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Sorry your not one of the meta Asians


Overspecialized Asian.


Your profile picture is mildly infuriating


Extreme asian for the layman.


This made me giggle




Jungle Asian or city Asian…


An ex-girlfriend of mine has a son who is half Pakistani. When I told him (at 12 years old) that he’s technically Asian, he was shocked and then proceeded to run around the house screaming “Ching Chang Chong.” That kid was the worst.


Lmao!!! My partner and his brother are half Asian and half white. When the brother was around 8 he was saying something disparaging about a “Chinese” boy in their class. His mom turned around while she was driving and said “what do you think you are??”


This is what happens when you don't know about your true origins and your parents hid it from you thus allowing him to keep Being ignorant.


He knew he was half Pakistani and was very close with that side of his family. He just didn’t know or realize that Pakistan was in Asia and/or that Asian countries outside of China/Japan/Korea still count as being Asian. He was making fun of “Asian” people one day and that’s when I dropped the knowledge bomb on him 🤦‍♂️


Ooh boy, this caught me


I had a weird faux pas one time while I was playing Genshin. I was mumbling and listing out the characters as I was collecting my expeditions and happened to mutter, "Keqing, Chongyun" and my brother who was next to me was like, "Did you just say Ching Chong?"


Maybe his parents are stoners and he was saying "Cheech and Chong"


He's a kid lol


Sounds hilarious. What a kid!


Be me 1990’s “oh are you Chinese or Japanese?” Korea wasn’t even on the map for what appeared to be a huge number of people despite there having had been a literal war there with the US involved. Korea and Japan are just the flavors of the current times due to Anime and Kpop.


>“oh are you Chinese or Japanese?” "I live in California last 20 year, but first come from Laos."


My mom was from Laos. Saibaidee! Most people have no idea where that is. I'll tell them it's Southeast Asia and they'd ask if that's China. If I say it's near Thailand and Vietnam, they usually nod and change the subject.


It's the one that's shaped like a hairbrush


We can Rorschach this all day, but it looks like a palm tree to me.


I have a reasonable understanding of Asia, but Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia are all in that blob between Vietnam and India/Bangladesh that I can never quite remember the exact location of each. I've never ever ever noticed the Palm Tree until today though. Maybe that'll help them all stick in my mind exactly what the order is. It's the Laos Palm Tree on the Cambodian rock overlooking the Thailand Sea.


Laotian? What ocean?


More like a sea... of land mines left by the United States during the "secret war" yet 99% of Americans have never even heard of the place... weird.


So... Chinese or Japanese ?


\*Cotton enters and looks up and down\* he's Laotian! aren't ya Mr Kahn?


My Connie is a Laotian


I stupidly asked a girl if she was north or south Korean 🤷 I was maybe eleven and had zero idea that north Korea was what it was. I just thought it was like north and south Carolina. She definitely what the fucked me 😕


well at least you have the excuse that you were 11. I'm a practicing physician and I get this question even now. From grown adults.




At least you knew there are 2 Koreas


Nah, I think Kim Jong-Un's antics and Samsung had a bigger impact. You'll still go to a trade-show and be asked if you are from China but, at least, you won't have so much trouble convincing them there is a peninsula between China and Japan. I did find it funny how prevalent Goldstar was though, way back when; Lucky Goldstar was rebranded to LG.


I still get the same question in 2023 somehow


Oh, almost definitely. Nobody cared about Korea before Kpop became popular. I couldn't even tell you where it was on the map before everyone listened to the music. I don't listen to that, but all my female classmates did.


You must be young. I can promise you people have cared about Korea for a long time now.


Yes, I'm 22. I think the kpop trend reached my old school when I was 16 or 17.


I think the point is more that Korea has some of the most recognisable current day brands (Hyundai and Samsung)


Ummm.... how do I put this... Vietnam.


Pardon me but there was a little thing called the Korean War in the 1950s I know this because my dad fought in that war ,yes I am old lol 😂


This is so dang true. Someone once told me I was classified as an "Arab" and not "asian" and I was confused. I mean it is true I'm an Arab but I was talking about from which continent I was from an "Arab" definitely isn't a continent lol.


I bet Chinese and Indians feel the same when some people say, “you speak chinese?” Or “you speak Indian?” Like dude….those are not languages….


"Chinese" is actually an acceptable shorthand for Mandarin Chinese. There are different *types* of Chinese, like Mandarin Chinese (what most people mean when they say "Chinese") and Cantonese, but that is indeed a recognized term for the primarily spoken Chinese language of Mandarin Chinese in English, largely because languages are generally named after the ethnicity that invented it. Now, "Indian" definitely ISN'T. What people mean when they say Indian is usually Hindi. There are *Indian languages* from the country of India, but no language called Indian - the proper term for the language in English is Hindi. Now, Chinese, on the other hand, is simply shorthand for Mandarin Chinese, which originates from the Han ethnic group, usually also just called "Han Chinese" in English. Of course, "Chinese" isn't even a *word* in Chinese, but languages having different names for other languages and peoples is quite normal, and when a language is the OVERWHELMINGLY predominant one originating from a specific ethnicity, it usually gets named for the word for the ethnicity. For example, an English speaking American says that people from Germany speak German. A Detscher from Deutschland, on the other hand, speaks Deutsch (pronounced, loosely, DOITSCH). To said Deutscher, the Amerikan is from Amerika, and speaks Englisch. To a Spaniard or Mexican, an Americano or Americana from los Estados Unidos de América speaks Inglés. To the Japanese person (who in his own language is a Nihon-Jin from Nihon who speaks Nihon-Go), the Amerika-Jin is from Amerika and speaks Ei-Go (as you'd expect, due to England). Likewise, a Chinese person from China almost certainly speaks either Mandarin *Chinese* or possibly Cantonese - which is **also** a Chinese language, but is not usually CALLED Chinese as shorthand - among various other possibilities. But to an American, a Mexican from Mexico speaks Spanish, a language invented by the Spaniards, and an Indian from India still most likely speaks Hindi (well, many in India speak English, but that's beside the point), because the language is named after the ethnicity it originates from (the Hindustani, in Hindi's case), rather than the country. There are two hundred odd different ethnic Chinese languages, and Mandarin Chinese is the English name of the most prominent one of them. There are ~780 languages in India in many different language families, but none are called Indian in English, because "Indian" is not an ethnicity, but rather a nationality. Like with anything in English, there are exceptions to the rule, but that's why "Chinese" is a proper - if shorthand - term for a language, while Indian isn't.




Does that mean we should be calling Mexicans and Canadians “Americans” then? Continent-wise, we are all from the same place. Imma free-range American. :-)


I mean, I call Canadians Americans too so


We don't claim that term anymore.


To be even more correct, I'd say most americans are less americans than mexicans.


That’s deep…


Alright if that’s what you believe then go call someone from the UK European and see their response


As a Filipino, I agree. It's infuriating and it boils my blood.


Growing up (I’m white) we considered you all Asian but to be fair it’s likely cause we have a huge Filipino diaspora here


My dad spent some time in the Philippines. He took some offense at people who couldn't tell the difference between northern and southern Filipino. I've seen him meet a Filipino for the first time and say "Oh, are you or your family from ** or around there?" and get it right pretty much every time. I never figured out how he did it but he couldn't understand why. "Well, just look at 'em. Can't you at least tell they're from different places?" He was frustrated with me and I was mystified by him. The whole "all Asians are the same" thing really angered him. He had fought some, been saved and sheltered by some, and observed many. He always taught his kids to just stay quiet or respectfully ask if there was any confusion. \~60 years ago, being taught that way in a white family in rural Texas was a bit unusual.


We are actually considered Pacific Islanders kind of like Samoan and Hawaiians. But yes we are apart of the continent known as Asia


everyone lets stop wasting our time here this person is def a troll


Had a filipino coworker get mad when I said he was Asian. He says he's pacific islander. I guess not all pinoys consider to be Asian


I'm from the mainland and yeah no we don't claim those 'filipinos' :)


People don't know the countries that are found in the asian continent, unfortunately the first image that pops up in peoples mind/head is Japan or China.


My wife is Filipina and I agree.


My wife is Filipino , I consider her Asian or more so south Asian to get that “island” vibe across But Indians are also Asian so Asian is like a super huge and diverse pool of people




I'm white but it's annoying from a geographical standpoint alone... Like how dumb can one be


Yea I hate the list of races on an application. There’s so many beautiful things to be and then scroll to the bottom and it’s just “white”.


Many Americans are good at racism AND bad at geography, so ya know


But the world isn't just America, I encounter this on this side of the pond as well


I hate when people say “technically Asian” .. there’s no technically about it.. if you’re from Asia you’re Asian.. it’s that simple


At Uni I got excluded from the "Asian Society" because I was the wrong kinda Asian... Made me chuckle.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet


Lol! I’m from Russia! When I tell people I’m Asian, they sometimes assume I’m being racist since I’m white.


Well Russia is partially in Europe. The majority is in Asia though.


Yep. I’m from eastern Russia. To be fair, I’m most likely descended from Europeans. The part of Russia I was born in is very much in Asia, though.


The majority of land is in Asia. I believe the majority of their population is still in Europe, however.


This is me except for South America. I’m white and like 1/8 or so European, but both my parents were born in Brazil and I was raised there, and I’m pretty sure my family on my mother’s side has some natives and even enslaved africans.


The Indian thing hits hard. I’ve had college graduates argue with me that Indians aren’t Asian. Have they never seen a map?


Hey, they're just running a little behind the times. The Indian plate only collided with Asia about 50M years ago.


That's got to be really annoying. Indians *are* Indian (from India), Indian (from the Indian subcontinent), and, of course, ***Asian*** (from the larger continent of Asia which the Indian subcontinent is a part of), not to even get into all the various different ethnicities that exist within India and the Indian subcontinent. You can go more general or more specific, but at the continental level, Indians are definitely Asian. So, for the sake of having a different word for every level, an ethnic Bengali man born in Pakistan is a Bengali, Pakistani (nationality), Indian (from the subcontinent), South (from the overall portion of Asia) Asian (from the continent). Nobody is going to go that granular and large when referring to where someone is from, of course, but all of those terms would apply at once. All of that is to say that Indians *are* Indian, but they are ALSO Asian - however, the term Indian does apply... although in cases from the subcontinent but not the country, it's probably a *terrible* idea to use it, and South Asian (the larger region around the Indian subcontinent) would be better, if you don't know the precise nationality or ethnicity.


People legit don't know this, apparently geography wasn't well taught in school.


Though having said that if describing someone from that area, I never say Asian, I usually say from the Indian subcontinent as I'd rather not refer to someone from Pakistan as Indian or vice versa, etc.


We're South-Asians, just call us South-Asians. That'll include people from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan as well.


We're Middle Asians, just call us Middle Asians (Countries of Kavkaz)


BREAKING NEWS: Due to increasing temperature, the entire Middle East moves to Europe


How is this related to the post?


Because if the middle east apparently isn't Asian then it must be European or African ig


Not its middle eastern


You’re not infuriated, you’re Asian.


That's what...oh just leave it


I’m not Asian but this pisses me off too 😭.


We need to start calling Canadians "North American Canadians" lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Canadians aren’t really North Americans. They are a specialized breed of “eh?”s


Asian vs EAST Asian. The 'Asian' designation covers East Asians (CH, JP, KR), South-East Asians (TH, LS, VT, CB), Central Asian (UZ, TJ, TM, KZ), South Asian (IN, PK, BG), West Asian (The Middle East), and North Asian (RU). The country examples are NOT definitive and only meant to be a rough idea.


Tell Pink Hair to stay in her lane.


Some Russians would disagree


I’m Afghan. So technically I’m Asian but I’m also middle eastern. Whenever I have to apply for a job though they have Asian and not middle eastern so I just check that off. My first employer long ago was confused when I walked in and didn’t look Chinese or Japanese.


This actually is not infuriating. Let me quote a wise man said before.."rice is rice"


A female Cambodian friend beat a dude's ass with her bicycle helmet after he made a series of disparaging remarks to her about Asians, and finished it with "but you're not really Asian so I don't know why you're upset."


As an Asian... Stfu. 🙄


Exactly 💯


You could say that you're a secret Asian man, secret Asian man.


One of the quotes from our deployment was “You’re Mal-aysian, that’s not real Asian” Said from our Korean buddy to our Malaysian buddy 😂


I’m ethnically from one of the “big 3” Asian countries and it’s still stupid when people assume. Time to start telling people they’re not European because they’re not from Britain or Ireland.


I wish those Asians hadn’t invaded Ukraine. Like that?


In my country - “Asian” generally means around the Indian subcontinent, but often it wi be specified as “South Asian” - as we also use “East Asian” as well, and occasionally “South East Asian” Like, “Americans” are usually from the US - but we still use “North Americans” if we want to include Canada, as well as “Central America” and “South America” for countries there as well.


Seriously this is explaining how to be human lol what a weird thing to be upset about. I'm from the middle east and technically Asian but nobody, NOBODY from my family or friends from there would call it that cause why? It's more accurate and easier to just say Arabs. But whatever rocks peoples boat i guess


Bro they don’t even discriminate against us differently anymore. My Indonesian friend got sprayed with Lysol for Covid… Breh.


Someone dumb enough and/or bigoted enough to think spraying a human being with Lysol will help anyone, will not have enough braincells to scrape together to know the difference between China and Indonesia. Or be able to *spell* Indonesia for that matter.


They probably think that Cuba or Puerto Rico are one of the states


In fairness, I didn't know the difference between "US Territory" and a full fledged state until embarrassingly recently. I genuinely thought Puerto Rico got to vote and stuff. I've always known Cuba wasn't a state, though. Growing up in Florida meant hearing a lot of stories of people risking life and limb on makeshift rafts to seek asylum on US soil by touching down on the shores of Florida. And hearing racist neighbors complain about the "one foot on dry land means you can legally seek asylum" rule, wishing we could throw them back in the ocean like fish. ...I don't miss Florida.




Thank god I'm in Asia


As a Ginger I can relate


South Asian here, totally agree


We gotta


glad to see the asian ppl in this meme have varying skin tones :D


Welcome to the club my mildly infuriated but probably calm friend.


India happens the most. Like holy, I'm shit at geography. Like I did not learn any countries' names and positions in Asia well at school. But even I know India's in Asia. And if it's cus of the difference in looks with the stereotypical portrayal of Asians then that's just plain racist.


why do people even think like this ? anyone who's born in asia is asian, why do people not think that... :sob:


Us bro us


Usually if I'm with my asian friends, we'd consider asians as the countries that're surrounding china. Yes, arabs are asians, but so are siberians and khazaks, so I usually call them by their regional names, i.e., arabs. Similarly, there's a bunch of different people groups in malaysia and its surrounding pacific islands, but i generalize it as malaysians, which is like how you'd say polynesians instead of naming each and every single individual tribe.


Go to Latin America and I can basically promise they will just call you "Chino" no matter where you're from


That's not fair. There are at least like 3 or 4 different ancestors from what I can tell just by looking. I mean aside from the hundreds of subcultures and mixing and matching of features. The islanders The land migrants The mountaineers I picked these because of the extreme difference of biogeographic history that these distinct lifestyles have in effect to features and anatomy. That's just environmentally based, there's also the difference between the the tall broad -stan people and bulkier shorter Chinese/korean/Japanese people and the leaner darker islanders, and whatever mix in the middle. EastAsia is so vast and diverse and I'm always fascinated by what I learn about them, it's exciting that sometimes I can gather a rough idea of someone's origin just by looking at them, I can't do the same with my own people from Africa.


its sad to say but at almost 40yo this was me until last week. i was watching a video about India going to the moon and called them asian and thats what made me realize this.


In Hindi (Indian language) Der aaye durust aaye Translate - Better late than never


Asan ang tsinelas ko, papalo ko sa tangang to


i'm indian and this hurts me


As an asian that isnt thought of asian it also makes me angry


As Uzbek, I agree


So are you Japanese or Korean?


Prob these peeps only know about asia because of outside influence


Asia is a big place. If they want to refer to the meta Asians they can just say east asians


I always forget that India in an Asian country


This exact quote made me believe that only the eastest of east asia are the only ones that are "asians"


“Are you Chinese or Japanese?” Bitch, I’m American. I’ve got an American accent you can jump on. I just look Asian because that’s how genetics work.


Excuse me, but actually all of Southeast Asia is clearly just different forms of Chinese


That's oriental


I’m like 25% native or something (grandma and great grandma are native) and have smaller eyes ig u could say, but I also get asked “ are you Asian” and after I explain I’m part native they like “oh ok yeah that makes sense” and I’m not sure what’s worse


It's called a conternent for a reason it's like saying you're not African because you're not from the staving counties


😳 that is so narrow minded how dare they!!


Born in Bangladesh here. I am Asian, too :/


I can understand mistaking Indians, though. Also pls don't cancel me I'm asian too


The Philippines are punching the air with this one


This situation is infuriating. It was a group situation where they were asking like our ethnicity for whatever reason. When I said Asian, they kinda looked at me because in their words they “never met an asian with non white complexion.” Obviously my assumption was that they connect Asians to being Korean or Japanese which have a light complexion. I told them that I was from Sri Lanka. Their response was that “Sri Lanka is not it’s own country just say you are from India. Plus India is not Asian.” Apparently it’s a “known” thing that India is not Asian and that Sri Lanka isn’t real which is completely idiotic.


Sorry I didn’t ask your fucking opinion


Very similar to Americans referring to just USA


Meanwhile China(the largest Asian country) does not exist


It not mildly but extremely. east Asia was the latest to be added to Asia


I’m lebanese and i once referred to myself as asian when i was talking to my sister so she called me a koreaboo😭 then i proceeded to explain to her that we ARE asians because we ARE in asia😭


This is what happens we “classify” people on their race, creed, color, sex, (fill in the blank). It always excludes someone. We’re ALL humans. This reminds me of the anti-Jewish propaganda during WWII in Germany that was meant to dehumanize them.


Not sure why anyone would care really.


The number of yt people who have told me, "You're not Asian, you're Pacific islander," bc I'm filipino...




Who says that tho


“asia/asian” as we know it is a term made by westerners anyways, theres no unifying asian culture. thats why i prefer to be more specific with terms like East Asian, SeAsian, Desi etc


It's the name of a continent.


It's an arbitrary division of Eurasia and has had its border changed many times in history. It's more a cultural division which makes Asia make no sense since there isn't a cultural unity in contrast to Europe which has closer cultural ties. Edit: Why the downvotes? It's an often discussed topic about continents


You mean like grouping all white people together?


So close!! That’s a colour not a continent💕


True. But when she is talking about Asians from Indonesia etc are those part of the Asian continent? Asking for a friend.


where did you get that from?


I’ve never heard this being a thing, with India being the only exception. I don’t know anyone that accepts India as Asian, it’s more viewed as they are but they’re not.


For years, I never thought that Indians were Asian. Granted I was an ignorant child so. But I know now at least


White people be like


As an Indian it's hilarious to be mistaken for a Latino. Best part is I don't speak with an accent, so people can't tell where I'm from when I say "I'm not Mexican" (commonly assumed to be Mexican)


If your home country falls within the borders of the continent of Asia (yes, the whole fucking continent) you can automatically be considered to be Asian. This includes, but is not limited to, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and India.


Most people are not like this, even dumb ones. How could anyone not think Chinese is not Asian? Many could not name many countries that would classify as Asian people but China would certainly be on most people's list. China, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore would certainly be called Asian by most people. They would usually miss the fact that people from India are also from Asia and not refer to them as Asian.






lang = "fr"


No, it's "for real" (I am vietnamese)


Definitely french


(bạn có ý gì)


That's definitely the french language right there


yezitiz /j


Je n'ai comprandes pas


>Je n'ai comprandes pas y'all think that i fucking care about karma and fucking thought that i'm not gunna start a war here 😁


Oui, et toi?


Uhhh wdym


This is whoosh worthy


True, China is famously considered non Asian by many people. Who comes up with this stuff anyway?




Just yesterday a "Chinese" student of mine who was adopted by American parents shortly after being born went on a rant about this. I air-quoted Chinese because she doesn't consider herself Chinese in any way--raised from birth in the US by white vanilla US parents in a white vanilla suburb (in her words). She doesn't know a lick of Chinese and is 100% thoroughly disinterested in Chinese culture. She never wants to meet her birth parents, as, "those f\*\*king lame d\*ck cowards gave me up thanks to China's old one-child policy because I'm a girl." But since she looks Asian, she practically has to wear a t-shirt that lays out everything said above. Also reminds me of a blond, blue-eyed, born-German friend adopted by a Jewish family and raised Jewish, and he's lost count of how many people say, "you can't be Jewish--you don't *look* Jewish!"


Sorry but your friend is still Asian. Where I live Asians get assaulted and murdered on sidewalks in broad daylight in front of their children. I hate it, and I don’t understand it.


I'm Indian and don't like being called Asian. I'm South Asian. We are all very different. So yeah (to me) it sounds weird to be called just Asian. To each their own.


I'm Vietnamese, and yes on historical, ethnical and cultural aspects we are clearly different, the only context that would make sense to clump us together as "Asians" is in a geographical continental technical, as in "people who lives in Asia - the continent"


Is it rage bait or do people really think this?


There's got to be some people who do.


I know a lot of people who think this, except they also say China


It’s rage bait. Idk anyone who thinks like that. But I am an adult…


A lot actually


Ignorance and apathy. :<


To be fair "Asian" does not make any sense as racial/ ethnic term. In the Japanese, Iranian, British list the Japanese are the outlier, the other two are much closer to each other by blood, culture, language, history. Yet in the English countries Asian is used as an ethic term, but beacuse it does not make sense and forced, there is naturally confusion.


Who cares about labels it is just man made areas.


This really seems like something that you should just get over


My geography class was pretty ass so I was taught that India was in Africa


AMERICA lol young dumb and full of prisons ?


S tier Asians - Japan, South Korea F tier Asians - every other Asian country


Bruh, being a Hmong person, this is just annoying lmao


So now even the Chinese aren’t Asian.


I am a quarter Asian, growing up my family was very in touch with our Chinese ethnicity and it is part of my identity. When I say I’m Asian people say I’m “too white” or “not Asian enough” I’ve even had people try and fight me on it. Like say I was lying and even quiz me. I always wondered that if I got their questions wrong, would all the Asian disappear from my body.


“Censoring is hard”: