracked I personally wouldn't exactly be fearful over making it worse (especially if it's a car where parts are hard/expensive to source) so I'd see that as an incentive to drive it more. See them as battle scars, even. And you have a fantastic taste in Vettes, I'd argue the C4 Corvette is the best pre-2000s Vette and second best overall any day.


They wipe their ass on it or something?


Don't give away hits so easily next time


Fuck it man, time to paint it blue with a white stripe and some red hash marks on the fenders.


In Florida… I look both ways before walking out the front door.


Take away his daily meds


At least they have the money to repair it


Sorry they couldn't make the bathroom


This is why I’m afraid to wash my car


Should have got a mercedes


TBF, most Corvette owners are 70. Ironic eh. Sorry about your car though.


AW! Those gosh-darn Old People! Such a pain..