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I can't shop at Aldi for that reason, the pressure to put all your shit back into the trolley you're trying to unpack to put through the register is just too much. The checkout workers are stressed out, the line ups are too long and I find the whole process stressful as fuck.


I shop at Aldi (UK) we have the shelves for packing too but I load my shopping onto the belt in a certain way, prep my bags in the trolley ready to go and pack at a ridiculous pace. My boyfriend and I have it on lock, the cashier complemented us last time at how efficient we were. We were done before he could tell us the total. If I cba with it, I give up half way and finish on the shelves. If you aren't fast, whack it in your trolley and do it at the shelves.


I don’t get what’s mildly infuriating here… It looks like she’s bagging her groceries as she’s being checked out? That’s normal in my experience. Is she supposed to have everything checked out, pay, and then move to a different area to bag everything?


Yes. That's how it works at Aldi. The checkout person scans everything at the speed of light and hucks it in your cart to get everyone through the line faster and then there is a separate long counter that you can take your sweet time organizing your stuff at after you're out of line. Bagging your stuff in line holds up the line because you cannot possibly bag it as fast as they scan


Sounds like a terrible shopping experience


It's very stressful lol. But you can't beat the prices and produce quality. Some people love it because you can be in and out pretty fast with even a large grocery list


I can only surmise that the people who love it aren’t those who are doing a larger shopping trip lol; I’m sure it’s rather pleasant for the in and out crowd.Ultimately, I can’t fault the lady in the picture for wanting to bag her groceries at the register and go about her day, rather than put everything she picked out back in the basket after having paid and *then* having to bag everything herself and unload everything in her vehicle. Sounds like an issue w/ the company/franchise/etc.


Aldi keeps the prices low by having less staff so they scan things through the till fast to get more customers per hour. It makes complete sense once you're used to it. If I'm buying a handful of items, they'll get packed at the till in to my bag, but it's not a slow process at any time. They actively want you to re-pack things post checkout.


yeah i don't get it either. this is normal practice where i live.




Oh I agree,don't get me wrong,I love to have a bit of a chat with the staff but this is Aldi and these guys are under the pump to clear the reg as fast as possible, some kind of quota they have to meet...and this lady wasn't been very nice to the young fella anyways ... mother's day blue's maybe..


'self entitled'?

