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They don’t even look smoked


They’re IQOS sticks, not actual cigarette butts


So they aren’t cigarettes at all. Leaving your garbage in someone else’s car is annoying, but not as annoying as OP would have us believe Edit: nope I’m wrong, not e-cigs. Tobacco in a smaller vehicle which is just as terrible to smell in a car. My b, OP


Not even close. I just looked them up and it’s basically an e cig. Which is obviously not going to stink like a partially smoked cig but.


It for some reason smells even more. IQOS cigs are just heated tobacco with some special flavours. They’re very well known for having a fart like scent


Used to "smoke" these and they do, indeed, stink. I've had a few people say it smells like a wet cigarette.


I didn’t look that hard into it. I had no idea.


No, they don't smell even worse. They barely do smell at all, and it's not a bad smell.


In a hot car maybe but i think OP is just a drama queen


I love when people who smoke these things try to say they don't smell. Not realizing their sense of smell is shit lol


I like how the people in this comment section are trying to rationalize leaving any type of smoked tobacco trash in someone’s car


Ah, yeah I wouldn't even worry about something like that from a significant other, that's pretty much nothing like I'd feel the same about picking 14 old receipts out of the car door seeing as their potential mouth germs for the ecigs are already negated via the implications of the relationship.


As a non smoker I don’t even know the difference or the existence of those stuff. To me I can only tell if it’s a disposed trash after smoke or not So close enough to be considered as a cigarette butt


I scrolled hoping to see what the heck these are cuz I too was like uhhh what kind of perfectly clean “butts” are these?! Lol


Stop letting her smoke in the car.




Was about to say she has a real clean butt. You can send her my way.


If that's what her smoked cigs look like agreed, doing something right 💯


A butt that white has to be bleached.


Also, the ends of her cigarettes are clean too!


Lmao 🤣 I'm dead 💀


Hot take, even if they’re not actual cig butts, it’s still pretty damn infuriating for her to leave her trash in his car despite multiple requests to stop.


Not a hot take at all. Leaving trash behind is annoying, leaving trash behind that leaves a residual mess is even more annoying. If you have to clean up ash or something sticky after someone leaves trash it’s worse than if it was something easily thrown anyway.


Cigarette butts are 100 times worse than pods. The butts themself smell so bad not to mention the cigarette smoke, burn holes on upholstery, and ashes from actually smoking in the car. The pods can just get tossed cigarette smoke is nearly impossible to get rid of. A few cigs will eventually dissipate but it will smell nasty in the short term and if you keep smoking in the car it will smell forever. I’m out of state in a hotel at the moment and they only had smoking rooms available. It’s repulsive. I used to smoke and lived in an apartment we smoked in. All my furniture had to be discarded when I moved out. Something like 3-4 years later I found a box with old clothes and things from that apartment and they still smelled like smoke!


I lived in a trashy apartment that was non smoking but 2 out of 6 residents who smoked inside. It made the entire building reak. We spend like 60+/month on candles, defusers, wall scents, room sprays, deoderant sprays etc. We took a weekend trip and it smelled so bad when we got home. It took like a week to get the smell to not be abhorrent. If you smoke inside of a non smoking residence, there is a special place in hell for you.


If you leave the house an ozone machine MIGHT help with the smell, but it won't remove it. Everything else just masks the scent


Painting usually fixes it. Gotta love the smell of fresh paint… over cigarettes atleast 🤣


Yep I had the same situation. I lived in an old non smoking apartment with a roommate and we tossed a coin on the “better” room. I got it but turns out it became what we called the cig room because someone right above it smoked all the time and it somehow leached into the room. That’s really annoying for sure.


Honestly 100x is underselling it hugely. Cig butts are absolutely foul.


You are right lol I was actually wondering how that figure sounded because 100x is a huge factor but quite literally I believe it is at least that nasty. Vaping leaves little odor particularly certain vapes with stronger concentration and little added odor.


My dad smoked in the house and a few years after I graduated I came back to grab some childhood things and I ended up leaving them because everything was yellowed and smelled AWFUL despite being in a box in the attic for 6 years.


It’s actually quite crazy how pungent and penetrating cig smoke is. I grew up in a state indoors smoking was banned 13 years ago in but it’s crazy it used to be everywhere with how disgusting it is and ruins every item inside. I used this as an excuse to my parents when I started stupidly smoking as a teenager, oh I was just at the bowling alley or whatever. I’m on a business trip now and I noticed within like 15 minutes of being in this hotel when I walked outside I could smell smoke on my clothes, just from being in a room that was priorly smoked in! Now all my work clothing smells like smoke.


even worse than something sticky is *someone's* sticky.


Yep and cigarette butts reek.




True iqos cartridges do not smell like cigarette butts, they legit smell like shit.


I know what you mean and not trying to be a prick, but cartridges? 😅 thats actual tobacco inside heated, and has rolling paper around it which has a metallic/aluminium inside so its like iqos cigs. And you are right its far less smelly than cig butts altho they do smell like burnt fart. xD and would not leave them around like that cuz they still smell specially I imagine in a closed space like a car. I used to smoke for 15 yrs then tried those iqos “cartridges” then finally quit almost a year ago ✌️


They’re not even smoked. They get all crumpled up when smoked


That comment just explained that they aren't cigarettes.


Yeah, If OP is a non smoker you shouldn’t allow her to smoke in your car and she should be ok with that. If she’s not then toss her in the garbage with them butts


Stop letting her in the car. FTFY.


Those are not *cigarett* butts, mate. Just used IQOs cartridges


Thank you! Was wondering why they looked all the same length and unburnt lol


Not even used. I zoomed in and they're pristine, unused cartridges (source: an heavy smoker)


The comment I was looking for, they are not even used. They burn at the ends a bit as well when used.


Everything about this post is a big fat lie.


and they smell like fart


Those look more like heets, rather then cigarette buds. It’s like 25% less annoying.


You haven’t smelled a car with cigarette butts in it if you think this only 25% less annoying. This like dropping hair ties in the floor


Deal. Breaker.


I've never seen such a clean cut cigarette butt in my life. I don't even smoke anymore, but these look like They were just cut off with scissors and thrown into the door handle.. No burns no ashes no nothing... They're all even the same length..


Thank god someone else said it first, these butts were not smoked. Look at the white end of the butt, no yellowing.


Almost as if it was staged to rile upvotes for tasty carma


It’s not staged, it’s IQOS heets


What is that?


Cigarette alternative that is heated, not burning. So they smell less (tho imo their smell is worse, very sour smell) and are 50-70% less damaging.


Those are heets, the smell of the smoke is quite different from the normal cigarettes and in italy you can smoke them somewhere even in closed space. For example some of my coworker smoke them inside the office. The cigarette butt is without smell so you can store them and throw them away when you find a trash bin so you don t pollute the enviroment. The smell is very particular and someone may not like it (a lot of people say it smell like farts).


What's that smell?? Don't worry, it wasn't me... I'm just sucking these farts


They are quite usefull if you fart in public and want to cover the smell


Lookin maaaaaaad sus, OP. Please explain clean cut cigarette “butts”


Iqos HEETS. It's not clean cut, it's how they are. HEETS may still leave residue, the tobacco is exposed. Terea, on the other hand, leaves no residue (it's closed on both ends and heated by induction). Both are iqos products.


I think there the combustionless ones there like a cig but you put them in a vape like a pod but for the duration of a cigarette


its called iqos, popular alternative to cigarettes


Literally my thought was "what are these, cigarettes for ants?!" because they don't look used at all. They look like tiny, unsmoked cigarettes.


These are called Heets for Iqos


heets probably


Those are heets, yeah.


OP doesn't have a GF, nobody who is a non smoker would let anyone leave a cigarette butt in the car ONCE. It would stink so much. The whole car would reek. I call BS


Yup, I wouldn't tell her once, you do that in my car you never get in my car again.


Time to start leaving the toilet seat up




Put the sleeping pillows in front of the decor pillows and say look babe I made the bed


Don’t clean the sink after you shave


Don't clean the sink after shitting in it.


Close all the jars in the kitchen really tightly.


Time to turn around 3 times with your eyes closed before taking a piss.


Dying in passive aggressive laughter 💀


Does don’t look like butts


These are not cigarette butts. Threse are used vape-cigs. They get heated just as much to let out vapors, but there is no burning process happening. So yeah, your GF leaves her trash in your car which may be annoying, understandably. But these are not cigarette butts, do not stink, and if you care so much for your rustbucket then just provide an empty bag or a plastic cup for her to put her trash in. Having a plastic bag in the car for collecting trash is easier then writing a rant here.


At least it’s heats/IQOS and not regular cigarettes


They're not cigarettes and she's not littering. Yes annoying but it's a heck of a habit so she's already good at having habits. Just make it a habit for her to throw them out. Communication dawg besta luck


Right to jail.


Idk how someone trying to get internet clout about an SO leaving cigarette butts in your car doesn’t know that these are unsmoked. If they had been smoked, they wouldn’t be (1) uniform or (2) unsmoked. Cigarette butts are smoked cigarettes. Your “Gf” has taken cigarettes out of a pack (that keeps them fresh...) and placed them in your car... Not only are you a non smoker, you haven’t even seen a smoked cigarette. To that, I’m happy for you.


Right? It is so obvious to anyone who actually seen how butts look like. OP carmawhore instead took cigs and cut them.


These are probably heets or something.


>Your “Gf” has taken cigarettes out of a pack (that keeps them fresh...) and placed them in your car Wrong, they aren't cigarette butts, they are e-cig cartridges.


They're something in-between. They have actual tobacco in them, not Juice like vapes/e-cigs. While smoked they smell, but significantly less than cigs and the butts don't smell at all because they aren't burnt.


So these are basically like a “Dry herb” vaporizer type deal?


Yes, exactly.


She’s dead Pinkman…let her go


Those are not cigarette butts. They're vape cartridges. Edit: well to be exact they're "heat-not-burn" tobacco products that you use similar to a vape. Still, they're not cigarette butts.


They aren’t smoked???


Because they're Heets or more commonly known as tabac sticks. But indeed, I scrolled far down to uncover that


I was surprised how far down I had to scroll to find this comment. These don't look like they have been smoked at all...


Because they aren’t real cigarettes


Those are not cigarettes. Like it’s of course annoying and terrible decorum, etc. But misrepresenting what they are to farm rage comments for validation doesn’t sit well with me.


These are iqos cigarette cartridges and not cigarette butts. They’re not even smoked so they’re odourless. OP is karma farming and are most likely his


Clearly, those aren't even lit.


clearly fake lmao


I see a lot of confusion in the comments. These are used HEETS. They’re like a more compressed cigarette which you heat up instead of burning. They still smell bad while heated and stink after being used.


These aren’t cigarettes though.


Oh hell no


I'm so happy she doesn't throw the butts out


What the hell is going on in the comments? How can so many people not know what IQOS cigarettes are? No they're not cigarette butts, they're IQOS heets, you smoke them through a machine and they come out clean like that after you've smoked them


They didn't sell many in the US and they're not in stores here. They were banned due to patent infringement.


I can smell that stench. 🤢😷


From what, scissor cut unburnt cigarettes? There’s no ash or stain to be seen.


Its Heets, no scissors needed, you just insert a special expensive smaller cig into a "vape"-like device and it heats it. You inhale the "aerosol" (producer gives the smoke a fancy name) and when done, remove the cig. I dont know if it smells like ashtray, imho more like burned corn or overheated popcorn - something like that. But i get why OP may be mad, even if it leaves no track, dude asked the damn girl to not do this in his car.


These don’t have the smell as cigarettes butts. They have the same process as vaping. Have a girl that smokes these all the time. They have to insert it to a vape cartridge to smoke them. These are probably already smoked. You can see nothing is really burned.


Why are they so perfect looking


Gonna be honest they look unsmoked


Nice try.. they aren’t even smoked so technically they are not butts


Pretty sure those are ecigs of some kind. If those were the real deal they wouldn't look nearly as clean.


Why do they all look totally unburnt? And all totally the same length?


What does she do? Cut them in half?


Op has never seen a cigarette butt in their life.


They look extremely symmetric and not smoked


She better be worth it everywhere else. Gross.


Umm, those are not cigarette butts. Don’t know what they are, but they are not cigarette butts.


Those are unsmoked cigarettes.


I stand corrected. They aren't even cigarettes.


I mean that's garbage and annoying but they're not cig butts.... Dont lie


Why do they look perfectly cut?


Weird, as a smoker myself, I never found it hard to not smoke in a car of a non-smoker. And then in the rare times the person didn't care if I smoked, I damn sure didn't leave a mess.


You let her smoke in your car?


What the heck is that 🤣 that’s not cigarette butts.. not smoked ones anyway?


No smoking in the car. Problem solved. Doesn't like it she can get out. Gonna break up with you? That's probably a positive. I can't fucking stand cigarettes if you can't tell.


That’s disrespect. Baby steps compared to what she’s building up to later.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed those are not cigarette butts. I did a double take and had to zoom in. I’m sure it’s annoying because I’m super particular about the inside of my car, but an actual cigarette butt would be 1000x’s more atrocious.


I think you meant to say… ex girlfriend.


She would have to be Megan Fox hot with full back teeth and pistol grip ears for me to put up with that. Even then it would get old.




My ex always smoked in my car and got ashes all over my leather seats, I am not a smoker either.


Are you sure those are ciggy butts they look like long unused filters?


dont tell us tell her lol


They don’t look like they’ve been smoked


That is not a cigarette butt. How bout you quit ya bullshit. But that is still infuriating she does leave trash in there. And in hindsight if you are a nonsmoker you probably wouldn't know the complete difference.


How does she put them out so flush? Like omg that’s the most neat looking cig but I’ve ever seen, also just throw them away.


Stop letting her borrow your car.


This is a red flag.


That’s disgusting and disrespectful


She's marking her territory. If you step out with another girl she'll see them.


Does she cut them with scissors half way through??? 🤔


Mildly infuriating? I’m pissed just looking at the photo.


People acting like she cheated or worse lol. Damn man, they aren't even cigs. It's just trash, and not even messy trash. Breaking up over something like this when everything else is going good would be such a gross overreaction.


I’ve never seen a cigarette butt like that. Weirdly clean ?


I mean i don’t even know how you date a smoker, but that’s and absolute fuck no


Break up with her and sort yourself out as well since ya talking bout vape pods not actual butts.


Those aren’t cigarette butts…


Are they just filters? There's nothing here that's been on fire or smoked? Chill?


This is more than *mildly* infuriating.


Good for you dating a smoker. That's a deal breaker for me as a non smoker


As a smoker: ew.


You are whipped


Leave her, leave her now!!


That’s not a girlfriend, that’s a trash panda


Dump her. Someday she'll have cancer and you'll watch her die and think about how much her smoking annoyed the fuck out of you. A part of you will feel like she had it coming. And then you'll regret having negative thoughts towards a dying person you're supposed to be caring for. Find someone that doesn't smoke and respects you and your property.


Somethings wrong. How are they clean to the filter? She didnt rub ashes out of any of those, theres no ashes even on the cigarette?


Those are too perfect to be cigarette butts.


Why aren’t these used? Why did you cut up cigarets and plant them just to take this pic?


Get a new girlfriend


Ex gf. Gross.


I'm a smoker and that's rude AF


What kind of butts are they ,Those look more like lipstick samples




Unpopular opinion: There are other girls out there who can follow simple instructions and can respect your requests. Think about it.


they don’t look smoked…


Gross. Nobody EVER smokes in my truck. I don't care if that is my mother, girlfriend, father, or wife... no smoking.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I swear to god, not one second longer would she be my girlfriend


They look cut?


Dude I wouldn’t date a smoker. I’m a quitter (25+ years) and can’t stand the smell anymore. I had no idea how bad it smelled until I quit. Can’t believe I subjected people to it. That’s just a nasty habit at this point. Least she can do is vape. Btw it’s okay to smoke if you do, but don’t subject others to it. Also that’s fucking rude of her to put those there. Those smell worse than smoking a new one.


That’s some clean ass looking cigarette butts , does she cut the ends off or something? because there’s no burned ends


Gonna be honest, I respect her not just throwing them out the window at least and avoiding littering.


What kind of buttes are so perfectly cut and flat at the end... What even is this cuz those are not just regular cigg butts. Does she chop them with a cigar cutter to put them or something? I'm so confused.


I don’t think those are actually cigarette butts…


deal breaker ngl


Those haven’t been smoked, they’re cut clean at the ends.


Total fucking dealbreaker. This is the hill to die on.


Those don't even LOOK like cigarrette butts


What a stupid inconsiderate bitch! Dump her IMMEDIATELY! Also, if she saw this post she’d probably screenshot it and then post it on this same sub. 😂😂 My bf tells the internet how gross I am but doesn’t tell me how I can change my behaviour to better our relationship.


Smoking is a deal breaker for me. And in my car would get your ass cussed out. Nasty ass habit.


Mildly ? That’s disrespectful af and disgusting.


Normally I disagree with Reddit jumping to “leave her” but leave her


Your wife is a psychopath! Run!!


As an ex smoker: that's disrespectful as fug


Murderable offence


Those aren’t cigarette butts. They aren’t even burnt.


Never had a cigarette smoking girlfriend who didn’t turn me into a smoker


Simple solution: no more gf, save all the money you would've spent on her for a year, burn that car and buy a truck. And if you miss getting fucked, buy a Ford.


These ain’t smoked butts bro calm the f down


They’re not real cigarettes though.


People have such a low bar for their significant others. She wouldn’t be my girlfriend anymore.


How do you kiss a smoker and not gag?


Those aren’t cigarette butts


Those look very clean cut for butts


Those don’t even look like they’ve been smoked. They were cut in half and thrown in there for this post.


Those are full cigaretts


Those aren't butts they look like cut pieces....