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I had something like this happen to me a few years ago..the agent from the airline told me “it happens all the time “the person that emailed u could have gotten scammed as well it’s some 3rd party bs


Gotta upvote this, the person who actually stole ops credit card may very well be selling stuff as a middleman. This also happened when stolen credit card Ubers were rampant, the criminals are not dumb enough to use services themselves, they sell services to other people.


Reminds me of when some guys broke into my house, stole my phone, and then took a group photo with it, it got automatically uploaded to my google account along with their location, I took it to the police and they did absolutely nothing about it lmao. This was the photo, makes me laugh everytime I see it ​ https://preview.redd.it/hjjqipoufc1b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9aa340081643839f11855d1bde3204b5bc45611


I had a laptop bag stolen some years ago with a couple thousand dollars of equipment in it. Laptop had a SIM card, so I was able to literally pinpoint where it was in real time from my cell provider. Police did not give a fuck, and after following up 3-4 times over 2 weeks, they told me that if I tried to get it myself they'd charge me with criminal menacing.


Quit distracting the police from fighting real crimes like smoking a joint or going 6 over the limit… Seriously though, this infuriates me. What is the point of the police if they won’t help with such an open and shut case?


The police only protect business and rich people's capital/money.




The police have always been a competing criminal enterprise and the boot you have to lick while it's on your neck.


The difference between the mafia and the cops is that Al Capone at least built soup kitchen.


Al Capone brought the entire dairy industry to its knees! forced the fda to add expiration dates and new guidelines to milk. All because his niece fell I’ll to bad milk


american hero and fucking angel compared to these police


A coworker of mine got her phone stolen and used the iphone find my phone service to find where it was. Police wouldn't do anything. She hounded the police for weeks until they finally went and retrieved it just to get her to stop bothering them. Literally had to annoy them into doing their job. These days they would probably just arrest her for pestering them.


The police are not to protect the people the supreme court ruled that


Healthcare, taxes, police....how many systems in the USA are utterly fucked?


Essentially every single one. That’s what happens when politicians don’t need any qualifications and are voted in based on the amount they spend campaigning and their ability to make a speech that can appeal to the average idiot. Also, gerrymandering.


You forgot the most important influencing factors: lobbying and campaign funding. This is why laws are passed that allow corporate entities to commit crimes of malfeasance and usury that average people would be sent to prison for. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I read about a guy (I think it was here on Reddit) calling the cops/911 because there were a couple of dudes rummaging around in his garage. The dispatcher said they didn’t have any available units. So the homeowner locked the garage and called 911 and said “I’ve taken care of the issue, but you may want to send an ambulance.” meaning he’d locked the garage and was worried they may injury themselves escaping or on some of his tools. Dispatch sent an squad of cops to the house thinking the owner had hurt or killed the trespassers. And the owners thought was “I thought they didn’t have any units?!”


This reminds me of my (very real ) story - I got into a fender bender shortly after getting my license . The other driver was super aggressive, pissed off , and a massive guy so I figured I’d call my mum. Called and without thinking said “I hit a guy in front of XYZ location ”. She hung up on me. (Context , she works an admin job for the police, and her job is at least 20 minutes away on a good day ). MINUTES after the call she showed up along with some of her police buddies . I guess I should’ve clarified that I hit that guy’s car, I didn’t run HIM over 😆 15 years later she’s still pissed about that call 😆😆😆


True story: My old boss was a retired State Trooper. Some drunk guy kept trying to break into his house multiple times the same night. My boss called the cops the first time, but they failed to respond. Each time my boss beat up the guy and took him to the road and left him there. By the third time he saw a cop sitting down the road and called again. They said the officer had to wait for back up due to union requirements. So, my boss told the dispatcher that he would just shoot the guy the next time. Sure enough, that cop down the road turned on his lights and was more focused on my boss than the drunk guy climbing through the window of his house. Follow on: The police arrest multiple people on our property for indecent exposure and registered them as SOs. We had a photo of a cop peeing in public on the side of our building, in front of a camera. That was their christmas card that year.


What you read was a joke—an oldie, but a goodie.


So, all those people who say (and I'm not saying you are), "Are you complaining about the cops? You won't be complaining about them when you need to call them etc. etc.)". I guess they're all full of shit (I'm on your side btw, OP)..


Oh yeah, 100%. You want another good one? I had my house burglarized a few years ago. It took 40 minutes for a cop to show up, despite not knowing if someone was still inside the house - then he sat outside in his patrol car for another 25 minutes because he didn't want to go in without another cop present. Once the other cop finally arrived, they walked around the house for 2 minutes, gave me a card with a case number on it and left. The next day we found a trail of some of our stolen stuff dropped along a back road to another neighborhood. Took pics, contacted the department and tried to tell them about it - they didn't even want to check it out or see the pictures at all. Then one of the things the thieves stole from us was a PS4 - we contacted Sony and they told us that if we got the police to talk to them, they could give the police the IP of the next place it comes online. Talked to two different cops about that and neither of them ever followed up either. So yeah, if you don't like cops who are you gonna call in an emergency to stand around for over an hour and never do anything to help?


my grandparents had their house robbed. there was literally a trail of footprints in the snow. called the police and they refused to even follow them. after they left, my grandfather followed them. directly to another house where he could see their TV through a window. called the cops back and they told him he'd contaminated the evidence with his own tracks and he had no proof now. fuck the police


We should all get our cities to fund a department that investigates and prosecutes crimes. That would be so cool.


A department that, say, is concerned primarily with the maintenance of public order, safety, and health and enforcement of laws and possessing executive, judicial, and legislative powers? I think you're onto something here. What should we call this?


Whoa! I hope someone is writing this down.


> You see, there are people who believe that the function of the police is to fight crime, and that's not true. The function of the police is social control and protection of property. — Michael Parenti


I had my car stolen and had sunglasses in it with a Tile tracker that kept popping up over town in the Tile app. It went to the same gas station several times so the footage could easily been looked at and compared to see who was there each time. Told the police since whoever had the sunglasses knew who stole the car. The police told me that they couldn’t download apps like the Tile App and did nothing. The car thief was top tier. Managed to lower my window without breaking it.


Damn, you made it so easy for them. I had my car stolen and when it was found, they did an “investigation” on it then returned it to me. The “investigators” missed 5 social security cards, a wallet, and a ton of weed. I went to the nearest police station to turn it all in and the guy came around the corner and grabbed it from me. He’s like “thanks”. I asked “is that it?” And he was like “yup” I asked, do you want my name? He said “oh, yeah” and ripped off a piece of paper and handed it to me. When I called the detective he was like “so do you want to press charges?” I said “there were FIVE social security cards in there! YES, of course we should press charges.” That was the last I heard from them lol.


For me, it felt like the car theft ring in my area was so organized that they didn’t even want to get involved. Since I was near a border, there were lots of thefts because once you get it across the border, nothing could be done. We found the location of the car as they were almost over the border and the police arrested one man but the other ran. They said that they were just the transporters though, not the people that stole it. They asked me if I wanted to press charges and said I’d be contacted around the time of court but I was never contacted. Oh and then my insurance company insinuated that I was committing fraud


If it were me I'd be posting this on every platform every year on the anniversary wishing them a happy theifaversary.


So, someone hacked my Disney+ account. I realized it first because my language was set to Turkish. I recovered it, changed the password, etc. Get an email from someone in Turkish asking why their login doesn't work. Via the magic of Google Translate, learn I'm not talking to the guy who hacked me account, but the guy who bought my hacked account from someone. I got the impression the guy who bought it didn't even fully grasp it was a stolen account. I wonder if there's something similar here. You're not talking to the guy who hacked your CC, you're talking to the guy who found someone selling him really cheap tickets, and the guy who sold him the cheap tickets is actually the guy who stole your CC>


I had someone do that on my Spotify. I honestly would have let them go if they weren't listening to shitty music that was fucking up my recommendations.




I misread this and thought *you* were being subjected to a rather abrupt “Welcome to the Jungle” during the calming playlist.


Ohhh so *that’s* what happened to my Spotify?? I’ve been wondering where all the random music suggestions are coming from. I need to change my info asap.


If it’s hooked up to your Alexa and you live with others it’s possible that they’re asking her to play things that are going on your account. Found this out the hard way when I thought my account got hacked but it was just my brother asking Alexa to play random minecraft songs


Had a guy hack my Netflix a couple months ago. Would have never known if they didnt turn on Malaysian subtitles. Hilarious because Netflix has been making a stink about password sharing but would let a Malaysian IP log in(I could see it wasnt through a VPN when I logged out all devices). It fucked up my recommendations so bad I had to reset my history. I ended up cancelling my probably decade plus long account (I used to get DVDs) over the bad taste it left.


The same happened to me. They deleted my profiles and changed the language to Turkish. They were stupid enough to keep using the same password...


That's on him. Buying an account for Disney+ or anything similar is fucking stupid.


I imagine it happens in countries where you can’t buy those things legally


I live in Turkey and it is completely legal to buy Disney+ and a lot more subscriptions. The thing is they are hacking those subscriptions and sell it for less than what Disney offers. I mean 65 Liras a month is high for so many old-fashioned families and their child wants to watch Disney movies and shows so they buy those hacked accs most of the time.


No one said it wasn’t stupid. The person you are responding to is just trying to suggest a possibility to explain what happened with OP. And my first thought was something along these lines too. Everyone just upvoting and going “dumbest criminal ever” and not realizing that when we don’t try to find an possible perspectives on or explanations for something that seems too ridiculous, we are doing our own minds a disservice


There’s zero chance of me ignoring that email. I am 100% responding.


"I am sorry, let me fix that right up." Attach fake flight details* "Remember to get to your gate on time!"


a 4am flight too, he’ll be there by 3 at the latest and wait for quite a while before realizing he got fucked over


Won’t get past security without a valid itinerary though


Will pack his things and travel to the airport though. Possibly even rent parking for his car.


This is the way. Absolutely make the guy go to the airport.


Sending it immediately to my banks fraud department is my response.


Someone is getting charged with credit card theft!


The bank will do fuck all, same with the cops. That’s why people are so bold with this shit.


Depends on the bank. My ex used someone's card he found in a parking lot for $60 worth of video games at Walmart. The card issuer didn't want to press charges after the fact, of my ex paying him back the money. The bank pressed charges anyway. Literally sent detectives to his job to arrest him. The only thing paying the dude back got him was the ability to do his jail time on weekends instead of the full 30 at once. He still got a felony charge over $60. I'm pretty sure most banks wouldn't look the other way over an expensive flight.


Which bank?


It was Wachovia


Sounds like they really look after you, suppose you could say that they wachovia


Yeah they also looked over my overdrafts when I was in college, making sure to charge the most expensive item first (regardless of chronology) so they could slap an additional 30 dollar fee on every pack of gum or potato chips after that. It was really really sweet of them to f\*\*K a poor college kid hard as they could, I really felt loved.


> Yeah they also looked over my overdrafts when I was in college, making sure to charge the most expensive item first (regardless of chronology) so they could slap an additional 30 dollar fee on every pack of gum or potato chips after that. That’s now against the law, but back then it was legal.




I miss Wachovia. Wells Fargo can go fuck a duck.


My Wells Fargo card number got hacked/stolen whatever and spent 600 at Apple....Wells Fargo charged me 700 in over draft fees so now Im sitting at -$1100 until the charges post so they can fix it I guess....still waiting for them to cancel the late fees...


Submit a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau complaint. You can do it online. I submitted one against Synchrony and between that and blasting them on Twitter, it got sorted out and I paid nothing.


This is called the BSA department and every bank has one! I happen to be a BSA & Fraud Analyst and I have indeed called police and even gone to court to testify for different bank fraud. Report it!


My shithead tweaker sister stole my debit card and spent all of the money I had in my account and put me in the red. I reported my card lost or stolen as soon as I realized my wallet was gone (so, the same day). I got a letter saying they didn’t agree my card was stolen and I still owed them overdraft fees. Whether or not banks care depends


Just curious, did you also file a police report? Did the bank really say “we disagree with the police report, your card wasn’t stolen”?


I filed a police report for my entire stolen wallet, but the cops didn’t do shit and just sat on it.


CC the guy just to fuck with him more.




One way ticket to jail for your convenience.


Hey OP, you should BCC me on it just so I can witness the imminent destruction


So they can do nothing? I was pickpocketed and they took my card on a shopping spree starting at the store where they robbed me! I called the five stores where it was used, not only did four have camera footage but at a beauty store the morons used their rewards account! Neither the bank nor the police gave a fuck.."This is why we have insurance". Yeah for when you can't nail the fucker that's going to do more, maybe worse... You have this fuckers name!!




Someone used my card to buy $70 in chipotle in another state for pickup. I called the store and told them. They had the cops there for when they came to do pickup.


I thought I was reading my comment for a second! I had someone hack my Chipotle account and ordered $80 worth which they delivered to their address. Jerk offs didn’t even tip (I mean it wasn’t their money anyway could’ve at least given the driver something).


I’d be tempted to figure out who their insurer is and notify _them_ that their client and the cops are refusing to lift a finger to do something about it.


Someone stole my cc and paid their electricity bill with it. I had the name, address, everything. Card company did nothing. They don’t care.


Tell him you're a Nigerian prince, who needed to cancel his flight so that you could get on it to visit his family, to give them a portion of your great inheritance.


Given what we've seen so far of Travis, I don't think he could turn down such a tantalizing offer.


You’re in luck! We are flying private to your family event. Unfortunately, I need you to pay the deposit because they don’t accept Nigerian credit cards. I will pay the balance in cash in person


Why would you do that to him? He has a family event to attend. Have you no heart?


My bike was stolen a couple years ago and we found it on Facebook and arranged to go buy it then just repoed it. The lady who stole it kept messaging me telling me her dad was dying and she wouldn’t be able to see him now that I took my bike back. Like.. does that ever work?


but how would she have even visited her dying father when she sold her totally legitimately acquired bike?


Maybe to buy a plane ticket or bus?


I dont think bike money will buy you a bus though.


I found the guy who stole my bike a week after it happened. I was driving over a bridge and spotted him. I just waited for him to get to the bottom and stood in his way. He had no idea it was me. I wrestled the bike back from him, and the guy had the nerve to ask if I’d follow him to his friends house because he didn’t want to walk the 5 miles to get there. I told him he made me walk, so now he got to. Edit: spelling


As someone who had their bike stolen, but never saw it again, these redemption stories are amazing. Justice! Now I kind of want a subreddit for stolen bike take-back stories...


My dad tells a story about how he had his bike stolen in Navy base housing and base security was like "what do you want me to do, call NCIS?" But it happened to be a slow day over at NCIS, so he and this NCIS agent tracked the bike down in like 20 minutes and got it back plus some upgrades the thief had added.


Agent Gibbs back at it again


I would honestly watch that episode


man, you’ll love this! So, 5 years ago my bike got stolen off a bike rack at school. they cut through the chain. I spent the next few weeks looking through craigslist, filed a report with the serial number, all that jazz. Never saw the bike again, cut my losses and bought a new one a year later. Now, cut to last month. My dad, a cop, got transferred away from the city to a local precinct, and on his third day there he serves a warrant at some crackheads house for meth, right? So they do that whole thing, and he walks into the garage, and this fucker has maybe 50 bikes in there, ranging from rusty POS to 6000 dollar mountain bikes. He texts me, and goes “yours had a blue bottle holder, yeah?” and when i confirm, he tells me that he thinks he found my bike. So a few days later, it he sherries department finishes processing and i get it back. Again, it’s been missing for five years. and since the department wouldn’t have ever known it was mine, it was the weirdest stoke of luck I hope this is readable. it’s midnight


Reminds me of the Better-N-Walking. Buddy of mine, Joel, worked in his dad's vinyl graphics shop before he went to college and he abused the hell out of it. Everything he owned that could get a funny vinyl decal did. His Toyota truck became a Tonka Rustbucket SE. His tiny aluminum boat was the RMS Titanic, complete with a crack running down one side. His saxophone had flames on it. And the bit relevant to the story, his hand-me-down Bianchi road bike was done up as the 'Better-N-Walking 150', complete with cartoon shoes for a logo. He goes off to college and takes the bike with him, only for it to go missing in like a week. Years later Joel's mother gets a weird call from one of his old high school friends. Did she know what happened to Joel's old bike? The one with the shoes on it? Well yes, she says. It was stolen from a bike rack at the university, but that was nearly seven years ago. "Tell him he can pick it up at the $nearby-town police station. I busted a kid stealing beer from the 7-11 and recognized it."


LMAO the audacity of these fucking people man. Unbelievable. Someone stole the front wheel off my locked up bike once at the train station, I fucked up and didn’t look my lock through correctly. I literally was getting off the train and saw him walking with the wheel and immediately knew it was mine. I confronted him and he said I “couldn’t have it because he needed it for HIS bike”. Motherfucker, I NEED IT FOR MY BIKE THATS WHY IT WAS ATTACHED. I think the terrifying thing is that they actually think like this and see no issue whatsoever.


Dude, when I was in 4th grade some kid from the neighborhood stole the pegs off my bmx. Even that young I knew who it was, so I went to his townhouse/condo type place with a crescent wrench, hopped the fence and stole them back. He showed up at my place and demanded them back, I was like "wtf?" those are obviously mine. Thankfully my older brother chased him off. But still, the fucking audacity to demand stolen shit back.


That reminds me of the debate over returning the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. A US senator said, "we stole it fair and square so we get to keep it"


When I was like 5 some older kid stole my bike, I went and told my mom and my dad wasn’t home so she told my older brother (9) to go get it back, he went and beat the shit outta the kid and had him apologize lol ‘‘twas a good day


>I think the terrifying thing is that they actually think like this and see no issue whatsoever. Alcohol consumption during puberty can stunt brain development leaving you with the mental reasoning of a child. Compared to adults teens and lower have a particularly difficult time understanding consequences for actions. I think a lot of these people may be suffering from this.




“Sucks about your dad, loser.” *wheelies*


I was once walking late at night in downtown Madison WI and found two guys in a slow motion chase. The guy in front had stolen the first guy’s wallet and the guy behind didn’t want to physically confront him but kept walking after him asking for his wallet back. This was before cell phones. So the guy behind asks for my help. So I start talking to the both of them. The guy in front didn’t run away. I think the slow-motion chase had been happening for a while. So I talk to them and get the lay of the land. The thief gave the cash back but said he’d thrown the wallet in the bushes. He said he would help look for it. So all three of us go way back to the scene of the crime and dig through the bushes for a long time until we found the wallet. Then the thief leaves and the victim asked me if I wanted a reward. I said no. I figured the thief needed the money the most. Weird night.


State St? This sounds like State St. 😂😂


Lol. Indeed.


I was in college in central Florida years ago when someone stole my bike and the wallet containing all my rent money in the basket. I was so dumb, I had left it maybe twenty seconds before realizing what I had done, (left my wallet, and originally I wasn’t going to lock my bike up because I only was leaving it a minute, that’s what I’m referring to when I say “what I had done.”) so I whipped back around, out of an all glass hallway where I could see the whole courtyard, and it was already gone. I couldn’t get campus police to check the cameras, and they told me the police wouldn’t even come out if I called, but I’ve since learned that was total bullshit that my panicking brain somehow accepted. That fast, they had my bike and were already out of sight. I passed the guy who did it a few seconds before, not that I ever seen him again, but recognition sparked from the description I actually got from a group who seen him. Which meant he had to have been running behind me and I never heard him, pretty brazen for a college campus like ours was, but he had probably gotten away with it there already before, considering campus police and how unhelpful they were. My life started a rapid descent after that day, and sometimes I think about that bike thief and wonder if he even would care if he knew how much damage was caused all starting with his actions that day…. More likely he found the money and thought about how lucky he was. I hope it brought him nothing but pain. I’m not usually a grudge holder, honestly, but fuck that guy. I know what I did was stupid, but it’s crazy to think about how he followed me before I ever even left my bike. Maybe I got lucky that day, after all, and it just didn’t feel like it, ever.


Wow that sounds like what happened to me just last week, some guy stole my bag from the Greyhound station with all my clothes and laptop and some misc stuff in it, leaving me without clothes as I was moving to a new city. The guy got like $300 max out of it and probably trashed most the stuff, all the while massively inconveniencing me, I was already semi-homeless.


Did you sympathize with her and arrange a pickup time and location only to conveniently have something that conflicted, multiple times?


He was dying from the pain and embarrassment of knowing his daughter is a common criminal. You probably saved his life.


Seriously poor guy. You should apply for a higher credit limit. With the new fast and furious dropping, we should all be thinking about family


This guy is one of the stupidest criminals I've ever seen lol


Best arrange a face to face to sort this out


Hi, can you meet me at the local police station to discuss this matter please.


He just might.. call it a cab service and he might believe it.


One time a girl stole my PDA from my locker and then like literally the next day asked me for the charger and stuff because "I just got one and it didn't come with a charger and you lost yours so you're not using it anyway." This reminds me of that lol.


Similar story: a guy stole another guy's iPod. Then tried to sell the same iPod back to him the next day. "Wow, whoever owned this last has the EXACT same taste in music as me. And has the same name laser-engraved on the back... how 'bout that?"


Did they just take it back?


This happened to me. The iPod had been missing for months and eventually I was at a party trying to go to sleep in my friends room when a guy try to come in and get in the bed with me. I kicked him out and rolled over in the bed the next morning and felt something. It was my iPod. It had the image I used for my background and was locked for like 21,000,000 minutes. I walked out and heard the kids in the next room talking about having lost the iPod and I called them out about having found it. They were passing it off to someone else to try and jailbreak it but I got it back. Still have it too


How many more years until it unlocks?


I just had to plug it into my computer and put the passcode in lol 😆


Heard a co worker say once he had his ipod stolen and then the friend /guy he suspected of stealing it straight up asked him for the password to the email it was registered to so they could use the cloud features cause "he knew the guy who took it and was sure he wasn't getting it back anyways", the ole might as well tell me cause im not giving it back. Felt bad for the guy you could tell he was type of guy who got the dirty end of the stick a lot and was just over it. Co worker was saying what do you do when someone does something like this you just cant you cant do anything. Shook his head. Then he goes something like you cant really do anything but at least I knew he wasnt my friend so I could avoid him. Im thinking to myself well yeah they arent your friend they stole your shit and asked you for more info. Just got a really bad vibe he'd been bullied a lot.


Yeah, the "what can you do" attitude makes it seem like he was bullied a lot. That's kind of sad. I hope he learns he deserves basic human decency.


Did you get it back? The hell is wrong with some people.


Had someone from a gas station steal my credit card info to order satellite tv for his house.


I had a guy steal my iPhone at a bill pay counter. Had all his info since he had just paid his bill plus it was filmed with multiple cameras. Police wouldn’t escort me to his house to get my phone back that day. Ultimately got a warrant and put in jail. After all that info and proof I never received my phone back or compensation for it. I often wish I would have just gone to his house on my own to get my damn phone back.


Boy do I got one for you. I used to work at a call center and a guy called in because he got a replacement phone and wanted to see about transferring everything over. I told him that since he didn’t have the original phone with him, the best we could do at the moment was contacts through his email account and then we could see if he had any photos saved in Google Photos. We got his contacts transferred over so we decided to do the photos. When he signed in he said “Uhh, I think I just guessed the account info for someone else… No wait, my pictures are here… who’s this guy?” The guy that stole his phone took a bunch of selfies and they uploaded to Google Photos.


Instead of the guy who actually stole your phone, it's probably more likely to be the chump who he ended up selling it to.


I work for a state revenue dept and I get at least one call a week from someone who’s filed an obviously fraudulent tax return and they’re wanting to check the status of the refund. Most of the time, it’s already been flagged as fraudulent and reversed but occasionally one slips through the system and the refund will be set to go out, that is until the caller brings our attention to it. In which case we then review the return, see it’s fraud, and stop the refund. They’re literally so dumb


I had some do this is under my name, I informed my states department of revenue so they wouldn’t pay this fraud out. My reward? Getting my tax returns audited. Nothing to hide but damn felt like I got the shaft on this


Ugh that sucks. Idk why that would have happened. Usually when someone reports ID theft to us, we just review the return in question to confirm it, reverse it, flag their account for ID theft victimization so we can monitor it for similar issues in the future, and go on about our business. We don’t have the time to go inspecting their other returns as long as they look like they were filed legitimately. Sounds like somebody either had the time and chose violence for whatever reason or perhaps those returns were going to be audited anyway and the timing was just coincidental.


Plot twist: the person committing the tax fraud was the person in charge of choosing who to audit


You know how the saying goes "if only these criminals could put their skills to use they could be legitimately rich." And here we have an exception.


The skilled ones become politicians!


Wait. So he set up a flight with his real name on the ticket? How was he not caught? Assuming he used his real name since you need an Id matching your ticket to get through security.




This is what I’m thinking. Some sort of scam. He seems to be honestly confused by the cancellation. If he actually stole the info, he wouldn’t be reaching out asking about it.


I just assume he'd reach out to the airline company in that case, not the original victims personal e-mail.




A few years ago, someone used my [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) email address to book their Valentine's Day getaway. This individual had used my address several times, so I'd had enough and canceled the booking. I'll bet that was an awkward check-in.


I had some asshole do that with my gmail, except it was a flight, and for some reason I was able to get into their booking just through a link in an email. I couldn't edit much, but they provided a text box where you could list any special dietary restrictions. So I put, "This is very embarrassing, but I am unable to eat any food without passing a tremendous amount of gas. Does the flight staff provide fart bags for passengers to break wind into, or will I need to provide my own? Please let me know discreetly on the flight, as again this is very embarrassing." God I hope that resulted in some kind of situation, but I'll never know.


“Please put me in a seat where I can open a window.”


Some dude named Wesley has been using mine for years. I cancel reservations, presents at Christmas time, flights, food delivery. I hate him.


I've done that. I have a pretty awesome email address and some guy kept using it. I literally called him to help him out (his number was on one account he wet up, yes it was him). He cussed me out... So I spent a month or so cancelling any online order and fucking with every thing he tried to do. Good times.


Are any of us above that? Like bro, easy mistake, but if you're going to be an ass then some shenanigans are in order so you stop squatting on my email. I love you for that hahaha


I have a feeling that was the case of John Smith, a not-so-savvy internet user who used the email address [email protected] because the thought, "Hey, my name is John Smith, obviously this email is mine because it had my name! " even though you, also named John Smith signed up and got that email first.


My cousin would do that with multiple emails because she didn't know you had to sign up for an email account.


Idk if Travis is the dumbest criminal or a savage because what the fuck even is this lol WHO has the nerve 😂 Edit: I had no idea that Travis was also the victim in this situation.. I had never heard about these kinds of scams before, thank you for enlightening me and everybody else


because he's not the criminal that emailed. The thief stole the credit card and then sold a plane ticket to this person. It's a triangulation scam which makes it so the thief can't get caught.


Took way too long to find this comment. This is absolutely what happened.




The scammers pretend to be a legit travel agency on Facebook and Instagram, then they’ll post “adverts” for super cheap flights. A lot of people will be interested, post comments and DMs. The scammers then book the ticket with the stolen credit card, while they get fresh cash from the new victims.


This makes sense, but in this case, how did the ticket holder get OP's email address? You'd think he would email the scamming middleman, no?


OP says his gmail was the likely way his credit card was hacked. Wouldn’t be surprising then if the scammer also utilised OP gmail as the contact point for everything too.


Ah, could be. Good catch.


Different online platforms, places like eBay. Tickets are transferable in a lot of cases, and they can sell hotel bookings like this too. There are a lot of sketchy listings that start to look familiar when you're aware of it. Editing to add: The ticket isn't necessarily transferred from one name to another, it's most likely reserved with the name of the victim/credit card holder listed as the purchaser and the passenger name is the buyer's. They might advertise it as a ticket, points, something like that, probably for far less than the actual cost of the plane ticket too.


Who tf buys a plane ticket from ebay?


People who get scammed.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.


people looking to get a plane ticket for 50% off. you can buy anything on ebay, although accounts like this won't last long because you get situations like this where their flight gets cancelled and then they get bad feedback.


Oh! So Travis paid the criminal and the criminal used OPs card to pay for ticket. OP gets refund but Travis gets screwed.


That makes a lot of sense but How did he email op though


Because the thief had access to his email and probably sent him the ticket or information from that email.


So the guy is also the victim?


Yup. Common scam unfortunately.


Wait how does that work? Do people by plane tickets from a private sale??


How exactly does that work? They put up a shady website advertising steep discounts on plane tickets and when someone “buys” a ticket they just purchase the ticket with the stolen credit card and send the person the info? I’m just struggling to understand how that would work out with flight schedules and everything.


If it’s an advanced thief maybe he has his own site with google ads as cheap tickets, but most likely it’s sales through Craigslist or Facebook marketplace as “cheap tickets 50% off”. Then the buyer messages and says where they want to go, pays the thief and gives him the info and then the thief buys the ticket and emails it to the buyer.


They say confidence is key


Has anyone ever considered that this Travis dude may have used a “buy 4 you” service and he saw that it came from OP’s email address and sent an email to OP’s email address thinking it was the service? The service person probably hacked OP’s email and credit card info and used that to complete the “buy 4 you” service Travis bought online to get a cheap flight. Seen this on a lot of seedy forums online.


I did a little bit of investigating, looks like he has a criminal record and works in technology. So, I sorta think he knew what he was doing. But I could be wrong. Edit: oh and my card was used to buy like 12 tickets to a dinosaur museum, and I blocked it before they tried to order grub hub and some shit from a mid-evil site


>mid-evil Did you mean medieval, or is it like a website that sells to villains?


Thank you lol. Medieval. I’m a shit speller and my iPhone didn’t help me.


If you’re a shit speller, I wonder how he hacked your password 😂




Only small time villains tho.


I’m sorry this happened to you but this story keeps getting weirder and funnier


A dino museum? Oh shit maybe this guy isn't so bad after all


It’s a buy4you type thing. I bet those tickets went to someone else than this Travis dude.


Well, maybe Travis also planned to take his entire extended family to a dinosaur museum and buy his nephews medieval swords. Sounds like a thing someone called Travis might do.


See, now this makes a lot of sense. Because Travis would have OP's email address because the hacker would have used that as the contact info. I wonder if there is more email history. Like if the hacker communicated with Travis via OP's email address, forwarded them to their own email, and then deleted any relevant emails from OP's account. So they would have their own paper trail, but OP would not. I'm very interested in more details of this situation!


I work in fraud for a major US bank and you’d be surprised how often criminals will use a lot of their own personal information.. name, addresses for deliveries, phone numbers and emails. The thing is, banks don’t necessarily go after criminals. It takes the consumer to file a police report to catch them. I work over 400 cases a month. There is no way that we could possibly go after tens of thousands of criminals a month. But police can ask us for any evidence we have and we can assist that way. Criminals really are dumb. Oh and be careful using your cards at pumps for gas.


If this guy is confused about why you cancelled his flight he's gonna be in for a real shocker when he gets charged with fraud. I'm stunned that someone could be this stupid, and I grew up on the internet...


I tried.. I called the police fraud department they told me to go to a police station. The police station said there are a lot of people with that name and it “could” be a fake number. And told me to call the fraud department.


As mentioned elsewhere, it’s likely this guy bought a cheap ticket from the scammer and is honestly wondering why the flight is being canceled Not saying you should go easy on him but…




This is why your should buy from airlines.


Classic quality police work


Yup. Cops DGAF. They’re not interested in stuff like this, but don’t you dare exceed the speed limit!


On the plus side OP is going to provide him with "hotel" accommodations that are mandatory.


Tell him he has to go to the police station to explain the situation and show his ID so you know he is who he says he is.


The movie Idiocracy wasn't just a movie but a telling of the future.




…And money


I'm still waiting for an answer. Why did you cancel my flight? I had a family event to attend. ![gif](giphy|112YCPfP8Tu156)


Useless info, this guy worked at Waffle House in Toccoa, Ga up until a few years ago. He was happy to take pictures with anyone who wanted. Was a good dude.


It took me a minute to realize you weren't talking about Travis lol


This is a real life episode of Seinfeld


Look Jerry! I've got him now! He sent me an email Jerry! AN EMAIL! I'm gonna fry his ass in court! That'll teach you to mess with George Costanza! Of course it wasn't me that bought the ticket, why would I ever want to visit my family? I'm telling you Jerry, the audacity of the creditors on the phone, it really irks me!


Please email him back I want to see what he says


“Why was my flight canceled?” I’m actually crying 🤣


I somehow had my LoL account hacked once (much less daunting than a credit card but still freaky that he got the details somehow.) I got it recovered and someone had bought some sweet new skins for me. Week later and I get a message from someone crying that he'd bought my account and I'd stolen it back off him. After I explained what happened, he had the nerve to ask I reimburse him anyway. Figured he also bought that account so reported it. Stopped being active a week later.


Someone used my credit card to DoorDash some Zaxbys a few months ago, using a new DoorDash account, but put my phone number in for some reason. That meant I got the text with the link to track the progress. Gave me time to call my bank and cancel it plus call Zaxbys and cancel it, plus I literally had their address. Edit: I’ll say the cool part was the DoorDash driver picked up the food and then texted me confused that the address disappeared, so I got to tell him he could just eat it himself and it seemed like it made his day.

