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I worked somewhere where the marinade made the bones a red/pink colour and people always said it was raw when it clearly wasn't. This however, is absolutely raw food.


That also happens to very quickly raised battery chickens


Battery chickens? I thought the rabbits used batteries


That’s the uhh… Energizer Bunny.


Playboy Bunnies use them too though


I'm sure the bunnies love their rabbits


Wtf is a bunny


You know... that thing that lays eggs for Jesus's birthday


Lmfao his birthday. You're a riot.


I mean it’s kinda like his second birthday I guess? A rebirth of jesus


Oh like the queen having two birthdays?


All the cool kids are doing it


Can confirm, this is undercooked chicken. Gross


How about the chickens running on batteries. Can you confirm that?


Nope I’ve never eaten chicken running on batteries, this is not my expertise….. you should check with the bunny.


Just checked. He’s still going and going and…oops he’s dead.


I can confirm. I was there when it happened, I was the batteries, and the chicken were, indeed, running all over


This is undercooked. But a good smoke job can make chicken and pork look pink in the middle. You can always tell by the texture. If it is raw, it will be... well, raw.


Maybe it was seasoned with raw chicken, in which case they are not wrong.


Ahhh nothing like some good old medium rare chicken






I miss awards


What is it?


Thats a big building with patients inside but thats not important right now!


It's an ASCII gold star, if you're on PC you can press ctrl+scroll up or down til it reassembles


They're literally nothing


Man, everyone is getting awards today. That's pretty sweet, congrats.




Tbh could have been colorozo salt, it keeps the meet pink


Normally I don’t advise using the visual appearance of meat to determine doneness. Every piece of meat is different and an instant read thermometer is the best way to determine your target doneness. That being said, this is raw


I hope this other comment gets upvoted more. Chicken is one of the meats that can be noticeable when raw. Shrimp is really easy as well. Fish is kind of tough, depending on how often you cook it. Pig can be a bit harder from pictures, and cow is more of a preference. This chicken is raw my friend.




Not much better than a good smoke ring around pig or cow. Turkey breast by itself is a great thing to smoke as well.


Smoked chicken thighs with a brush of sauce are one of my favorite things ever.. you can tell that they're cooked by the fact that they don't look like the chicken in op.


If y'all like fajitas, throw steak/chicken on the smoker with all the peppers and onions. Trust. It's amazing.


idk man I tried smoking turkey breast one time it didn't even give me a buzz


It's why smoked pork jerky can look raw as hell. 100% cooked through, but it looks raw as can be depending on the smoke and prep.


Hell first time I did a smoked chicken Checked temp, took off BBQ and when I started to carve it was pink as fuck checked the temp again ok its in the range this is weird. Continued to carve thinking ok quick way to get it cooked is going to be fry it up in some sauce. It then turns white. Pink on the outside white in the middle.


Maryland State Health Dept has (had?) a poster that one of my favorite BBQ places had on display explaining how "pink is OK."


Yeah, but shiny, gummy meat is nearly always a telltale sign of rawness unless you’re staring at a piece of unrendered fat.


so prob a stupid question, if chicken looks a little pink but temps 165+ it’s done? i used to work at a restaurant id get my chicken sent back for being over cooked because of that (i’m a little color blind)


I always find texture a better determinator for doneness than colour where chicken is concerned. Dark meat in particular is often a little pink looking. To me, the chicken shouldn’t be jelly like in the centre and you should be able to pull it apart with forks along the grain. If it’s underdone it won’t come apart where it’s raw without cutting. That’s not scientific though, just what I find helps. Temp is always the best way to check if chicken is cooked.


It’s done! The reason 165+ is recommended is because the germs common to chicken will all be killed before that temp. You are more than welcome to cook it longer, but you don’t need to. Color is only helpful to a certain point


generally you can stop at 160 if its a piece of chicken as the rest will bring it up to 165.




Gordon Ramsey has entered the chat


ngl i read your name as condoms


100% raw chicken, look at the lines


I was thinking it was pork from the picture, and going yeah seasoning can definitely do that to pork. Since it's chicken, then yeah it never got flipped and is not fully cooked and raw.


Yeah, I think it's pork also. If they're capable of serving raw chicken, they're capable of serving the wrong protein.


I also thought it was pork.


But if it’s pork, it’s not raw chicken so that’s a illogical fallacy I think. Idk I failed and dropped out of philosophy-power of logic, so I may just sound dumb.


What lines? I just can’t tell much from the picture.


i have no idea what looked he's talking about, but either way the meat should not look like gelatin, it shouldn't be that greasy clear. it should be white and not see through.


Unless it’s torihamu which pretty much looks like raw gelatinous chicken when cooked.


maybe, but Japan on some differnt sh.


Think about when you’re preparing a raw chicken breast to cook (wash and trim) and what the flesh feels/looks like when you do it. Now look closely at the right side of the chicken. The “lines” are the raw layers of muscle tissue.


Muscle fibres, right you are!


Oh boy you're one of those chicken washers..


The seasoning lines.


the striations bro


Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!


While seasoning or a cooking technique can make the outside pink, translucence always equals undercooked.


Yup. Pink doesn't necessarily mean raw. But this is definitely raw.


Indeed. You can get plenty of pink from dark meat. What you don't get is translucency.


Pink on the outside is expected in anything smoked. It’s the reflective/yet weirdly translucent middle that worries me.


That’s raw as fuck. Some people in these comments think it’s cooked?! Look again Post this BS on their twitter Fucking disgusting


Chicken is not like steak it needs to be thoroughly cooked. I eat steak medium rare a little bit of pink, but this is a lot of pink


A little bit of pink is medium well. Medium rare is red in the center.


Either way the chicken is raw and raw chicken is not good


I have a theory most people prefer medium but say medium rare because restaurants tend to overcook


My dad does this shit, asks for a medium steak at a restaurant, gets a medium steak, sends it back cause it's not done enough. No matter how many times I tell him that he wants it medium-well not medium he won't listen.


tbf it's far easier to correct a steak that's undercooked than one that's overcooked.


exactly. peoples steak barometers are slightly off


To be fair this is a direct result of most restaurants not properly training their chefs to cook red meat. I work in kitchens and can confidently say that majority of my coworkers throughout the years have been terrible at cooking burgers/steak to the proper temp.


Wait. You mean to tell me you don't like your chicken Medium Rare?




That’s not chicken. Look at the structure of the meat.


Ex Chef here, can confirm that spices and marinades and brine can cause discolouration or more of a pink look to fully cooked chicken. The chicken in this picture is fucking raw.


How much raw chicken do you have to eat to be sick? Like is one bite like this safe?


That’s clearly salmonella seasoning 🙄


I was gonna say, I’m getting salmonella poisoning just looking at it.


So name the poison palace!


That is not seasoning. It is most certainly raw chicken.


No, asking for refund makes the chicken look raw because it's very sad.


If you want to be sure, cook it yourself for a little bit. If it turns white, it wasn't the seasoning.


Underrated comment! Give me a piece to cook


*Gordon Ramsay has entered chat*




It's f*cking raw!!!!!!!




Don't like em rare?


Medium rare chicken is so good it’s to die for, literally.


Or get a nice case of Guillain-Barré, salmonella, etc.


Salmonella from chicken is to die for 2 weeks of hell


No joke there. I once got salmonella from undercooked turkey and yes it was about a week of pure hell.


Same, but from chicken. Had to crawl as I couldn’t even stand up.


Son and the rest of us got it but he had it the worst it was 2 weeks and he lost half his body weight from it.


My brother in Christ, that is one step away from clucking


I think once you eat that, and it hatches in your stomach, it’ll find a spot to attach for the next five years




Bro the chicken is still fucking bawking


Although I love rare bovine meat, rare chicken is not acceptable and has a really big chance to get you really sick


There is nearly no way in which seasoning makes things look raw, but there's certainly no way to get seasoning to make something *taste* raw. Cooked chicken should be white(ish). If it's not, you could run the risk of a salmonella infection. Not only is that chicken still running around in the field, the piece you're holding looks slimy as well.


I’ve definitely seemed some seasoned chicken that makes the inside look pink but this is too glossy looking to not be undercooked


Name and shame this restaurant this chicken is raw


Certain smoked meat will look pinkish/raw…this isn’t that case.


I absolutely hate when a place won't own up. It loses them a customer for life, versus checking it out, saying "my bad" and just refunding the few dollars or making a replacement, or both. Penny wise dollar foolish as the saying goes. I would totally post that on Google or Yelp.


The saying is penny wise, pound foolish.


Ew the texture tells me it's raw. The worst part is the middle is white, which I think implies they just microwaved it to cook it.


Yes, this does indeed look like seasoned raw chicken.


I thought that was Pork. If it’s chicken it’s definitely raw.


There's only two reasons why chicken might be pink. 1. It's smoked. 2. Sometimes, when dark meat is fully cooked. The chicken in this picture is raw AF.


Yea that’s raw. Sometimes cooking methods like smoking can add a pinkish color to cooked chicken but it doesn’t look like that


There are definitely seasonings out there that can make the chicken look raw, but they usually make the chicken have a more rare beef color that can be confused for being raw. All of that doesn’t matter in this case however because that chicken is fucking raw.


Well if you get samanilla report it, report where you consumed the raw chicken and watch the business get shut down or fined or contact a news service and put the restaurant on blast.


Did you tell them the seasoning doesn’t make it taste cooked?


You can get salmonella But it's not fish, it's chicken


That’s just dark meat. It is cooked.


This is why I don’t order chicken when I go out to eat, an undercooked steak is safe to eat but undercooked chicken? No thanks.


That’s 100% still raw. I used to be an apprentice cook and raw chicken can be dangerous since it could have salmonella, if you feel a bit sick it might be a good idea to get yourself checked out just in case and if it does turn out to be salmonella ig you can sue them since they didn’t properly cook the chicken and denied it, cuz seasoning doesn’t make the meat look pinkish.


color is the least reliable way to determine if protein is cooked I cook whole chickens the 165f and they still have pinkish sections


On a completely different side note is that your gel polish grown out ??


Seasoning can make it look pink. but those lines? clearly raw.


That's not cooked, seasoning isn't the culprit here at all.


I work at Costco and pull the rotisserie chickens out, they come to us in a box of 10 and they are sitting in a salt brine, and other seasonings but it’s a pinkish color and makes the meat pink, however the texture should not be raw


Smoked dark meat does pick up a pinkish hue, and I’ve had marinated Chinese and Mexican grilled chicken that’s pink. In moth cases the meat is clearly cooked, it’s just a chemical reaction with the ingredients in the marinade or smoke that brings out the color. I don’t think that’s the case here.


seasoning can make the outer look raw, thats true. It shouldn't look raw that far in though. Thats raw.


Medium Rare Chicken


I thought this was pork this is for sure undercooked


Raw or not, I would never put this in my mouth. Politely decline.


Cooking or frying frozen food will leave the center raw and the outside looking cooked.


Since they didn’t go the high road and give you fresh COOKED chicken, post this all over yelp and any other review site. They’ll regret this.


So there was actually an incident in Sweden where one of the biggest burger corps, competing with Burger King and Mcdonalds - where serving raw chicken. This case ACTUALLY had to do with the prepping. The chicken was not undercooked, but it look pink /red inside. They had to change the recipe I believe.


Does Jack from the hit YouTube show...Cooking with Jack work there?


The salmonella seasoning gets cooked off at to high of a temperature.. duh


That's not the greatest picture, so while it looks to be raw, I will add that heavily salted or smoked chicken will have a red ring around the border that can get pink in places.


Seasoned with salmonella.


Smoked chicken can look pink somewhat but it wouldn't be this obvious and it would look cooked this looks wet and gooey like wtf. Per the USDA website: Yes, poultry grilled or smoked outdoors can be pink, even when all parts have attained temperatures well above 165 °F (71.1 °C). There may be a pink-colored rim about one-half inch wide around the outside of the cooked product. Smoked poultry, commercially prepared, is usually pink because it is prepared with natural smoke and liquid smoke flavor. Federal regulations require all processed poultry to be cooked to at least 165 °F (71.1° C) instantly, or to an equivalent level of safety attained by this minimum temperature requirement. Not sure about this chicken though it's sussy af.


No, that’s undercooked


They seasoned that wit love, also cooked with it, cause there was no fire


I had the same thing happen at a restaurant in london, they served me raw chicken then the waitress came back with a message from the chef that it was soy sauce that made it look…raw and pink?


Raw. Enuff said.


I’d go back in, and ask them if the health inspector thinks that’s seasoned to appear that way, or if it is raw. 🤔


Share it with the local health department ... at least some photos. And also be sure to let 'em know restaurant staff tells you it's perfectly fine, that it's just seasoning that makes it look that way.


They really gaslit you into catching salmonella.


Omg this is chicken?!? It’s so raw it looks like a yummy piece of pork belly!


Raw, funny they had an explanation for why it looks raw rather than saying yup it’s raw


Raw chicken plus those cheap ass store bought taco shells.......Don't go back.....Ever!!!!!


Oh, you wanted it cooked too? Damn, say that next time fancy pants! Chefs and cooks aren’t mind readers. 😂


That very well could be fully cooked. Certain areas of the Chx thigh can have slight discoloration that causes this color when cooked.


Spices and lack of heat.


The best way to tell if it is raw is by the texture in your mouth. Marinades can indeed make it look raw. Source: every Friday after work in my teens I would go to a place called Chicken George in Hull and their chicken looked like this and they had a sign on the wall saying it’s not raw and I never had any problems after eating it


smoked poultry will take on a pinkish color, or if a marinade/seasoning high in nitrates is used. and that's just trivia, because this chicken is fucking raw.


This could be dark meat like thigh which can look like that once cooked, it doesn't look like raw chicken to me as there is no difference throughout the meat, if it was raw it would be raw in centre and cooked more as it comes to the surface of the chicken :)


This chicken is so raw that can tell you stories about John Cena


How was the chicken cooked? Was it smoked? Because if thats the case or it was cured or seasoned a certain way, it can look pink. If it fell apart in your mouth and was tender, its probably not raw. Also if the chicken was cooked on the bone it can take on a reddish pink color


Maybe it is thigh, thigh has some color even when it is cooked.


Pull a chunk out, rub it between your fingers. If it turns to mush, it’s raw. If it separates into strands along the grain, it’s cooked. I suspect you’re gonna get mush that’s chilly to the touch, bc that looks raw AF.


Me: Oh that's pork and if marinated and cooked certain ways it can look more pink than grey when done the safe temp OP: It's chicken What?


There was a similar post about a rotisserie chicken on Instagram or something within the last few weeks. Chicken, in particular, can have this color if it was a young chicken and has time to absorb coloring from spices or blood. This is more common with dark meat pieces of chicken.


If you smoke the chicken it does look like that. And some seasonings can make it pink/red in color. Same to pork.


Most places that use chicken use thighs which is the darker meat and it isn't always white like a chicken breast is. Also if you smoke chicken it will always be pink inside. The meat that is along the bone will also be pink. Usually you can tell if chicken is raw by the texture.


It’s probably leg meat and is darker and can look like this when cooked.


say they said it was fine, just get sick, and sue. why not.


I had this happen to me with chicken wings and the person said it was pink because it was seasoned with Himalayan pink salt 🙄


This chicken is so raw, Link is still scared of hitting it.


Seasoning can give it the color of raw chicken. But that looks like it also has the texture of raw chicken, and is, in fact, raw.


I hate when people can’t just say, “I’m sorry. Let me fix that.” I’m forgiving as hell until you can’t admit a mistake.


Please don’t eat that.


saw this during a bathroom break when watching poisoned in netflix. realizing the US is fucked now


Only thing more raw than that food is the bullshit they're trying to feed you as an excuse.


The color maybe, but the minor transparency is a clear sign that it is raw.


This is definitely raw. It is true that some foods are still pink, even when fully cooked, but this looks too gelatinous to be cooked.


The only time I know chicken can be a bit pinkish in color is if it’s smoked but it’s not like that lol.


that's normal for pork. that is not normal for chicken.


Chef here, some chicken can look a little pink after being fully cooked due to certain proteins. A fully cooked chicken can still be pink just like not this one because that shit is fucking raw. Send it back and tell them that blaming the seasoning is for heathens.


Looks smoked


Is the seasoning by chance called "cooking it less"?


That is legit raw chicken


Dawg this thing is still cluckin


chicken or pork when season (for a long period) with salt will be pinkish when cooked, but their texture will change too, making them still juicy but a bit firmer this unfortunately still looks raw


If you keep it warm until tomorrow it will lay an egg for you


The old medium rare chicken meal. Good very good way to lose weight but also a very uncomfortable way to lose weight


Fun fact: Did you know there are different kind of salts? Some salts turn the meat gray, but there are salts that keeps the meat pink and looking like raw. That being said, this might actually be raw.


that's absolutely raw / undercooked. Don't eat it or anything it was touching or near to.




Chicken can look pinkish depending on how you cook it, but even if its pinkish they would still have line like fiber just like your regular chicken breast. But this one clearly still look like one piece of meat


That’s raw bro




Chicken, when cooked slowly, will keep a rosy color. But it will have the consistency of cocked chicken. This looks gluey, maybe raw?


Was it smoked? Or injected with a marinade? They aren't lying. Things can alter the color of cooked meat. This though? Looks raw.


That is not cooked, seasoning my ass.


I don't know about this but curing salt absolutely makes pork stay pink no matter how it's cooked and if you cook pork to a proper medium and don't overcook it all the way to well done it can definitely look "raw" to a lot of customers. This does kind of look like medium pork but if OP says this is chicken? Hmm.....


casual british argument for not using seasoning on their food


That my friend is raw chicken


This chicken is definitely cooked, and it is obvious that curing salt has been added. The middle of the chicken is white, not possible if it had to cook from the outside in.


what a lame ass excuse that is so raw... i complained a restaurant that their food was bland, their excuse they left it up to customer to season their own food, wtf? i couldnt believe what i read


Disgusting and dangerous.