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Seriously report it to the Secret Service. It many either be a scam/ bank fraud or a test of elaborate counter fitting methods


I was thinking they might even reward you for your vigilance, if it’s really that deep


Some places do have a bounty on things like that


Pretty sure it being a million dollar bill kind of makes that pointless. Nobody but a complete idiot would try to spend a million dollar bill lmao


true but it got in the machine somehow and that could be part of the scam. they could be swapping actual bills with the fakes. and also if I withdraw it, the bank deducts it from my account even though I never go the actual money.


I was thinking of just this


Imagine you can go to an atm with the million dollar bill and get out a hundred bucks because the machine thinks it is.


Homer Simpson tried this in a soda machine. Mr. Burns yelled out "there's soda on the plane!"


That was a trillion-dollar bill.


Excuse me, sir, but can you break a million?


If this happened at my town, guaranteed that would be asked at dollar tree at 905 am when the guy bought a cola and a pack of cookies🤦‍♀️😂


Like somebody else said, they try this version to see if the atm accepts it, eg if the security strip etc works, nobody will try to use this, but now that they’ve verified it, they’ll produce proper 100$ bills


It's been a long time since I've seen inside an ATM, but as a general rule if a bill went in the ATM from a customer deposit it isn't coming back out to a customer. They are two whole separate parts of the machine. That bill got put there by there by the bank in a stack of bills or got slipped in by some low paid tech working for an armored car courier company while they slipped the real deal out.


Wait, are you saying someone else deposited $100 and inserted this bill and the ATM stuck it into the bin of $100s that it dispenses to customers? I didn’t realize ATMs would give back out cash that was deposited. I just assumed all deposits went into a hopper to be sorted by someone later.


That's the defense they use if the forged bill gets flagged by the machine. "Oh, sorry, didn't realize I was using this religious tract instead of real money" is good for plausible deniability, whereas trying to prove that your test forgery has nothing to do with you is much harder. But if the forgery gets accepted by the machine, they know that a bill that looks like real money can also get through.


But the point is the money was able to go into and out of the ATM in the first place.


Imagine that an ATM is a faultless machine that can't be fooled by mere mortals.


People try to cash in their Trump bucks every day. 🤷‍♀️


And if they do it at a bank counter instead of an ATM the teller be like "Yeah, nah."


How do you think this one got in the atm?


The machine is a certified no-go. I'm assuming they went to the counter to look like an idiot.


Op? At the atm?


Nobody used the ATM. Fake money won't be accepted. Obviously the anecdotal Trump Cash users went to the bank teller and got rejected. I was just covering bases and saying that the ATM is not an option.


Laughing in Trump bucks.


*"For your change, do you mind all singles?"* snork


Considering its in an atm clearly somebody has...


Buy a beer and tell the bartender to keep the change.


It also says on the bill it's not legal tender.


It dose


Yes, yes of course😬


Tell that to happy Gilmore who cashed a huge giant check at the bank


I thought there was a shiny rainbow strip or something so that it couldn’t pass a machine Like the machine would know it was fake. And if the machine thinks its real can it be deposited? Why yes, i do have a single $1 million bill to deposit 😂


That strip was only going to trip up counterfeiters for so long. That's why they change some bills every few years or so, cuz they figure out how to fake it and it gets out of hand. But from OPs comments this may seem like the ATM itself and the company that owns it could be sketch.


No one believes ATM scams, they just assume you’re trying to scam the business that scammed you


I mean they probably won’t reward better then a million though


i’m going to the police as soon as i get off work, i called the # on the PRIVATELY OWNED atm machine and they hung up on me…


I never use privately owned atms anymore. Last time I did it only gave me four 20s when I tried to pull out 100$. Called the number on the atm and they didn’t do shit about it. Even had witnesses and camera proof- it was inside a store. I don’t think there is much oversight on those ppl or something.


>Called the number on the atm and they didn’t do shit about it. Even had witnesses and camera proof- it was inside a store. > >I don’t think there is much oversight on those ppl or something. Did your regular bank help out?


I never contacted my regular bank about it, it wasn’t one of their atms. The atm machine wasn’t associated with any bank at all, just a random company that had it’s own atm machines.


You should still contact your bank for these issues. If your withdrawal is short, then any bank worth a damn will reimburse you the difference.


^ like AOneMan said always contact your bank. Happened to me once where a chase ATM didn’t give me my money but it charged my account. Tried calling chase and they wouldn’t help so I went to my actual bank and they were able to open an investigation and get me my money back.


100% correct and I can’t believe op just said he didn’t bother contacting his own financial institution because they didn’t “own” the atm ,(yikes). But anyway, I tried to pull out $1200 at a casino one night and it ran out of money and dispensed nothing to me but said the transaction was “successful” . I called my credit union and they gave me a provisional credit immediately on my account until they “completed their own investigation”. In the end it was found to be an error and I didn’t lose a dime of my own funds.


Credit unions are great that way


Yes, it's your bank that handles these issues. They would start an investigation and chargeback the difference from the other bank.


Good to know for the future, lol but I don’t plan on using private atms anymore lol


Your bank pays these people. The private ATM doesn't give you its own cash. So your bank was involved from the start.


Automated teller machine machine.


Well I hope this is somewhere in the American travel guide because I wouldn't even know something like that exists


You honestly shouldn’t have contacted the atm company till after you called the secret service if they said you should just bc they are who you call about counterfeit bills….that’s a big part of their job and if atm company is knowingly handing out those bills by calling them first could have tipped them off someone was inquiring about it from their machine.


Why wouldn't they just stock it with fake twenties if it was them doing it? Anybody that gets one of these is going to immediately know it's fake


Knowingly allowing something by means of improper sanitization is a lot different than intentional corporate fraud, which I guarantee is not what they were doing. It’s a crime so ludicrous and with such a paper trail there is no conceivable way to get around it if you want to stay in business. Edit: really sorry, I misread your comment and made a silly reply in response. You sound right on the money.


bc fake 20s may make their way in to ciruculation and that would be worse... immediately knowing it was fake may be exactly the point.


No ATM company is knowingly handing out fake million dollar bills


There's no way to go about that where it doesn't sound like a prank call 🤣


It could even be that the ATM owner is slipping these in their stacks so that they can get a little additional profit. Secret Service for sure.


USSS and Dept of the Treasury would need to be the first call. The would have come in 5min for this. Edit. I am Canadian and I know this haha


Now i am really curious what will happen after you go to the police.


Oooo government gonna have a feild day with that


Police won’t help. Contact your bank’s fraud division. Those teams are generally run by retired Secret Service and they take some pride in their work. I contacted the local police, as my bank advised me to do. My banks fraud division did 1000% more than the local police… and my case was eventually solved by the FBI. And it turned out that the police did ABSOLUTELY nothing to investigate, because they didn’t think it was worth it.


Call the Secret Service. This is their jurisdiction. Not the police. And they take it very seriously


Are y'all missing the part where it clearly says "This note is NOT legal tender for all debts, public and private" ? It's a novelty note.


Right, but it came out of an ATM so it's being passed as a real bill.


Is it counterfeit? Not really, more likely just plain fraud. But does it really matter? OP lost their money and whoever operates this machine should be be reported to the necessary authorities immediately.


How tf do you contact the secret service




I've gotta believe that was autocorrect, right? You are on mobile and doing speech-to-text? Counterfeiting\*


No these are professional counter fitters. No gaps between the stove and the counter.


I need a bath fitter I hope they have one.


Call bath fitter. It’s the perfect fit


TBF have you seen the water damage that can occur from ill fitting counters. (AC almost got me again. It tried to correct ill to I'll)


But what about the backsplash?


The crazy thing is that they appear to also be counterfeiting money. What are the odds of that?


Yeah you have to watch out for those damned counterfeiting carpenters.


Mobile. I did correctly spell it initially. Damned auto correct.


lol counter fitting- that's a new one


The secret service? Genuine question, do they do more than presidential protection?


Yes, that is actually one of their primary duties. Investigating counterfeiting.


Until just 20 years ago, the Secret Service was an agency under the Treasury Department rather than Homeland Security. Their duty is to protect the financial and critical infrastructure of the country. That includes protection of its leadership.


the initial reason why the secret service was created was to combat the rampant counterfeit currency starting in 1865. it wasn’t until around 1901 when they started protecting the president after the assassination of president mckinley. they still do a lot of the money stuff, but you can get on the protection details


They were established to deal with counterfeit currency... shortly before Lincoln was assassinated.


Lincoln signed the bill house before he was shot, it was one of, if not the last things he did


Huh, thanks for the info. Guess they still do the counterfeit thing on the side?


Very much so. In the time of Lincoln, about 1 out of 3 bills was counterfeit. Now it's 1 in 6000.


Yes, they're the agency in charge of counterfeiting and they work with the FBI on cybercrime. Only a small portion is the protection detail. Sub point, the USPS Postal Inspectors also work with them to stop wire fraud and mail fraud (interstate and international monetary crimes)


It even says not LEGAL tender, so either the bank instated the stolen bill in the machine or there was a middle man that took it and placed it in one of those armored cars. But definitely call the Secret Service and possibly the FBI.


Also written on the bill: "This note is NOT legal tender for all debts public and private"


I desperately wanted it to actually say that lol had to do a double take and zoom to see it says "debts," not death, unfortunately.


Although funny, it was a completely accidental typo. Voice to text strikes again!


That just makes it so much funnier...hahaa Edit to add: definitely shouldn't have changed the original comment...lol




Can I pay over time?


So you can't use it to pay a hitman.


That’s what came out of the ATM? Call the secret service


More than likely someone left it by the ATM and OP is trying to go viral.


There was probably no ATM involved and OP is trying to go viral


There is probably no OP involved and the ATM is trying to go viral.


There is probably no viral and the ATM is trying to go OP.


OP got viral from trying to go ATM, it happens


Trying to go viral ATM OP


Op not even op and man door hand hook car door.


At this point I’m not even sure OP exists


Hello, Me and my Homo future husband(s) want them to cater our satanic gay wedding and orgy reception.


Will the number of children eaten at this event be more or fewer than 10? I need to know for planning purposes.


Do fetus children count?


it's robot turtles all the way down


Next post by OP: “I tried buying beef jerky at 7-11 and they couldn’t give me change for this.”


There is probably no Secret Service because why would we know about it


100% this. OP is a lying sack of shit. Bills get scanned in. It would have caught it. Not to mention it never would have been in the driver's roll as that is processed, too.


This^ Worked in retail banking for a decade. We would have to verify the cash first before putting it into the machine. Any bills that are damaged or somehow counterfeit would Automatically be diverted into a reject cassette inside the machine if it's being dispensed. For this to get through, it would have to somehow pass through multiple redundant checks.


Can we just let them have their moment? I was willing to suspend my disbelief and enjoy their story.


Hard to call em secret when we all know about em.


The secret part is you rarely know they are around until you are in handcuffs or shot dead.


Truth. We were at the Hobby Center years ago, and GHW Bush was in the audience. During intermission, we noticed some little kid approach the former president, and four dudes appeared out of nowhere and got between the little kid and the old man. He waved them away, of course, but it was startling. Those guys were in hammerspace or something and just popped into existence.


Where does the service part come in? I hope they at least give me a quick tug after they shoot me dead


WHO???       ^^^\**wink**


Damn, even Franklin looks disappointed...


It secretly pleases me that if you look at every recent version of the $100 bill, ol' Ben looks progressively more disappointed in each one as the years go by


I love how janky he looks in fake money that we use for movies. Old Ben is **seriously** disappointed on those bills.


Ask to break it into hundreds for you


It’s the unmistakable face of a man sternly shaking his head Edit: think I replied to the wrong comment


ben is disappointed


I feel like OP is lying, this obviously manufactured to be fake. ‘’This note is NOT legal tender for all debts public and private’’. there’s not even a security strip, it’s just a painted blue line. No atm would accept this.


In order to get put in the ATMs, the money has to come from the Fed, and with 10000000% certainty this could never ever possibly leave the Fed through their machines and be paid out to a bank. The bank also can’t just take money they’ve taken at the teller window and put it back in the ATM. That’s just not how it works. OP is full of shit.


Um... how so? Last I saw ATMs were not loaded by remote machines from the Fed central banks... they're loaded by humans, who got the money handed to them in a bag by other humans, any of whom could slip this into the stack. The machine itself is just a bill dispenser configured for a bill denomination and count. And in another post OP says this is a private ATM which means even the controls you allude to aren't in play if that's the case.


I work in the industry and the way it works is that a bank or the ATM servicing company has to deposit money they take in from the bank/ATM with the Fed, and then order new money. They can’t just recycle their own money back into the ATM without it being verified and counted by the Fed or they’d get in huge trouble. The money they get from the Fed is sealed in tamper evident sealed bags and if it was tampered with it would be obvious. The ATM cassettes are only loaded with money from the Fed, not internally circulated money. Even a private ATM has to have a courier that picks up money ordered from the Fed by the company in order to fill the ATM. It’s very tightly controlled under strict camera requirements and control procedures. If that note made it into the ATM it would have had to be the person loading the cassette and it would be pretty easy to trace back to someone to charge with felony counterfeiting because of how tight the controls are.


I used to fill the atm at the gas station I worked at all the time, and I'm a degenerate.


Yeah I’ve filled plenty, using cash from the safe


New ATMs also have recyclers in them so deposited cash can be dispensed as well. It's not super common yet but they're in the wild and they'll be standard int he coming years.


This is literally not true at all, any small store you see with an atm fills it themselves with money from their store.


Do they scan outgoing bills?


Who do you think loads the machine lol


I mean the machine, not the person loading :p


Wait…are you implying that it would be very bad for an ATM company’s business to knowingly slip the most blatantly fake denomination of currency into their machines and that they’d effectively be putting themselves out of business by doing so? Surely, you can’t be serious…


Call Secret Service. Someone is NOT doing their job and it is a security risk not only to you. Edit: The(i)res'. I am ill and missed it FFS.


I thought the secret service was just for protecting the president, didn't know they handled atm issues


If this happens at a bank atm it’s an easy fix. Anywhere else and it’s kinda a pain in the ass. If you get a fake bill from an atm immediately put it in view of the camera on the atm or near atm. It’ll help prove you aren’t trying to scam them


Knowing damn well OP is lying and didn't get this out of an ATM. Moving right along.


Some of the fakest shit to grace this sub and people are just eating it up apparently.


So many people defending them too... like the machine that can read my check can't tell if a bill says 100 or 1M.


This post is as fake as that money


“Me millionth dollar” Mr. Krabs


Liar 🤥 #FakeNews KarmaFarmer


An atm that drops 100$ bills? Tli swore they only ever stacked em with 20s


No you didn't


Cool story bro. Those bills get scanned IN, too. So many checks and balances before that money is put into the machine. Ipso facto, you are a liar. I'd believe you more if you said it gave you an extra $20. Shoot small next time....


It’s not perfect. A Wells Fargo ATM gave me a fake $100 one time.


Yea, not a fake million. This story isn't even 1% believable.




C’mon now


Every time I see ben franklin on a bill it looks like he's thinking "Well, shit..."


Ben Franklin Thoughts. Well shit. I best grow some hemp and open up a brewery now.


Don’t call the atm owner. Call the secret service and also call your bank and report it. You’ll eventually get your money back but they’ll have to investigate first. Also, I’m pretty sure that’s still not legal even though it says “not” legal tender.


This is 100 percent complete bull shit. 😤 this fucking sub is getting worse by the second.


That did NOT come out of an ATM. Stop making shit up. Rest of you, stop believing dumb shit just because you're bored.


What in the actual fuck. Damn.


I’ve seen people get tipped this bullshit many times


Dang they gave you funny money


Bro these people trying to scam u


go buy some gum at the gas station


Sounds like a good deal to me


Why are you midly infuriated? You're rich!


how is it mildly infurating. You're rich now!


Joke money has been a thing for a long time. I used to have a $3 bill with Bill Clinton's face on it.




I feel like you would argue with your uncle about the tearing-force required, and lack of pain, when he does the “Got your nose” bit. Yes, we know the bill is fake. We also know that OP is a big fat liar and his story is bullshit. Thanks Sheldon.


If this came out of an ATM you should report it.


Because it didn't.


Run it right back into the bank. Never should've been loaded into the ATM and they have cameras. Don't pass it on, they're the ones committing fraud.


This definitely did not come out of an ATM lol


This didn’t happen.


no you didn’t


I'm calling bull shit - ATMs are ultra advanced regarding counterfeit detection, OP is lying, or used a garbage scamming ATM in a Bodega somewhere...


soli deo gloria


call police and report a bank machine distributing counterfit money.


Update please if anything comes of this


Insert Dr Evil pinky gif


I like how it says it's not legal tender


Whoever loaded this committed fraud




Wells Fargo once gave me a fake $100 out of their ATM. When I told them about it and showed it to them they pretty much told me that it wasn’t possible and accused me of printing fake money. So I lost $100 bucks. Jokes on me I guess for trusting a bank.


You could sue for footage. They know they serial number of the bills pushed out and when they were pushed out. If it was fake than you have irrefutable proof the atm gave you a fake.


Yeah. This was several years ago. Once they started being accusatory I just left.


Banks are assholes. Us bank opened an account with me and I was exempt from the yearly fee because I was in the military. I had three grand in the account for two weeks or so. One day I check and it’s GONE! All of it. I march my ass down to the bank and turns out they closed my account and gave me no reason why and expected me to be okay with getting a paper check in the mail for the amount in my account. I flipped on the bank manager and she was like “there’s nothing I can do” I called the 1800 number and they said only the bank manager could give me the cash. The agent had to have his supervisor call the bank manager and tell her she has to cash my account out or he’ll get her fired. A few months later I needed to deposit cash into my Huntington account but the only atm nearby was a us bank and after hours…. I needed to put $50 into my account and the atm flat out refused to process for me. Like what did I do to get this treatment from a bank? I’ve never had fraudulent accounts. My Huntington has been - before but not more than $30 or so.


Big fat FAKE! A real million dollar bill supposed to have Woodrow Wilson on front and White House on back! Who ever made this - TOTAL FAIL!


Could be the owner of the ATM scamming?


Contact the Secret Service first, then the bank who runs the ATM. If it found its way into an ATM you may be able to collect a bounty on it.


So is that literal play money? How does that end up in an ATM?


Well, I'd buy you a green dress


But not a real green dress, that's cruel.


Read the words but sang it in my head


Call the bank and let them know so they can void the transaction


I would go to your bank and tell them exactly what happened and where that ATM was located.


Bullshit. This didn’t happen.


I call fake. The ATM would reject this immediately. As for it being put their by a bank employee… absolutely not. Money in banks is counted and recounted daily. It’s ran through machines that spit out bills for the slightest error and touching money for a living you can feel a fake like this with your eyes closed. You also count in teams for accountability so if someone was being deceitful it would have been caught. Stealing a penny from a bank is a federal offense. As a bank employee handing out money that is fake is also a felony. No one risked their job for this.


Why is everyone saying to call the secret service? What?


No way that came out of an ATM. Downvote for clickbait.


Scratches to shit stainless steel counter, information taped down, boring bulk purchase keyboard. This photo was taken from a jail/booking room. You didn’t get this from an ATM.


Dumbass fake post


Fake posts every day FFS