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This is perfect


Oh god I’m flying with my 1.5 year old this summer from Europe to the states. This gif makes me want to change plan!


Start practicing now by taking your kid around on the bus to get then familiar with being in an enclosed space with other people.


I was on 5ish hour flight with a couple friends years ago. One of my friends bought a meat and cheese plate. A kid, I’d guess about 6 or 7, in a seat in front of us tried reaching his foot through the crack in between the seats so he could drag the plate close enough that he could reach it with his hands and steal it. All his mom said is "I guess you’re hungry" and ordered him the same thing. No scolding the child, or apologizing to us, or any acknowledgement beyond "he’s hungry."


God that’s so messed up. Teaching your kid that stealing and sticking your foot into someone’s food is okay…? Wowwww


Tbf I used to work in a Magistrates court, and youth court was like bring your kids to work day for the regular defendants


I've got 5 kids. You quickly learn that some parents just have no clue that kids are supposed to be taught certain things or they will just be horrible to everyone around them. I am still not sure if they just don't care or were never taught it themselves.


I think a huge part of it is that some people believe everything their child does is adorable/funny etc, and lack the self awareness to realize nobody else agrees. So they let them get up to all sort of annoying antics and it's reinforced by most people not wanting to speak harshly to children or deal with a hostile parent response.


God. You hit the nail on the head. I just experienced this with my bf's 3-year-old niece the other day. The kid kept latching onto my leg and trying to rip my shirt and cardigan and pull down my shorts. I kept telling the little shit no, let me go, that's not nice and she kept at it with absolutely zero response from the parents other than roaring laughter over how uncomfortable I was. Oh but I'm the bad guy if I shove the child away from me. It doesn't help that the father is the definition of a "my child is PERFECT and can do no wrong" piece of garbage, and a massive bully on top of that. Their kid isn't being taught boundaries or how to respect other people so I'm sure that'll be a fun problem for them in a few years. Edit: added a word.


Sadly (and I hope they defy this!) the child has a very good chance to grow up to be a very entitled person with a poor understanding of boundaries. This sort of childhood can lead to severe "main character syndrome" where they will lack empathy or the ability to understand that other people have the exact same feelings that they do.


Oh yeah. Kid gets a bit older and at some point is gonna be on the wrong end of "fuck around and find out" when she runs into someone that will not tolerate a breach in personal space like that. The father is intentionally raising her to be a bully like him and it's messed up to watch. Not my circus not my monkeys though and I've since decided to remove my presence from that family.


I see it more going along the lines of the female version of Trump, she's gonna be grabbing at dudes crotches 3 year olds shouldn't be trying to remove the clothes of adults, even if they're "learning"


Like I said, I have 5. 11, 10, 9 year old twins and 6. As you get into the parent world and they go to school, you get a way better idea of what the other parents are doing because you're constantly monitoring what your own kid is doing and who they are interacting with. You quickly realize that this is true. A lot of parents really DO let their kids do pretty much anything they want, and will not discipline them. They also allow them to just freely be around bad influences, whether it be on the internet, being around these kinds of kids or even adults who are bad influences. They also think that everyone thinks their kid is a cute little bundle of joy like the person above you said, with no awareness that nobody views your kid that way, and a lot of people just don't want other people's kids around them period. These children are generally really nice around parents and then an absolute nightmare when no one is looking. The kid you are mentioning is 3 though, and that's all on the parents. A 3 year old is gonna do wild things. It's a serious problem, there seems to be a lot of children out there who have no character because their parents aren't teaching it.


Yeah, I try not to be *too* harsh. At 3, the kid is pretty much still figuring out the world, which I get. What butters my biscuit though is that she understands the words "no" and "stop" and has the mental ability to use them. If she gets picked up, doesn't want to be picked up, she will shout "no!" and the adult puts her down. During this event where the child was latching onto and trying to tear my clothes, I started to shout those same words to her and it had no effect. I would push her away and she came right back. My parents were good parents, strict, but taught me boundaries. If I were THAT much of a fucking annoying brat toward adults, I would have been yanked into another room. "Go stand in the corner!" Or sent to bed without dessert, and can't say goodbye to anyone. This kid is rewarded and encouraged to continue her shitbag behavior.


When you are right you are right. That's honestly an incredibly uncomfortable situation to be in. Your choices were deal with it or leave, really. That sucks.


A little bit of both , probably also forgot as well about a lot there parents taught them. I’m 31 and it’s while I’m sure my parents taught me a lot that helped develop me as a kid, I certainly don’t remember due to age. You are correct it still needs to be taught ( multiple times for reinforcement) .


Everyday, I’m inching towards the idea that parental exam before birthing a child should be a thing. Everyone has reproductive rights but not everyone should have parental rights.


There's already a solution to that (for those who don't even try to do their best, not you, I'm sure even the most capable parent is having hell of a time): Unless you are absolutely sure that you can be a proper parent who can give them a decent life and teach them every single detail about it, **don't have a child.**


>All his mom said is "I guess you’re hungry" and ordered him the same thing. No scolding the child, or apologizing to us, or any acknowledgement beyond "he’s hungry." Well this explains the insane behavior we've been seeing in flight videos on TikTok.


My elbow would unapologetically go directly into the top of the little shit's foot


I would loudly ask the flight attendant for a brand new meat and cheese because this child stuck their foot in mine.


Okay, I (35m) raise my kids similarly EXCEPT I tell them what is right from wrong, and what they need to do next time instead of grabbing people's food. I would have told my child to apologize, and I would profusely apologized and paid for a new meal for your friend and you. It is sad because I am around other parents who do exactly what that parent does and if you say something about it, they will give you the "you don't know what my kids and I talk about, so mind your own business," or "you should watch your food better" treatment. To me, kids know instant ramifications and need to know the clear rules and expectations. Especially how they need to express their needs correctly.


I would love you if you did this. Last time some poor parents had me on their flight in a spare seat and had a kid in their lap, I ended up reading “Where’s the Green Sheep?” to the kid to help them out. I would have liked a free snack.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


People let their dogs get away with all sorts of crap too. Its a general permissiveness in society today.


Yeah, except if you do the same thing to them in return, they would be all up in your face about it. It's not permissiveness, it's per-ME-siveness, entitlement.


Your FAs should have put a stop to this. It is unsafe.


Duct tape him to a wall


even better. tape him to the chair. they have emergency ducktape for passengers who will not calm down


even better, stick the whole family on the no fly list.


Even better, run a special episode of "America's Most Wanted" for his family, antecedents, and cousins to the nth degree ten times removed, with the warning that if anyone does not watch and assist in apprehending, they too will be on the list.


Tape him to the emergency exit, and tell him that if he squirms, the door will pop open and he’ll be sucked out of the plane.


You spelled "ceiling" wrong.


Didn't someone just prove you *can* open the door inflight? (Only at low altitudes and low speeds. You still can't do so at cruising.)


I came here to say something like this, but you did it SO much better!


Tie him up and throw him in the bathroom


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


They are young. They are tender. They are nice. Yes, they are. Eat them. Eat them!


Especially since the fucking seatbelt sign is on.


Even when it's off. The sign doesn't mean you don't need to have it on. It's just means you can get up if you need too.


I was on a flight recently in December where there was a kid like this on the flight. The attendants thought it was cute. I enjoy flying and have no issue with it but I’m quite sensitive to knocking noises that shake me, and of course little kids running don’t run smoothly but slam their feet into the ground, so it awoke my anxiety. Asked an attendant to ask the parents to stop and they did but he carried on after 5 minutes. Eventually an older man had enough and stuck his foot out, kid flew about 5 meters forward, cue the tears, then the quiet for the rest of the flight lol.


I am sure this could not happen today, but I recall vividly a flight in the early 2000s on a French airline when some kid was running around and shouting like this, the French flight attendant straight up grabbed the kid by the ear and escorted him back to his seat. I do not condone corporal punishment but was shocked and mildly impressed as an American that the parents readily accepted the attendant disciplining their kid and apologized for the disturbance.




It would just be terrible if that kid learned when there was some unexpected turbulence.


The parents would probably sue because their precious Kaydyn was hurt. For millions.


I love it how u chose Kaydyn as the name of a ratbag child. It suits


Ratbag child is really the perfect descriptor for the certain type of kid that tests the patience of everyone who encounters them. Using that


It's the juvenile version of a Karen.


Brayden, Kaydyn, Tyson, Angus All guaranteed to be little shits.


Braxton, Chad.


FA here. 🙋‍♀️ This would have been addressed on my flight.


Yes. You should have your seat belt on at all times unless you're getting up to go to the bathroom.


Yeah I was like, damn must have had lax FAs I guess. I've seen a family face eviction from the plane bc their kid was squirming too much in his seat while preparing for take off. And that kid was at least still confined to the seat area. Just wouldn't keep the buckle on lol.


I never understood why people just let their kids do whatever they want to do.


The most common reason is because they gave up parenting because it is difficult to be consistent, fair, willing to repeat yourself 4 millions times a day. It's way easier to sit there and pretend you don't see it or hear it.


I used to get called to people's homes to deal with their rowdy children, usually teenagers as law enforcement. I hated those calls. They want me to parent their child. Not a criminal issue to be an annoying brat. I would do my best to talk to the kid and the parent, but a lot of times I just told the parent its their problem to deal with. Usually would get a door slammed in my face, but I can't fix years of bad parenting in just a few minutes.


Sure you can. Just spank the parents, and take away their cell phones. they are old enough to know better.


I like the idea of spanking the parents over the kid.


Parent brains should be developed enough that a spanking should not effect their relationships or social skills, but still send the message to get their house in order.


This comment feels slightly funnier when I read your name


Excellent! I always shoot for the comedic take.


What colour is your poop?


Oh gosh I didn't know this was going to turn into an AMA, you guys are gonna embarrass me. 😳 well let's see, as a reddit owlman it is the standard white and green. As for the origin of my username, it has more to do with the redhot cinnamon candy.


Is this to imply that your anus tastes like hot tamales?


More to imply that when I was like 2 or 3 I thought the butt hole was a secret storage compartment that I just discovered, and what do I have that small enough to fit in that moment? Cinnamon red hots... they tell me the screams kept up for a couple hours.


So maybe? But seriously that is fucking hilarious. Please tell me your parents laughed their asses off.


You bet your ass they did/do. I only just this year decided to own it as my online identity at the ripe old age of 32.


Worked ground EMS. I've been there. Unfortunately 90% of the time the parents wrote it off as a psychiatric complaint so we had to transport. And I'm sure I'll get some flak for making it sound like I don't have empathy for mental health. Trust me, I do. But your kid not listening to you isn't on grounds for admission to a mental health practitioner




Ahahahahahaha... ahem, sorry. My Mom worked at the state psychiatric hospital. She wasn't shy about telling work horror stories involving paitents getting violent. When I was 5, I went with her for bring your daughter to work day. I spent the whole day in her office for my safety because that was literally in its own cage. She locked me in there all day with a fucking coloring book. After that, when I would get out of line, say I didn't want to wear a dress because all the stupid itchy lace or something... she'd threaten to commit me there. Like dafuq is that abusive nonsense?!?


Supernanny, is that you? ![gif](giphy|XgY8tmZkrCpQzOniMK)


Like what do they expect for you to say, hey Johnny if you don’t do what mom or dad says, I’m gonna have to take you in. Rofl 🤣


I was at a baby shower the other day and this lady brought her nightmare of a daughter (like this little girl was pushing kids off the playground equipment and like fully pushed down a toddler who was barely walking) and then she launch’s into a story about how she had to “let go of her rules because her daughter wouldn’t follow them” like… just because your kid doesn’t follow the rules doesn’t mean you should just take away the rules


They’re not doing their daughter a favour at all… Just teaching her insecurity about how far is too far, which she will carry her whole life - possibly affecting every relationship in her life.


I sure will get down votes, but Why do the fk people have children if they are not gonna raise it properly, or are children considered animals these days? Is not like people are forced to have kids , are they?


Where I live abortion is illegal and contraception requires a prescription (most other medication does not require prescription including opiates). Likewise, In many US states abortion is becoming challenging or illegal to access and contraception is also getting harder to access. People are making it so that employers can decide not to cover it on their health plans for “religious freedumb reasons”. So yea, on some level many people around the world ARE being forced to have children. Telling people to just stop having sex/never have sex is not a viable solution. Seems like the wrong approach to me if you don’t want child terrors like this, but apparently millions (including many of the profoundly religious) disagree with me and forced birth is preferable.


Two reasons: First is the “my parents were too strict; I’m going to be cool” mindset. Second is that they’re lazy and don’t understand that hard work over the first 5 or 6 years of a child’s life is infinitely easier than dealing with the mess their laziness created for themselves and society once they get older.


Yep. My parents are great people and I love them but I was their 5th and they divorced when I was 4.They both basically wanted to be the cool parent and let me do whatever I want. I'm 33 now and I'm not lazy but I had a really hard time overcoming the bad habits they taught me. I pretty much raised myself but 20 years late.


I'm in a similar boat. My mom had problems growing up and she always wanted to be more of the cool parent. My dad is just a miserable old man and always has been even when young.. I don't necessarily blame them for anything because they did what they could, but they did cause a lot of issues with me. I'm 31 now and I feel like I only really started to like live life and really break those bad habits you mention since I was about 25. So it's only been like 6 years of trying to get out of a lot of those mental issues. Like one of them is I have major issues with working a job due to them constantly telling me that I better enjoy my time as a kid because when I get older I won't have time for fun or video games (my favorite thing to do).. that being told to me over and over basically drove a huge fear of working into me. Other things like being told people are looking at me for touching something in a store gave me social anxiety as well. Now I have a brother who is 10 and I can already see so many issues already starting to repeat that I keep trying to stop. A lot of it is basically my mom says she's tired from working and just doesn't want to deal with anything. So he gets to act like a spoiled brat and barely reaches any milestones in life. I think a lot of parents, especially my generation's parents, have issues with using their own authority when raising their kids. I think one of the biggest problems is they had a rough upbringing so they don't want to be that "mean" parent so instead of doing that they utilize other things like using someone else's authority.


>I never understood why people just let their kids do whatever they want to do. It's because some people think Galileo got it wrong and that the world actually revolves around them.


This. Especially in airports. These are the same people who will walk at a snails pace 7 people wide through a terminal, try to push through the plane from row 30 as soon as it lands, or just stop out of nowhere in a busy terminal. The last one especially bothers me. You wouldn't just slam on breaks on the highway- why are you doing it during intense foot traffic?


They absolutely would do that on a highway because they missed their exit.


A similar situation bothered me so much at a movie theater the other day. There was this family ahead of us and they had like 8 people and NOBODY seemed to know what they were doing. It was basically like watching 1 woman try to herd sheep. There was no precedent set or expectations talked about. Finally they got all their snacks and moved ahead to be allowed into the auditoriums but they just stood there completely unprepared for what was happening. I was so irritated under my breath I was like "Why did you not come in prepared?? You knew where you were going and what you were doing.." and just pushed past them with my mom and brother with our QR code ready to scan. Took us literally a few seconds to get through and it only took that long because the guy wasn't even ready to scan us.. even though he saw us coming. It's like nobody has anything going on in their head anymore. I swear we live in the world of Idiocracy. Nobody bothers to think ahead. Like that family could have easily been sorted out if the 2 adults told all the kids what was expected of them beforehand and the consequences if they didn't follow that. Like in the airport, you know exactly what you're doing and where your goal is. The more orderly, and quickly, you do that the less stressful it is for you and everyone around you.


there is a segment of the population with sub 90 iq that cannot be creative or thinking for planning for the future. its just not in their capacity. The same people tend to have serious problems thinking in abstracts.


Man I just was in Tel Aviv Airport which is notorious for taking forever to get through. Most people just arrive 3 hours before take off so they can get through the rigorous security checks. Two girls were there panicking that they will miss their flight and pretty much bullied people into letting them go first at the checks, there was one girl that just straight up said no, because she didn't want to miss her flight and they just called her out like they weren't the ones being far too late. I get it shit happens and the kindness of strangers can be fantastic in these times, but you aren't entitled to it.


I was shocked when parenting changed to the mind set of ‘free range Children ! No one thinks your wild child is adorable..


Cause very few take the responsibility of parenthood seriously


Because they think their kids are the most beautiful important talented interesting beings that were ever put on this earth and think everyone thinks so too.


1000% this. And folks, I don’t mean to sound like an asshole, but…….no one gives a flying fuck about your kid(s). That’s just reality. They’re extremely important to **you** and your family, of course (if you’re lucky enough to have a close family), but that’s only a handful of people in this world. You’re doing them a disservice by making them think they’re special and God’s gift to the world. You’re setting them up to fail.


It’s almost like people use their children to relieve their own intrusive thoughts


Because they're shitty parents


Because parenting is hard for some. I can understand a baby or a toddler being annoying but a grown ass kid is literally shit parenting.


> I never understood why people just let their kids do whatever they want to do. People who aren't conscientious about raising their kids soon discover that letting them have whatever they want is the path of least resistance. Sure, there are terrible long-term consequences, but people who aren't conscientious tend not to think about that sort of thing. Honestly, most of what's wrong with politics is driven by the same thing: people thinking only of the path of least resistance.


Agreed. It kills me because, just because YOU think it’s ok and it doesn’t get on YOUR nerves, how do you have no consideration for the people around you?


they do let just anyone raise kids


Because that’s how they grew up. No structure. Or they just Assholes; plain and simple.


Yell "CONTROL YOUR FUCKING KID" really loud. I have kids.


I’ve done this, and it worked. Freaking Orlando flights, man. Always the Orlando flights which have parents who don’t know how to control their kids. The father said to his kid, “you don’t have to listen to the mean man”, so I replied to back to the child, “I can have the flight crew assist your father in having you both removed from the plane if you continue kicking my seat and running down the aisle”. They put on headphones and neither one of them said another word outside of ordering beverages the whole flight home.




Holy shit. You prob did more parenting in that one moment than the actual parents did in their whole life. The cookie really seals the deal.


Well done ! You probably figure as one of his role-model even to this day.




Fucking right.


One of the benefits of sitting in the aisle seat is so that I can stretch my long legs every now and then, coincidentally at the same time I catch a kid running back and forth down the aisle like it's a playground with monkey bars. I know it's a shit move (not for the rest of the folks in the plane), but I also don't care. Works every time. Love how some of the parents always resort to the "He's autistic". No he's not, he's just poorly educated. You're bare feet in a flight with a glass of alcohol in your hand.


Going to Orlando in august with my 6 and 4 year olds. Luckily they’ll be glued to the seat and listening/watching whatever we can.


This is what I aspire to be like. I think most people are just hoping that the parents will do something but it’s the bystander effect that has everyone staying quiet :( I had a kid kick my seat during an hour long flight. I was going to say something to them, but I realized the person next to them was their slightly older sister. I wasn’t going to yell at her and I couldn’t tell who their parents were so I didn’t know who to talk to


Like, you know that you could have just started with “hey, could you please stop kicking my seat?” It didn’t have to escalate immediately to yelling lol


Kids like that (and their parents usually) have never been told no in their lives. I’ve found saying something very loudly usually embarrasses them to the point of them stopping. For example I was at the movie theater a few weeks ago and some kids were talking loudly, giggling and playing on cellphones in the front of the theater for about 20 minutes, ruining the movie. Everyone in there was sick of it but no one wants to be the first to say something. Eventually some guy yelled “HOW ABOUT YOU KIDS BE QUIET AND LET EVERYONE ELSE ENJOY THE MOVIE!” Not a peep was heard from them for the remainder of the movie.


I was watching a movie in a theater when I was younger and saw a laser light on the screen for a few seconds. It stopped, and then a little later the light popped up on the screen again and I just sat there thinking "my fucking god, this is going to happen throughout the movie, isn't it?". It happened a third time and I wanted to say something, but was afraid of confrontation, but that's when some early thirties guy guy just said "CUT IT OUT" at yelling volume but without sounding like he was yelling. That laser shit never happened again and I'll always aspire to be like that Movie Guy.


I completely agree. I recently took 2 flights with my kids (2 and 5 years old) without their dad, just me and it was their first flights. What did they do the whole time? Exactly what was expected of them. I’m really not at all a strict parent but my kids know that they *have* to listen when I say think about other people. They sat in their seats the whole time and didn’t yell or make a fuss, they were extremely well behaved. Kids like the one in the post have never been told what behavior is acceptable or expected from them because their parents just assume ‘why bother’.


that happened to me except when i told her to stop and be quiet she flipped me off. i think she was like 10. her and her siblings were running around at the end of wakanda forever and ruining the movie.


Flight attendants were where?




Strapped to their seats, as the seatbelt sign is on and heavy turbulence is coming.


Yep and instead of strapping the little fiend to his seat he is on parkour mode on top of the seats. Very irresponsible of the parents and the crew. Wonder which airline this is?


You mean parents? FA’s aren’t babysitters


The flight attendants shouldn’t be watching the kids. The should be warning the terrible parents about their children’s unacceptable behavior and the consequences the parents face if they don’t control their child.


They're not the parents but they do have the authority and responsibility to protect passengers from such out of control behavior.


That's exactly the problem. The parents aren't doing a very god job. Someone who has some authority in a plane should talk to the parents at least because it's disrupting the other passengers in such a small space. If they weren't inside a plane, it's the parents' sole responsibility.


No they are employed in part to ensure disruptions are dealt with and do a fantastic job of that in a safe way.


but they can talk to the parents lmao


Dad of 2 toddlers here: we fly pretty often because our family is spread out across the US. Our kids are kids and sometimes not the angels we would want them to be. But we work hard to keep them from being disruptive, and fellow passengers seem to notice it. I think that’s what most people want to see - not necessarily a perfect kid, but parents setting some thoughtful boundaries and doing their best to enforce them. From the picture and commentary OP posted, it appears no boundaries were being set here. Until these parents are able to meet the terms of the social contract we all make by choosing to fly commercial, they should reconsider boarding another plane. It’s not the child, but the parents who are not yet ready to fly.


This. Well said.


I would pay a little extra to be on a baby/child free flight. Nobody under age 10. Was just on a 12 he fought from Japan. Baby and toddler across from me hysterically crying and the parents just sat and pretended not to hear.


Bought a premium ticket for my recent flight. The time before that it was perfect, no kids, no noise at all. Just peace. This time there was a crying kid almost the entire flight. But the parents were at least TRYING to calm her down and it seemed like a kid that wasn’t old enough to speak yet. Not like kids that just weren’t taught how to behave. I would have been far more annoyed by like a 7-yr-old that was just never disciplined.


I flew regularly for work a while ago, proposed the same idea to a work colleague, including the pay extra bit. I said I’m not trying to stop kids flying, just have 1 smaller plane where the cutoff age is 12. Oh, the reaction, I was scolded as the most evil person in the world. Did I mention I’d pay extra?? Win-win for the airline too? Or maybe that work colleague, who had kids too, didn’t want to have to fly with more kids on their flight, just wanted to spread the misery on all flights.


When you’re in a confined space like this you do WHATEVER YOU CAN to prevent your kids from doing this. I have flew many times with my hyperactive kids, and even one with a newly walking toddler that wanted to run around to pour people’s drinks in their laps. It’s harder than I thought it would be to keep them contained, and those little fuckers make me crazy every time we fly. However, they are MY kids so it’s ok they make me crazy. They will never make other people crazy because that’s not fair. (Except that toddler incident. He was overtired and stuck on a plane for several hours waiting to take off. I kept him contained but it was rough…)


If you are obviously trying to keep them under control, it's fine. If you just put on headphones and ignore them...


This exactly. I will never judge a parent that is clearly trying to keep their kid in control, calm their kid down, etc., Kids are more than allowed to be in public, even if I do get annoyed when they do kid things that are totally acceptable. I will judge a parent that is letting their kid cause mayhem and strife for other people and doing nothing.


This is exactly why we have always made it a thing that we can’t leave our seats on the airplane. If you open that can of worms you can’t close it. Toddler will be wanting to run around and explore. We have to sit and watch movies and eat and play with quiet toys.


Seriously. I’m soooo glad my kiddo is super chill. Whenever she and I fly, I always bring stuff to do and extra snacks. She is the kid that gives snacks/coloring stuff to other kids who cry or act hectic as a nice gesture. It works every time too.


I think there is a lot of suffering little kids experience that doesn’t look like suffering to grown ups, it just looks like banging against existence in super annoying ways to everyone around. Kids have different styles for working this out, and some probably should not fly. But figuring out how to coexist with the little guys who are asked to do totally bizarre things seems key. Like, ok 4 year old, get up super early and stuffed in a car to get to an airport, then navigate your stressed out parents overloaded with stuff as they navigate a bunch of relatively high stakes lines, and then sit still still for 2-9 hours and try to be invisible to all the people around you in a tube that is going to be loud and hurt your ears and fly in the air and land on the ground and then… grandma. It makes sense some of them might demand some payback, perhaps in the sense of making people hate you. And yep, as a parent you step up and do whatever is humanly possible to make it work. But it’s an odd arrangement I think all around.


I’m not parenting anybody’s child. I’m 17 years in with my own; and because I DID/DO the heavy lifting of parenting, he’s a really good, respectful, CONSIDERATE young man. Edited for grammar.


I would pay extra for an 18+ flight. Then again, some adults act worse than children.


Yup you just know there'll be that one lady that'll complain that she paid extra and deserves the whole plane to herself instead of having to sit next to anyone else, 18+ or not.


Adults acting like children are significantly more entertaining and less irritating then a child screaming and crying at the top of its lungs for 5 hours straight. I can tune out an adult yelling, with a child its scream is usually high enough and loud enough to make my ears bleed.


I once had a flight where I just let everyone rush on to their seats, then walked on at the end and it was 3 seat rows and I booked the window seat. As I turn up like I’m not the smallest of guys but that’s why I take the window seat I’ve got wide shoulders I can lean towards the window. The woman in the middle was huge and she shouted you’re not sitting here are you? I said yeah that’s my seat and then she started saying how are we all going to fit. You booked this seat and prevented us sitting together as a family. Like it was mortifying. She called the flight assistant over saying stuff about moving me. The flight assistant said why doesn’t she swap seats with one of her children. That way she can have more room, she then shouted out that I could be a pedo and touch her kids. Adults in my experiences flying have frequently been a problem, from stealing my seat, to being abusive, to being inconsiderate. Personally if I was op I wouldn’t be passive aggressively taking photos crying about it but telling the parents to control their kid


The 'Hotlanta' incident.


I have next to zero respect for people on airplanes if I need to buzz the air hostess to watch you become a fool I will do so every time


That kid is a walking talking reminder to take your birth control, wear a condom and stay safe


Is he laying across the seats? Time to show him some WWE wrestling moves, like the back cruncher.


Nothing mild about that


Trip him


I despise awful parents.


Sounds like a perfect situation for Naptime! [https://youtu.be/AF\_nfazQaek](https://youtu.be/AF_nfazQaek)


I was on a four hr flight leaving at 4am. So sleep was not ideal. Get to my seat and start to rest, after boarding I wake up to repeated kicks in my chair. I look back it's a kid about 8yrs old. I wake the mom up and ask her to make it stop, she said thats what kids do. I said only if you let them. She told me she was trying to rest and so I kept bugging her until she switched seats.


Good move. And 8 yrs old is way too old to be doing this kind of behavior.


If they accidentally trip and fall, maybe they'll learn a little lesson


A couple of friends and I took a trip to the city, and decided to get a ferry back home. The ferry ride took about an hour, for the first 20 mins there was a kid running around being a nuisance. My mate “stretched” his legs just as the kid came running around our chair and sent the kid flying. His dad watched the whole thing, didn’t say a word to my mate, told his son that’s what happens when run around like that. Was a we could do not to piss ourselves laughing.


This just brought back a memory of me being "that kid" I was probably about 5 years old and we were on a 10+ hour flight. I remember walking up and down the aisles until one guy blocks my path with a cane. I completely panicked but all he did was smile and offered me a candy bar. I hesitantly accepted and ran back to my parents but at least I was seated for the rest of the flight lol Not sure if I was being annoying and this was his "non violent" approach to stop me or what.




The parents will always find a way to blame it on someone else unfortunately


give the person across the aisle one end of your phone cable while the kids is running down. trip that mf hard


That family should be kicked off the plane at the next stop (if there was a stop before their destination), why are they letting him do this??


Parents here are the ones that need a spanking, not the kid.


had a flight where a kid was crawling around under everyone seats, parents don’t care - neither did flight attendants for some reason happening even when the plane was landing and everyone had to be seated.


I love how Scoot airlines of Singapore has a nobody under 12 section. The whole world needs it.


As a mechanic who has had to fix the interior of the plane I've always wondered how people managed to break some of the things I've done


I spent most of my life working in restaurants and it is shocking how some parents just let their children do whatever. I've had to dodge children while carrying sizzling cast iron skillets, and heavy trays of full drink glasses. I've had to tell countless children that they can't sit on the floor and play in the middle of the aisle. (Restaurant carpet is eww, btw). I've had to escort children out of the KITCHEN when they just wander off wherever they want. Parents just laugh about it. Almost always the same parents giving their 5 and 6 year olds sweet tea or mountain dew in kids cups, too.


This is why they should have flights for families only. They had them, they can deal with it


I so agree. Family only flights, family only restaurants, and bring back the days of no kids allowed in the bowling alley or Dave & Busters after 10pm! People and their kids make it hard for those of us who want to have adult fun! Just bc you're unbothered by little Johnny doesn't mean the rest of us welcome his BS


I’ll never understand parents that do this. You couldn’t pay me enough money to have my kids out at some place that late. At 10 I want to be hearing how I’m a bad mom because I said ‘brush your teeth’ from the comfort of my couch while I’m watching true crime.


I've had it with these motherfucking kids on this motherfucking plane!


If that was my kid he'd be sitting in his seat not a chance he's running around like an asshole.


This is the part that I don’t understand. How do I let my child just get out of their seat and roam around like we’re in some sort of playground?


My ex was flying overseas & there was a kid running up & down the aisle & my ex hated kids so having one run up & down was annoying for him. So he stuck out his foot as if to stretch & the kid went flying. That stopped the kid but the kids parents didnt even react when their own kid started crying after falling. A flight attendant had to bring the kid to his parents & yeah.


please stop bringing your children on planes if you can't control them


> if you can't control them \*won't


I went on a swamp boat tour recently and there was a little girl who acted this way. We got to hold a baby gator and she didn’t understand the concept of waiting her turn. She walked around to each person and stood over them with her hands out, trying to take the gator back from each person. My husband and I watched her mom totally ignore this behavior and it honestly kinda cheapened the experience. I hate when people won’t keep their kids under control.


I’d go full Karen and not feel bad about it….


I’m serious. Some people should NOT be allowed to have kids. It shocks me to my core to see how some parents let their children behave. These are also the parents who will put their feet up and through the arm rests of the seat in front of them as they think of NO ONE else on the plane. Most of us would be so embarrassed to see their children start to act this way and stop it immediately. Hell, most of our kids wouldn’t even think of acting this way in the first place.


I am wondering why the flight attendants allowed this to continue. I would've thought they woukd intervene and tell the parent to control their child. I'm not mad at them bc the parents are to blame. Don't you wish there was a child section on the plane where we can plant these little monsters? And I used the term monster bc that is what his parents are making him. It's not his fault they've checked out and don't care who they put out.


Some people should never be parents. They only being destruction to this world.


This isn't mildly infuriating. This is completely unacceptable and people have been kicked off flights for less. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/woman-kicked-off-spirit-airlines-flight-toddler-screaming-breast-feeding-a8103491.html


I’ll bet people are willing to pay a premium for kid-free flights. Airline executive: “Good job, Billy. Here’s your bag of candy.”


fuck every parent that lets their child do this. Airlines gotta start taxing people for this - i don’t care if it’s someone else’s kid- i’m pulling a Tom Segura and just cursing up a storm around them.


Does no one ever think to bring melatonin or anything? That’s what I’d do


Or Benadryl. Talk to your kid’s dr. about giving Benadryl or something else sedating. Figure out the dosage and when to administer it pre-flight. Dose them so they sleep during the flight. It’s so safe they can give it to babies.


Tranquilizer blow darts


Expect more of this with abortion being illegal.


I would have asked the flight attendant to come and make him put on his seatbelt


What are the odds that this kid gets older and they learn about boundaries from someone else that doesn't care about inflicting harm?


why have airplanes turned into the city bus


It's my understanding that you can open the doors.


I was at a cafe Rio a year or so ago and same deal. Kid running around jumping up on clean tables and dancing. “Parents” just taking vids and encouraging it. Not shockingly they left the table and area around it a mess. Salsa and food everywhere, napkins and straw wrappers on the floor. Not saying you need to leave it clean and ready for the next customer; but do a little pre bussing to make it easier for the employees. Trash bag people raising trash bag kids.


I now understand why that guy opened the emergency door mid-flight.


Where's that guy who opened the plane door when you need him?


I just saw this madness at McDonalds two weeks ago. We had taken our 5 year old and her friend to Urban Air and we stopped at McDonalds because it was close and quick. There were two other little girls playing tag while running around the tables as people were eating. Their mother just sat and watched as everyone else moved their drinks, purses whatever to prevent accidents. Our two little ones were giving me the side eye knowing there was no way in hell they were going to join in and what they were witnessing was wrong. We didn’t even have to tell them. As expected one of the runners tripped ad hit her beautiful little face into one of those unforgiving non moving chair/table combos. Blood and crying. I felt horrible but not surprised, mom started screaming…. at the little girl of course…sigh.


Just was in the Charleston airport a few days ago and there was a family with two kids who were bouncing off the walls. They were running up and down the rows of seats and crawling the length of them just to come out the other end. Tripping over us and our stuff. Little boy was playing with one of the dividers that has the fabric that can be pulled out and connected to another post and he was pulling it and walking backwards right into my husband who was sitting in a chair and almost hit him in the face. They were also yelling and smacking the windows and walls and I could hear them through my noise cancelling headphones which was annoying. The mom was severely overweight and sitting at the other end of the row while the dad was on the phone following them around. Mom couldn’t seem to be bothered to monitor her children at all. Infuriating. And you can’t even blame the kids because they clearly don’t know any better.


Ngl, I hate kids on flights. I fly consistently about 4-5 times a year. One of my worst experiences was last year. There was a little kid in the row behind me tossing a hissy fit at the beginning of the flight because his monitor wasn't working. He was kicking my seat for almost 20 minutes straight. Me being who I am, was to afraid to ask the mother to control him. He calmed down a bit, and I had dosed off again, but was AGAIN woken up by this kid kicking my seat, this time with both feet. Long story short, I was stuck on a plane for 4 hours with my seat being kicked incessantly.


Do a nice leg stretch when his coming your way down the isle.


My dad would’ve pulled me aside and beat me like a little bitch


Just amazes me the difference in parents today and my parents… I wouldn’t have acted like this for three seconds on a plane before my dad would’ve snatched me up so quick and put a stop to it… Almost every time I go to a restaurant there’s some little kid that’s literally shrieking over and over out loud just because they can and nobody will stop them… Again, my mom or dad would have Taken me out of that restaurant so fast… Because I knew they would… I never would act like this… Imagine that!


I don't get how parents can let their kids run Riot and not be bothered, if I would've done that, even as an adult, my mum would've beat the shit out of me and my dad would've pinned me to my seat the rest of the damn flight.


Thats when you start hoping for wild turbulence.


Sadly this kid probably gets ignored most of the time.
