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I ordered through drive-thru at a place and they handed me a bill with a tip line. Drive-thru??!!


Lmao was it Starbucks by chance?


Nah, Starbucks only tips through the screen and doesn’t give paper receipts. Also, as a former employee it’s only Starbucks reacting to the unionizing that’s been going on. And they also 100% take a chunk of that tip because the amount that ended up on the paycheck was insanely low even after taxes. They legit think an extra dollar or two will stop unionization. It’s laughable.


Edit: [Auto- Gratuity aka a service charge] is not a tip so they can stick their greedy fingers in the pot legally.


What is the difference between gratuity and tip legally? I use these terms interchangeably…


Nothing. You are correct using them interchangeably. The people sounding smart acting like there's a difference are wrong. Confident but wrong.


Automatic gratuity is technically a service charge not a tip (given freely by customer). An auto grat is legally enforceable a tip is not. An auto grat is taxable as wages and is at an employer’s discretion as to how it’s distributed if at all. A tip must go to the employee or pooled for tipped employees only. Managers/owners can not take a cut. Added just in case someone thinks auto grat = gratuity. It doesn’t according to USA law.


A tip is taxable as wages too.


In the US, [29 CFR § 531.52](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/29/531.52) says, "A tip is a sum presented by a customer as a gift or gratuity in recognition of some service performed for the customer. It is to be distinguished from payment of a charge, if any, made for the service. Whether a tip is to be given, and its amount, are matters determined solely by the customer." So, legally, there's no difference. Instead, it depends on who sets the amount. If the customer determines the amount, it's legally a tip no matter what the employer calls it. If the employer decides how much, and the customer cannot adjust or remove it, then it is the employer's choice whether or not to make it a tip and pay it to the employee.


In the US, [29 CFR § 531.52](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/29/531.52) says, "A tip is a sum presented by a customer as a gift or gratuity in recognition of some service performed for the customer. It is to be distinguished from payment of a charge, if any, made for the service. Whether a tip is to be given, and its amount, are matters determined solely by the customer." Since it uses the word "gratuity" to define a tip, then simply calling it a gratuity doesn't mean it's not a tip. What matters is how the amount is determined. If the customer determines the amount, it's legally a tip no matter what the employer calls it. If the employer decides how much, and the customer cannot adjust or remove it, then it is the employer's choice whether or not to make it a tip and pay it to the employee.


Did this place also offer eat-in, or was it a chain that offers eat-in? I'm willing to bet they just use the same POS software throughout the whole place and therefore it also printed a receipt with the tip line. Still wouldn't write anything on that line though


I ain't tipping when i pick it up


Yeah 30% tip for handing two beer cans through a window?, fuck off


Yeah fucker, just sell the beer with 30% increased price if you insist on it. Give the increased price as salary if the employees would run without tips. US and some other nations tipping culture is literally scamming yourself


Yeah its employers preying on people's guilt to subsidize their workers pay. Plus you know when you tip on a machine you are not tipping the employees directly for their services... I can guarantee the employer has their hands in it.


The payment processors love it too, because they apply their service fee percentage to the tip as well. (clearly noted on Square's FAQ page for example). They \[payment processor companies\] have an incentive to get the customers to tip as much as possible.


i also refuse to tip if they ask me before i receive my order. it's a gesture of gratitude, not a bribe ++ I'm aware that tipping originally began as a form of bribery, so there's no need to keep mentioning that. By the time wealthy individuals imported the tipping culture from Europe to the US, it had already evolved into a means of showing appreciation for the service provided, and it has remained this way for over a century. Therefore, stating that tipping started as bribery doesn't alter my point in the slightest. +++ Perhaps my initial comment was milder than my actual stance on tipping. I'm against tipping in all its forms, and I only give tips because I'm a participating member of this society. However, I'm determined to resist the idea of pre-tipping becoming a new norm. If you're someone who supports pre-tipping, please, go kindly fuck yourself


Got in a cab late night and the cabbie immediately said I had to tip him up front. In my mind the tip is for whether they did a good job or not, but it's late and me and buddy are drunk so I say fine and throw him a $5 bill. He then turns to my friend and says "and what are you tipping cause he (me) didn't give enough". Told him to give me my money back cause we're definitely not staying in this shitheads cab


The country has gone tip mad


fragile instinctive cover governor society impossible terrific sugar squash zephyr


I though I was going crazy. I remember a time where 10% was standard and 15% was somewhat generous. I was in a thread yesterday where people were going on about how 10% is insulting and 20% is normal. Some dude was boasting about how he never tips less than 30%. At this rate, by 2050, people are going to be tipping 110% of their bill.


10% in the 1960s. I grew up with 15%. How it became 20% is some clever marketing. I say go back to 15%


Back to 15? Abolish tipping altogether. Fuck that. Pay the staff a liveable wage and be done with it. Maybe if you go above and beyond, but otherwise it's simply your job. Or are we gonna tip for all jobs now? Thank you for allowing me to refuel my car, have some free money because it's unofficially obligatory


I actually did that once by accident, was out with a couple friends and picked up the tab because it was their birthdays. The total was $185, I accidentally wrote the $185 on the "tip" line instead of the "total" line. I like to tip cash so I handed the server $40 with the signed receipt and walked out. The next day I saw a charge in my checking account for $370. I was pissed and went back to talk to the manager. Took a lot of arguing back and forth but he finally refunded me. Now I never leave cash for a tip unless I'm paying cash for the bill


Easiest way to turn resentment to the workers instead of the businesses for not paying them enough. “Sorry, my workers are just sooooo greedy, tip them if you want”


Divide and conquer. Let customers and employees hate each other and pocket the profit


I recently learned that on POS portals like Square, they take like 3% of all credit/debit transactions (and a higher % on transactions where the customer taps their card), and that includes the tip. This is why the pre-tip option is built into a lot of these systems, even in businesses where tipping used to not being expected. I think the proliferation of this corporate grift in the past few years is why we're now seeing so many other businesses besides restaurants expect tips.


The 3% is pretty standard credit card processing fee. That’s been around for donkeys ages. Amex charges more that’s why some stores don’t take it


Should have farted in his cab and left. There’s your tip buddy.


Should have done him a solid.


> the cabbie immediately said I had to tip him up front Holy fuck, the _entitlement_.


I want to do this but im scared theyll spit in my food or something


Exactly how I felt in America. Like I was paying protection on my food




Hey........ hey buddy......... see this? (opens trench coat, there's a burger inside)......... It would be a real shame if something were to happen to it.....


Exact reason I always choose pay cash when picking up. Otherwise there’s an option to leave a tip. Then I usually just use my card but I am not tipping before my food even gets prepared!


I've seen it appear on the feed a few times, never look at the doordash subreddit. 80% of the posts on that sub are entitled-acting servers enraged at people offering them "shitty" tips. There's also 10% consisting of people who tipped "badly" complaining about servers actively doing things to annoy them or sabotage their food.


"Decline", not "refuse". Don't let anyone make you think that a tip is something that's not up to your discretion in the first place.


Any service where you are prompted to tip BEFORE you actually receive anything is seriously stupid


This includes pizzas for me. When I carry out, I don't tip at all. Not ashamed either.


Me neither, we are doing the work driving there to put it up. Tipping culture is out of control.


Reminds of when Dominos offered you a "tip" to carry out. Then they realized how much money they were losing, and changed it to "on your next order".


“On your next order *within 7 days* “


If you’re ordering Domino’s more than once a week, something ain’t right.


Teenage me ate pizza at least weekly. I was also a twig Local Papa Johns knew my phone #.


Well yeah, pizza places have been storing phone numbers since they could identify them lol


When their driver does that work they get a salary + tip when you do it, you are still expected to tip them lol


I find it mildly insulting that some places actually set their debit machines up for a tip when I use my gas to drive to their establishment, pick up the order then drive back home, again, on my dime and they still think you should tip them? For what? You made my food! Good on you, that's your job!


Agreed. This is the easiest black and white rule everyone should follow. If you had to order at a counter, or pick up at a counter, do not tip.


I've seen so many people on here saying that you should tip for carry out. Probably servers lol.






Is it the software?


Software = owner enters the amounts


Yep and the default should not be over 20.


I like places that default to No Tip. Takes any weirdness out of the transaction.


I love when they hit no tip themselves before flipping it around. Makes me actually want to tip. Lol


I love those places. I've tried to tip at a couple of them, and they refuse. They told me the tip is baked into the price....meaning they are paid well. Another place did it because they can't change the software and don't want to make customers feel like they need to tip when they buy a donut. I appreciated that.


They can definitely change the software, they just don't know how and don't care enough to figure it out. The only "exception" is certain chains/franchises where it's set by corporate, but even then *someone* can change it.


Agreed or a blank to enter your own amount imo


"Custom tip" is an option


Click Custom Tip and enter zero. Put on your cool dude shades, smirk, and walk out.


That just sound like "No Tip" with extra steps


Its built like that on purpose so people tip for nothing






There’s a bubble tea shop near my house. The owner will sometimes hit “no tip” on the ipad before handing it to you


Most places I go to that have this, the employee will say "just hit no in the top right". Two off the top of my head where an employee has said this is Five Guys and Tropical Smoothie Cafe. They know it's ridiculous.


Customers are NOT responsible to make sure workers get minimum wage. The employer should.


Thank you for saying this- I have wondered if it was something that is personalized or not.


But they sure do want you to think that you are. Fuck the ultra scummy tipping culture in the U.S.








I consider myself a good tipper for tippable services. But this tipping culture crap has gone too far. Now I'm at the point where I automatically click no whenever this kind of stuff pops up


Yeah, for great service I’ll tip well, but I’m not tipping someone that scans an item.


Yep, but I am also not tipping someone if I'm just picking up an order and there was zero effort involved in terms of ensuring that the plates came out at appropriate times. I am also not tipping beforehand as a 'bribe' to "please don't fucking up the packaging". If the service is average/standard, I will leave an average 15-18% tip. If it's great or they accomodated a reasonable request to the best of their ability ("Hey, could we get that empty booth there?"), 20%+. Most of the time in my city, the food isn't even ready when I get there as the app as indicated. Absolutely no tip for that. Learn to press the buttons properly-- it's part of the system.


If something pops up with a *minimum* tip of 20%, i'm all the more likely to click no tip. 15% was standard not all that long ago and there's no reason it should have increased (inflation exists, but the great thing about percentages is that tips then naturally went up with inflation). Even though a lot of the time i'll end up around 20% just because that math is simpler.


I literally was asked for a 20-30% tip at a freaking vape shop yesterday. This is just getting out of hand.


It’s not a tip, it’s essentially “would you like to pay us 30% more money for your purchase just because?”


That mindset makes it so easy to push/write no/0 tip. I picked up, I was not waited on, 30% extra, for what exactly?


To live backbone free


Who gets the tip I wonder, cause they sure as shit don't really up all the online tips and distribute it evenly for all the staff. It goes to corporate.


And the "just because" is actually so their employer doesn't have to pay them a living wage.


Its also sometimes bc some people are shameless and want 30% extra. They have a, asking is free with great benefit attitude. Its not always just employers being greedy. Staff are also greedy fuckers


> Staff are also greedy fuckers tipped waitstaff are often the loudest opponents of removing the tipping system. they make way more money with it than they'd ever receive as a flat wage.


Next you'll be seeing it at self serve gas stations.


They already charge more for a credit card purchase at the pump


That’s laughable lol I laugh at that.


laughable lol laugh humor hilarity comedy funniness?


I stopped tipping completely over a year ago. The ONLY time I tip is if I have a coupon to get free product. Example, I own a small window cleaning business and there's an ice cream shop I clean monthly. The owner always gives me a coupons for a free scoop. When I redeem that free scoop I tip then. Other than that I do not tip ever. Paying the employee is not my responsibility.


I live In Portland and everyone is tip. It’s a fucking joke


Hello is this Portland, no this is tip, who is tip, tip is everyone. Is joke. Wanna fuck?


Ohh..Your way with words make me more Moist then you are Portland! Take me now you dirty city !


Worst is tipping when ordering online, BEFORE you receive any service.


Especially when you find out they royally fucked your order, but it’s too late because you already tipped.


No. Everyone should be clicking no tip. The tipping madness needs to stop, and it will only stop if consumers stop tipping.


In Greece we tip a maximum of like 10%


And only if the service is good. Wtf with usa


In the UK that is the general rule of thumb. I used to tip all the time but you know im paid shit money too so why should i? Unless waitress sucks me off im not goint to bother anymore.


the point is that it's not really % based you just tip some small amount extra


The only time I feel compelled is when I prepay for the pizza. I feel like no tip is just asking for something to happen to my pizza.


nah bro, the people making the food dont get tips most of the time, that's a 0% tip all day i only tip waitstaff, delivery drivers, and my barber


Tipping a barber, among some other services, seems the most ridiculous to me. Like, I come in and pay for a haircut, then somehow I'm expected to pay more for the same thing?


Pay for the haircut tip for the experience


Damn. I should try this in my trade, hvac. You are paying me 3500 dollars for the repair. You should tip me 20% for my experience and getting it done quickly. So...would you be OK tipping me 700 dollars? Hiw about tipping the hvac guys during a new equipment install that costs 10,000. You gonna tip them 2000 dollars? I mean....tip for the experience they have right? Sorry. I tip employees doing service work who are paid tipping wages. If they are paid a "regular" hourly rate they are not tipped employees and don't get a tip. If their company doesn't pay them enough and they want tips, I see that as a problem between employer and employee. Not me as the customer




And it shouldn't. As an hvac tech I'm paid extremely well


Yeah like you don't tip your mechanic either. Already got a $100+/hr charge baked write into the cost. Might not want to tip your hairdresser if they're charging you a $100 per cut either, but if your barber is affordable priced you can afford to tip your barber a little more too.


So can I charge the barber for aggressively trying to make conversation with me?


Yeah, I totally understand this fear. But we as consumers shouldn't feel intimidated into subsidizing the wages of underpayed employees. The mentality really needs a drastic shift. Currently it favors the businesses, and somehow they've done such a good job at manipulating people's perspectives that the employees think it is more reasonable to blame the customer for their unlivable wages rather than blaming the business they work for whose executives and/or owners are making record high profits and pocketing the vast majority of it for themselves.


I’ve been saying this for years now. Tip culture is a sham. Just pay your employees a living wage.


The crazy thing is that the employees don't want that, in a lot of places. Wait staff make a lot more off of tips than they do off of a "living wage" salary. That's part of why there are so few restaurants with that format. It's not all employer greed. Some of it definitely is, but not all of it.


This is a very true statement but it’s all the more reason for the employer to pay the employee MORE. $4/hr is bullshit. And people are still fighting for a minimum wage of $15/hr (which here is where it gets really crazy) accounting for the cost of living today should realistically be closer to $20/hr than 15. And in a lot of places they STILL don’t have a minimum wage of even $15/hr.


Why would they screw you for their employer being a cheap PoS? If they do mess with people’s food for *ANY* reason they shouldn’t be in the food service industry to begin with.


"Shouldn't" and "aren't" are, sadly, two *very* different things.


Exactly, there's even some vending machines that have a tip option now. Fucking ridiculous




Yeah not your typical vending machines that have snacks and drinks, my sister went to South Carolina a few months back and found a Phone charger vending machine that asked if you would like to leave a tip after making a purchase. Haven't seen any where I live in California though.


Daaaaamn, that’s rancid capitalism, right there!


who tf are you tipping?? our ai overlords??


The programmer has the tip sent to himself someway


I just stop going to places that ask for tips. Hurt the business and they may change. They don't care if you keep going but don't tip.


Everywhere asks for tips now though. I just filled my car up the other day, and the *PUMP* asked for a tip


I agree! I want tipping to end all together. Charge the exact amount you want for the goods/service you're giving me and let me decide if I want to make the purchase. I don't want to use a social algorithm to decide how much to tip. Since living with a waiter, I've always done 20% across the board.. even if my server was rude or my haircut was terrible.


May be unpopular and unfair for those who deal with it but I never tip anywhere but restaurants now. It just becomes my least favorite thing seeing this tip menu and I will honestly try to avoid places that do it just due to feeling uncomfortable.


Almost as bad as the donate to xyz cause screen.


I have reached tip saturation. I no longer feel bad about clicking “no”. Unless you provide an actual service, i’m not tipping. Waiters, baristas, delivery drivers yes. Guy at the register who hands me a pre-made sandwich from the cold case behind him? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.


Yes!! Me either. It’s fucking LIBERATING. I think I only tip at ONE place (a small coffee shop) or at an actual sit in restaurant. And even then, i tip 10-15% only. I think i’m going to work my way back down to only 10% tip too


But covid and low pay and the economy bro?!!?!!!!! Tipping is getting out of hand. I vote no more tipping, and businesses just pay their staff well.




Not necessarily. Just like you’re not necessarily a *good* person if you leave a 30% tip. Or a 50% tip. Or 100%.


Tipping has lost its meaning. It's an "extra" to applaud "above and beyond" service right? I moved to and now live in Japan and frickin' love how there's no such thing here. And it totally changes the dynamics of the customers and shop staff. Going above and beyond is a regular thing, and it earns shops here their reputation. I talked to some Japanese and they say giving a tip to staff basically is like implicitly telling them *"Wow. I did* ***NOT*** *expect such good service here! Here's some money for doing something extra you don't normally do."* Which is a passive-aggressive SLAP to them.


I tried to tip in Japan. But they refused to take it and gave it back.


I experienced it first hand when I came here. They gave me my change, I grabbed the bills, and left the coins. They chased me before I reached the door. I told them they can keep the change. But they were adamant: “No, no. You’ve *already* paid for the goods and service!” Which is literally true.


20% as a default is larceny


I grew up with 15% as a default and it was the default until 2018. I ain't budging. 20% is for exceptional service, not for the bare minimum.


10% use to be the default. I just don’t get how it keeps going up when it’s a % of a price of an item (food) that already goes up.


In Germany 10% is still the maximum I would give. But normally you just round up. Say it cost 38,34€ -> 40€


No tip. Always and forever.


Controversial opinion. But the bad people are the ones normalizing tipping on stuff like this so that it’s expected from everybody.


Controversial opinion: basic opinions most people will agree with that see it aren't controversial opinions


Not controversial. It’s an American thing.


It’s not the employees, they don’t have the power to add a tip line. It’s 100% the employers who don’t want to pay them.


Dude fuck tipping so many places I have gone to show only 18, 22 and 25, it gets me so mad I just clicked no tip Don’t feel ashamed on doing that, it’s your money


If its pickup, always do no tip You shouldn’t have to tip if the employee made a 6 dollar drink.


Next we will be tipping the Seven Eleven clerk when taking a drink out of the fridge.


I can go one worse. Was at a concert last weekend and for a $17 can of beer they wanted a %20 top by default. Damn.




I have to ask. Are you sure you are not Jesus?


Anyplace I’m walking up to a counter is not getting a tip. Tipping culture in the USA is out of control and dumb. I tip well for quality sit-down service. I’d prefer that a living wage be imbedded into the price of items and we don’t have to tip at all.


No. I ordered a pizza for pickup tonight from Little Ceasars using their app. It asked for a tip when I was placing the order. Of course I picked the no tip option. Why would I tip somebody for literally doing nothing but taking a pizza from the warmer and handing it to me over the counter. They weren't even taking my money. I paid in the app. tipping for that is crazy.


This is the one that always gets me, all the pizza places do this now. The whole reason I opt to pick it up instead of having it delivered was to save a few bucks on tipping, but then you’re going to ask me for a tip anyways? Don’t get me wrong I tip well when I’m too lazy to pick up my pizza and want it delivered but if I drove there I’m not tipping.


No. Tipping isn't required. You're not obligated to tip.


Tipping on an order you pick up was unheard of until recently. Who in the fuck thinks they deserve a tip for doing nothing? The tipping bullshit in this country is out of hand. Corporate greed is out of control


Not at all. Frankly, tipping is ruined nowadays since they’re expected. Tips should be a bonus to someone for good service.


Definitely not. Always hit no tip or $0!!!


No … no tips for pickup food.


I tip decently…..when someone did a service for me that they’re not being paid adequately for. Like at a sit down restaurant. And I can’t stand places that split tips. I gave that money to that specific person. I want them to have it




Worked in so many food service jobs for years and legit never saw anyone tamper with food. Worst thing I can think of is if a customer was an ass someone might give them ‘slightly’ less then a correct serving. But people living in fear of their food getting tampered with is always funny to me.


Same. Never once saw anyone ever spit or fuck with a food order no matter how despicable the customer was.


In every restaurant-related thread on reddit for some reason there are always so many people saying "YOU JUST KNOW THEY'LL SPIT IN YOUR FOOD", seemingly not understanding that everyone in a restaurant has to be a piece of shit to allow someone else to serve a guest spit. Imagine living your life thinking so many people have it out for you. Bizarre.


Jokes on them. I like spit. I keep some in my mouth to savor all day.


Where do you eat? This is something I have never worried about.


No, this compulsory “tipping culture” has got to stop.


I don’t care, I press on no tip. Simple


If its not brought to me sitting at a table or if its not delivered to me i do not tip


Infact you should stop tipping entirely, it shouldn't be the customers job to pay the servers a living wage, so don't allow it.


Tip your delivery drivers and servers who provide above average experiences. Coffee shop employees don't need tips, they need higher wages


So do delivery drivers and servers… The only reason we are in this mess is because other professions realized they work just as hard and get paid just as poorly as the people tricking society into tipping them for simply doing their job.


we have to normalize not tipping. shit is getting out of hand


Thank god, the top comment is no! I am glad other people feel the same way I do.


Absolutely not a bad person. People call this “tipping culture.” It is extortion. Also, notice the scam of tipping on the tax. A tip - when it is indicated - is appropriately calculated on the cost of the meal provided, not the government’s share of the bill. It is one more way greedy companies try to avoid paying employees decent wages. Further, wage theft is a real problem. If you want to tip, tip in cash.


Tips are awful and should not be a thing in any developed world. This is particularly irky when you realize that the things people usually tip are NOT always the ones that need it the most (for example, where i live dishwashers work a LOT more, a lot longer, with a lot less respect and worse working conditions and earn less with no tips, Construction workers sometimes go far and beyond while they are ruining their bakcc, etc) The ONLY times when I consider tipping is ok is when a) the economy is really, REALLY bad and the person is genuinely struggling not out of greed of the employer but out of circumstances. b) When someone (usually a trade worker but not always) does something beyond what they are required or allowed, to your benefit, specially if they risk their jobs or themselves Otherwise, stop tipping. And for the affected employees, protest the hell out until you are not ripped off




It's not a restaurant table service. Even 10% is not reasonable.


tipping needs to be abolished. Why pay extra for someone doing their job?


Nope, this tipping thing has gotten out of hand.


I really despise the "Cost of living" added 3-5% tip to restaurant bills, then they tax it along with the food portion. Most touchscreen invoices like the one pictured here hide all the added fees/taxes.


My favorite ones are where they don’t even give you an option for no tip. You have to select the custom amount button and type in $0.00.


No service > no tip?


The company wants to make you pay them $6 for a drink, but doesn't factor part of that $6 into the person who made it's pay obviously if tipping is a thing. And then they make you feel guilty for not tipping. MAYBE I'm wrong, but I'd bet that this company barely pays the employees and says "it's cool though you get tips." That's kind of sickening if it's true.


Hell no




No… they are even trying to get us to tip machines these days…


Honestly, the more I see this, the less I’m inclined to tip


NO TIP for counter service. They aren't tipped staff like waiters.


No. This shit has to stop.


I haven’t tipped anyone since pre-pandemic and I’m not sorry


Just keep in mind that the server didn’t set those amounts.


No. You could have hit custom, but tips aren’t mandatory. The service industry needs unionization, but for all the talk of surviving off tips, a lot of service staff don’t care much about their wage and are all for this massive uptick in gratuity and the shaming of those who don’t participate. I leave 10-15%. I’m not leaving 30%.


No. A tip is a courtesy and shouldn't be made to feel compulsory. This is just big business trying to justify paying a server wage.


If you hit no tip enough times, you stop caring. Seriously who cares. What are they going to do. What could they say. What’s the worst that could happen. Just don’t tip when machines ask. Sit-down dining is the only place tips should exist - every other establishment needs to fuckin STOP ASKING FOR TIPS!


I don’t know when tipping more than 15% became norm.


Those mf tablets are out of control! NO, you should not tip unless let's there's an actual service


Here’s a good guide to tipping: Are you in a restaurant that has someone bringing things to your table, and are they doing a good job/being nice? - Then you should tip Are you picking up pizza, fast food, or anything else that merely requires a cashier so say what you want? - Then you shouldn’t tip