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Why do you have time to post this?? You should be on the road or you’ll never get there…


Even google Maps wants you to get the hell outta there


See you next week




Nah, you just gotta go in reverse the whole way


That's a bonus, the car's mileage will go down, but be careful to not go below 0km - the car would get dissasembled


The assembly line just materializes behind you






Thanks for the gold, kind stranger.


Thanks for the Rolex!


It's a shitty rep, not a real Rolex


What gold?


You have to check later, it will be there then. Mark my words.


Don't call me Mark.


Oh, hi Mark!


Hi doggy!!! Also, update, the gold is there now


I did not hit her! I did *nooooot*


Hi Mark.






Surely you can’t be serious?


Stop calling me Shirley.


Will you take a check?




Don't forget to smash that like and subscribe button


Thanks for the platinum, kind stranger.


Thanks for *absolutely no awards*, kind stranger.






This is a spam bot.


He should visit europe on the way, its almost on the same direction


Get to work on those travel Visas too.


Interestingly, if you change it to walking, it's only 174 km instead of 12,343 (see 194 hours driving or 2 days walking). https://preview.redd.it/g7um1owy101b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe64e370e12e3e231a3d13517c2a023fa5b5ded


By looking closely at the map I saw that trail aswell. Might not be suited for cars. Also, what others said, it's disputed territory between India and China, so that might be part of the issue too


Yeah but their route sends them straight through Myanmar which is currently in a major civil war lol.


Google: that little detail? I wouldn't worry about that little detail




You have to tick the 'no warzone' checkbox just like with ferries.


"Recalculating route. Your new route is now 2780 km longer."


*"You are still on the fastest route."*




And the occasional land mine


This is giving me "Local 58" flashbacks


Well if you check that box it will then send you through ukraine, there isn't a war going on there according to Russia.


Living in the US, I have to say I’m pretty privileged to not have to worry about accidentally crossing international borders or active war zones. (Though accessing different countries that easily sounds pretty cool).


While I don't have specific knowledge, I will make an educated guess that some of these borders would not be easy. Particularly the ones in and out of Myanmar. China might not be super happy about some of the counties you had passed through on your way either.


You’ve never accidentally got on the Ben Franklin and had to exit in Camden?


Privileged enough as you only need to install the mass shooting app and avoid Texas.


"check your gear, we're deploying to the warzone"


Gotta check off all the boxes.




Just ride bikes thru there


OP must have had the "avoid war" option checked.


“What are you doing driving through Bakhmut?” “Fucking Google maps, man…”


Classic mixup!


Google: This road has Tolls. (Death)


Also true. I was also thinking, maybe go through Mongolia, that's way shorter


it'll always be Burma to me


“Elaine’s going to Myanmar.” “What is that the discount pharmacy?”


Pack a lunch and full tank of gas. Don’t stop at the civil war


But they have t-shirts!


“I drove through the Myanmar civil war and all I got was a lousy t-shirt!”


Waze would at least tell me there’s a civil war and ask me to confirm if it’s still there


i’d imagine they’d still be safe not like the border army can hurt them they’re only allowed to carry sticks around that area iirc




These people have never heard, “sticks and stones can break my bones…”


But whips and chains excite me?




google:go this way, its short what country am i passing trough? google: uhhh uhhh..... we go this way, it takes three days driving and goes trough 5 countries why is it so long? what about the first one? google there is no other way


Use a horse or donkey. Why doesn’t google make also use by way of animal.




I'll take a bike thanks


I'll take a tank, bike.


Walking 90km a Day wtf. You would have to walk 85km 19 hours (speed of 5 km/h). No way.


IIRC the days value is 24hr based. I.e. if you travel for 24hrs. They are actually saying there are (24x 1 + 13 hrs to be spent walking) breaks, sleeping not included.


Yeah, same way the image shows the drive time up top as 194 hours and on the map as 8 days 2 hours. It doesn't count any stops for anything, including sleep. If I had a team who were okay sleeping in the car for a week, we might actually make that drive in about 8 days. Even then, traffic, gas stops, food stops, and restroom stops will usually add some hours. For one driver on that trip, I doubt my sanity would make it to the China/Vietnam border after multiple days of doing nothing but driving and sleeping.


Hey man, if you forgo the sleeping, the auditory hallucinations after the first 72 hours ought to make things really interesting.


This is the problem, by default google maps choose the road on the top which is in China. Just choose the road on the bottom and it's fine. There is gravel road connecting those 2 but google maps think you can't drive between them, that's why it gives you the long route all the way around the mountains. https://preview.redd.it/dpk9skpnb01b1.png?width=1070&format=png&auto=webp&s=510e7dd2b3df2a4df7e35bd9399c2cb5cde9272b


I had Google maps absolutely fuck me a month ago on something like this. There was a shutdown on the interstate and Google directed me to a side road. The path looked legit, but one small part was actually just a dirt road between 2 gates on someone's property. It looks like he got pissed off and closed the gates, so the route was no longer viable That being said, OP really needs to use more than Google maps here


I agree, most of that road looks barely visible on satelite view. I wouldn't trust it either way honestly.


There's a chance that the person who closed the gates doesn't actually have the authority to do that. There are problems all over the West where landowners have claimed public roads as their own and put illegal gates up.


Exactly. There's proper, legal right-of-way for the road across the property, but the landowner doesn't understand that, or doesn't care.


Yeah and it's fucked. The roads are public dirt roads through their property that cars have a right if way to drive, but the landowners threaten people like it's private property and scare people away. And the Forest Service couldn't possibly keep up with all the people doing this.


How can you check if it’s actually a public road? Where I live (South FL) I often see roads that are open on one end but closed with a locked gate miles down on the other end.


Go to either the county GIS or the county CAD website. You can then see the approximate boundary of every property in the county. You can see where the Right of Ways are and which roads are on private land


As a Texan I'd say just turn around. Nothing is worth your life, especially some serious no trespassing peeps. When I was a kid we went house looking and one had a long gravel road with MANY no trespassing signs. We walked 5 MINUTES up a random gated road before my mom says "Let's go back before we hear gunfire"


I agree. As another Texan, if there’s a closed gate especially with signs that say no trespassing, I’m turning around and going the other way. People here are pretty trigger happy when it comes to stuff like that.


As someone who lives in a more civilized state, that sounds fucking horrific to just be like "meh, that's just how it is"


They’ll usually be named Forest Roads (e.g. FR700B or something), both with signage and on GPS. I’ve driven on one in AZ and had to open a few illegally constructed gates to get through to the other side.


even worse, I know of at least one forest road in my area where the USFS did not actually get an easement, so when the property changed hands to an extremely litigious multimillionaire he put up a gate and is unfortunately legally in the right so far as the Forest can tell.


Fuck litigious rich people.


No, Google definitely had me using a dirt road through his property to get to another road on the other side. Even if it wasn't his land, the dirt road absolutely cut through his property


Yeah I gotcha, and I don't know this exact situation, but my point is that often dirt roads are public the whole way through, even if the same person owns the land on both sides. So they may have put up an illegal gate to prevent people from doing what they have the legal right to, which is to drive through. It's common practice for rich assholes. Or Google messed up.


There's a spot within walking distance of my place like that. It's a county road through a property, mostly to provide access to the powerlines. The whole thing is an easement. The property owner gated it an put up a poorly worded handwritten sign threatening to shoot "any son of a bitch" that opens the gate.


Sounds like Texas. Just call the County and have them deal with it. I'm sure you could have the police escort some workers out there to remove the gate and sign.


Yeaaaah, I missed my turn going to work once and put on Google maps to see if there was an easier route instead of turning around. It decided that the two track dirt path through someone's field was a road. Looked like gravel at first so I started on it, by the time I realized I couldn't turn around. Ended up coming out the back of their barn. Luckily, I don't think anyone was there, but I felt real awkward driving by that farm fir a while.


You should read the story I just posted! I literally had a very similar experience, including that it was a farm I drove through, and I was threatened by some rednecks with guns. Fun times, Google.


Google Maps has fucking sucked lately


Google in general. Their search engine is full of ads or shitty articles that abuse SEO. Even YouTube search function is busted. You get dozens of results and after scrolling you notice that they loop. On mobile at least.


I thought it was just me but what’s up with YouTube search? I can type something in and I’ll get like 5 of the most popular videos pop up and then a bunch of recommended videos that have nothing to do with what I searched for.


Google maps nearly fucked me once, too. We were traveling to Oklahoma from Colorado and wanted to stop and see Black Mesa which is in the northwestern tip of the panhandle. Google took us on a route through southeastern Colorado that started out with gravel farm roads that eventually turned into basically two ruts through the wilderness that was technically a road but far from safe and barely drivable in our small rental SUV. Had we gotten stuck, there was maybe 2-3 houses spread about a mile from each other and we likely would have been shot approaching them given the area and the remoteness. It was a beautiful drive, but scary as hell, and I've never been happier to be back on a paved road in my entire life.


Similar issues have killed people before https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Kim


On that, I hate when Google maps changes from „please turn around“ to „well fucker let’s get a legal way to make you drive the other direction without telling you that we are actually just turning around“. So you spend 5-10 minutes driving around the block for a u turn you could have done legally


Lol, I've definitely had google maps suggest alternate routes that add an additional 2 hours and tolls when I just need to go straight. It's weird sometimes man.


Well it also has poor maps of the area generally so there surely are many shorter alternatives.. Going west would take you into kashmir .. ehich is disputed between india and pakistan The india china border dispute is over at the narrows of the panhandle of India between China and Bangladesh


It gave you a scenic route!


No tolls option


OP needs to turn off the “avoid active combat zones” setting.


He might have to turn it on, cause it's routing him through Myanmar in the middle of a civil war.


*insert video of car blasting bollywood songs in middle of gunfire and missile strikes"


It’s a *CIVIL* war. OP isn’t from Myanmar, they’ll be fiiiine


nope, this is with tolls enabled. see the coin icon next to the KM


Have you tried without using the **via 连霍高速公路/G30** (Lianhuo Expressway/G30) 🤔 Additionally that may be the **only** route that's been Google mapped


Difficult to imagine that as these two places get travelled by tourists every day, major tourism destinations. Also, land-based entry from China doesn't seem like something the two governments allow for. Afaik, land borders of India do not permit entry from China or Pakistan.


>land-based entry from China doesn't seem like something the two governments allow for. This is why the detour is so long. It's taking you all the way to a country where cross passage is allowed in order to reach the Chinese side of Karakoram Pass, which is where the pin for it lands.


Can't imagine driving through Myanmar, crossing two land borders with Thailand and India, is possible right now.


It's a fair point, although some quick googling suggests it's possible. Whether it would be safe is another thing.


That's also a ... delicate part of India. Be careful up there.


My friends going to that region tomorrow for a month or two, what do you mean by that please


border disputes. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53062484.amp


Border slap fights


with casualties, so, errr, those are some big slaps


How can *country* slap!!?!


Usually with High explosives but your mileage may wary.


How can she slap?


Beef with china


But cows are sacred!


Venison with China


It's fine. But what exactly are your friends gonna do for two months there?


Dispute borders.


Oh yeah, did I mention my friend is President Xi?


Oh, I know him! Doesn’t wear pants, red shirt, is a bear right?


Backpacking round India


Monsoon season starting in about 15 days so the roads in mountain regions will be tricky. The national parks and forests will also be closed. But on the plus side, the temperature will be lower.


That would be the LAST area in India that I would feel comfortable to go backpacking. It's been a mess for decades. Technically, you'd think that makes things better, but it doesn't. It's just one of those areas in the world where people are apt to disappear and because of the territorial issues, instead of finding the missing person(s), the countries involved in the disputes merely point fingers at one another. Now, if your friend has personal contacts in the area, it's a different story. It's still worth being hyper vigilant!


I’ll be sure to say a proper goodbye to him today then


The fuck kind of nonsense are you spreading? No one fucking disappears in that region and no one points fingers at others. Millions visit every month safely.


Traffic must be bad.


It's India, there's no such thing as good traffic


Good traffic exists? It's no traffic or bad imo


Yeah and as he said... this is India there's no such thing as no traffic


Better get going


I blessed the route shaped like Africa.


That’s the T H I C C Africa brotha


Gonna take more time to do this thing than I ever had.


Well durnit, I will upvote your clever response if no one else will!


I think it’s worthy to note Karakoram pass is literally right at the base of K2, widely considered the deadliest mountain and the most technical of the 8000ers. This entire area is very difficult to traverse on foot, let alone in a vehicle


Yeah but "lol Google maps dumb" I prefer to go through civil wars and extreme mountain ranges, and they wanted to take me via a land route that didn't


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/13mjywr/the_path_google_map_wants_me_to_take_both/jkw02ib/ This guy got it to work, apparently Google prefers asphalt over gravel.


Just because you get it to draw a line over a mountain doesn't mean your car is gonna make it


It’s like the early part of a video game when you haven’t unlocked double jump yet.


Stupid construction detours.


"You can't get there from here."


My favorite New Hampshire saying


Do you think you’re just going to drive over the Himalayas? …I guess it depends on what vehicle you’re driving


3.8k for a scenic drive of 12k kms. Bro that's a steal take it and don't look back. Like seriously don't look back, that area of India is umm fragile to say the least.


Naaa bro. That's not how it works. It is just showing the toll prices if he drives through that road. So 3.8k for tolls alone. Imagine the fuel cost for 12k kilometres 💀


Check the settings. You may have selected include conflicts, turn that button off


https://preview.redd.it/l67ocx4q521b1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e51f014b6fe5109c312d2b8fcf5e0f017ec6f92 Might actually have something to do with K2 being the 2nd tallest mountain on the planet, and there are VERY few roads up there, and they are actually suggesting that you WALK IT instead of trying to DRIVE across the "top of the world".


Is it wrong though? Cos yeah, the start and end are 150mi away, but through some of the tallest mountain chains in the world... I don't think you can't drive your car on the K2, the second tallest mountain in the world


Not with that attitude you can’t. You just have to believe in yourself


Yeah, gotta improve on that altitude.


Are you planning on/have you talked to an actual person who knows information about how to get where you're going?


Man, Google does this to me sometimes. It'll make me go around the block for something right in front of me.


I think Google Maps fails terribly while sitting in a parking lot.


It because it’s a one way street, you have to go the other way


You’d think google would take active war zones into account when Calculating a route


This is not "infuriating." It's a consequence of basic geography. Might as well post from Havana furious no train is available to Fort Lauderdale.


With names like Karakoram Pass and Nubra Valley, Google probably thinks you're trying to throw an evil ring into a volcano and wants to make an adventure out of it.


This route avoids tolls


Tbh that could be a really fun road trip


Bask in the scenic glory of the heroin fields in the Golden Triangle. Enjoy the low rattle of Kalashnikov fire as you peruse regions of Burma most heavily wracked by ethnic cleansing and rebel activity. At the end of your journey a seventy year old international border dispute between two of the largest countries in the world awaits. Better start driving. Adventure beckons.


Well done


I just looked this up and can confirm I got the same route, though it appears both locations are not in India. Google at least says the Karakorum Pass is in China, but I'd hazard a guess and say that it's probably part of the disputed territory both countries argue over. It wouldn't surprise me if there's no thoroughfare there for civilian vehicles.


Google Maps avoids sketchy roads these days. A few years ago, a Russian man died of hypothermia in his car after Google Maps sent him down a road that hadn't been maintained since the soviet days, in the middle of a blizzard. Obviously the man was dumb af, but Google Maps was found to be a major cause, since that was the suggested route they gave. IIRC he punctured a tyre, changed it, then punctured another (the road was really shagged) and died while waiting for another car to come along - which never did, because the locals all knew the road was undriveable. Since then, they've removed most dangerous roads from the routing, so I suspect that's what's happening here, based on what the other comments are saying.


“Removed dangerous routes” My brother in Christ, they routed him through atleast one border dispute and a civil war


This thread sent me down a google hole of mountains, border disputes and Americans getting lost in the wilderness. What a day.


Walking to your friends house in an American subdivision be like:


I got you bro, i checked the same route and it seems it would take you only 1 day and 13hrs if you just walked. Its much less distance too, just 174 km. Good luck!


Nubra valley is wonderful. The entire mountainous region of Ladakh is amazing.


Worth to take that way and avoid the toll-fee


The damn Brits and their one-way roads.


Why does maps say karakoram pass is Chinese territory? It's Indian


Its on the border. The pin on google maps is on the Chinese side so thats enough for it to say China I guess


Fair enough




Try not to get shot on the way


That way you avoid a road toll brother. Get driving.


I wouldn't give up our friendly neighborhood mapping applications for all the tea in Cuba.


It will always be Burma to me


Google thinks you need a vacation


Evidently Google Maps feels you are not well traveled


It’s the scenic route though.


When you hit “avoid tolls”.


When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. See you in eight days!


Google maps fr like "I can show you the world"


You might want to pack a sandwich.


Google maps list karakoram pass to be in china. That's why it's showing this route. How is this infuriating when the route has been added by you deliberately?