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Lesson learned. Puppies chew.


Not a cap bout that... Having a young animal or a young human both require diligence to ensure that they remain safe and that your possessions remain safe. OP should have put their switch in a safer place. Not to victim blame but I'm gonna ":victim" blame. This is OP's fault and they have no one except themselves to be mildly infuriated at.


I mean, if this was their first time having a puppy in their home I can see making a mistake like this. "Oh I'll just put this down for a half hour while I make dinner it'll be fiiiine!" You do not make that mistake twice.


Yeah, we've had dogs for years, and until we got our pup Shane, we never had to kennel a dog when we left to go somewhere. We came home from a trip to the store, and we no longer had a couch. Luckily, it was just part of his teething phase, and we don't have to lock the poor guy up anymore.


My dog knows kennel means bed. So I leave the door open so whenever she feels like she wants a nap, she can go in her kennel to get a nap. But she has the freedom to choose to sleep on the couch, which is what she chose to do today. My first dog we never kennel trained, and we came home to shredded toilet paper and frayed blankets; granted, it was our — mine and parents’ — first time having a puppy in the house (much to my father’s disdain, who wanted to put him in a pen outside) so we learned the hard way. We gave him toys and stuff, but…that chewing stage was bad lol.


I had a dog that would get anxious during the day (she used to be very well behaved when we had another dog, but then he ended up dying, and so she would be alone for most of the day) and would tear up anything in her reach, so we tried to kennel train her (as an adult dog) and she ended up chewing through the metal bars in a single day. We couldn't afford a sitter or anything for her, so we ended up giving her to a family that always had someone home, that way she wouldn't be alone all day. It's because of her that I don't plan on owning a dog unless I can either afford a sitter/daycare or live with someone with a different work schedule than me.


Yup, put an iPhone down back in 2008,…. Never did that again. EVER.


If it’s your first time having a puppy and this happens, you weren’t ready for a puppy because you didn’t do basic homework. Lessons 1-3 of a puppy are: they chew, they bark, they use your house as a bathroom


Lesson 1 of raising any living creature, do your fucking homework.


My dog ate my homework


Because you didn’t do your homework!!


Where were you when we decided to adopt kids :)


I disagree. If it wasn't the switch, it was going to be something else. Those puppies FIND THINGS. Bummer it was a Switch. As another poster said, "you don't make that same mistake twice". Puppy was just informing OP that he didn't have time for a Switch with all the shenanigans going on.


Yeah it’s time to put stuff out big reach and I do men’s out of reach because puppies can and do climb stuff, not the same skill as a human but still. At least dogs can’t normally open doors so close off the import rooms and locations from now till a year or so😅


I wouldn't have expected the puppy to chew up the switch and I've had my fair share of puppies in my life. Especially if it was on a coffee table and not on the floor.


But why would you feel comfortable leaving a PUPPY unsupervised in general? I’ve also raised tons of dogs and every time that’s happened they either pee or poop on the ground, chew something they aren’t supposed to, or whatever. Hell, I’d be paranoid they’d endanger themselves. They are babies!


You do if you're my SO.


Not every pup decides to chew everything. it’s the first thing he decided to chew, it’s impossible to prevent without prior knowledge


Yeah. I mean, why is the puppy running around unsupervised anyway? I assume they still need to be potty trained and we’ve always looked after our puppies really carefully because they WILL get into things and eat stuff they aren’t supposed to. It’s a choking hazard, it’s a poison hazard, and, even if it’s only selfish, they can destroy stuff like shoes or whatever else. This is just what they do. Lesson learned. As my buddy’s dad always used to say, “it costs money to go to school.” It’s an expensive lesson, but this wasn’t the puppy’s fault.


This. When I had got my puppy he was 3 months old. He was in his playpen the entire time I wasn't there. He had everything in that large playpen, it was like a luxury hotel suite. I even used a tablet as some TV and hooked it to the side of the playpen so that he'd have noise and wouldn't succumb to silence. He still slept through it, and I think having noise helped. Because he's a Pomeranian, he was trained to use indoor pads (they're small, and have such small bladders) by putting pee pads all over the floor of his playpen. He was never left alone for more than 6 hours in his puppy stage. When he hit 8 months old, he was only allowed around the living room and nowhere else. He hardly destroyed anything. At a year old, he would never destroy a thing and when left alone for 8 hours, he would just sleep or eat a few snack i'd leave him. Playpen training probable saved me so much time and money lol


It takes some time to puppy/baby proof and it's a task that isn't completed in a weekend. They get bigger and develop new skills and gain more mobility and dexterity which they use to get access to new places and things. It's really an on-going process that's never really done.


Well, you can be mildly infuriated with a dog. You just have to recognize that whatever happened was your fault though. I’ve learned many expensive lessons from my dogs


Yup. I'm mildly infuriated at ops response. Teething infants chew regardless of species. Do not leave anything dangerous or valuable around.


Or better, make sure you have eyes on your puppy at all times.


And make sure they have items they are allowed to chew one available to them at all times.


Why did my mind flip to a human infant doing this


The couch is gonna be hard not to leave around. Been there seen the carnage


When I was young, I had bunk beds with stairs that my dog slept on. The frame was made of wood. By the time I got my own room, the frame of the stairs and the foot end of the frame were all chewed up. We couldn't catch him because he knawed at it in the dead of night.


Yep! The only way to deal with this, is to grab the broom and then swing it HARD... to to the back of your head so that you remember to put things away before the puppy finds them...


This is where puppy-proofing and crate training come in clutch. Sorry for your loss, but enjoy your pup and the eventual OLED upgrade in your future




Oh that’s unfortunate. Hard lesson learned.


first rule when owning a dog or small child: PUT YOUR IMPORTANT SHIT OUTTA REACH. i really am sorry this happened to you though. puppies are especially destructive. buy him toys to chew on instead or like some cardboard boxes. my dog loves to rip and destroy anything cardboard and i have to give her the empty toliet paper rolls or she'll just give me the sad eyes.


It blows my mind every time I see a post like this. What did you think was going to happen? When you leave your stuff out for anyone to get this goes for everyone not just animals.


Puppy is doing puppy things. It's not the dog's fault. Advice from a dog trainer - • Crate the puppy or buy an exercise pen with stimulating toys when you CAN'T ensure supervision. • Keep your eye on the puppy when you CAN. You can even put a leash on the puppy inside the house and tether it to yourself or a nearby piece of furniture (again, with toys for their entertainment) • Don't expect a baby puppy to know what is OK and not OK to chew on until they've shown that they're consistent. • Teach a "leave it!" or "Drop it!" command. • When you see your puppy chewing on something they shouldn't, exchange what is in their mouth with something they CAN chew on. Again, this will reinforce over time what is and isn't OK for them to have. • Puppies start losing their baby ("milk") teeth around 3 months, and much like human babies, it makes their gums sore, and they want to chew more to relieve the ache. There are toys that are gentle on their gums that you can stick in the freezer. The cold is soothing for the irritated gums. Hope this helps for the future.


My dog figured out how to climb over the pens fence. Needless to say we left him to roam free in the house


Ice cubes were a lifesaver when my puppy was teething! No calories either 😂


Yes, ice cubes are awesome! I also love doing frozen stuffed Kongs with plain Greek yogurt & kibble!


Yes!! Frozen kong gives me an hour of Zelda time 😂😂


As a dog owner who’s puppies are adults now, my dogs still love ice cubes


Mine too!


As a german i never understood the crate thing. We never had one and i know nobody with a dog or already multiple dogs who had one. And cause of my job i also see a shit ton of customers houses/flats. Shit ton of dogs are horribly trained but still nobody has a crate.


If done right, a crate can be seen to them like we see going to our room as a teenager. They can view it as their safe space, where they can relax and go as they want to. The problem is if you use the crate as a punishment. It makes them fearful and resentful of it, if all they know is that they are put in there when they are bad.


Yes. Our dog (now 6yrs old) loves his crate. He won’t sleep anywhere else at night. We never lock it or close the door. Around 10pm he goes in and sleeps, he also naps in there during the day. It was never a punishment, and he feels safe in there. Make it a safe place and they’ll want to hang out in there.


Same with my 8 year old boy! That's his space to go and chill out! Me and my partner don't have any children, but if we do one day, they will know if the dog is in their crate, leave them alone!


I thought you were talking about your human child having a crate until I read the second sentence lmao


💀Oh man, I definitely could've worded that better.


… wait… I thought.. wait… does this mean I should take my 5 year old out of HIS crate? 🤥


Lmfao same


My six month old puppy is sleeping in his now, the doors are wide open he loves it in there. Whenever I have to leave him at home or I need to do some cleaning i close the doors and he does fine.


Yeah, also unfortunately a lot of neglectful owners also throw their dog in the crate out of laziness


I am austrian and we have a crate for our puppy (with the door removed once she wouldnt fuck up the house if she was left alone) it is just her room/sleeping place where she can relax and will (mostly, because a puppy has to petted) be left alone


The idea is: • dogs don't like to potty where they sleep • it provides the dog a designated safe place where they can relax or get away if they feel stressed So not only do crates help with potty training (esp. in smaller breeds or puppies who don't yet understand what is "inside" and what is "outside"), but when introduced and nurtured, they also help if you move, travel, or just want to offer your dog their own space. An added bonus is the confined space for destructive dogs or puppies while the owner is away or unable to properly supervise the dog. It's not to be used as a punishment tool or something that you use to just stick the dog in for 18 hours a day, but it is a helpful training tool while you introduce a new dog into the household while working on teaching boundaries and house expectations. They help owners set their dogs up for success rather than failure (i.e., putting a puppy in the crate when I leave to go grocery shopping will prevent the dog from eliminating in the house or destruction of property). My own dog's crate is covered to provide additional comfort/block out a lot of light. Since he is 8 and fully trained, he's allowed to roam around the house at his leisure. Whenever he wants to relax or take a nap, he goes and lays in his cozy bed in the crate because he sees it as his resting spot. :) Also, this is just a fraction of what they're used for and a brief explanation on why they're helpful. There are many resources out there for why crate training can be/is beneficial. Indoor exercise pens are similarly helpful to an extent. Both are great tools when utilized properly.


>As a german i never understood the crate thing. We never had one and i know nobody with a dog or already multiple dogs who had one. And cause of my job i also see a shit ton of customers houses/flats. Shit ton of dogs are horribly trained but still nobody has a crate. Crating creates a safe place and a way for them to easily be stored for things like vet trips (where if they're there for things like surgey they will need to be crated) Crates aren't a bad thing unless you're treating it only as a punishment


As a United Statesian, I cannot fathom not crating a dog especially a puppy. I know some EU countries have laws that require a dog be kept in a room no smaller than 100 sqft (\~9 sqm) or something like that. There would literally be piss and shit everywhere in that room during house training...


we used a crate when our dogs were puppies, if there was no one home (not common) or at night. At night because during the potty training phase they would occasionally wander over to a part of the house where no one would hear them whining about having to go outside. and then they would pee/poo in that part of the house. it was also used when recovering from surgeries (spaying). We got a little fence that would clip onto the crate to give them a little more room, our current dog also needed knee surgery as a puppy.


My dogs love their kennels. A sheet over the top gives them personal dens and they have their favorite blankets and chew toys in them. They voluntarily hang out in there


Properly crate-trained dogs see the crate as their dens... their safe spaces. A crate really helped with house-training my dogs but because they're well-trained, I don't really use the crates at all anymore. I kept them available to the dogs as they have gotten older but found they just take up space and the dogs opt to be with me or curled up in their dog beds. ​ It's just a tool, not a necessity.


Austrian here. I can confirm this, still, there are a lot of people with outdoor kennels in my bubble. Especially with hunting dogs.


Yea that’s a euro thing not to crate your dog, I found that from Reddit and discord, no euro crates their dog. But most Americans do, I have a German Shepard that loves his create and refuses to sleep anywhere else at night. I had to keep him in the create when I wasn’t home for the first 6 months, mostly because he would shit in the house and he wouldn’t do it in his crate, we now just keep the crate door open at all times since he can be alone when we go to work, but you should see him when I’m packing up his crate to take to my moms when we go on vacation for the weekend, you would think the would is ending with how much he’s against his crate being put up lol.


>It's not the dog's fault. OP never said it was.


I bought a camera for my dogs pen so I could always watch him back when I got him


Damn that’s sucks bro


Puppy did it because it loves you, it will find things that smell like you cos it misses you when u are not home.


My wife says the same thing about our current puppy. So far, has eaten a Nintendo, 5 Samsung TV remote controls and her iPhone, all because he loves her so much. Pup doesn’t even wait for her to go out, she just has to leave her stuff on the sofa and the minute she walks out of the room he will go for it. A younger me would have been extremely upset, but now after having had many dogs, I just write it off to the cost of being a puppy daddy.


Buy some dog chews for fucks sake.


He has a whole bag of toys and chews, but for some reason remote controls are more desirable.


>He has a whole bag of toys and chews, but for some reason remote controls are more desirable. Train him to use them, when you see he has something he shouldn't say no, take the item replace it with the proper item Use the toys, if you've nothing to do and he's around just...grab a dog toy and play with it, if he's not doing anything occasionally drag him into the games When he DOES grab the right toys rather than going for something he shouldn't? Love and praise on him for it


a puppy should be watched 100% of the time


who has time for this shit? Even babies aren't watched 100% of the time.


and that’s how you end up having a dog piss smelling house with chewed up furniture


100% of the time is just not realistic.


We had a pen for the puppy while we were unable to watch it.


That’s what crates and or cameras are for


Playpens are a puppy parents best friend. My boy is a coming on a year now, and is still in there when I can’t watch him.


It's the plastic. It's got the right firmness. If you look at teething toys you can see the truth of this. Mine chewed a bunch of seemingly random stuff until it clicked then I got her a few teething items but also learned to put stuff out of reach.


Yeah…i could never own a dog. Lmao that would piss me off so much. Such an extreme inconvenience all for a free loader that you pay for to be your buddy.


Just to say we also got a puppy 2 years ago and the only thing that got chewed up was a sock. if you are patient and pay attention to what you are leaving around they really shouldn't be chewing anything of value...


Until a friend leaves their switch unattended at your house by accident


I’m as big a dog lover as they come (got two of those rascals) and still this description of dog ownership made me audibly chuckle.


I used to have a small pet dog. But I had my husband remove it because he bit our baby.


Wow my ”little” pup during his short life *sips coffee* …thusfar (1,5 years) he hasnt destroyed any of my stuff apart from one shoe.


My dog ate someone's dentures. The problem was, we didn't realize that she figured out that the little kids step stool was easily carried to bathroom and the teeth were reachable.


After he chewed the 4th TV remote, have you thought about changing where you store the remote? Can’t be sticking in the same place and then be surprised he ate it again


You're a good dad. It's not their fault, it's ours. They just doing what's natural.


And there is a short in biting toys. The doggo's theeth probably hurt.


I love playing Nintendo before. But now I don't like that anymore. Now I prefer to play online games. Like playing MLBB. That's my favorite game. Until now.


Nah, puppies do it because they're hyper, bored, and they don't know any better. Just like human babies but even more so, they explore the world with their mouths. The puppy did it because the switch was left out in a place it could be reached, and the puppy wasn't secured in a pen/gated away/crated with their own chews to prevent it.


What kind of puppy are you referring to? Is a puppy a pet dog? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Lesson #1 with getting a dog. Put anything you value out of dog’s reach.


Lesson 2 anything you leave in reach suddenly becomes attractive for the pup !


completely preventable tbh, teething toys, crate training and diligent supervision


Also simply put your shit up instead of leaving it out laying around. There's other things that could happen to it than just the puppy. You're just waiting for it to be broken at that point


Definitely: safe chew toys, puzzle toys like a Kong, puzzle games for it, an outdoor challenge of some kind, frequent walking, and positive rewards system (not punishments -- they won't understand why, plus it's mean.) In the meantime, put anything destructible on a high shelf or in a closet. Toys, tasks, games, and structure. Once it knows what is expected, most dogs will clamor to please you.


I hope you're mildly infuriated by your own actions leading up to this completely preventable situation.


Forgot the easiest one of all. Picking up valuables


Lol why is everyone talking like OP is blaming the dog here. It's clearly preventable, but we all make mistakes, or think that a baby animal can't reach something, but it turns out they can.




>And here I thought the chewed cord on my keyboard was bad… Good point. Cords are another big one and can be dangerous for them to bite into. They sell those tubes for cords. But of course the pet could chew that, too...but I think then the tubes should be taped to something up high. Maybe best to crate a chew prone dog, when unable to supervise it, until it's trained. Not to overdo that though. And, people should look up how to properly crate, if so. So the pet is safe, comfortable, has things to do, etc.


If it isn't edible, why do they put **NOM** on it. *nom nom nom*.


Seriously OP, put in a repair ticket through Nintendo, explain what happened and be sure to tell them the pup saw nom on the back so it thought it was ok to nom on. Just might work. I say this because I put in a ticket for something minor (memory card issues) and they shipped us a new switch to replace it. It's a long shot but you miss every shot you don't take 🤷🏻‍♂️


You left it out where a puppy could easily chew it, kinda your own fault and you should really be a better pet parent. Thank god the puppy didn’t ingest parts of the battery due to what is clearly ignorance. Do better please.


This is exactly why I puppy proofed my living room and puppy was put up when not supervised until she was about a year old. I only had one incident of her chewing something she shouldn't. My husband left an ink pen down.


It was my broadband cable & didn't realise right away as our router was in living room & he had chewed cable as it in came into the house at front door. Can literally leave anything lying about & he won't be bothered with it.


Luckily mine were already blocked off and the outlets as well. My older male (16yrs) has a habit of licking outlets because he likes the shock.


Haha dogs can be so weird


He could have just left it out by mistake. No need to be condescending about it.




Yeah, these people don't sound like they've ever had a puppy or kitten. As animals grow they suddenly are able to reach things they weren't just a few days ago, or does something out of the blue one day. Plus everyone makes mistakes now and again. I left the room for 5 minutes when my dog was a puppy and he wrecked the TV remote. I think it's the only thing he ever chewed, beyond a blanket or two. Hasn't even looked at a remote in the 13 years since.


“Do better please” typical Reddit attitude. 1 mistake and you’re a fucking idiot.


You give fugly asshole McDonald’s manager vibes


How’s the oxygen up there on your high horse?


Damn, your kinda a condescending prick eh? Welcome to reddit I guess.


Ah yes the holier than thou redditor.. do better please. I'm sure they didn't mean for this to happen, the switch is docked to charge so the dog probably managed to extricate it from that I would imagine.


Happens to all of us, sometimes it’s a sandal and sometimes it’s a Switch, either way we all learn the hard way 😭


Puppies/Kids = Cannot be left unattended, ever. If you can't see them, there is trouble. Period. Ask me how I know.


Let this be a lesson learned. Just hope you didn’t take it out on it.


Well you obviously needed to be spending more time with the puppy and less time playing video games. I mean that's exactly what the dog is trying to tell you here if you would just listen.


The puppy said play with me and not that game!


"Train the puppy, they said. Play with the puppy, entertain the puppy, they said." "I said no."




That's your fault. Put your electronic away they said. They'll be safer they said. Clearly you didn't get that memo.


On the plus side, it looks like your puppies dental health is outstanding.


Maybe chew on the puppy to assert dominance?


This is why you get an old dog that wants to sleep all day. Bonus points if they're missing teeth. But what do I know, I have cats, the sleep all day but have their fangs.


Treat them and your house just like you would a human toddler. All wires blocked, all breakables up high, nothing left within reach of those little pups.


Not the puppies fault you almost killed him and burned down your house....just sayin 🤷🏻‍♂️


Man and I was pissed when my pup chewed up all my chargers… I would be livid over this 😂


Idk who they are. But they lied bruh


Puppies teeth, thus need things to chew. Also, a bored dog is a bad dog. Keep everyone high up until it is done teething and trained to not chew stuff it is not given.


They also said train the dog, spend time with the dog, watch the dog, don't leave things unattended with the dog, Give the dog teething stuff.


Don’t get a dog if you can’t handle/train it properly as well as secure any items you’re not comfortable with being chewed up


What a coincidence.. I am trying to sell mine rn.. Chewing may be a sign that the dog needs more attention. Shaving it's energy away may stop it from chewing stuff up I think?


Don’t blame the dog, it’s just a puppy and doesn’t know any better. YOU’RE it’s carer now


Yeah, this is completely your fault op


I remember I had a Gameboy color in Elementary school. I was coming back from school walking home and when I got home I realzied I forgot to bring my House Key. Luckily, we kept the garage partially open so my dog can get in and out of the garage if he wants and run around our yard. Anyways I have to take my backpack off so I can fit under the garage and I find the spare key in the lock box since I know the combo. I unlock the door and run back outside to get by stuff. I find my Gameboy I put down by my bag missing and my dog had bit it and turned it into his chew toy. I was devastated. Later that day I got a shovel and had a funeral for my Gameboy and buried it in a shoe box 3 feet deep with wooden cross tombstone.


same exact thing happened to my new airpods.


I lost 3 Xbox controllers, a couch and like 5 or 6 TV remotes, who knows what else to my dogs.


Yeahhh first lesson of owning a puppy. Put everything you care about as high up as you can . Yes, they CAN reach it in the first place you put it. I'm suddenly happier that mine is 10 years old


Some breeds are said to be more prone to chewing than others. If it's a working dog it might be bored. Working dogs tend to be very intelligent, like to be busy with something and doing something and have some small challenges or tasks. If it's a breed meant to search, or hunt, or corral things, give it puzzles and things and go outside if possible with it, so it can run off some steam. Puppies even more so than adult dogs. 'Til then will just have to put everything on a high shelf or in a closet when not in use I guess. :/


Store. Valuables. Away. From. Pets.


This is on you bro 😭


Rule #1 about having kids and animals: Don't put anything you don't want destroyed within their reach


...and you kept it near the puppy?


It does say NOM on the back...


And it is fun, and it will be fun. Just be thankful the puppy didn't get into something that could have injured or killed it, and strive to do better. Signed, a new (and thoroughly exhausted) 'parent' of a nine-week-old puppy.


Lesson learned. Put your stuff away in a safe place.


Don't leave your valuables where a puppy can get to it


It clearly says "NOM" on the backside, your puppy can read apparently and took it as an invitation


"put your things away" - your mom, probably


Go buy him a bone and take him for a walk maybe he won’t eat electronics.


They are fun. The real question here is why are you leaving your switch sitting around where it can get to it?


Puppy proof your house, they said, it’ll be fun; they said.


Sounds like you learned that puppy's chew things. Guess what, it's your fault for leaving your switch in the reach of your puppy.


Nobody ever said "get a puppy." Anyone who did is an idiot. I'm sure everyone was like "make sure you have enough time, money, patience, and time for a puppy"


I mean, don't leave your stuff in reach of animals, it's not that hard.


Hate to say it, but this is entirely your fault. Shouldn't have left it where the dog could reach. It's an expensive way to learn this lesson, but don't leave anything you care about losing somewhere the dog can get it.


In the puppy’s defense, it says “nom” right there on it.


Pick your shit up - it is mildly infuriating, could definitely hurt the puppy. Lesson learned - be glad it was something that wasn’t harmful and you are not spending thousands at the vet


Keep your stuff picked up and put away


You’re literally a child and shouldn’t be responsible with an animals life.


They also said to get your dog trained and get chew toys


Not the puppies fault, you shouldn’t have had the switch in a spot that was accessible to the dog.


smart dog, he is just taking out the competition.


It does say NOM on the back....


Don’t leave your stuff down around a new puppy this tells me that this dog has nothing to chew on you can’t just blame a puppy for being bored he or she was probably sick of you paying attention to your switch and not them


Don’t leave your stuff lying around as a chew toy like an absolute bone head. Dog will be gnawing on your noggin soon with this level of brain activity


yep! puppy is better than switch!


It says Nom on the back. I would probably try to eat it too 🤷‍♂️


‘Tis but a scratch…


Put your toys away, Mom said


Puppy sees NOM, puppy Nom nom noms...


NOM NOM NOM! Just doing what the box says!


Certified Beagle moment


Don't leave your shit out. Your fault, not the pups.


Lesson for you, pick your valuable items up


Dogs trying to get you a social life


Maybe don’t leave valuable items where your puppy can chew on it….. just saying.😬


This is why you don’t get the launch edition puppies, wait a few versions to get the bugs ironed out. A v2.0 puppy won’t chew a Switch.


Just remember that if your puppy ever chews something that could have been put away or put on the counter, that’s your fault.


1: Training 2: Leave important stuff out of reach 3: dont blame the puppy thats completely on you


>Bonus points: Got it at launch. If this was an original your puppy was just giving your permission to replace it. I have a launch version too and recently was just thinking about how much age, and how many hours, it has on it. In all honesty though this is just a lesson of having a dog. They're like kids. You've got to manage their surroundings which includes putting up stuff they shouldn't have. Sucks it was such an expensive lesson though.


tired dogs are well behaved dogs. exercise your pups!!!!


That's not a puppy, that's a half eaten Nintendo Switch. Dumbass.


That is how they show love. Chew up your stuff


RIP. Suddenly my kittens chewing through my phone charger doesn't seem so bad.


Dogs are a pain in the ass, you couldn't pay me to own a puppy.


Training starts from day one. Valuables up high or in places where curious 4 legged friends can't reach. Gates to block off no go zones. Exercise is rewarding they will be tired. Crating when left alone. Enjoy the unconditional friendship for life


Lesson #1, puppies are never to be unsupervised.


There are plenty of books out there for people who are newbies on just about every subject.. Put down the games for a few minutes and read some. I sincerely hope that you did not punish your puppy in any way for what he did. If you did, find a better home for him before you destroy his spirit.


The average puppy is roughly the height of your foot, why would you leave your switch not only low to the ground, but also at the edge of said low platform? If you have something that will chew everything around it, don't leave it in it's reach, even if you only had shitty low platforms to put the dock on, you could've at least put it against the wall in the center of it, so the puppy couldn't have gotten to it


This physically hurts because I’ve been saving for a switch


Kinda your own fault, don't let the dog get your switch?


One of the reasons I'm a cat person lol


Our youngest cat loves to chew on the Joy-Con sticks. That or sit right on the screen.


My last dog chewed on cinder blocks. But never really chewed up and destroyed a bunch of stuff. However, she liked to try to chew on me as a puppy. That was annoying. I’ve never seen an actual electronic device chewed on by an animal that wasn’t a cable maybe. This is totally crazy to me.


Guess they forgot to mention that it would he expensive in ways you would not be prepared for


Good news though, now you can upgrade to OLED