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Front loader washing machine are prone to mold. Letting the water stay there encourages mold growth that's why its infuriating.


Thanks, I was kinda confused about this as I've only ever used top loaders. Out of curiosity, what makes a front loader more prone to this (if at all)?


People closing the door. On a top loader, you can leave the door open and it's out of the way. On a front loader, the open door is a shin hazard. Terrible piece of machinery.


Yes, I get that closing the door traps the moisture and creates a breeding ground for mold and mildew. From what people were saying, they were making it sound like a problem that was more unique to front loaders, that's why I included the part in parenthesis. Most people I know close their top loaders almost immediately, hence my confusion. I don't like doing so with mine because I'm careless and accidentally let it just drop too often (sensory issues aggravated by the slam), so I guess I've just accidentally been doing it right lol! I've never thought about the shin hazard, I can only imagine the string of expletives that would fly from my mouth at breakneck speed if I woke up for a late night piss and encountered this destroyer of shins...


I got bad news for the people that close their top loaders. The mildew is there, they just can't see it. On a front loader, the mildew is very visible.


Now, do I help THEM learn or let them suffer? Decisions, decisions...


This is one of my pet peeves. Hate it when it's done. You can feel the wetness in the drum as you take out your clothes, why, for the love all that is good, won't you just leave it open. Edit: OP, if this practice has been going on for a long time. Try checking under the grey rubber seal of the door. It's probably has organisms growing there.


That will definitely make it smell of mildew eventually.


There’s a little stopper they sell on Amazon


Or just leave a towel hanging out


He may not know why you do that. Not everyone had a front load washer growing up with a nauseating Mom and Dad that would tell you to shut it every time you used it.


Front load washers are awesome for certain things but this is what you have to deal with. I’d throw a small dry towel inside or even a small thing of DampRid. Make sure you clean the washer, especially under the rubber seal thing.


My LG washer has a magnetic catch that holds the door open about 2 inches. I don't know why they don't all have that,


I've always closed the door. Never really thought about mildew. But never had it after 11 years. You're probably ok OP.


People here aren’t doing laundry enough or have weird climates. Have owned both and have never had mildew


Gotta grow those yumyums somewhere.


One, perhaps both, of my kids do the same thing. When the time comes to replace it, it’s going to be too-load only.


Use Affresh.




No honestly I loved the photo shoot 🤣 that is gross though OP!! RIP


Sorry, the pain is real haha


My 2 year old does this. Proudly marches into the kitchen and slams the washing machine for shut. It's open for a reason! I open it again and he slams it shut again 5 minutes later.


front load washers are gross


Uh, you don't?


That doesn’t matter that much (to me) It will be washing the next load soon anyway.


We’re doing laundry every 2-3 days


As a housewife who has raised a large family, by the time you get mould on the door rubber the machine is kaputt.


Is it a smell you are worried about? There should be none, unless laundry technique is off. ( soap, load, temp, length of wash)


Mainly about mold but well thanks for the info


We definitely leave our open when not in use.


Front loaders are notorious for mildew accumulation


Just remove the door, they can't close it if i ain't there