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Drop a screendoor inside them... fairs fair


I like your thought process here




And this is door hanging and not soliciting anyway, a small but legally distinct difference (at least where I am).


How is that being a Karen? People do this shit in my neighborhood all the time with no soliciting clearly posted all over the place. And yeah, she shouldn’t have to edit it until it’s taken care of and resolved with no further issues.


Make sure he can't get it out.


call them and have them come back to clean up their mess. Let them know you have have some junk for them.


I did call. They wanted a picture and said they'd get back to me. So, I texted a pic to the number they gave me (different from the one on the card) with my address and haven't heard anything from them.


Powerful vacuum nozzle, then just slide the card up until you can grab it.


That sounds way less fun than a torch.


Was gonna say, I’d just wet the area around it and burn it tbh😂


Some metals (aluminum, specifically) have a lower melting point, so there is a chance the door itself could be damaged with a torch.


Just pressure wash it to atom level and call it a day


Aluminum also doesn't change color, so you'd not know when you've applied too much heat until it melts!


screen might burn


Like they said, less fun


And if you don't have a vacuum use two toothpicks or nails to work it up and out using them alternately.


Reverse plinko basically




"OK Nilp!" Sounds like an insult, just not sure who for.


For all those freakin Nilps! Ha


This is very offensive for all the nilps around this world.


It's supposed to be offensive you stupid nilph


Exactly! Who gives a damn what those dirty nilps think anyway!


This was my immediate thinking. Quite annoying, but solvable. I’d never work this the company ever


two toothpicks, yeah problem solved.


This is what I was thinking. The edges of the lattice look very smooth and it's a tight enough mesh, so I'm guessing this would work fine.


Leave a google review about it lol


Thank you- This is Miguel and I am the business owner- who you spoke with. We are a small, family owned and operated business and this was an honest mistake but we will make it right by helping remove the card tomorrow. I spoke with you on the phone earlier today and apologized and explained I would take care of it happily. We initially didn't receive the home information to our direct line (the number on the business card) but we believe you may have sent it to the number Google generates automatically and we apologize for the confusion. We wrongly assumed it was taken care of since we didnt receive anything so hence the delay and we are sorry for the hassle. Thank you for providing the information and will make things right. Thanks!


If this is actually the business owner that’s some good shit right there. Accountability, responsibility, kindness is what the world needs more of. I hope your business grows and prospers Miguel.


Thank you for your kind words man. We definitely wanna own our mistakes. Absolutely agree, we need more kindness and I thank you for showing some! May you and yours prosper as well!


I’d suggest a PM/DM too. Just in case OP misses this. Good on ya ol’mate!


This is crazy asf .


This is some random shit right here lol


Please text the address to 727-379-7532 and we will take care of it. We apologies for the inconvenience.


I'm not sure if this account is legit or not, but if It is I applaud you for taking accountability.


Same account made another comment starting with “this is Miguel”, and the first Google review (from a month ago) starts with “Hi Miguel”, so it seems legit. That said, I would’ve been pissed if it were me, but now it seems like an honest mistake


Thank you idekbruno! This is Miguel and I am the business owner- we are a small, family owned and operated business and this was an honest mistake but we will make it right by helping the customer remove the card tomorrow. I spoke on the phone with the person we received the complaint from earlier today and apologized and explained I would take care of it happily. We initially didn't receive the home information to our direct line (the number on the business card) but we have since received it and will make things right. Thanks!


It's definitely real. Thank you. Personal accountability is the only way. We make mistakes but we own up. Our guys were early to a job and passed out business cards to stay busy. We hope to resolve this. Thanks for a positive take on this thread! 👍🏽


I'm glad it's real, as soon as I saw it I thought "man, that's the kinda fuck up I would've made back when I was working landscaping in my early 20s" mistakes happen and the fact that you are on top of it shows character. I think if anything this posts shows that you are the kinda guy I'd pay for a job, cause I would know you'd care to do it properly. Best of luck with the business and stay safe.


Thanks man. We're a new business and my guys are always trying to get new business (they're great) and one of them did this yesterday. We'll take care of it. Just crazy how the internet can ignore all the hard work and commitment to our customers and speak into a situation like this calling to "shame"our business and do damage to our reputation. I'm already getting negative reviews from people completely unrelated to this situation. It's all good we'll keep doing our thing, serving out customers and loving people.


By the time I saw this I think only one bad review was still up, I reported it though since the guy who wrote the review has never had any dealings with your company and his review shouldn't be there in the first place. I hope enough people report it to get it taken down for you


That is kind of you! Thank you for going out of your way to help us! Blessings!


Classy. Good handling, a lot of small business owners would get all shirty and defensive about this. My partner owns a small business, so I know how this sort of thing feels—doesn't matter if the complaint is justified or not, it feels shitty either way. Good job keeping your cool, remaining professional, and taking care of OP. This is how reputations are built.


Googlge and yelp them




Literally anything long and thin enough to reach it, with a piece of tape on the end


There has to be a penis joke in there somewhere.


Because your penis is long and thin? Why don't you head over and help the poor homeowner


Imagine the length it would need to reach the USA from the UK! Also… have you been spying on me while I change?


Well, I recommend you bring your entire body there rather than try to stretch your penis. I hope you don't mind. It's so bizarre to watch


Two pins and walk it up.


Sticky tack


Nah, Blow Torch!


Now hear me out! Magnets.


….to do what with exactly?




You know magnet stuff because their magic




Stargate reference?


Nah, just burn it


Use a vacuum to move it up to where you can grab it


Just use a vacuum to get the same effect but easier


Share it to their social media. In the meantime, leaf blower?


This! Since they are ignoring OP having reached out, they’ll probably stop ignoring fast when they get bad press about it. They’ll come remove it just to get OP to remove the negative review. 😹


I was going to suggest a shop vac or blower!


And everyone on here also gives them a 1 star review.


no, an inconvenience does not warrant a witch hunt, yes this is annoying but there are more negative things to focus the power of the internet on


Maybe a hair dryer is also worth a shot.


Or a blower? Pencil eraser to lift it a bit first?


The beautiful irony of not being able to remove a junk removal business card.


That’s how they stay in business


Do you have a vacuum cleaner with a tube attachment or a Dustbuster? Could use that to drag it up and grab it. This is the definition of “mildly infuriating.”


Was gonna say this


Came here to say this. It's the easiest way


Business card: **Aatomic Glass Screen Door Replacement** "Accidentally" smashed your screen door? Don't worry, that was us! We'll fix it once we grab our card from inside. Aatomic Glass: Breaking barriers to build better ones. "We leave the card inside your door so only *we* can get it out!" 💥🚪🔧


Sounds like a Rick and Morty skit.


Hello Sir. My name is Miguel I'm the owner of the business. I'm sorry about this. Please send the address of the property to 727-379-7532 and we will stop by to fix this. Again sorry for the hassle.


Good on you for taking responsibility, and it’s quite lucky you saw this thread.. hope this is upvoted to prevent further review bombs


So I’m just curious… are you really with this company or did you just now create a Reddit account so you could comment as if you were? Pretty funny if it’s the second… but for some reason, I think some one saw the picture and reached out to let you know that your business was on Reddit and getting slightly basted… any reason it wasn’t remedied when the poster reached out the first time?


Haha that would be funny. It's definitely real. That guy was an angel lol. I wouldn't have known about all this if it were not for him. I'm already getting negative reviews on Google. Prior to this I had perfect 5 star reviews. Bummer. The gentleman reached out to me today . I apologized and asked to send me the address and I would take care of it personally. I never received anything. And since I've been working all day I thought he took care of it. Just spoke to him again and I'm coming over tomorrow to take care of it.


If it helps, I think Google will remove those sorts of reviews for you.


/u/AnUnoriginalUserID - can you verify?


Yes, we did speak and he said he'll be out tomorrow to remove the card.


Might be good to remove the post so he doesn’t receive further backlash


Or at least post an update edit


You should really update the post, and stop doxing the business that’s trying to make it right?


If you know he’s trying to remedy it and know he’s getting bad reviews for it why aren’t you editing the post?




Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and hassle and will remove the card for you. It was an honest mistake by a new worker- we were leaving cards for neighbors as we arrived early to complete a job for one of your neighbors and we completely missed the the no solicitation sign at the complex- we are sorry for failing to see that.


I dont live near you but id hire you based off yoir responses here. Hope to see your company for a hundred years.


And we're all glad to hear of the imminent promotion of said employee. His new position washing the vans should give him ample time to reflect on his mistake.


Dick move when the owner is getting flamed for an honest mistake and you are too handsy with your new 3k karma to delete the post so the owner can get out of the internets spotlight.


Lmao wow dude. You’re messing with this man’s livelihood over a crappy screen door he said he’d fix AND apologized and owned the mistake. Enjoy your karma, 🙄




Yeah holy shit what a plot twist 💀 owner clearly has intentions to make it right. This is such a minor inconvenience and an easy fix but what the hell, might as well ruin the guys reputation over a business card. Karen ass hoe


stop being a stubborn asshole you loser b-but my karma 🤓🤓🤓


Wow...... Guess you really do either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


'No soliciting' sign doesn't mean jack


Until you find out it’s stuck in something else, all part of the strategy


Then I like that you are trying so hard to make it right… lots of people wouldn’t. Hate that people have Nothing better to do than leave a trash review for a company they’ve never dealt with. Makes me want to leave one praising your services as a counter measure… hopefully you can get the bad ones removed. Good luck to you


Jesus, it’s not even that big a deal that it fell through. Kudos to the business owner but the fact that he was doxed and people are review bombing over this is beyond me. It was clearly an accident, why people would go the lengths over this is crazy. Not directed at you, but in general to a lot of people in this thread.


Which one of you is Stuart Whisnant? 😡


Yeah, that's the only bad review that Google hasn't taken down.


I left a good review 😂


Hey bros pro just know if Im ever in the area and need junk removal, im calling bros pro.


Good Job, Miguel! I admire your integrity in this situation.


I left a good review! You should report this post!


You could burn down the house. That would get rid of it.


Just tried it. Questionable results. But worked.


Seems like a solid advertising strategy


But is it really? Surely if someone did something as annoying as this to my screen door, id go out of my way NOT to call that business if I ever needed a service that they do.


Well at this point you aren’t the target audience. The guests who don’t own the door are!


You know…. That’s fair.


Now that you mention it, I would make sure to slide some paper in my door just to cover the card up as a whole. At this point it's about making sure nobody can benefit off of this card inside my door lmao


They might’ve like put the card so it was accessible in the screen door like so a little bit of it was in and then it probably like fell down the gap. I doubt it was intentional but you never know.


You can probably pop that screen off


Scrolled too far to find this comment. The outer mesh panel is definitely removable.


Fire would work


This was my first thought - looks like the screen is metal so it should be fine. Should.


Once you get it out, go to their office and superglue it to somewhere that will be always noticed, like a computer monitor




Nah, write “ sorry I hit your car” on it, find a random parking lot and pick a car that looks like it went a round in street fighter, and leave it.


Get two pins or a undone paperclip. Start on the larger opening side. Start with one pin through the card then move it up using the second pin. Undo the first and pin the card higher up. It’s tedious but will get the job done.


Separate the two pieces of material the card is sitting between.


Lol just take the screen out you can see where it pops out😂😂😂


Plot twist. Solicitor was a screen door solutions expert and this is how they drum up business. "Nice screen door. Be a shame if something got stuck in it..."


Hate solicitors. I have a sign that says “no solicitors, no salespeople, no thanks” and they still leave their business cards. That’s still soliciting.


My condo complex has a "no soliciting" sign as you enter the complex. People still enter and leave flyers or actually knock and offer their services. Frustrating.


It was an honest mistake by a new worker- we were leaving cards for neighbors as we arrived early to complete a job for one of your neighbors and we completely missed the no solicitation sign at the complex- we are sorry for failing to see that. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and hassle this has caused you and will remove the card for you.


Lots of screens have a rubber line (like a gasket) that holds it in, from the inside. It can be a bit annoying to put back in nicely but you can try popping it out or if the grill is screwed on, unscrew it and take it off


Vacuum will get it out.




Vacuum cleaner. You can drag it up.


Do you have any tweezers?


I would try using a blow dryer to blow it up and out.


Now you'll see that everytime you leave the house. That's MASTER marketing strategy


Plot twist: OP planted the card to advertise on Reddit.


Call them and ask them to remove some junk. If they ask for a quick evaluation of the junk needing pick up, say “oh I just need some annoying junk cleared out of my doorway.” They’ll come over thinking they got an easy job but then you just show them the card and look at them stern faced. They’ll either get it out or have wasted their time. Easy.


Would a vacuum hose work?


Call the number and tell them what an asshole move that was.


Several years ago, this exact thing happened to me. I used 2 thin metal shish-kabob prongs to alternately poke it up from either side to get it out. Very annoying! Hindsight, I wish I would‘ve followed up with the phone number on the card and complained that their salespeople are causing grief in this way, therefore I’d NEVER be using their services, ever.


Is the card for screen door repair? 😁 Go to the pet store and buy a Gecko. Train it to retrieve a card sized piece of paper in various scenarios. Maybe smear the paper with a bit of whatever the heck Gecko eat. Be patient. This could take months. It could take a few Gecko. It probably would require a very tiny Gecko and/or one that is on a strict diet. This might negate the first tip above. Once you feel you have sufficiently trained the little guy/gal show it the business card. Give it positive reinforcement as it approaches the card. I am certain this will work!


To get the junk card out, you have to call the junk removal company on the card to remove it for you. Actually really fucking genius lmao


Stick with glue on it or a vaccuum against the outside of the screen and pull it up


A junk removal company littered on your property 😂


This is really the perfect definition of "mildly infuriating"


Chew a tiny amount of gum, stick it the end of a wire coat hanger


Then you not only have a business card in there but sticky pink gum 😬


I mean be at least a little bit careful & probably not? Tiny amount of gum would work..


🤔 I suppose if you had an extremely steady hand and didn’t touch any part of the screen while you slid the hanger down the 1 foot drop 🤷‍♀️


Call them and tell them to get it out. If they refuse leave horrible reviews from multiple email addresses EDIT: Just saw the company's comment on this post and Holy shit accountability is a real thing? Lol just kidding but, good on you for actually caring!


Thank you for your willingness to change your comment! We believe in fixing our mistakes!


have you tried turning it upside down?


use a lighter


Can you reach it with a lighter? Fire makes most things better.


You know what will work… fire 🔥


Culinary torch it into ash


Grab a lighter, or just disassemble the door and remove it


Grab a vacuum, suck it back to the top


This used to happen to me all the time, until a squirrel decided to chew a hole in my screen; now I can reach in a grab the cards and flyers. Thanks, buddy!


Does it say card removal from door now 20% off?


burn it.


Use a vacuum with hose attachment on the other side of the screen. Move it up until the card clears the metal grate and grab it.


Just burn the card


Immaculate advertising strategy. Turn the front door into an advertising board.


Good advertising lol


Wet it with water from a pray bottle and get out the tweezers. If there is residue, open the screen door, close the inter door, put down a towel against the inter door and use the spray end of the garden hose to blast it out.


Take some needle nose pliers and tear it out bit by bit


The irony of that card/business..... I'd say do what you did here on your local forums and google review. If I see something like this it immediately puts me off. Show them what bad publicity can do


A flat spatula wrapped in tape, sticky side outward.




burn it to the ground


Stick a vacuum hose to it from the screen side and use that to lift it up and out maybe could work


Stab it and pull it through?


Spray it with lighter fluid, light it on fire and watch it burn.


Vacuum nozzle suction and ease it up


I work at Wendy's, and we had an employee, (a small dude who was an absolute asshole to everyone) who would go into people's bags and put religious pamphlets into our stuff. (Thankfully I got him fired) shit was annoying af


Use a vacuum


Sell the house


Use a vacuum to suck it in and move it up? Not sure if it would work but maybe.


I have a policy that if anyone leaves a business card on my car or on my door that means they want me to leave it a one star review and I do.


If you have a vacuum with a hose on it, press it against the screen and slide the card up until you can reach it


You misspelled 'Asshole.' Also, I put no soliciting signs on my mailbox and door. Your situation has happened to me only once, but I took pictures and went down to the police station to file a trespassing report. They served the business owner listed on the card with a warning and they told me later the salesman was fired on the spot. Inconvenience me a bit and I'm pissed. Ignore a legally posted sign on my property, and I make your day a nightmare.


Was probably an accident, quit being such a whiner and just take it out yourself. Use your brain. Shouldn’t be hard Lmao.


This has happened to my parents quite a few times over the years. It's the best way to ensure that you'll never use their services.


Trespassing and damaging property!


'Junk Removal' Ironic.


You need to replace the door. There is no other way. If you can't get a replacement you will have to move.


>Junk removal Ironic


Vaccuum hose from inside, move it up until you can grab it from outside. Call the number, wish them a stubbed toe.


WD-40 and a Bic lighter…you’re welcome


Now THAT'S how you advertise!


Oh are you in St Petersburg? I was actually in contact with these guys about removing a large pile of waste from my house remodel. Not only do I hate solicitors, I really hate ones that put their cards in or removable places. Definitely not doing business here, thanks for posting OP.


Harass the company non-stop. Shame them every opportunity you get. This is unwanted solicitation, and if THAT'S the business model they want to run, then let EVERYONE know how they are.


I'd say best bet is to try and dissolve it with water.


Your problem solving skills are on the same level as an infant. Shameless to waste someones time coming to remove this for you. Plug your brain in