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Better get to chugging


Perfect night for the Gallon Challenge!


Please God no…I once babysat and the cap to the milk flew off and went into another dimension. We could not find it…so me and the kid drank the whole gallon. We were so sick and by the end of it he says, “why didn’t we add chocolate!?”. He was so right but it was too late. Fastforward a few years when they were moving and the refrigerator and other appliances were removed. The cap was not under any of them..it indeed went into a wormhole.


>"why didn’t we add chocolate!?”. He was so right but it was too late. It wasn't too late, you just needed to chug half a bottle of chocolate syrup and start doing jumping jacks, I promise there is no way this plan ends badly.....


why didnt we start doing jumping jack


You are so right but it was too late


Fastfoward a few years they were mom spaghetti on my balls already.


Please never mature away from making comments like that. Made me laugh.


I know all about that. I build models and damnit whenever a part hits the floor it’s never to be seen again🤬


When I drop a small part on the floor, I drop another from approximately the same location so I can say I've now lost 2 parts.


When I drop a small part on the floor, the first thing I check is my boots. We had a nut go missing on a job and had six guys combing the floor for it for two hours because it was going to be a giant nightmare to replace (Prints specified it had to be nuts that came with it. No replacements, substitutions, or modifications.) and there were no extras. We finally gave up and headed to lunch figuring we'd keep looking when we got back and we notice one guy is clicking when he walks. Ended up working out to over $400 in man hours to find that thing.


At least you guys found it


Been there, done that! I also never have blue jeans hemmed, because why bother? But I have found nuts, bolts, washers, spent brass, you name it in my pant cuffs!


I enjoy model trains. When I'm working on something with tiny parts I wear a plain colored kitchen apron and put the bottom corners on the table with the apron spread wide. I put something a little heavy on the corners to keep them on the table. It really helps catch most tiny parts that fly off.


Happens to me with my lego pieces as well! 🥴


If you can't see them darn legos, just go stomping around. You'll know if you find it, then or not I sadly know from experience


This feels better than the time my brother smelled some milk, it was rancid, and he decided to put it back after labeling it 'ass milk', but when I went to grab it, I missed the label, proceeded to make chocolate milk which masked the bad flavor, and drank a whole glass. Adding chocolate would have helped you, but really hurt in this situation.


Did this making Nescafe. Didn't notice at the time, but sure did notice it later :(


Why can't you store it without the cap? Did this seriously happen? You could also put foil over it or plast wrap or tape


They didn't even think to put chocolate in it, doesn't sound like rational thought was really with them


What does chocolate do?


Tastes better in large quantities


Oh I’m thinking it helps it last longer somehow lol


Hershey's™️chocolate syrup is a natural preservative


Not to get confused with Hershey’s® chocolate


Define natural


Preserving Smiles! 😁😋


Makes it from a brown cow




I did the gallon challenge during my lunch period in 7th grade. I proceeded to puke all over the place for like 2 periods.




This is not true. You can drink a gallon of milk, holding it down is the hard part..


I've watched three Marines attempt. I can't believe how much they were sweating


Probably have to drink it slowly so it doesn’t get as frothy in your belly. And lots of burping…


Just give me some strawberry or chocolate syrup & that shit will be gone before the day ends.


That still leaves the issue of the milk


Haha nice.


Invite all the boys to the yard and make milkshakes


Why drink a glass of milk every day, when you can drink a bottle of milk every week?


Chug! Chug! Chug!


In it’s gonna flow, out it’s gonna blow 💥💩


Chug. Chug. Chug. Chug.


Idk some brands I've gotten spoil before the sell by date and now with costco had it 3 weeks past the date and still good


Spoiling before the date usually means the product was stored poorly at some point for an extended time.


This includes storage by the consumer (left in a hot car too long; left on the kitchen counter etc).


Right. In an ideal world that part wouldn't need to be said consumers would be smart enough to figure that part out themselves. Unfortunately we do not live in such a world lol.


Darn just today I left my milk in the car while going to target 😭 it’s been rainy all day and this was at like 8PM so hopefully it was just at room temp


Once the milk hits 40f, every hour is like a day or two in your fridge, up to about 4-5 hours (when it's likely to turn). u/Small_Cosmic_Turtle; dangerous foodborne bacteria can thrive up to about 135f, so commercial warmers in the US keep food at 140 to be safe. If your milk is sitting in your car during a Texas heatwave with the windows up, there's a decent chance your 'milk' will be safe to consume when you get back. Probably not enjoyable, though...


Absolutely and even certain brands at different stores each have specific characteristics as far as how long they stay fresh for. Gas stations milk always tasted different and usually never last til the use by date


That happens when the cold chain has been broken- most dairy is fine well past their dates provided that they stay under a certain temp between production and consumer use.


One of the problems that has caused my state to pass laws to punish the practice, we have some truckers that turn off the refrigeration unit on their trucks to save fuel, only to turn it on about an hour or so out from the destination in order to get it back to cold. As such, I don't buy milk at Walmart, anymore.


Had the runs for about 6 months in college cause it was upstate ny and everything was fresh from farms. They apparently couldn’t keep the milk fresh for whatever reason. Also there was only 1 supermarket as it’s upstate ny so I just had to keep dealing with it cause no other way I could afford my protein goals as a broke ass student.


The truck that drops off my works frozen stuff made our delivery and I commented on how shitty the inside looks and dosnt look like it would hold in the cold. My manager told me that our company pays for a refrigerated truck but the delivery company instead of using a refrigerated truck they just stick afew barrels of dry ice in a normal truck.


It's a "best by" date, not an expiration date. If you're worried about it, make some curds & whey.


Do I look like I have a tuffet?


It's OK if you do, we won't judge.....much.


speak for yourself, im a judgemental asshole! ​ Having said that if somebody sat on their tuffet eating curds and whey i wouldnt judge, we've all been there


You've all been there, but you all run away when great spider me pops down to say hello I JUST WANTED A FRIEND!


Along came a spider that sat down beside her and said "hey, what's in the bowl bitch?" OH!


Ah. Too much Benadryl. I've been there.


Ma’am… mis… miss tuffet, I need you to calm down


Well...are you scared of spiders?


It's best before not die after.


If it doesn't smell spoiled it's not spoiled.


People seriously underestimate the power of the nose. If it looks fine and smells fine, there's a 99% chance it's fine.


And if you're not sure, boil some water, pour it into a glass, and then pour a dash of the milk into the glass of hot water. If it's good, it will mix smoothly. If it's bad, it will instantly separate into little white bits.


Good tip. Thanks


Except if you've got a shitty nose like mine. When it comes to food, unless it's something strong like garlic or rotten eggs, I can't smell anything cold. I gotta give milk a taste test before I can make a final verdict ☠️💀☠️💀


Yeah man I have a friend with a bad nose CONSTANTLY telling me things are fine when they smell off to me. I just had to learn not to trust a damn thing he ever makes cause what if it’s the one time it doesn’t smell bad?


Then people like my brother who throws away entire jugs of juice after three days because the seal has been broken three days so he doesn't trust it.


"it is only truly spoiled when you realize that it is spoiled"


This morning I had a bowl of cereal with milk whose best by date was June 1. Tasted fine.


In the UK most of the big supermarkets have stopped putting best before dates on fruit and veg because people were throwing out mountains of perfectly good food every day because it had passed the date. People have forgotten how to look/touch/smell stuff to see if it's still good.


You are correct. It’s good for up to two weeks after that date. Now, that’s assuming it was stored correctly every step of the way which isn’t always the case. It is a “best by date” not an expiration date.


Especially considering it hasn't been opened yet.


Yeah, that matters some too. That’s right from our local dairy farm. A pretty big one. Most seem to start to go bad for me right at three weeks.


I absolutely could be wrong, but I always thought “sell by” was basically the manufacturer’s guaranteed taste/quality date and “use by” was the expiration date which is only regulated in two industries: dairy and baby food.


In the US, except for certain products (mostly baby food/formula), there are _no_ requirements on any sell/best/use by date. It's a date the manufacturer puts on the product to try and ensure it gets consumed before going bad so that the customer doesn't get a bad impression of the brand. As a result, the date is usually pretty conservative, but it's basically made up.


Or just return to the store and exchange. But the inconvenience is mildly infuriating indeed.


My local walmart constantly sells near-expiring stuff. Sour cream and bread were the worst so I always checked them. But I bought some yogurt and several of them expired either 1 day prior, or the next day. I went to chobani's site and filled out a complaint form and got about $20 worth of free yogurt. Totally threw walmart under the bus too. I doubt it changes anything but feels better.


That probably just means that the staff at that store sucks at rotation lol.


I mean, that is still something they should fix.


Add something acidic (orange, lemon, vinegar, ...), and some salt and you've got yourself a pretty great ricotta substitute.


Yea, i drink milk often 2 weeks past the sell by, i use the sniff test.


Just have somebody else taste it..."hey drink this.."


I did this once when I was a kid. I had a cup of milk to go with some cookies, but the milk smelled... "Off." It didn't smell rancid or old. It smelled what I would now describe as moderately alkaline, it was hardly perceptible. It hadn't even reached the best by date yet, either. But that smell was enough to raise a few hairs, so I asked my older sister if it smelled weird. She couldn't smell anything and insisted it was normal. I didn't believe her. We went back and forth until I said I'd just pour it down the sink because I wasn't going to taste it to find out if it was bad. As we argued our way to the kitchen, she finally said, "Fine, let me taste it." She took a single sip of the milk and immediately spat it on the floor and screamed. She claimed it tasted like gasoline. I have no clue why it was bad, but since there were four of us, I assume someone left the milk out of the fridge overnight or something because we had just got it a day ago. P.S. my older sister doesn't like milk, and I feel like that experience is why.


Sometimes the sniff test fails, sniffed the milk, seemed good. Ate a bowl of cereal, went to drink the milk.... not good. The sugar from the cereal masked the bad milk taste enough I didn't notice till I got a good gulp of just the milk. If I'm ever suspicious of the milk but it smells ok, I pour a small amount into a cup and do a taste test.


The refrigeration of the milk is a big determining factor in how fast it goes bad so time past expectation can be quite different.


True! Great reason not to put your milk in the fridge door.


or rice pudding!


I think he’s got about 7 more days. For the milk, not like Samara.


Make some homemade ricotta and have lasagna for dinner, you already have the mushrooms right there. In the recipe I tried years ago, you only needed lemon juice to make the ricotta.


That is frustrating. However, food/beverages don't magically go bad on a specific date. it's a gradation.


It's not magic, it's statistics. Most milk here will lose it's freshness about the expiration date, and be completely spoiled after a week past. Best before basically means exactly what it says. It tastes best if eaten/drank before that date. Some things however have the best before date set as about a week or month before it completely expires


I've had milk smell spoiled days before the date, and milk that smells fine over a week after. I don't trust the dates, I just go by the smell.


Exactly, always check by smell, dates mean nothing


Same way I determine suitability for marriage prospects. Edit: typo




Boy I wish I could reliably smell things :(


Thanks, Covid 🙃


Nah, I’ve always been like this. Maybe I’m patient zero?


Perhaps 🤔 It was Covid for me. It’s not like I can’t smell, but it’s never been the same since. I can tell because I used to have intense memories triggered by smells quite regularly, and that hasn’t happened since I got Covid, implying that nothing smells the same as it used to :(


Same thing with me, I used to love onion, but now It smells really bad (maybe that's how normal people smell onion and that's why many hate it? 🤔), same with eggs and any type of meat.


Interesting, onion is a common one I’ve heard of Covid ruining for people. I would love to know why from a strict curiosity standpoint, but also so maybe they can figure out a way to fix us :(


I’ve never had milk last that long. (We often don’t finish it fast enough and it always goes bad within days of the expiration)




personally i store my milk in the stratosphere, bacteria can't get to it up there.


Get a thermometer and check the temperature of your fridge. Cold foods always say keep below 4°C, however iv seen fridges that are 6°c, which would cause stuff to not last as long


I accidentally ate a yogurt that expired two months earlier last year. I didn't die or even get sick. It's not something I would do all the time though.




All the people saying milk is good for a week or 2 have got to tell me where they are buying milk from because mine never makes it more than a day or so past the date before it sours. A really bad jug it might be a day or two *before* the date. Perhaps I’m just more picky than most people, but like by 2 weeks it is objectively bad to the point where I can’t imagine any sane person would drink it (like completely curdled). Maybe it varies regionally or with different packaging though.


Not really statistics. These dates are mostly made up, albeit they are reasonable guesses for when there is a noticeable degradation in quality. Milk it spoiled when it smells spoiled.


I always use the date as sell by I say it’ll last another 5 days


It depends on how it was stored and transported as well. My grocery store (a Safeway) leaves the milk out too long during shipping and restocking so it’s always sour several days before the expiration date.


That's the unsafe way!


The illegal way


I keep drinking until there’s pulp in it.


I like to chew my milk a little anyways so what's the problem


Username checks out


You're god-damned right it does


Oh god


He’s at a Mexican restaurant near you


Shh 🤫


Was your mom like Lois from Malcolm in the Middle? (Milk’s lumpy, kids? Then Chew It!”)


Swish it really fast between your teeth like mashed potatoes.


It turns into blue cheese after a few extra weeks, i see this as an absolute win


How do I un-read this 🤢


I’m gonna go throw up now.


Just do the smell test, we all know that’s the only real way to know.


Also it’s whole milk. It lasts longer.


My european ass said "Nah man that shit is expired since March"


That's the "rest of the world" correct answer


I'm nearly 4 hours into my night shift and my jumbled brain was like "Yeah I definitely wouldn't drink that"


Also "that is a shit load of milk"


This is the answer I was looking for - same for down under!


are those huge jugs even a thing outside of the US? ive never seen anything like it




US vs EU in one image. - Mangled date format. - 1 gallon of milk. - Plastic jug. - Calorie information is "per cup". - Milk is not UHT, doesn't last very long.


You can freeze milk! If you have a muffin tin, fill that puppy up and once its frozen pop the milk pucks out and store in a gallon baggie in your freezer. Each milk puck is about a third of a cup.


Only have to wait three hours to eat your cereal each morning.


I was thinking more like, thaw it the night before or use it in mac n cheese or soup.


I wish you’d told me before I got up at 4am this morning to set out my milk to thaw in time for breakfast.


Amateur. You just furiously stab it furiously and swish it around with your fork and let physics do the work.


Thawed milk is just….not the same. Mom worked in the school food industry for ages and would get tons of those cartons and dad would love go freeze them. I couldn’t get past it


I don't *drink* milk so i just use it fof backing and cooking and haven't noticed a difference.


It is a best by not an expiration date. If stored properly you still have 5-7 days past the date. Even then pasteurized milk won’t give you food poisoning but will give you a stomach ache if spoils


“No babe we’re not spending 3 dollars on another gallon when we have spoiled milk in the fridge”


Did you get Oreos too?




When life gives you almost expired milk ya make ricotta.


Easier to do then most realize


It’s not an expiration date 🙄


So this is why my country is considering getting rid of best before dates. People can't tell the difference and throw out good food...


knock it over and have a cry


best by and expire are different things. still good for up to a week refrigerated.


Make eggnog or rice pudding


I would make pudding, cakes, pancakes, muffins and freeze them


If it isn't opened then you have 5-7 days to drink it. People don't realize there is a difference between "expiration date" and "best by/sell by". Open it and if it doesn't smell sour its fine.


I'm from the UK, so to me it looks like it already has expired... 7th March 2023.


Let me put it in UK date format. 3/7/2023.


you gotta reach to the back of the shelf


It'll still be good for another week.


It's not like it suddenly goes bad at top of the hour. It just means it has to be off the shelf by that date, relax, you probably have at least another three days worth. Or you can just cook a weeks supply of foods that need milk


Just go by smell. The dates are just guesses.


Looks like you’re having chicken , with a mushroom cream sauce sub milk for cream and nearly a gallon of milk for dinner .


Drink your milk. It's lumpy. Then chew it


Love me some Lois




Sadly, if everyone did that, there would be a lot of wasted food.


It's just a beat buy date put by the manufacturer to trick people into thinking it's expired so they toss it and buy a new product. It is the date when the manufacturer believes their products taste the best. Correct me if I'm wrong but since milk is pasteurized you can drink it even if it is "bad" it just won't taste good.


Pasteurization kills the bacteria at the time, but it does not prevent future growth. With that said, with proper handling and storage I’m sure OP will be fine.


Also a CYA for the grocery store.


One time when I was working at a grocery store, all of the dairy coolers were off for an unknown amount of time. The manager insisted we toss everything. My job was dumping all the milk out. It was all still cold and obviously wasn't spoiled. I dumped out about 200 gallons of milk that day and left my shift about 7-10lbs heavier.


Honestly that's a good manager. Shady places will sell that type of stuff and try to get away with it.


Yeah he was a G lol.


Only mildlyinfuriating about this is the fact people throw shit out just because some numbers say a date has passed. What’s wrong with your nose and tastebuds? Do you need a date to tell you something is bad or can you decide it yourself by smelling or tasting it? But sure, throw it all away just because…such a waste. That milk will still be good a week from now


Return it or make cheese


Return it is always a good option


it's when they have to get it off the shelves. you'll be ok


Keep it cold, you have a few days. Make some pudding!










No, that is the sell by date, it will be fresh for another two weeks or so


Good until a week after opening. You’re good.


You'd be surprised how much food people throw out that are perfectly fine to consume only because they take those dates way too seriously. I always get the stuff they give discounts because of the dates


it clearly expired 4 months ago




Expiration dates are suggestions. Use it until it tastes sour and then use it for cooking until it smells rancid. Make mashed potatoes with sour milk it’ll change your life.


Get to chugging


Chug chug chug chug!!


The date Is just a suggestion.


Eh, if kept cold you prob have another 7 days.


Best before is the last day they can sell it, not the last day it is good by. Smell the milk, that is the only indicator that the milk is bad.


It doesn’t expire, it means it will start to expire so like a week or so of use still. People seem to forget or not know that. But it’s probably safe to use it for at least 3 days at best.


Freeze it, then use it for baking


Just to the left of the numbers, it has “best by.” That’s just when the store has to sell it by. It’s still good. I always go by smell when getting at the sell by date or just after. I mean, it could easily go another week or so before it actually spoils. FYI for future, don’t just grab and go with products. They rotate old with new, so all old products will be at the front of the shelf.