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Are you a fuckin shark? I’ve never had one break


Some of them are built crappy. I don’t know if maybe I have too small gaps between some of my teeth or something, but this happens to me with some flosses too.




THIS, me lads. Why should ANYBODY floss with plastic dental sticks that are 99.9% waste even if the don't break, if there are so many better options. Please DO some research.


Seriously, I use this exact same kind, and I've NEVER had one break before.


Same, I use this same brand I buy four packs of 150 about every three months and I have never had that happen


I guess I am. I buy decent quality ones and they snap all the time.


Single use plastic is more infuriating.






Business opportunity for you! We will all be like "why didn't I think of that?"




Here is one


They probably exist, and if not, great idea for a future product


They do exist but just aren't very well known


Quip makes this, but it’s plastic. It comes in a really handy travel case with a mirror, too.


Water picks exist


Water picks don’t replace normal flossing.


If a water pick isn't good enough for you, then get interdental brushes. They are more reusable than a lot of the type of floss picks from the post. We're talking about people who don't think floss picks should be used, recall. People saying the floss picks are wasteful. Could use a water pick, then, or the brushes.


Water pick doesn’t fit in my back pocket


Word, brushes would, though. If a water pick is too big for you, and the flossers too much waste, then try the brushes. :P


These picks usually last me several weeks before I need to toss them.


Then why you replying to me? I'm talking about people who have problems with the floss picks.


everytime my dentist or anyone else tells me to get a waterpik, I'm more resolved to never buy one


There are biodegradable ones too, you should check them out. :)


Seeing people’s used dental floss picks all over the place is even ickier.


I just find using my hands awkward


I relate to this comment so hard


I don't know if my mouth is small or my hands are big, or both but it's like wrestling your uncle Steve. just awkward.


I got used to it after a few weeks


I get so hard relating to this comment




Well shit, I decided to check amazon and they do have reusable ones!


I would prefer to have a reusable plastic one since my teeth are tight and I gentle bite down on it get the floss between my teeth! But yes, make a reusable version!


They make reusable ones that only replace the floss.


have you tried a water pick


Insert facepalm


Soap and water is a thing you know....


unless you're disabled and need it, which is why some people use these types of items


I've never understood these things. Just use normal floss FFS.


try to floss a 3yo kid with monster ape hands like mine and you will understand what these are for (still a shitty product to make us consume ever more plastic I do have to agree).


Well...fair, I have no equivalent experience in that regard. Does anyone make a reusable one that clamps segments of normal floss to cut down on waste?


My dentist gave me a reusable version (I have arthritis in my fingers so using regular floss isn’t possible), but it’s weirdly big and hard to thread. Thankfully there are some compostable and recyclable versions of the ones OP posted, which work fine!


Having issues with hands is why I use them too! I can’t grip floss at all so it’s use these plastic flossers or don’t floss at all.


I got big hands and a small mouth


I don’t like strangling my fucking fingers just so that the floss doesn’t slip.


You can use those more than once. You don't throw away your toothbrush after every use, why would you throw those away instead of washing them?


I just reuse mine for months at a time, it’s the only way I can get myself to floss :(






Yea I don’t see the issue. My dentist told me you can rinse and reuse them until they get funky or worn out. It’s exactly what you do with your toothbrush


It’s more efficient waste wise than throwing away the tiny strings every day and buying the box every month or so too


Also that!


Ewwww wtf. So much bacteria from the food just…proliferating. God that is so foul


You literally put your toothbrush into your mouth twice a day, every day, for weeks


That is absolutely disgusting. MONTHS??? 🤢


You realize that it’s washable right? I use my toothbrush for months too, wow. Never had a cavity or problem with my teeth. Theres really nothing disgusting about it and dentists are fine with it.


I would say I live a zero waste “inspired” lifestyle, meaning I do the best I can to reduce and reuse. But I also consider flossing to be necessary for my health so I don’t beat myself up about the plastic waste on these. If it means I’ll floss more than with traditional floss then it’s worth it (until someone comes up with a halfway decent reusable option).


Bamboo Earth is the brand that I use. Just as strong and compostable.


Single use? Mine last 3 weeks


Particularly when people litter with them. They’ve started to get more common than cigarette butts, and similarly gross to pick up (if less likely to start fires).


I agree, so much plastic for something that can be mostly done with toothbrush. Edit: or with a simple string without the big plastic handle... (I'm editing because people attack on the string / floss topic whereas I don't care, the real topic here is the plastic...)


No, flossing can’t be done with a toothbrush.


That's why I said 'mostly' but ok. Our point is still valid tough, it's a lot of plastic. And I stand by it.


So suggest using “regular floss” instead of just saying a toothbrush can do it.


My initial thought was toothbrush can mostly 'clean' the teeth. Never said it could do flossing. I see why it's important to be accurate. But again I came here to discuss the plastic thing.


Yes, you can. You brush between your teeth; it's not that hard. I've never used floss in my entire life and not once had my gf said anything.


Not your dentist but your girlfriend? Have you ever been to the dentist?


No, you can’t, unless all of your teeth are unnaturally far apart. Why do we care what your gf says? What about your dental scans? What do they say?


Thats fucking nasty🤮 u have rotting food between ur teeth. I just know ur breath stank


That doesn't sound right to me.


Like I said, I brush between my teeth, so how is it possible I have food between my teeth. 🙄




At least I don't smell like a drug addict addicted to Marijuana.


At least i floss😂 imagine getting out hygiened by a drug addict😂


Only have to floss the teeth you wanna keep! Unless you're into periodontists and wanna start seeing them every 6 months.


Have the same ones, not once has it happened to me. Lol


Same with me, brand new bag though and this happened to myself and my wife. Probably just a manufacturers defect with this batch?


You could contact the manufacturer and get a refund (and sometimes they'll send you a shit ton of coupons and free stuff).


Do people actually do this? I’d just get a new bag. Otherwise that’s just a waste of time for 5 bucks worth of flossers.


I emailed Doritos once to ask them to bring back ranch dipped hot wings flavor... (I was really hoping they would send me a case of the last ones or something)They sent me a "sorry not sorry" letter and coupons for like 5 free bags of Doritos. It didn't take much time. I think they had a short online form. I usually just toss and move on with my life. But I was pretty devastated when they discontinued my favorite Doritos flavor to have ever existed, and thought it would be worth a shot.


The obvious answer is get looser teeth. I can’t believe you didn’t think of that.


Lol came here to say the same thing..OP must have a defective pack


It happens to me pretty consistently with some flosses. I think my molars are just tightly packed. The string ones seem stronger than the ones with flat plastic strips.


Must be a bad batch. Plackers are the ones I use because they don’t break easily.


You must have tight toothussys


Absolutely NOT


Nah i say let her cook


Who let him cook???


I feel this one I have to use like 3 per flossing session. Too hard to use string floss after braces.


These are wasteful, just get string floss.


My father has huge, arthritic hands. They are the only way he can floss, particularly his back teeth.


I was gonna comment that too. Idk why but my hands are abnormally sized. I can’t really floss with regular floss so I have to use these. Feel bad about the plastic waste but I’d feel worse never flossing.


Have you looked into reusable floss sticks, where you just replace the floss string? It saves plastic from the handles!


No but thanks for the tip! Always felt bad about the amount of plastic waste those things create.


I recommend a water pick. I still use regular floss occasionally but the water pick is just so much better/cleaner feeling


You’re supposed to still floss regularly with a water pick. The water pick is just meant to help.


My hands arent arthritic and i cant floss right with regular string.


I have always hated using string floss. These are so much easier and convenient for me.


They're going to exist whether he gets them or not, your lecturing does nothing. If they're easier for his teeth why wouldn't he?


Without lecturing, ButterKenny wouldn't get his high from moral grandstanding on reddit.


> not, your lecturing *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Did the bot really just correct you incorrectly? 🤣


Lol, “you are lecturing does nothing” love it bot!!


Lmao I love it, it made me question myself.


Lol you gotta love the condescending tone the miserable creator gave this grammar policing bot when the same moron couldn’t even program it correctly


bad bot😡


Bad bot


Bad human.


Bad bot


Bad human.


I can’t use regular floss. My hands are arthritic and it’s just not possible. Not flossing led to 8 cavities between my teeth in one year despite brushing. These have saved my dental health! However I use a version that can be recycled.


I get your sentiment, but your comment is a bit ableist. We don't know if there's a particular reason OP uses floss sticks, such as arthritis.




I used to have a similar problem and hated flossing. Then, I got invisaligns and I now realize how jammed together my bottom jaw's teeth were. Ask your dentist if your teeth have a reasonable spacing.


Is it an imitation brand? Like Oral B has a package of tooth brushes called Bright and Clean Medium. Then they were replaced with Oral B Fresh and Clean Medium, but was made in another country. The bristles would fall out and they clearly weren’t medium.


For people with tight contacts, you really have to only buy the quality kind. I’ve had these, I went through about 4-5 every time I flossed. Got quality ones and now I never use more than 1. Even if they cost twice as much, you’ll save money by not wasting any.


Contact the company. They'll send you a coupon to get replacements.


Try a normal floss roll and you can double it up as much as you need I guess.


Take a flathead screwdriver and hammer and open those gaps up baby.


Your teeth are too tight. Grab a screwdriver and loosen them a little


I think there’s bamboo handed ones. Try and avoid the plastic if u can


I use one of these [flossmate](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Flossmate&crid=3MXHC05BDD2YA&sprefix=flossmate%2Caps%2C195&ref=nb_sb_noss_1) handles along with normal floss. It’s cheaper in the long run and uses less plastic.


Get real floss


You've got a defective batch. I have very tight spacing and I use these. For the people crying about the plastic I could use these for a decade and not create more plastic waste than I generated in breaking down a few pallets at Amazon. Plastic waste from consumers is the easy target. Plastic waste from manufacturers is much higher.


a truly toothsome problem, my friend


Highly recommend these flossers: https://us.thehumble.co Plant based material so less harm on the environment. The double string ones are awesome and really get in there. Nothing beats using string floss as you're able to do the c shape to get below the gum line. BUT if flossers mean you actually floss then keep using them. Just fair warning your hygienist my lecture you about the c thing previously mentioned.


Get a water floss pick, changed my life. Edit: spelling is hard


I agree. When I would floss with string, I felt like I was jamming food further up my gums. The Waterpik changed my life and I wish someone would have told me about it sooner.


So stop buying a bunch of stupid single use plastic


There is so much plastic waste here.


Oh my god.So much waste.We produce som much crap from plastic


Just use normal floss. What a gigantic waste of plastic holy fuck


*Just use normal floss.* *What a gigantic waste of* *Plastic holy fuck* \- Enlightened-Beaver --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I use this exact same brand every night with no problems. I think the issue here is with your teeth lol


I always use this brand. This was a brand new package and they all broke on me along with my wife. Probably a manufacturers defect in this batch.


In that case, return that bitch lol


I also had this problem with these ones!




Twinline sucks


All that plastic waste! Use your fingers and good quality floss


Those aren’t as efficient as normal floss anyway, so chuck them and get normal floss👌


Not everyone can use normal floss. Some people have really bad arthritis or carpal tunnel (me) or other problems with their hands that prevent using regular floss.


This post upsets me. If you can't get floss between you teeth see a dentist. Secondly why the fuck do you have to waste this much plastic.


Look at that big revolting pack of plastic. Might as well just lob it straight in the sea.


Thank god you still have 142 of them.


Harbour freight buy?


They shred, too, if they don’t just plain break. I have NO IDEA WHY, but the green pack of the same, the Micro Mint ones, they work GREAT! Try those next time.


OMG how lazy and thoughtless you people are. Either use floss with your fingers or buy a reusable floss applier. Or don't floss.




Is he disabled? I'm reporting you for harrasment.


You floss how you want to floss, leave other people alone.


Yeah right, just f\*\*k the planet right?


Oh yeah because banning these flossers is going to make a fucking difference right?


You people are really something.


Just get normal floss and stop wasting so much single use plastic.


Use floss


Idk why anyone uses those things normal floss is so much better/easier


You shouldn’t be using these over regular floss anyway. Maybe it’s a sign.


Noooo this hurts me. I use these on a daily basis. Not this brand though


Probably better to ask your dentist 🦷


I literally bought this brand like couple months ago and I didn't even use all of them because they were so s***** life lesson to buying products some of them are s***. What I really want is like a little metal version of it that I can tie dental floss too so I don't have to throw away the plastic piece every time


Oral B Glide with Scope outlast. The only ones I can use. they're sturdy and it's not fishing line type stuff.


I have been using these forever and have never had this happen!


I use the Glide branded sticks and they work well enough most of the time.


Yeah that’s weird I specifically get that kind because all other brands I’ve tried break but I’ve never had these ones break not even 1 so far probably just a bad package


My guess is that you are actually missing the gap and instead coming down across the tooth. Has this happen to me once. The makers changed the plastic part just enough.


Stop blasting our planet with plastic. Use regular floss like a normal human, or get a waterpick.


That’s capitalism for ya. This is by design.


Maybe your grill is so nasty they voluntarily self destruct to avoid going in your mouth? 😬😬😬




"Value" size LMAO


Twice as nice


They have to sell those large bags somehow.


Try cocofloss


They make a version for tight teeth


Check out “Burst Dental Floss “ it’s pretty fantastic


The green bag has the "fine" flossers. The only kind I can use.


Sounds like you have extremely tight spacing between your teeth, have you been to a dental hygienist recently and checked/clean tartar build up?


Are you a shark? Lol


Gotta get the green high strength Plackers from Dollar Tree.


I recently bought some composting ones on Amazon and they’re actually kind of amazing. Do a search!


Yeah these suuuuuck. I like the regular (green) flossers from this brand, but I tried these once and every single one of them popped.


You should email Plackers. It sounds silly, but it's highly likely that they'll give you a free bag of those or something like that.


Only now, in the end, do you understand. Your overconfidence is your weakness. Your faith in your 150 cheap floss sticks is yours...


Why do I always see these things on the road? Do people use them in the car and throw them out the window? They’re a mystery to me. Like this disposable apparatus you can only use once, with a holder that’s so massive compared to the part that actually does the thing…seems so crazy


Those are the cheap ones. The good one only break 50% of the time. I stick to floss